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Premiere Sire (120)
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17:24:04 Jun 14 2021
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UFOs are suddenly all the talk in Washington.


The evidence at least is not "drunk dude says he was probed on remote rural road" or "frisbee with sparklers filmed in shaky-cam by an early video camera".

"Some might be drones" is why the Pentagon investigates these things.
I read an interesting book once that theorized a lot of them were reverse Mirages, I.E. light refracting off a layer of warm air on top of a layer of cold air, similar to a Mirage on the ground is light refracting off a layer of warm air over the ground.

Anyway, I think this sums it up "Calvin: Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."

Oh, and the Vatican University says that there probably is extraterrestrial life in the universe, for those that care. We know there is at least one more planet in the universe that has or is evolving intelligent life, religiously speaking. The one God turned to when he turned away from this one after we stuck a spear in Him for giving us a last chance.

Although we know it's a near statistical impossibility that there isn't an earth-like planet somewhere in the kabillions of solar systems out there, its also, by our understanding of physics, also super unlikely that any could have made it here. So that leaves two possibilities: they never left and they are the remnants of a past civilization in hiding, or, far more likely, some new flight technology some advanced country has figured out and is keeping under wraps.

What is it that various pilots are seeing? What are the plausible technologies of human origin that might be responsible? At what point is some other explanation absolutely required, whatever it might be? Who is thinking clearly about any of this?

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High Sire (157)
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09:54:44 Jun 15 2021
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One of the things I've learned about the universe (or in this case, "galaxy" being a more appropriate term) is to never put anything past reality.
People like to think that things as this and thag "simply don't exist"... Well, my response to them is typically "then how, exactly would you explain this?--" often times, actually showing an example of the very reality the try so hard to deny.

Really, anything is possible. As an old friend once said to me; "the very thing that makes This reality so Stable is the simple fact that it is so Unstable. Energies and elements are so chaotic that they put themselves into an almost perfect harmony at will, and develop a sentience of their own. Just because humans can't easily communicate with them doesn't mean shit."

In fact, the man who told me this was named Chris Lemon. Unfortunately, he may not be alive, today, because he lived with a rare disorder called "chimerism" (one side of his body had one blood type, and the other side had something completely different - and yes, folks, that is possible). But suffice to say, the guy was such a genius that he could've written a book containing his knowledge, and he wouldn't be finished writing for the next ten years of his life (and I'm talking almost nonstop writing). Much like myself, his knowledge literally drove him insane (unlike myself, however, he didn't have a capacity to heal his condition, and didn't want to, either).

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Great Sire (117)
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17:56:03 Jun 17 2021
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I have been following The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, (Ohio) which just started season 2. A team of experts and scientists undertakes exhaustive research at Skinwalker Ranch, an infamous location for paranormal activity and UFO sightings. The filming crew is present as the experiment happen. The Government just said that what the pilot of the fighter jet saw on their radar, was NOT an UFO. I say, bullshit, that was an UFO and for sure, is NOT earth made. UFO are all over and they are becoming more visible.

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Great Sire (117)
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18:05:58 Jun 17 2021
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This is the scope: A team of scientists and experts who will conduct a thorough search in one of the most infamous and secretive hotspots of paranormal and UFO-related activities on earth, Skinwalker Ranch. They will attempt to find out the truth behind more than 200 years of mysteries - involving everything from UFO sightings and paranormal activities to animal mutilations and Native American legends of a shape-shifting creature known simply as as "The Skinwalker."

