birra's Journal

birra's Journal


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34 entries this month


12:24 Nov 30 2010
Times Read: 1,047

Is it OCD to correct your typos and spelling errors on a private journal entry that no one else will ever read?



12:27 Nov 30 2010

hell no

21:38 Nov 30 2010

Just good business, sugar- you know that...lol


Sad, sad, sad...

05:20 Nov 29 2010
Times Read: 1,077

...tomorrow will be a day dedicated to the memory of Leslie Nielson.

Rest ye well, Leslie. You have enriched our lives.

I think it is made all the more sad by the fact Peter Graves also passed away just 8 months ago...



05:21 Nov 29 2010

Cross my heart and hope to die. Leslie is the doctor in my sky.

06:06 Nov 29 2010


06:09 Nov 29 2010

Yep, and Barbara Billingsley as 'the jive lady' was just last month. I've remember you quoting this movie a few times on VR :)

06:15 Nov 29 2010

No more Naked Guns! The world is a sadder place without him in it! May he rest in Peace. I didn't know Peter Graves had past away as well another sad loss!

I gotta go watch the Naked Gun movies again!

10:21 Nov 29 2010

One of the first sci-fi movies I watched with my dad was "Forbidden Planet". It was and has remained one of my favorites for him being in it. This was such a shock. I hope he knows how many poeple will miss him down here.


The things people think of...

15:48 Nov 28 2010
Times Read: 1,111

...this is awesome. I love finding things like this that show how creatively humorous people can be.

Laugh if you must...  no, really.  It's all good.

Laugh if you must...  no, really.  It's all good.

Laugh if you must...  no, really.  It's all good.

Laugh if you must...  no, really.  It's all good.

Laugh if you must...  no, really.  It's all good.

Laugh if you must...  no, really.  It's all good.

Laugh if you must...  no, really.  It's all good.



15:59 Nov 28 2010

Hahaha that's awesome!

16:06 Nov 28 2010


methinx thats about the funniest thing I've seen in ages :]

19:42 Nov 28 2010

John Wilkes Booth likes this. Omg, that made my day.

Thanks for the pick-me-up!



21:27 Nov 26 2010
Times Read: 1,146

...Morri didn't want turkey for our holiday dinner so I've roasted one of the chickens that we raised this summer instead. It smells amazing - hope I didn't eff-it up, I don't normally cook them roasted.

But, the sweet potatoes are done, chicken is done, waiting on the Brussels sprouts and corn to finish and we be eatin'.



23:31 Nov 26 2010

You had my mouth watering until you hit the evil Brussel sprouts...ick.

23:33 Nov 26 2010

Maybe you need to try them with this recipe? Pan sautéed with onions, garlic and bacon...

03:42 Nov 27 2010

Good with everything but the garlic- in true vampire form, I have been allergic since I had my son...lol

10:42 Nov 27 2010

Sounds delicious. I don't think I could butcher and eat something I've raised though. I agree, the secret ingredient that makes brussels sprouts palatable is bacon.


We compare to the common...

18:42 Nov 26 2010
Times Read: 1,163

...my niece was talking to her cousin on Facebok yesterday. I was simply... I don't know what the right descriptor should be... appalled? I guess... as to how slow she types.

Granted everyone learns at their own pace, but she is 17, has been using computers regularly since she was about 7 and if she could churn out 5 words a minute she was doing good.

Perhaps I just expect more out of the kids... but I'm used to watching my daughter type and she is faster than that at 10.



18:44 Nov 26 2010

It's funny- I took typing in high school, worked as the front office person at my dad's practice, and what taught me to type at a reasonable rate?

Being on the computer...

18:52 Nov 26 2010

Wow... I was required to take a high school course in the 7th grade to learn how to type. I also had to pass a typing test every year in high school. What the hell are they teaching our kids now?

21:05 Nov 26 2010

May I suggest a nice holiday gift of typing software ;)



04:54 Nov 26 2010
Times Read: 1,164



Have to brag... at least a little.

21:14 Nov 24 2010
Times Read: 1,201

I have to brag - this is awesome. Had parent/teacher conferences today for all three kids, and I have to say, I have some AWESOME kids. Unlike their old man, when my parents would come home from such conferences scowling at me, I can only smile. All three are excelling and their teachers had nothing but good things to say about them.

The youngest, however, is a bit of a surprise. I know he's bright, and he has always tested out high with abstract concepts, logic and basic learning fundamentals, but he can be such a handful, I sometimes lose sight of how bright he actually is.

When he entered kindergarten this year his teacher was surprised that he could read. Not just read sight words and recognition cues, but actually read full stories and re-tell them in a summary. He was the only child to start the class with this skill. She sent him to the school reading and literacy specialist, who usually works with the students who are struggling and falling behind - just so she could sit with him and put him through some specialized testing.

He tested out at almost a 2nd grade reading level. The specialist keeps going to his classroom asking if he can just go and spend time reading with with her and the rest of the kids to help and encourage the other kindergarten students who are having difficulty.

