RedQueen's Journal

RedQueen's Journal


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9 entries this month


19:27 Feb 27 2013
Times Read: 576

I wish I drank coffee. Living in a country where the consumption of coffee is practically an Olympic event, I wish I could learn to love the most common beverage in Canada. Especially on days like today, when I just cannot seem to muster up a single give a damn.



23:23 Feb 27 2013

Sounds like you need an Irish coffee!

23:37 Feb 27 2013

Hot Chocolate, that's how I survive the birthplace of Starbucks. (Although I don't like Starbucks hot chocolate. Go Figure)

03:16 Feb 28 2013

Make your "coffee" booze. Problem solved. Now share with me! ;)

19:09 Feb 28 2013

Fuckin' Canadians!

Maybe that's why I didn't fit in well when I went to Canada all those years ago. I prefer tea and they thought I was crazy. I mean I am, but you know how that goes.

00:44 Mar 01 2013

What about a cappachino or mocha instead ? Although I do love my coffee, I like a change up every now and then. And a Caramel Macchiato usualy does the trick. It is a freshly steamed milk with vanilla-flavored syrup, marked with espresso and finished with caramel sauce.



17:54 Feb 25 2013
Times Read: 590

Yes, it is Monday. Yesterday was hard on me, and it was a longer than usual shift due to the fact that we had our first Girl's Night Out at the shop, complete with a bigscreen so we could watch the Oscars, paint and have a nosh. All was well, it was a successful night, but I was so not feeling it. Then, as things are winding down and we are cleaning up, I looked at Melissa and said:

Would you mind taking my shift tomorrow (Monday)?

She wrinkles up her nose, and says "Um, no."

Then she back and forths with me on email this morning, saying she feels bad.

Good. Serves you right, after everything I've done recently. But even with all that, I am happier here than I was at Westwood, so it all evens out.

So I am sitting here, poking around the site, and listening. The wind is blowing alot outside, and I can hear the seagulls really close, which leads me to believe that the weather is going to get worse before it gets better. Reading certain people's journals like Images and Saharia has taught me the valuable lessons of listening, and just being. I have a girl at work who is all about letting go the negative energy and forcing yourself into a good mood, letting go of what is pissing you off. But there are times when you just have to be whatever it is your body is telling you to be. It takes less time to get over it, and in the end, you'll feel better. Doesn't mean I am advocating wallowing in bad shit all the time. By all means, work yourself out of whatever is bothering you however you can, if that is what works for you.

But sometimes, you just have to be.



00:37 Feb 26 2013

Part of maturity. Learning just to exist, for nobody else but your own self awareness.


03:49 Feb 26 2013


13:58 Feb 26 2013

Yup. But even then, when you don't understand; you have to know it does get better.

I think that is why we should experience our lows, as much as we allow for the highs. If we don't, we are missing out on half of our experiences, and what lessons those have.


BIG news.....

01:09 Feb 20 2013
Times Read: 641

There are certain people on this site that I just don't like.

At. ALL.

So to that end, for the most part I have avoided them. Some of them will occasionally still drop a turd around my profile, low rate, block or whatever, and I get by with a little help from my friends to brush it off the side and move on.

But some poeple are just hard wired to be assholes. And some of them really piss me off. They think they know everything, and to that end they go out of their way to harass, hurt, insult, and generally try to drive away people who have done nothing but good on this site, have been active members, and can count many here as their close friends, myself included.

And I don't take kindly to that.

But up till now, I have kept my peace, but quietly trolled through their journals, listened to others they have pissed off, and trolled through their journals.

So when I saw that gurumillionaire was deleting and leaving, and left a "hope you are satisfied" I just couldn't resist. I knew it was bullshit, that he would never give up a turf where he could be as obnoxious as he is and get away with it like he could here. So I left a "good riddance" and a 1 rate on his profile, despite the fact that he had come and left a 10 on mine, though God only knows why. With help from friends, I got it off my main page, and of course, he came back and rated me a 1 back (wow, who knew?) and left a rather pithy "how bout fuck you".

Wow- snazzy comeback. So when I decided to message him with a "Nice to see you are only solidifying your rep for being a liar" basically, lo and behold, I am blocked....again, WHO KNEW??

Amazing how some people think they are all that and a bag of chips, but just cannot seem to bear having their childish behavior exposed for all to see, and most assuredly cannot stand being called out to their faces.

