Since a time ago, I've been practicing a type of vampiric meditation that, honestly, is helping me a lot.
It consists of meditating on the meaning of each of the levels that VR proposes in the progress of its members: whelp, leech, parasite....malefactor, blood drinker....primogenitor, sire, etc. That is to say, my technique consists of meditating on the symbolism associated with each level, its characteristics, its meaning in history and literature... and after gathering all the possible information, confronting it with the personal situation, with the natural or supernatural capacities, with the objectives, difficulties, aids, etc. It is amazing how much information is obtained and, by the way, very useful information for self-knowledge and for progress towards that ideal of vampire nature we are aiming for.
For example, as of today (04.09.2023 of the common era or September 4 of the year 5023 after Lilitu), my level is that of "Doppelganger". By the way, several people have advised me to be somewhat careful with this level, as a Doppelganger has the potential not only to see everything you see, but also to experience everything you experience. Aside from that, in researching, I have found the following information:
Doppelganger is a biologically unrelated look-alike, or a double, of a living person. In mythology, a doppelgänger is often portrayed as a ghostly or paranormal phenomenon and usually seen as a harbinger of bad luck. Other traditions and stories equate a doppelgänger with an evil twin. In modern times, the term twin stranger is occasionally used. (For further details, you can look for it at Wikipedia).
Well, in my particular case, meditating on the "Doppelganger level" helps me to analyze possible bipolarities, character changes, unstable spirituality, etc.
Do you have any experience on vampire spirituality and meditation based on vampire mythology?
Thank you, EstrangedOne, for your thoughts that I'm considering.
I practice some of the things described in the book "Sanguinaricon". Black mirror meditations for example. I think its helped center me more.
I find the idea of meditating on the levels pretty interesting. I often meditate on language that comes up a lot for me or is particularly gripping, looking for the seeds of some greater truth or understanding within that prompt.
I mean as far as meditations go archetypes can be meditated on. I am just learning more about the vampire community, but I have always been one; just in a different context socially. I am really glad to talk about this stuff and have been a bit underwhelmed with the amount of good conversation about vampyric topics here. There is some though.
To the note on being surrounded by religion while you look for something biological I guess I can relate to that. Reminds me of having this clearly physical expericence that no one else seemed to have a reason for or want to talk about and so as a kid I turned to my own spirituality to address physical needs as I was Pretty ill and messed up so that was what was available. The spiritual aspects helped hold my own mind together until I could address the physicalities better. I raged against religion. I knew spiritual stuff was real because I could see and feel stuff happening and moving around and it can be infuriating when religion doesn't want to address these things.
Basically I feel like riding the edge of what is physically possible and spirituallity are very much entwined. Technology is also mirrored off of reality so studying reality through meditation and such can bring greater clarity about the technology of our bodies.
Would there be a difference between human and vampiric spirituality? Spirits are spirits, no? It's the consciousness existing outside of the body, right?
The idea of meditating on the different levels is very interesting indeed. Sounds like an interesting way to handle some shadow work.
As far as Phantasmic's question about "would there be a difference between human and vampiric spirituality" - that depends on how you define it. Yes, spirits are spirits - But spirits are categorized by different styles all the time. So if you're talking about actual spirit work, vampiric spirits could a type, so are demons, fairies, angels, djinn, etc.
However, "spirituality" is often used as a catch all term that refers to any/all religious or ritualized practices. In which case, vampiric is an adjective to describe the style of practices rather than to say it's something different than human. The same way people call it hedge craft, celtic magic, heathenry, satanic magic, whatever... Vampiric magick or spirituality is just category or style.
In my opinion and experience, of course. Not trying to speak for anyone.
On Dec 26 2023 Aeznara wrote:
I find the idea of meditating on the levels pretty interesting. I often meditate on language that comes up a lot for me or is particularly gripping, looking for the seeds of some greater truth or understanding within that prompt.
I mean as far as meditations go archetypes can be meditated on. I am just learning more about the vampire community, but I have always been one; just in a different context socially. I am really glad to talk about this stuff and have been a bit underwhelmed with the amount of good conversation about vampyric topics here. There is some though.
