Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


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13 entries this month

Snitched from Sahahria

20:55 Sep 29 2008
Times Read: 970

1) Do you have the guts to answer these questions and post them as "The Controversial Survey"?

-Sure do

2) Would you do meth if it was legalized?

-No I enjoy being able to think and reason

3) Abortion: for or against?

-Yes a woman has the right to chose for her own body, No for myself

4) Would our country fall with a woman president?

-No more than every other president fails to live up to expectations

5) Do you believe in the death penalty?

-Yes I’ll pull the switch

6) Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?

-Yes with the provision that all cancer and smoking related illness shall not be covered by insurance or medicare. You’re dumb enough to smoke that shit, so pay for it yourself.

7) Are you for or against pre-marital sex?

-Doesn’t bother me.

8) Do you believe in God?

-Yes and the Goddess too.

9) Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?

-Yes it’s just another form of discrimination otherwise and a true waste of taxpayers money fussing about it. Religious instutites can make their own rules reguarding who they will marry but the government should stay out of it.

10) Do you think it's wrong that so many illegal aliens are moving to the USA?

-Yes a system should be fixed or put in place to allow for work visas that check who is coming into the country and that they are doing the job they came to do otherwise send them back and bar them from ever coming back.

11) A 12-yr old girl has a baby...should she keep it?

-No…. she is mentally and emotionally and physically unable to care for a child and the fact that she’s a mother at 12 says her own raising was faulty.

12)Do you think the drinking age should be lowered to 18?

-Yes, you can be placed in a war zone but not buy a beer, just stupid.

13) Should the war in Iraq be called off?

-We have no choice but to fix the situation that we screwed up there, to do otherwise is to spur terrorism into massive growth.

15) Do you believe in spanking your children?

-Yes but not with dangerous instruments or unreasonable anger.

16) Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?

-Yes if the money would be used to provide care for American Vetrans

17) A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in an insanity case.

-Death Penalty, she must be guilty or insane and if insane putting her in a facility to heal will only cause her to wish for death once she’s well and realizes what she did.

18) Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers?

-Doesn’t bother me, I believe what I believe and will be judged no matter what I say.




Sad and Happy day

16:29 Sep 29 2008
Times Read: 976

One of those days where good news comes with bad it seems. Birdy made sire and while I'm thrilled about that Rat is down enough that she left UO with her second account since she's wanting to quiet down. It was such a blast to be able to laugh with her in Umbrae Octo but at least I can still have fun with her in real life.


Had lots of things I needed to do today from grocery shopping to going to the post office paying bills and lots of other errands to run but I'd barely got away from the school this morning after dropping off my nephew when they called my cell, he was sick and throwing up and they were afraid he was actually going to pass out. I went right back in and met them in the hallway and brought him home and cleaned him up. Luckily we still had the right medicine at home to stop the vomiting and a bit later the teacher called to check on him and said it appears a stomach bug is going around as several kids from his class are out with it.

Ah well the best laid plans and all that....




Old Memories

01:38 Sep 25 2008
Times Read: 1,002

Was reading a forum thread about someone that had felt different energy patterns in places of religious worship and was asking if anyone else had similar experiences. The thread turned into a scientific discussion on how and why and ways to measure it, which holds no interest for me. Honestly some things I don't need explained down to the p's and q's.

But it did make me remember a trip I took a few decades back to a mountain hospital that was the headquarters of a group of midwives back when that was all a woman could ask for in the country. Especially in the hills of Eastern Kentucky. The trip was interesting because the history of the women had been perserved somewhat while they had continued to move into the modern age proving they still were a viable and great alternative in normal childbirths.

After a few hours learning about them (it was a pre nursing class I was taking) we went back outside and followed a very old and little used path into the forest around behind the hospital facility. About 50 feet back into the woods we came to a set of rough stone steps that went right on up to the top of the mountain (a very steep climb and I was young and healthy then) lol

There were only a few of us that were determined to follow the trail that our instruction had shown us but wouldn't say what waited at the end.

