Abstract's Journal

Abstract's Journal


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41 entries this month

21:41 Aug 31 2008
Times Read: 898

Cassandra Moiser's Facebook profile




06:01 Aug 31 2008
Times Read: 900

*shakes out the darkness*

New fresh profile smell. :)

And its bright

The playlist is a mismatch of songs I am obsessing over this week.




06:49 Aug 29 2008
Times Read: 918

The people lurking on my other account were freaking me out.


I logged out for the night. I don't want to mis-click and update to level 5....

So yeah I'm going to wait until the morning for that one. ;)




22:32 Aug 27 2008
Times Read: 943

For a site where everyone seems to have one common interest there is a lot of hate here. I am on another forum site dedicated to a game where there is one group of people against another group of people and yet everyone gets along with no issues.

There is no fighting, there is no bitching (except against Ankama), and there is no hatred. Yes people disagree, but there is never any name calling or bashing.

Yet I come here and people bitch and complain over some stupid little shit. And to be honest we should be acting a lot differently. We are all linked to a subculture that a lot of the world hates. Yet people can't get along.

I go to another site after I killed someones character and they are all like "Hey, how have you been feeling?" and shit like that.

Does this make sense to anyone?



23:08 Aug 27 2008

Too many people are overcome with negativity. They live for it. It's sad, there is so much more to life.

I was even sucked into the journal bashings, but I decided that was pointless and immature.

I'd rather be nice and get along and have friends here.

23:44 Aug 27 2008

Sigh..yeh,so Ive noticed.

01:39 Aug 28 2008

Yes lots.

23:49 Aug 30 2008

Yes what you write here does make sence. I didn't or still don't understand how it happened here. Or when or what started it.

Most sites are the same.


20:06 Aug 27 2008
Times Read: 946

So paypal should clear in the next 2 hours. I have been fiddling with the background code for that account. I think I almost have it where I want it. Now I just need to do the music thing. X_X

I know what type of music I want, just what piece I want is hard to choose.


Back to explaining things to dumbasses on IV




22:03 Aug 25 2008
Times Read: 997

I got to thinking earlier. I rarely hide behind a picture on this site. Whenever you see my avatar you can guarantee it's me. I don't pretend to be some mythical creature nor do I act as if I'm better then anyone. When anyone speaks to me I am raw and unbridled. I am me. I don't sugar coat my life, I just simply don't tell everyone it. Sometimes it may be words on a computer screen but with me I always keep it real. I am a real person with real thoughts and real feelings. My journal is my escape from the world. I put random thoughts, rants, and things that I need to remember in there. (Most of my private entries are just random things I put there so I don't forget about them)

I guess what I'm trying to say is that some people on here hide behind a mask. Those people are ones I try to avoid. I have respect for those people that actually show themselves. Not some random image they want us to believe in.



03:05 Aug 26 2008

Preach it! =]


17:53 Aug 25 2008
Times Read: 1,037

Let me clear something up real fast. I never said I was above any rules. I made a second account, as soon as I logged into that account for the first time ever I went to the PM Instant Activation page and paid for a month. Because I use paypal and have to pay via e-check it takes a week to process the payment. Thus my account doesn't have an active PM on it.

When I made the account initially I had posted on there that I was awaiting paypal to clear. The other day I was editing the page in wordpad and that part must not have gotten put back up.(I was dealing with my cat walking on the keyboard at the same time.) It was an honest mistake. BUT what pissed me off was the fact that this fucktwit that turned it in had read my journal right before it. 4 entries below the one I put before going to bed was a note saying that I had made a new account and it was waiting on paypal. So unless he was blind, it was already noted.

