LORDMOGY's Journal

LORDMOGY's Journal


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144 entries this month

23:59 Apr 30 2019
Times Read: 1,542

3rd Meal of the Day
2nd Sauna Sesh of the Day (Yup, behind)
Edit, Save, Upload and Publish Tue's Video (Pending)
Record Wed's Video (New series where I actually share portions of the Bible I actually like)




21:17 Apr 30 2019
Times Read: 1,549

If I'm out of Lurking, that means I'm available, but still may be in the many other tabs I have open in Windows.

I use to get VR Message Notifications text to my mobile device whenever someone messaged me or commented on one of my journal posts, but that function seemed to have just stopped.

But I do check VR throughout the day since I love Journaling, Blogging, Vlogging, etc.



21:33 Apr 30 2019

21:34 Apr 30 2019

I came out too, Brother. Of lurking. hahaha

21:58 Apr 30 2019


22:46 Apr 30 2019

I just hang out in the corner :}


18:45 Apr 30 2019
Times Read: 1,555

Another day to enjoy the Darkness Within while I wait for the Darkness Without.



18:54 Apr 30 2019

yes darkness is good. come to the darkside lol

19:50 Apr 30 2019



04:15 Apr 30 2019
Times Read: 1,559

Alrighty, Monday's video has been edited and is currently saving. Then I'll upload and publish it.

Now to choose 1 Bong and 1 Dab Rig for the Tuesday's video and get my sweat on.




01:28 Apr 30 2019
Times Read: 1,567

The movie was great!

Grabbed some food afterwards, did some shopping and now back in the Gothic Warlock Lord's Lair to continue my living my life.

Darkness is coming!!!



01:30 Apr 30 2019

HELL YES it was great!

01:44 Apr 30 2019

ITS SUCH A GOOD MOVIE! It was a great end to 11 years worth of build up.


19:01 Apr 29 2019
Times Read: 1,576

Going to the movies at the Big Screen place with the over priced food to see Avengers: Endgame.


Well, because I can!

I'm RETIRED and love Living My Best Life!



19:28 Apr 29 2019

Cause you’re a grown ass man and ITS SUCH A GOOD MOVIE!!!

21:02 Apr 29 2019

Eat some popcorn for me!


18:44 Apr 29 2019
Times Read: 1,578

Some Parents' Choices......WTF?!

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

New Orleans Rapper Arrested After Sending Kid to School in Lyft Ride




18:21 Apr 29 2019
Times Read: 1,585

‘Something needs to change,’ says mom of baby girl who died at babysitter’s base home

"On military installations, in order to provide child care in a home, providers must undergo stringent reviews and training before being certified and allowed to operate the business. They must undergo fire and safety inspections, and provide a learning curriculum tailored for the child’s age. There are also limitations on the number of children that are allowed at any given time in the provider’s home."

“I didn’t even know about unlicensed care before this happened,” Anna said. “Licensing never came to my mind. I guess I wasn’t really educated. I didn’t have any idea what that was. I had zero indication that was happening.”

“I never felt my children were unsafe. She was just so reliable. I’m usually pretty good at picking up on stuff like that. Now I’m questioning if my gut is not making the right choices for me and my children.”


Thinking back during the time I had to utilize Day Care for my kids, I did my research prior to obtaining services and I used the military base Family Services as a resource to make my choice since they were the ones responsible for ensuring those they recommended were legit and licensed.

However, I seen how things could go wrong.

While married to my 2nd wife, an issue came up where I was very annoyed that she hadn't kept her promise to accomplish things she said she would prior to my agreeing to marry her. Furthermore, I was really concerned of the lack of care she was giving her own 1 year old son at home where she did nothing but eat and watch soap operas all day until I returned home from work. I would come home to the baby having had fallen and hurt himself, luckily, no bones had ever been broken.

It reached a point where I told her that if she wasn't going to at least clean the house and prepare the meals since she wasn't working nor obtain a driver's license to take herself and her Son to appointments resulting in me having to take time away from my own duties to take her to appointments, that I was going to not be happy all the time having to perform my military duties and then come home and pick up her slack as well.

So what did she choose to do? Get a job as an 'In-Home Day Care Provider'.

Having discovered shortly AFTER marrying her that she wasn't just a "quiet" person, but had been tested to be 'Borderline Mentally Retarded' by her state and had been receiving SSI while holding down a job in her city working for a new paper publishing business where she just inserted that junk advertisement between the pages of the print newspaper (yeah, this was back in 1995), I just knew there was no way this woman would be certified by the base to run an In-Home Day Care, but I had to try and be a supportive spouse so I allowed her to attempt it while sharing with her my reservations.

1st Step, I took her to the Family Service Center (FSC) to enquire about the job, which was in very, very, high demand, and gathered information and I was made aware that as the military Sponsor that I would be responsible for whatever my dependents did, which made me feel very uncomfortable.

The FSC came to my home to inspect and gave me a list of things I had to do to bring our on base home up to standards to run an In-Home Day Care. Things such as installing safety latches on cabinet doors, incerting plastic covers into electrical outlets and the most challenging of them all, build a chain link fence in the backyard! WTF? It was base housing, why didn't they do this shit? Nooo....I had to go to Home Depot and purchase the required crap including the tools I needed and ask for advice how to do this. Digging holes and placing the poles in the ground with cement which I'm happy I was able to find laying around where someone had left for anyone to utilize. It was a very strenuous undertaking for my first time, but it came out great and passed the inspection.

However, I get a call from her saying that she had gotten her first customer through the FSC when I knew she hadn't even taken one class required of her to start her business.

I immediately when to the FSC and asked how could this be? I was told that the demand for Child Care is so great that they "waived" the requirement for certification 'before' care for other people's children since she already had a child of her own and can take the classes "as she goes". WTF? They ask me if I had any concerns since I'm the "Military Sponsor". Hell yes I had concerns. I didn't want her caring for other people's kids since what would be required of her was never seen by me with her own child, but they were willing to give her a chance.

Within one week, my then wife had not only her 1 year old to care for, but 2 other toddlers and an infant.

I remember driving home during lunch time and didn't call to give her prior notice and all I heard from outside the home was kids crying. I enter the house and see the toddlers fighting over toys in the front room, and she sitting on the couch watching soap operas while the infant was on another couch crying.

I was furious!

I had some choice words for her and returned to work.

The following week we were able to secure early so I went home as was half asleep when the mother of the infant came to pick up her child. She was not happy that her child's diaper had not been changed and apparently not for some time.

That week I was called back to the FSC in order for them to report to me that my spouse had not 1 but 2 reports of neglect and they wanted my input as to how they should proceed.


I told them I addressed my concerns with them allowing my then wife to care for other people's kids when what was required of her was never seen happening with her own child and that I had a feeling she only wanted this "job" because she felt it would lessen the pressure she was feeling coming from me of her now contributing to the family and that I knew when she failed the certification that this little attempt of hers would fall through, but nooooooooooo......the FSC assigned kids to her care without her taking one class. So I wasn't surprised to know she had negative reports made on her.

I was told that their course of action would be to suspend her services and will be by to inform her personally.

When they came over to inform my then wife of her suspension, she cried and said that she would just quit.

The FSC said their purpose wasn't to terminate her services, but just suspend them until she received the appropriate training and credentials, but she knew she wouldn't pass so she just quit all together.

Things could have been a lot worse.

That's why the above story triggered my memories and emotions about parents just not doing the proper research before turning over the care of their kids to other people.

If you have kids and you need to work resulting in needing Day Care, do your fucking research! Oh, and yeah, expect to work just to pay for the care of your kids. ijs




17:16 Apr 29 2019
Times Read: 1,588

So my Surrogate Mom is still onboard to stay at my home to care for Bandit while I travel to NY and Florida soon.

I told her she is free to invite friends over and even use the Dungeon.

The look she gave me was priceless! LOL!

I'm traveling into town today to purchase a new large suitcase and more treats for Bandit. He has his very first dental appointment on the 1st. He'll be sleep for the procedure.

I'll be editing Monday's video and publishing later today or tonight. I really enjoyed making the video. I love when production comes togther.




16:46 Apr 29 2019
Times Read: 1,591

It's cloudy, darkish and raining here.

I love it!

I love when the weather mixes it up.

I get Rain, Heat, Cold and Neutral weather in my location and it's just a few hours drive if ever I am in the mood to explore extreme temperatures from Desert Heat to Mountain Snow.

I love my location!




16:17 Apr 29 2019
Times Read: 1,594

Another day to be AWESOME! ^_^



16:27 Apr 29 2019

as always... in your case

16:50 Apr 29 2019


08:21 Apr 29 2019
Times Read: 1,600

Monday's video recorded and downloading to my computer.

40 more minutes



04:33 Apr 30 2019

Oh man these are fricken awesome!!! Sorry I am really behind in my journal reads LOL


02:19 Apr 29 2019
Times Read: 1,604

A 2 hour nap and I'm read for




22:43 Apr 28 2019
Times Read: 1,606

I'm feeling a Cannabis Induced Nap creeping on.....





20:54 Apr 28 2019
Times Read: 1,607




18:59 Apr 28 2019
Times Read: 1,620

I don't agree when a Parent uses the act of cutting off financial support to their Physically and Mentally handicapped Adult-Child simply because they don't agree with who their Adult-Child has chosen to love.

I mean, I understand what they are attempting to do, but if a Parent hasn't prepared their child to fully function in a society where it takes $$$ to provide for one's Basic Living Necessities and that Adult-Child moves out rather than be told who they can and can not be in love with, then that parent is putting the welfare and safety of their Adult-Child at risk over their NEED to CONTROL.

But, hey, whatever.....

My Words may give them something to think on, but my Actions in assisting their Adult-Child when I can, who sees me as a Surrogate Family Member since they were a teenager, who is struggling like so many others, will only build more animosity towards them.

I may disagree with Life Choices my own Adult Children make and after I've give them sound advice, but them not taking my advice is NOT something that would cause me not to be there for them when they need assistance and I'm in the position to assist them.

This desire to attempt to Control the Actions of Others, some by any means necessary, is beyond Insanity.



19:20 Apr 28 2019

Totally agree.

19:40 Apr 28 2019

I have to agree too. The love of a parent is suppose to be unconditional love. As well as a the love of a child to a parent. Though many parents though out history have tried to control thier children and who they choose as a mate buy dangling that carrot. Then when you have a handicap involved, wrong. It is sad when parents try to use money as a form of control. She is lucky to have your support, Brother.