It turned out to be a very old stone church that was so tiny no more than 6 of us could crowd in at once. There were 2 small benches carved from native timber about 3 ft long each and nothing but a large stone pile for a "pulpit".

But what really caught your attention once you were inside was the feeling of the place. We began whispering simply because that's all that felt right there. There was such a feeling of peace and power there, that I've never forgotten how it felt.

I'm not sure if it was the age of the place well over 100 years old or the strenght of those who had prayed there in the past but no one left without knowing it was a place of power.

I wonder sometimes if it's still there, it's not listed on any maps nor does the midwife center/hospital there speak about it but I just bet those who need clarity and can still seek that small stone room out. It wasn't big enough to swing a cat in but it had power.



03:00 Sep 25 2008

The people who built and used it may have built it on a ley line or intersection of more than one then infused the chapel with their energy through prayer and meditation. I would love to find a place like it. :)


Still fighting

15:26 Sep 24 2008
Times Read: 1,014

I just can't shake this cough and it burns something awful. Picked up a summer cold that went from my head to my chest and I ended up at the doctors on Monday, got a shot and some meds to clear it up but while the head is finally opening up my cough is still very painful. This is the first one I've had since the thyroid surgery and I have to wonder if that's why it's more painful that I ever remember having in the past.

Oh well at least I have a voice back even is it sounds like a baritone. lol



15:55 Sep 24 2008

Hope you get to feeling better soon.Hang tough.

17:23 Sep 24 2008

Keep on top of it!

You don't want it to turn into pneumonia....Trust me on that one!

19:37 Sep 24 2008

Take care of yourself dear. *hugs*

07:55 Sep 25 2008

Lemon and honey will help ease your throat pain.


Snitched from CountessMoon

18:17 Sep 18 2008
Times Read: 1,031

You know this is way more than I actually figured I'd score.

$4550.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Dating Sites




A Rat to be admired

01:47 Sep 17 2008
Times Read: 1,061

She stood up to it all and did it with class and control. She took care of her sisters and Mother and still kept doing all that had to be done with the business too. She led the way in making the arrangements and in getting the Eulogy written, the music located that her father would have wanted and the poetry that fit what the family wanted to say.

Her father would have been so proud of her I can picture the look on his face even now. Even when the expected trouble came she handled it quietly and maintained her dignity.

I wish there were a way to make the coming days easier but my magic wand doesn't work either. Just remember that any of your friends are just a phone call or message away.

Rats Rule



01:59 Sep 17 2008

She is amazing, and I hope she realizes how much love she has with you and Elemental. You three ladies, are a true inspiration.

05:18 Sep 17 2008

*hugs* I'm glad to hear that she is handling things well, but you and I both know that she will need you and birdy, when she stops being strong. Take care of our rat dear ladies.

07:14 Sep 17 2008

She inspires me always, but never more than now.

19:31 Sep 17 2008


01:42 Sep 19 2008


*lower head and runs rat toe in the grass*

I just did what I had to...at that time.



18:18 Sep 14 2008
Times Read: 1,074



Thinking about things

18:12 Sep 14 2008
Times Read: 1,076

It hurts to see a friend in pain, someone you love like a sister. Someone who has held you while you cried and proped you up when you'd fallen. Now her pain is so great and I feel so inadequate to be anything useful to her. Sis is smart and she knows the right things to say to make her feel better but me I'm not that good. I so wish I could make this hurt less but there's no way without taking away from the importance, he played in her life and that would be more than wrong.

Her friends near and far are there for her and hopefully it will help as much as possible but I so hate that she's going through this time. Just 6 months ago she was my rock and I promised myself that when the time came I'd do everything possible to help her just as she did me but oh god I so wanted it to be a much longer time away.

