SouthernFreak's Journal


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7 entries this month

Like a turtle. Slowly but surely.

15:47 May 30 2008
Times Read: 699

I was reading a journal entry recently that has started to inspire me. The person talked about how they were changing their profile, how they liked to change it farily often. I hate change, but I haven't changed my profile in a very long time. Seems this change is way over due. It took me a while to get my profile where I was satified with it, so I suspect this change will take a while as well. I'm off to explore background options.



16:02 May 30 2008

I look forward to seeing it when it's done.

16:09 May 30 2008

Ughhhh!! I hate change too. Took me forever to change mine, and I STILL have the same avatar..lol

Good luck, it's a jumble out there!

23:43 May 30 2008

Lil' red riding hood is going to be hard to top.

02:03 May 31 2008

Maybe I'll do Little Miss Muffet sitting on a tuffet eating her curds and whey. *giggles* Oh, and yes there probably will be copywrite pictures. *smirks*


A very unfortunate loss.

02:05 May 26 2008
Times Read: 747

Unfortunately due to some of the things other members did one of my faithful coven members has been suspended. The situation is a bit confusing, truly a tragedy. MalicSaraphim you will be missed by the members of Festival Of Decay. You were a very important part of our coven & personally a truly genuine and wonderful friend to me. I feel there is no point to get into the details, or to stress over the situation. However I know that you would not have done the things that have led to this. Hopefully one day you will return to us. You will always be welcome in Festival Of Decay. Having only communication with you here, I needed my chance to say goodbye to a very dear friend.




06:47 May 17 2008
Times Read: 811

Then don't post ScorchedEarthErotica, your input was hardly valuable. The Dominars close what they see fit, take your insults elsewhere.

And how was this post anymore valuable to the thread? Message a dominar. Don't clutter the thread up with more bs post. That gives the dominars more work. Or were you wanting to see a reaction from the poster you made the comment to?



14:21 May 17 2008

Who's really trying to get a reaction?

18:41 May 17 2008

You called someone on something. I called you on something. So that makes me want a reaction? Wouldn't it be the same for you then?

21:34 May 19 2008

The Dominars do not need to go around holding the hands of every person who behaves that way and begins to flame someone.

Sometimes a person needs to be notified that their behavior is not appropriate, I am friends with Stabb, who closed the thread, if he didn't want me to say things to people about their posts, he would tell me. Really, it's none of your business, go on about your way.

23:14 May 23 2008

Exactly the point. Someone else would have been called on it if they had made reference in the thread. They would have been told to message a dominar. Yet as you stated "your friends with Stabb who closed the thread". So since you aren't called on it because of who you are. I did call you on it. However I did leave names out of my original entry. It was your choice to call yourself out.

05:24 May 26 2008

I spoke up because I am not worried about people know what I say. If I did worry about that, I wouldn't say it. Does that make sense to you?

Flaming of other members in the Forum is never appropriate and I will speak up about it. You can get as pissy as you want about it but it doesn't change much, just makes you look like a weirdo following me around and quoting me ^.^

07:19 May 26 2008

Wow..Did I just get called a weirdo? Gee I don't think I've ever been called that before. lol Your just too funny.

03:53 Jun 01 2008

You spoke up because you don't get told "don't do that" when you do it. While others do. So that's why I made the entry. Here's a perfect example from today's forum. Basically the person was told the exact thing I said in the original journal entry.

XXXX edit: Stabb reopened it. While it is appreciated that people try to assist with the forums, it is far easier to send a Dominar a message than to spam the actual thread about an issue or potential break in VR standards. :)

Now MY POINT IS MADE, but thank you for the laugh.

20:31 Oct 20 2008

Hee hee...SF got the last word...which carried on to what was discussed in the first place...


