MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


Honor: 20    [ Give / Take ]


15 entries this month

18:59 Aug 29 2011
Times Read: 587

When being an insider, or a partial insider, your vision can get distorted. You do not see things that should have been clear. Instead your eyes decide to play tricks on you. It's almost like seeing a mirage in the desert; beauty created by illusions of dust and debris.

Once you are on the outside looking in things become clear. You see things in a new light, a new direction and a new perspective. To get to that point it can just take time and a sense of being done for all the illusions to fade and the mirage to dissolve.

Once that happens you can see so much more than what you anticipated. The picture becomes larger. There are more mirages that start to fall and lines in the sand become clearer.

All lines lead to somewhere. I am just glad my lines led me away from the mirages.



19:36 Aug 29 2011

I think this is something I need to do....

19:58 Aug 29 2011

It can take some time, but in the end it's better. You can make the correct decisions and not me mislead by what you think you see. ;)

21:10 Aug 29 2011

It's always good to take a step back.


00:16 Aug 29 2011
Times Read: 601

Ok Rattie.. I'm going to.do pics too! Let's see how this goes. Lol



22:11 Aug 29 2011

I will show you mine if you show me yours. ;) :D


22:30 Aug 28 2011
Times Read: 618

A blank page filled with dots. So you decide to connect them. You aren't sure what the image will be, but you take your time and connect the lines. It begins to fall into place as you go to connect the last few lines. You begin to know what the image is, but not exactly sure.

And then the last dot connect to the last dot.

You look at the paper. It's amazing what you will find out when you take the time to connect them all.

What do you do now?

Ball the paper up and move on and realize that it wasn't worth the time to connect them anyways.




20:14 Aug 24 2011
Times Read: 676

Seriously? Effin SERIOUSLY?

I don't get it and I don't understand it. I think it's some kind of b.s. trick to try and get me to lose my effin mind. I just do NOT understand how in the hell I can have 3 effin bookmarks just VANISH.

I have three nice bookmarks because I read a lot.

And now I cannot find a single damn one of them. I think there is a thief some place around here. And it comes out when I sleep at night and steals my bookmarks.

So here I am ... looking on ebay for a bundle of bookmarks. WTF.

-shakes fist-



20:38 Aug 24 2011

They are in the same place as all the socks that go missing from the wash......along with all the keys and sunglasses that people loose....

20:48 Aug 24 2011

No. I took them. Last night. When you were not looking. I reached through the screen and grabbed them. I had to push the cat out of the way. He almost scratched me. The dog just barked. But I took them. I GOT THEM. HA!

21:43 Aug 24 2011

The Sock Troll also turned into the Bookmark stealin' troll! That basitd!

Well, that explained why my panty drawer was all a mess. You stopped into there too didn't you?! :P

01:17 Aug 25 2011

No ... No, the panties was me. And you may NOT have the pink ones back.

08:54 Aug 25 2011

It was your pussy, he's mad at you.


21:25 Aug 22 2011
Times Read: 727

Things never cease to amaze me. You can learn so much by watching the people around you and how they interact with others. You can see the true nature that they hold and not the façade that they paint over that realness that is them.

I cannot believe the length that some people will go to lie. They say there are always three sides to the truth- The first person’s side, the second person’s side and the actual truth. However this is not always the case. There are times when the lie is just so fabricated that there is no other reaction but to laugh when you hear it. And then be dumbfounded when people hear it and believe it. But then again, you really cannot be dumb founded when some people can be lead to water by just laying bits of their false persona.

I also cannot believe the amount of people who cannot think for themselves. They need someone else to give them reasons to feel the way they do. I can’t even describe them as sheep because at least sheep know when to run away. These are more like mindless drones. They hear what they hear and repeat back. If you were to ask someone why they do not like someone I bet most of the time the answer would start off with “Well, I hear/heard that so and so…” or even “So and so told me this about so and so and this is why….” If you cannot answer the question with “This is my experience with this person, this is why I choose not to interact with this person or like this person based on my own personal experience…” then your opinion is moot and it doesn’t mean anything. Actually no, it does mean something. It means that you cannot think for yourself and enjoy when others make the choices for you. Congratulations! You are someone else’s puppet to control. How’s that working for you?