You, dear sir, are an asshole, an illiterate, a worthless piece of shit, and of no use to anyone except your inbred friends. You hurt friends of mine, and that is something up with which I will not put.

So bring on all your "friends" to downrate me, leave nasty shit on my profile, do whatever you think you can. It matters not one whit to me, and never will. I, sir, have been here for a long time. I know the rules, and how to play this game.

You never will. And one of these days, you and your bunch are going to fuck up. And I and alot of my friends are going to sit here laughing when you and the rest of your bunch get what you so richly deserve.

And it will happen. Just wait.



02:37 Feb 20 2013

It's so much easier to just be nice and go with the flow, ya' know? I come here for fun, not for fighting. I just don't get some people, as they seem to enjoy the fighting.

And I'm glad to know you here, Red!

03:21 Feb 20 2013

You are one of the best on this site.:D

08:27 Feb 20 2013

I agree with Isis, I cant see what is fun there is in fighting on line.

22:18 Feb 20 2013

Even though I have no clue of who you are talking about (because I'm antisocial and I think a lot of people are douches) I giggled. I giggled a lot.


Wow....things that make you go

17:15 Feb 18 2013
Times Read: 663


Worked ysterday. Had a woman and a young lady (and I use that term loosely) come into the store. The young lady was wearing three inch spike heels with her ankle hugging jeans and silk blouse. Yeah, that's what I want to wear when I come in to paint a piece of pottery, alright...lol

She picked a mug, one of our Canadiana mugs with a big maple leaf on it. She proceeds to start painting, and we get her what she needs as she needs it.

Then she asks if we have anything like a sponge- oh yeah, got plenty of those, even some round ones on a stick. She pickes one of the medium round sponges on a stick, and off we go.

I am sitting at the computer, when she gets up and borrows the mirror from the jewelry display, sits back down, and proceeds to apply candy apple red bisque paint to her lips. She then picks up the mug, plants her lips firmly upon it, and sets it back down.

We're just looking at her like she has lost her mind. She perks up and says "I'm from Seattle; girl's got to represent, ya know?"


She then heads for the bathroom to clean up, they pay, and they are out the door. But she comes back in, wanting to know if the paint will come out of her silk shirt.....

Yeah, that's JUST what she should be worried about...thankfully, although she didn't ask, the paint is non toxic.

Oh. My. Lord......



20:41 Feb 18 2013

A PERFECT example of a BIMBO.

05:07 Feb 19 2013

Might want to invest in some smocks, but as I read this to LordV, his response was, "Yup, she's from Seattle."

13:31 Feb 20 2013

NO SHE'S NOT. If she were from Seattle she would have a tell. Like birkenstocks or wild hair/pony tail... OUTDOORSY. That bish is from BELLEVUE!


19:03 Feb 20 2013

ROFLMAO @ Saharia.....


Yeah.....I knew it was too good to last...

06:11 Feb 16 2013
Times Read: 674

Melissa insisted on coming in to work over the past week. And true to form (and just like I told her she would) she had a relapse, so tomorrow being my day off?

Nope. Not happening. I'm a working again.

On the high side, I ain't working at Westwood...lol

Damn, I might as well run the place- I spend enough time there...



13:45 Feb 16 2013

Boo, at least they are paying you better, treating you better- yup it's still better. But damn boo.


Oh. My. GAWD.

02:58 Feb 08 2013
Times Read: 691


There are days when it is quiet, especially on nights when I am here till 9-

And then there are days like today...lol

I have been running my bloody ass off all night. And while that is always a good thing, business wise, it can get a little hectic when I am here by myself.

Especially tonight.

The back door opens, I hear the chimes, and I turn around in time to see a girl about 6 stick her head in the door.


And yes, folks, she is bellowing at the top of her tiny lungs.

I said sure, and she races into the store, followed by a 5 year old boy, a 4 year old girl, and mom, carrying the 2 year old boy.

Oh. My. Gawd. is right.

So I send them to the pottery section, explain the whyfors and wheretos so mom will know whats going on, and then mom discovers the glass side 'o' things.

"Can one of them do this, and one of them do that, and one of them do the other?"

Sure. NO problem.

