LORDMOGY's Journal

LORDMOGY's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


41 entries this month

07:36 Oct 31 2019
Times Read: 1,186


Well as it is now after midnight, this is a summary of my Wednesday.

- Paid all known November bills. The remaining 3 will post within the first week of November so I've placed the highest amount paid in my budget spreadsheet for them as to not account those amounts as part of my Spending Cash after Bills.
- Edited, saved, uploaded and published Tue and Wed videos
- Recorded, edited, save and uploaded to Youtube Thur's video
- Spent time with family, but Bandit spent time in his sleeping area for failing to listen.
- 3 Sauna Seshes
- Was so preoccupied with accomplishing tasks yesterday that I ended up only eating my 12 pm = 4 pm meal which includes meat. So yeah, I ate once! WTF?!
- Push-ups
- Crunches
- Played 2 games of pool solo
- Hung a Cork Board up in the Family Room for my Daughter to track Praise and Punishment maybe with stars or something or happy and sad cut out paper faces for the kids as an incentive to behave and listen more as some Day Cares do.
- Cleaned my featured Medical Devices

- Oil change rescheduled for Friday just in case the Windows 10 Boot CD (due to be delivered on Friday) doesn't work because then I'll be taking a drive into town and on to my local Marine Corps Base to purchase another laptop so why not get an Oil Change then since I drive a 2004 Hummer H2 (kept after last divorce, not my thing, but my Son broke my 2004 Titan (blessed to have both paid off and titles in my possession) some years back so yeah, it's my only mode of transportation at the moment and it has actually grown on me, but I have to plan my trips wisely to conserve fuel).
- Will purchase candy to give out on Halloween today (Thursday)
- Publish Thur's video
- Spend time with family and Bandit
- Play a game or two of pool
- Help with any last minute Halloween Decorations
- Perform Fall Ritual
- Pass out candy
- Record Fri's video
- 3 Sauna Seshes
- 3 Meals, but only 2 with meat.
- Push-ups
- Crunches





10:50 Oct 31 2019

Happy Halloween to you as well


16:01 Oct 30 2019
Times Read: 1,204

Soooo, what's been going on in my life and how I'm feeling or what's on my mind?

Well, with over 7 Billion people in the world, each with their own limited amount of TIME of LIFE, for you to spend a little of your time to read MY public journal says that....You're AWESOME!

Let's see, due to laptop issues, I fell behind my personal schedule to publish my video journal for Tue so last night I recorded Tuesday's and Wednesday's journal medicating with my resupply of prescription medication of which I wrote the prescription as a "Cannabis Doctor-Patient". I mean, one doctor "recommended" cannabis for usage to treat/manage things that are a bit challenging in my older years. That's why they call it a "recommendation". However, I prescribe the strain, dosage, and frequency of medicating.

Since I'm on the topic of age, fuck, I'll be advancing to the age of 51 next month on the 26th. However, to me, the ages of 51-58 (minus 55 & 59) are only significant as far as having been blessed to reach those ages. Turning 50 was a huge deal for me.
I've been lowkey celebrating all year long. LOL!

My LASIK (actually PRK) eye surgery I had done back in 2005 to correct my nearsightedness (Nearsightedness (myopia) is a common vision condition in which you can see objects near to you clearly, but objects farther away are blurry) which gave me better than 20/20 vision for years has, as warned, resulted in developing slight farsightedness (Farsightedness (hyperopia) is a common vision condition in which you can see distant objects clearly, but objects nearby may be blurry), but those years with perfect sight made it worth it. Also, I have noticed gray hair in an area of my body that I was surprised to see. So yeah, that happened!

I've barely dipped back into the 220s as far as my weight goes. I had hit 236 lbs up from 214 lbs back in May. That's not a positive thing when one has a mysterious lung issue the VA is calling 'Adult Asthma'.

Breathing is important while one exerts oneself so a hard workout to mange my weight is a No-Go and yeah, I medicate to keep my mind from dwelling on all that continuously.

As those that follow my video journal, it has been a struggle to adhere to my own Weight Management Program since my family moved in and I've used delicious foods to artificially increase the amount of those 'feel good' chemicals in my brain to combat the added stress of no longer living a solitary lifestyle and being exposed to crying, temper tantrum having toddlers every...single...day...since July 2nd. Starting at the airport when I picked them up.