Pettiness and Jealousy are valid human emotions. With some people these two emotions just scratch the surface and then they move on to more important things. It’s over with as quickly as it started. And then there is the other side of the coin. There are the ones who will harbor so much negativity and then wrap that negativity around those two emotions and it spirals into something that is more like an unhealthy obsession. They in turn take all the unhappiness that they bare and project it in a fashion that is unhealthy and unjustified. Most times this includes being passive aggressive towards people. This is just another way of pushing negativity onto someone. I’ve seen it firsthand cripple people in ways I never thought possible. And the only thing there is to do is wait and watch and try not to let the sadness overwhelm you.

Whatever happened to the times when people would rather not assume and deal with things head on? Or maybe it’s just easier to assume, have unnecessary feelings and then act out in ways that there really is no reason for? I am sure most issues are caused by this. People assume that they know what the other person is thinking; therefore, they form their own unfounded ideas. It becomes a vicious cycle of false feelings, unneeded hardships and unwarranted problems. This combined with being butthurt and petty is a toxic cocktail. It leads people to do things that are so blown out of proportion, it is unfathomable. They plants seeds of destruction into the minds of others because they themselves are so insecure about their assumptions, they need to feel that they are correct or validated. They take joy in knowing that they are, even if it is based on false pretenses and unrealistic events. These cause a chain effect and not only are they broken, for lack of a better term, but they also break the ones around them. This is another situation where all you can do is not let the sadness overwhelm you and you move on to brighter moments in time.

Like any other relationship, friendship can be just as difficult as a romantic relationship. I never understood how people can stay in a toxic relationship and then make excuses as to why they cannot leave. The same goes for friendships. I have seen so much hatred and then I am grateful for you, and then the hatred and then I am grateful for you again. How is this healthy? Or maybe it’s just the fact that they need the push pull? While I do not seem like it, probably because I’ve learned to hide it so well, I can be a very intense and emotional person. When my friends hurt, I hurt. When they are having problems, I take a part of that problem into myself. There are times when it has reached the point where I know that their toxic situation is taking a toll on me and I need to just step away. I do this because even though I care about them, I am important to the health and well being of myself. Is it fair? No, it’s probably not, but it’s the only thing I can do in order to protective myself and my state of being. There comes a time when you put your heart on the line for someone. When you sit by them hold their hand and listen to them without judgment or fault and constantly wish that they would find a better situation for themselves. However they do not. They chose to stay in the same cycle. It is hard to remain close to someone who remains in this form of cycle because not only do they bring themselves down, they bring you into a state of the same being. You cannot change that cycle, and after becoming so drained from the constant spinning of the cycle, the only thing left to do is simply step away.

I’ve learned in both real life and online life that people can wear masks. It doesn’t matter if you know them in person or if you become close through the exchange of words and emotions, the mask can appear almost as though that is really who they are until a turn of events cause the mask to come off and then who they really are happens to shine through. In some cases it is good, but in most of my experiences it has been rather unnerving. I have seen people become so bitter by someone’s action that they turn around and try, and sometimes succeed, to sabotage choices that other people make regarding other person opinions and decisions. It is one thing to share your concern; it is another thing to pool your negative attitude on to someone else for your selfish enjoyment. I wonder if those around the person actually see beyond the mask, or if they are secure in their false illusions of how the person really is even though it’s evident through the mask that they wear? Or maybe they just do not care and become some kind of sideliner. (I will get to the sideliners in a moment) Friendship is about supporting people. It’s about caring. It’s also about letting friends have their own feelings, thoughts and emotions. When you are trying to take away those parts of a friendship, you are being a bad friend. If you cannot put your negative emotions on hold for someone else, then how can you really say that you are being a true friend? I have friends that are friends with people I do not care for. While I worry about them silently and the possibility that something may happen, I support them and the decisions they’ve made. It’s about having respect for them and yourself. And without having either of those in a friendship, is it really a friendship? Take a good look at the friends that surround you. Do you really know who they are?

Now onto the sideliners! Sidelines are a funny breed of people. These people are the ones that claim they wish to not get involved with the problems that arise, however you can find them on the sidelines whispering in other peoples ears, being the silent ones on the bench and then claiming that just because they were on the side lines and not directly involved they are innocent in the matters at hand. That is not true. If you’ve made the choice to participate by being a sideliner instead of removing yourself fully and sitting in the crowd, then you are just as guilty as the ones on the field. There comes a time when either you stand up for what you believe in, or you keep becoming part of the problem. Either way you are part of the problem. You cannot keep claiming innocence, just like a victim cannot keep claiming to be a victim if they refuse to remove themselves from the situation. It doesn’t work. It just becomes the same song and dance.

