Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


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6 entries this month

Surprisingly Fun

19:10 Feb 27 2011
Times Read: 749

VW39 and I did the webcam broadcast last night and our 30 minutes ran into 2 hours only ending because it was time to take the Wii away from my 6 year old nephew and since he's autistic that involved a major screaming fit. I win the battle but it gets quite loud at times.

Amazingly everyone seemed to like our accents which to my ear are very different. VW who worked very hard learning to overcome a lisp, speaks beautifully to my ear while I'm simple hillbilly redneck from way back. lol

It was a good point to stop anyway as we had drawn the attention of a very strange member who decided to insult and call VW and I names. lol Yes I know not very original especially as we can come up with much better ourselves. :p

It started with a strange disjoined comment about freaks and ferals and glasses and fuckers.... I asked for clarification and it just got worse until it became clear this person was just trying to cause trouble. It was quite funny as our friendly audience took exception to the nasty insults and stepped up to defend us both. lol

I'm willing to bet the member does this to other members which is a true shame but I hope they handle it like we did and click on their name and block their comments and move on with their own fun.

I confess I did tell the member that it was lucky for her that she could move on since she found us ugly feral freaks with fertile glasses?????? that she wasn't required to view our webcast and to go away.

Then we did get involved into a deep intellectual discussof exactly how our eyeglasses could be feral and fertile and how we could prevent the possible breeding problems that might bring! lol

Anyway it was fun and I do hope we can get RedQueen to join us for another broadcast when she gets here for the wedding.



19:15 Feb 27 2011

you guys was great. I loved just hanging with you two last night.

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave

19:20 Feb 27 2011

Why the fuck did I go to bed early again?! >.o DAMMIT!

19:25 Feb 27 2011

Egads why didn't ya'll tell me my curtains needed ironing?

20:23 Feb 27 2011

Hahahaha... it was lots of fun. :D

22:34 Feb 27 2011

Seriously- god help us if that person shows up when I"M there...lol

00:28 Feb 28 2011

Oh I loved it and your curtains look find hun, we were looking at your lovely faces not the curtains . And who cares what the nut case said , we just turned it into something fun and funny to talk about , guess the joke was on her . if she shows up next time just sic Luann on her.

16:40 Feb 28 2011

O.o you iron your curtains?

20:17 Feb 28 2011

I miss all the fun!

13:26 May 22 2011

Dam I missed this as well.


Ever feel like a bone?

19:42 Feb 24 2011
Times Read: 771

Well have one doctor still saying it's RA and the other says he don't believe it is but wants to redo the blood work anyway. lol Whatever! It's not like I want any more meds to have to deal with anyway.

Not sure if this will be readable as I can't see well as my eyes were dilated again today. It's been done so much lately they don't seem to be snapping back to normal as quickly as usual. Oh well... it's been a while ssince I tried typing without looking (school I think) lol but hopefully I've not forgotten where the keys aare located.

Things are going well in my House I think, most everyone is happy and active a few who are not active but I hate kicking them from the house as they were great members when they were here. Only 1 I know of contactedd me and informed me she wasn't coming back to VR and since that's been almost a year I'm leaning toward believing her. :(

I'm really excited since Saturday is Birdie's wedding shower, it ought to be really fun. I can't believe the day is almost here, I'd be freaking out myself. lol

For my birthday,, Rat wanted me to pick a place to go for a weekend. I finally did and so next month we're going to go to BIltmore house in Asheville, NC. I have never been there and everyone tells me it's lovely plus maybe VW will find something she wants to photograph. ;)



19:50 Feb 24 2011

You WOULD pick the weekend I am on my honeymoon so I can't go....just saying....lol..... hope you have a good time and......TAKE FOOD with you...grins.....yeah I had to go there....wonders if the tree bark has grown back yet?

20:28 Feb 24 2011

HA! I am sure the bark has grown back by now- that was 4 years ago? Just don't let me throw anything in the car after you tell me to be careful with it. LOL

Can't wait. So much to look forward to - the bridal shower, puppy coming to visit, the night before the wedding as she goes nuts, the wedding, then our trip, then going to the lunatic asylum.

We will be busy busy. :D

21:03 Feb 24 2011

Well damn - sure you all are going to be in my neck of the woods and I won't even be here. Ashville is like 30 minutes or so from me.

As for the RA, i dealt with that in the beginning, lots of tests and in the end that is what it ended up being. Been dealing with that for a while now.


Ever had one of those wonderful days?