23:57 May 15 2008
Times Read: 859

For the longest time I stayed back & watched most of what went on here. I'm not close to many members, & I like it this way. After being on this site as long as I have. I think my opinions & judgements are right on target with most members. I'm more vocal than I used to be. I'm not certain where that change came from. I'm sure that I will insult a few people along the way. This is not my intention. My personality seems to be changing significantly. Rather than ignore my feelings & need to change, I have decided to embrace it. There are some people here I have never liked, or just personally don't care for. I'm sure this will begin to show. There are also some here that I have always respected & adored their presence on the site. Sometimes new beginnings is a wonderful thing. Also putting an end to a few things can be as well. To anyone that is curious about how I see them, please feel free to message me. I feel sure I can answer & give you a detail explanation. Otherwise, I suppose that a few that I dislike have already started to learn this. Still I feel that some are confused a bit. I wrote a recent journal entry to voice my frustrations. It was taken personally by someone. I can't say that I like them all that much. However they were not the person that consumed my frustration when I wrote it. It then seemed to become a war of comments back & fourth. All the while the person that had pissed me off sat back never the wiser. This is unfortunate, but shit happens. This entry is not meant to cause drama. It is simply to express my feelings & to let anyone interested know that all they have to do is message & I will be glad to express how I feel via private message.



00:49 May 16 2008

What I have found out on this site that I have not known before is.. I hate anyone that "likes" everyone. I don't like people that "act" nice to everyone.

Over my time here, I have tried to call truce with several people here I felt I stepped on the toes of for no reason. Most who blew me off, I was actually happy with that, as I knew my bad actions to them were deserved.

I have respect for the people on this site who have personalities, who are not afraid to speak their minds. And you are becoming more and more like that.

In my eyes, that is very cool. =)

20:19 May 16 2008

WOOHOO I love everyone here, including you, and caustic woooooooo. Yeah no.

If you're making a stand, oh prepare for rar more drama than you'd wanted.

And don't forget to leave all the stress at the log out button ;)

05:56 May 17 2008

Caustic, most times you will find that someone that acts nice & like they like everyone, they really don't. Those are usually the ones you have to watch the most.

ThePinja, I'm not worried about the drama. Most the ones I dislike are the ones that like to stir it up or cause it, then try to look and act all sweet and innocent. As for the stress, well I think speaking my mind more will help with that. This way I'm not holding in what I want to say.

Thank you both for your comments.


05:49 May 08 2008
Times Read: 1,043

Funny & sad all at the same time. I'm surprised I never noticed this site before now.




05:51 May 08 2008

I remember this last year - it's got several members of my coven at the time *steam*

06:01 May 08 2008


no mention of me?????

those rat bastards!



06:03 May 08 2008

I know hawk, me neither. I feel left out. lol

06:11 May 08 2008

yeah can you imagin I was not on front page...I was on second page...then at least I am on top of GD lol And Stabb lol

06:19 May 08 2008

Oh and cryingmoon is mention 4 times...I think she is the star and the favorite of all..wout wout You go cryingmoon!! you rule!!!

00:16 May 16 2008

Lol so far we haven't been mentioned on Ecyclopedia Dramatica but on that site yes, yay VR is famous.

I remember there was a thread about that site, it's just a typical site made by people who have nothing to do and crticise every other site simply because they can't do any better.

05:58 May 17 2008

I hate going to the main forum, I suppose that is why I missed hearing about it before. *shrugs* Oh well. lol


11:33 May 06 2008
Times Read: 1,145

My poor friend. I tried to warn you, can't talk about someone's right hand in your journal. Doesn't matter if they do about you first. If you do it back, then your downing Cancer's staff which is just horrible & makes no sense. I know sweetie, with them doing it to you first, you felt the need to share your side. Remember though, only they are allowed to talk about you. Unfortunately staff can say whatever they want about anyone & we can't respond in our journals & defend ourselves back. Rumor is it drives people away, & is bad business to allow the normal members to do it. So if we can't talk about staff, then why is it good business to allow them to talk about & journalize us? Did someone bump their heads. That's horrible business. I run my own business have been for several years. Don't make this about business when it actually doesn't have a damn thing to do with it. Nice trying to use that as an excuse though, some may be stupid enough to fall for it, but I seriously doubt majority will be. Yes unfortunately I am seriously upset with the actions I have seen from certain people in charge lately. My friends journal is suspended, because of things that were said. Well there is still a journal open about the disagreement. This is the 2nd friend of mine in less than a month. The person fusses with you, writes about you, you write about them, then suddenly you get suspended because they are staff. My opinion they encourage & keep the arguement going. So if you ever find your name in a staff member's journal, be very careful how you react. Apparently when you become staff you have the right to do & say whatever you want to anyone & everyone else loses the right to defend themselves back.



