All Profile Comments for Itazura
Times Rated: | 356 |
Rating: | 8.685 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 356 |
Dark greetings!
You have been visited by NightStalker67...
Please feel free to visit me back!
Mar 24, 2008
The House of Caomhnoir-an-Eolas welcomes you to the Vampire Rave if you have any questions just message me.
♥ Sire EmoDemon stopped in and rated you a 10!!
Proud Mistress of The Coven Of Unwanted Tragedies.♥
♥ Please return the favor.
Feel free to bite, stalk or add me to your friends list.♥
Sire EmoDemon
When you update please let me know and i will return and re-rate you...Thanks
You have been paid a visit by the Crazy Resident Spelling and Grammar Nazi Bitch of VR. Please let me know when you update, and I will return for a re-rate.
Greetings and welcome 2 the Rave.....10
You appear really interesting. (Be it noted: you're one of the few whelps who got higher than a four from me). So are you nearsighted or farsighted? I usually get yapped at because I never wear glasses or contacts.
So, any memborable stupid stunts?
Welcome to VR, dude.
I have rated your profile a 10.
i like the way you see things nice pro heres a 10 man
I stopped by your page, I hope you didn't really need me to clarify that...
Excuse me, I need to get back down to the basement, there's someone who needs my attention...
Welcome to the Rave. I hope you enjoy your stay. You have been rated by a proud member of The Coven of Odyssée Infinie de Vitalité. I will be happy to come back and re-rate if you've updated.
10,cool profile.i like it?!
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 326 - 350 | 351 - 356 |
Shadow (10)
High Sire (159)
Viper (75)
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