Here is his fucking journal entry on the whole thing. My comment may still be on his journal entry, I'm too lazy to waste space on photobucket for this shit.

reveng rate from an acolyte who got caught last night

11:31:37 - Aug 25 2008

Times Read: 11

revenge raters...wow why am I suprised that a house member who is also an acolyte and was last night supsended she reached level 2 already and is still able to access her account and also on top last night before I got her suspended she had NO FUCKIN mention of paying for a premium, last time I saw that. Her proi was only suspended liekfi she has a bad pic on it and was able to go back on and change her content. Last time I saw someone having multiple acocunts who were non premium, the profile got suspended till infinity by a Master Vampire who it seems is on to be trusted, I should have messaged him..I mean at least it would have ben fair...not sort of cheating the rules...like she did because she can kiss ass...better then me, what can I say, I kiss no one's ass.

now today that kid, imature little girl goes by my pro and downrate me a 1 out of pure revenge cause she got caugt breaking the TOS and also cause she has friends in hight places and she knows I am the one who PROOVED her wrong last night and PROOVED last night she broke the TOS.

cause last night if a Master Vampire would have suspended her til infinity, she would not have access again and she would not have been able to revenge like a 2 year old who got caught the stealing at the candy store and now claims she got money to pay...

it must be really great to be above the rules.

wonder if I start kissing ass like you if I will get the same favor treatement??

here is the proof of my say:::


| Block |

Date: 07:35:25 - Aug 25 2008

Rating: 1



PS she added today she will get a pm...wow next time I open another account I will wait till I get suspended by a sentorian to get a pm...I mean why can't I have the same equal treatement??? or am I right saying house members and acolytes are above the rules??



18:12 Aug 25 2008

Well, not to intrude on this, but I do know that Paypal takes awhile to go through, depending on if a credit card was used, though if not, it will take time to process.

18:38 Aug 25 2008

Let them bitch, if there was an issue you would have been suspended. However it is NO ONE's business who has a duplicate and who does not- provided they have made payment. I know with my duplicate it took time for it to clear as well.

Ignore them, they are so not worth your time- they are all in the "Team Drama".

18:58 Aug 25 2008

You were quite clear when you started the 2nd account that you had submitted an instant activation payment. some people just try to stir shit up.

23:58 Aug 25 2008

The account was suspended and MVs were notified via system box...Just like everyone else. The difference here is that this member messaged the Sentoran (big bad me) cordially with proof of purchase. The suspension was lifted because, and let me make this crystal clear: No violation occurred. She had already purchased her membership and had followed every rule.

And of particular interest, she wasn't a prat about it. She didn't point her finger and whine and yell. She merely told me that she had proof that the account was paid for. She'd been wise enough to keep a screenshot. Soooo...one of these members is a whiny shit-stirrer, and the other is just kicking along and doing her thing. I should no better than to not lurk in the wee morning hours when the retarded monkeys come out to play and shop the Krispy Kreme aisle at Wal Mart. Rock on, Abstract.

00:00 Aug 26 2008

Oh man, I misspelled "know." I FAIL!


13:24 Aug 25 2008
Times Read: 1,047

*is still pissed*

I think I'm going to spend my day smashing pixels. Might be better if I do that instead of what I planned.






12:45 Aug 25 2008
Times Read: 1,059



12:31 Aug 25 2008
Times Read: 1,073

To whomever the fuck turned me in get this straight.

If you are going to come to my journal to read something you better read the WHOLE fucking thing.

I have about 4 entries down that if anyone has issues with my other account to contact me because I can get a screenshot of my paypal account proving that I have in fact PAID for my other account.

Because I have to use paypal it takes a week to clear.

And the only way to pay for an account is to already have it. The FIRST thing I did when I made that account was buy the membership.

So seriously, gtfo.



13:16 Aug 25 2008

I dunno. There are just so many hallway monitors.

17:52 Aug 25 2008

I read. Good lord people- get a life and try to read what she said.


04:36 Aug 25 2008
Times Read: 1,089

Changed my display picture up again.

Actually got a new dress today (didn't think it would look good on me but it did)

I think tomorrow I'm going to redo the pictures in my portfolio. :)

Or I could just start one on Onoria. lol



05:23 Aug 25 2008

love it.

love the hair too.

