LORDMOGY's Journal

LORDMOGY's Journal


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118 entries this month

17:19 Feb 28 2019
Times Read: 1,581

Well, just one more day to reach my Weight Goal of 220 lbs for 1 March 2019.

And I'm already there!

Now all I have to do is maintain or improve by Midnight tonight and I'm golden!




23:42 Feb 27 2019
Times Read: 1,574

These two are soooo entertaining....LOL!

(Video May Be Slow To Load)



06:36 Feb 28 2019

And people call me weird lol.


20:44 Feb 27 2019
Times Read: 1,577

Second Sauna Sesh Treatment....Completed!

1st meal of the day were 2 apples and some reduced fat original Cheez-It Crackers ending with a 9 oz recycled Imperial Butter container partially full (8 oz = 1 cup so I had a little less the full 9 ounces) of my two favorite ice cream flavors. According to my online research, one can have up to 1 cup of ice cream per day and still be considered eating healthy.

2nd meal of the day were two deep-fried chicken legs with blue-cheese dressing and more reduced fat original Cheez-It Crackers.

After I consume the last two chicken legs later tonight, I have to go into town tomorrow for more food.....Fuck, I just know I'm going to purchase more glass. Oh well, it brings me Happiness sooooo





15:22 Feb 27 2019
Times Read: 1,580



14:04 Feb 27 2019
Times Read: 1,586

2 Days to go to reach my weight goal of 220 lbs by March 1st.



14:39 Feb 27 2019

nice!!! I got weighted at the doctor this week and I am at 171. LBS my goal is about 178. But gaining is as hard as losing because I want to gain it back right and not fat but muscle... though I did eat 2 slices of cake the other day. I want my clothes to fit right again.

14:54 Feb 27 2019

I feel ya, Brother! I have my Kryptonite as well...I'll journal them. lol


00:37 Feb 27 2019
Times Read: 1,590




00:05 Feb 27 2019
Times Read: 1,593

So my daughter texts me asking if I can send her $20.

I'm like, ummm....How about starting off with, "Hi, Dad, how are you", first?

I blame her Mother.





22:26 Feb 26 2019
Times Read: 1,597



21:20 Feb 26 2019
Times Read: 1,600





20:38 Feb 26 2019
Times Read: 1,607

When I decide to make new acquaintances, I do study them. I want to see if their words match their actions and I'll compare what they've said and done in the past to what they are saying and doing currently. This determines if they are moved into the 'Friend' category or even closer to my inner circle which may not take physically meeting a person, but their energy must really be compatible with my own.

However, the person I study the most is...............ME!


So I took an online Personality test back in February 2015 and tested as having an ISTJ Personality.


I just took another Personality test after watching a video of a couple of others taking it at 16Personalities.com.

My results were INTJ-A, however, 4 years ago my results after taking another quiz online were ISTJ. So did I evolve over the years? Probably or one of these tests are lying. LOL!

ISTJ (Roles: Sentinels)
Practical and fact-minded individuals, whose reliability cannot be doubted.
Sentinels – Logisticians, Defenders, Executives, and Consuls – are cooperative and practical.

Shared traits: Observant and Judging

Sentinels – Logisticians, Defenders, Executives, and Consuls – are cooperative and practical. Their grounded approach helps them feel comfortable with who they are, defining themselves not by individualism, but by character and competence. These personality types seek order, security, and stability, and tend to work hard to maintain the way of things, leading to a deserved reputation as the core of any group or organization, from family to church to the office and the factory floor.

These types embrace teamwork, but expect the same performance and respectability from others that they strive for themselves. Sentinels often dislike strident nonconformity because they envision progress through collaboration and hard work within a known set of rules – to let everyone do their own thing on a whim would be anarchy. Sentinels prefer proven methods and honest accomplishment to self-indulgent exploration and esoteric ideas. Because these personalities are deeply prudent, they also tend to be self-motivated, and rarely need external inspiration to be productive.

Their grounded perspective leaves little room for random musings, but Sentinels are not unimaginative. They experiment for anticipated gain rather than intellectual thrills, and excel in making challenging situations work. Revolution does not appeal to people from this Role, who tend to learn from the past and remain loyal to the tested truths and traditions they were brought up with. Where some see fascinating philosophy, Sentinels may see preposterousness: these personality types favor practiced methodology over abstract theory.

Having authority allows Sentinels to practice their virtues. Effective in leadership roles, these types motivate others by energetic example and feel satisfaction from guiding a well-functioning group – they tend to make excellent teachers, managers, and community officials, as well as parents and hosts. These personalities are meticulous and traditional, excelling in logistical and administrative fields with clear hierarchies and rules as well. Opting for successful completion whenever they can, Sentinels can be controlling, but gladly compromise when needed to get things done.

Sentinels feel rewarded by shepherding others, and enjoy coordinating and sharing fun social experiences with friends and family. They believe it is their responsibility to give their families safe, happy lives that prepare them for the real world. An appreciation of strong relationships allows them to share generously with those they respect and love – these types feel bolstered by having reliable people in their lives, and will do what they can to make sure they hold up their end of the bargain. Birthdays, dinner parties, and camping trips are delightful events under their enthusiastic direction.

These personality types are happiest without drama, though their admirably stubborn loyalty can certainly attract it if they feel they need to stand by a friend, regardless of whether they’re in the right or wrong. Inconsistent people can test Sentinels’ tolerance and provoke harsh judgement. Sentinels tend to prefer predictability over novelty and familiar pleasures more than cutting-edge excitement. It can be difficult for Sentinel personalities to accept people who lack their studious ideals, but they often respond as engaged and caring mentors to those who wish to grow in that direction.

** TO **

INTJ (Analyst- Architect)
Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything.

Shared traits: Intuitive and Thinking

The personality types in the Analyst Role – Architects, Logicians, Commanders, and Debaters – embrace rationality, excelling in intellectual and technological pursuits. The Thinking trait makes Analysts exacting, and the Intuitive trait lets them apply their minds to almost anything, with their imaginations aiding calculated, strategic thinking, or seeing just how far the rabbit hole goes with a crazy scheme or thought experiment.

These personalities are driven to understand and create, and have no problem switching between speculative musing and frank, solutions-oriented approaches to whatever problems are at hand. Broad, intelligent vision gives Analysts an ingenious air, but they can become overwhelmed and scattered if they don’t learn to hone these abilities and use them to advance a worthwhile cause or project.

The biggest pitfall is that their intellect can give them a false sense of accomplishment. They tend to prefer the world of ideas to the sober reality of follow-through, and by assuming the role of critic instead of participant, Analysts sometimes risk being functionally outpaced by those who simply sit down and do the work. They can earn themselves the unsavory title of “armchair analysts” while those with more real-world experience continue to create real results. Analyst personality types can lack a proper respect for those of simpler vision and expression, whatever their background, and it can hold them back.

