Dakotah's Journal


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20 entries this month

16:49 Aug 31 2015
Times Read: 1,216

I don't understand why Kanye's handlers let him talk.


Absolutely one of the dumbest people I've ever heard speak. Now I am wondering if narcissism can be terminal. God I hope so. Or him and his utterly useless wife will create a narcissism singularity and destroy the universe.

4 Prez?



17:31 Aug 31 2015

if it matters to you I think your one of the smartest people on here....

19:42 Aug 31 2015


09:48 Aug 28 2015
Times Read: 1,275

I so need to get this:

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19:54 Aug 28 2015

Brilliant..me too!

20:30 Aug 28 2015


20:42 Aug 28 2015

This week alone we had 2 meetings that made no sense and could have been done by a sent email. Today was my last day for a few months. Transferring back home and moving back home. But the packing begins. That old saying 'How did I collect so much junk!'

20:26 Aug 31 2015

Does your firm like ours, have meetings about meetings ? Lol

09:25 Sep 02 2015

We have meetings about having meetings for meetings.



00:18 Aug 26 2015
Times Read: 1,403

In all of this somethings surfaced I just do not get. This is a Vampire Database Site. Gothic Site, The Dark Network. What's come to light? That some people, members here actually take Mental Heath Advice form someone on the interent, on VR, and also Social Service Advice about there children/familes. I know. There are so many ways this can go wrong. People claim to be Mentel Health Professionals with degrees and quickly hand out Internet Web advice on what a person should do who wants to end there lifes. Or the Social Services aspect. The Goverment is after me about my child.... Your Local Services is whom you need to contact. Seriously people. It's more your fault when the person yells at you 'just kill your self' then your Internet VR So Call Mental Health Professional. SEEK LOCAL HELP IN YOUR COMMINITY FOR THESE ISSUE. Come on. This is the internet. This is VR. This is NOT A Mental Health/Social Service Help Site. I turly hope those who has done this, who gone to this person for so called her, take my advise. SEEK REAL LIFE LOCAL HELP. YOUR ISSUE ARE REAL. For the love of Creator, stop expecting sound advice on issues like this from some stranger you really do not know what background they have about these issues FROM ON THE INTERNET. Then again, this is the internet, not some place where people sit around and make stuff up. (read my journal entries below)

I come here for fun. However, sometimes a guy has to man up, stand up, say this is not alright. All I ever asked was to be left alone. Have fun here with my coven, my friends, help new people, get new people in the best covens.... but sometimes I am pulled into drama. Sometimes I have to put the war paint on and battle. I wish I did not have too. When my name, my rep here on VR is threated, I have two choices, as we all do, leave or deal with it. I like VR. I like a lot of people here. My name, my rep was/is put out there. I will defend it.

For my friends, sorry my journal is now full of crap. Sometimes one has to do some thing, publicly, that needs said. I have tried to conduct myself in a way that people know I am friendly, approachable, will help, perhaps become a friend. I do not want to harm anyone. And I would NEVER advise someone what do do about the issues I spoke of above excpet SEEK LOCAL REAL HELP. YOU MATTER.

LadyEva, the profile that rated me the one, created as I am the one who referred them. That popped up after I refused to take down a mild post about BCC, really? You think that does anything to me? At this point, its just another goat in the wall.


The Injun.



00:38 Aug 26 2015

Bro some people are just dumbasses and there is no help for them. There is no such mental institution who can help them so just stay cool and eff them lol

00:51 Aug 26 2015

everyone wants to be a vlad's copy cat :)

remember the dude who kept giving our 1 and block and who also created multiple profiles and did the same, then somehow I guess his fans or followers started to do the same, the game is old, so no one is the original expect vlad lol so don't worry, there will always be some copy cats around :)

Over all those years, I've seen so many, so far nothing surprises me anymore lol, some things bother me , of course !! I'm human after all not some robot lol, but once I'm offline I forget about it :)

And I think, maybe thats the best way to go :)

As for help I agree totally, vr is not a medical service, its not meant or created for mental, physical or any other help related to this type,the only help its created for is stated in the vr manual and the link: Home

15:57 Aug 30 2015

Not even Vlad is original because before him there was Sabrefang who did the same damn shit. lol There's always going to be fakes, drama whores and pot stirers.