17:13 Apr 28 2019
Times Read: 1,625




17:08 Apr 28 2019
Times Read: 1,626

This is some funny shit!!! LMAO!

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Crazy Neighbor | Mike Tyson & Anwar Jibawi




17:01 Apr 28 2019
Times Read: 1,628

That damn fridge....Now it's staying cold, but the freezer side is only reaching freezing temperatures at the bottom shelf.

I've done all I can do for that old thing. Time to invest in a new one after my travels next month.

Things that are built WILL one day break.




09:17 Apr 28 2019
Times Read: 1,632


Time to sleep.




07:21 Apr 28 2019
Times Read: 1,635

I've recovered enough to go again.

It's going to be hot and wet in there.




06:10 Apr 28 2019
Times Read: 1,648

Someone had a lot of fun today.



06:28 Apr 28 2019

Awww so adorable!!!

06:44 Apr 28 2019

so cute


04:52 Apr 28 2019
Times Read: 1,657

2 down, 1 to go.

I need a Hug



05:00 Apr 28 2019

:::hugs and a grope:::

Oh wait that just slipped...oops:-p

You can do it...one more time!

05:09 Apr 28 2019

05:52 Apr 28 2019

06:03 Apr 28 2019

@Crowscat....Thanks! Hugs and a grope in return.

@SinfulMelody.....Thanks! ((Hugs))

06:19 Apr 28 2019


01:31 Apr 28 2019
Times Read: 1,666





01:21 Apr 28 2019
Times Read: 1,667



21:54 Apr 27 2019
Times Read: 1,668




18:40 Apr 27 2019
Times Read: 1,671

I've never been a "Super Fan" of anyone or anything beyond a few select things such as The 5 Elements Of Warlock Awesomeness and my Spiritual Lifestyles of Cannabis, Occult, Gothic and BDSM, however, I will like to send a shoutout to one TV series that although I have not watched every single Episode, it does and has Entertained me.



02:29 Apr 28 2019

Oh man I love me some Dean!


217 lbs and Tracking

18:12 Apr 27 2019
Times Read: 1,672

I expose my body to so much heat for so long every single day that I only need to continue with portion control and stay hydrated and the weight comes off.

I was 219 lbs two days ago.

Today, I'm 217 lbs.

This after eating the following yesterday:

1st Meal: 1 Egg omelet with cheese and jalapeno peppers, 3 nutter butter cookies covered with 3 spoonful of cherry cheesecake ice cream, 2 small baby corn on the cob.

2nd Meal: 2 small slices of pepparon pizza, broccoli with cheese, 2 small baby corn on the cob.

3rd Meal: 2 small slices of pepparon pizza, broccoli with cheese, 2 small baby corn on the cob.

Late Night Snack: A bag of popcorn with jalapeno peppers




06:19 Apr 27 2019
Times Read: 1,686

Ok......Let's Do This!!!!!!



06:26 Apr 27 2019

Oh dayum! That's his Ultra Instinct form it looks like...bad ass!

GoGoGo Mogy!!!

08:35 Apr 27 2019

Go mogy

09:28 Apr 27 2019

Sokugu fan mogy brother?

09:30 Apr 27 2019


01:37 Apr 28 2019

@Liliancat......Yup, but not a Super Fan. LOL!


05:45 Apr 27 2019
Times Read: 1,690

All I have to do is complete 1 more 60-Minute Sauna Sesh Treatment before midnight.

And if I have a snack, it can't include any meat.

I do feel drained though.

Fuck it, I got this.......Power up Mogy!!!



05:57 Apr 27 2019

Oh yeah Super Saiyan style!

Drained huh? o.0
LOL oh wait wrong kind :-p

06:01 Apr 27 2019

But, are you sure?

06:27 Apr 27 2019

:::so naughty::::



00:19 Apr 27 2019
Times Read: 1,695

Ok, Friday's video has been edited and is saving now. Then I'll upload it to YouTube and publish it.

Time to spray the backyard to kill weeds and then my 2nd Sauna Sesh and 3rd meal of the day.




21:57 Apr 26 2019
Times Read: 1,696




20:10 Apr 26 2019
Times Read: 1,698

Ok, I've procrastinated beyond my 8 a.m. - 12 a.m. Sauna Sesh period for my 1st teatment of the day so I'll have to make it up later tonight.

But I did eat my first meal of the day and it had no meat.

Now time for that 1st Sauna Sesh of the day while eating 2 small slices of Pepparoni Pizza and watching the 85 South Comedy Show on YouTube.

Lets Get It!!!




18:37 Apr 26 2019
Times Read: 1,720

There are 3 realities that comes with being on VR.

(1) Some people will NEVER comprehend this fact.

(2) Some people will NEVER stop trying.

(3) I will ALWAYS be entertained by the above two realities.



18:43 Apr 26 2019

It annoys me...lol

19:05 Apr 26 2019

Oh, that's your reaction?

Wait one, let me grab my popcorn.


19:18 Apr 26 2019

19:26 Apr 26 2019

Thats right mogy



18:04 Apr 26 2019
Times Read: 1,723



16:50 Apr 26 2019
Times Read: 1,724

Drove my Son to the airport earlier in the month so that he could return home after his 2-week visit, but his flight got canceled and was rescheduled for the next day so we decided to have some fun in San Diego.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)





15:31 Apr 26 2019
Times Read: 1,726

I'm still among the living for yet another day.

So let's see how today's story unfolds.




07:44 Apr 26 2019
Times Read: 1,733

I just finished recording Friday's video and I'm very, very High-ly Medicated.

And now to get naked, grab a snack, shower, take the snack into the sauana and proceed to eat and hydrate as I sweat from every orifice for 60-Minutes while watching YouTube videos on my laptop that I can see and hear through the sauna's glass door, crawl out the sana, shower again, watch porn, masturbate, take a Piss, wash my hands, strap on my C-Pap mask, Loop my favorite tunes on YouTube and reduce the valume to the point where I can just hear it, and slowly breath until Lady Sleep embraces me...... placing my head between her...ummm, I digress.

But, yeah, the option to deviate from this exact order has be takened advantage of........ often.



14:01 Apr 26 2019

Naked ^-_^
Masterbate ^_-

Thats the only 2 i got out of ALL that LOL:-p

14:02 Apr 26 2019

I got so distracted I couldn't even do the kitty correctly LOL

15:06 Apr 26 2019

* groans *

I really didn't need the image of a hot, sweaty, naked man masturbating, running through my head. If I wanted to see that, I could look in the mirror. However, if anything about my day starts to bring me down, I can compare it to that image and know that nothing else could possibly be worse.

Thanks for making my day better, as strange as that sounds.


15:19 Apr 26 2019

@ABHORASH.....Well, replace that visual with this one and carry on. LOL!


04:42 Apr 26 2019
Times Read: 1,744

So far so good.

The Positives are outweighing the Negatives today.

- 2 Sauna Sesh Treatments down, 1 to go after I record Friday's video tonight.
- Dropped below 220 lbs.....again.
- Prepared delicious meals.
- Published 2 videos today.
- Traveled into town and purchased Weed Killer Spray and White Appliance Epoxy.
- Cleared Garbage Disposal of foreign objects and it works better than before.
- Sealed the tiny holes in the fridge door which once again stopped it from leaking.
- Spoke to my Son, he has decided to relocate back here after all.
- Sprayed Weed Killer over the front yard and will do the back tomorrow.
- Received a full refund for a $12 item that was never shipped after purchasing it via eBay.

- Broken foreign objects in Garbage Disposal
- Refrigerator started to leak again, but very tiny dropplets from the door.
- Received a 'Warning' Letter from the city that has been sitting in my mailbox for over a week pertaining to weeds that had grown during the time of my back injury. Good thing I took care of that already. LOL!
- Had to open a case in eBay for an item that hadn't shipped and the merchant won't respond to requests for a tracking number.



05:07 Apr 26 2019

This is a good day:) love that!

07:20 Apr 26 2019


20:16 Apr 25 2019
Times Read: 1,748

Survived another one!



20:19 Apr 25 2019

Keep it rolling wootwoot!


18:17 Apr 25 2019
Times Read: 1,754

On the agenda for today:

- Daily 3 Sauna Sesh Treatments
- Pushups and Crunches
- Prepare 3 Meals
- Download, Edit, Save, Upload, Publish and Share 2 New Videos
- Watch Videos Online
- Bandit Time
- Fold Laundry (Maybe)
- Blog
- Vlog
- Live My Beliefs
- Live My Best Life

Let's Get It!



19:02 Apr 25 2019

Pushups huh? Pushing up into...

Shhh ok nevermind I was letting my mind get lost there :-p

19:42 Apr 25 2019


17:58 Apr 25 2019
Times Read: 1,758

The struggle is real!

So made it down to 214 lbs.

Then LIFE happened and I needed extra feel good vibes in addition to what I obtain from Cannabis.

So I increased my intake of SUGAR (e.g. Ice Cream, Cookies, Pies, Sweet Tea, etc., etc.).

They were DELICIOUS and I felt great during and after eating them.

However, my weight, as expected, increased to 224 lbs 3 Days ago (weighed myself right after a meal...LOL).

Today, I'm down to 219 lbs.

The craving for extra SUGAR has subsided, but.......It will return at some point and I will be ready!

With fork and spoon in hand.

I am a Hedonist afterall.




16:57 Apr 25 2019
Times Read: 1,761

So Many Memes To Enjoy On Pinterest! LOL!




16:04 Apr 25 2019
Times Read: 1,765



16:49 Apr 25 2019

Freaky Friday action huh? LOL no but you're right on that one tho, I like it :)

16:52 Apr 25 2019

But, but...It's Thursday!



15:57 Apr 25 2019
Times Read: 1,768

This though...



17:47 Apr 25 2019

Only drama I like is in darkness and ....(insert your sin here)


18:09 Apr 25 2019

Sin? What's that?



21:25 Apr 24 2019
Times Read: 1,776



19:26 Apr 24 2019
Times Read: 1,782

When you have a passion for Art, the Occult and Laughter




For most organisms the absence of light is vital, too.

19:12 Apr 24 2019
Times Read: 1,788

Scientists Say Darkness Benefits Health - ABC News
It turns out we need the darkness to make our immune systems work. Scientists have now discovered that only when it's really dark can your body produce the hormone called melatonin. Melatonin fights diseases, including breast and prostate cancer.


The Importance of Darkness

According to the latest science, that could be an oversight. Cheng Chi Lee, who studies circadian rhythms at the University of Texas Medical School, says there is now a growing body of evidence suggesting that we should revel in darkness because it can have surprising effects on health and behaviour.