Analysts value their intellect above all else, and it can be a challenge convincing them it’s worth checking their many hypotheses with an experiment or proper evidence to be sure. To many Analysts, if something makes sense in their minds, that’s as good as proved, and a great deal faster. Analysts can be brilliant, but they’re still human; under the influence of ego, these personality types can get in the habit of advancing clever opinions instead of objective facts.

Analysts’ positive self-identity stems largely from their formidable drive to learn, and their clever and sharply witty banter can make them excellent debate partners. Often insatiable readers as well, Analysts can be found stockpiling books, questioning teachers, and driving conversations in forums across the world wide web. These types prefer their own processes and pace, and are energized by exercising their minds on their own time.

Analysts are also relentless self-improvers. Once they’ve recognized a flaw, they apply all of this cold rationality, honest reflection, imagination, and desire for results to make it right. Analysts’ forceful, imaginative vision, when trained and focused, enables these personalities to conceive and accomplish things most thought impossible.



ANALYST - This is your Role. It determines your goals, interests and preferred activities.

CONFIDENT INDIVIDUALISM - This is your Strategy. It determines how you approach everyday situations and achieve your goals.


It’s lonely at the top, and being one of the rarest and most strategically capable personality types, Architects know this all too well. Architects form just two percent of the population, and women of this personality type are especially rare, forming just 0.8% of the population – it is often a challenge for them to find like-minded individuals who are able to keep up with their relentless intellectualism and chess-like maneuvering. People with the Architect personality type are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, amazingly curious, but they do not squander their energy.

Nothing Can Stop the Right Attitude From Achieving Its Goal
With a natural thirst for knowledge that shows itself early in life, Architects are often given the title of “bookworm” as children. While this may be intended as an insult by their peers, they more than likely identify with it and are even proud of it, greatly enjoying their broad and deep body of knowledge. Architects enjoy sharing what they know as well, confident in their mastery of their chosen subjects, but they prefer to design and execute a brilliant plan within their field rather than share opinions on “uninteresting” distractions like gossip.

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”

Harlan Ellison
A paradox to most observers, Architects are able to live by glaring contradictions that nonetheless make perfect sense – at least from a purely rational perspective. For example, Architects are simultaneously the most starry-eyed idealists and the bitterest of cynics, a seemingly impossible conflict. But this is because Architect personalities tend to believe that with effort, intelligence and consideration, nothing is impossible, while at the same time they believe that people are too lazy, short-sighted or self-serving to actually achieve those fantastic results. Yet that cynical view of reality is unlikely to stop an interested Architect from achieving a result they believe to be relevant.

Architect (INTJ) personality
In Matters Of Principle, Stand Like a Rock
Architects radiate self-confidence and an aura of mystery, and their insightful observations, original ideas and formidable logic enable them to push change through with sheer willpower and force of personality. At times it will seem that Architects are bent on deconstructing and rebuilding every idea and system they come into contact with, employing a sense of perfectionism and even morality to this work. Anyone who doesn’t have the talent to keep up with Architects’ processes, or worse yet, doesn’t see the point of them, is likely to immediately and permanently lose their respect.

Rules, limitations and traditions are anathema to the Architect personality type – everything should be open to questioning and reevaluation, and if they see a way, Architects will often act unilaterally to enact their technically superior, sometimes insensitive, and almost always unorthodox methods and ideas.
This isn’t to be misunderstood as impulsiveness – Architects will strive to remain rational no matter how attractive the end goal may be, and every idea, whether generated internally or soaked in from the outside world, must pass the ruthless and ever-present “Is this going to work?” filter. This mechanism is applied at all times, to all things and all people, and this is often where Architect personalities run into trouble.

One Reflects More When Traveling Alone
Architects are brilliant and confident in bodies of knowledge they have taken the time to understand, but unfortunately the social contract is unlikely to be one of those subjects. White lies and small talk are hard enough as it is for a type that craves truth and depth, but Architects may go so far as to see many social conventions as downright stupid. Ironically, it is often best for them to remain where they are comfortable – out of the spotlight – where the natural confidence prevalent in Architects as they work with the familiar can serve as its own beacon, attracting people, romantically or otherwise, of similar temperament and interests.

Architects are defined by their tendency to move through life as though it were a giant chess board, pieces constantly shifting with consideration and intelligence, always assessing new tactics, strategies and contingency plans, constantly outmaneuvering their peers in order to maintain control of a situation while maximizing their freedom to move about. This isn’t meant to suggest that Architects act without conscience, but to many other types, Architects’ distaste for acting on emotion can make it seem that way, and it explains why many fictional villains (and misunderstood heroes) are modeled on this personality type.

Architects You May Know:
Colin Powell
Elon Musk
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Vladimir Putin
Michelle Obama
Gandalf the Grey (The Lord of the Rings)
Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager)


The main difference between ISTJ and INTJ personality types is the way they take in information.

The S in ISTJ stands for Sensing, meaning they pay increased attention to information that comes in through their five senses (“What can I see, hear, touch, taste, and smell?”); they focus on what is actual, present, real, and current, according to the Myers & Briggs Foundation. Sensors tend to see the practical use of things, and they remember facts and details that are important to them.

INTJs, on the other hand, use iNtuition. This means they pay increased attention to the meaning and patterns behind the information they get. They look more at the big picture than the details, and they remember events more as an impression of what it was like than as actual facts about what happened, again according to the Myers & Briggs Foundation. They are interested in learning new things and thinking about what might be possible, even if there is no immediate, practical application for their ideas.






19:21 Feb 26 2019
Times Read: 1,614

So, I will share with you the difference between myself and others who attempt to "figure me out".

Yes, I'm a content loner who does leave open the possibility for an intimate relationship with a female, but not just any female, she MUST be a Gothic Witch Queen Submissive (her being a masochist is optional, but a plus).

Now, some will say that I stay home and go nowhere because I have no life and no friends.

However, I do travel, but I don't always share that with the internet, I do have an Awesome life and I have Awesome friends (some who I consider in my inner circle which in real life is about the size of a large trampoline which all of them can fit on at once) who respect my privacy (for the most part) and who know I care for them and would do what I can even if that means going above and beyond my comfort zone just to help them in their time of need as I'm sure they would assist me if it is within their ability to do so as well.

So why is it that I isolate myself daily from the rest of my community only to move among them and contribute economically to them only a few times a month?

Because I see them all as Mundanes, unless proven to me otherwise, and feel just a general lack of compatibility with them so I see no benefit to socialize beyond purchasing from them their goods and services. However, I don't plan on moving anywhere since I do enjoy the fairly peaceful and quiet community I do live in and they accept my Royal Gothicness moving among them and causing no harm.

So I build my world up wherever I lay my head and currently that's at Bakerland, The Gothic Warlock Lord's Lair.