17:55 Aug 31 2015

"Sean the injun" = a light in a vast darkness


16:50 Aug 25 2015
Times Read: 1,467

You sent this message to a person here on VR. I had no clue about this. Yes, I herd some gossip about this but my name was not brought into it till YOU did. For the record I am told the person involved below, you know who it is, states CPS said a person named Heather was the one who called. THEY said that. I Did NOT. It's up to the person to step forward, not going to oust them. So why involve me when all I knew about this was rumors off the VR walls and I was NOT involved in this in any means. Oh, because I made a journal post about BCC after you message me. My journal post was mild. Because I did not take it down at your request, you start this. Now, where does it end? Up to you. We can stop here, you do your thing. I do mine. Up to you.

On 01:58:20 Aug 25 2015 (-0 GMT) LadyEva wrote:

Hello XXXXX( I removed the name of the person she sent this too).. this is Heather and I am so confused as to whats going on.. but Dakotah is telling people that you said I called CPS on you and xxxx... which makes no sense.. because the last time we spoke you had told me that CPS was called on you by the school and I gave you advice on what to do.. I am certain Dakotah is lying because it would make no sense for someone to say that I did this...

Is this a misunderstanding.. or is this news to you as well??



17:57 Aug 31 2015

Not news, not rumour..just a load of vr drama bullshit... jeeze, does it ever stop?



06:02 Aug 25 2015
Times Read: 1,570

Hey, Cunt, LadyEva, VK wtf you're calling your profile now. Shut the Fuck up. I do not even know what CPS is. Whats wrong afraid I show people your rl pictures and not the fake ones you stick up all the time? Hunting more Isreal Girls you can post as you and send to guys stupid enough here to believe you?

Like this: https://instagram.com/emmi.diana.niki

Telling people, special dudes the above is you.

Yeah I do her, above. Truth was below is you:


And when your got busted you shut down the coven chaged your profile name, hid in the dark shadows of VR till you sucked a few into your games again. Now you come out. When you messages me your 4-5 paragraph apology and I did not reply back... I thought that would be. You go your way, I go mine. But no, you want to play.

Not this Injun Baby... been there, done that. FU!



12:48 Aug 25 2015

Ohhh my... :/ If i am honest when i looked the link you posted and i saw the vk we knew, i kinda missed the fake vk we knew.. I also looked the real heather she is not ugly or anything like that.. She should be herself from the start.. Why ppl just can't be themself.. I understand we live in a world that poisend us with BEAUTY&PERFECTION...if ppl would focuse on those 2 words not from outside but inside world would be much nicer.. Measure the BEAUTY in your soul not by the way we look ..Just my opinion..

13:38 Aug 25 2015

This is one of the oldest stories of Vampire Rave- so many people do this... and I have no idea why. I guess they think they are more likable as someone else, I don't know.

What bothers me is that all of these people have been quick to fry other people who've posed as others. Every single one of them- first in line to flip the kill switch.

It's always easy to spot stolen pictures. I see them every time- but I can reveal them in my position. It's simply not against the rules to be a liar, and their confidence rather directly or indirectly must be kept. When it's all public, however... I can admit, I, too have done reverse image searches.

13:40 Aug 25 2015

I do agree with you. The thing is she used poor Diane pictures saying it was her, got a lifetime on her profile paid by a guy. Now Diane has made her instagram private so VK can not steal anymore of her pictures. The real her has hurt many here. Yeah maybe some will forgive. I was willing to let it all go. Then I start getting messages from friends her accusing me of calling C-- something something on someone. LMAO I didn't even know what that was. So a 4-5 paragraph message of an apology then lurking in the shadows accusing me of doing shit to friends that I did not do and they know I did not know... makes her UGLY inside and outside. Because I would not accept what she done? Because I did not message you back, a reply to your message you could lie about me? Really now. I am not one of your lackey boyies.