They also had a standardized test where they used letters in varying font types, upper and lower case, flashing 60 of them in a minute to see how many the children could accurately name. A good score at the beginning of kindergarten is 8. Most of the brighter kids scored between 7 and 12.

My son accurately named 55 of them.

55 in a minute. I probably couldn't do that.

Whenever he is presented with this kinds of tests, he always blows away the expectations. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by any of this - the reminder definitely helps remind me to be proud, encouraging, and more patient with him.



21:38 Nov 24 2010

You have the right to brag...sounds like your kids have done very well, especially your son! It's times like this when you feel proudest to be a parent.

22:02 Nov 24 2010

I love this. It is always great to have parents who brag about their kids.

When Connor was in day care, the center had a counsellor come over from the local college to do testing on the kids as far as their reading levels and what not. It was for her degree, but it also would give the parents some idea of where their kids were.

She came in, and the idea was to do some testing on these kids. Most would last 30 minutes before getting bored, some 20 minutes, etc.

My boy sat down, did all the testing she asked him to do. The girl said maybe they should take a break, and Connor looks at her and says "I think we should got to the bathroom, have a drink of water, and then we can finish."

So that it exactly what they did. He was at it for over an hour, and when he was done, and they did all their figuring, Connor, at 4, tested out at a 5th grade reading level.....

And he has been bumping up in advanced classes since he started school. Kind of makes me sorry I didn't fight my ex harder to put him in private school now.

22:06 Nov 24 2010

aww sounds like a great little guy! Brag away Dad you had a hand in it after all :)

22:12 Nov 24 2010

That is awesome! Brag away. I know if it were Bug, I certainly would.

23:05 Nov 24 2010

Way to go! :)

01:30 Nov 25 2010

That's pretty awesome :)

05:10 Nov 25 2010

This is awesome news man, really proud of you guys and the little man especially.

13:39 Nov 29 2010

I'm not surprised. You're a great dad and your kids reflect that with their own gifts and talents. You make me smile.


Is the minute hand moving by the second?

16:01 Nov 24 2010
Times Read: 1,218

The song says, "Breaking up is hard to do." Catching up can be just as hard some times. A friend of mine is just getting on to Facebook and found me - we had a day worth of conversations and we agreed to find a time to get together for lunch.

That was October 27th.

Neither of us have had time - well, especially me, to follow-up on that... in a month. A Month.

Where the hell does time go?




Webcam help...

12:28 Nov 23 2010
Times Read: 1,259

Tip #3 - You can broadcast your webcam and watch someone else's but only one window will fully functional at a time, and it will be the one you last loaded or refreshed.

If you want multiple cam windows open, try using multiple browsers. You can independently run cam windows in Opera, Chrome, IE or Firefox simultaneously and have full functions.

Make sure you computer and bandwidth will support all that activity though, or you risk high latency and a very low quality of service.



12:42 Nov 23 2010

I am trying to figure out why anyone would want multi cam windows while broadcasting. It just seems silly...why would I want to pay attention to people who aren't watching me o_0

14:07 Nov 23 2010

Hey, some people do...

21:47 Nov 23 2010

To make sure they capture their best side? Or better to interact with someone else webcasting ;)

23:12 Nov 23 2010

Well, think of it this way.

I have Chrome and Opera.

Images has Chrome and Opera.

We can both broadcast in one, and view each other in the other.

Voila - we're video conferencing.


Webcam help...

03:35 Nov 23 2010
Times Read: 1,309

Tip#2 - You can try and be interesting on Webcam, but it's going to be really hard to top DarknessBound cooking, a drunk Cancer and Morrigon doing crazy makup...

...just saying.



03:39 Nov 23 2010

no doubt... the bar has been set.

03:40 Nov 23 2010

We rock for a reason


03:40 Nov 23 2010

We rock for a reason


03:45 Nov 23 2010

So much ego it had to be said twice?

03:56 Nov 23 2010

HA! I still say Cancer set the bar WAY TOO HIGH

I still see a VR cam drinking game in the near future

then see who can drunk dial another member of VR

04:19 Nov 23 2010

I would never try to top them but I do plan to join them :)

I did enjoy Morri's make up show tonight. I was watching over Myth's shoulder.

05:30 Nov 23 2010

It will be interesting to see who steps up to the challenge and tries to top all of that.

06:18 Nov 23 2010

I suggest we get Morri drunk, then have her cook after putting on makeup...lol

Or better yet, have her cook while putting makeup on BIRRA while they are BOTH drunk


Webcam help...

18:29 Nov 22 2010
Times Read: 1,352

Tip #1 ...having trouble showing or viewing webcams? Try Google Chrome or Opera as alternative browsers.



19:00 Nov 22 2010

I've been using Opera and it works fine. Sometimes you have to refresh.

19:01 Nov 22 2010

...so can they be saved, as in the 'beloved threads' maybe? Im peeved I missed the antics last night by all accounts someone should drink more often on cam haha :)

19:04 Nov 22 2010

thanks Birra!

