What does adding and rating mean for you?
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Apparition (36)
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11:32:45 Aug 04 2022
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I started to wonder one thing that might be worth asking here.

When somebody send you a message telling you that they added and rated you, what does this mean for you and how do you return a favor?

Does it mean rating their profile and adding them to friend list or do you also add their journal and rate portfolio?

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Royal Sire (216)
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13:36:44 Aug 04 2022
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I rate the profile and portfolio. I add them and their journal

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Great Sire (118)
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14:25:38 Aug 05 2022
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If someone sends me a message expressing they rated, favored and added me it puts me on guard right off the bat as they tend to be shallow people that just care about their score and appearances more than who they really are. Most do so to obligate a person to do likewise that wants to fit in. Kind of how stream bonus or coven forum posting lasts for 48 hours I also treat my adds, favors and rates in a state of flux pending how they act. If a person likes you as a friend then you will see them often interacting with you as they will put time and effort into the relationship more than an easy click of a button then hardly ever hearing from them again.

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Disciple (53)
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01:29:37 Aug 07 2022
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I rate their profile, portfolio, add their journal, then add them back.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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03:32:48 Aug 07 2022
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I return the respect they show.

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Iconoclast (93)
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23:35:23 Aug 14 2022
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To be honest I don't think people really read the profiles or the journal's . I always know because of the questions they ask me !

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Savage (61)
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04:40:13 Sep 05 2022
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I rate, add, favour journal and portfolio and honour the person. I also message the person, so that they may do the same.

It means that I gain new friendships and I am able to move up the ranks of the Vampire Rave website.

It also helps the person to level up as well.

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Elemental (77)
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06:59:26 Sep 14 2022
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I know there are bonuses and penalties for the size of your friend's list, but I will rate anyone a 10 because it's just so cool to see each person's personality on their profile. I don't like adding people unless I've gotten to know them a bit.

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Great Sire (117)
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11:47:10 Oct 11 2022
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Is the polite thing to do. As being a member of a vampire's society, Like VR, is your duty to make all new people welcome.

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High Sire (157)
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07:28:33 Oct 24 2022
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In brutal honesty, "adding", rating, etcetera... it doesn't mean much to me (but then, I am an a**hole, so take that as you will), but I do agree with markus666 most of all, in this one.

Given that I've already spent too much time in the past among the so-called "vampire community", and even amongst them, got stabbed in the back, I don't socialize with anyone enough to care about how I stand with any certain "community".
Granted, I wouldn't mind getting to the point of "sire", here. But I have much better things to be concerned about than being of a high level on social networking. I fill my time with music, study, and expanding my knowledge for a reason.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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17:22:41 Nov 14 2022
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When someone sends me a message they added and rated to me, it means they are working on leveling that profile and have no intention of trying to be a friend of mine. Then again when I was leveling my profile all I did was rate them. The only time I asked if I could friend them was, I had spoken to the person and liked the conversation.

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Shadow (10)
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00:47:35 Nov 24 2022
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Rating makes 0 sense on here, cause most profiles have no pictures or any personal info. Not really sure what are the ratings based on. Giving everyone a 10 on everything just for the sake of leveling is pointless, and defeats the main purpose of rating.
So if someone messages me that they rated me, I'd say "thanks" and try to initiate the conversation. If they don't reply, just delete the convo and move on.

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Bete Noire (44)
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06:36:59 Nov 26 2022
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The meaning behind it for me comes off like treating this site like a game of some sort and that is not why I'm here.
If someone wants to add me, or I add them, generally I prefer some sort of interaction first.
When it doesn't happen that way, I simply add them back in return as a form of courtesy.

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Premiere Sire (123)
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05:23:49 Dec 29 2022
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I almost immediately delete the message. I seldom rate profiles unless I see you online and your profile has some type of information that is interesting to me.

Grammar goes along way with me and run-on sentences drive me nuts. I don't expect perfection, but at least try(I'm dyslexic and if I can articulate myself with semi decent grammar then I don't think most should struggle).

I also rate those who submit to the database more than a couple times and I happen to notice.

My inbox is for actual conversations and I can't carry on a conversation with "I rated your profile, journal and portfolio" . I get bored easily so having conversations with interesting people that aren't full of themselves is fun to me.