Dark matter produces an attractive force (gravity), while dark energy produces a repulsive force (antigravity). Together, they make up 96 percent of the universe—and we can't see either. Astronomers know dark matter exists because visible matter doesn't have enough gravitational muster to hold galaxies together.



19:22 Apr 24 2019

Have people told you I love sciences ? and have that kind of interest

19:47 Apr 24 2019

@ReaperSoulMate.......No, people haven't told me that. Awesome!

22:05 Apr 24 2019

So I guess a quickie during the day isnt as powerful than say one at random under darkness? HAHA :-p

22:38 Apr 24 2019

@Crowscat......Hmmmm, I don't know. Let's put that theory to the test.


18:41 Apr 24 2019
Times Read: 1,798

The Dark Kindred Alliance Page is one of the best, if not the best, expression of Enlightenment.

Proud to once again be a part of the Alliance.

"Live your life as an example to others in the community." ~ LadyBloodMoon




16:23 Apr 24 2019
Times Read: 1,810

Ahhh, another day to be....Well......Me! LOL!

But, let me journal about yesterday.

So I don't know about you, but I rate everything that happens between the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep as either a Positive Day or Negative Day base on which Energy was displayed the most.

Yesterday, like all days, was a Positive Day.

It went something like this.

- Completed 3 Sauna Sesh Treatments
- Repaired my Landscape Lighting
- Loaned my neighbor a gallon of chlorine for his pool
- Helped my mother to figure out Skype
- Utilize Skype to communicate with my elderly Granny who is currently in the ICU
- Posted Tuesday's video
- Recorded Wednesday's video
- Enjoyed watching YouTube videos and chatting with Family, Friends and Acquaintances
- Prepared deliscious meals, especially Dinner

- While helping my Mother with Skype, I burned 4 pieces of bread
- Bandit is still struggling with the commnd to stop barking after the doorbell is rung or someone knocks on the door.
- Noticed Landsaping Lights weren't working.

So into the Positive Catagory it goes.

Hello Wednesday....



16:43 Apr 24 2019

Have a good posituve day mogy

18:20 Apr 24 2019

@mrandmrsimpaler4ever.......Thanks! That's my Focus. That's my Will. That's my Goal!


08:29 Apr 24 2019
Times Read: 1,819

I'm too high for this shit.

This fool is going to kill me with laughter!!! ROTFLMAO!!!

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

That's beyond me




23:48 Apr 23 2019
Times Read: 1,822

Sometimes, when it comes to my thinking about stepping into that sauna for 60 minutes, I'm like

I wish my battle with health and weight would end, but where would be the fun in that?




15:41 Apr 24 2019

Salt and Peppa song comes to mind "push it" LOL!!!

18:21 Apr 24 2019



23:14 Apr 23 2019
Times Read: 1,827

So why did one of Dakotah's posts make me think of this shocking video?

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Infants Contract Herpes From Oral Suction During Jewish Circumcision

Religion has been used to do many........ questionable acts




19:19 Apr 23 2019
Times Read: 1,832

Some Witches just take things too damn far.

I mean, when they know a Warlock is coming for dinner

they be like



19:31 Apr 23 2019



17:34 Apr 23 2019
Times Read: 1,837

Some day, I hope Art will no longer have to be censored on social sites.

This is my new piece sitting right outside my Sauna

Baphomet drawn with actual human like anatomy purchased from a merchant out of Russia



18:08 Apr 23 2019




17:19 Apr 23 2019
Times Read: 1,840

I love VR's Journal Feature.

I love to go back into my Journal History to see how I or something has changed over time or just to remember something in the past that I am not quite sure about.


Purchased Nov 2016
Arrived Dec 2016
Minor use in 2017
Noticed Weight Loss in early 2018
Ramped up use to Major use in middle of 2018
Benefits shown in late 2018

254 lbs Jun 2018
214 lbs Apr 2019

Oct, 2018 and beyond...Increased Sauna Temperature and Time spent in it.

Sep 29th, 2018

Just enjoyed another 45-minute Sauna Treatment at 110 Degrees.

Just a few benefits.

- Increased circulation. Everyone who steps foot in a sauna will experience an increase in their circulation.
- Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Help with weight loss.
- Flush toxins from your body.
- It relieves stress.

Taking a warm shower prior to getting in the sauna makes the temperature more tolerable.

Also, taking my cell phone in there and watching videos or surfing the web makes the time go by very quickly. The dry heat doesn't seem to be damaging the phone. I suppose it would be as if I was standing outside in the hot desert, but I would never take a cell phone into a steam room. That moisture would damage it for sure.


Aug 13, 2018

VR Controls My Workout Today

Having Exercise Intolerance due to my military career resulting in a Respiratory disorder and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.....Sucks!!!

But, I refuse to give up. I will fight against my ever slowly creeping increasing weight gain.

So, who will be the first to choose what I will do first?

I know VR has some Sadists. LOL!

- 15-minute pool swim
- 15-minute treadmill walk
- 15-minute exercise bike ride
- 15-minute weight lifting
- 15-minute sauna treatment

Purchased in November 2016 for my 48th Birthday.

Arrived and assymbled in December 2016.

Assembly required...

Product Overview

Radiant Saunas are the safe, effective and affordable way to relieve stress and improve health, right in the comfort of your own home. Our saunas utilize the latest in InfraWave FAR heat technology that emit untra-low levels of EMF, making tem safe and beneficial to your health. With solid Hemlock Wood and buckle construction, these saunas are super easy to assemble and built to last, providing you with years of health benefits and stress relief. The oversized interior cabin features 40% more space than price driven competitors, creating the ultimate sauna experience. The 2-Person Deluxe Infrared Sauna model is perfect for relaxing and rejuvenating with your special someone on the extra deep bench that runs along the back wall of the sauna. It will fit in virtually any room in your house! The EZ-Touch dual interior and exterior LED control panels allow for easy temperature control. This sauna is loaded with extras including a towel hook, magazine rack, backrests and a CD Player with mp3 plug-in, 7-color therapy light and an oxygen ionizer. This model operates on a safe 120v/15-amp power and is proudly backed by CE, CETL, RoHS and ISO 9001 certifications, internationally-recognized seals of quality, safety, and professional manufacturing. 7 year Limited Warranty, 5 year heating & electronics, 1 year radio

• 5 ceramic heaters strategically placed for maximum heat therapy

• Puts out infrared wavelengths from 5 to 12 microns that most benefit the human body

• Operates up to 141 Degrees F

• Made of premium grade, solid hemlock wood

• Constructed with tongue and groove joinery for superior edge to edge strength and durability

• Scratch-resistant, tinted tempered glass door

• Plugs into standard home electrical outlet; 120-Volt/15-Amp power

• Adjustable roof vents

• EZ-Touch dual interior and exterior LED control panels for easy temperature control

• Stereo sound system with built-in speakers including radio, CD player and AUX mp3 connection

• Equipped with magazine rack and interior reading lights

• 7-color light therapy system, enhances your sauna experience

• Electronic oxygen ionizer helps purify the air, keeping it clean and fresh

• 7 year Limited Warranty, 5 year heating & electronics, 1 year radio

• Snap and lock buckle assembly for quick and easy set-up

• Assembly required, takes approximately 30-45 minutes

• Assembled Dimensions: 47.25"W x 39.25"D x 75"H Interior dimension: 43"W x 35"D x 67"H



17:22 Apr 23 2019

I do love that too...its like an event timestamp of your life back then c:



16:44 Apr 23 2019
Times Read: 1,844




16:33 Apr 23 2019
Times Read: 1,845



03:16 Apr 22 2019
Times Read: 1,864

Bandit was pretending to bite me so I pretended to bite him back.

You should have seen the shock look he gave me. LOL!



03:30 Apr 22 2019

Haha Master's in da House! LOL

12:14 Apr 22 2019


12:14 Apr 22 2019

I can only imagine its look

14:29 Apr 22 2019



16:28 Apr 21 2019
Times Read: 1,878

Started a marathon on Friday.

Watching "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina".

Oh Wicca.....How you continue to portray Warlocks. smh!



16:34 Apr 21 2019

I watched I think 2 eps and lost intrest in it.

16:44 Apr 21 2019

Yeah, I've done that to so many other shows that I've lost count.

Either it's Entertaining to you or not.

And this show is REALLY poking fun at the Catholic/Christian Religion. HILARIOUS!!!


16:12 Apr 21 2019
Times Read: 1,880

So, I did make a 420 video on 4/20, but I don't do Daylight well so I waited for the Darkness and decided I'll post it on 4/21.



I do
What I want
When I want
Where I want
Why I want
How I want
For as long as I want




16:46 Apr 21 2019

My eyes are dark does that count? LOL!

16:55 Apr 21 2019

Ok, but how about leveling up and let's get Sclera Tattos together?

This could be how your transformed eyes look for the rest of your life.

03:34 Apr 22 2019

Whoa, that is some serious eyes...I'd have to get the red hair too...An Asian islander with black eyes, red hair and short af? Lol, not sure if that would fly tho :-p


03:41 Apr 20 2019
Times Read: 1,897

Daughter: Dad, can you send me money for new clothes and for a pass to drive in the carpool lane? I have a new job I start on Monday.

Me: Sure, but it was money I was sending you as a gift on May 1st, but if I send it now, don't expect it in May.

Daughter: That's ok, Dad, I'll wait.

Me: Are you sure? It's $$$.00.

Daughter: Nope, I'll wait, Dad.

Me: Ok, as you wish. Let me know if you change your mind. Love you.

Daughter: Love you too, Dad.

Kids....Even Adult Kids...Just....Wow!



04:37 Apr 20 2019

LOL you know that will never end...i have a married kids that still ask :-p


02:20 Apr 20 2019
Times Read: 1,907

Ok, I survived the backyard lawn maintenance.

I'll pull some weeds up that grew threw my weed retardant material in the front yard tomorrow morning. I never had much faith in the material anyway because this shit out here grows through concrete. LOL!

Went into town to and purchased more pool chemicals and then picked up glass pieces #90, #91 and #92.

#88 and #90 was purchased yesterday during my Road Trip.

100 total Bongs and Dab Rigs is the goal.



02:43 Apr 20 2019

Once you hit 100, does that mean people can start that old song of "100 bong glasses are up on the wall, 100 bong glasses are thereeeee?"

I had to improvise some words.
It fits.... I think?