18:19 May 06 2008

You have no idea what you are talking about. It is posts like this that perpetrate drama and falsehoods. Get your facts straight. Need help? I'll be happy to oblige:

  • Only 3 Journals at Vampire Rave are permanently suspended. That's 3 out of 6027.

  • Admins are held to a HIGHER standard than regular members. Admins are removed when they exhibit behavior that is not in line with VR guidelines. In fact, Premium Members are the ones that are babied around here, not Admins.

  • Despite some of the rumors running around (not mentioned in this entry), no Admin can edit your Journal posts.

  • A Journal does NOT allow you to get around Vampire Rave's Terms of Service. If you violate VR's ToS in a Journal entry, your Journal WILL be suspended. If you're an Admin and you violate the ToS with an entry, your Journal will be suspended and you will loose your position.

    This, "Oh the big, bad, mean, ole Admins are sooo mean to me" is total bullshit. In the 4 years I have been running Vampire Rave I can count the times Admin abuse has come up on one hand.

    If you LOOK for trouble here, you will find it. It's as simple as that.

  • SouthernFreak
    18:55 May 06 2008

    As for post like this perpetuating drama. This entry is extremely mild in comparison to the ones I have read that have pissed me off. Why does it cause drama, the drama is already there. All I did was point it out. The ones this entry is about have been doing it since I joined, I seriously don't think after that much time this journal entry will affect it in any way. It will continue as it always has. My point is that it's always the same ones.

    I don't feel that all admins do this. However from what I have seen in many different areas, there are some that continuously favor their friends. I'm not the only one that sees or notices it. I'm just willing to comment it. The friends journal that I'm making referrence to, to my knowledge is only temp suspended. I was reading the journal & unless something was popped in there at the last minute, nothing violated TOS. An opinion was stated, comments were left, another sire was insulted by an admin that misunderstood the sire's comment on the journal.

    I didn't think they could edit journals, this is why I think the temp suspension was done in my friends case. Had they the ability to edit it, they would not have needed to suspend it.

    IN NO FUCKING WAY AM I WHINING THAT THE ADMINS ARE MEAN TO ME. I'm just sick of watching certain ones do it to other people.

    20:46 May 06 2008

    We all know how things work on here and Sock is no exception to this. He would certainly have been aware what would have happened by making a journal entry that the administration took offense too... However, he must have found more value in the exposure of his thoughts for a short period of time, than the consequences of losing his journal.

    06:27 May 08 2008

    there can be favoritism BUT and I mean BUT seriously it never last long. Remember an admin who abused her power some time ago, she ended up loosing her position so that enought should be proof. Cancer can not be everywhere all the time. But I masure without a doubt that if he sees something or even has something braught to his attention about a staff doing something against TOS I am sure he will act and promptly. Sometimes the best course of action is to actually wait. I mean no offence her and I feel and understand your fustration and anger. I do have anger mysefl du to some suspension that did not make sense but patience is the key. I am sure it will come out and be dealt with. Just be patient okay? *hugs*

    07:26 May 08 2008

    I know, but the admin that has my attention has been doing this way to long. It's not being noticed, or if it is, then it's not cared about. I have read the TOS, & re read the TOS, I still do not understand what the journal was suspended for. Sure if you pick through almost every journal here, you could find some way it breaks TOS, but nothing major. My friend just pissed off the wrong person. However rules should be the same, staff included. My friend done nothing worse than the admin involved did. Thank you for the kind words CM.

    12:31 May 08 2008

    Sounds like you are talking about me. Well, you do not have all your facts straight. Did you happen to know sockpuppet is a good friend of mine? Did you know we've been friends for a lot longer than you know him- and that we talk pretty much daily? How can I be playing favorites... when he is one of my favorites?