LadyEva, we can drop it here. You don't talk about me. I do not talk about you. You talk about me I will post more shit with proof of crap you have done.

13:46 Aug 25 2015

I meant to type: "...but I *can't* reveal them in my position..."

17:15 Aug 25 2015

I second what Images said. But I am sure that even if was a case of 'could tell' people wouldn't believe anyways.

I've been through this a few times here. And it does suck. Being able to see different things from behind the scenes has made me really, I guess you could say, standoffish about people. Especially since it happens quite a bit here.

Good for you for standing up for yourself.

Too many people reward this crappy behavior around here. I think that's why this stuff tends to happen more around here.

22:28 Aug 25 2015

I am shocked! O.O Thank you for posting this and letting the rest of is know! So, VK was a fraud, huh? I checked out the links you posted. I had a crazy, stalker, Troll bitch make account after account on YouTube, using my pictures so, I know how 'emmi.diana.niki' feels.~Mina

22:41 Aug 25 2015

Typo correction: ''Thank you for posting this and letting the rest of us know!'' - ''us'' not ''is''.~Mina

07:34 Aug 27 2015

Is VK vampire kisses?

13:31 Aug 27 2015


16:07 Aug 30 2015

I told all of you her pictures were fake over a year ago, and all of you treated me like shit because of it, including throwing me out of Arcane and no one came to my defense... I hate to say it but...


16:13 Aug 30 2015

OH! And MooniePie's comment could not have been better. SO TRUE. They DO reward that behavior. This is not new information. VK has been using said fake photos for two years now. I tried to tell people but no one wanted to listen. They just rewarded her behavior.

I can assure you that MY pretty girl pics are 100% ME. I also have a salute as I have had my pictures stolen before as well. It's not a good feeling. That girl also lied about her job. What job do you know of that allows you to literally sit on that and be ONLINE ALL DAY. She called CPS on that girl? That doesn't surprise me. She's a very jealous, sick, sad, pathetic and ugly person with extremely low self esteem. I no longer have nothing to do with her. This is why.


00:02 Aug 23 2015
Times Read: 1,633

I'd never waste my time chasing a chick who's busy chasing the party scene. Not my type at all, you dudes can have the hot party animal, sober and sophisticated is a must for me, considering I have a lot of quiet weekends. My idea of "going out" is out to eat, play pool, movie theater, bike rides to the park basically just good fun that can be remembered and not waking up the next day all sick lol hell I'd be down just to stay in on a Friday night watching movies and nap lmfao! That's what I did last night actually.



00:12 Aug 23 2015

Hahaha ok deal man you leave me hot party girls I'll take care of them.Yup I know you're right good girls are good but i'm telling you bad girls are better :D

00:24 Aug 23 2015

I will take the hot sober one's bro. You can have the hot party one's.

00:34 Aug 23 2015

No problem bro i agree completely :D

22:51 Aug 25 2015

im a stay at home and watch movies chick. bars make me uncomfortable and i only drink socially.... i also love walking through parks and stuff like that id love to do those things with you.... but im american and am in ky :/

16:16 Aug 30 2015

Sounds like the perfect mate to me. I am sober. Those things all sound like fun. I'm done with the party scene. That shit is not fun anymore.


00:41 Aug 22 2015
Times Read: 1,651

Now no one after lighting a lamp covers it over with a container, or puts it under a bed; but he puts it on a lampstand, so that those who come in may see the light. For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.



19:27 Aug 23 2015

Luke 8:16


04:31 Aug 19 2015
Times Read: 1,680

I feel like this should be longer.