03:06 Apr 20 2019

So I gotta holla once ya hit dat den? LOL

03:15 Apr 20 2019

@Emerson, sure...Why not! LOL!

@Crowscat....Holla, yell, dance, run down the road naked...Hey, you do you...I don't judge. Hahaha!

04:38 Apr 20 2019

( * )( * )

Hahaha :::throws top off to free my girls::: LOL

04:44 Apr 20 2019

@Crowscat, no pic, it didn't happen.


21:39 Apr 19 2019
Times Read: 1,918

Time to strap on the backbrace on go mow my lawn.



21:47 Apr 19 2019

Pls be careful Mogy xoxo

22:54 Apr 19 2019

Strap on??? Bwahahahaha!!!

02:16 Apr 20 2019


03:05 Apr 20 2019

Omg i almost spewed my coffee LOL :-p


08:26 Apr 19 2019
Times Read: 1,933

So after the 2nd woman messaged me on ancestry.com, and I replied seemingly to have assisted them in some manner, I got to testing out their Beta site.


It's almost like FaceBook....and on steroids!

Now I'm wondering if some members of this site is lowkey attempting to turn "ancestry.com" into "incestry.com".



10:17 Apr 19 2019

Oh dear lord LOL crazy af...

15:33 Apr 19 2019



03:02 Apr 19 2019
Times Read: 1,943

Road trip complete.

Almost a total of 3+ hours in traffic.

I empathize for those that have to commute to work daily in stop and go traffic.

I'm going to Sauna Sesh! I really, really, need to.



03:21 Apr 19 2019

Dang that's some serious road time LOL...thankfully my drive is only 30 minutes each way c:

Hope all in all it was productive xoxo

03:36 Apr 19 2019

Nope, not productive at all.

The Doctor seemed a bit confused why my Primary Doctor sent me all the way up to the main VA Hospital when nothing has changed with my diagnoses of what they are calling "Adult Onset Asthma" with "Reactive Lungs" which may or may not have been as a result of exposure while in Iraq where I breathed in toxins from Burning Trash and Toxic Sand.

Are you kidding me?

And because I have Sleep Apnea, the VA only compensate me for having that since, according to them, by their regulations, only one compensation per effected organ or some shit like that. So even though Sleep Apnea has nothing to do with my Shortness of Breath from whatever I and others were exposed to, they won't separtate the compensation into two separate categorizes.

05:13 Apr 19 2019

o.O That is ridiculous! They are lumping everything under breathing.

05:29 Apr 19 2019

Under Respiratory....Yup!

So Pulmonary Test results must be so terrible as if I'm gasping for air 24/7 before they are allowed to treat it as a separate entity.


03:34 Apr 18 2019
Times Read: 1,953

So the X-Rays showed nothing out of the ordinary so it seems to have been a muscle strain that is healing. Also, no sign of Scoliosis. WTF?!

Health wise, I'm doing well, except a slight issue with the kidneys that may be due to the 3 types of Blood Pressure medications I'm on.

Course of action? Remove one BP medication and replace it with another one resulting in continuing to take 3 BP medications.

Of course, she was very happy with the weight loss, however, my blood work did notice my consumption of sugar.

I told the Doctor at this point, I just don't care because I'm consuming sugar like every other day. I need some some enjoyment while continuing to eat smaller portions of food without starving myself.

Of course she gave me this look as though she really wanted to laugh, but it would have been unprofessional so she only smiled and said that well she cared and asked if I can change my sugar consumption to every 3 Days.


I then went to Walmart to only purchase some snacks for Bandit and left with a weeks worth of new clothes and minor groceries.

So road trip tomorrow to go to the VA Hospital for more Lung tests.

While I'm up there, I might as well check the local Smoke Shop. Hahaha!

Currently, I'm saving the edits to Wed's video to post later in about 2 hours.

Now, I think I'll go ahead and look for some background music for recording Thur's video tonight.

Think back on today, wasn't a negative day at all.



03:52 Apr 18 2019

Wait 3? That's...concerning...

I'm glad the x-rays showed nothing serious, but...what the heck??? LOL

I love your positivity! It'sdefinitely addictive :::huggs:::

05:14 Apr 18 2019

05:24 Apr 18 2019

You better stay healthy dude. You can die after we smoke your body weight in cannabis :)

05:32 Apr 18 2019


19:52 Apr 16 2019
Times Read: 1,958

1 of 3 Daily Sauna Seshes....Complete.

I just received a reminder phone call that I have an appointment with my VA Doctor tomorrow and the nurse confirmed that they did indeed receive the X-Rays of my Lower Back.

Plans For The Day:
- Sauna Sesh 3 Times
- Edit, Save, Upload Tuesday's video
- Prepare three meals
- Watch videos online
- Fold some laundry (maybe)
- Put away washed dishes (maybe)
- Wash more dishes (maybe)
- Play with Bandit
- Record Wednesday video tonight




19:29 Apr 16 2019
Times Read: 1,961



19:36 Apr 16 2019

so true


18:01 Apr 16 2019
Times Read: 1,966

I have two siblings of which I'm the middle sibling.

Nope, not the Oldest.

Nope, not the Baby.

Furthermore, both of my siblings are Christian Ministers.

Me, I'm a Pagan Minister.

They struggle with my beliefs, but for the most part, accept me for who and what I am.

Whenever they share their Bible's scriptures with me, I tell them it's not a competition and to simply

"Live Your Beliefs"





17:24 Apr 16 2019
Times Read: 1,975

It's so funny how religious and spiritual groups splinter into so many other groups and beliefs. Including Satanists.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

The Church of Satan (1966):
The Church of Satan (NOT to be confused with The Satanic Temple) is a religious organization dedicated to Satanism as codified in The Satanic Bible. The Church of Satan was established at the Black House in San Francisco, California, on Walpurgisnacht, April 30, 1966, by Anton Szandor LaVey, who was the Church's High Priest until his death in 1997. In 2001, Peter H. Gilmore was appointed to the position of High Priest, and the church's headquarters were moved to Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, New York City. After LaVey's death, conflict over the nature of Satanism intensified within the Satanic community. The Church of Satan became increasingly doctrinally-rigid and focused on maintaining the purity of LaVeyan Satanism. The Church's increased emphasis on their role as the bearer of his legacy was partly a response to the growth in non-LaVeyan Satanists. Some Church members – including Gilmore – claimed that only they were the "real" Satanists and that those belonging to different Satanic traditions were "pseudo" Satanists. After examining many of these claims on the Church's website, Lewis concluded that it was "obsessed with shoring up its own legitimacy by attacking the heretics, especially those who criticize LaVey". Meanwhile, the Church experienced an exodus of its membership in the 2000s, with many of these individuals establishing new groups online.


The Sect of the Horned (2011):
Even though LaVeyan Satanism is an atheistic belief, it is still a belief. And just like any other beliefs, the believers sees their belief in different ways. This paradigm difference created a number of types of LaVeyan Satanists. According to Thomas LeRoy, a LaVeyan Satanist from the Sect of the Horned God, the believers can be categorized into three large groups:

- The left-hand path
- The right-hand path
- The trolls a.k.a assholes

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

The Three Types of Satanism


The Satanic Temple (2013):
In an interview with The New York Times, co-founder Malcolm Jarry stated that the idea of starting a Satanic faith-based organization was first conceived as one "that met all the Bush administration's criteria for receiving funds, but was repugnant to them". The idea was inspired by then–president George W. Bush's formation of White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, for which he thought something should be done to counter it.[6] The Satanic Temple was founded in 2013. The Satanic Temple is a nontheistic religious and political activist group based in Salem, Massachusetts. The Temple has chapters in 13 US states and in Canada. The group uses Satanic imagery to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and the separation of church and state. Their stated mission is "to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people". The group was co-founded by Lucien Greaves, the organization's spokesperson, and Malcolm Jarry. The Satanic Temple has utilized satire, theatrical ploys, humor, and direct legal action in their public campaigns to "generate attention and prompt people to reevaluate fears and perceptions", and to "highlight religious hypocrisy and encroachment on religious freedom"


Greater Church of Lucifer (2014):
In 2014, Luciferians founded a worldwide organization for Luciferians from Houston, Texas, known as the Greater Church of Lucifer (GCoL) under the leadership of church founder Jacob Mckelvy, co-presidents Michael W. Ford and Jeremy Crow, founder of the Luciferian Research Society. In January 2015, the founders of GCoL filed paperwork in the Austin County Courthouse in order to do business under the GCoL name. The GCoL focuses more on teachings based on the practical world. Family and personal progression are among its key tenets.


And more...




20:09 Apr 14 2019
Times Read: 1,990

The USA has 3 Branches of Government that runs our country.

Now, one of the responsibilities of the Executive Branch is Law Enforcement/Protection of US Citizens and those within its borders.

So what I'm hearing is, you want to take those you've FINALLY caught, those you failed to prevent from entering into our country illegally or who had remained pass their Visa, and relocate them, some who were just minding their own business, not causing their community any trouble and probably had become a huge contributor to their community in some way as well as those that were probably very toxic to their community and you want to set them loose, both kind, into communities probably they've never even heard of, effectively turning those communities into "Prison Communities" causing harm, creating chaos rather than just admitting that you and your predecessors Failed at your Responsibilities and figuring out a way to do BETTER!

Just because you don't like the fact that some communities have chosen to capitalize on your and your predecessors' Failures.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)




19:36 Apr 14 2019
Times Read: 1,994

Wearing a backbrace while Sauna Seshing for 60 minutes three times per day is an improvement.



19:56 Apr 14 2019

When do you get the results of the xrays?

20:18 Apr 14 2019

Some time next week.

19:19 Apr 16 2019

take care


17:50 Apr 14 2019
Times Read: 1,999

Let's Get It!




17:39 Apr 14 2019
Times Read: 2,000

When it seems they just don't understand your words




17:22 Apr 14 2019
Times Read: 2,002

I Love Memes and Gifs



20:09 Apr 14 2019

HA! Now these are perfect!


16:35 Apr 14 2019
Times Read: 2,007

What some people fail to understand is, life is not some grand competition.

It's not me against you or you against me.

It's not what I have or what I can do vs what you have and what you can do.

Life is Me vs Life!

You vs Life!

Why do we get snatched from the cosmos and temporarily trapped within a "meat suit" and must have care takers until we reach the age of legal adulthood within our society, if allowed to live even that long, is a great mystery.

Everything we experience up until we are considered a "legal adult" shape our beliefs, desires, personality, etc., etc., and then we are thrust into the "adult world" along with a generation of others to.....Live Our Best Lives!