However, on the positive side, it is a blessing to be able to spend time with my kids and grandchildren daily assisting them in many ways and sharing my 50-years of wisdom and providing parenting advice. Sadly, I don't do miracles though. LOL!

So what is on my agenda today?

- Pay November bills
- Edit, save, upload and publish Tue and Wed videos
- Get an oil change
- Purchase candy to give out on Halloween
- Record Thur's video
- Spend time with family and Bandit
- Sauna Sesh

Yup, the life of a Retiree.



06:59 Oct 31 2019

Date Edited...Here are erased posts:

Back At You, Brother!


21:41 Oct 29 2019
Times Read: 1,214

Sooooo, the laptop began with the posting of 7's over and over again anywhere there was a text box, something would post those 7's over and over again. No keys were stuck so it had to be the water damage.

Then while attempting to repair one problem by reading suggestions online, I completely booted myself out of Windows and now it refuses to boot back up again. It keeps reflecting that there is No Boot File Found and needs a Windows 10 Boot Disk which of course no stores carried it so had to order online and it will not arrive until this coming Friday.

So if that doesn't resolve the issue, a New Laptop it will be.

I'm now working on an older laptop I was only using to print to a now legacy Printer/Fax/Scanner.

Good things I favored all my Bill Paying websites as well as other sites on this computer as well.

I did have to re-create my Excell Budgetsheet again on this computer since I never saved that. I had to use an external Storage Drive that had data that stopped in 2013, but that was enough of a shell to rebuild it so all is well on the bill paying and budgeting front.

However, I did not download my gif and meme hosting website so I'll do that at some point.

Right now, time to purchase some meds which means I also have to go into town. Ugghh!



21:54 Oct 29 2019

So sorry to say Bro but it sounds like it's time to shop for a new laptop. I have spilled water on my keyboard before too and it did all kinds of strange things after. I tried drying it out, using a hair dryer... all kinds of tips off google... and none worked. Sucks I know.

01:13 Oct 30 2019

Yeah, it's only 6 years old poor thing.


20:05 Oct 28 2019
Times Read: 1,232

Just testing this new keyboard out again after restarting my laptop a few times.

So far it works as it should.

We'll see how long this last, but I'll take it!

Better than purchasing a new laptop.



Fuck-Er-Tits! I spoke to soon.

Well, as far as the external keyboard sending commands to the laptop via the USB port, everything except the Caps Lock button command works on the laptop. I uninstalled the laptop's keyboard driver since it's keyboard no longer functioned. I also felt that may have been the source of the issue of the external keyboard failing to function pass putting in my password. However, I may have to do that whenever I reboot since Windows automatically replaces the uninstalled laptop keyboard driver even though the external keyboard driver has the exact same damn name as the laptop keyboard driver. Oh, and the laptop's touchpad's Left and Right side commands no longer function, but its center 'select' command does. But those function commands are also on the mouse soooo.....Yeah, Fuck getting a new laptop until the harddrive or touchscreen function fails. I brought this on myself having a liquid too close to my laptop. So Lesson Learned.


To deal with having to use an external kepboard to type on my laptop with no functioning Caps Lock!

First World Problems.

Excepttttttt........My Laptop's Windows' Touch Virtual Keyboard Has It!!!!

Sicence Bitch!

Now to retrain my brain to stop pressing the old laptop keys and learn the new keyboard's key locations.




18:31 Oct 28 2019
Times Read: 1,239

I suppose it's my turn to have laptop issues. I mean I did accidentally spill water on the keyboard last night and even though I purchased a portable keyboard, it's still acting funky.

For example, I press the Caps Lock button and I get the following:


Then sometimes 7's over and over until I have to shut the computer down.

Time for a new laptop. 😭





02:11 Oct 27 2019
Times Read: 1,255



17:04 Oct 25 2019
Times Read: 1,284

Hey you. Yeah, you reading this.

Look at you still living and shit.

So far you've survived the worst Life, your own Karma and your own Life Choices have thrown at you.

You're stronger than you think.

Hell, just look at any scars you have.

A sure sign that you survived something that tried to harm or kill you.

You're doing Great!

For The Females

For The Males



19:10 Oct 25 2019

Thumbs up.

