RedQueen's Journal

RedQueen's Journal


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8 entries this month


05:14 Jun 26 2013
Times Read: 563

Cancer visited my profile......




05:15 Jun 26 2013

R.I.P, RedQueen. ;_;

05:21 Jun 26 2013

He did? That bald monkey lover! Curse him!

05:22 Jun 26 2013

Creepy Fun,Admit it!!!

13:36 Jun 26 2013

doom doom doom :p



02:20 Jun 26 2013
Times Read: 591

The drama is over for now, but that doesn't make it any less pleasant. As I said on facebook, I lost a job that I enjoyed very much, ces't la vie.

Why did I lose that job?


After asking Melissa repeatedly why she was so nasty to me, so bitchy, for the past three weeks, I finally backed her into a corner, and got a wild array of reasons, none of which were true, and on Friday, she admitted they were not true. Seems she just wasn't prepared to have this discussion on Wednesday, so she "got defensive". After a discussion Friday that began with "Your week just went from 37 hours to 12 hours" and "I would be embarrassed to work here if someone did this to me" and "You're the best employee, I can trust you, you go above and beyond, yadda yadda yadda" to "this really sucks"? she told me that 12 hours a week was the best she was going to do. I offered plenty of alternatives, trying to find a way to keep a job I loved, and for her to get what I thought she needed (primarily to cut back on expenses) and it was like talking to a mannekin. There was absolutely nothing there. No ackowledgement I had helped her in any way, no emotion that she was slitting the throat of someone who had gone out of my way to do everything I could to help her in her business, nothing.


The next morning, on Saturday, I get an email "just so you have a hard copy to show Scott what your options are" and telling me that she will pay me for the next pay period to the tune of 49 hours, but I would have to work the next day (Sunday) from 11-5, while she would take the b-day party I had booked from 10-12. And that I would have to work Th/Fr/Sat. for 4 hours each shift. I was horrified. The idea of setting foot back in that place made me nauseated. Quite the change, hunh? So I got to work on Sunday at 10:30, just like always. She was in the party room taking care of things, and I got busy doing the same things I did every Sunday, setting up, putting stuff away, stocking shelves, opening up for the day, etc. After the party left, she walks out, claps her hands together, and says "So, what are we going to do?"

About what?

"Your work situation?"

I'll take the layoff, apply for EI (unemplyment) at a 37 hour work week, and try to move on.

By this time, we were both in the office.

"Wow, this is really uncomfortable for me"

*do you think I give a rat's ASS what is uncomfortable for you?*

Melissa, if you want to pay me off for the rest of this week, I'll make today my last day, and we can call it a day.

She thought about it.

And thought about it

and thought about it.

Then she wrinkles her nose and says "Well, I don't want to have to rearrange the schedule again and make everybody shift around, so just work those three days."


I was steady all day, belying the statement she kept making that we didn't have enough revenue coming in.

She came back at 5, as my last customer was leaving. Seems she felt bad about expecting me to work, and she didn't want to be uncomfortable, so she wrote me a check for the last week and this week, and told me I could get all my stuff and go.

When I asked her point blank why she was doing all this, she looked at me, no emotion whatsoever, and said:

"The fact is this business is simply not making enough money to afford 2 full time people. So I have to let you go."

And who, pray tell, is the other full time person, you ask?

She is.

She let me go, because she wanted to have my paycheck. Pure and simple.

Yeah. Aint life a bitch.

Well, as I said on Facebook, Ces't la vie



02:30 Jun 26 2013

I hope you are okay. That sounds stressful.

02:53 Jun 26 2013

I'm sorry to read that your options have changed in the job you enjoyed so much and, from all you've written in the past, you did with such passion and expertise. Sometimes when one door closes another opens.

With all you have to offer; your intelligence, your grace, your experience, I have no doubt there are better opportunites waiting to find you.

03:31 Jun 26 2013

I'm so sorry! Here's a Hug!

03:39 Jun 26 2013

Man, that was rotten! Hope your next job is better!

03:46 Jun 26 2013

Thank GAWD. Take the money and run.

And print out copies of your hours and what she emailed you. Having had friends in this very situation: their boss would "forget" or report their hours incorrectly to EI.

Have all to documentation ready.