Enlightenment is achieved when one discovers they must re-program their thoughts and change their actions to be more in tuned to living the Purpose they themselves MUST Chooose for their own Life.

One is either succeeding at this experiment called LIFE or not.

If one finds themselves NOT succeeding at Life......Maybe start with YOUR LIFE CHOICES you're making.

They say whatever doesn't kill you, makes you strong.

But sometimes it seems you're only getting stronger to endure more difficulties meant to try to either kill you or at least break your spirit to continue to live.

It is also said that one must find their own Path in life.

This I truly believe. Because another's Path is NOT my Path. I know where MY Path leads because I established my own PURPOSE and set my own GOALS for Life and my Path is my Journey towards living my PURPOSE and achieving my GOALS.

Not YOUR goals, but Mine!

So your fight is not with me or anyone else.

Your fight is with Yourself and with Life.

If you feel some type of way with me or anyone else because you feel we are living a better life in some way, that is not our concern.

Maybe stop FOCUSING on others and turn your focus within, that's where you will find YOUR answers to this experiment called LIFE!



16:55 Apr 14 2019

well written... if only everyone could understand and follow it!

20:11 Apr 14 2019

My journey in life have left footprints that impacted who Ive become today...wise words my friend...love it!


05:32 Apr 14 2019
Times Read: 2,013

Gotta love getting in the sauna without taking a warm shower first.



06:08 Apr 14 2019

Is that the guy from Scrubs? LOL

06:12 Apr 14 2019

Yup! lol!


04:10 Apr 14 2019
Times Read: 2,018

Let's Get It On!




23:34 Apr 13 2019
Times Read: 2,031

It's painful how much concern one has over the legal actions of another.

I mean it seems to consume every moment of their existence.

When I read or see things like that, I think how miserable of a life one must be living to hate on others every day....all day.

So sad.

One should be so busy living their own life that they have little time to pay attention to the negative, but legal, shenanigans of others......unless it's a form of Entertainment!



00:06 Apr 14 2019

I am all for living positive and getting my daily dose of smiles from reading you c: Thank you for that Mogy...you're the best!

00:17 Apr 14 2019


17:23 Apr 13 2019
Times Read: 2,036

Cleaned the pool while wearing my back brace. No problems. Went well.

However, I'm not too sure of doing yard maintenance yet.



19:05 Apr 13 2019

That's enuff for today Mogy LOL! Slow and easy remember? You don't want a repeat session of spasms :-p xoxo



15:45 Apr 13 2019
Times Read: 2,041

Lower Back Pain Update:


4/5 Friday
Pain Level between 6-9.5 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Sent my Doctor the following message today, "Cannabis has been managing my chronic lower back pain since 2017, but today while cleaning my swimming pool with my net, something felt like cracking happened which almost took me to my knees and I had to sit down, but then it was difficult to stand and now I'm having to walk with a cane while wearing my back brace and feel sharp pain each time I have to stand.

If still in pain on Monday, expect a request for an appointment to have it x-rayed.

Spasms all night.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- CBD Topical
- Cannabis Topical
- Cannabis Drink
- Dragon head walking cane
- Back Brace

4/6 Saturday
Pain Level between 5-8.5 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Lower Back is 10% better.
Still having Spasms.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- CBD Topical
- Cannabis Topical
- Dragon head walking cane
- Back Brace

4/7 Sunday
Pain Level between 3-6 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Lower Back is 80% better.
Just a couple of Minor Spasms.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- CBD Topical
- Cannabis Topical
- Dragon head walking cane
- Back Brace

4/8 Monday
Pain Level between 3-5 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Sent message to Doctor to order X-Ray.
No Spasms, but I feel constent pressure on my Lower Back and spreading out towards the right.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- CBD Topical
- Cannabis Topical
- Dragon head walking cane
- Back Brace

4/9 Tuesday
Pain Level between 3-5 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
No Spasms, just constent pressure that incresease upon standing.

Doctor sends me a message response saying, "X-Ray of L spine ordered. Likely pain is 2nd to flare of chronic low back pain. Should get better with time. Use heat, rest. I can send you topical icy hot, topical anti inflammatory and muscle relaxant if you wish. Will notify you with results once x-ray done and go from there.

4/10 Wednesday
Pain Level between 3-5 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Lower Back Pressure remains.
X-Ray completed. Have to wait a week for results.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- CBD Topical (Ran Out)
- Cannabis Topical (Ran Out)
- Dragon head walking cane
- Back Brace

4/11 Thursday
Pain Level between 2.5-6 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Lower Back Pressure remains.
X-Ray completed. Have to wait a week for results.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- Dragon head walking cane
- Back Brace
- Hand Warmers (Have to wear underwear and then stick them down the backside over the area of pain)
- Muscle Rub

Look what I found in my bathroom medicine area.

4/12 Friday
Pain Level between 1-3 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Lower Back Pressure remains.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- Dragon head walking cane
- Back Brace
- Hand Warmers (Have to wear underwear and then stick them down the backside over the area of pain)
- Muscle Rub

4/13 Saturday
Pain Level between 0-0.5 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Today I only feel what seems like trembling in my Lower Back. As though it wants to spasm, but something is preventing it. So back to normal after 1 week and a Day.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- Back Brace (As required for manual chores)



15:59 Apr 13 2019

Now that song is playing in my head from the Pointer Sisters "I'm So Excited" LOL! So good to know you're on your way back c:

16:10 Apr 13 2019


02:00 Apr 14 2019

Take it easy!!! Hope you are doing better.


06:51 Apr 13 2019
Times Read: 2,049

A new funny person to follow on YouTube because laughter is life!

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Juhahn Jones!!! What Have You Done?




06:32 Apr 13 2019
Times Read: 2,051

Too funny.....Why didn't I come across this meme last Friday?! LMAO!!!



06:40 Apr 13 2019

LOL omg this is tooofunniii!!! It would've been SO perfect too :-p
(add f-bombs and other colorful adjectives on top of the moaning :-p)

07:01 Apr 13 2019



06:13 Apr 13 2019
Times Read: 2,056

Seriously, people, look at your Life Choices!!!

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Instant Regret What Could Go Wrong Compilation 2019 vol.14




17:35 Apr 12 2019
Times Read: 2,062

So why weren't my videos able to be uploaded for hours yesterday?

Well, I forgot I turned off my mobile phone's wi-fi while away from the lair yesterday to stop being asked if I wanted to use a number of public wi-fi. I simply roam and use my data to surf the web if I'm not going to be away long.

So I simply re-connected to my home's wi-fi and the problem went away.





02:09 Apr 12 2019
Times Read: 2,069

4/5 Friday
Pain Level between 6-9.5 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Sent my Doctor the following message today, "Cannabis has been managing my chronic lower back pain since 2017, but today while cleaning my swimming pool with my net, something felt like cracking happened which almost took me to my knees and I had to sit down, but then it was difficult to stand and now I'm having to walk with a cane while wearing my back brace and feel sharp pain each time I have to stand.

If still in pain on Monday, expect a request for an appointment to have it x-rayed.

Spasms all night.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- CBD Topical
- Cannabis Topical
- Cannabis Drink
- Dragon head walking cane
- Back Brace

4/6 Saturday
Pain Level between 5-8.5 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Lower Back is 10% better.
Still having Spasms.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- CBD Topical
- Cannabis Topical
- Dragon head walking cane
- Back Brace

4/7 Sunday
Pain Level between 3-6 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Lower Back is 80% better.
Just a couple of Minor Spasms.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- CBD Topical
- Cannabis Topical
- Dragon head walking cane
- Back Brace

4/8 Monday
Pain Level between 3-5 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Sent message to Doctor to order X-Ray.
No Spasms, but I feel constent pressure on my Lower Back and spreading out towards the right.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- CBD Topical
- Cannabis Topical
- Dragon head walking cane
- Back Brace

4/9 Tuesday
Pain Level between 3-5 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
No Spasms, just constent pressure that incresease upon standing.

Doctor sends me a message response saying, "X-Ray of L spine ordered. Likely pain is 2nd to flare of chronic low back pain. Should get better with time. Use heat, rest. I can send you topical icy hot, topical anti inflammatory and muscle relaxant if you wish. Will notify you with results once x-ray done and go from there.

4/10 Wednesday
Pain Level between 3-5 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Lower Back Pressure remains.
X-Ray completed. Have to wait a week for results.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- CBD Topical (Ran Out)
- Cannabis Topical (Ran Out)
- Dragon head walking cane
- Back Brace

4/11 Thursday
Pain Level between 2.5-6 (Out of 10 being the worst pain I've ever felt).
Lower Back Pressure remains.
X-Ray completed. Have to wait a week for results.

Home Treatment:
- Cannabis
- Sauna
- Rest
- Dragon head walking cane
- Back Brace
- Hand Warmers (Have to wear underwear and then stick them down the backside over the area of pain)
- Muscle Rub

Look what I found in my bathroom medicine area.



02:27 Apr 12 2019

Now I'm thinking "hand warmers" huh? HA! :-p inquiring minds want to know LOL!

02:29 Apr 12 2019

I was trying to add more to this but it cut me off lol...n.e.ways I'm super glad your pain numbers have gone down...that's somewhat of a small relief...just now the waiting for results ugh!

02:55 Apr 12 2019

Yeah, waiting for results and managing the pain the best I can.


00:58 Apr 12 2019
Times Read: 2,073

This is me at the VA Clinic on yesterday representing my beliefs and lifestlye.




21:47 Apr 11 2019
Times Read: 2,080

Well, I couldn't do what I needed to do to plan for, book, and schedule payment for my travel to New York and Florida while lying in bed. My lower back aches while lying down, sitting, standing, walking, breathing...etc., etc., so I opted for sitting in the Dungeon on my throne and spent the next 3 hours dealing with websites and providing information to get shit done.

Parking at Airport: $141.95
Flight: $1,000.15
Trip Protection: $65.01
NY Car Rental: $102.42
NY Hotel: $177.38
FL Car Rental $176.21
FL Hotel: $489.43

GRAND TOTAL: $2,152.55

This doesn't include the extra cost the rental car agencies try to stick you with when you go to pickup your rental suck as Full Tank of Gas upon return and Insurance. Nor does this include money for food, fuel (in and around town), gifts (maybe) and Bandit's Care (not free, but I pay what I can to family and friends who will stay at my home while caring for Bandit).

So it's within the budget I estimated this travel will cost.