12:13 Aug 25 2008

It does look good.


01:43 Aug 24 2008
Times Read: 1,111

If you are going to take the time to write a personal comment to someone's profile don't you think you should actually read the profile?

I mean honestly, welcoming someone that has on their page (in the first 3 lines) that it is a second account is retarded.

Seriously....Brain cells can rub together to make sparks if needed.



02:17 Aug 24 2008

It's a second account, but it's still a new account! ;P

04:29 Aug 24 2008

It's a new account but it's still from someone who's been here for awhile.... I agree Abstract. Sheesh.

12:34 Aug 25 2008

I agree with you 100%


03:30 Aug 23 2008
Times Read: 1,113

Onoria is now up and running. ;)

That is going to be my little project profile. Amia was supposed to be my escape, that is my fun place. Hence the picture I put up on it.

Onoria is also the name of one of my alts on Dofus. I can't use my favorite alt name since someone already has it on here. (Profane) So I may touch on that aspect later.

And...I payed for my PM before I even started the profile so anyone wanting to ask me about that I can send you a screenie of paypal waiting to clear it.




23:10 Aug 21 2008
Times Read: 1,119

Woot now we have 2 computers in the house. So no more sharing. XD




22:59 Aug 20 2008
Times Read: 1,127


Your Status: Sire (Level 28)

You have completed 100% of this level.

Pages Viewed Score: 29 x .30 = 8.7

Time Spent Score: 29 x .50 = 14.5

Ratings Score: 21 x .10 = 2.1

Posts Score: 14 x .10 = 1.4

Score: 26.7

Referral Points: 0

Referral Modifier: 1

Mark Bonus: 5%

Mark Modifier: 1.05

Total Score: 26.7

Ratings Score: 21 ( 5996 of 14478 or 41.41% )



13:27 Aug 22 2008

Damn it... I missed it! CONGRATS!


17:21 Aug 19 2008
Times Read: 1,145

This thing is awesome. XD

generated by sloganizer.net




09:39 Aug 19 2008
Times Read: 1,164

Many of you guys will remember that when the forum post calculations got changed a lot of people dropped levels. Well I was one of those people. I lost my Sire because of it and because I have a very low tolerance for some of the things in the forum I have yet to regain Sire.

Well tonight I looked over and noticed my Pages Viewed. I know I need 300,000 to hit that Sire mark once more and I am currently looking at this:

Welcome Abstract

Your Status:


Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

76.77 days

You have completed

72% of this level.

So this means that sometime in the next couple of hours or so I will be a Sire again.




10:49 Aug 19 2008

And I have to be out of town on a job. Damn it!

Happy early Sirehood to you!!

03:38 Aug 20 2008

Stoked 4 U..



23:43 Aug 18 2008
Times Read: 1,164



18:34 Aug 18 2008
Times Read: 1,172

I'm just waiting on UPS so that I can finish my profile up with a recent picture of me. XD

The picture I'm putting up is one from last year and if you know the story it fits the profile perfect.

If you don't know the story I might let you know if you ask nicely. lol




17:27 Aug 18 2008
Times Read: 1,174

I am planning to redo my profile today. This time to something a bit darker. Though the music doesn't reflect the dark in it, anyone that worked at HOS will recognize what I'm doing.


I will cause nightmares to a few people. XD




19:31 Aug 15 2008
Times Read: 1,189

My memory cards came today.

I am probably going to be playing FF9 all day so yeah...

Dofus pissed me off this morning. I don't want to have to write another ticket to them again.



20:20 Aug 15 2008

dofus pisses us off most days :P


05:00 Aug 15 2008
Times Read: 1,198

True talent

Being able to work in photoshop and play Dofus at the same time

And not fuck up in either place. XD



05:24 Aug 15 2008

Lol, you rock!

06:37 Aug 15 2008

Woah! I wanna be like you! =P


21:11 Aug 14 2008
Times Read: 1,221

Seriously when you think that something is a bad idea you don't have to fucking post it.

