MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


Honor: 20    [ Give / Take ]


7 entries this month

03:13 Jul 26 2010
Times Read: 728

Watching people fight online is like watching a one legged dog trying to win a 4 legged race.

At first your impressed by it's determination and then after awhile, you want to just put the damn thing out of it's misery.



03:16 Jul 26 2010

*giggles* That amuses me...

04:00 Jul 26 2010



23:57 Jul 23 2010
Times Read: 774

I am going to start off saying this: This is NOT about anyone on here. If you take it as it is and get all pissy about it then screw you and your guilty conscience.

I cannot stand having an Internet relationship. Especially when the person is so close that there is no NEED for it. I can understand talking to your significant other online or whatever, but having a complete relationship online. I don't think so.

The last month of my last relationship turned into nothing but online. It pissed me off. It was only an hour and half drive. I used to drive that in the blink of an eye back a few years ago. It's not a big deal.

If you are with your partner in real life and still have an online relationship, then there are problems.

If I have boyfriend within the future and he decides to join VR, you will not see me carrying on acting a fool in public. Why? because not everyone should be subjected to see it. Not everyone wants to see it. People are quick to jump the gun with " Oh they are jealous." No, that is not always the case. Some people are just either uncomfortable or just get sick of seeing the same thing over and over again.

On my profile or journal is a different story. It is my personal space. Unlike the chat area of VR.

It's kinda like.. " keep your personal business personal and no one feels the need to dip their nose in. keep your personal business open to everyone and then you have no right to the privacy. And you cannot get bent when someone passes judgement or makes comments. It was your choice to follow your road, now you deal with the bumps in it.

I really will try and derail any thoughts of my partner joining the site. Not because I am ashamed of anything, but because I've seen to many times when people have broken up and then it turns into a mess of craziness. Then everyone is involved that shouldn't be and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Totally not my thing.

A few times I have fallen into emotions and became so 'relationship absorbed' I didn't care about the feelings of those that surrounded me. It's a really crappy thing to do. Because not everyone around me wanted to hear it. And I understood that when I sat back and thought about it.

Maybe it's just a part of self growing and evolving that I've realized these things.



01:14 Jul 24 2010

Well said Lainey

01:28 Jul 24 2010

Thanks Suga xoxo

02:14 Jul 24 2010

5 years Ms Moonie Pie, I have watched you grow into this entry. It makes total sense, and I truly hope life allows you exactly what you want.

That said- remember there are those here who are shining examples of healthy relationships where each has their "own thing" and neither gets in the way of the other- but they assist each other. So if the right guy comes- know you CAN share this part of you with them, and still have the boundary set ;)

04:17 Jul 24 2010

I totally agree with this journal entry. My husband and I have always kept our own identities on this site. No one hears (reads) us making ourselves basically known only for our feelings for each other. Some people- if you were to ask others who they are, they'd define them as the ones who can't stop over-indulging in virtual PDA. Period.

10:52 Jul 24 2010

Well said. Can I have a sammich :D don't beat me hard lol.

02:32 Jul 25 2010

I am so glad you guys 'get it'. I thought it was just a 'me' thing.

lol Ima slap you Pinja :P

05:25 Jul 25 2010

Whether it is VR, a private journal, or places like post secret, a journal is your own space. Editing it or holding back is the exact opposite of its intended therapeutic purpose. Here amongst quasi strangers, you are safe to expose your secrets and inner thoughts without the ramifications of telling people who may take it the wrong way or having to face them day in and day out after unloading.

We are all a work in progress...

05:47 Jul 26 2010

Promise? :D it's a great thing you've come

to know and see. That's the point of life I'd hope to grow, understand and learn. You're applying it all so well.


23:14 Jul 22 2010
Times Read: 801

The art form of true debating is a lost art form. There are to many that are giving their opinions as facts. Your OPINIONS are NOT FACTS. They are your opinions. In order to make your opinion a fact you need to have concrete evidence.

You can have a theory about a topic. And discuss it theoretically. And go back and forth with the 'what ifs' and the 'what could Be's'. Personally, I think these are the discussions that do because they cannot find proven facts on some topics that spring up here.