Just happy all is done so now to wait for the flight delays, flight cancelations, and Mr. Murphy's Law. LOL!

They took X-Rays of my Lower Back, but they won't be ready for the Doctor's view for a week. Uggh!

Also, I haven't been able to upload my Thursday Video to Google Drive nor YouTube. WTF?!

I need to Sauna Sesh......Now!!!



22:11 Apr 11 2019

Holy wowza! Thats...just wow...so add another grand then? LOL...man I hope the xrays turn out to be nothing too serious...I'm worried 4u xoxo


02:00 Apr 11 2019
Times Read: 2,087

I spend no more than $5 playing the lotto.
Some people spend a lot more.
I figure this way, if it was meant for me to win, then spending that $1 or $2 for each of the 3-4 games I choose to play is enough.




00:20 Apr 11 2019
Times Read: 2,090

4 vials of blood given, a urine sample given, back X-Rays taken, grocery shopping, new glass medical devices purchased, 1 Sauna Sesh and editin Wed's video all completed so far.

May go out later to play the lotto. ^_^




17:19 Apr 10 2019
Times Read: 2,093

214 lbs. today.

Hmmm...How long before I reach 210 lbs?




16:09 Apr 10 2019
Times Read: 2,095

Well, I have to leave the lair today to go to the local VA Clinic.

Lab work prior to seeing my Primary Doctor next week and I am to pick up the order to have X-Rays taken of my lower back from the front desk.

Since it was lab work, I couldn't eat anything after 9 p.m. lastnight so I might just treat myself to a breakfast at Denny's, stop by a few local smoke shops to see what's new out and then returned home to purhase my tickets for my trip next month.



01:19 Apr 11 2019

Oooo Denny's yum!


07:02 Apr 10 2019
Times Read: 2,113

I better get this out while this weed is in me... (LOL!)

I always knew and accepted the real possibility of death, dismemberment, becoming handicap, deformity, mental health issues, etc., etc. if I served a career (20 or more years) in the United States Marine Corps. Not saying it will ALWAYS result in this, but there is a real possiblity and the odds of this happening are higher than your average civilian.

The way I figured and the way I'm sure it is designed, was that it was better in there than where I was raised. I would have done almost anything not to have returned back there. Scarry thing is, there were people poorer than us. So Sad. So I had fun! Really enjoyed myself. It reminded me of when I was a child and used to play war, cops and robbers, etc., etc., only this was for real...real!

I'm thankful that I survived my career, however, my physical and mental health were victims.

If not for Cannabis, my Spirituality, the United Stated Departent of Defense for making good its promise, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs for their care, and the love and caring shown from family and friends, things could be a lot worse.

Most people only see a 50 year old man with God-Like Looks, but what you don't see is the guy that if I had to walk any slower, I'd be walking backwards! LMAO!!!

I have to laugh to keep from crying.

So I laugh....a...lot!!!!!

Ok, I may be strething the truth a bit, I mean I've seen slower by a young Marine who had issues with both his knees and he was younger than 25 years old. Ouch!

I'm just saying I went from Kung-Fu/Ninja status to needing to study Tai Chi.

My active life slowd to a more lade back pace in my late 30s.

So when I was 38 years old, I felt what I thought 50 would feel like.

At 50 years old, I feel what I think 75 will feel like with this temporary back issue, but only 70 without it since I still have symptoms of restrictive lungs upon exerting myself.

Well, damn it, if I'm going to age internally faster than a civilian of equal age then I'm going to make it look fucking Goth!

Especially since I know they are monitoring me, keeping data on me, seeing how long I'll live with whatever I've been exposed to.

Fuck It!

Where's my fucking Dragon Cane?!

Let The Darkness Take Control!



16:00 Apr 10 2019

Comments earesed due to editing, but here they are.

16:01 Apr 10 2019

Thank you both! ((Hugs))


01:25 Apr 10 2019
Times Read: 2,123

New Art hung and as you know, I had to push back my goal to achieve 215 lbs. by 4/1 to by 4/15 due to enjoying my Son's two-week visit.

Proud to say that today, I achieved that goal.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)





22:23 Apr 09 2019
Times Read: 2,131

If you're not happy with the accomplishment of others or simply don't care, then allow me to annoy you even more.

April's Weight Goal....Achieved!



23:33 Apr 09 2019

Great work!

01:09 Apr 10 2019

Thank you!

04:28 Apr 10 2019

Nice!!! That's pretty darn kewl! Wootwoot!

16:03 Apr 10 2019

Thank you! I do try. Daily! LOL!


22:10 Apr 09 2019
Times Read: 2,133

Why did this meme remind me of Payne?




03:21 Apr 09 2019
Times Read: 2,147

Finally, the Darkness is coming.

If only you knew how much I love the Darkness.

Look what I found while surfing the internet.

25 Philes and their love




04:01 Apr 09 2019

Nighttime has always been my favorite time too. Always had a hard time getting up in the morning then at night, I get this burst of energy. And LOL On the Feverdreams.


01:53 Apr 09 2019
Times Read: 2,151

217 lbs!

So close, but so far away when I can't include my Crunches and Push-ups.



02:56 Apr 09 2019

You will get there, Brother. For now, you have to heal the back. I think you should go see the VA Doc, maybe get a shot.

Meantime here something I hope gives you a laugh:

06:19 Apr 09 2019

Already requested an appointment. However, no shots....Cannabis is doing the job with the pain management.


06:26 Apr 09 2019

Bandit hasn't been trained to do this yet. All he does is jumps over me.


00:55 Apr 09 2019
Times Read: 2,161

I need some 2% milk for my Girl Scout Cookies.

Hey, it says, "Write in your Journal".........So I am. LOL!



01:19 Apr 09 2019

Which cookies?

01:22 Apr 09 2019

Only the best kind.....Do-Si-Dos/Peanut Butter Sandwich

01:24 Apr 09 2019

Oh my...


18:01 Apr 08 2019
Times Read: 2,170

From the upcoming new Joker movie:

"The worst part about having a mental illness is
People "expect" you to "behave" as if you don't."

There is a difference between "condoning" the behavior of another and "accepting" the behavior of another as a result of factors beyond one's control.

Some people should really think on this one when it comes to the internet.



22:24 Apr 08 2019

Truedat c:


17:26 Apr 08 2019
Times Read: 2,171

I usually wake up at around 5 a.m. each morning, but not today.

Today I woke at 9 a.m. Wow! My body must have really needed the extra sleep.

I don't recall dreaming though. I usually do.




08:29 Apr 08 2019
Times Read: 2,181

I'm In Space right now.

A solid '10'.

So I've had to medicate a little extra for Pain Management due to my back. I also medicated while recording Monday's video.

At some point, I started thinking in my head what must be going through Bandit's head since he's rarely not wagging his tail meaning he's a happy Puppy-Dog 98% of the time. I took off 2% for his uncontrolled barking when I've cleared whoever is at the door and assured Bandit that they are no threat. Stop barking!!! Sometimes I put him outside before checking to see who's at my door.

The conversation I felt was going on in Bandit's head went something like this:

Bandit: Dad, I love you man. I mean, really, really love you, man! Ever since you adopted me at 4 months old, life has been nothing but easy street for me.

Now, don't take this the wrong way, but yes, I do enjoy the baths you give me. How you dry me with a towel, then you turn the blow dryer on me while brushing and combing me when you let my hair grow out, but the whole brushing the teeth event, yeah, not feeling you sticking something in my mouth and it runs on batteries. Hey, Dad, I don't roll that way ok?

Moving on, you feed me all sorts of foods and have pretty much settled on my favorite and sometimes you'll throw a little something, something extra in my bowl and I know it's people food, I know it is, I watched you prepared it, Dad! You're...The...Man! And the treats, wow!, those are the best! The "Hide The Treat" game we play and the "Fetch The Treat" game we paly. Now that fetch one is the best. While we're both upstairs you throw the treat downstairs because you know I love two things the most, (1) Running, and (2) Sniffing things. Now, I know you're olllll-50 with back and lung issues from your military service, "thanks for serving our country by the way", so I don't mind you putting me on the treadmill instead of taking me for a walk. But when you do take me on a walk, it's always the coolest. Don't worry, I yell at all of my species to don't even think of coming near you, Dad! I gotch your back if any of them wants to step.

Oh, you keep me healthy with Doctor regular doctor visits. Now, I'm going to overlook the time you took me to the doctors telling me it's because you know I like the vet female nurses and all I remember is you leaving and then picking me up to take me home, but I was missing a couple of things. Ok, one thing, but my doctors said that was normal. But, anyway, something freaky went down at that clinic so if it happens again, we need to get the authorities involved.

You recently signed me up for routine Dental care. Now, I overheard them tell you that they will put me under so hey, that's the difference between what you're doing, Dad, and the professionals. I just saying...

You brought me some bling to wear around my neck so I can stunt on those fools!

Ok, you and I will just have to agree to disagree with the whole chip in my shoulder process. First, Ow! Secondly, that's some straight up Illuminati shit, Dad! I mean, daymn, how deep in the Occult are you?

Small price to pay for me to be blessed to live in this Awesome home. Ok, ok, I get a little excited and pee on your beautiful blue floor from time to time, but, it runs in the family I heard. It is what it is. At least you purchase those wrap things for me. Now it looks like I'm wearing a back brace just like you. Ohhhh..Burn!!!! Good thing you can't read my thoughts.

Oh and the swimming pool, yeah, no, not my thing, Dad! Stop trying to make it my thing every Summer too. I might do well with baths, and I might know how to swim, and very well if I must say so myself, but I have no love for the swimming pool. I bet you're still wondering why the plaster stained over. Hehehehehe! Hey, the water is clean though. Ph in Balance and all that so that's all you, Father!


So, at this point, my back is beginning to ache from sitting too long so I'm out this be-otch!

Serenity & Happiness To whoever is reading this hot mess of high journaling.



11:07 Apr 08 2019

take care... *hugs*

13:20 Apr 08 2019

Note to self: wish to come back as Mogy's pet in my next life :-p

17:17 Apr 08 2019

@SinfulMelody....Thanks! ((Hugs))

@Crowscat.....You mean you don't want to be my "pet" now? Oh wait, you would have to be living the BDSM Lifestyle.


04:22 Apr 08 2019
Times Read: 2,189

So I've just requested to have my lower back x-rayed. Why take any chances?