00:57 Feb 15 2011
Times Read: 802

Yesterday started early getting out with Rat before sun up to go to a small town near us to take pictures of an old abandoned school. It was a lot of fun as we laughed the whole way there over some of the silliest things. The Mayor of the town was meeting us there as he'd seen some of Rat's pictures from Lynch and he wanted her eye to add pictures to a grant proposal they were trying to get to save the building. She agreed of course and didn't even tell him she'd already broke in and got most of the pictures she wanted. lol

So anyway we're driving over and I'm telling her that he

will show up and bring Jim Bob, Billy Bob and Bobby Tom to the meeting. She laughed and called me silly but you ought to have seen the laughter when the mayor showed up with his cousin the firechief! No I didn't ask his name. lol

Left there and went to a small cafe in town that had a bunch of old pictures of the town on their walls and enjoyed a nice meal too. Then back home where we picked up my sister and neice and went shopping about 60 miles away for prom dresses. It was fun until my neice got all pouty afraid she wouldn't get the dress she wanted, the first one she tried on a long slinky thing with a poof out tail. Black and white and it does have a very elegant look. Rat and I agreed it puts us in mind of Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. But after trying on a dozen or so dresses we went back and got the 1st one but my neice was in full pout mood by then and that itself was kind of funny.

Had a nice supper while there then came home and ordered Birdy's bridal shower present and talked about the wedding present and what we would wear to it. Rat went home and not long after we had the chat in Mada that progressed to the Meeper cam show were we all had a wonderful time again lots of laughter and a bit of naughty fun.

I finally had to leave the party for bed but it was hard to make myself.

All in all one of those really great days.



15:31 Feb 15 2011

Birdy perks up at the word.....present? Grins....

It sounds like a lovely day!

17:06 Feb 22 2011



Without a doubt *not VR related*

20:31 Feb 09 2011
Times Read: 836

I'm mad enough to spit nails! Just because I'm slow to anger doesn't mean I won't get there. You went too damn far and it's going to bite you back. You really have no ideal how many problems I can actually cause but you're going to learn now. Buckle up honey it's going to be a bumpy ride.



23:38 Feb 09 2011

Get em lady!

15:30 Feb 14 2011

Uh oh...

13:21 May 22 2011

Should they have a sick bag as well?


Somebody explain it to me please...

23:40 Feb 05 2011
Times Read: 882

Why would you come to a "vampire" site, join it professing yourself a fan and/or supporter of all the children of the night and their ways then almost immediately want to change it all?

Demanding "your" rights be honored as you state they should be, based on whatever law or pieces of law you can staple together to support your claim of indiginity or offense.

Does this work for you in real life? Who the heck gets a new job and demands everything be done their way and that all established rules by the owner/manager are wrong and to be tossed away? If you did this and kept that job... omg I want to go work there too!

If you think of it here on VR it's kinda like you see it's a cool site about vampires and such and join up. You do your own thing only to find you missed something in the rules and when you get called on it instead of cleaning up your mess and moving ahead you take umbrage and become the drama queen of the ages. Everyone is against you and hates you and the entire world revolves around you and the abuse of your "rights".

Now picture this same thing should one find oneself in a "real" vampire clan? How long do you think the newbie is going to be spouting off about the "abuse" of their rights?

How long does it take for a super-strong vampire to rip the head off a drama queen?



09:37 Feb 06 2011

hehehe well said!

15:17 Feb 06 2011

Point 7 seconds.



00:38 Feb 07 2011

Their just role playing reality away. It will catch up to them eventually, but in the here or now, nothing you can do or say can snap their delusional state.

19:32 Feb 08 2011

That is incredibly funny.. Kiss you made my day!

13:20 May 22 2011



Don't bother asking....

00:48 Feb 05 2011
Times Read: 907

Thank you so much for your kind and considered opinion. It's amazing how such an expert can behave as a total asshole and not expect anyone to call them on it! May I offer a special wish for you and your educated opinion.... May the bird of paradise fly up your nose!



00:50 Feb 05 2011


I really laughed out loud at that.


00:52 Feb 05 2011

HMM ok then....explanations for THIS Birdy please.

02:06 Feb 05 2011

Are you telling them to flick themselves off and pick their nose at the same time? I have yet to see and "educated" person do that, so please get pics :P

21:07 Feb 05 2011

Wow o.0

Who the hell crapped in your wheaties???

00:59 Feb 08 2011

I thought I was the only one that knew that song.

*Sings* May the bird of paradise fly up your nose, may an elephant caress you with his toes......

Nevermind, just watch...


13:17 May 22 2011

Lol...so people CAN get under your skin, and I thought you were so calm ^^

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