The old proverb of birds of a feather flock together can be seen time and time again. When all that surrounds you are the same people doing the same thing, yet your fail to remove yourself, how can you sit there and say you are not like them? A person must enjoy the surrounding going-ons if they still keep themselves located within that flock of birds; especially when the flock does nothing but pick and squawk at each other. Is it that enjoyable to be around that you choose to say within that flock and not venture to brighter lands? If you fail to remove yourself, then you cannot sit there and say ‘do not judge me for those that surround me.’ No, you will be judged because the choice you’ve made proves that it’s what you want and what you like. It all boils down to choices. We each have a choice and free will. How we choose to use them is our business, but outsiders will judge. It’s human nature.

I remember a time when things were simpler. I remember when it was okay to be friends with people of all different colors, creeds, beliefs, so on and so forth. I remember when people would actually respect their friends. When one friend would say something negative about another person’s friend they would say “Please don’t say that..” then in turn the other friend would respect their wishes and refrain from saying it because the respect for one another. I remember when friendship meant something. And even when a friendship dissolved for reasons, secrets would still be held because the words were spoken with a trust so pure and true. Because it didn’t matter how bad things got, the moment that that person put their full trust in you, it made you feel invincible; even if it was for just a moment. So you hold onto that feeling and that trust because it’s important to you. You never let the words pass your lips and hold onto them like a prized possession. Maybe it’s not because there was a simpler time. Maybe it’s because I have a different belief system than most and still have some of the old fashion values.

As I write this I am not claiming to be perfect. I have my faults and horrible moments filled with anger, hate and other useless emotions. However, there comes a time within all the mixture of emotions where a person must realize that they need to stand tall and let themselves be important, because after all it is them who they must live with for the rest of their life. If you cannot admit to your faults, being wrong, and admit to the problems that you have, how do you expect to live, learn and grown from them? You cannot. Once again you are in the same self victimizing cycle never evolving and growing. It becomes the same scenery over and over again. I’ve always been honest with my experience in life. There is no need to not to be. Each experience gives us another lesson, another layer of who we are and the life experiences we’ve had. It molds us into who we are as a person and a being. I feel if we were to stop learning then the world would come to a halt, and I for one, wouldn’t want that to happen.

Even in all laughter, smiles and fun times, I have my constant battles with depression, self esteem issues and bouts of being an unbalanced person. Its part of life, it is going to happen. But I also realize that I am important. I am important to myself and my friends and those that care about me. I will never allow myself to be the dirty little secret in either a friendship or relationship. I’ve been there and it is not healthy. I surround myself with wonderful, amazing and such a different variety of people that I would never ever be ashamed to admit they are my friend. They would never be my ‘dirty little secret’. Why? Because each one of the people that surround me fills me with a new life experience and amazing moments. Why would I want to hide those from the world? I don’t. I want to hold my friends up high and say “Do you see this amazing person? They are my friend. They have filled me with magic moments and splendid memories!” Because they are special to me and because they are my friends. I even take this with past relationships and friendship. I appreciate the moments that we had with one another, and while the path was short that we walked on together, they’ve taught me something. They’ve added another page to my life and another lesson that I will learn from whether it be good or bad.

While I know this entry is long winded, these thoughts have been bouncing in my mind for a while now.

I am sure there will be people who not understand and then there will be people who do understand and then those that just don’t care. That is fine. My words are not meant for everyone and some people just choose to remain deaf in the ears because they cannot handle it.

I need to step back, reflect and access at times. This is just simply one of those times.



21:36 Aug 22 2011

Really well said.

22:18 Aug 22 2011

Yes, well said. And I think everyone wears a mask in one form or another. It could be on out of deceit or one out of self preservation or one they don't even realize they are wearing. Just my 2 cents.

22:36 Aug 22 2011

Then you have the ones who nod, thinking you really got it right, see life as it is. Or should be.

01:10 Aug 23 2011

Excellently said Moonie

01:53 Aug 24 2011

Your words are thought out, and I can tell it isn't a rant but a serious inner dialogue. Your honesty and ability to be blunt when called for is admirable. Whatever toxins you wade through, you are without a doubt pure (in this context at least).