On to better things. You deserve that.


Sooooo- to explain the last entry.

18:32 Jun 20 2013
Times Read: 635

I got to work yesterday, and before I even got hi I'm here, Melissa was saying she had to leave. So I asked her point blank if she was mad at me for something. She said she was having to play with the schedule, and she didn't think I was going to be happy. So I told her, just tell me what you need.

Seems she has hired 3 people on a trial basis, but she wants to cut back on hours. She said in her perfect world, I would be working 12 hours a week.

At the moment, I am working 37.

I told her as long as it was temporary, I could deal with that, since that was basically what I did at Westwood, and we got along ok with that. that I understood it was slow right now, but that summer was coming, and we would probably get busier soon. But I also asked her if she wanted me to stay. And she never really answered me at the time. So before she left, I mentioned that she hadn't really answered that question.

Apparently, while I was busting my ass, covering HER ass, making sure the day to day shit got done, she could stay home and hide, or be sick or go out of town, making sure product got poured, put on the shelves, put in the computer, bookings made, flyers folded and stuffed into envelopes, custmoers were made happy when other emplyees, including herself, weren't doing what was needed, stuff organized, etc. etc .etc. I was forgetting that I was supposed to come up with all these brilliant ideas of how to make her business work for her. To come up with sparkly ideas every five minutes, and forget the fact that everytime I tried to talk to her about stuff, she either blew me off, or told me she needed to finish what she was doing on the computer, or whatever.

So. What the fuck am I supposed to o NOW?



19:18 Jun 20 2013

Hmmm.. as she never gave you the answer, I would maybe just start looking in the Want Ads.

19:24 Jun 20 2013

Already have.

22:15 Jun 20 2013

Sorry to hear that things are getting iffy there Puppy. Hugs!

16:52 Jun 22 2013

You need to live closer.

MAN, do I feel your pain. The person organizing the motorcycles of the Poker Run this year is driving me NUTS. Complains that I'm difficult, won't meet her and well taking from the work she's done.

Well, she is doing a great job; she got in writing that we have a radio station there which means free advertising, and we have the same big sponsor (she dealt with them as I was too pissed from last year) and things are going well.


Every SINGLE MEETING we've had, she's gotten sick, or something has come up, or yadda yadda.

She actually got UPSET that I'm hiring someone else for my Acupuncture office because she did this same shit when I was PAYING HER TO WORK. WHEN, I could get her to come in, she was great. But it was WHEN. She would get sick, something would come up, yadda yadda.

So, having said that, walk away. Give notice. Truly- you won't find something when you're attached to her, she's going to fire you as she is not taking responsibility for the work that needs to be done. It is HER business, and if she's not willing to do the work, there is NO REASON YOU SHOULD.

For example: I don't go into the office (because we don't have one) but right now, I'm working on mission statment, design of our space, and getting things ready as I'm certain I will not be home much this week getting ready to be IN the new space. That means this has to be done and then I'm doing Groupon and other specials. I'm working on set up for the finances, when I separate them and then officially put myself on salary, and have business pay for business expenses.

I am scared shitless, but I know that a lot of hard work will pay off, as it has each and every other time. But in your situation, you've been there Red. Cut your losses before it turns ugly. Cause you know it will. Leaving now might be able to save you the aggravation and heartache of dealing with the bs.

05:07 Jun 23 2013

Tell her that you would like to have an appointment with her, to go out to dinner. Over drinks and food, discuss the problems you are seeing.

She hired you as an Assistant Manager, but she is not utilizing you to your full extent. But it frustrates you, that she seems to take advantage of you, but doesn't realize everything you do to help HER store.

Explain to her, if she isn't happy with your work, a proper manager would have a sit down and discuss it. But that you thought you were also friends and you are willing to let her lean on you, if she would just talk.

Maybe she just simply is overwhelmed and needs someone to help her organize and determine who has what as a responsibility.

After that, you can truly say in your heart that you tried.



01:15 Jun 20 2013
Times Read: 685

I can't take this anymore.



01:39 Jun 20 2013

I hope things get better.

01:56 Jun 20 2013


02:28 Jun 20 2013

A nice lady I know would tell me "Chin up sugar, it'll get better."