To many people are quick to jump into the mix and get all butt hurt when someone doesn't agree with them. It happens. That's what the topic is about.

I also think some shove personal information into a post just so they can show off or try and prove a point. Doesn't work that way. It tends to make you look needy and attention seeking.

Maybe some need to check out Debate rules and Suggestions .

I'll just post 'em since it's such a bother to click links. heh.

1.Avoid the use of Never.

2.Avoid the use of Always.

3.Refrain from saying you are wrong.

4.You can say your idea is mistaken.

5.Don't disagree with obvious truths.

6.Attack the idea not the person.

7.Use many rather than most.

8.Avoid exaggeration.

9.Use some rather than many.

10.The use of often allows for exceptions.

11.The use of generally allows for exceptions.

12.Quote sources and numbers.

13.If it is just an opinion, admit it.

14.Do not present opinion as facts.

15.Smile when disagreeing.

16.Stress the positive.

17.You do not need to win every battle to win the war.

18.Concede minor or trivial points.

19.Avoid bickering, quarreling, and wrangling.

20.Watch your tone of voice.

21.Don't win a debate and lose a friend.

22.Keep your perspective - You're just debating.

I'll add a personal rule in here:

Stay clear of stating a personal experience as fact. And you can be sure someone won't call you a nutcase.

Also if you are going to be easily offended just step away. And if you can't help but personalize everything people say.. then step away.

And on a personal note some of the things I have seen.. really make me wanna do violent acts to their faces.



01:02 Jul 23 2010

Your timing couldnt have been better!

I posted something in my journal a few hours ago about this very thing...only I like the way you did it better!! I sure hope others see it and take heart.I knowI did.

23:12 Jul 23 2010

A lot of them won't. They are fueled by nothing more than the feeling that they are always right. And also the reason of making themselves seem more 'important' then what they are.

You can tell by each post you see. Especially in different threads. It's a shame really.

23:25 Jul 23 2010

It really is Moonie.It makes it very hard to talk about anything really.


19:20 Jul 13 2010
Times Read: 837

I made a new stamp. I haven't really made anything in a while.

I need to get back in the groove. I miss it, but I just have no inspiration. Blargh.

The one I am going to use is smaller so I don't get people bitchin' at me about stretchin' out their page. heh.



22:00 Jul 13 2010

It's perfect! Has that look of oh dear god I wasted my time looking at that?! hahahahaha ;)

Seriously I be digging the colors!

05:23 Jul 14 2010

It looks amazing!

Take your time and inspiration will just come to you. I know it does for me all the time.

14:37 Jul 16 2010

I like how you tied in the mentorship/ coven. :) Nice!

15:41 Jul 16 2010

Awww Tanks Guys!

-gets all bashful-

06:10 Jul 18 2010

Oy, stranger! I know. My fault.

That's a colorful stamp. (Hah! Typos almost struck! I typed stump first. =/)

Yes. Requiem is still an ijit.

17:06 Jul 22 2010

I've said it once, and I'll say it again. You're talented, original, and the images you make are professional quality.... and that not just my B.S. - Seven agrees too lol

01:28 Jul 23 2010


Beautiful as always !

23:14 Jul 23 2010

Holy Sweet Jeebus It's.. It's.. Requiem!! Oh How I've missed thee and thy witty comments. ♥

Aww tanks MeepMeep. You and Sevenn rawk muh sawks. ;)

01:01 Jul 24 2010

Love it!


03:35 Jul 10 2010
Times Read: 886

You are a fucking tool.

I wish I would have realized how much of a tool you really were the first time I seen you lurking about. Then again I guess it takes a bit to see the true colors come through.

Did you think I was fucking kidding when I said what I did last Monday?

You: ttyl

Me: No probably not.

You: Why?

Me: because I really just don't want too.

Did you THINK I was fucking kidding? Because I wasn't. I was DONE on that day. So sick of hearing your "I'm sorry I can't come see you. I don't have gas money." I've offered to give you money. I didn't see you in a month. A FUCKING month. And then you went and spend 80 bucks on some bullshit stupid tattoo that says 'straightedge'. Holy Fucking high school, batman. You are 27 fuckin' act like it.

