Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


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8 entries this month

A recommendation

19:18 Apr 30 2009
Times Read: 892

A great many of us here on VR claim to enjoy reading about Vampires and some of us also enjoy griping about how the price just keeps going up to buy them. Being in a small Southern town means my public library will not be having them available there so if I want to read it I have to buy it.

But right here on VR is an ongoing vampire story that has fully engaged my imagination and emotions as I follow along the exploits of it's characters. It's not the usual horror tale though it has aspects of horror that turn the stomach, and yet it is also Not the currently popular vampire love story! It has men and women and a few other creatures in it that are both good and bad, good and evil though that's sometimes a blury line. So if you've not found this member's journal yet follow the link below and give The Black Diary a try, I can guarntee you will find something you like about the tale.

We're up to chapter 16 now but be sure and start at 1 so you can enjoy it fully!

The Black Diary



19:40 Apr 30 2009

i totally agree!

i'm still behind :/

but i'm catching up :D

it's an awesome story

01:07 May 01 2009

Oh I love you so much , this is just what he needed, you,re the best Friend in the world .

09:57 May 01 2009

Yep, I'm enjoying it too.

21:53 May 08 2009

The Black Diary is a good read, yup

I had a small giggle "reading about Vampires and some of us also enjoy griping about how the price just keeps going up to buy them" ... yup vampires are really expensive now


*runs and hides*

02:48 May 11 2009

I agree. It is to the point that books about vampires cost a lot of blood money.

*Runs off and hides with Art.* ;)


We did it!

21:48 Apr 27 2009
Times Read: 891

We managed to make it to the Newport Aquarium with the kids on Saturday. Almost a 3 hour drive up there then haul through the place where a crowd made it a bit rough at times with my nephew but we managed to handle it. The kids loved almost all of it though a few of the really scary looking enclosures put Adam off at first. They both loved the sharks and the underwater tunnels. The shark-ray's were the big hit of course and they even listened to the lecture about how Newport is the only breeding program for the shark-ray. Near the end of the tour there was an opportunity to pet a shark (small ones in a controlled tank) My neice and I did it but Adam and my sister didn't want anything to do with the ideal. lol

It was so worth it though to watch them have fun. For years now my sister and her husband have been promising to take my neice who claims she wants to be a marine biologist to the aquarium but he always managed to cause it not to happen for one reason or another. My neice is happy my sister is very happy and my nephew had a good time watching fishies. Heck I had a pretty darn good time too though it would have been better if I hadn't worn a new pair of shoes! *ouch*



22:30 Apr 27 2009

Glad things went smoothly :)

01:04 Apr 29 2009

Sounds like a wonderful excursion. :)

02:38 Apr 29 2009

When did you move to Oregon?


Don't it just figure

00:33 Apr 22 2009
Times Read: 918

The weekend didn't go anything like we planned here. Friday my 8 year old nephew who had been sick for a couple of days with a stomach virus wasn't getting over it as his brother did so his parents took him to the doctor who shipped him right up to the hospital where they discovered his sugar was over 500. Due to his age they had to ship him out to Lexington for a doctor who could diagnose the right amount of insulin for a kid his age. His parents went with him and spent Friday and Sat night up there while his 6 year old brother stayed with me.

Austin is 8 years old with Type 1 diabetes and has to take a shot with everything he eats, plus needle sticks to test his sugar at minimum 6 times a day more than that so far. :(

To make matters worse the rest of the family ended up with the stomach virus (except me so far) so it's been one of those long weeks of cleaning up and taking care of folks. I've not got much done except that so far.

Hopefully things will get better now and we can try the aquarium trip this weekend but at the moment that's still up in the air too.

In the meantime the nurse at my nephew's school didn't want to follow his doctors listing on his insulin (she knows better) then she didn't want to give him his afternoon shot. So looks like it's going to become a wrestling match between his parents, the doctor, the nurse and the school system to get things straighted out. He's 8 and only had this disease 5 days now and yet the nurse at the school is demanding he be put on a insulin pump, along with several other unreasonable demands that didn't even make any sense.

To make matters worse Austin's dad is a hothead and his mom too easy going. It's going to be tough to watch this all play out, I think.