04:36 Apr 08 2019

That's a relief to hear. I hope it goes well xoxo

05:05 Apr 08 2019

@Crowscat.....Hugs, Kisses and Licks to you. ^_^

07:54 Apr 08 2019

take care and let us know what you find.... I tend to worry.. It's a good thing you decided to get it x-rayed....

08:44 Apr 08 2019

@SinfulMelody....Thanks! I will.


02:49 Apr 08 2019
Times Read: 2,199

I Check Daily....Hahaha!

It's the internet after all.



02:51 Apr 08 2019



02:30 Apr 08 2019
Times Read: 2,202

Feeling 80% better. The human body's ability to heal itself is simply amazing.



02:42 Apr 08 2019

Facts. Even with me- Day 2 no walking and I'm feeling the healing. Going to continue to make this week a "light duty" one. Feeling positive about the change I'll see in doing so.


02:17 Apr 08 2019
Times Read: 2,204




21:21 Apr 07 2019
Times Read: 2,210

Cannabis-Induced Nap time....Zzzzzz




20:46 Apr 07 2019
Times Read: 2,216

Ok, 1 of 3 Sauna Seshes complete.

2 meals (1 without any meat) consumed.

I had to remind myself not to attempt to do my push-ups and crunches when what seemed like Thor slamming his hammer into my lower back causing a quick spasm removed any desire to do those from my very being.



20:47 Apr 07 2019

be careful

20:50 Apr 07 2019

Oh, I am. I know my limits. LOL!


18:14 Apr 07 2019
Times Read: 2,235

Favorite VR Feature: Journal

Least Favorite VR Feature:

I suppose there isn't one that is my least favorite so far. I just value what I value.



18:43 Apr 07 2019

I'd have to agree with you on that one c: So many favs for me!

18:58 Apr 07 2019

19:01 Apr 07 2019

Yelp, yelp, yelp....


17:51 Apr 07 2019
Times Read: 2,239




16:14 Apr 07 2019
Times Read: 2,249

Do Pain Creams Really Work?

To me, they are not instant pain relief so by the time healing takes places, I never know if it was the pain cream/topical or natural healing, but I'd like to think they contribute to the healing process.



16:24 Apr 07 2019

For some of my muscle problems, tiger balm helps. It helps take a bit of the edge off, which helps me relax the area more. Anything to do with joint pain, pain creams do absolutely nothing for me. That means my knee gets an ice pack and a resentful stare when it hurts.

18:23 Apr 07 2019

Try soaking in hot bath?


05:02 Apr 07 2019
Times Read: 2,254

Well, Bandit is either letting me know he wants to play or that he has to go outside, either way here comes the PAIN....

Eh....Fuck It!

We're aren't strangers to each other so...




04:02 Apr 07 2019
Times Read: 2,262

I eased my way downstairs to prepare some BBQ Beef Ribs and then enjoyed Sauna Sesh #2.

However, nature called while I was getting my sweat on.

Let's just say the getting off the toilet is more painful than sitting and standing while getting in and out of the sauna.

One more Sauna Sesh to complete my 3 treatments for today so I'll do that in an hour.




03:19 Apr 07 2019
Times Read: 2,269

Currently listening to all the music I deemed "Loop Worthy" on my YouTube Channel.

The music notes, the vibrations, the voices, the lyrics, mixed with my highness and the fact that the sun is retreating and the darkness is coming makes for a magickal moment in time.

Now, I just need a Boobie Hug. Where is Di?



03:37 Apr 07 2019

:::sneaks over to give you a smushy...:::

Oh dear now look what you've done, I'm stuck on your chain:-p

03:43 Apr 07 2019

Oh, that's not my chain. ^_-


23:20 Apr 06 2019
Times Read: 2,279

No movement can be wasted, I remind myself.

It may bring a spasm so I must be committed to it.

Each move is performed very, very slowly. I feel the pain intensify and wonder at what pain level will it max out at? So I stop as a spasm hits and control my breathing as it maxes out and then subsides, but sometimes leaving mini after trimmers of "gotcha" pains in its wake. They hit so quick. So quick. The thought of the pain is an afterthought by the time my body registers that there was a pain.

I memorize all the movements and positions that bring no pain hoping they remain as such.

I can't forget the movements and positions that result in my soul, that is located in the center of my brain, to push the panic button to halt my body's movement as pain sensors go off like nuclear control panel warning of an imminent meltdown. I never knew a back could "clench". All it takes is moving one foot from one spot to another and I pay dearly for it.


I have to pee!

I slowly move inching myself out of bed. The pain level bounces back and forth between 0-5 out of 10 being the worse. At the point of actually standing up, the pain goes from 5 to an 8 causing my eyesight to blur.

As I'm frozen in place, I have three choices, (1) Stay frozen in the position I'm in and piss myself, (2) Complete the movement and endure what pain may come and creep to the toilet, or (3) Retreat to the position I was previously in and piss my bed.

I chose to continue the movement and stand upright. Each step I take with the assistance of my dragon-cane threatens a new spasm, but none hit me with intensity. On the third step, I have to squeeze my member to prevent my carpet from being drenched with urine. I make it, but wonder what damage have I done to my kidneys.

I go through this scenario at least 3 times before finally falling into a deep sleep from pure exhaustion and cannabis.

Today, my back feels 50% better, I mean, I can actually take 6 steps before having to grip myself. I can even shuffle a little. However, any movement that requires the support of the lower back, which is like 90% of them, reminds me just how human I remain.

If not for years of training to endure pain, I might find that even a Gothic Warlock Lord can cry!




23:33 Apr 06 2019

Wowza, this feels excruciating dayum! I am wondering if being on all fours like a cat slowly would alleviate some of the pressure? Till you get better at least? No Im not joking but you're right tho, standing makes you have to engage the lower back, there's gotta be a way to make it less painful to move. Rest up my friend :::huggs:::


20:50 Apr 06 2019
Times Read: 2,291

My Fight is with Life
Because Death is a Friend



"For more than 50 years I've survived everything you've thrown at me. This too I shall conquer."



23:23 Apr 06 2019

Goku is bad ass! You're even more than he is in my book :::huggs:::

23:31 Apr 06 2019

@Crowscat......And I thought I was a flirt.



08:36 Apr 06 2019
Times Read: 2,302



08:03 Apr 06 2019
Times Read: 2,317

Well, the back spasms kept waking me up so I figured if I couldn't sleep, I might as well get up and let Bandit out for a nature call and then back inside to sleep, secured the back entrance, and then completed an hour-long Sauna Sesh.

My back is 10% better so that's some improvement.

Now I'm going to try and sleep again and allow my body to heal itself.



08:05 Apr 06 2019

Sweet dreams Mogy. Rest well.

08:31 Apr 06 2019

14:21 Apr 06 2019

Hope the back gets better soon bro!

17:47 Apr 06 2019

take care... hope you feel better soon

18:42 Apr 06 2019

I thought about you last night at dinner and wish we lived closed by so I could bring you over a plate. How is your back today? Take it easy, Brother, Medicate, Order food delivery if you have too but rest:

21:00 Apr 06 2019

Thanks, everyone!

Had a rough night with the Back Spasms, but I think I'm up to about 50% healed.


04:31 Apr 06 2019
Times Read: 2,337

I'm hungry, but I'd rather eat crackers than try to walk downstairs again.

Nope, gonna lay here wearing this back brace and try to fall back asleep without adjusting too much.

Oh wait, I do have to let Bandit out one more time and then secure the rear entrance.



04:39 Apr 06 2019

"Without adjusting too much."

Now I'm definitely thinking the wrong thing here :-p

But on a more serious note, please rest up. I'm worried about ya :::hughugs:::

05:03 Apr 06 2019

05:12 Apr 06 2019

Yeah, that all sucks :( I'm with you in pain, right now. I'm trying to be all bad ass with these miles and the last two days have sucked... haven't been able to hang with the big dogs. I plan to win this latest Fitbit challenge though no matter what it takes. I'll be up in the morning to make every moment count :)

05:16 Apr 06 2019


Just remember, our bodies tell us when something isn't right. We have to listen to it and give it time to repair itself.

When you are healed....Do the damn thing!

Get Some!

05:40 Apr 06 2019

I know you are right... but I am having a problem listening to sound advice at the moment.

05:55 Apr 06 2019

08:17 Apr 06 2019

@Images you know you're gonna win this one :-p

And you Mogy, I better not see you over moving or Im gonna smak you myself :-p

08:36 Apr 06 2019



04:30 Apr 06 2019
Times Read: 2,338




04:22 Apr 06 2019
Times Read: 2,341


Those back spasms when I adjust myself in bed....

I need to take myself to even higher places. Above the pain. Reaching a level where I'm Numb to the Pain!




20:46 Apr 05 2019
Times Read: 2,387

Before I begin to receive messages concerning members of my coven, I recommend you read the following that I sent to ALL of my coven members:

12:17 Apr 03 2019
Just to be clear, here are a few facts to keep in mind:

- If you are cool with me, I'm cool with you until we are no longer cool with each other.
- Any member is allowed into my coven. If Cancer is allowing their profile to remain on VR, that's good enough for me.
- Any member Sire is welcome to depart the coven without any hard feelings or questions as to why at any time. Non-Sire Member Profiles can simply request to be allowed to be transferred to a coven of their choice and ask that coven's CM or ACM to message me to make it happen for you.
- I'm not concerned about your actions or thoughts on VR, but what will get you 'Kicked' is personally attacking ME or a fellow Coven Member. Why? Because that is toxic behavior in our home and our home is a Drama free place. So go play outside, but wipe your feet before coming inside and don't step on your fellow Coven Mates who are here to just chill as much as anyone else. I don't care if you are on the top of the 'Bottom Honor' list, if your Profile is still valid and you have not started drama with me or any of your fellow coven-mates, then play on you Kinky Blazers and/or Dark Souls.
- What has happened between you and someone outside the coven or is currently going on or will go on in the future between you and someone "outside" the coven.......IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS!!! It has nothing to do with me!


• • • • Message from The Coven of Mogyology • • • •



23:39 Apr 05 2019

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

02:12 Apr 06 2019

17:50 Apr 06 2019


18:28 Apr 05 2019
Times Read: 2,393

Fuck! My lower back made some type of funny noise and the pain I felt almost took me to my knees as I was cleaning my pool with the net.

Cannabis often makes me forget I have Chronic Back Pain due to developing Arthritis in one of the Vertebrae in the Lumbar region as seen by X-Ray.

I had to sit down for a minute and was barely able to stand back up.

I slowly finished what I was doing since I hate leaving any task unfinished, but had to slowly walk back into the Lair, which required me to sit down again as I still felt pain.