Don't ever let the head games in real life and on here absorb you. You're too lovely to fall into their sickness.


07:14 Aug 21 2011
Times Read: 755

This totally means she wants to give me a happy ending!

Aww yeah!



14:36 Aug 21 2011


18:13 Aug 21 2011

Baby, it's love!

23:07 Aug 21 2011

You love me long time?


05:24 Aug 21 2011
Times Read: 765

idbeholda: Roses are straight

idbeholda: Violets are twisted

idbeholda: Bend over, love, you're about to get fisted.

heh heh

One of the beautiful moments in my cam.



10:00 Aug 21 2011

hahaha! brilliant! I need to remember that one LOL


21:55 Aug 20 2011
Times Read: 783

I received a bit of magic yesterday. It was a beautiful poem written with emotions of love and understanding. The words danced around my mind and cause my own words to halt at my lips and form a silence I am not used to. The underlying words were not written, but to me they spoke of promises, of dreams and deepness that we have grown to find in one another. It never matters what is going on in our lives we always take a moment to remember one another even though we cannot physically touch one another or even speak as much as we like. Just the fact that moments are taken out of a day to wonder about each other, makes it a special.

Over this path in our lives we’ve made a connection that is pure, sweet and simple. I find those to be one of the best. There are no bells and whistles or dramatic plays. It is simply just us enjoying the words that spill from us and the laughter that follows.

You’ve sprinkled my life with your magic and left your footsteps across my heart.I am eternally grateful for having you in my life and the magic that you’ve chose to share with me.

I’ve thought about sharing the poem and who write it for me, but I decided not to do so. To me it would feel like I was revealing a special moment for the world to see and I do not want it exploited. And yes, I know it would be. So I leave that part in silence but reveal the meaning to me.



22:03 Aug 20 2011

Some moments are simple to precious and special to share. ^.^


Priestess Karei

22:05 Aug 20 2011

beautiful words...

journals like this are why I love this place :)

14:39 Aug 21 2011

I am just happy for you that you have those moments and you find those people who can make you smile.

23:36 Aug 28 2011

That makes me happy.

You deserve that happiness.


21:35 Aug 17 2011
Times Read: 828

I have... a....

toe injury. :(

I forgot how much bleeding blood thinners cause.




21:53 Aug 17 2011

I vant to suck your toves!!!

21:54 Aug 17 2011

LOL You sick bish.

22:21 Aug 17 2011

... at least she didn't say she wanted to suck your bloody tampon.



19:56 Aug 17 2011
Times Read: 844

I'm taking people off my friends list again.

This adding for the sake of adding is not my thing.

I want to see people I actually talk with on my friends list.

I have friend list OCD. -twitch-



20:26 Aug 17 2011

I know what you mean...you never talk to them. They just want to use you to bump up their status...lame, lame, lame!

20:41 Aug 17 2011

I know exactly how you feel.

22:21 Aug 17 2011

I will be extremely pissed if I go to my "Friend's Lists you are on" and you are not named on there.

Like, no secret sex pissed.


22:22 Aug 17 2011

Bitch, our sex ain't a secret.

Shut up.. you ain't getting removed. :P


19:49 Aug 16 2011
Times Read: 877

Ohhh Sweet baby Jesus, please give me strength not to become violent today. I would not look cute in an orange jumpsuit an hangin out in the slammer.



20:18 Aug 16 2011

me too.. give me strength not to rip my hair out of my head and glue it to my mouth :|

20:44 Aug 16 2011

I gots your bail, sugar- do what you gots to do...lol

21:23 Aug 16 2011

I know the feeling...plus, I'd look horrid in orange.

22:59 Aug 16 2011

Dude. No. Orange isn't your color.

23:41 Aug 16 2011

But but ... We could have conjugal visits. o.o

02:36 Aug 17 2011

ok no! NO jail for Moonie! Behave girlie girl! hehe

22:38 Aug 17 2011

I think you breast would look very lovely in it.

-shifty eyes, yo-


03:17 Aug 16 2011
Times Read: 891


Tonight is going to be an early night. My head has been pounding all day. I am pretty sure it would have went away earlier if I didn't have the joys of an impromptu "I'm staying here because I don't feel like listening to kids scream.".