19:09 Nov 22 2010

Im downloading Google Chrome.......Lets see if that helps better......

02:04 Nov 23 2010

What if the problem is that we're so freaking unattractive that our web cam refuses to record our image... wait can vampires even use web cams? Not that I'm a vampire... just a random thought.

02:53 Nov 23 2010

Oye, Imagemaker... stooooooop.

03:04 Nov 23 2010

Unless you're me. Then no matter the browser if fails to work...lol

03:19 Nov 23 2010

That's because you use a Macinsquash.. and you know... they're "more user friendly."

Or so they say in their commercials.



00:08 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 1,371

...the benefits of being so close to Canada.



02:05 Nov 21 2010

Put a baby mouse in the bottle, eh, feed it for a month, eh, and then Bob's your Uncle.

For some reason I think there will be a lot of people attempting this....

More on the side of the drunk or stupid. :)

19:31 Nov 22 2010

But you no visit us :(

19:34 Nov 22 2010

My travel buddy still doesn't have a passport...

16:52 Nov 24 2010

OMG...short stubby bottles, smoking on set...LOL...aaahhh...the good ol' days...btw...it's true...if you find something in a beer bottle...not necessarily a mouse...call the company...they'll send a container for you to send the specimen in and you get a 12 pack...seen it done many times...:D


Taking my own advice...

22:01 Nov 20 2010
Times Read: 1,373

...which is sometimes like the carpenter fixing his own house.

Running all the necessary clean-ups on my laptop which hasn't been done in way too long, and even though it has been solid and running fine, lately it just won't go 2-weeks between restarts like it has in the past.

A sure sign it needs a little TLC...

...that and the fact these cleanups are taking about four times as long as they should...




The suspense!

22:36 Nov 19 2010
Times Read: 1,405

Date: 16:57:21 - Nov 19 2010

Rating: 10


table art rocks! :) Great profile and



And what??? My god! Don't leave me hanging like that! The suspense is killing me!

It's worse than the "...to be continued" episodes of Batman...



23:13 Nov 19 2010

Good god it is starting to echo in here!



18:59 Nov 19 2010
Times Read: 1,435

...oh, and for those of you who many be wondering why I continue to be an admin here if I feel that way... well, for the same reasons I accepted the job in the first place.

1. Morrigon asked me nicely if I would consider it since there was a need, and she is important to me.

2. Cancer asked me nicely if I would help him, because there was a need, and he is a good guy.

These aren't political positions, being an admin on VR... seldom does anyone "campaign" to get an admin job and those that I have seen do so, generally don't get it. Cancer has a pretty good sense of who will work on this site for the mutal benefit of his goals and the members' over-all experience and who won't.

He set it up - it's his site - his rules and ultimately his decisions on every issue that may arise. There is logic and fairness behind every choice and admins are NOT allowed to break rules or treat people unfairly, regardless of what some might perceive.

Remember, he owns this place. He knows all, he sees all... and a member account here is only one...


tbl_name [, tbl_name] ...


...command from having never exited.



19:04 Nov 19 2010

ach who done bash you? bash 'em back LOL

19:05 Nov 19 2010

We all have felt that way, and I personally was GLAD when you choose to help out. We need more level headed people who have real lives to counter balance those who are still growing in their life experience. I say it that way because I think we are all on the path of the latter- some of us simply are a little further than others.

19:42 Nov 19 2010

Actually, no one has bashed me directly, at all as far as I can see.

There might have been a hint or a vague referrence toward me... but I'm not keeping track.

Being on the admin team I see what they have to deal with. Putting black and white mathamatical facts in front of members only to be lied to, and then being called unfair and power hungry in public when they have called said member on the lie.

Handing out warning after warning to a member that is breaking TOS and then after those multiple warnings have been ignored, the admins are slandered because they finally had to issue a suspension.

It's pathetic. I feel an obligation to put in my two-sense on behalf of not just the admins, but the members who don't try to cause trouble and just come here for the purpose of this site - to have fun, meet like minded people and learn a few things about a subject they're interested in.

20:05 Nov 19 2010

...and it is a fun place, I hope most folk see that. You guys are pretty cool :P


Funny thing....

16:14 Nov 19 2010
Times Read: 1,464

...ever since I became a dominar here, I feel like my time here is limited.

I used to be able to mouth off at people and be sarcastic all the time. Now I'm reminded to set a good example and be nicer to members than I had been in the past.

Meanwhile I'm expected to try and keep order and regulate the forums and vamp box, to make sure things stay within the guidelines of TOS, which are there, very much so for legal reasons.

It certainly doesn't seem like I'm above the rules at all... quite the contrary. And since I do understand how running an organiation or business works, I do my best to follow the rules now that I know I have to enforce many of them.

*shrug* I guess you can see it as a power trip, if you don't have that perspective, but... hey, in the end, it's a website.

I was asked if I would do the job... I said yes. It wasn't a goal. In fact I avoided it for quite a while... I know many other admins here are in the same boat.