20:02 Oct 25 2019

Thanks Mogy I needed a reminder like that from time to time when you get so carried away in life that you seem to stray off and forget of the hardships we all have gone or been through.


16:55 Oct 25 2019
Times Read: 1,285

Ahhhh, Yes!!!

Another day to shape my Reality.
For one's Perception IS one's Reality.

Another day to be better than I was yesterday.
If that's even possible.

Another day to learn something new.
I love the Internet.

Another day to see how Karma plays out in my life.
I look forward each day to experience it.

Another day walking a Darker Path, the Spiritual Path Of MOGYOLOGY!
I must have Spiritual Night Vision, because things once hidden in the Dark are so clear to me now.

Another day to define for myself what being a Dark One truly means.
Darkness does not mean Evil.

Another day to love and care for myself and others.
I do what I can, when I can, if I can.

Another day to just be Lord MOGY, The Gothic Warlock Lord Pagan Minister....as I

Live My Beliefs


Live My Best Life




17:05 Oct 24 2019
Times Read: 1,302

At the age of 18, I formulated a plan to be Retired after serving 20 years or more in the U.S. Marines.

I've heard of no one in my family and no one I knew of having achieved such a feat.

The 14 Heads of the 14 Families were old and still toiling away working for others to support themselves and their responsibilities and some weren't even doing that.

The Marines, as other Branches of the Military, offered a full retirement after serving 20 years or more.

So, my plan was simple, but I wasn't going to make it easy on myself.

I was going to join the Elite ones. The Best of the Best!

So yeah, simple.....Achieve my goal......Or Die trying.

I had to want it like I wanted to breathe air.

I was going to do whatever it took to serve 20 years.

The physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual toll it took on me and all the sacrifices I chose to make was all worth it and I'd go through it all over again if sent back in time.

24 years of making the best "Life Choices" I could daily to accomplish what I had to accomplish to achieve my Long Term Goal was by far no walk in the park.

Those I tried to bring onboard and take part in helping me achieve my goal seen my drive and my determination, my focus and understood my plan, they themselves were still trying to find themselves and at some point became envious as they seen me rise through the ranks as if we were competing against each other. They kept comparing their life to my own life never truly seeing 'us' as a Team. Even as I assisted them with whatever life goals they claim to have had, they were afraid that at some point, I'd decide that they were 'Not Worthy' of me. Fear based on T.V. and Movie Drama Entertainment. smh...

Their Fear turned to Anger, Anger turned to Hate and Hate turned to our Suffering.

When they wanted to have their way in a relationship and act a fool which was toxic to the relationship and my military career, well, I just wasn't having it and then they threatened or actually went through with calling my 'Boss' to say anything to bring about Fear in me, well, that's when they had to 'Go'!

Outside life and drama doesn't stop just because one joins the military.

However, EVERY threat to my Long Term Goal was removed from my life.

In the end, I felt I had been too strong for too long and I felt I had broken at some point during my last tour of duty and I successfully crawled across the finish line and achieved my Long Term Goal of a Military Retirement. I, as they say, left it all on the field. I gave it my all. Blood, Sweat and Tears.

After 4 marriages/divorces, 1 birth of a biological child, family and peer drama, deploying to combat, and returning with a Lung illness that eventually caused an earlier retirement than I had planned, I wasn't the same person anymore.

I felt as though I had gone through a Spiritual Death, Transformation and Rebirth.

The old me was dead and gone. Something else, something darker and Awesome emerged from the ashes.

I have two Tribal Phoenix Tattoos that represent this feeling. I'll post one below. The other one is the same just facing the opposite side on the other shoulder area.