To the note on being surrounded by religion while you look for something biological I guess I can relate to that. Reminds me of having this clearly physical expericence that no one else seemed to have a reason for or want to talk about and so as a kid I turned to my own spirituality to address physical needs as I was Pretty ill and messed up so that was what was available. The spiritual aspects helped hold my own mind together until I could address the physicalities better. I raged against religion. I knew spiritual stuff was real because I could see and feel stuff happening and moving around and it can be infuriating when religion doesn't want to address these things.
Basically I feel like riding the edge of what is physically possible and spirituallity are very much entwined. Technology is also mirrored off of reality so studying reality through meditation and such can bring greater clarity about the technology of our bodies.
On Aug 04 2024 TheVampyreWitch wrote:
The idea of meditating on the different levels is very interesting indeed. Sounds like an interesting way to handle some shadow work.
As far as Phantasmic's question about "would there be a difference between human and vampiric spirituality" - that depends on how you define it. Yes, spirits are spirits - But spirits are categorized by different styles all the time. So if you're talking about actual spirit work, vampiric spirits could a type, so are demons, fairies, angels, djinn, etc.
However, "spirituality" is often used as a catch all term that refers to any/all religious or ritualized practices. In which case, vampiric is an adjective to describe the style of practices rather than to say it's something different than human. The same way people call it hedge craft, celtic magic, heathenry, satanic magic, whatever... Vampiric magick or spirituality is just category or style.
In my opinion and experience, of course. Not trying to speak for anyone.
On Aug 28 2024 STABB666 wrote:
I'm not in the know regarding modern vampire culture, but I'd be curious understand more about where the spirituality of a vampire stands today, in general, from the more religious perspective. Is there still a number of self-prescribed orders, or houses as it were, who see themselves as their own godhead, or is there more of a wider generic worship of greater spirits, or perhaps it's become more of an individualized gnosis?
On Aug 29 2024 TheVampyreWitch wrote:On Aug 28 2024 STABB666 wrote:
I'm not in the know regarding modern vampire culture, but I'd be curious understand more about where the spirituality of a vampire stands today, in general, from the more religious perspective. Is there still a number of self-prescribed orders, or houses as it were, who see themselves as their own godhead, or is there more of a wider generic worship of greater spirits, or perhaps it's become more of an individualized gnosis?
A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B, and another messy third thing not accounted for. lol. Vampyres aren't a monolith. There's a pretty wide spectrum of practice and belief under the vampyre umbrella. That's not unlike any other type of widely regarded system tho. Take "Satanism" for example. What the TST does and what a theistic Satanist does are drastically different. Is it all still Satanism?... Well, that's a debate for another post but for now I'll say yes.
To answer your questions directly though, yes, there are still plenty of Houses, Courts, Orders, [insert organized thing here]... Do all of them see themselves "as their own godhead"? That's debatable, but not far off nonetheless. Younger generations who have created Houses tend to not be so vehement about self made megalomania like Houses/Courts of yesteryear. But even with a few of the newer groups doing better, there's still a lot of extreme self aggrandizing nonsense going on in some places.
Beyond that, there has been a surge of popularity amongst vampyric occultism. There is certainly a lot of individualized gnosis going on. There's always been pockets of shared gnosis going on lending to the popularity of vampyric spirituality and systems of belief. The shared gnosis of the few has always seeded the widespread network of vampyric spirituality and community. As time continues forward, the voices of the few have changed over. The old popular voices are moving over or falling from grace. New voices are opening the VC up to being accepting of styles of belief that were ostracized in the past. It seems like it's all in a state of flux.
Well Vormel isn't around anymore but in the spirit of his thread I do think there are let's call them eddies that flow though this site. The dynamics of how Cancer created the site especially induction and status via leveling are great. Some of the bonuses are obsolete or to me or at least not something I'd work on until I create my own society. So I have much to look forward to after this takes place but until then it's been a grinding process for me. I have been in a relationship with an elemental being for over thirty years now that has been redefining my reality. There really isn't words to express some as idioms unless I can tap group mind like a yogi can but I look forward to creating a legacy based upon my unique take on the vampire to those who are my subjects.