Don't know what to say about all the admin bashing that happens... From what I've seen both before I was an admin, and now that I see behind the scenes... the admins all seem like level-headed, fair people who just want the best results for Cancer and his projects...

As a member, your time here.. I think.. should be to enjoy the site, what it offers and your friends that you make. If you can't do that while staying in within TOS, well, then try a different site... as far as I've seen though, they all have a TOS... otherwise they get shut down.



16:21 Nov 19 2010

You forgot to mention WHO reminds you to set a good example heh..

16:22 Nov 19 2010

Yes ma'am....

16:29 Nov 19 2010


People-bashing goes on everywhere, quite often those who maintain order are bashed for doing their job and that sucks. Folk who dont get that are suffering from sour-grapes overload...and please dont stop the sarcasm heh

16:36 Nov 19 2010

Admins. They only cry on the inside.

22:11 Nov 19 2010

Ture, Thoth- but they lip off in PMs...lol


Mmmm.. belly, full...

04:41 Nov 19 2010
Times Read: 1,473

...always so nice to have a good meal. I love cooking, but sometimes there is a bit of heaven in getting some sushi takeout and knowing there is food in the fridge for tomorrow.




Whittling away...

16:05 Nov 16 2010
Times Read: 1,497

...just a little here, and a little there. Never want to remove too much at once... always with the grain.

Whittling away, whittling away...



18:03 Nov 16 2010

That almost describes me tweezing my eyebrows. ouch.


The gentle giant!

02:40 Nov 16 2010
Times Read: 1,522

WOOT! Nice one, Myers!

Sorry, RedQueen...



04:58 Nov 16 2010


Just wait...lol

05:04 Nov 16 2010

Uhh.. wait for what? It's not like they're going to meet again in June!


Something like that...

00:12 Nov 16 2010
Times Read: 1,535

...it's like cutting the Sprite with 151.

Or something like that.

Farg.. I need a drink. Where is my scotch?



01:20 Nov 16 2010

I hope you are not going to cut your scotch o.0


Hustle and... more hustle...

04:11 Nov 13 2010
Times Read: 1,556

My daughter took 2nd place in an essay contest for Veterans' Day. It was sponsored by the local chapter of the Masonic Veterans of Foreign Wars. There were three local schools that participated - each school selected a first and second place winner.

And it was heavily competed in all three schools since the winners received Barnes & Noble gift cards.

The local Barnes & Noble was also having a "Spend this much and get a $10 gift card" promotion, plus the store manager liked the contest idea, so each school got a pretty good donation from them as well.

But tonight, during the awards presentation, my daughter had to read her essay to the members of the Masonic Lodge. She is like me - things like this are exciting but make her nervous. They treated us to dinner, which she couldn't enjoy... poor girl. But she did great, I couldn't be more proud. :)

Her principal was there for the ceremony and afterwards, beamed about how impressive and creative she is. This is the 2nd school-wide writing contest she has won, or taken 2nd place in this year. Last year there were several - and she took 2nd place in a county-wide essay contest withe SPCA in 1st grade.

I'm just impressed by her every day.

I think it also sets a high expectation. There are time I think I expect her to be older than she is... and I place too much responisbility on her. She is 10. I have to remind myself of that.

But she's also at that age where dad is cool one minute and a goofy embarassment the next. Like when I crank up Led Zepplin in the car, and sing along... she hates that. Heh. Oh, but if it's the Beatles, it's alright.

Hey, someone has to teach her the classics.



04:25 Nov 13 2010

Well Congrats to her.I bet you are very proud of her.I know I would be if she was my child.

05:08 Nov 13 2010

Congratulations to her, and you as well. You both are great together.

06:31 Nov 13 2010

Yet another creative force in the household- all that energy must be exhilirating...

Congratulations to her- I hope she knows how proud we are of her.

04:13 Nov 14 2010

Public speaking is a great accomplishment!

Congrats to her on the win no matter the placement.

I strive daily to embarrass my children, it keeps them grounded in reality I think. :D

Children are amazing.

09:30 Nov 20 2010

I'd like to read her essay. We need writers in this world of Too Fast. Writers tend to be people who were read to as children and taught that the written word is beautiful, fun, scary, sad, and so special. Well done, Dad. Well done, Young Writer!



04:06 Nov 12 2010
Times Read: 1,560



A big thank you....

17:32 Nov 11 2010
Times Read: 1,574

...many, many thanks - my sincerest gratitude - to the men and women who have served and continue to serve our nation in the armed forces.

We will remember today, as we should every day, the sacrifices they have made to honor the spirit and the people of America. The help they have provided to countless people around the world. The jobs that they do, that so few would want to.

I raise a glass to all of you, and hopefully today, all of our veterans can too.



03:19 Nov 12 2010

*raises a glass with you*


A place for reflection...