Time Spent:

54.70 days



17:34 Aug 23 2015

Time Spent:

168.96 days


03:40 Aug 19 2015
Times Read: 1,690

It stays up.




17:54 Aug 15 2015
Times Read: 1,791

Why oh why... Why does a person think it is alright to lie, manipulate others, hurt people and then think they did nothing wrong. When the shit hits the fan they give there profile -away- and run. Then a few weeks pass and they talk the person into giving the profile back. The good thing is people remember. Others know too who asked what happen and they were told the truth about what the person did. I am not one to post shit, drama and when BCC vanished within an hour not one of us posted anything about it. We all kept it private. I looked at it as a lesson really. However, it did not taint me towards many here. There are good people here. In this case, one bad apple did not spoil the whole bunch. It only brought us closer and made us wiser.



21:43 Aug 15 2015

Psychological manipulation. Simply put a person does this because they do not know how to behave normally so they attack others in a deceptive or abusive way.

They feed from it emotionally (no pun intended) however even if they have been caught the temptation of playing at it for so long would be hard to kick the habit so to speak of.

As for bad apples let nature take its course and bury them (not literally) and allow nature to do what she does best....

00:17 Aug 16 2015

all identities are revealed under cloaks and darkness... Only the foolish think they can hide there sight unseen...

03:41 Aug 19 2015

And then sometimes it is just as simple as some people are liars. And they always will be.


17:11 Aug 13 2015
Times Read: 1,807

Wow, prayers go out to China and the death toll is still rising.




17:06 Aug 13 2015
Times Read: 1,811

Well, this a first. I'll give it to this spam caller, they're inventive.

Them: Is Liz there?

Me: No. You've got the wrong number.

Them: Well, I've got the right number, just the wrong name. I've from and we're doing a brief survey... *rambling intensifies*


I almost considered listening.




I'm InspiroBot.

03:07 Aug 07 2015
Times Read: 1,833

This is fun and kind of reminds me of some of the journals I read here.

I am an artificial intelligence dedicated to generating unlimited amounts of unique inspirational quotes for endless enrichment of pointless human existence.


Share some of yours here.




15:52 Aug 06 2015
Times Read: 1,847

When you plant corn, if it does not grow well, you don't blame the corn. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the corn. Yet if we have problems with our friends or family, we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well, like the corn. Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reason and arguments. That is my experience. No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding

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19:06 Aug 06 2015

Another delightful entry from my client... :)


20:00 Aug 05 2015
Times Read: 1,861

San Francisco lamp post destroyed by urine falls in street, just misses driver.


And in related news S.F.’s new urine-resistant walls seem to be keeping things dry.


Stay classy San Francisco.




09:09 Aug 05 2015
Times Read: 1,872

Every once in awhile my mind thinks like everyone else’s, and then there’s times I think so much differently; as if I’m all alone in this world as my day is filled with passion; passion to see each and every star as they sparkles, and shimmers in the sky. Yet the same passion running through me is like a river drifting into the sea; and now floating in passion to the deep blue waters; and there’s a moment of passion so easily I share; it’s that passion with no fear or regret; this passion is the eagerness to wake up with the light, while dreaming in the realm of darkness. There’s other moments of passion; some I’ll never forget, and some of my passion that’s found me and captured my true heart. I gently ask what my passion is, and is it the same desire to have passion, the same passion and lust that takes my mind dream of you in the day hours and the same thoughts that flood my mind in the comfort of my dreams and those dreams that makes me think of all that is pure; or at least in my eyes. Or is it the passion; the same passion that gives me the power to love, and to love unconditionally without doubt or without lack of trust; and is it the same passion that fuels the raging beating heart that screams for you like the speed of lightning; is this the passion that is furious within; or is it the same passion to be understanding; or the passion I sometimes feel for you and is it the same passion that fills my desire to always have you in my arms, when passion is in something or not, or whatever it might be in us. I think it’s this passion that drives me to continue loving you every moment with passion filled eyes till the end of my days with every breath I take. I believe in the true love of passion; the same beliefs and desire that wakes the soul. So sit back and hear my heart beat for it’s filled with passion for life with you in my arms and at my side every day...wado u-ga-na-sdv; du-we-uwe-wa-ni-da-ti ,osda i-ga, ho-wa.