A simple message would work. But what the fuck ever.

Yes I am pissed.

I have every right to be.

When I get messages asking me to fix something that someone tried to do because they used a help page I will figure out something to help others.

Remember not everyone knows coding terms. What I am doing is essentially dumbing it down for those that don't know what is being talked about.

And that way I can help in my way. There were other help pages on the site before that one.




21:27 Aug 14 2008

That was completely unnecessary of him and he does owe you an apology for such rudeness. Who knows if he'll do it.

21:53 Aug 14 2008

If you were to send a message in private you couldn't flaunt your 'superiority' in front of all of VR.

You are doing something good, helpful and altruistic.

Don't let one stupid opinion change that!

22:59 Aug 14 2008

Yeah, don't let him get to ya. He's just pissed because he hasn't got the gumption or probably the knowledge to do something like this :-)

21:40 Aug 15 2008

Dumb it down all you want for me! lol ;)


21:05 Aug 12 2008
Times Read: 1,245

I just want to breach a subject that I have found brought up on this site numerous times.

Some of the things that are being said about "Juggalos" is a bit rude. Not every single one is bad. Some of US have some sense in our heads. I mean seriously, you have to be completely thick to think that every single person that calls themselves a Juggalo/lette is stupid and the same.

And I will say this much, the NEXT person that I see down talking them will hear from me.

I am a Juggalette and I find this shit offensive. So next time you want to stereotype a group of people look back in the fucking mirror.

Got it?

Because I can think of about 3 others like me that are getting pissed off about this.

Thanks and have a fantastic day. :)



21:17 Aug 12 2008

Then you must be a rarity because honestly I did not get a good impression of this subculture.


19:57 Aug 12 2008
Times Read: 1,252

Dammit my family sent me more cute things on facebook.

*pets her Nomoon*

Of course I picked the monkey and named it after the ebil monkey in Dofus.



19:59 Aug 12 2008



05:57 Aug 12 2008
Times Read: 1,268

What do you do when you feel like something you enjoy has been ripped away from you?

I cried tonight.

I lost something that I don't want back ever.

It hurts too much to have it.



05:57 Aug 12 2008

Awwwwww...*hugs the ferret*


00:25 Aug 12 2008
Times Read: 1,270

My aunt was nice to send me Vivi. I feel better now. :)

Facebook is so addicting sometimes.




23:27 Aug 11 2008
Times Read: 1,279

I'm so sad

I can't add the Vivi button thingy to my facebook page.

My aunt has it and I want it. :'(



23:43 Aug 11 2008

Try it another time, facebook has been having problems since the weekend.


06:34 Aug 07 2008
Times Read: 1,298


Just because I say that I am dead tired and log off doesn't mean I'm fucking avoiding you.

It means I'm fucking tired and want to sleep.






11:02 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 1,306



09:56 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 1,306

I just love some of the talent I get to sift through during reboot nights.

I love spending time on impsvillage whenever I get the spare minute to just read the drama fest. The artist cove section is my all time favorite. (That is how I got my background for my journals and stuff. Cost me like 200,000 kama but it was worth it)

Plus when I search the forums on there I get to give my feedback on everything game related and express my opinion.

I mean if I could post about Dofus in the forums here I would never have to worry about my post count. XD





02:12 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 1,327

Who would win in a fight?

[Poll # 3844]

Cancer from VR 120 92.31%

Tom from MySpace 10 7.69%

And my answer, since Tom isn't a real person Cancer would win by default.

But since Tom is the face of the Fox Network.


Well I'm sorry Cancer, you need a bazooka to win.



02:31 Aug 05 2008


02:46 Aug 05 2008

Lol. That is true.


02:07 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 1,326

Well I wasn't digging the background I was using in here. So I changed it to a picture that was drawn for me about a week ago. It is a picture of a Sacrier and Eniripsa. I play an Eni in Dofus and my in game hubby is a Sac. The colors are our characters colors in a way. My character is purple and green, while his is green, red, and purple.

