Heading out to hopefully make something happen that will get 2010 started off right.
Wish me luck.
Or better still... load the gun and cover me.
...ever see that one? The sappy story about the couple on the motorcycle where his brakes failed so he tricked her into saying "I love you" and had her put on the helmet so she would live and yadda yadda yadda...
...so... Mr. Harley Martyr never thought to downshift? Maybe just slow down a bit and lay it down?
Gawd these chain emails are stupid.
you can't break a chain mail!
you'll wake up in a bath tub full of ice with your kidneys missing.
or something.
I got that one about five years ago...
As did I.. the first time.
But the stupidity of these emails are timeless.
....I read journals. It is probably what I do most here.
There are a few, for one reason or another, I avoid. Completely.
I went to one of those today... perhaps I was missing a dose of moral hypocrisy and an over-all feeling of being rolled naked in diseased hooker spit and diarrhea… I’m not sure exactly what compelled me to click on that one…
…but it crashed my browser.
I think my laptop actively looks out for my best interests...
I like that.. it's not a bug, it's a feature.
I'd like an app for that.
Really- sounds like osmething your company could market to infinity for the smarter of us here...lol
I went there, too. My computer did not crash :(
Ugh...! LOL! What a colorful description...I just threw up a lil' in my mouth.
If my computer would do that for me, I'd be one happy little camper!
Even the emails that I get from “professionals” are often times horribly written. I just got one from a bank lending officer that reads like she used an English translator online to structure her sentences.
It’s almost… Yoda speak.
Balance have you, improvement you seek
People can't write because they don't know how to speak. It goes hand in hand.
It's a dying form of communication.
All anyone really cares about is texting now.
....sometimes, I don't understand. And these dreams that have started haunting me at night are not helping matters any.
It's going to be one of those days where I just can't focus...
Odd studies that we have these days... Yahoo just published this article about the happiest states.
Louisianna ranked as the happiest state (residents are the happiest). Of course the study was pre-Katrina. Mississippi ranked as #6... yet consistently is in the bottom 3 in quality of education studies. I guess this study proves ignorance is bliss.
New York, of course, ranked dead last in happiness. I, for one, am certainly not surprised. The majority of the state's population resides in New York City... a virtual ant-hill where people almost literally crawl over the top of each other daily. How could anyone really be happy in an environment like that? The rest of the state would probably be happy if we weren't taxed to death in order to pay to keep NYC from imploding upon itself into a cesspool of crime and filth.
The spill-over is obvious too, with New Jersey and Connecticut being ranked just above New York.
My question is, what truly makes you happy about where you live - and do the happy things out-weigh the bad parts?
People would assume folk in Upstate New York would be miserable because, to them, our weather sucks. But then again, most of America is under this misconception that it snows 365 days a year here. Of course most Americans couldn't find Canada on an unlabeled map, so what do they know?
Good ol' Georgia; right in the middle of the pack.
It figures. Ask people around here how they are, and they reply:
"Meh. Ah cain't complain."
Mississippi is also the most obese state. case in point...fat and happy and ignorant. hence, ignorance is bliss...
Alabama is probably ranked 9th happiest because the majority of native Alabamians have never left the state, with maybe the exception of driving across the state line to hit up the Six Flags Over Georgia theme park.
I would also bet every penny I have that Alabama's happiness is a direct result of the Alabama Crimson Tide's college football success this year :P
Heh... you know, I bet a lot of that goes into some of those findings.
They always say the workforce in Buffalo is 3-times more productive the Monday after a Bills' win and 3-times less productive after a Bills' loss.
There's a lot of productivity shortfalls here over the past 10 years...
I just got done reading that article. Alaska came in at #11. :) There's something to be said about living in that much beauty and open air. I've just had enough of it. :p
I read that study too...was somewhat surprised with the ranking.
California was near the bottom, which surprised me. Sure, the reccession has hit us really, really hard, but people aren't leaving by the thousands either. This place is just to big, beautiful, and varied to just leave...yet.
For now, I can imagine myself lounging on a beach down south, skiing in the Sierras, doing a short trek through the desert, visiting the Wine Country, etc...Oh wait...I need money to do those thing! LOL!
People are happiest in Mississippi because it's a retirement state.
There's almost nothing but open space where you can do what you want, when you want, and there's no one around to tell you otherwise.