04:24 Nov 10 2010
Times Read: 1,602

I still believe goodness abounds in the hearts of those around me. I’m not sure why – I’ve been given so much more proof to the contrary. Yet I still have a sense of empathy for the situations of the people around me. Like the mother travelling alone with three young children – trying to decide on what to do for lunch, realizing the cumbersome luggage, stroller and personal possessions of the children are inconvenient necessities and also completely her responsibility. I want to reach out and say, “Just leave the luggage next to me; I’ll watch it for you. Take care of lunch for your kids and don’t worry about this for a while.” It would be so simple – if not for the fact I know, in this scenario, we’re taught to not trust anyone. Even suggesting this out of the blue in an airport could be considered, “suspicious activity,” right? So my nature to be empathetic is thwarted by what our society has dissolved to be.

Empathy and consideration for our fellow human in need… made to be dangerous and impractical.

Yes folks, the terrorists won a long time ago.

Or maybe they didn’t win so much as humanity lost. Caring for our fellow man now needs to be licensed and approved by the government. After all, you can be sued for saving someone’s life and injuring them in the process – and lose.

Maybe the terrorists are not some evil foreign entity or radicals hell-bent on destroying the western world… seems to me we do enough to damage our own society by destroying logic, common sense and decency.

This is why I envy people like Joli. She spends her days caring for those who need it. Lending people a hand to help them lift themselves off the ground – not just giving them a free ride. Fulfilling – she’ll never become wealthy doing it, but she is richer than most of us just for owning her own heart and willingly giving a piece of it to so many.

Sitting at this gate reminds me of a trip through Orlando a long time ago – I believe I journaled about it – woman struck up a conversation with me. She was distraught, moving to Washington DC, having exited a bad relationship or so I remember… looking for a new career and a new start. I became an empathetic ear for her for a little while. Maybe I made a difference. Who knows? It isn’t like any one of those random connections I’ve made on the road ever turned into an established friendship. Everyone thinks that other person is out for something. I don’t care if they are – they’ll be sorely disappointed that I have little to give aside from my empathy and friendship. Personally, I’m just here to live my life and enjoy it.

And it is more enjoyable when you can enjoy it with other people.

Right now there is this woman scolding her child for getting ketchup on her hoodie. Scolding her husband for “being so stupid” for getting honey-mustard pretzels. Ahhh… good, quality family time heading home from Disney. High maintenance at its best. You know, they’re kids, sweetheart. You’re going through an airport, not a fashion show – the spot of ketchup isn’t going to make a spot of difference in their lives. Them hearing you call your husband “stupid” over something this trivial will.

Boarding time…. The woman with the kids hasn’t returned from lunch yet. I’m sure she will push it to the last minute.

She did… one of the last on the plane. There was no call that they were out of room for luggage on this sold-out flight. Proactively, the gate crew went around convincing passengers to gate-check bigger bags – amazing. It worked. I think they need to be a little tighter on the size limits on carry-on anyway.

But here I am babbling about meaningless observations. Maybe it’s the comfort level – on a plane, having a drink, typing out my thoughts listening to the hum of the engines masked by music in my ear buds…


But it is always nice to have someone to enjoy it with. After all, I wouldn’t have met Morri if not for my traveling. And that has been an incredibly positive, happy and life changing consequence to the opportunities that I had. The times we spent on the road together are forever etched in my mind, and all over my heart, as are the last few years of enjoying her company in my life; mind, body and soul. I can’t say enough positive things about the person that she is… I just hope, deep down, she can see her self through my eyes.

The plane is rocking with some turbulence… Pink Floyd, The Wall is playing in my ears… I am in my happy place…



05:39 Nov 10 2010

The world has forgotten its humanity for sure. Fear governs our actions. I come from a small community where everyone knows everyone else but its apparant that the sense of community is fast disapearing even here. Gone are the days of striking up a polite conversation with a stranger, or helping another in need, we are all simply too afraid to show concern in case it is misconstrued, and too self-absorbed to even care.

We need heros to inspire us to care again, the kind of heros who work tirelessly to provide a little ray of light in the darkest situations. These folk make the biggest differences and its just a shame that we dont give them the recognition they so deserve.

Have a good flight, Floyd is the business.

10:13 Nov 10 2010

So long as the media pushes the fear drug, people will respond in kind. But it is ever encouraging that there are some left in the world who have that sense of empathy towards their fellows.

11:59 Nov 10 2010

I enjoyed this peak into the mind of Birra!

12:45 Nov 10 2010

When I went to Arizona recently, flew into Phoenix to mett Khayman and drive down to Tuscon, I was in a completely different terminal than her arriving plane. I think it was a good thing though. I was excited and bouncing, waiting for her to come through the gates, and a woman walked up to me, away from her care-giver. She was obviously born with Down's Syndrome - all the markers were there - including the sunniest smile and brightest soul I've seen in a while. I still remember the conversation she struck up with me out of the blue. "Are you meeting someone? I'm going to see my sister! I'm excited. You're excited too! Are you going to play? My sister plays with me!" We talked for a good 1 minutes with her care-giver looking on a bit worriedly until he realized I wasn't getting irritated or exasperated. This woman, April was her name, gave me a beautifully bright spot in that trip.