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High Sire (157)
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18:09:31 Jun 18 2021
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I actually have heard of that, off and on. Now, you have me wanting to look up on it myself.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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16:43:49 Jun 20 2021
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You know, this idea of "advanced" and "primitive", indexed against technology, is really a bad conceptual framing that is straight out of human history, specifically the self-delusions of Western Europe from 1500 onward--that they were all very advanced, partly due to technology, and the rest of the world was backward or primitive, which meant they couldn't really be dealt with as peers. For one that simply wasn't true in any respect from about 1400-1800 or so: non-Western societies were mostly on par technologically with European societies, and Europeans and non-Westerners generally understood each other perfectly well and interacted in all sorts of ways--they talked, they bargained, they exchanged religious and cultural ideas, they had sex with one another, etc. There was one moment of striking technological disparity from about 1830 to 1930 or so, basically as a byproduct of the industrial revolution happening in England, then Europe, and the US, first. That window closed pretty fast after 1950; what you might think of as technological difference now is not, it's relative poverty v. relative wealth. Folks in rural southern Africa understand most common consumer technologies perfectly well, they just don't have access to them.

So leaving aside the question of whatever it is that folks are seeing now and just dealing abstractly with aliens, it may be that once you're sapient, you don't become more and more "advanced" in cognitive or social terms in such a way as to become incomprehensible to and so vastly technologically different from more primitive sapients that you'd have no interest in them or ability to interact with them. I kind of think it could be the opposite: the question of how different sapients evolve and think might become continuously more interesting and relevant. It's not at all clear to me that the rapid technological changes of the last 150 years of human history will continue unabated; arguably they're already slowing down substantially. (When's the last game-changing technology you can think of? Seems to me that after computing and the Internet, there's nothing. Compare that with the tumult of fundamentally new technologies from 1830-1930: steam engines, industrial production lines, vulcanized rubber, antibiotics, and other pharmaceuticals, automobiles/internal combustion engines, machine guns, the telegraph and the telephone, the phonograph, cinema, rockets, etc.)

The more pressing problem, I think, is what if sapient aliens simply don't think like us at all--not "advanced" or "primitive" but just really damn different? Maybe they're not tool-users at all, maybe their sapience is put to other ends and purposes. Arguably we share this planet with two, three, maybe four semi-sapient species (dolphins/whales, chimps, gorillas, elephants) and we can sort of barely figure out how to communicate effectively with chimps and gorillas because we're very much like them. We can understand that dolphins and whales are intelligent, possibly sapient, but the environment and fitness landscape that has pushed them towards intelligence is so different that we have no idea how to really interact with them. So if there are aliens out there that make technologies that allow for any kind of extension into space, whether in making probes or otherwise, we might simply be unable to make any real connection with them and vice-versa despite being aware of our mutual sapience.

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18:39:20 Jun 26 2021
Read 974 times

I had the privilege of visiting the International UFO Museum and Research Center located in Roswell New Mexico. It really gives a new perspective on UFO encounters as they did not yet have a precedent as to how to deal with the situation. Many of the primary reports had testimony that sounds convincing and genuine that what was observed was in fact real alien space craft and bodies. It is as if they did not realize the true implications of what they saw or how telling the world about it would make a huge impact. I would attribute this to the times it took place. The truth is out there.

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High Sire (157)
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07:09:27 Jun 29 2021
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Really, the truth has always been out there. In the words of the movie series, Blade; "When you dig through all the myths and all layers of BS that have clouded the world's culture for the past several thousand years, eventually, you'll strike the truth."

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Premiere Sire (120)
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00:39:02 Aug 28 2021
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I think the main thing is that we are seeing a lot of videos and even governments openly admitting they are seeing something they can't explain, with video. That alone puts this well beyond bigfoot or loch ness monster shit. Running with that, we have to take into consideration we are seeing real-life shit we can't explain, so are then having fun discussing what that might actually mean. I think we are all cynical enough to still keep heavy doubts about if any of this is true or not, but it's got more real-world traction from legitimate sources at this point than anything else, so we can have fun debating the hypotheticals.