"The phrase rise like a phoenix from the ashes is based on a story that goes back thousands of years. ... To rise like a phoenix from the ashes means to emerge from a catastrophe stronger, smarter and more powerful." ~ Google Search

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Venemy & Aznar - Reign (feat. Doubletake) [LYRICS] • No Copyright Sounds •

―――| LYRICS |―――

I've rised just like a phoenix
Born from the ashes
I take care of my own
Tore 'em down, We're assassins
You can't suffocate my spirit
'Cause I'm the king of my own throne, my own throne
King of my own throne, my own throne

You'll never see me fall, fall
You'll never see me fall
Watch me reign
And I'll slay them all
Slay them all
Slay 'em all
Slay them all
You'll never
You'll never
You'll never
(Steal the throne) Watch me reign
And I'll slay them all
Slay them all
I'll slay 'em all
Slay them all
You'll never
You'll never
You'll never steal the throne
Throne, on, on, on, throne

King of my own throne, my own throne, throne
on, on, on, on
King of my own throne, throne, throne, throne throne

(Born from the ashes)
Born from the ashes
Born from the ashes
Born from the ashes
Born from the ashes, ashes
Born from the ashes
Born from the, born from the, born from the

You can't suffocate my spirit
'Cause I'm the king on my own throne, throne, own, own, own, own
King on my own throne, my own throne
You'll never see me fall, fall
You'll never see me fall
Watch me reign
And I'll slay them all
Slay them all
I'll slay' em all
Slay them all
You'll never
You'll never
You'll never
(Steal the throne) Watch me reign
And I'll slay them all
Slay them all
I slay 'em all
Slay them all
You'll never
You'll never
You'll never steal the throne
throne, on, on, on, on

King on my own throne, on my own throne, throne
throne, on, on, on, on

King on my own throne throne throne throne, throne, throne

(Watch me reign)

Watch me reign



17:54 Oct 24 2019

wow Mogy reading you gave me chills. This was so amazing! You are indeed an inspiration, and I am so awed at the fact that you are a positive force in those that you surround your energy with. You have been through what would break some people, and you have my respect in never letting that stop you. You are just fricken awesome in my book Mogy!!! Thank you for sharing this! *gianthuggs*

19:42 Oct 24 2019

@Crowscat....Thank you my friend.


19:49 Oct 23 2019
Times Read: 1,318

I respect many of Trevor Noah's points of view on many topics.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Trevor Noah Unpacks Religion, Societal Changes & Problematic Culture In America





01:01 Oct 23 2019
Times Read: 1,340


Yup, that's who the Random Number Generator website has chosen today.

Wow, I think I first communicated with Cartomancer after an issue was brought up with a previous CM of a coven I was once in.

I then found we had a mutual friend on VR as well as on FB when I was on there back in the day. #FuckFB&IGLOL

First off, she's a U.S. Marine (Once a Marine, Always a Marine) even if no longer on active duty and that alone gave her cool points in my book.

Secondly, I found her to be one of the most loving and coolest Moms I know. More cool points.

Well, I'm not going to make this post long by filling up the page with positive words like, Honest, Fare, Wise, Humble, Funny, Thoughtful, Driven, Kind, and so many more positive things to say about this lady, I'll just conclude with the following Gif in her honor just so she never forgets how one VR Member feels about her contribution to this site as well as for being a genuinely nice soul.

So yeah, Cartomancer, gets the



01:55 Oct 23 2019

#DevilDogFistBump :)

02:17 Oct 23 2019


14:47 Oct 22 2019
Times Read: 1,350

Anger and Hate comes from Fear....

Fear is a Choice!....

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Former alt-right member wants to prevent others from joining these hate groups | Nightline

Mom warns about white supremacists recruiting teens online




15:43 Oct 21 2019
Times Read: 1,361





23:50 Oct 19 2019
Times Read: 1,381

'You want a sandwich'



01:41 Oct 20 2019

Yes peanut butter and jelly sandwich make it two lol

04:23 Oct 20 2019



16:31 Oct 19 2019
Times Read: 1,391

I Love Art



00:19 Oct 20 2019

whoa now that is damn pǝʞɔıʍ cool I love it!!!


16:14 Oct 19 2019
Times Read: 1,394

I enjoy watching this type of content.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Ancient Aliens: The Third Eye (Season 11, Episode 6) | History



16:25 Oct 19 2019

That is hella cool!☆


15:28 Oct 19 2019
Times Read: 1,396

Being an RH- individual (B- Blood Type), I still find this theory

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Ancient Aliens: Alien Blood Types (S11, E10) | History



15:51 Oct 19 2019

I love watching that series on Netflix.


15:13 Oct 19 2019
Times Read: 1,399

Oh really now?.

I suppose you have me all figured out. LOL!