I grabbed my dragon head walking cane and made my way to the bottom of the stairs where I had to sit down again on the leather storage bench near the front door.

I slowly made my way up the stairs and now in bed hoping the pain subsides even more.



18:39 Apr 05 2019

Oh lord! The pool can wait. Please rest. Lay still.

21:34 Apr 05 2019

Damn Mogy, please take it easy! Or I will have Fever smak you for being bad :-p

22:15 Apr 05 2019

@FeverDreams, I plan to, well after my Niece leaves, oh and after my first Sauna Sesh for the day. I've already sent my VA Doctor a message saying if I don't improve by Monday, she should expect a request for an appointment.

@Crowscat, smack on my lips?

02:17 Apr 06 2019

The other night after our family dinner I was in the Family Room with my nieces. They had there tumble mat out doing flips and tumbles. They challenged me 'Uncle Sean bet you can not do this!' Ha! I should have stopped at the first backflip. The second one and yeah, you guessed it, I have had a heating pad wrapped around me since. I got a shot this evening and its starting to loosen up some. Take it easy over the weekend, medicate.

04:03 Apr 06 2019

Ouch! You too, Brother! Thanks! #BroLove

04:48 Apr 06 2019

Sending positive vibes your way Mogy. I hope your back feel better soon.

05:02 Apr 06 2019



16:58 Apr 05 2019
Times Read: 2,400

So from my April's Pension, I've financially contributed to my Kids, my Community and to Friends.

My last financial assistance is going to be to my Surrogate Niece today as I'm paying her to catalog my comic books just for her to have some spending change in her pocket for the month as she awaits SSI. She, like many others in society, was born with or developed mental issues as well as physical issues which the state has determined she can't operate an automobile and apparently can't get employed, but she's an adult required to support herself.

Yeah...ok! How?!

So anyway, I have to drive into town today to get the cash to pay her.

She did call me crying explaining how she needs "double" the amount this month and asking if I could do it.

Ummmmm.....Yes, but No!

I'm down to what I "need" to cover my own living expenses for the month after sharing the fruits of my labor with others.

When it comes to self-preservation, never contribute to drowning yourself while attempting to help someone else who is drowning. Their situation may be due to no fault of their own (many times it is), but no one person can save EVERYONE!

Never be afraid or too nice to simply say, sorry, but No!




05:49 Apr 05 2019
Times Read: 2,408

Friday's video recorded and now uploading to Google Drive.

Time to get out of wardrobe, hop into the shower to warm my body and thennnnnn

Bring On The Heat!!!



13:39 Apr 05 2019

Friday's video recorded and now uploading to Google Drive. Time to get out of wardrobe, hop into the shower to warm my...

Thats what it looks like when you look in the journal entries...so my mind was like warm his....oh my! :::get your mind out of there thats not what he's doing:::

It was a nice thought tho :-p

16:19 Apr 05 2019

And that's why I like you! Keep your mind in there because my mind loves the company. LOL!


23:04 Apr 04 2019
Times Read: 2,417

My VR mail notice is cracking me up.

"Beep-Beep..Mail Mutherfucker"....LMAO!!!



23:29 Apr 04 2019

Ha I can hear Samuel L. Jackson saying it too :p


23:00 Apr 04 2019
Times Read: 2,419

QueenZombiee said I belong to Salma Hayek!

So, sorry FeverDreams.




18:34 Apr 04 2019
Times Read: 2,421

It's that time again!




07:23 Apr 04 2019
Times Read: 2,427

5 minutes left.




20:26 Apr 03 2019
Times Read: 2,440

I swear Long-Lasting Clorox Fraganzia Air Freshener Crystal Beads are



21:23 Apr 03 2019

I love any Clorox product. Going to have to try these.

23:53 Apr 03 2019

Wait they have those now? Damn mememe I want it! LOL

00:21 Apr 04 2019



19:11 Apr 03 2019
Times Read: 2,447

Wow! That fucking sauna....is fucking HOT!!!

I had "hot" sweat running down the crack of my royal ass!!

I suppose that's where the term Hot Ass Sweat comes from.



19:12 Apr 03 2019


19:17 Apr 03 2019


19:26 Apr 03 2019

Make sure you are drinking water after.

19:34 Apr 03 2019

Bro, I drink water Daily and throughout the Day. 10 months and counting and no Negative effects felt yet. Only Positive results.

23:52 Apr 03 2019

Oh Mogy you would say that:-p
Love it xoxo

00:22 Apr 04 2019

Yup! Hehehe!


18:53 Apr 03 2019
Times Read: 2,450

Sitting in the sauna watching this is making me hungry...and for food too.


(Video May Be Slow To Load)

SHOCKING INDIAN FOOD!!! Did NOT Expect to See This in India!

I Love This Guy's Food Review Videos




17:25 Apr 03 2019
Times Read: 2,456

I'm finally awake so you know what that means...

Bring On The Heat!!!




05:15 Apr 03 2019
Times Read: 2,467

So I am very tired.

I drove my Son to the airport only for him to call me right before I got back on the interstate to make the over an hour drive back home to tell me his twice-delayed flight was now canceled and he wanted me to return and pick him up (although I really didn't need to, but he just wanted to chill longer with his Dad).

The airport put him up in a hotel until tomorrow.

So first thing first, he directs me to the wrong hotel they assigned him.

Then I pay $15 for parking thinking he directed us to the correct hotel only to leave and go the opposite way to the correct hotel. 40 minutes total.

Then after he was settled in the correct hotel, he couldn't just rest up....Nooooo....He has to get out and do stuff. That part he gets from his Mom who stayed in the streets.

So we went to a park and road some 'birds' and then he had me drive him to a friend's house where he would hang out and then catch a Lyft back to his hotel.

Of course, he got us lost a few times having me drive all over San Diego County to take him to his friend's place.

But, of course, I couldn't just drop him off there and return home. Nope, he wanted Dad to take him and his buddy 20 minutes from his friend's house to a local Dispensary.

So what should have been a 2-hour evolution turned into a 7-hour one.

However, we enjoyed some Subway together and then just hanging out until I took him to his friend's house.

I really enjoyed his visit and I'm looking forward to traveling to NY to see my first Bio-Granddaughter soon.

Now, time to eat dinner and thennnnnnnn

Bring On The Heat!!!



06:12 Apr 03 2019

Oh my...dang I'm exhausted reading your adventures :-p

NY? Omg I SO wanna go there one day!


17:15 Apr 02 2019
Times Read: 2,485

I mention FeverDreams at the 5:12 mark, but don't let her know I'm trolling her again.


My Son and I ventured to Hollywood, CA, but all but a small portion of the footage was lost. Oh well, we still have the memories. We then returned to our own city where I treated him to a farewell dinner at a place of his choosing prior to him flying back home.

I really enjoyed his 2-Week Visit. Good times!

(Video May Be Slow To Load)




23:00 Apr 02 2019

Im so glad it went well:)

23:03 Apr 02 2019

Teppanyaki!!!! I love!!!!

18:36 Apr 03 2019


Teppanyaki (鉄板焼き teppan-yaki) is a post–World War II style of Japanese cuisine that uses an iron griddle to cook food. The word teppanyaki is derived from teppan (鉄板), which is the metal plate on which it is cooked, and yaki (焼き), which means grilled, broiled, or pan-fried. In Japan, teppanyaki refers to dishes cooked using a teppan, including steak, shrimp, okonomiyaki, yakisoba, and monjayaki.

The teppanyaki grills are called teppan and are typically propane-heated, flat-surfaced, and are widely used to cook food in front of guests at restaurants. Teppan are commonly confused with the hibachi (sic) barbecue grill, which is called Shichirin in Japanese and has a charcoal or gas flame and is made with an open grate design.[1] With a solid griddle-type cook surface, the teppanyaki is capable of cooking small or semisolid ingredients such as rice, egg, and finely chopped vegetables.


15:06 Apr 02 2019
Times Read: 2,492


Allow my Son to wonder if his Dad really LOVES him?



21:30 Apr 02 2019

Awww this is so cute . I miss my dad. That I knew how much I will miss him I'd have more time for him.

21:36 Apr 03 2019



06:43 Apr 02 2019
Times Read: 2,496

Give me your strength to endure this last one.

Let me feel your Postive Vibes.

Send me your Boobie Energy!!!

Yes! Yes! Yes!!!




23:28 Apr 01 2019
Times Read: 2,516

Yes!!!!...More artwork just got delivered.

I'll post pics later.

I need to go purchase more poster covers. LOL!




23:20 Apr 01 2019
Times Read: 2,518

FeverDreams is gracing us with all her glory!!!



23:35 Apr 01 2019

O.o *covers the journal post* goodness

23:42 Apr 01 2019

*Uncovers the journal post*

We all know 99% of the guys and 98% of the females have a crush on you FeverDreams.

Oh it's true.

I took a poll. LOL!

23:48 Apr 01 2019

Now tell me who are those 1% .... need to seduce them lol

23:59 Apr 01 2019


22:27 Apr 01 2019
Times Read: 2,520

Fuck! That felt like a Suna alright!




20:53 Apr 01 2019
Times Read: 2,525

Well, I held steady at 218 lbs. I don't feel too bad about not meeting my 1 April deadline to reach 215 lbs because my Son and I really enjoyed our time together. Especially the road trip to Hollywood.

So 15 April it is.

Sadly, I lost all the footage thinking it was ok to delete all the videos from my camera phone after uploading to Google Drive only to realize I should have waited until all the videos had completely uploaded.

But I suppose some memories are only meant for one's memories and not shared with the world I suppose. We saw some really funny people and then some really sad people having to live on the street and all.

Today is his last day here so I'm taking him to any restaurant of his choice for dinner.


Until then

Bring on the Heat!!!

Let's Get It!




18:44 Apr 01 2019
Times Read: 2,539

Congratulations to Liliancat!!!

The 6th Recipient of MOGYOLOGY's "Bless Program"

(Video May Be Slow To Load)




19:15 Apr 01 2019

Me???? really???

19:15 Apr 01 2019

Wow thank you although I dont deserve anything of it.
Thank you for your kidness brother

19:33 Apr 01 2019

Sis, you deserve it and so much more!

It's YOUR Positive Karma!


19:54 Apr 01 2019

lilian, you deserve all the good luck in the world sis. glad to see you got this. :D


18:24 Apr 01 2019
Times Read: 2,543

The 6th Recipient of The Bless Program Of MOGYOLOGY will be reviled within the hour.



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