All Profile Comments for nightstalker44
Times Rated: | 749 |
Rating: | 9.834 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 749 |
Dark greetings!

You have been visited by NIGHTSTALKER44..
Please feel free to visit me back!
thanks for stopping by :)
I have seen your profile good work i have rated and added you.
Please do the same for me i want to be friends....

Awesome Job 10
just been rated a 10 great profile
Come by and rate/add me and I shall do the same.
See you in death ت
Awesome profile my friend, love the pics.
Please feel free to stop by Rate, Add, Stalk, and most of have fun :)

Proud Mentor Of

Feel Free to Rate me & stalk me &Add me & or my journal to fav. Be sure to let me Know so i may return the favor

I have pranced into your profile from beyond the grasses of my yard, and have rated you. Feel free to add me, stalk me, or read my journal.

I have come into your little VR world and have eaten some flesh, but seemed to have dropped a 10 by mistake. Oh well, you can keep it.
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 701 - 725 | 726 - 749 |
Venerable Sire (135)

Haunt (40)

Venerable Sire (135)
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