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

8 Signs You're Way Smarter Than People Around




18:48 Oct 18 2019
Times Read: 1,404




16:21 Oct 16 2019
Times Read: 1,411

Alrighty then, time to get out of bed, groom, put on some clothes and go show some love to the family and Bandit.




16:12 Oct 16 2019
Times Read: 1,413

Dear Liliancat,
Ask Dakotah if he will be posting a video in his journal of himself eating Pet Food while wearing a toga in the next 15 minutes?

He will have to say 'Yes' so...I'll wait!



16:26 Oct 16 2019

I am going give her a Lily Yes Day now every month so next month when I get my new pc ask her! I will have too if she ask me! haha. This is a fun day though. She at a class with Stathis and will be back home soon. My new pc is going to have all the bells and whistle. I can not wait to get it. A friend is building it for me. Check this out: Processor: Intel Core i9-9900K | RAM: 32GB | Graphics Card: Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti | Storage: 480GB SSD, 2TB

16:47 Oct 16 2019


05:12 Oct 16 2019
Times Read: 1,420

Awesome graphics animation.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)





17:05 Oct 15 2019
Times Read: 1,438


Yup, that's who the Random Number Generator website has chosen today.

Well, I first encountered this young lady on VR and then Facebook and then other social medias as well as communicating with her via other means.

We all find ourselves gravitating to others for some reason and even after going ghost on me for a minute, I still consider her a friend because she's still a beautiful person both inside and out.

It could have been her stunning looks, her sarcastic personality, her sense of humor, the way she blended swear words together sometimes coming up with her own new words, or maybe she reflected a sexual free spirit that included sexual innuendos or a tolerance to them, but with this lady, she's hard not like.

I may have had to change how I tease her in respect to that she is now a Mrs., but I always enjoy just checking in with her from time to time, asking about her son and how the family and petting zoo is coming along.

I'd read about what's going on in her life daily if she blogged it or watch it if she vlogged it because it's always something worth reading or hearing about....

So yeah, Nekirena, gets the




16:44 Oct 15 2019
Times Read: 1,441

The Energy, Vibration and Frequency of Others




16:15 Oct 14 2019
Times Read: 1,461



20:44 Oct 14 2019

I live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

00:07 Oct 15 2019


00:36 Oct 14 2019
Times Read: 1,474

Just chillin and reviewing Copyright Free Music for the honor of being selected to be in one or more of my videos.

Life Is Good!




22:54 Oct 13 2019
Times Read: 1,479

I'm coaching the kids to beat me in pool and not just be happy to get a Win if I scratch and lose, which is rare.

They are getting better and better each week.

My Son has already beatened me.....Once!

I'm so proud of them both.





18:51 Oct 13 2019
Times Read: 1,490

Because I can



19:25 Oct 13 2019

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

20:33 Oct 13 2019


23:09 Oct 13 2019

OH MY LORD!!! That looks so sinfullly Delish!!! mememe get in my belly!!! hahaha!

23:35 Oct 13 2019



07:41 Oct 13 2019
Times Read: 1,494

3rd Sauna Sesh...Completed!.....





07:32 Oct 13 2019
Times Read: 1,496

I remember growing up and listening to a radio station that promted itself as an Easy Listening station.

This song brings back memories of being in my Serenity Zone after maybe having done some homework and just wanted to chill in my room away from all the madness which was my childhood.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Juice Newton - Angel Of The Morning (Official Video)





17:55 Oct 12 2019
Times Read: 1,516

Some say Pets take on the personality of their owner{s}/parent(s).

Well, show me proof!

Here is mine....





16:18 Oct 12 2019
Times Read: 1,522


Yup, that's who the Random Number Generator website has chosen today.

Now, I don't recall when was the last time we chatted here on VR, but I do recall always the feeling of our random greetings as being that of a positive one.

Like many more of my VR Spotlight selections, I may not always remember conversations I've had with them, but I always remember the energy or vibe I get from others.

So yeah, SinginGhost88, gets the




07:45 Oct 11 2019
Times Read: 1,538

I just recorded Friday's Video.

After the 1st take, I was already Red Eyes High-ly Medicated.

After finally completing a 2 Part Video where I had to re-record Part 2, 3 times trying to hit the right amount of time before my phone mutes the recording and I wouldn't know it until I review the video AFTER recording it.