Traveling is extremely difficult for me, but ... Damn if she didn't make it a good deal easier. =) And I doubt she realizes it at all.

14:19 Nov 10 2010


Req, that made me tear up a little. Such a sweet story.

I'm amazed at the contact I've had with people of all walks of life while travelling. Some positive, some not so positive - but it always makes it interesting, eye opening and educational.

02:02 Nov 11 2010

When I went to Florida last March, I had a helluva time getting out of Charlotte, thanks to being snowed in. I had left Chicago just in the nick of time to miss getting snowed in there, but while I was waiting I had to watch some man go absolutely postal about why he couldn't use the pass he had form a previous flight to get on this flight. The lady behind the desk handled him with aplomb, and tried very hard not to lose her temper. They finally had to get security to haul this guy off and calm him down, and in the interim, he had yelled at all of us fro "looking at him funny".

That same flight, I saw a woman with a toddler and an infant, loaded with stuff, and trying to push a stroller to get on the plane. Since I had checked all my stuff through, carrying only a purse (it's worth it to avoid the aggravation), I had a free hand, and carried the bags she had so she could shoulder the infant and keep ahold of the toddler's hand. When I got her to her seat, made sure she was settled in, and got her stuff stowed, she shook ,y hand and gave me such a glowing smile of thanks, it was worth anything I had to go through later, including sleeping on the floor in Charlotte....

Good stuff happens when you are making plans elsewhere, too. And you never know what little thing you do will mean the most to someone who needs it...



04:19 Nov 10 2010
Times Read: 1,603



Self reflection going around in circles…

16:10 Nov 07 2010
Times Read: 1,639

It is easy to convince someone to believe in something unapparent. For example: Religion. Religions have been convincing people that the unimaginable exists for eons. Scientific discoveries are another example. People will believe discoveries of science without seeing it, without experiencing and without understand how it was discovered….

But try and get someone to believe something about themselves, and in most cases, they resist. Especially if it is something positive. Maybe they can’t see it – but why should that stop them from believing? No, there has to be something else in the way…

…and that something is usually a long history of seeing themselves a certain way, whether self-visualized or made to feel that way by other people. An inability to escape the past and look at the present and future with an open mind and open heart. Once a belief system has been put in place it is a very difficult thing to break. Like casting a ceramic mold; once it is set, it is nearly impossible to change it without breaking the integrity of it.

It has to be a slow process – it is not something that can be done over night. Like stripping off the layers of the sealer that protect the belief… the paints that give it a façade for people to see… the dried, hardened shell underneath it all… and without cracking or splitting it open…

But of course, in terms of people, the first step always has to be the want to change; the desire to see yourself as something different and someone different. Whether you’re battling a defeatist self image of who you are, or fighting an eating disorder, or an addiction or depression or an abusive relationship… the person has to want to change, then the process can begin.

And in many cases, the process isn’t just changing the mold… it is healing the cracks and chips that already exist as well.

It takes time. Sometimes I think, twice or even three times as many years to change the mold as it took to make it what it is. A lifetime of work to constantly change; to reinvent yourself. To shine a different light upon your skin and reflect it the way you want others to see you, and more importantly, how you want to see yourself.

So what is the trick?

Maybe the trick is to never set the mold in the first place. To teach our children to always be flexible, open minded, forgiving – especially of themselves – to hold no regrets, to always work on moving forward and not looking back, to remain malleable to their own fire and hammer. To focus not just on physical health, but emotional, moral and social health as well.

…and never lose sight of the fact that they are an individual… imperfect, but beautiful. Unique and special, but no different than anyone else. Another passenger on this little planet but the pilot and navigator of their own destiny.

Is that a lot to ask of a parent?



16:25 Nov 07 2010

Think you're right ( a weighty topic for a Sunday though eh).

Self image is not so much defined by how we see ourselves but by how we believe others see us and if we have never or seldom experienced positivity from others, then the mold is hard to break. It should be the primary objective of a parent to empower their child to feel valued, just so that child will grow up with a positive self belief and the tools to fulfill their potential.

16:35 Nov 07 2010

Maybe not the primary objective, but a significant one.

To raise a child is to guide a person into adulthood in a way that prepares them for a fulfilling life with positive relationships and the tool needed to raise their own children eventually.

If a parent can't teach their children to love, respect and value themselves, how can they possible hold the power to love, value and respect a stranger?

21:05 Nov 07 2010

Yeah, deep topic man. As a parent you do the best you know how to do. My first child was an experiment of sorts in how to raise kids. The second is correcting the errors of the first. The unfortunate part is the first child sees and remembers the lessons learned in pain, suffering and humiliation that went often untended by a dad always on the road in the military. Now that I am not, it is hard to reshape that first child's attitude, beliefs and potential. The second is much easier as they are getting the lessons from the first and also doing some self correcting.

