All Profile Comments for Abaddon
Times Rated: | 992 |
Rating: | 7.471 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 992 |
i gav u a 1 with a 0 at the end
too bad. You get a 10. Why? Because you make me laugh. Secondly your journal shows you to have a brain- and that alone is worth a 10. Sorry to let you down. Aye me, however will I cope with your one?! ;)
Mar 21, 2008
Excuse me little boy.
Doe's your Mommy know you are using her computer?

Welcome to the Rave. Enjoy your stay here amongst us. Know that you have been rated fairly by me.. Feel free to return the favor. Should you need anything, do not hesitate to message me, or a fellow Acolyte, and I shall do my best with getting you what you seek. Let me know when you've updated so that I may return and re-rate you.
.embrace the darkness.
- immortal -
You have been rated by Crowgirl, proud member of the Coven of Sangre Fidelis

I have rated you as I see fair. If you don’t agree, by all means ask me for a re-rate.
And while you’re about it, why not Enter Crow Land
Well hawt damn...should I block you after this 1?
Ohhh yeah baby...Love what that Sire rating does. Enjoy it.
Mar 22, 2008
The House of Caomhnoir-an-Eolas welcomes you to the Vampire Rave if you have any questions just message me.

I'm not being disrespectful I'm being honest and yep I'm not going to lie...I did it and I'm proud of it...LMAO. After all we all need a good laugh from time to time, and do I really have to mention everyone does it? I think not...*runs*
here we go another 1 for u
dont see why ur even on this site
The psychotic department is just round the corner from your ego.
Gimme the 1!! I want the 1 dammit!
Your wish granted :)
YAY me too Moonie ♥
Time for the panty change!
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 951 - 975 | 976 - 992 |
Premiere Sire (124)

Hellion (73)

Premiere Sire (126)
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