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High Sire (157)
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08:00:28 Sep 02 2021
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Hey, now, brother... don't be too quick to make the statement of "cynic" about yourself or another, unless you know you are, yourself a cynic. Lol
I wouldn't so much say that I'm "cynical" (although, I don't so much believe in 'fairy tales', as it were; so if that's the meaning of a cynic, then I guess I must be). But I have always been more the type of "I fully believe it when I see it". And given that I haven't seen some things, for myself, though I have seen the evidence of their existence, and decided to study a lot of them... I would like to think that I'm in that "gray area of belief", so to speak.
In other words, I'm not fully sure of how much I buy of some things. But I know for a fact that they must exist, because if they didn't then how the Hell would anyone have enough imagination to conjure something up that resembles it so? Perhaps I'm not giving the human race enough credit, and do tell me if you think I'm overstepping here, but I don't think the human race has THAT much creativity to conjure something that you can't exactly explain away with "Oh, it's a hoax".
{{By the way, if I need to clarify something that I've said, let me know. As I type this, my brain is currently going on vacation. Lol}}

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Premiere Sire (127)
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06:30:20 Sep 23 2021
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I honestly wouldn't be the least bit surprised if, by some miraculous chance, we are experiencing what ancient civilizations did: something other than human experiences.
If you really think about it, there are civilizations that never met, never had the opportunities to reach each other that report similar, if not the same, interactions and experiences with "gods from the sky'. That archaeologists and anthropologists unearth centuries apart from each other, telling of almost identical experiences.

We are, by just about every manner and meaning, a barbaric species. We kill for sport and personal gain, we destroy the very vessel we need to survive out of greed, and we have, collectively, no remorse for the suffering of others. If, by chance, we are experiencing a form of extraterrestrial beings, I doubt it will be for anything other than to attack and conquer. Looking through our track sheet as a species, we are not worth saving. What could we- as a species- bring to any other being or galaxy? We sit here, as our own planet dies slowly, and barely do anything about it because those we "vote into power" don't care because the end of the vessel we need to survive on will die out long after the politicians have ceased to breathe.

If it is extraterrestrial beings we are seeing, I would not be shocked if they're scout vessels. Taking some people for testing to see what causes us to be the way we are (because honestly- I'd want to know what makes a species so messed up that it doesn't care about the suffering of those around and would be perfectly okay with the very thing it needs to live dying all around them).

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Termagant (58)
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03:31:45 Nov 19 2021
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How about a Jewish version of what they say UFO's really are?
A Rabbi claims that we have an underground demon society.
A Rabbi wouldn't make such a claim unless there's truth to it.
So this Rabbi says, that all the Pyramids that Man made, wasn't really interacting with Gods, but rather Demons portraying themselves as such.
The Pyramids (not just Egypt but other places too!), tap into Earth's energy, pulling energy up through it, therefore making it easier to communicate with Demons.
Why? Because our Creator says there's only 1 G-d, and no others. I mean if you think about it this way....how come all those big muli-God civilizations are gone now? lol

As for the UFOs.....
Those are apparently also Demonic.
If you think about people who have been abducted, what do you usually hear?
Mysterious marks on the body. The feeling of being pulled out of body. Fear etc....Those are classic demonic indications. Too similar in nature.
When a person has an object left inside of them, and you try to figure out what it is, and you can't because it's made up of things not Earthly? Ofc it's not. lol
There's a family in Mexico, who's Mom calls Aliens Demons. (Ghost Adventures)
There's a kid who claims to have died, and got shown a vision by G-d, saying "It's not WW3 we should worry about, but rather the Demon Aliens." (YouTube)

What better way to deceive Mankind, than for a Demon to appear as an Alien?

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Great Sire (117)
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17:48:14 Nov 22 2021
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So, If I read your comment correct, Demons are deceiving humans every day, by transforming themselves into aliens.. I will disagree with you. Demons are legions of Army, which are there to protect their leader, Lucifer, which is the King of Hell, which is a place where most of the humans will end. UFO are just abnormality within a moment, of something that the viewer can not comprehend or find any logic within his or her understanding.

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Grave Robber (22)
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23:51:46 Feb 08 2022
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As an avid astronomer I have seen dozens of galaxies within a single frame of the hubble deep field telescope and within a single galaxy there are hundreds of suns each with planets orbiting and more than likely capable of supporting intelligent life. It would be idiotic to think that we are alone in the entire universe, and that life is more than likely is in different stages of development hence the advanced technology. We are most probably like interesting children to any advanced alien life form at the moment who's just taking their first steps into a wider world as its less than a 150 years ago that people were still riding about in horses and it was only on the 1940's that the first foundations of the modern computer were being built; there's a fine line between science and magic and what we perceive as magic/supernatural could be advanced science.