    Could it be there is more to the story than you actually know?

    I don't 'abuse' anyone or anything.


    If I happen to not care for Caustic/Gregory/MysticValentino/Krab/blahblahblah- that is not against VR ToS. I think I would be pretty justified in disliking someone who makes my enjoyable volunteer position a headahe. And in feeling that way- does not equate to abuse.

    This ranting about me mistreating sockpuppet is flawed all around and has no foundation. We are friends, he even bought me my 'Lagniappe' lifetime membership. He wouldn't dare do that for someone that abused and mistreated him.


    I did mis-read CryingMist's comment in his journal. I apologized later in a comment there you can no longer see. It's not always easy for me to understand her typed English as it is not her first language.

    18:12 May 08 2008

    I know what you mean about CM. I have known & talked with her since I started, so I have probably gotten a little used to it. As for Socks, I know that you have been friends with him for a very long time. I'm not going to say which admin I mean. I don't like to call names in my journal. My point is, if myself & others have noticed & feel this way, then it needed to be pointed out.

    21:29 May 08 2008

    No names need to be metioned :P It's obviously me. I suspended your 'poor friend', who is also my friend... and he's not mad at me at all. I am also the person who misunderstood a Sire's comment (one which I apologized for in public and via private message). So... I don't get the grassroots movement to point out what I am doing wrong (no wrong done) when the people you are 'fighting for' have no problems with me themselves. Something to think about :)

    21:42 May 08 2008

    Just because they have gotten used to the fact that vr works this way & accepted it. Well that does not mean it's right at all. Yes you did make the comment to the sire, but that does not mean you are the admin I am referring to. If you will recall my friend's journal entry, you were not the only staff member to comment it. TOS seems to be adjusted to fit situations at times. Never followed completely. So with that, were are the rules that are followed at all times? Don't we have a right to know what is actually allowed & not? Which admins we should becareful of pissing off? Which admins are allowed to journal rant about us, yet some can't do the same back? Is there a more exact guideline that the regular members may view?

    21:57 May 08 2008

    The way VR works and they've just accepted it? Doubt it.. for I got *hugs*, 'understanding' and everything.

    I think some kind of confidentiality of people's actions and punishments couldn't be other than a good thing. It's only aired when they care to share it first. I've been known for confidentiality. I keep a lot of secrets for people who don't deserve it.

    I don't think it is wise to piss off any Admin. To me that would be a pretty standard thing. If anyone's goal is to come to a man's site and start a rebel movement, some decisions will be made based off common sense and no tolerance for trouble makers. As has been stated many times, free speech doesn't apply here. If someone wants to disrespect VR, they should expect a muzzle. 'Anything' doesn't go around here.

    I should expect you don't take to kindly to people treating you like, well, horseshit. You can't expect for others to enjoy it like ice cream on a breezy Saturday afternoon. Cause, Effect. Action, Reaction. Simple stuff. Oh yeah... and good old ownership is a good one to think about.

    22:05 May 08 2008

    "I should expect you don't take to kindly to people treating you like, well, horseshit. You can't expect for others to enjoy it like ice cream on a breezy Saturday afternoon."

    Exactly my point. Many times I see admins trash other members in their journals & nothing is done. Yet when a regular member does it back, they get in trouble. That's just not right.

    This is like beating a dead horse. I seriously doubt things will change. Since I have been on this site, I have only seen this situation progress to much worse & more allowed. I needed to say it & now I have. The person that needed to read it has. I feel better for having posted this entry. I have said what myself & many others feel. If you disagree or don't care that's fine.

    22:14 May 08 2008

    I have never once, not once seen an Admin beat a member down for doing absolutely nothing. Never. I have seen and do see people bitch ALL people bitch at people they don't like in their journals and I do not suspend them.

    You clearly don't care what I have said :) I got that a long time ago. We just have these nifty comments now so it's good to get a little rebuttal in when needed. The people I want to see it have, and I feel better for having posted the comments.

    One other thing. You have royally pissed off the very owner of this site here- and you didn't get suspended. I wonder if that means there is some actual fairness 'round these here parts? Oh, the wonder of things.

