Times Rated: | 510 |
Rating: | 9.211 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 510 |
Respect should be bestowed upon everyone, not just some, whether or not you like who or what they are.
cool profile
I have to say, I love the picture. ::shrug:: I'm a shameless Nosferatu fan.
DARK GREETINGS.........10.....
Short & sweet, to the point though, keep enriching this profile.. its intriguing :)
Welcome to the rave doll
Welcome to Rave..xx
cool profile..thanks for the bite..and what part of the south are you from?
"and want a laptop more than food:)"
that was funny i can relate, thanks for the comments too...great profile too deffinatly in my top ten list. ~10
haha .. cool pro!! Vv--vV
great profile
~Lovely Profile~
thank you same for you
Nice, I would like to see some pics too!
Thanks for the comments! Hope to see some more here, soon!
nice profile
hi and nice to meet you! =) thank you for your lovely message. you rock! you sound like a very interesting person. im looking forward to a convo with you. =) carpe noctum! ;)
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 510 |