I'm also busy running an online Ministry and sharing with the world my beliefs and lifestyle.

My beliefs and lifestyle have resulted in the following so far this year:

- Positive Weight Loss
- Was able to financially assist a selected few
- No more vehicle loan
- No more credit card balances
- In fact, no current financial concerns at all (I'm not rich, just good at living within my budget, paying my bills on time, and building good credit)
- Very little physical pain and the pain I randomly feel doesn't stay long since I keep THC/CBD in my system
- Rarely any negative thoughts that I would find myself dwelling on
- Will definitely be traveling to visit family

Anyway, if my beliefs and lifestyle weren't showing Positive Results which not only benefited my own life, but the lives of others I care for, then I would take a closer look at just why I believe as I do and just why am I living the lifestyle I'm living. I would take a look at MY "Life Choices".

But, I don't have that problem.

So, I'll continue to.....

Live My Beliefs


Live My Best Life...




17:23 Feb 26 2019
Times Read: 1,620

Today, I don't feel like Sauna Seshing.

I think I overdid it last night.

I was recording a video in my sauna...as usual...when after 60 minutes, I decide I want to record it over again. So do I record it while just sitting in my sauna without the heat on? Nope, I restart the heat again and end up spending a total of 1.5 hours in heat and cannabis smoke. Truly...Awesome!

However, today I feel drained. Believe me, I stay hydrated so it's not dehydration and yes, I did eat yesterday, but not much, my body is now used to smaller portions so that's a positive thing.

I'm just fucking with you all.....The Struggle Is What I Know!

3 Days To Go!

I Got This!!!!




16:08 Feb 25 2019
Times Read: 1,625

Just another day.....For AWESOMENESS!!!!

I Got This!




16:01 Feb 25 2019
Times Read: 1,627

Yes....Yes I Do!




02:33 Feb 25 2019
Times Read: 1,641

The Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY airs March 1, 2019.

Who will be blessed between $25-$50 USD?


#72 Liliancat

#64 Chupacabra

#21 Dakotah

#57 TheGildedGuardian

#17 Dracool

#62 Rurukoshyvarghese

#49 Shala

Best wishes to everyone.

~ LM



The Path of MOGYOLOGY Ministery continues to look at unique ways to share the results of living a life focusing on whatever contributes to the 5 Elements of Warlock Awesomeness: Serenity, Happiness, Love, Sex & Magick.

The Path of MOGYOLOGY is active when it comes to "Giving Back To The Community" or "Paying It Forward".

Therefore, it is my honor to share with you the first "Giving Based" program designed to directly "Bless" the lives of individuals from around the world.

The Program has been appropriately named, "The Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY".


PROGRAM DESIGN: As the Gothic Warlock Lord Minister and Coven Master of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY, EACH MONTH, I will be Randomly selecting a Member of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY and 'Gifting' that member between $25-$50 USD.

A Random Member will be chosen using a Bingo Spin Wheel. Each Coven Member's name will be assigned to a Bingo Ball and placed in the Spin Wheel for the chance to be 'Gifted' for that month.

The cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.

Any Sire is welcomed to Join and then Leave The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY each month at the chance of being 'Gifted'. You are also welcome to stay.

The drawing will be video recorded and posted to my journal the 1st day of each month.

DISCLAIMER: The Ministry currently only utilizes PAYPAL, VENMO or ZELLE accounts to transfer funds. No, I am not endorsed by them, work for them, or getting some sort of kick-back from them, I just don't want to pay a Transfer Fee and I'm not trying to connect every Cash Transfer business to my bank account or providing other financial information.

Yes, I'm aware that I will be sending money to strangers, but I will not be looking at attempting to recover and have refunded back to me any money. This will be a 'One-Way' transaction only. What they do with the cash after I send it to them is their business and has nothing to do with me or the Ministry.

The Ministery is not Tax Exempt nor is the money going to a charity so there is no tax write-off. The Ministry is simply "Gifting Cash" to people on a "Monthly Bases" and for LIMITED TIME (TRIAL PERIOD) starting on 11/01/2018.

Serenity & Happiness To All





02:03 Feb 25 2019
Times Read: 1,644

Current Goal: 220 lbs by 1 March 2019

Next Goal: 215 lbs by 1 April 2019




23:41 Feb 24 2019
Times Read: 1,650




19:02 Feb 24 2019
Times Read: 1,658

There goes my year long plan to have my eyes and ears modified.

EXCLUSIVE: Celebrity body modifier known as 'Luna Cobra' who claims he invented the world's first eyeball tattoo and boasts of transforming people 'one dream at time' is charged for 'coaching' female genital mutilation

- Charged with 'coaching' female genital mutilation in 2016.



21:49 Feb 24 2019



17:23 Feb 24 2019
Times Read: 1,661

Dubstep Music!!!

Hell Yeah!!!

To It!




16:12 Feb 24 2019
Times Read: 1,664

Well, it's just after 8 a.m.

I'm at 224 lbs and my goal is to be at 220 lbs or less by March 1st.

So, no more delicious Strawberry Cheesecake and Banna Pudding ice creams.

Time to bring on the Heat!!!




15:11 Feb 24 2019
Times Read: 1,667

Summary of Yesterday

- Completed 3 Sauna Sesh Treatments
- Completed some Arts and Crafts
- Did some laundry
- Chatted with family and friends
- Entertained myself by just chilling and watching YouTube and The WeedTube videos.
- Got invited next door to have dinner with my neighbor and do some catching up. Discovered the pastor of a church I once attended back in 2002-20004 was ousted from his church after fucking one of his members that he, as a married man with two kids, was counseling a woman on her own marriage. Heard he simply left and started a new church. This is so normal that it didn't even raise one of my eyebrows.

Now I wonder what today will bring?




05:32 Feb 24 2019
Times Read: 1,668




21:48 Feb 23 2019
Times Read: 1,671




16:54 Feb 23 2019
Times Read: 1,680



17:12 Feb 23 2019

17:15 Feb 23 2019

Oh and make sure to....

17:24 Feb 23 2019

Her plans after her pussy massage


16:06 Feb 23 2019
Times Read: 1,685

Thank you, my Brother, from another Mother, Dakotah, for giving me the Gift of Making Gifs....LMAO!!!



16:18 Feb 23 2019

Nothing makes my day more then having a friend tell me I enlightened there day is some way. That makes my day, week, year.

Love you, Brother.