    18:13 May 09 2008

    Since you seem to have an idea of who I am talking about. Can you tell me how my friend's journal entry did not comply with TOS? Was it simply about him being rude about the admins that brought his suspension? I understand there may be a privacy issue that does not allow you to say. I just thought it doesn't hurt to ask. Since we are speaking hypothetical as much as possible. Throw a hypothetical reason out there.

    22:36 May 09 2008

    This is not hypothetical. This is absolute. The conversation we had about this (sock and I) is confidential.

    You aren't supposed to have all the information. You weren't part of it. I keep confidences, like I have kept your VR confidence in the past, and the world goes 'round a little easier than you think. It could always be worse. It's a damn good thing I have those convictions.

    23:07 May 09 2008

    Exactly the response I figured I would get. As for what you helped me with in the past. Well first thing, as I have told you before, most would be glad of what I did, & would greatly appreciate it. I was new to vr & had no clue which admin to go to. Someone advised me to go to you. The reason they gave me, you didn't like the person already so you would make sure something got done & you did. In that case favoritism worked to my advantage. I don't feel that I owe you anything for the past, it's over, it's done with. Once I got to know & observed different admins, I knew which I preferred to deal with. At the time when you were involved, as I said, I was new & had no clue about anyone. Do I consider going to you the wrong decision, hmm not really because it worked for what I needed at the time & I do appreciate your help with the matter.

    22:52 May 10 2008

    You continue to disrespect me with the favoritism thing. I do not, and have not ever played favorites. Rather you are my favorite or not- you are held to VR policy. Greg is held, not my friend. Sock is held, IS my friend. I am the quintessential walker of the walk.

    The difference with the situation I helped you with is, you remained under my confidence and that person attacked other people for something you did. Why didn't you let them know it was YOU who was behind it, and save the others from taking the heat? You acted like you were still their friend. I watched it all. But it wasn't my story to tell. If you wanted to let it pan out that way- all on your conscience. You live with it, have no problems with it. And I would have even mentioned this much had you not basically said I took action simply because I didn't like the person.

    The fact is, and thank all dieties... it doesn't matter at all what you think about me. My Vampire Rave record is clear. I am consistent. And I am all kinds of fair. I am successful here for a reason. You are one of VERY few here who regards me the way you do. And Sock can't be that good of a friend of yours if you doubt his very judgment in being such a good friend of mine.

    If it is your goal to house troublemakers on VR, and piss off Cancer, just how far do you think your opinion is going to go here? Not far.

    06:54 May 11 2008

    Your right, I did continue to talk with the person, but only for a short time after. The whole time they did tell me who they thought it was & I continuously told them I did not believe that person was at fault. However I did not stay friends with them long. In the situation I was in, telling the truth left me the risk of being blind & stuck somewhere I did not want to be. Not long after we did become enemies. When the person does decide to occasion this site, they act as though I am their friend. I'm not sure why, because before they left we hated each other. There is no doubt in my mind that I did the right thing by going to you. However yes I do feel in some ways I could have handled the situation a little better. There is nothing I can do about that now. The only thing I can do is learn from the experience. As you stated about the above situation. You don't have all the facts, you were not a part of it all & don't need to have all the facts. That was between me & that person. You were only a small part of that situation, with that you only have a small part of the information.

    Believe it or not, I am actually not one of the few that feels the way I do about some admins. As I said at one point above, myself & other's have noticed things. I'm simply the one willing to point it out. You are not the only one with issues. There are a few others that act the same way. This is why I did not call the name of any admin. I know that socks is friends with you. Why does that matter? Just because we're friends, it doesn't mean we have to like each other's friends. Just because your friends with him, that doesn't mean you like me or care for my judgement or opinion. What makes you think I should for yours? Does that make him not that good of a friend of yours because you don't?

    My goal is to house troublemakers? Where do you get that from? I have had 2 that had troubles here. How many houses/covens have had a perfect record & never had anyone to do that? I seriously doubt that many have had no members that pissed off an admin from time to time.