10:04 Apr 22 2009

I hope your nephew does'nt end up piggy in the middle of all this. Why is it so hard for the nurse to follow a Drs instructions ?

15:43 Apr 22 2009

She seems to be one of those that having done it so long herself just knows better than anyone else what he needs. Problem is at this point none of us know exactly what he needs its trial and error time to find the right dosage but we're following the doctor's orders not hers.

19:34 Apr 22 2009

I hate school nurses.

15:42 Apr 23 2009

if you need any help with the poor guy let me know. you and me both are pretty much experts with this i think and we might be able to muster up some food alternatives for him that his mom doesn't have to be easy going with and he wouldn't know the differance.

19:24 Apr 23 2009

Been there ... but not with anything needing injections luckily

I thought that the nurse did what the doctor says, no more - no less, or lose their jobs.

If she knows so much, shouldn't she be a doctor ?

You really have to talk to your nephew and tell him which one he has to trust.

02:30 Apr 24 2009

That is tough for th epoor kid. I developed my Type I diabetes when I was 30, so at least I could understand and advocate for myself.

It took over a month to get my insulin dose dialed in. Just have everyone keep a close eye on him. Going high is bad, but going low can be fatal far faster. make sure he always has a source of glucose close at hand and he knows to take it if he feels "funny" in any way.

05:03 Apr 24 2009

First, Nurses aren't allowed to do anything WITHOUT a doctors order. Hell, even EMT's and Paramedics, have set guidelines on what we can and can't do in the field, unless the doctor orders it over the line.

This Nurse could loose her job, if she ignores the doctors orders. If her God attitude causes the child to go into a diabetic emergency, then you have all the information to sue them. Make sure the school board is aware of these facts. This is your nephews life and she is being unreasonable.


Lot and lots of things going on around here

19:10 Apr 16 2009
Times Read: 932

It's been a really busy week and the weekend will be too.

I just came back from the graveyard where the monument stone was placed for my parents. My sister met me there along with my mom's baby sister and we were all happy with it and felt they would have liked it too. It's a big relief to have that finally done and in time for Memorial day makes it even better.

I saw my doctor Monday due to my neck getting worse and my having trouble walking, he upped my pain meds a lot and says I need to see a neurosurgeon for a surgical evaluation. I've been dealing with 3 bad disc's in my neck for a couple of years now and they continue getting worse. But I just don't think surgery is a path I want to go down on my spine. :( I'll go and see what he has to say since this guy is considered one of the best in the state and is not knife happy. So if surgery won't fix me up he most likely won't suggest it. lol Perhaps though there is something else that I just don't know about that might help. *crosses fingers*

This weekend we're taking my niece and nephew up to the Newport Aquarium and hopefully on to the Cinn Children Museum. This should be a lot of fun and the kids are really excited.

My sister filed the paperwork today to start her divorce proceedings. Yipee it will help a lot with her state of mind and the ability to tell jerkwad to take a hike and not just drop in whenever he wants to especially after 9pm when the kids are going to bed. He continues wanted to argue with my sister here and I've had to tell him to shut up twice more and throw him out again. He hates my guts but that just makes me happy! lol

I watch as his tone of voice and the fussing he keeps starting just sucks the joy from my sister and niece and even Adam gets quiet and almost hides. Do you have any ideal how much it takes for a hyper active autistic 4 year old to go silent? It ain't pretty and I've had enough and he now knows that because he's not been back in 3 days now. Reckon he got the message?



01:52 Apr 17 2009

I think he did. Hopefully he did. Im proud of your sister, she is standing up for herself and her kids. If someone can scare a child that bad...*shakes her head*.

Take care of yourself, sis.

23:03 Apr 27 2009

I'm glad you guys finally got that settled- I am only sorry you and I didn't make it to the cemetery for pictures- but there is always next time...lol

19:45 May 07 2009

The bloke sounds like a wanker and I've not even met him.


Warning Religious thoughts

14:56 Apr 12 2009
Times Read: 947

Being it's Easter, my sister and kids have been watching some of the classic movies and then discussing the teachings of the bible about John the Baptist and Jesus and more.

I sit quietly and just go on about my business as I don't feel it my place to interfere with them. My beliefs may be different but it doesn't mean I need disrespect them as my sister allows me to have my own without comment.