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Bloodsucker (50)
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23:39:41 Apr 10 2022
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I believe I saw a episode of Ghost Adventures which featured the 'Skin Walker ranch' and the crew definitely caught something unexplained there (besides ghosts) which could have very well been of unearthly origin due to the way it moved/looked.

Advancing technology is allowing us to pick up more things, plus we are being noticed more due to developing more technology therefore the planet is getting noticed.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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17:48:43 Aug 18 2022
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Our very impressive brains evolved over a long period to be able to handle increasingly large social units because large tribes of hominids had a decisive evolutionary advantage over smaller tribes of hominids; technology was just a byproduct of those big brains. Our technology has continued to advance and increase the number of other hominids we can communicate with, but as far as our ability to trust and cooperate with each other, Dunbar's Number hasn't really changed since before the invention of agriculture.

The Webb telescope isn't going to find any intelligent life because every intelligent species invents the Internet well before it invents interstellar travel, and murders itself sometime within the first hundred years of its Eternal September.

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Royal Sire (203)
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01:37:05 Feb 08 2023
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A joke comes to mind of a weather balloon but will leave it.

Government coming out with video. And as large as the universe is, do we really think we are alone?

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High Sire (157)
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11:59:49 Jul 06 2023
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Well, granted (and I believe I've pointed this out before), I don't recall having ever seen or encountered anything ET. But of the few things I 'know' exist without having seen it, myself, this is one of them. I've encountered things that too many people have said "don't exist", but of course, it's one of those things that, unless your frame of mind is just that fragile, encountering it is usually enough to make one a full believer.
Beyond that, I've long known that things the government constantly tries to shoot down are most often frighteningly real. And all the "de-bunkers" only cement that one, in most cases, in my opinion.

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Aggressor (83)
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13:12:20 Jul 27 2023
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Yes, scientifically one can only prove the presence of a phenomenon, never its absence; one can only say that something cannot be proved. The converse conclusion that it therefore does not exist is fundamentally wrong. Which of course doesn't mean it exists.
However, the more it is claimed that something is the truth, the greater the probability that this is not the case.

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Hellhound (70)
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11:03:41 Aug 29 2023
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Weeks ago I read a very interesting book by Carl Gustav Jung in which he analyzed UFO sightings from his theory of archetypes. In this sense, Jung concluded that "there are UFO sightings because a sufficiently large number of people want to see UFOs. Which, by the way, coincides with the fact that there began to be sightings in the 50s of the twentieth century coinciding with the large number of science fiction magazines that were published.

The theory of archetypes, by the way, is also applied to other popular clairvoyances such as, for example, the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Fatima (Portugal) or in El Escorial (Spain). It seems to me a very interesting point of view.

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High Sire (157)
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02:30:55 Oct 20 2023
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Actually, these sightings go a lot further back than just the 50's. There remain stone carvings depicting things in several forms/shapes.
SciFi this and that only made it a popular topic, as people more or less crave entertainment.
Again, I can't really say that I've seen anything "ET", myself, though I have recently enough seen something that even I have a little difficulty with, simply because it was so unclear. "UFO"? I really can't say, as I have no idea. But I can guarantee it wasn't a search light or a standard American aircraft/chopper/plane.

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Basilisk (92)
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00:27:47 Jun 23 2024
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"Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."

~ Arthur C. Clarke

I remember taking Introduction to Astronomy at my University, and my professor told us she didn't believe it were possible for humanity to be the only intelligent life-form within the entire universe, and I think she's right. We've all seen unexplainable things, especially when looking to the sky. The US Gov. has just recently confirmed what I believe most of us have always known. What it means? I don't know, and what the future holds--I am unsure, but it can become terrifying to think about.

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