If I happen to see someone rated me sometimes that will provoke me to at least visit their profile and read what they have to say. Does it Garner you an automatic 10 rating?


No it does not. There aren't any exceptions to how I rate. We can be in the same society and that wouldn't impact how I rate things on VR. I am a fair person and everyone is rated on the same criteria.

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Royal Sire (202)
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01:26:05 Feb 08 2023
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Like my other site. I only add friends that are friends. As far as rating- unlike when I joined this site many years ago, I don't rate much anymore. First it was a way to level up. But then it became a relaxing dull the mind kind of past time. Today it's more of a Admin checking reported profile. But I will rate a profile if asked.

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Nihilist (19)
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04:47:44 Apr 03 2023
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Depends on the profile. My main account- as in admin accounts- I do not add for add. Only those I actually talk to, do I add.

For my spare accounts, such as this- I'll add for an add, rate for a rate, etc. It's part of enjoying the site. Plus I don't regularly message with people on this account- they normally talk to me on my Main.

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Needler (12)
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16:44:48 Apr 21 2023
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I generally return a rate if rated and if I’m added I’ll add back, but if I haven’t interacted with the individual before I’ll ask before adding just as a common courtesy.

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Sire (101)
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21:08:55 Jun 18 2023
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I return the favor if they mention it. I try to rate active members but if folks want to add me I will add them back as it helps with the friend penalty

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Grave Robber (22)
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01:57:27 Jun 20 2023
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I'll just return the favor of whatever they rated for me. Ratings and friend adding are kind of pointless on the site because people just do it blindly to avoid leveling penalties. Ime there hasn't been as much genuine interaction in those situations

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Ghoul (21)
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01:36:44 Jul 04 2023
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Ive only been here for a week and I am leveling, but mostly want to get to know people and talk about vampirism. Gotta say some profiles are borrring to read, some are very interesting, some have only pictures and others I've only read parts of because I have other stuff to do. I don't like to rate if I haven't read the whole profile and if there is no writing there really isn't much to rate. In those situations I've just not rated but I think I'm gonna start rating fairly the ones who ask for a rate and don't have anything to read.

Also I like to have some kind of interaction before adding someone. I might leave a comment if I like the profile, send a message or something to start a conversation.

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Royal Sire (202)
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17:09:26 Jul 05 2023
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Might be new to site but you understand why it was set up the way itvis. Welcome to Vampire Rave.

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Aggressor (83)
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09:54:08 Jul 25 2023
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I rate the profile and portfolio. I add them and their journal.
As a routine, because I am new and try to level up a bit.
But I also treat my adds, favors and rates in a state of flux pending how they act.
At a first glance I see if the profile/portfolio/journal is interesting and after some time a have read more and I see if interaction is possible.

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Hellhound (70)
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12:46:24 Aug 31 2023
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I use to return the respect they show, as somebody told before.

I assume there are many vampires who need to progress in this web in order to get further levels, or give more prestige to their covens, or open new covens, etc.

Since Cancer designed VR as a path, where every step is a level, it's worthy to help other vampires to advance.


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Great Sire (117)
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22:49:34 Oct 28 2023
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I return the respect that they have given me. I usually don't add people just out of the blue. I add them on knowing them. ThT was my last profilen13 years ago. Now I add them purely out of respect that they have given me

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Serpent (52)
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03:35:48 May 27 2024
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To be honest, I don't care about the rating system at all. I don't see the point of it?
If people aren't really reading your profile, or taking the time to get to know you at all, then what is the purpose?
It doesn't have any valuable meaning to me.
People use the rating system sometimes to act childish and "Oh no here comes the many profiles making me in the negative!"
Really? lol Is that supposed to affect our lives somehow? Come on. lol

It's more like a, "Hi and bye" move these days because there's so many of them, and too many multiple accounts of the same person.
I thought this place was more of a meeting ground to get to know others and form connections.
Not a, "Who's hot or not."

Sorry if this offends anyone.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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00:06:18 May 30 2024
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It doesn't bother me if people add me without ever having written to me, but I don't add anyone back before that. If they notify me about it, it depends on what it's about...

And when a profile tells really nothing to me, just is whole emty, I don't rate it yet.

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Blood Drinker (68)
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05:16:52 Jun 23 2024
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Isn't this a way for people to engage with others on the site? That's how I take it; they're looking for chatting buddies.

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