Kids should come with a manual or some class you have to take prior to even thinking about making them. For the rest, buy a condom and save yourself some long term misery in poor child rearing.


Quiet evening...

03:26 Nov 07 2010
Times Read: 1,651

...had a movie night with the kids. It was enjoyable - glad I already read the book otherwise with as much as they talk through a movie I would have never been able to follow it.

Now... on a cloudless, sub-freezing night, enjoying a hot peppermint patty and some peanut butter toast...

Considering the heat in the bar room... or, more specifically the complete lack of it. I guess I can pull the thermostat apart tomorrow and see if it's not working... the heating in this house has been non-stop problems since I bought it.

Mmm.. peanut butter toast.

I'm considering another... hrrmmm...




Pet sitting...

19:03 Nov 06 2010
Times Read: 1,667

...I'm giving Roger a chance to stretch his wings... he's fluttering around like a badminton bird and insists on climbing back up the stairs every 5 minutes...



20:16 Nov 06 2010

He's missing Morri.


Great discovery...

00:21 Nov 06 2010
Times Read: 1,695

...green peppers make it over the house even better than zombie oranges...



21:10 Nov 06 2010

The peppers should get some loft- but the oranges should get alot more bombing action...lol

AND distance...



23:55 Nov 05 2010
Times Read: 1,702

...I almost forgot the green pepper. Now I'm regretting that I didn't. How did that pepper get so bitter?



23:58 Nov 05 2010

now, now eat your greens or you wont get any pudding

02:26 Nov 06 2010


02:31 Nov 06 2010

Seriously... maybe I over heated it. I took no chances though - its neighbor went over the house. :)

...just needed an excuse, really.


It is Friday... 6:00PM...

22:11 Nov 05 2010
Times Read: 1,710

...actually, 6:10PM... and I am calling it quits for the night.

Time to do some cooking. Shrimp and four-pepper stir-fry with rice. Yummm.




Really? Ok.. I'll play, Pagan...

20:52 Nov 04 2010
Times Read: 1,751


One of the busiest sections of VR is the Forum. Being such a hive of activity means that there is a need to administer and maintain the posts that VR users make and this task is the responsibility of the Dominars chosen by Cancer. It stands to reason that these Dominars need infinite patience, a good sense of humour, and probably have to give up even their sanity to maintain law and order in the Forum, where now and then opinions clash and humour can take a backseat...Birra is one of these Dominars and I knew I simply had to interview him to find out his views on his VR position, how he finds the time to ever relax, and if his sense of humour ever fails him...

I knocked on Birra's office door..."Feh..." said a voice and I knew insantly it was him. Birra being a man of few words seems to ably convey meanings with words I'm sure are entirely his own but now permeate e-dom (feh, heh, meh), and so I wondered if I'd get him to tell me what I wanted to know. Who is Birra? I asked:

Who? Me? I'm just a guy. I'm pretty much what you see here; relaxed, easy going, not easily upset or offended. I like dinners by candle light, long walks on a moonlit beach, watching the Russian Women's Tennis Team wrestling naked in a vat of pudding... I used to joke that I'm your average guy online - filthy rich, twelve inch penis and I date exclusively European Swimsuit models... but everyone who knows me knows how untrue that is. I mean, I've never been to Europe... sadly, they've all been American Swimsuit models...

...and a few Canadian ones, too.

Heh, I thought, that was a good answer. I then realised something: Birra was so busy, he'd taken to using these short but very meaningful words simply because he juggled work, life and VR (a brilliant idea I thought, I'd better not take up too much of his precious time then) and I next asked him, why did Cancer choose you to be a Dominar and what exactly does a Dominar do?

He thought for a moment and I could see he was being modest when he told me:

I haven't the foggiest idea... on any of that. Really.

Maybe it is all because I invented the words "Heh.." and "Feh.." You can claim I didn't actually invent them, to which I would respond, "Maybe not, but I made them what they are today."

I knew that Birra was a fantastic photographer. I wondered if it was just a hobby, or did he have aspirations to becoming the next Ansel Adams?

Hmmm... Ansel Adams, eh? Probably not. I mean, if I were to become famous for my photography, I would hope the images would be far too offensive to be put in a mass-produced print rack at K-Mart...

As I listened to his reply, I noticed his music collection...Pink Floyd, Talking Heads some seriously brilliant artists there, and what the feh? Oh, I'd better not mention that I noticed the Justin Bieber cd he was using as a coaster for his mega-strength coffee, dude that would destroy his VR-cred right away...swiftly moving on, I probed Birra more...you are the master of innuendo, does it get you into trouble much?

Only online, where jokes tend to not translate well and people take themselves too seriously to find the humor in it.

Justing Bieber? Is that who this is? Hmmm... I think this is Morrigon's anyway... Heh.

I smirked at that, Birra enjoyed a snort and a guffaw as much as the next person. I wanted to know what he did for fun, or if he ever had time to kick back and smell the coffee?

I make the coffee, I drink the coffee, I clean the coffee pot. I like to consider myself "well rounded" in the world of coffee.