I grew up in Mississippi and I'm top in my class right now getting my Bachelor's in Health Care.
I didn't turn out so bad.
The only thing I have to say I don't like is the fact that my accent is so thick.
People hear a southern accent and they automatically think 'retard'.
...I think I need to bleed the air from my radiator... it sounds like there's an angry Kraken in there...
...but... why doesn't he have eyebrows?
That's just strange.
I don't care what else a guy has going on... if he doesn't have eyebrows, he just looks weird.
...when I state things like, "You can't get good help these days," I am rarely referring to my own employees.
It is usually the distributors I have to work with... the ones that fail to do their jobs properly time and time again...
..like, when I request ONE item on an order ships overnight, don't stick it on an order with 4 other things, then set it to ship ground, and still fail to ship it at all.
...and then not call me to tell me it won't be there.
...or fail to return my call when I'm trying to find out what is going on...
Your customers might not be important to you, but mine are to me.
I don't know. I have had issues with two of my employees this week. Am just about ready to give both an attitute fix.
Yeah, but I've got Otter. No matter what anyone else is doing, I know she's going to give it 100%.
You are lucky to have Otter. I use to have one like her but lost him. Work has not been the same since, or life for that matter.
Hold her close.
Plannin' on it. :)
Quickbooks has its own dictionary and spell-check utility.
I just mispelled "registry" by leaving out the "g" (reistry). It offered me about 15 suggested replacements... the first on the list being... "prehistory"...
...but registry was no where on the list of suggestions.
perhaps you meant "dentistry"? "resist"?
One time, at bandcamp. . . .
i spelled "Like," exactly that way. And my iPod Touch's spell-check changed it to "OLio." Silly me.
...which is why it's just better to keep an actual dictionary nearby.
You know... it is just another symptom of everything else when I ask you to not do something and two hours later you do exactly what I had asked you not to do.
Does what I say even matter?
Has it ever?
Ever have one of those dreams that totally colors the rest of your day? Sometimes they might fill your spirit and brighten your outlook... or, in my case from last night, fill you with a sense of foreboding that nothing really seems to take away.
What do you do with that? How do you handle a completely unrealistic sense of dread, over a situation that isn’t so or hasn’t happened? How do you shake that nagging feeling that things just aren’t right and somehow, over night, life has changed – even if it really doesn’t seem to have?
That's it. I need to kill a few brain cells tonight and stop this madness.
Yeah come over here and be drunk..
I have dreams that do this to me all the time. The harshest, most dreadful feeling ones usually are a suggestion to fix the issues in my life...depending on what the dream revolves around. The more stressful the situation is in waking hours, the more likely it is to affect you.
Other times its foreboding sense something that may eventually happen. Could be when you wake up, could be in 10 years.
Regardless, I take these dreams as warning to check the path that I am on and relax the most stressful areas of my life.
Yeah, I hear that NB, and I agree.
In this case however, the situation would totally be in my control and if I ever allowed it to happen, I really should go seek psychiatric help...
I feel you on that one. But well...the craziest things seem to happen out of the blue.
....I commented on Facebook that despite the gloom and doom weather report that today was going to be a good day.
Mistake #1 of the day.
The weather... somehow... and trust me when I say, it's not that bad, has caused the power in my area to drop at least a dozen times today. Off often and long enough to kill the UPS on my desktop PC and on the last drop, it killed the PC too.
Silly me for trying to get work done.
So I'm in the process of reinstalling all of my software. Fortunately I was able to recover all my files...
Another scotch or sleep?
That is the question...
Sleep, you have to work in the morning. :p
I thought you would be talented enough to do both at the same time :D
my thoughts exactly- take the scotch and go to bed...lol
I brought you scotch tape!!!
...taking a break from photo editing, because frankly, I suck at it and all the leftover wine is a LOT more inviting right now...
18:31 Dec 30 2009
hope your luck is better then mine.....
18:38 Dec 30 2009
I've got your back. GO! GO! GO!
18:40 Dec 30 2009
You can doooooo it!
19:10 Dec 30 2009
Got your back...want suppression fire too? ;)
20:22 Dec 30 2009
20:23 Dec 30 2009
Just had to meet with bankers, lawyers and politicians... talk about feeling like I was rolled in hooker spit...
20:54 Dec 30 2009
*hands over the hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes*
Thats gonna be hard to wash off.