Here we go again

17:27 Jun 17 2013
Times Read: 790

On 23:51:21 Jun 16 2013 (-0 GMT) RedQueen wrote:

Are you such a miserable person that you just CAN'T leave people alone who don't want to have anything to do with you? What is it that drives you to leave illegible and unreadable texts and messages with people who have no desire to have anything to do with you? If you hate this place and it's members so much, why in the name of everything don't you just leave?

On 23:52:31 Jun 16 2013 (-0 GMT) teetee wrote:

ok maybe you should get your facts straight ....i guess ill post a journal myself.........sighs

On 00:27:45 Jun 17 2013 (-0 GMT) RedQueen wrote:

Do not try and play the pity card, sugar. You have done so much damage around here, that no matter what you fire off in your journal, whether it's readable or not, no one is going to believe you now. So don't concern yourself with getting "facts straight". No one will believe it anyway.

On 00:31:18 Jun 17 2013 (-0 GMT) teetee wrote:

dont have to believe me hes on the state site ....fact is fact and to be honest i dont need a pity party........lol but you made me laugh so anyway go beat your key board cause like i said admins can see all ....so all the shit i get blamed for is funny if i did half of that shit dont you think i would have been suspened already .....lol anyway jealousy is a bitch have a good night

On 00:38:22 Jun 17 2013 (-0 GMT) RedQueen wrote:

Amazing how despite the fact that I have not mentioned any names, you already know there is someone you mistreated here. And you'll continue to do so, because that's all you can do. You get blamed for the shit you leave behind, sugar, nothing more, nothing less.

And it's just a matter of time. Sooner or later, preferably sooner, you'll screw up and break the rules, and when you do, there will be a whole pile of us laughing when you go.

Teetee wrote:

lol........you need help like i said jealousy is a sickness get well soon i never mistreated anyone but i wont take anyones shit either so with that being said goodbye............lol



17:35 Jun 17 2013

What I find sad about all this to begin with is she is such a miserable low life person that she had to drag in people who aren't even on the site. What was the point of that? Does she even realize she is making herself lower than ever?

As far as jealousy goes, I haven't seen a damn thing to be jealous of her about. She says she hasn't done anything to anyone...I need a show of hands on that lie. She says she doesn't care about me or my family, then why did you even threaten that in the first place? Ummm...Because you are a pathetic waste of oxygen who seeks the attention you claim others want. Look in the mirror and take the advice you try to give to others. I honestly believe Tara believes her own lies.

17:40 Jun 17 2013

I love how clear-cut you are, and how defensive/"on the attack" she is.

If this goes on any longer, we may need Team Queen/Team Tee shirts. Heh.

17:41 Jun 17 2013

Didn't you know?... the WHOLE site is lying, she's the only one telling the truth ~Rolls Eyes~

17:52 Jun 17 2013

jealousy ? OMG what is she smoking?

as I see this journal RedQueen was just asking what we all want to know,IF YOU HATE THIS SITE AND IT'S MEMBER'S WHY DO YOU KEEP LOGGING ON?

every day teetee is fighting with some one,and as always every one is lien but teetee.

I do not know RedQueen at all,but I would like to say this to her,WELL SAID MY NEW FRIEND .

18:12 Jun 17 2013

Well said! I love how Queen's words got all twisted and contorted out of place and obviously taken the wrong way. Defensive much teetee?

18:14 Jun 17 2013

Excuse me? you need help like i said jealousy is a sickness Did she actually have the balls to say that to you?

Let me inform you of something- RedQueen has been a member on this site for many, many years. She has also been my friend for most of those years. I have never seen her involved anywhere near the amount of shit you pull on this site with people.

What she said to you is what a lot of are wondering. So it isn't jealously... its a legit question as to why you act the way you do 99.9% of the time. Perhaps you are the one that is jealous because you can't keep yourself out of issues, and RedQueen can.

18:18 Jun 17 2013

Moonie! You're right about that one. I for the life of me just can't understand why she wants people to believe she is so innocent when we have all seen quite clearly she isn't. RedQueen doesn't involve herself in pettiness.

18:21 Jun 17 2013

Another thing I find funny. She says the Admins see all. She thinks they see her as innocent. Guess you just got knocked down off that high horse now, didn't you, Tara?