I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I have been. It is beautiful picture and he did an amazing job. :)




04:20 Aug 04 2008
Times Read: 1,337


My other account is now dead. I couldn't afford to keep it a PM.

I will start over with a second account during October area. It was just too much for me to handle right now.

I have an idea for a name already for that account, should I actually decide to do it. :/




She may never see this

18:11 Aug 03 2008
Times Read: 1,345


You didn't have any right to blame me for that. You told me that I should do it. You were the one that said you were cool with it. Why would you then turn around and give some sob story that I took something special from you?

He doesn't like you, he didn't divorce you on the Osa because he didn't want the shit that happened last night to happen again.

I told you out of respect. I didn't want you to log on as him and see my face there on the spouse list. As for me "sexing" him up in guild chat, that wasn't even what it is. I mentioned in group chat that I had only ever found one guy with short hair attractive and I did a w/c. I don't see how that is "sexing" him up.

And my thoughts on that is this, if you aren't physically dating him why should you care?

The guy I'm getting married to knows I think he is a cutie. If it doesn't bother him why the hell should it matter to you. He broke up with you a long time ago and you won't let go.

You blew me off a while back and you have fucked me over before. I got over it and dealt with it. The shit you pulled last night was immature. I didn't fucking steal him from you. He didn't like you.

In short, you need to get over yourself. You are holding onto something that hasn't been there for a good 8 months. I just happen to be friends with him. At first when you came to me with your issues about him I would listen. Then I would have to go and hear him tell me that he really doesn't like you. I got to hear everyone's issues and I didn't fucking care. As for now, yes I am biased towards him. You have made me that way. That has nothing to do with him. It has to do with when you fucking went crazy on me over a fucking video game marriage.




02:21 Aug 03 2008
Times Read: 1,406


I figure since on another site if I was to express this opinion it would get censored.

Don't fucking DARE tell me that a good "suggestion" would be to save all my codes.

I have over a fucking gig of documents that are nothing but coding.

I fucking coded a whole website with a forum board for my guild on Dofus.

I fucking change my profile here and elsewhere almost once a week.

Don't ever fucking "suggest" to me how to handle things I deal with every fucking day.

And if I get in trouble on that site it won't bother me none. Its not like I don't have other ways of talking to people.






18:34 Aug 02 2008
Times Read: 1,401

I got a little clarification on the stamp issue I was having.

Last night I was too tired to check my page source to see if it was an embed code. I did it this morning and I was right.

It was pretty much the same code used for videos. *nod*

(I have got to remember to talk to Joli about this to be positive about use of this stamp)




09:18 Aug 02 2008
Times Read: 1,405

I know that Video/Music stamps aren't allowed, but what about flash animated ones?

I just got stamped by one and when I went to go check the properties (I was curious on the size of it) it took me to the flash settings. :/

Can someone remind me to message someone about this tomorrow?




03:37 Aug 02 2008
Times Read: 1,420

The blind shouldn't lead the blind.

That's all I need to say on that subject.



03:58 Aug 02 2008

Unless they have a seeing eye dog! ;P

04:02 Aug 02 2008

A seeing eye dog wouldn't help this situation. Maybe some common sense would.

04:54 Aug 02 2008

In a city of blind people, the man with one eye is king. The problem is, they can't know whether or not he has one.


02:39 Aug 02 2008
Times Read: 1,414

It has been a while since I have pulled this off, but I have a different layout for here, myspace, and SK.

I normally just keep the same thing everywhere, but I didn't feel like it this time. XD

Here I have a little purple thing I made in photoshop with a static backdrop. On SK I have a copy of a print that I purchased about a year ago. It is a depressed jester. On myspace I now have a picture that was drawn for me by request. It is a picture of a Sacrier and Eniripsa. The Eni is sitting on top of the Sac and it is a very cute representation of the two. I figure more of my Dofus friends see that profile then anything.




06:31 Aug 01 2008
Times Read: 1,393



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