    Cancer is a busy man. I respect him & feel that he is fair. He put admins in place to watch over things because he can't be everywhere at once. I don't think he has time to run around behind them or watching over them to make sure they are doings right. So as a regular member, when I see an admin with issues, I'm just supposed to overlook that & hope that one day he will notice? As I said he's a busy man, I don't fault him for not noticing, but I do not feel there is anything wrong with me pointing something out so that he will take a closer look. This is what I have done, if he takes a closer look, then good, if not that's fine too.

    As for this journal, I'm going to stick a fork in it now, cause it's done. I have nothing more to say. Anyone that wishes a response from me can send me a message in reference to it.

    06:59 May 11 2008

    I find it interesting how me not having all the info about that old situation I helped you with is a good enough reason for you to use... but surely isn't a good enough reason for me to use in regards to my recent suspension. I still know far more about that situation than you think I do. You weren't the only one forwarding me things.

    Just think about that. You don't have all the facts, you won't get them due to confidentiality... so you can't make a solid, valid opinion of something you can't know. But you have decided to go ahead and take a stance anyway, no matter what facts you don't have.

    If you want chaos with an Admin who shares everyone's intimate suspension details... you'll have to try somewhere else. I'm not going to do it. You just go ahead and keep your footing with the little info you have. I wouldn't expect otherwise.

    04:08 May 12 2008

    Why is this even an argument. The rules of Vampire Rave have been the way they are for years, they aren't going to change just because some people don't like it.

    If you are here to irritate people and insult the Admins, it will catch up to you. We are not punching bags for members here, we do not appreciate getting shit on every time someone doesn't get everything exactly the way they want.

    We donate our time, and get little respect and thanks in return. Few people care when we do something that helps the site, many people swarm when we act like humans and any chance to make us seem like criminals is taken with relish.

    Sock was suspended for reasons I myself do not fully know, it is not my business. Apparently according to some people I started the entire argument.

    How exactly did I do that?

    A journal that I removed to respect my own privacy and the privacy of another member was reposted by Sock and I was called cruel. Am I not allowed to say something in response? Who is really being cruel and playing games?

    What's not fair is - Some people insist on calling every move we make a "power trip". Every time we enforce the rules, we are meanie stinkybutt poopheads.

    I've gotten after my own friends on VR for breaking the rules, we have no problems. I've even gotten after Birra for toeing the line of a VR policy and people KNOW that he is by far my favorite.

    It's time to cut the crap, if you act like an ass, it will catch up to you. VR staff included, that has happened, we are not above the rules, we are in fact held tighter to them.


    04:38 May 06 2008
    Times Read: 1,197

    Why is it that some journals can say whatever the FUCK they want to about others on here, while other journals get suspended when they do the same? Both are based on opinions so why do some have more right to speak their minds than others? Some people on here really seem to have favorites. They protect with everything they have. Is this fair? FUCK NO!! However in their warped little pee brains, some how they rationalize it as being fair, & that they are doing good jobs. How about this Mother Fucker's next time one of your friends talks shit about ANYONE here, true or not, suspended those fuckers. That would be fair & doing your fucking jobs. Taking sides is so fucking childish. You have a job, do it right & fair, or step the fuck down & say "I can't be mean to my buddies.", cause even though I'm grown, my mentality with my friends has not caught up to my age yet. Go play in the fucking playground bitches & quit annoying me.



    04:42 May 06 2008

    I totally agree with you hun it's not fair we should be able to say whatever the hell we want

    04:45 May 06 2008

    Yep, I thought with it being our journals, we pretty much have the freedom to do that, but I guess not for some.

    04:45 May 06 2008

    I'm totally with you here.

    05:04 May 06 2008

    much like life....

    it's all who ya know....

    and some of the VR Admins use their powers to help and protect their friends... and screw over their enemies.


    C'est la Vie!

    05:25 May 06 2008

    It won't change... sad but true.

    18:20 May 06 2008

    If you BREAK VR's Terms of Service your Journal will be suspended.

    14:09 May 26 2008

    Or if one of the ummm Admins find it offensive to them or one of their friends go crying,, It truly is who you blow here,,,

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