But at one point we ended up in a discussion about the differences of the Islamic faith and Christians.

Now this is where it gets interesting. She says she dislikes and distrusts Moslems because of the hate they preach.

I said they are not being that different than the Christians that first sent soldiers to their lands in Crusades and called them Holy Wars. Christians that began the Inquisition and so many other atrocities in the name of God and their faith even though the word of God spoke of peace and acceptance and forgiveness.

The teachings of Mohammad seem to me to be of a peace loving bent that have now been perverted just as the teachings of Jesus were by the Christians.

So really what's the difference? Seems to me either way they do evil in the name of God and call it a Holy War. There's two words that should never ever be put in a sentence together to me.



01:15 Apr 14 2009

Happy Zombie Jesus Day!


My Fridays

04:20 Apr 03 2009
Times Read: 990

My nephew has to have additional occupational therapy outside what he gets in school and the nearest place we could find that accepts his insurance (insert cuss words) is the town North of us about 25 miles each way. I have to admit it's worth it though after we got to see their setup and meet the therapist he's working with. She is the mother of an autistic child herself so that goes a long way in her knowing how to accept his fears and tantrums.

They have a large padded room with all kinds of places for the kids to hide if things get too much for them (sensory input overload) plus things to help them overcome problems with movements. Now his sister and cousins having seen the pictures I've posted are jealous. lol I cannot wait to see him take on that climbing wall they have there. He's tried it once but not quite up to it yet but he does love the pit, the cave and the swings oh yeah the big inner tube to jump on is a hit too. (he is a country boy) lol

I think this would have been heaven when I was a kid...



06:53 Apr 03 2009

The big ball with the lumps in it.... WTH?

13:13 Apr 03 2009

ROFL.... I love you Rat :) It's to help them grip and to provide sensory stimulation. lol What did you think?

23:34 Apr 03 2009

If I pay for the gas can I go???

23:15 Apr 04 2009

I would like to have a go on that pit place ... then maybe a play with the big ball thing :D

02:18 Apr 06 2009

It looks like a wonderful place. :)




Just a thought

17:45 Apr 01 2009
Times Read: 1,006

Got to reading a few of the newer profile this morning... yep was that bored. As usual there where some good and bad ones and while some had at least made a try at something interesting there was also the ones that offer up all types of threats of retaliation for any slights they might suffer online.

So I laughed and moved on but a few odd thoughts started swirling in my head. What type of damage could I really do to someone online? Other that figuring out how to deliberately sic a virus on them that is...

This is where I decided to get devious...

Okay you seriously anger me and I want to get you for it how would I go about it?

Then it hit me I'd start by calling an old pal who used to talk trash with me on how we'd change the world if we ever got the chance. He's now a big dog over Internet crime and can trace down folks with a bit of effort and then once found rather than seek them out for physical abuse I'd go for the even worse revenge. Some friends in the IRS would be happy to disect their lives via tax audits for a while and there's a couple of really dirty tricks that I won't go into for safety's sake. lol So yep with the right connections and evil intent getting even with someone online is possible just too much work to fool with it. lol



18:57 Apr 01 2009

It is good to have connections in high and low places. :)

19:14 Apr 02 2009

You evil woman you!!!

19:48 May 07 2009

It's so easy to find people now...well apart from the odd Terrorist...lol. Good old google earth!


Lots and lots to keep me busy

14:31 Apr 01 2009
Times Read: 1,008

Spring break this week so I have both kids with me all day which would be better if everyone hadn't went down with a summer cold to start it off with lol. So I'm drowning in snot, coughing and tissues!

I did get to slip out last night and eat with Rat and Birdie which was wonderful even if the food could have been better. Isn't it weird that a chain restaurant can be great in one town but 10 miles down the road it stinks?

I did manage to write up my new character for a new chapter of our roleplaying game. Now if it just passes approval with the game master. Since she's both a college grad and a writer it's tough at times to live up to her wishes. lol But it does make a body try.

We're supposed to get together again Friday night which will be so very great and so needed if my sanity makes it to that point. lol Okay off to start running errands and stuff. Have fun ya'll!



23:36 Apr 03 2009

PLEASE tell me you didn't go to Sonic...lol

I still want mah chili dawgs, demmit...

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