Yes, because sitting here and watching your ridiculous trash t.v. just makes me jump up and down with copious amounts of joy. Bah, if you are going to stay here, stop messing with my routine. Better yet.. you have a nice travel trailer parked in the driveway, what a wonderful time to go and test it out.

I need a juice box... a long sleep.. and.. well... We'll just leave it at that. :)




22:54 Aug 12 2011
Times Read: 912

I talked to MY DUCKY!!!!!!

She called me! We just got off the phone. Course.. for a minute I thought I was transported to Messico with all the music and spanish in the background.

God, I miss her.

I can't wait until she is back. It's just not the same without my Ducky. :(



22:18 Aug 17 2011

You have no idea...

As soon as I got off the phone with you, the music just got louder.

Like, I felt like if I was cut, I would bleed the Bachata... :(


01:29 Aug 07 2011
Times Read: 1,045

While laying in bed last night I had an epiphany. I was moments away from death last August. I know how severe a pulmonary embolism is. I know that most people do not survive them.

The only reason why I am still here is because it was lodged within the center of my lungs. I remember thinking that if I don't go in right now, I won't be here tomorrow. I knew death was close. Yet it took me all this time to actually realize just how close I was to not being around any longer.

I am starting to feel like I am on borrowed time. And the borrowed time I have I am wasting it. Then the question comes to mind of how am I wasting it? With the limitations I have what am I supposed to do to not waste it? How am I supposed to follow those paths that I want to follow when at this point in time I just feel as though none of those paths will lead to where I want them to go, or better yet, where I need them to go.

The path that I've always wanted to take, I don't feel is available for me. I've wanted that path since I was little. After seeing my parents, I knew its what I wanted, but now I just don't see it happening; now or even at a later date in time.

The feeling of just wanting to push most everyone away is a feeling I am very familiar with. I didn't like the feeling then and I still don't like it now. I think it's almost like a safety mechanism for me.

I wish at times there were obvious signs for the paths we are supposed to take in life. I feel that if my walls get any higher then what they are, I am going to just fall to the ground. I can barely climb my

own walls, how am I going to climb someone else's?

My mind is a constantly state of thought. I'm... tired.



01:34 Aug 07 2011

I can relate to a lot of what was said here. Your eloquent words are speaking for me as well. Thank you.

02:34 Aug 07 2011

You bring joy, laughter, jubilee, and warmth to those who are close to you. Thank you.

Thank you for being so beautiful.

I wish you the discernment to decide which path is the right one for you.

In the mean time, just rejoice in knowing that you are loved and cherished BEYOND words. ♥

02:43 Aug 07 2011

I think.... Walls are created by fears. It's not the walls or the ideas belief of what we can or cannot do, it's the fear that creates those things which we must overcome.

Still not easy though.

02:57 Aug 07 2011

To admit having emotional fears is wading in the land of vulnerability for me, and that land can sometimes be very dangerous for me. However, I will stick one foot on that land and say that I do have them. Those fears run deep like ravines.

Though they aren't as deep as they once were, they are still deep enough to notice. It is hard to overcome them. Sometimes it can be a constant struggle, but overcoming them is key, no matter how long it takes.

20:44 Aug 07 2011

Faugh. I want to comment, but I have no idea how to be brave enough to say the things I want to say. =/

::hands you a chipper for your walls::

I'm working on mine, too.


05:47 Aug 03 2011
Times Read: 1,091

Stop trying to shove the spoonful of self-righteousness down peoples throats. How about you swallow it instead. It seems like everything you ever point out is the same thing you do.

Stop trying to act like David Koresh and shove your ideas around and expect people to follow you and sit down and listen to your spew.

Yess, some people stand in line and wait for your self-righteously tainted kool aid, but those that don't know that you are beyond full of it.

You're no one no matter how hard you try to be.



12:35 Aug 03 2011

Drrrink the koolaid!

00:56 Aug 04 2011

Pardon my bevis and butthead moment but you said "swallow it"

02:25 Aug 04 2011

hahaha meep

I did say swallow it!

01:36 Aug 07 2011

Thank 'God' that I can't be swayed by this person or anyone like him/her; I gave up drinking Kool Aid as a kid.

19:20 Aug 08 2011

My mistress gives me Faygo,so Im safe!!

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