16:20 Feb 23 2019


15:15 Feb 23 2019
Times Read: 1,692

Another day
Another day to Be Awesome!
Another day to Learn Something New
Another day to Overcome challenges to meet a Goal
Another day to Piss off a Hater
Another day to Read About or View the results of the Life Choices of Others
Another day to Give an online Hug
Another day to Sweat It Off
Another day to Adult
Another day to Meditate
Another day to Medicate
Another day to Share my life's Lessons Learned
Another day to Walk my Spiritual Path Of MOGYOLOGY
Another day to Share the 5 Elements Of Warlock Awesomeness!
Another day to Share and Promote my Spiritual Lifestyles
Another day to Celebrate with those experiencing Positivity
Another day to Encourage those experiencing Negativity
Another day to Care for and Love my Puppy-Dog Bandit
Another day to Live My Beliefs
Another day to Live My Best Life

Aaaannnnnnndddddd......Who else is Awesome today?



15:56 Feb 23 2019

I am doing all that however, today I decided not to adult. And I start my day off now everyday with a morning LOL and to share it with a friend to spread the humor.

15:58 Feb 23 2019



05:52 Feb 23 2019
Times Read: 1,701



23:59 Feb 22 2019
Times Read: 1,714

Well, Financial Plan B is a GO!!!

2019....Is.... (For Me) AWESOME!!!




20:58 Feb 22 2019
Times Read: 1,716




19:56 Feb 22 2019
Times Read: 1,720

So while consuming some "Curious OG", I was wondering if Lil Duval's "Smile Bitch" song where he sings "Living My Best Life" was inspired by him watching my "Summertime Hedonism On A Budget" video on YouTube last year?

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

"SUMMERTIME HEDONISM ON A BUDGET" video Published on Jul 2, 2018

All I know is I've been saying "Live Your Best Life" at the end of my videos since I said it in my, "SESHING MEDICALLY WITH THE GOTHIC WARLOCK LORD & HIS BOOK OF SHADOWS (EPISODE #8)" video Published on Aug 15, 2018 and probably while High-ly Medicated and coming across his video and cracking the fuck up. LMAO!!!


"Smile Bitch" by Lil Duval released on July 3, 2018.

"Smile Bitch" (also known by the censored version title "Smile (Living My Best Life)") is a song recorded by American stand-up comedian and rapper Lil Duval, featuring guest vocals from American West Coast Hip Hop rapper Snoop Dogg and American rapper Ball Greezy, from Miami, Florida. It contains a sample of "Curious" by Midnight Star.

"Smile Bitch"
Single by Lil Duval featuring Snoop Dogg and Ball Greezy
Released July 3, 2018
Format Digital download
Recorded 2018
Hip-hop G-funk
Length 3:34
Rich Broke Entertainment Empire Distribution
Calvin Broadus Roland Powell Kinta Cox
Producer(s) Mr. Hanky


Lil Duval's 'Smile Bitch,' Feat. Snoop Dogg & Ball Greezy

We gon' start this thing off right
Duval in the motherfuckin' house, c'mon, c'mon
Do it baby, stick it baby
Do it baby, stick it baby
Do it baby, stick it baby
Do it baby, stick it baby

I'm living my best life
Ain't goin' back and forth with you n---as
I'm living my best life
Ain't goin' back and forth with you n---as
I'm living my best life
Ain't goin' back and forth with you n---as
I'm living my best life
Ain't goin' back and forth with you n---as

You got a lot to be smilin' for (smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon)
So what the fuck you be wylin' for? (smile bitch, smile bitch)
Come on, I get my grin on
I'm smiling bitch, 'cause I always get my win on
I been on so many different stages
Graced the cover of a hundred magazine pages
Made people smile everywhere that I went
I even put it on the first Black President
It's evident, I'm hot as a Crock-Pot
With a big-ass smile like Mr. Hot Spot

You got a lot to be smilin' for
(Smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon!)
So what the fuck you be wylin' for?
(Smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon!)
If you're breathin', you achievin'
(Smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon!)
We havin' fun this evening, believe me
(Smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon!)

I'm living my best life
Ain't goin' back and forth with you n---as
I'm living my best life
Ain't goin' back and forth with you n---as
I'm living my best life
Ain't goin' back and forth with you n---as
I'm living my best life
Ain't goin' back and forth with you n---as

Put your middle fingers up in the air
And show a hater you ain't even once cared
We finna get another bag this year
My ex bitch, you can have that there
Ay, this year, bad vibes get cut off
More trips, new chicks with no drawers
More dranks, more smoke, and more cars
More shows with Duval and Snoop Dogg
Look, I ain't tryna throw no shade
'Cause I can't see 'em in my lane
As long as my rent gettin' paid
I can care less what a bitch think (huh)

You in the club every night with no job
(Smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon!)
Eatin' good off your foodstamp card
(Smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon!)
You made a killin' last year off fraud
(Smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon!)
If you know you ain't goin' to work tomorr'
(Smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon!)

I'm living my best life
Ain't goin' back and forth with you n---as (smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon)
I'm living my best life
Ain't goin' back and forth with you n---as (smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon)
I'm living my best life
Ain't goin' back and forth with you n---as (smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon)
I'm living my best life
Ain't goin' back and forth with you n---as (smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon)

You got a lot to be smilin' for
(Smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon!)
So what the fuck you be wylin' for?
(Smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon!)
If you're breathin', you achievin'
We havin' fun this evening, believe me
(Smile bitch, smile bitch, c'mon!)

Lyrics licensed & provided by LyricFind

Lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

Written by: Roland Powell, Darwin Quinn, Mitchellel Sium




17:34 Feb 22 2019
Times Read: 1,724




16:44 Feb 22 2019
Times Read: 1,729

Video Posting sometime today....I'm on no strict schedule. LOL!



16:48 Feb 22 2019

16:50 Feb 22 2019

Nice, LOL!


00:45 Feb 22 2019
Times Read: 1,735

Was completed hours ago

Time for




00:25 Feb 22 2019
Times Read: 1,740

So I received an email from Ancestry.com stating that now with over 80 African American regions, they’ve brought even more detail to my DNA results and they wanted me to see how my ethnicity estimate has changed.

That they have better tools for telling regions apart, especially closely related regions like Ireland and Great Britain. They also have 16,000 reference samples now instead of 3,000, which helps screen out less-likely regions.

By most standards, there are a maximum of seven (7) continents:

North America
South America

Many geographers and scientists now refer to six continents, where Europe and Asia are combined (because they're one solid landmass).

According to Ancestry.com, people I share similar DNA with have been placed on 5 out of the 7 continents on Earth.

North America
South America

In fact, one of them contacted me on Ancestry.com. She lives in Texas. However, my clan does not know her clan. You see, slavery utterly destroyed family lineage and of course there is the normal migration of people.