What do I do for fun? Well, I like to spray water on sidewalks in winter and make videos of people falling. It's funnier because I don't know them.

It's also enjoyable to cook. I always say, the ability to cook is only limited by bravado and creativity. You can pass off anything as gourmet with the right attitude about it.

Oh, and I really enjoy discussing uncomfortable truths just to watch people react! Like mentioning something like, you exist because your father had an orgasm inside of your mother. Most people never really consider that, but the mechanics of it are, your mom and dad probably had a LOT of sex in their day. Hey, maybe the still do... maybe they are, right now.

Meh, it had been a good interview, but I wanted to squeeze one last titbit out of him. Three words Birra - no, not feh, heh, meh - give me three words that describe you please: mad, bad, lad, or...?

Three words? Hmmm... let's see...




Gah, I should have known. Birra did use the English language competently after all, how else would he maintain the Forum so well. It was time for me to take my leave. I had enjoyed speaking to him and hoped it wouldn't be too long before he'd completely re-written everyday language, gawd-knows we all needed a break from words of more than one syllable.

You mean like, Heh and Feh? Yeah.. I think I should rewrite the language, for sure! Heh.



20:58 Nov 04 2010

heh great interview Birra :P

20:58 Nov 04 2010

You asked for it... :)

21:03 Nov 04 2010

feh hahaha

21:05 Nov 04 2010

Great stuff :)

21:07 Nov 04 2010

The man, the myth, the LEGEND....lol

21:09 Nov 04 2010

heh, indeed!

22:14 Nov 04 2010

:) That is the one and only Birra.

00:26 Nov 06 2010

Great stuff!



12:58 Nov 03 2010
Times Read: 1,799

There has been a mouse in the wall of the bedroom we are remodeling for Morri, so last night I set a trap in the room.

I believe it was about 5AM when I was woken by the sound of the snap and clatter. I was able to go back to sleep, and actually woke up a bit late for the start of the day so I wasn't thinking about the trap...

...Morri just walked into my office holding the trap, the mouse still in it, jutting out from the trap stiff as a board...

"What would you like done with this?" She asks.

Heh... I love a woman who isn't afraid or squeamish about such things. :)



13:10 Nov 03 2010

Well it would be cowardly to request the setting of a trap designed to kill an animal with the specific intent to kill the mouse and then be all like "OMG EEEEEEEW" about its dead body.

By the way, I still think it's sad and I don't like setting traps for them but this guy was pretty destructive..

13:35 Nov 03 2010

Yeah, no doubt. There are plenty of places for them to make a home for the winter - that particular wall was not the best choice.

13:44 Nov 03 2010

They should really try the blue room. Oh my god that little bugger was SO loud.

21:15 Nov 03 2010


I am constantly surprised by men who think women are going to go all "eeuuuww" when it comes to handling things like that. We had a mouse in our basement suite, and I probably would have been ok with him living in the laundry room over the winter. AFter all, it does get cold up here in the great white north. But when that little bastard ate part of my yellow cake with chocolate frosting that I made in a pique of menstrual craving, and then had the audacity to leave PAW PRINTS across the frosting, that was when I decided that little bastard had to GO. So I set the trap, and after baiting it with cheese, peanut butter, etc., I finally tucked a piece of chocolate into the trap and went to watch tv.

In the middle of watching "Killer Shrews" an old black and white horror flick, I heard BAM! which I might add scared me more than the effing mouse did.

Mission accomplished.

And yes, I bagged him, tagged him, and tossed him, since Scott wouldn't be home for hours.

12:27 Nov 04 2010

I also had a mouse recently.... and after last night I am sure that I now have more.

They do make traps that don't kill the mice - that is what I used. I baited it with peanut butter and left it out where I heard the scratching. Sure enough 2 days later the trap was closed and the little guy was in there looking scared. I picked it up and drove out to the woods and let him go. I just could not kill him after all it is cold and I can't really fault him for wanting to be warm.

Hopefully he will not find his way back. Tonight I am putting the traps in the attic.

23:02 Nov 05 2010

My cats catch the mice and torment them. They tag-team, it's really fascinating.

But I'm a bleeding heart. I take the mice away if they're still alive (which my cat is always pissed about, even though she gives me the dead ones anyhow) and hand them off to my dad.

I don't mind handling them alive or dead. I just can't kill it myself. Ugh.


He who shall not be named...

01:43 Nov 01 2010
Times Read: 1,245

...the Voldemort costume came out good. I used my black costume shirt, some 3X men's sweat pants and a very large black skirt with a cut up the front middle to mimick robes... a long cloak that Morri had and despite Morri being disappointed in the make-up part of the creation, everyone thought I looked pretty evil and creepy.

Best of all, the kids loved it an my little Harry Potter walked by my side for the whole trick-or-treating evening.

A big thanks to Morri for all the help. *MUAH*



01:48 Nov 01 2010

We'll have to redo it sometime when I have better materials to work with.

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