Can you imagine recording a, let's say, 30-minute (or more) video and when you go to review it, the audio goes out 3 minutes into your video?

So, fortunately, Part 2 only had me medicating with CBD.

I think....

Then.....I was rudely reminded that with this busy day, I had eaten VERY little, by the rumbling in my belly which is still beyond the limits that I desire yet still never giving up on my goal, nor starving myself, while catching myself in the midst of replying back to a message that was slowly triggering me when I asked myself, "Why are you replying to this now or at all when you are Hungry and.......YES!!!!....High As Fuck?!!!!

I may actually reply to it tomorrow.




20:24 Oct 10 2019
Times Read: 1,562

So I see I have about 18 more names for the Dakotah Spotlight Challenge, but life has been happening and I took a break, but I will continue it at random times.

Bandit is at the Vet for his semi-annual checkup so I can't medicate until after picking him up. *sighs*

Things have been going well. To me that means more Positive Karma than the little amount and short duration of any Negative Karma that I MUST experience.

Purchased a new mini-fridge today since I broke the other one and it leaked all the freon out and I was told for the price to repair it, it would be wiser just to purchase another one since they are not that expensive.

All my bills are paid, I have food and other groceries that had been consumed have been replenished.

Nothing else has broken as of yet so yeah, Awesome!

Still pushing out 6+ YouTube and TheWedTube Videos per week sharing my beliefs and how I define living my best life.

My family is doing well and making progress month to month towards their short term and long term goals.

So in Summary.....

Living My Beliefs

Living My Best Life




20:38 Oct 10 2019

I love the positive vibe you always have in life Mogy! That, to me is AWESOME!

22:05 Oct 10 2019


02:11 Oct 09 2019
Times Read: 1,584

Phase 2 of 3 of my Son and his family becoming independent once more, but this time in SOCAL, is complete.

They have a vehicle.
He has employent.
Next wil be a search for their own place.




02:58 Oct 06 2019
Times Read: 1,603

Yup, I've reached the 5 year mark since I was Ordained so it has been my 5-Year Ordination Anniversary Day!!!



04:20 Oct 06 2019

OOOO CONGRATS MOGY!!!! wootwoot! 🎇😁

13:56 Oct 07 2019



22:26 Oct 03 2019
Times Read: 1,627


Yup, that's who the Random Number Generator website has chosen today.

A fellow citizen that, at one point in his life wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America,” for an amount up to and including hisr life.

It is always positive when I chat with Dale.

The Darkness has many AWESOME individuals.

So yeah, Dale0302, gets the





06:30 Oct 02 2019
Times Read: 1,637




21:40 Oct 01 2019
Times Read: 1,640

Congratulations to ALL the October 2019 Recipients of "The Bless Program Of MOGYOLOGY".

And again, congrats to Liliancat!!!

The 12th Recipient of "The Bless Program Of The Ministry Of MOGYOLOGY"

(For The 4th Time!)

Inaki - Phoenix (Royalty Free Music)
Torin - Tubular Bells [Dark]

(Video May Be Slow To Load)





18:16 Oct 01 2019
Times Read: 1,647

Congrats to Liliancat!!!

The 12th Recipient of "The Bless Program Of The Ministry Of MOGYOLOGY"

(For The 4th Time!)

Video posting ASAP!



19:12 Oct 01 2019

Wow seriously?

19:13 Oct 01 2019

Thank you very much brother. That was seriously a surprise

20:38 Oct 01 2019

Congrats, Sis! Enjoy the manifestation of your Positive Karma starting out the new month.



01:05 Oct 01 2019
Times Read: 1,439


Yup, that's who the Random Number Generator website has chosen today.

One of my favorite VR Members.

She hasn't blocked me yet from teasing her about "sammiches" or having fun in her journal so that makes her pretty Awesome in my book.

I honestly don't remember how I began chatting with Payne, but what I do know is the feeling of happiness when I see her profile online. She and Raven are one of VR's most famous Couples. I love those two.

I respect this lady a lot. She doesn't take any shit, tells it like she sees it and doesn't try to hide who she is on here when she needs to make her point.

She and Raven are on my list of VR Members I'd like to meet in person one day.

However, there must be a promise of sammiches and security because that's what it would take to get me to visit a Southern State. LMAO!

So yeah, MistressPayne, gets the



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