Updated Estimate:

Cameroon/Congo - Cameroon, on the Gulf of Guinea, is a Central African.
Ivory Coast/Ghana
Ireland & Scotland
Great Britain
Africa South-Central Hunter-Gatherers

Asia East
Native American—North, Central, South

Senegal - Senegal is a country on Africa’s west coast.
Scandinavia - Scandinavia is a region in Northern Europe, with strong historical, cultural, and linguistic ties. The term Scandinavia in local usage covers the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

Increased by 22%

Increased by 26%

Increased by 8%

Ivory Coast/Ghana
Decreased by 13%

Ireland & Scotland (NEW)

Great Britain
Decreased by 1%

Africa South-Central Hunter-Gatherers (NEW)


TOTAL: 97%

Refined from:
Asia East (Less Than) 1%

Native American—North, Central, South (NEW)



Refined from:
Scandinavia (Less Than) 1%

Decreased by 15%


Additional Communities:
- Alabama, Georgia & South Carolina African Americans
- Early North Carolina African Americans


More data and new methods of DNA analysis have given us a better picture of which DNA sequences are—or aren’t—associated with specific world regions. This means that some regions may not appear in your new estimate because: a region has been replaced by a smaller region or multiple regions; new data indicates that a region does not belong in your results.

No Longer in Estimate:
Africa Southeastern Bantu 17%
Nigeria 13%
Finland/Northwest Russia 2%
Caucasus 1%
Europe West (Less Than) 1%



01:56 Feb 23 2019

I was able to find out who my dad's father was by taking this test. My dad passed away in 1992- but he was told a lie all his life as to who his father was. He never even met the guy they pointed the finger at though. I worked with newfound cousin matches to determine who it could be- and then we asked my last surviving great-aunt if they knew this guy, she said they went to school with him, but she still doesn't believe he could be my grandfather. She still believes it was the other dude... but DNA don't lie! When I added him to my tree, along with newfound ancestors- my DNA Circles there grew, and it was confirmed I had the correct amount of DNA for all those people to be on point.

It was the best thing I ever did for my specific circumstance... but for Black people in America, it's the only way to know where your genetic lines come from. My older sister is half Black and was able to finally find that out herself with this test. And me... I might be White but I was told some mega lines about where my family members came from. ALL LIES. I was onto the tales once I started looking at census records - stuff didn't line up. It's fascinating stuff.

02:03 Feb 23 2019


16:59 Feb 21 2019
Times Read: 1,754

Giving myself 9 days (counting today) to lose 4 lbs to reach my March 1st weight reduction goal of 220 lbs.

Let's Get Some!




16:18 Feb 21 2019
Times Read: 1,758

Best wishes on filing your Taxes this year Americans.

You have been warned that you may be shocked!

Colorado woman's $8,000 tax bill leaves her in tears




15:46 Feb 21 2019
Times Read: 1,759

I just squeezed in my 3rd Sauna Sesh before Midnight last night.

I was so medicated that I felt like going right to sleep afterward, but instead, found myself sitting on my throne, wearing a crown and my robe while in complete darkness in my Dungeon just meditating and allowing my mind to enjoy the different visions it was creating.

Then, I finally made it to bed, strapped the CPAP around my face and I was out!

Now, I have been waking up around 5 a.m. each morning for some unknown reason and did it again this morning, but natured called, I answered and then went back to sleep for another two hours. That was different. LOL!




06:28 Feb 21 2019
Times Read: 1,764




03:41 Feb 21 2019
Times Read: 1,766

2nd Sauna Sesh complete. 1 more to go.

Editing completed on the Wednesday video. It's saving. Then I'll upload it to YouTube.

My entire body feels like it's humming.




00:08 Feb 21 2019
Times Read: 1,778

I call

FeverDreams IS NOT joining the LFL!

I mean at least start a believable rumor.

Oh, what now I'm the bad guy?




23:21 Feb 20 2019
Times Read: 1,782

I have returned to my lair.

So I purchased a few things, but didn't accomplish what I had set out to do, but I made up for it.

Time to get back to the struggle..



23:43 Feb 20 2019

Love the gator Nike's and the Wizard.

00:22 Feb 21 2019


17:34 Feb 20 2019
Times Read: 1,791

So, I just initiated my Plan B to accomplish all that I need to in 2019...financially.

If Plan B falls through, there are other options I will pursue.

When you work your ass off and make sacrifices to lay a solid foundation to build very excellent credit, why not tap that resource to make things happen that will benefit you very much so?!

Making Money Moves in 2019!!!



22:43 Feb 20 2019

Could always hire out the Awesomeness Dungeon and give lessons to single, nice looking, women in the area... $20 a hour....

23:23 Feb 20 2019

Thought about it, but too much liability comes with it and there is no separate entrance nor is it in a basement. So I'll pass on that one. LOL!


15:51 Feb 20 2019
Times Read: 1,797

I feel like partaking in some Antique shopping today.

It would be cool to find something I can make into a Bong or Dab Rig.

I feel another Vlog coming on. LOL!



17:19 Feb 20 2019

I want to go!

17:26 Feb 20 2019

I'll start the Hummer, Bro! LOL!


00:59 Feb 20 2019
Times Read: 1,813

This guy is hilarious.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Jussie Smollett’s Assault Story Doesn’t Add Up - Between the Scenes | The Daily Show




22:38 Feb 19 2019
Times Read: 1,816

Well, much like getting out of the 240s, getting out of the 220s is proving to be a challenge, but I know I can escape them.




22:27 Feb 19 2019
Times Read: 1,817

What The...?!

An appropriate title for this video...LOL!

(Video May Be Slow To Load)




20:21 Feb 19 2019
Times Read: 1,824

Evolve beyond Social Programming

Think and Feel for Yourself

When "THEY" say you should Feel, Think, Be, Believe, Do, etc., etc., a certain way,

Ask YOURSELF is that what YOU agree with?

Live YOUR Beliefs

Live YOUR Best Life




18:37 Feb 19 2019
Times Read: 1,825




14:28 Feb 19 2019
Times Read: 1,827

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Florida Parents Charged With Child Neglect After Feeding Baby Vegan Diet




03:32 Feb 19 2019
Times Read: 1,829

Gonna eat some dinner and then




01:04 Feb 19 2019
Times Read: 1,846

Nekirena is the only person I know who's Avatar even gets injured.



01:07 Feb 19 2019

Ummm ok. How is that even possible. *sits in the corner to ponder*

01:09 Feb 19 2019

You mean you never heard of broken pixels? lol

01:15 Feb 19 2019

I 100% support what Mogy has posted.

01:19 Feb 19 2019


01:22 Feb 19 2019

My Spirit animal belongs in this thread:

02:07 Feb 19 2019



23:16 Feb 18 2019
Times Read: 1,853

Here I go again



23:43 Feb 18 2019

23:47 Feb 18 2019


20:21 Feb 18 2019
Times Read: 1,871

Shout out to all those that read random and very vague public journal posts

Then begin to wonder if that post was "lowkey" about you

Then after working yourself up, you post your own journal entry as if it was

For You Are The Real VR MVP



21:15 Feb 18 2019


21:26 Feb 18 2019



19:49 Feb 18 2019
Times Read: 1,873

Out from lurking, I appear....