14:52 Aug 04 2015
Times Read: 1,883

I got a dental implant put in this morning, it is quite disturbing to have someone cranking away on a mini-socket wrench inside your mouth. Modern medicine is creepy as shit sometimes.



20:09 Aug 04 2015

Personally i would go without.

But then again never even had a filling and even the dentists are bemused that i have not as yet.....they also muttered about being out of business if everyone had teeth like mine :)

09:14 Aug 05 2015

It is the one bad tooth... gone now, replaced with a implant.

23:21 Aug 25 2015

ive never lost a tooth yet thank god. but fillings and braces hurt like hell!


13:54 Aug 03 2015
Times Read: 1,898

I was talking to a friend this morning about the loss of a loved one and I mentioned that we must remember how they lived in spirit and not how they died. A loss of a family member or friend carries great weight and sorrow. And we must honor their memory in how they lived and not how they died. As an average person I see what the world is coming too. We have chaos and devastating riots of race and wars roaring all over the world. Where's the love, where's the peace, and where's the humanity of compassion and empathy. When will we wake up and fuel the passion of will, desires and hopes for a better way to coexist. All of us have our own ups and downs. Some may be easy and some may be extremely hard to surpass. But how do we forgive; I believe it may be quite a challenge to be positive all the time, especially if the occurrences do not cooperate with you. But remember, at the end of the day, how you approach a situation will help you if you remain calm and thoughtful...

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00:36 Aug 04 2015



16:32 Aug 01 2015
Times Read: 1,929

I had someone ask me yesterday; how does, a man really fall in love with a woman. Its

not about falling in love; it's about sharing a relationship on a leave of oneness and inspiration in each other's growing on a higher leave of

consciousness. Some may be finding it more difficult than you think. It shouldn't be hard to find the correct mate. A woman is always wanting a great man and connecting with his feelings. Men are occasionally and for a woman dating is filled with wanting and needing. And sometimes men never understand women's needs in a relationship. And women see on two leaves; physical and emotional.

So this is where I will try to clarify for you so you can capture the heart of a man. But before I start, I want to clear the air on something important.

There are real men; and then there are boys. Real Men are mature and grounded on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. They are on a path that is opened minded to growing on a deeply personal level.

A Boy will become uncomfortable when he gets too close to his own emotions and shuts down or gets angry. Boy games and running is simple for them and making the woman, feel that she is doing everything wrong in his eyes, and a boy will make

you feel worthless when you get too close, when you truly see him for what he is inside and out. Remember a Boy will never see; for better and worse, it will always be worse. So how do I explain; what a mature, REAL man wants in a

woman? A real man wants a woman; who is playful and something that drives men wild and invites them into a deeper level of a connection when being playful.

Men love to be active and women to play back. Unfortunately, too many women seem to forget this and want to talk, talk, and talk their way into a

man's heart. The simple fact most men cannot have an open conversation. It'sboring and they shut down and do not really hear what you're saying. Simple terms; say what you mean and mean what you say. It's not the words. It's

the experience. Do things with him; simple and fun things. It doesn't mean watch or play sports together make life with him more enjoyable. It means find things you can do together and be competitive in casual games like darts, horseshoes, ping pong, pool, etc. I am just using some examples.

Men for whatever reason love a little teasing and sarcasm here and there. This will really ramp up the attraction and interest if you find a common ground. A real man wants a woman who is Independent and lots of women mistakenly believe that men are looking for a weaker woman who will make them feel like they are smarter and more powerful and nothing could be farther from the truth.