I deleted all your shit last week. Every phone that had your number on it was erased. Your yahoo name also erased. Then you have the nerve to send me an offline message 7 days AFTER the Monday I said that to you.. and you say.. and I quote:

" i dont whats going on between us.but something changed along the way.somehow someway something has changed within the last month or so.i havent been able to come up due to lack of money for gas.and i feel like you hold a grudge against me for that.Im not quite sure how many times i have to say im sorry,but im not quite sure where there is a future between each other.were not talking to one another,i was waiting for you to call me and im sure your waiting for me to call you.im not sure if what we have will last much longer.i can tell that your not happy with me,and i dont really know why.but i think we should go our seperate ways.this is what i feel.if you want the gifts back,i understand and i can mail them to your house if you like i just dont know what to do.I have been given a chance to move out of my mothers house and im thinking about taking it.that would mean im moving out of state

: and i might be doing that really soon.so i wanted to let you know whats been going on.if you never want to speak to me again i understand.i'll see you around sometime."

My response:

Lainey Pie: There is no 'us'. It's 'you' and 'me'. That's the way it's pretty much been. You can keep the stuff it was a gift. Good Luck with your move.


Oh but there is so much more I wanted to say after I fucking sat here and thought about it.

Your sorries didn't mean shit. It was always a sorry.. sorry.. sorry. I was so sick of your sorries that I wanted to vomit.

Why would I want the stuff back that I gave you? You've fucking touched it. I don't want it now. I want NOTHING to remind me of you.

I'm not going to fucking chase after you and call you. Fuck you and fuck that. I'm not one of those ignorant little chicks that you dated that have no self esteem and worship the ground you walk on. I didn't NEED you. And I DON'T NEED you.

I really, HIGHLY, doubt you are moving out of state. I am pretty sure you wanted me to fawn all over you and say ' Oh baby, don't leave me you mean everything to me. I can't live without you." Once again.. fuck that and fuck you. I'd be more than happy to give you a way one trip off the tip of my foot you immature asshat.

I can't FUCKING BELIEVE you 'don't know what went wrong along the way." I've talked to your stupid ass about shit you've did that hurt my feelings numerous times. I won't stand for that. So... let me write it in a fucking list for you:

1. First time you said to me you were going to hang out with your EX-GIRLFRIEND. Uhm, no, Lainey don't play that game. I am not a jealous person, but I know how ex's work. And I'm not down with that. So without considering my feelings your mouth overrode your ass that time.

2. You were talking about getting a new car. You listed small b.s. cars. I said Why do you always have to look at small cars. You're answer to me.. I'm not getting an SUV. And then told me uhm you can fit into a focus. You stupid ass motherfucker. Once again thinking about yourself. Your 'girlfriend' is handicapped. After I had to remind you about my braces you said.. Oh I completely forgot. Blah Blah. Eat a dick you, stupid shit stain.

3. Tell me all weekend that you think you are going to be able to come here. I planned on giving you gas money. Then suddenly I get a message chit-chatting.. and you saying " I'm going to hang out with my friend today." Fuck you.. you were supposed to come see me. Oh but then after I say " I guess that means you aren't coming here.. you say Oh no i don't have enough money." And then I get pissy and you tell me " It's not fair.. I am trying to rekindle a relationship with my friend I haven't seen in 9 years". What are you going to do.. rekindle his dick in your ass? How about your rekindle some time with the person you claim to love,dick stick.

4. I get pissy and tell you that you can wait to come up until the next time you get paid. I was pissy. The next day.. I left you an offline that I did want you to come up. Then you get online and say.. Well, I can't I spend my 20 bucks I saved to come up. ( I did offer to give him gas money for going home and make sure he had enough for the week.) You then change the subject and tell me you went and spent 80 bucks on a stupid tattoo. W T F. You say you want to be with me, spend time with me and then you do that stupid shit. You could have saved that and had money to come up here at least 4 times. And then You wanted ME to give you gas money for that Monday? AFTER you put 80 bucks aside to get a tattoo? I only get paid once a month and it's not even close enough to live on. But here I was planning to go without just so we could maybe spend time together.

5. I gave you once last change to get your shit together and come up Monday. Once again you failed. You were out of my life that day.