16:49 Feb 18 2019
Times Read: 1,875

I'm not new here. I've been on VR for a few years. I'm not rich or famous, but




20:38 Feb 17 2019
Times Read: 1,882




18:03 Feb 17 2019
Times Read: 1,885

Follow-up testing on my Mysterious Lung Issue 14 Years Post Iraq.

Purple Heart Medals aren't awarded for "Invisible" Injuries.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)





14:05 Feb 17 2019
Times Read: 1,892

40 Degs (F) in Southern California!!! WTF?!



15:06 Feb 17 2019

Suck it up, buttercup! :P

15:11 Feb 17 2019

20:52 Feb 18 2019



05:47 Feb 17 2019
Times Read: 1,895

Then off to sleep.




23:58 Feb 16 2019
Times Read: 1,903



05:44 Feb 17 2019

I've been at work. Sorry I am late to the party lol.

05:48 Feb 17 2019

We're all High and ready to take a weed nap....lol



23:57 Feb 16 2019
Times Read: 1,904

Well, apparently my Son is returning home with my Granddaughter in tow if all goes well. He plans to relocate back here and will be living with Dad until he can move into his own apartment and also buy another car...For the 3rd time, but of course, not through a bank this time....If you know what I mean. smh!


Also, a Surrogate Family member (my 24-year-old Niece) asked if there was anything around my home to help out with for some cash since she has zero income coming in due to health issues and family drama and the paperwork for her SSI is slowly making its way through the system.

Knowing she is struggling like so many others financially and how some people rather earn financial assistance rather than feel as though it's been given to them as a charity (to each their own), I said sure. She can help me clean today. When I spoke to her Father, he didn't want me to have high expectations of her cleaning skills since she didn't do it at home. LOL!

Well, needless to say, her level of cleanliness is not the same as mine (when I do decide to clean) so I thanked her for what she did do, paid her the agreed amount and then showed her what I did expect if I am to ever allow her to clean for money in the future.

I then helped her set up a PayPal.me account so that if I'm not going to pay her a certain amount to clean, I can at least send $5, $10, or whatever amount I can afford to in the future.

She is also collecting recyclables just to have some amount of cash so I gave her a 3rd bag since I gave her 2 other bags a few days ago.

After showing her what level of cleaning I'd expect for the amount of money I'd agree too, we got high and watched YouTube videos until her friend came to pick her up. LOL!

I may not be able to afford to help everyone I would want to financially, but I'm blessed to be able to help those that I consider in my inner circle.




16:54 Feb 15 2019
Times Read: 1,907

Alrighty then, edits to the Friday is in the process of being saved.

Then I'll upload to YouTube.

I LOVE My Hobbies!!!

Well, anyway, you know what time it is....




15:10 Feb 15 2019
Times Read: 1,911

Road trip today.

I wonder if I should Vlog it?



16:11 Feb 15 2019

maybe you should... it'd be fun to watch


23:27 Feb 14 2019
Times Read: 1,916

Let's Get It!




18:25 Feb 14 2019
Times Read: 1,922

For those still struggling with the programming.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

"How to Be Alone" author on how to handle Valentine's Day blues




17:10 Feb 14 2019
Times Read: 1,928

Some say that people who live alone have brainwashed themselves into being content, even happy while living a Solitary Lifestyle whether temporary or long-term.


Well, Fuck! I must have done a damn good job at convincing myself.



17:12 Feb 14 2019

17:40 Feb 14 2019

Me too lmao.....Suck it haters ;-)

18:48 Feb 14 2019


19:35 Feb 13 2019
Times Read: 1,932

Savings edits on my Wednesday video, listening to BlackPeopleKink.com's PodCast and preparing myself for round 2 of my daily Sauna Seshing Treatments.




01:07 Feb 13 2019
Times Read: 1,940

These two...

(Video May Be Slow To Load)




00:22 Feb 13 2019
Times Read: 1,944

So, I closed my Etsy and PayPal cases today since my items finally arrived after a little over a month of waiting with no current status since Jan 18th.

I love them!





23:15 Feb 12 2019
Times Read: 1,949



15:58 Feb 12 2019
Times Read: 1,956



19:12 Feb 12 2019

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

19:16 Feb 12 2019

And why do I love my friend LZAPERVERT?

Because of Shenanigans like

19:19 Feb 12 2019

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Blame the blue cookies that I am smoking right now :}

23:19 Feb 12 2019

Better than licking Blue Waffles....


01:05 Feb 12 2019
Times Read: 1,968

Woman gets 15 months in prison for urging man to kill himself:

(Video May Be Slow To Load)



01:37 Feb 12 2019

Oh no! Can't do that! Everyone knows, women can't be held accountable for any fucking shit!

01:51 Feb 12 2019


19:49 Feb 11 2019
Times Read: 1,971

I have returned. The trip into town went 99% as planned.

Now, to get back into my daily routine.




16:37 Feb 11 2019
Times Read: 1,977

Fuck what Trump and Congress did to the Tax Code.

It really threw a wrench into my 2019 Budget Plan.

So time for a Revised Budget Plan.

And time for me to travel into town for a quick resupply run, but of course this is throwing off my Monday routine.

But, hey, I got this!

5 Stops and then back to The Gothic Warlock Lord's Lair.

It's time for his Royal Awesomeness to move among the Mundanes for a couple of hours.

Let's Get It!




00:07 Feb 11 2019
Times Read: 1,990

Yup, you already know




22:46 Feb 10 2019
Times Read: 1,992

Dayum, I have to go into town some day this week. *sighs*




21:01 Feb 10 2019
Times Read: 2,004

Dear VR Members,
If you make a "Public" journal, unless you've blocked a profile, it is free not only to read what you just made public, but has the option to comment or not.

Now, I don't know your sense of humor nor your state of mind when you made your journal entry, therefore, if I commented on your journal entry and it is not pleasing to you......Then feel free to

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

ijs...I have no feelings to hurt...LMAO!!!



10:34 Feb 13 2019

Funny ask hell


20:26 Feb 10 2019
Times Read: 2,006

Average tax refund down 8% so far this season.


Mine took a 45% Reduction! Fuck'em!

And there you have it, folks.

Believe less of what you hear.

Believe more of what you see.





16:47 Feb 10 2019
Times Read: 2,009


(Video May Be Slow To Load)

DEATH: "Wait, What?! Challenge.....Accepted Pinhead!"

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

PINHEAD: "Wow! Too Late!"


(Video May Be Slow To Load)

DEATH: "Ooohhhh! That had to smart! Here Pinhead, you want a Sammich?"





15:29 Feb 10 2019
Times Read: 2,043




15:24 Feb 10 2019
Times Read: 2,044



15:08 Feb 10 2019
Times Read: 2,045

Today is just another day in the finite journey of my life.