Real men love smarter women; although they wouldn't admit it, they really do. I myself

find smart women sexy. Men want a woman who inspires them. Men value women that can

take control of things going on her own life. They want a woman who has her own purpose other than being in a relationship that has no meaning. Men aren't intimidated by independence and success. What matters to a man is that a woman

still has space in her life for a great relationship and is grounded and present when she's with him. A real man wants a woman who is emotionally mature and doesn't fracture like glass. If a man feels attracted to a woman, eventually there is going to be a situation that comes up where you and he will see something differently and misunderstand each other. It's normal; but it is how you handle the situation and how will you respond to this and share your feelings.

A woman who has the maturity to not blame or criticize a man for what she's feeling, but to share her feelings in an honest and authentic way

that helps a man better understand her. This will invite a man's feelings and will be more attractive to him. It's how a woman handles her emotions is one of the most important things men look for when deciding whether or not to get serious with a woman. If she lets her emotions get out of control, this is a big red flag to him and they will run. A real man wants a woman he'sattracted to in every scene of the word. Men can be unpredictable and

sometimes difficult. But most men aren't as scared of commitment and relationships as they are scared of being in a relationship with a woman where there is no passion and attraction.

Attraction and passion for some men is finding the feminine side of themselves and some men cannot and will not ever relate to this. A common way women accidentally kill the attraction men might

be feeling is by either trying too hard to get him to like you, or by acting like the relationship is too serious too soon. Sometimes you need to relax and let things happen naturally. Make sure you do and say things that interject with fun and humor into your relationship from the very start.

Be yourselves; there is nothing more appealing to a man than a great woman who knows how to

relax and have fun. A real man will open his heart to you; if you take down all the barriers. Be yourself and be a little unpredictable (in a good way). A real man wants a causal woman who doesn't spend more money on Cosmetics than

Groceries. That man would rather see you surprise him once in a while with your natural beauty when you go on a date, rather you spending all week at the mall and in the hair salon. Simply keep it real, that's what a man wants. I find the very simple things in life are free, so can the love between a man and a woman. Just my own views...

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05:52 Aug 02 2015

This is why I typically have more male friends than female. Too many women seem to let their relationships consume their lives, and it's sad; it's always a good idea to still have an independent life outside of a relationship. That goes for both men and women, because secure women cannot stand it when a man is too clingy.

It's also wise to never become a doormat for your partner. I've known a couple of women who view their men through rose-colored glasses; I'm sorry, but no one is THAT perfect. Consequently, the men will manipulate and deceive them to no end, and these women eat it up. I'm not saying all men do this, and I've known women who are equally as bad if not worse.

I think open communication is important in relationships, and men and women both need to remember that the other may show their love and appreciation for each other differently. Basically, women tend to be more verbal, where as men tend to show their affection through actions.

In simplest terms, I think love is about truly knowing the person you're with, both flaws and redeeming qualities, and still accepting each other and still wanted to be in a committed partnership. For me personally, the three elements I find most conducive to a healthy relationship are mutual trust, mutual respect, and open dialog...with honesty, of course.

21:21 Sep 27 2015

Very well written.


09:17 Aug 01 2015
Times Read: 1,945

Your first love teaches you a lot. How happy you can be and how much you can love. It also teaches you about pain and what you can take. I've been hurt, cheated on and played before, everyone has. But the one thing I've learned from it all was...I'll survive, I'll heal and get over it with time, I'll come back a stronger and better person that will make wiser decisions for my future. We all will. So if you're feeling down and out about losing someone just remember you've been down this road before and you're not alone, sure it's a long walk back but no matter what you'll get back to being your old self, and then you'll get to choose a different path and hopefully this time to happiness



10:26 Aug 01 2015

All so very true, it's a learning curve, almost something you have to go through to come out the other side knowing what you want and don't want.

23:41 Aug 25 2015

it does take time to get over someone. ive learned though as i go on its become easier to deal. being single never gets easy but rejection gets easier. :) i still have faith my match is out there.

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