18:22 Jun 17 2013

Why would anyone feel jealous of that female ... is this her attempt at a joke? She is quite simply a vile disgusting entity, who needs a serious reality check. She keeps going on at me 'to get meds'. Actually I am on meds, but that creature needs them far more than I. She needs a doctor more than anyone on this site because I believe she is truly insane. I think she even believes the lies she vomits up. This is a dangerous person and I can't believe she's not in a padded cell already.

18:36 Jun 17 2013

I agree, the admins do see all and I very much doubt they're taken in but her use of that line is for the benefit of her few remaining groupies, the ones with more of a mental deficiency than her which takes some doing.

In the short time I've known RedQueen on here she's struck me as one of the most level headed intelligent women I've had the pleasure of conversing with where as YOU teetee are the most vile hateful disgusting excuses I've ever had the misfortune to hear had actually reproduced.

Seriously you should seek counselling because you obviously believe wholeheartedly the crap spewing from your lips.

You won't take anyones shit?... wtf?? YOU are the cause of it all you psychotic c*#t... if you weren't so pathetic you'd be laughable.

20:47 Jun 17 2013

Of all the people to attack, she chooses you?

Let's be honest here. She's a backstabbing drama whore that plays the innocent victim when people see what she really is. She'll pop into someone's cam as an anon to see who's saying what about her then post journals about it like she was just told these things. No one believes her shit anymore, if they ever did. So this is what it looks like when she's backed into a corner, eh?

01:40 Jun 18 2013

This woman? Isn't she the one that was in the cam with that hotheaded young man that was nothing but rude to me as I defended him from the Anonymous jerks that were attacking him?

Her views on bullies, I have to say, gave me cause for concern. Her view point was reminiscent of a person guilty of the very thing. I am glad now that they were rude to me, because I don't have to worry about them poisoning my mind with their lies and skewed perspectives.

01:53 Jun 20 2013

She is an ass.

Wait- let me correct myself-- She is a delusional ass.

Flat out, saying it like it is, ASS.

02:50 Jun 20 2013

I'm still trying to figure out the jealousy part...lol



04:24 Jun 13 2013
Times Read: 809

Just damn.

One of my regular customers, complete with her 4 kids, plus 2 extra boys, came in today. They finally got what they wanted picked out, I got them set up with paint and what not, and I went back to running my ass off (yes, it was THAT kind of day)

So one of the boys that didn't belong to Gwyneth picked out one of our garden birds, and was painting his little ass off. Gwyneth pulled me off to the side and said the boys were doing stuff for father's day. I said ok, it was our last day for that. She then told me that their dad has cancer, and probably won't see another father's day.

It has been an hour since they left, and I can finally cry.



22:34 Jun 13 2013


04:57 Jun 18 2013

*Hugs* Poor things.

02:44 Jun 20 2013

The kid creating his bird masterpiece for his dad is just sweet...!

08:28 Jun 22 2013




03:38 Jun 08 2013
Times Read: 849

Okay, I have had enough.

No more playing nice. No more "ignore it and it will go away"

The next time I get a shitty rate or shitty honor for no good reason?

Ima have a party on somebody's ass.

Fo sho.



05:40 Jun 08 2013

That's how I feel!

06:46 Jun 08 2013

Hell Yeah! Fire 'Em Up,Darlin'!

07:25 Jun 08 2013

Get 'em girl! Show 'em how us Southern Women handle shit!

02:43 Jun 20 2013

*waves sawed off in the air*



19:51 Jun 07 2013
Times Read: 865

How in the hell can I be up at 10:00 in the morning, and be wanting cucmber, tomato and onion salad???

And NO, I'm not.



20:28 Jun 07 2013

Not strange to me at all! LOL

22:44 Jun 07 2013

No worse than wanting a chili cheese dog in the morning! and I'm not either! lol

03:47 Jun 08 2013

The number of times I've wanted pickles and ice cream... sheesh.

21:39 Jun 09 2013

Yeah, but you work with pregnant women, Lullaby- ain't no wonder...lol

04:17 Jun 12 2013

I often crave soup in the morning.

02:42 Jun 20 2013

That sounds so delish! While we're at it, let's get a black bean and corn salad too!

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