Rejoice, for I have awakened once more.

Others.....Mourn, for I have awakened, once more!




15:08 Feb 10 2019
Times Read: 2,046




21:24 Feb 09 2019
Times Read: 2,049

Because some people will believe anything from just one source.




20:58 Feb 09 2019
Times Read: 2,050

For VvBLOODLUSTvV....Your Move! LOL!

(Video May Be Slow To Load)




19:42 Feb 09 2019
Times Read: 2,053

Watching 'The 85 South Comedy Show' on YouTube while High As Fuck and feeling very Good!!!

I don't have to tell the world that I LOVE my life.

I don't have to show the world proof that I'm ENJOYING my life.

But, it's a Hobby, Therapeutic and Entertaining.

However, the world doesn't matter to the extent that I have to deceive them.

At the same time, the world doesn't matter to the extent that I need to share EVERYTHING!

There is also a 99% chance that you'll not see or read about any "MAJOR" Negative events happening in my life.

Why? Read two lines up.

What I share with people over any electrical/digital device is 99% Positive, but only 1% Negative.

It's all about Energy!

We all have both Positive and Negative Energies that impact our lives daily.

However, it is very therapeutic to share some of your Negative Energy with others from time to time. If they can handle it, great, if not, they should block all future chances of being exposed to it again.

Furthermore, personally, the Negative Energy I live with or have stored up within me, well, sharing just an additional percentage point more could be a bit overwhelming for some and have unintentional negative consequences on many.

So, I've been just chilling and staying in the clouds or traveling even higher 24/7 since 2011.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Embrace The Ugly! With Karlous Miller and Chico Bean




16:09 Feb 09 2019
Times Read: 2,062

So a gift that cost me over $50 to ship to GA was shipped to GA then TN then FL then back to GA only to be delivered damaged.

The price to ship it was beyond what I had expected so I didn't bother to place insurance on it feeling I packed it pretty good, but it was like the USPS was saying, "Challenge To Brake It, Accepted!" smh!

I'm sure my Aunt feels worse than I do. My statue was safe in my home not bothering anyone, but my Aunt kept asking for it every time we spoke as though she was going to sleep dreaming about it for like over a year only to be delivered a broken dream.



19:08 Feb 09 2019

I recommend UPS next time you send something like that.

19:26 Feb 09 2019

Very true, if I felt that the cost for their service for that size of a package would have been within my budget as it was for the USPS.


02:06 Feb 09 2019
Times Read: 2,068

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

"I'll be the bad guy," Ocasio-Cortez says on campaign finance




00:52 Feb 09 2019
Times Read: 2,073

So now my editing software is saving the changes I made to my Friday video.

For some reason, I thought I had already downloaded it from Google Drive, but I hadn't so that and my procrastinating has delayed me posting it.

Once saved, then I must upload to YouTube and then share it with the world.

So, while it's in the process of saving all my edits......You already know what time it is




20:36 Feb 08 2019
Times Read: 2,081

It's time for

So much to accomplish this year that is going to require very close attention to details.



21:03 Feb 08 2019

Make sure to hydrate!

21:28 Feb 08 2019



19:42 Feb 08 2019
Times Read: 2,086



15:40 Feb 08 2019
Times Read: 2,093

So after my 3rd Sauna Sesh Treatment last night, recording my Friday video which I have to edit today to post later this evening and after eating my 3rd meal of that day (only 2nd meal containing meat), I started to listen to a Podcast (BlackPeopleKink.com) in which the hosts gave me a shout-out for my support of their efforts and I suppose Lady Sleep tackled me 40 minutes into it so I'll be finishing up listening to them talk about everything from porn and how they protect their ability to live their lives EXACTLY the way they want.


I woke up having not placed Bandit in his sleeping area, but he was fine sleeping in his upstairs Pet Bed and he didn't go potty anywhere that I can see.

So this is my OWITV (Outfit Worn In The Video).



19:01 Feb 08 2019

Wed I did a work out at my brothers place on his equipment for an hour. Then I came home and decided to rearrange my bedroom, moving shit by myself. Thursday I woke up and muscles I didn't even know I had were hurting. Today I walk like a 90 year old. I am soooo out of shape.

19:44 Feb 08 2019

Well, as one YouTuber loves to say, "If you woke up today, you already got the 'W'".



15:02 Feb 07 2019
Times Read: 2,104

So after I reached 220 lbs on Jan 22nd, I figured on Jan 29th, why not purchase that Strawberry Crunch Ice Cream Cake and oh, that Oreo Cookies N' Cream Ice Cream Cake too.

All I have to do is portion control.

Well my 17-year-old refrigerator, that I repaired myself once before back in 2010, is not working properly once more.

I have the left side freezer, right side fridge style and it was leaking water from the bottom a few weeks ago and then stopped. Then the freezer side iced up in the middle portion. So it only freezes items at that level. Ice is still staying ice at the top in the ice maker, but it's not as thick when the ice is made as it use to be and the fridge side isn't keeping anything cold. What cool temperature on that side has to be due to the freezer side partially working. I had to relocate a few items in the mini-fridges upstairs. One located in the Home Theater Room and the other one located in the Dungeon.

Anyway, time for a new fridge.

However, that meant I had to consume both cakes before they fully melted or spoiled.

It took me a week, but I ate both ice cream cakes and my body weight increased from 220 lbs to 229 lbs.

Quick to gain, Slow to lose.

Now with the cakes gone and the only items sweet in the Lair is fruit, I'm back down to 225 lbs and should still meet my goal of being 220 lbs or below by 1 March.

But, despite the fridge issue and the weight temporarily going in a negative direction, IT WAS SO WORTH IT!!!! Yum!!!! LOL!



17:07 Feb 07 2019

And you didnt share :(

20:02 Feb 07 2019

Bandit can't eat ice cream cake.


01:00 Feb 07 2019
Times Read: 2,114

Yup, just as I predicted, went into town and returned with not 1, but 2 new bongs.

Hmmm, maybe I need an intervention.

Hell, they'd probably end up just Seshing Medically with me.




21:26 Feb 06 2019
Times Read: 2,117

Sitting here editing my Wednesday video and already in Zone 2 of my daily routine, but haven't Sauna Seshed for a 2nd time yet.

I'm actually contemplating going into town to purchase cheese, avocados, crackers and flavored water, but I know if I go, I'm going to return to the Lair with some new glass!




20:24 Feb 06 2019
Times Read: 2,124

Saetan, don't be like that.

I know you have the power to transform me into an "actual" Vampire.

Just like in the movies.

With all the powers of Hell at my command.

However, not the kind of Vampire that glitters in the sunlight.



21:02 Feb 06 2019

ROFL ...Mogy I love you!

21:05 Feb 06 2019

Love you back!!! LMAO!!!