I was DONE.

I've talked to you. Told you we need to slow down because I think you are only into the IDEA of having me as a girlfriend, not actually having a girlfriend. Boy how right was I?

You stopped calling me like you were. All you wanted to do was talk about things that revolved around you. Your stupid music and your fucking annoying bass guitar and you don't even FUCKING HAVE. I don't CARE about that shit. When I tried to talk to you about shit I am into you changed the subject back to you, you self centered douche.

I've TOLD you all that.

I am not a 'when you get a change to spend time with me' kinda of girl. If you want to be with me, you better damn well be with me.

But then again you talked a good game. You are nothing more than a little boy. You claimed you were a man, but let me tell you, your balls weren't even close to dropping. I released the reins so you could take control and you couldn't even handle that.

You weren't dominant, you were just a self centered bag of douche. I seriously want to punch you in the dick. And I am not a violent person, but I would so enjoy just punching you in that thing you call a cock.

I am so glad I never had full blown sex with you. I'd be attacking my vajayjay with bleach and a brillo pad still.

So over you.

I hope you get herpies. =]



04:57 Jul 10 2010

I luvs you. *humps bunny's leg)

About time you took that trash out to the curb.

05:08 Jul 10 2010

My turn *hugs*

I'm sorry that you've had to go through that... and I know a better way to meet boys that are fun.... >;)

07:11 Jul 10 2010


10:24 Jul 10 2010

OMG I bet it felt good to get all of that out! Can I copy that and send it to him? Or better yet, how about I swing by pick you up and take you to REALLY punch him in the dick.. and then I'll kick that soft spot where his balls should be to ensure he doesn't reproduce. Sound good?

15:24 Jul 10 2010

I so totally adore you guys! XD

hahah PD we could go down there, but I think finding his dick would take longer than the actual trip down there. >:)

02:22 Jul 11 2010

somehow someway something has changed within the last month...

jeez, this guy can't even find a clue when you shout it in his ear.

what a tool.

01:23 Jul 12 2010

Hmmm...some of this person's antics remind me of my ex...and we lived together.

02:33 Jul 13 2010

I'm with him *pointing over my head* He sounds like a COMPLETE self absorbed, totally arrogant, condescending tool. And yes, that is PRECISELY how I felt about my ex husband, and I invested 20 years in sucking up to his ass....what a waste. And he had the unmitigated GALL to tell me that I "blindsided" him with the divorce, that he thought we were just "fine".. And the fact that you didn't pay any attention when I told you there were problems makes that a complete LIE.

Don't have the money to get me anything but SOCKS for a Christmas present, but you buy your buddy a brand new BBQ GRILL???

Yunh Hunh *hugs* Kick his ass to the NEIGHBOR'S curb, sugar....and if you need an extra set of sexy legs to do it with, I'm a phone call away...LMAO

01:33 Jul 23 2010

I♥You Lainey Pie, and you so deserve the absolute best ! Not some self absorbed twit, who just miss the train on seeing that he had a wonderful woman and apparently didn't realize what he had.


00:03 Jul 08 2010
Times Read: 901

Yesterday I got a wonderful visit from Silverbow, Khornesone, WolfieBite and the BoyWhoWishesHeWasOnHere. lol.

I had such a wonderful time. I am so, so glad they came and had a visit. It was so much fun being able to spend time with such wonderful people.

She is just as wonderful. I adore you ♥ Each and everyone of you. You made my month. =]



03:30 Jul 11 2010

Aren't they so cool? We will miss all of them.


22:33 Jul 06 2010
Times Read: 938

Oh My GAWD! Sil just went into my panty drawer and then.. she.. she licked me!




22:59 Jul 06 2010

Who or what is Sil???

23:00 Jul 06 2010

NEVERMIND. I read further down in another journal. LMAO

02:18 Jul 07 2010

Can I be Sil? ;)

05:04 Jul 07 2010


13:29 Jul 07 2010


13:33 Jul 07 2010


13:33 Jul 07 2010


13:33 Jul 07 2010


13:33 Jul 07 2010


05:10 Jul 10 2010

Holy chuckling vampirewitch! or was that a glitch in the matrix


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