So I get the two older kids set up with the glass and what-not to do what they want to do, and the mom takes the 4 year old over to the pottery to find what she wants to do. After much running, grabbing, and yelling, she settles on one of our zen tea cups.

These things are small, people. Think of the cups you get in Japanese restaurants for their sake.

Yup. That size.

So we get colors, brushes, and get her settled. So mom is now herding three kids through crafts, while smallest is running around yelling because he has nothing to do.

Mom works her way around the table, complimenting each kid on how they are doing, and gets to the girl painting the cup.

Here's where things can get a little hairy for a mouthy redhead with a southern accent and a whole buttload of smartassery. Because from across the room, I hear mommy dearest say to the one painting the cup:

"Octavia, that is just perfect for Daddy to put his nuts in!"

As I have said before, I don't make this shit up folks. Life just happens......



03:09 Feb 08 2013

haha :P

06:23 Feb 08 2013

Only you girl!!!

20:45 Feb 18 2013

With four loud lil' rugrats running around, Daddy's nuts are in working order.



02:48 Feb 07 2013
Times Read: 702

I had a massage last night. Jeff (the new guy) is a sweetheart, but very quiet and laid back. He is also extremely good at what he does, which is why I moved to him when Manny left.

When I got there last night, after having to work on my day off, I was in a foul mood, my neck hurt, my sciatic nerve was still giving me a hard time, and I needed a hug. So I waited for him to finish up with his patient. And did so rather patiently and quietly, all things considered.

After a few minutes, he comes bounding around the corner, rubs his hands in glee, and announces that he is ready to take on whatever I got.

This guy wouldn't bound anywhere if he was chasing the ice cream man. Seriously.


Really? So I told him what all had happened that day, where it hurt, and that he was going to have his hands full between my head and my ass. And yes, that is how I talk to him.

He giggled. I mean seriously. I get the odd chuckle, maybe something a little more boisterous, but a giggle?

No unhunh.

So I followed him back to the room, he checked a few things, then jolted around grabbing stuff, told me to lie face up, and he would be right back.

I then asked him if he was ok. Oh sure, he had just been a little tired, so he had caffeinated himself.

Ok, I can go with that. We all need that little pick me up. My drug of choice used to be Mountain Dew till I moved up here. Apparently Canadians don't believe in putting caffeine in Mountain Dew, so I quit drinking it. And Red Bull and its ilk are out of the question, as that much caffeine sends my blood pressure through the roof.

So when he came back and was working on my glutes and thighs for my sciatica, I asked him what he had drunk, figuring Red bull.


Wait, what?



yup. Just needed a little pick me up, and it did the trick.

What do you usually drink???

Water. Milk. Juice. Like that.

I got the best massage I have had in a while. Go Pepsi...lol



03:49 Feb 07 2013

Welcome to BC baby, land of granola and us hippy folk. Unless they are fowl mouthed and high strung; those move east. Oh wait. That's me.

20:47 Feb 18 2013



I have the most amazing job

18:23 Feb 02 2013
Times Read: 730

And to that end, I get to see people come in and claim they have no artistic talent, and who end up walking out with something like this:

 photo 395516_497175653654487_1122734120_n_zpse863d855.jpg

The other day I got to work, and there were two ladies working at one of the tables, both wil garden gnomes in their hands. One was turning out a rather respectable, brightly colored gnome.

The other was taking one of our jake the gnomes, and turning it into, and I quote "a zombie version of the Travelocity gnome. And I can't stand zombie movies, they give me the heebie-jeebies."


Picture to follow, soon as it comes outta the kiln...

*walks away giggling*



20:56 Feb 02 2013

Gee! They would scare the bejesus out of the gnomes in Ireland!

00:39 Feb 03 2013

Now this is a very nice Day of the Dead skull!

01:24 Feb 03 2013

I do want to see the zombie gnome it sounds freaky!


*steals bleach from Fangor*

03:24 Feb 01 2013
Times Read: 624

Ever gone through your "Journal lists you are on" and found people that you would just as soon never come into contact with at all?

Yeah.. I think I need to shower in that bleach too, sugar....



21:54 Feb 01 2013

Huh... weird... I haven't clicked on that in a while. I wonder what I'm going to find!

22:41 Mar 12 2013

You have one of the most entertaining journals around. Its easy to read. I'm adding you to my favorites for its rare to find a journal that isn't rife with spelling and grammar errors.

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