19:59 Feb 06 2019
Times Read: 2,125

Lurking because I'm being entertained by content posted to other social media sites as I'm about to enjoy my first meal of the day that includes "meat" after finishing my 8-12 time zone Sauna Sesh Treatment, but VR Notices are still working if someone needs the attention of The Gothic Warlock Lord.





18:21 Feb 05 2019
Times Read: 2,131



14:19 Feb 05 2019
Times Read: 2,145

Ok, I'll just get to the point, I think Nekirena is living a double life as a Superhero Vigilante.

No one is this injury prone.

All of this in just 2 months?



14:30 Feb 05 2019

Holy smokes!!!

14:31 Feb 05 2019


14:53 Feb 05 2019

16:30 Feb 05 2019

@SinfulMelody......That's what I'm talking about! LOL!

01:22 Feb 07 2019

Hey now, a lot are work related!!!! LOL

01:28 Feb 07 2019


Work you say?

Tell that to the criminals now off the street thanks to you!

Oh, I mean, tell that to the customers now with full bellies thanks to you!

01:33 Feb 07 2019

LOL you ass.


01:49 Feb 07 2019

Some heroes don't wear capes, they wear chef hats. LMAO!



18:21 Feb 03 2019
Times Read: 2,148



17:56 Feb 03 2019
Times Read: 2,150


(Video May Be Slow To Load)

HUGE SHARK HEART in JAPAN!!! Tokyo's WILDEST Seafood Menu!!!




17:40 Feb 03 2019
Times Read: 2,151


(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Trump’s Conflicting Border Wall Demands | The Daily Show




17:14 Feb 03 2019
Times Read: 2,158

This chick has an entire country upset with her Bipolar ass.

And when she's triggered, she's quick to attack females by saying they can't get any dick and she attacks the males by saying they can't get laid.

So, this is to say that one's happiness and or success should be tied to the convenience of having dick or pussy on tap?

Regardless of one's ability to achieve orgasm solo, what is being said is that to be considered a Happy and Successful individual in society, one must disregard the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy, a possible STD/STI, or that toxic personality and drama that comes with that dick or pussy, but who cares about all of that......just as long as you're fucking on the regular right?!

And the sad thing about this is she's not the only one that has been programmed to think this way.




16:51 Feb 03 2019
Times Read: 2,160

So 2% milk, pre-sweetened oatmeal, and ice cream are really bad for my body type.

Quick weight gainers.

Good to know.

Now I have to spend a few days repairing the damage.

But.....Yum!!!!! It was sooooo worth it!




07:13 Feb 03 2019
Times Read: 2,167

Well, time for the rare round #4 Sauna Sesh Treatment.

But, slices of those ice cream cakes are worth it. Yum!!!!

I bid everyone, a Good Night or Day.

LM signing off.




00:36 Feb 03 2019
Times Read: 2,172

This couple is too cute...

(Video May Be Slow To Load)




18:04 Feb 02 2019
Times Read: 2,184

If you are under the age of 50, just keep scrolling.

You wouldn't understand.



18:24 Feb 02 2019

What is it?

18:42 Feb 02 2019

A Floppy Disk

19:09 Feb 02 2019

I was thinking that, wasn't sure. I thought floppies were one thing that you stuck in a PC. Like a smaller, hard, square thing.

19:11 Feb 02 2019

This is a Foppy, the smaller, hard, square ones came after and were called, appropriately, "Hard Disk". lol

19:53 Feb 02 2019


01:02 Feb 03 2019

I was a senior in High School when we first got computers lol. I think it was like a 256k hard drive O.o. It was a Tandy TRS-80 lmao

02:00 Feb 03 2019

We had IBM and Apple. LOL!


17:51 Feb 02 2019
Times Read: 2,185

So this is a Saturday?

Strange, if feels like yesterday.

And the day before that one.




16:28 Feb 02 2019
Times Read: 2,193

There is only ONE you.

The life you are living right now is the only one you know.

Your purpose in this life is to discover what makes YOU "Happy" and do more of it.

Be YOU. Don't try to be someone else. You'll never be as good as them being themselves, so You be YOU!

If you're not hurting anyone, then Live Your Beliefs....Live Your Best Life...YOU decide what that looks like.




06:11 Feb 02 2019
Times Read: 2,209

So I had a YouTube video playing a song on Loop and fell asleep.

I slept past my 4 pm - 8 pm Sauna Sesh Treatment.

However, it's not midnight yet so I'm going to get it in.

Let's Get It!

Let's Go!




22:42 Feb 01 2019
Times Read: 2,217

I almost succumbed to Lady Sleep.

No time for that.

Let's Get It!

Let's Go!



00:15 Feb 02 2019

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Looks like you are warming up a spaceship. ;) Fire photon torpedoes. Get that fat Mogy.

01:19 Feb 02 2019


21:11 Feb 01 2019
Times Read: 2,222

Once I had a dream that I was in a Hell I didn't believe in

But my will was too strong and I rose above the chaos

I became its Lord

I became its God




20:30 Feb 01 2019
Times Read: 2,226

1st Sauna Session Treatment complete!

Time to prepare and have my first of two meals of the day that includes a small portion of "meat"!!!

Sorry, I'm not Sorry PETA!




19:03 Feb 01 2019
Times Read: 2,232

In my sauna watching The Houston House of Blues Late Show ft. Z-Ro on YouTube....

(Video May Be Slow To Load)




17:43 Feb 01 2019
Times Read: 2,236

Ok, so while my Friday video is saving the edits I performed, I think I'll have my first meal of the day (without any meat) and then partake in my first of three Sauna Sesh Treatments of today.

Let's Get It!





16:56 Feb 01 2019
Times Read: 2,244

Congratulations to Rurukoshyvarghese!!!

The 4th Recipient of MOGYOLOGY's "Bless Program".

Reminder: The Ministry currently only utilizes PAYPAL, VENMO or ZELLE accounts to transfer funds.

The Blessed has until Monday, 2/4/2019 to collect the blessing or forfeit.

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14:47 Feb 01 2019
Times Read: 2,254

Congratulations to member Rurukoshyvarghese!!!

This member has been chosen by Bingo Wheel/Balls to be blessed with $35 USD.

Video posting as soon as I can upload it and share it.

Serenity & Happiness to you all



15:11 Feb 01 2019


16:14 Feb 01 2019

Congratz! Good luck pronouncing that name on your video, Chief *chuckles*

17:46 Feb 01 2019

@Chupacabra....Oh, I'm sure I butchered it. LOL!


14:23 Feb 01 2019
Times Read: 2,260

Welcome to February 1st!!!

Time to see who will be blessed with some cash.

Too bad the VR Cams aren't working yet, I'd do this live on VR.

Oh well, recording, posting to YouTube and then sharing it here it is.

No Sires have petitioned to temporarily join just for the chance to win so it's just the members of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY.

Let's Get It!

Let's Go!



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