I loved Kay's dad. He was such a character with stories from his life that were interesting and he told in such a humorous way. Since I'd lost my own dad so long ago, it was fun to see him in action. Made me remember the good times with my own father. Sure there's bad times but they do fade away and you're left with the memories you want to keep, the ones you'll pull out and hold close when the dark of night seems too harsh. He was a light for her and her family and the dimness left will be so hard.



23:15 Sep 14 2008

Ahh, but you know that she will only be able to handle the family for so long and she will need the laughter that you and birdy give her. There are ways of helping, ways of supporting. You just be yourself and she will appreciate you.


A light at the end of my tunnel

05:20 Sep 13 2008
Times Read: 1,094

Friday was supposed to be the day this week I actually got to spend a few more hours online than I've had lately. I cleared up things and shifted schedules for others to have a bit of fun and when I go to log on - No Internet! I immediately think it's my stupid hookup gone bad again but when I check around me no one else has service either. Called the providers local office and was informed that a crash had taken out this whole area. Even they had no internet access to do anything even take money for payments. They couldn't determine how long it'd take to fix since all their contact is via internet too. *dang stupid for a telephone company* But it really bummed me out and screwed up my plan for the day.

Anyway late this afternoon I saw the lights back on and tried it out and go online for about 3 mintues before it went back off.

A bit later Rat came by and we went out to dinner, meeting Birdy there and had a real blast. You know it's fun when folks from other tables keep trying to figure out what ya'll are laughing so hard about :) thanks ladies I needed the humor and the help finishing that fish.

Now I'm wrapped up in bed very relaxed and ready for sleep but felt like writing here instead. Oh well it was such fun I think I needed to commemorate it.



05:33 Sep 13 2008

See... told you you did not need that togo box. :) At least you did not have the slimy thing go down your bra like me. lol Poor people at the next table was watching us like hawks, trying to see what was so funny, what we was talking about. We are so going to get thrown out of the place one night. Hahahha.

Great times... as always.

Now go to bed... why are you not sleeping? We both said we was going to bed. O.o I was just heading to my own bed... I swear it. :P

05:36 Sep 13 2008

Nope we won't be thrown out, I think they enjoy the laughter and hell it's always good to have a free floor show. You're right you were dropping icky stuff down your bra while Birdy was chasing that hot pepper all over making it squirt every which way. What wasn't entertaining? I did think that guy in the glasses was going to fall out of his chair a time or two! All right now we both have to go to bed.

01:19 Sep 14 2008

Awful sorry start to your day, my dear friend, but a Hell of a grand finish. :) I wish I could have been there to soak up some of the excess joy.





19:17 Sep 06 2008
Times Read: 1,119

I just switched from Showtime to HBO so that I can get to watch the new vampire show Trueblood I have also found out this show IS based on the Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire series set in small town Louisanna. I love this series of books for they have all the traditional vampire angst, scary people and yet underneath is a thread of humor that keeps it lively. The show starts here tomorrow night at 9PM eastern time. Guess ya'll know what I'll be doing!



20:24 Sep 06 2008

We are going to watch it too. We have Showtime and HBO because they both have good series.

15:29 Sep 08 2008

Hope you liked it!

Did you watch the two "doccumentary" style shows before? Part of the 2nd was was shot at the May Dracula's Ball in Philly while Gina and I were there. It looks like they tried to pick out the fanged vampy looking folks as we didn't make the cut. But they did have some nice interview pieces with our buddy Patrick who run Dracula's Ball, as well as Digital Ferret, Dancing Ferret Discs and Isotank Music.

22:56 Sep 08 2008

I did catch both of the documentaries and thought they were pretty good. Not too dramatic, nor did they try to make modern society vampires seem stupid instead of people choosing their own way. I loved the show it was so in tune with the books.



02:48 Sep 05 2008
Times Read: 1,149

After 20 days of fighting with the telephone company over my non-functioning dsl internet being promised it'd be fixed in 24, 48 or 72 hours & a technician will be dispatched right away, we'll call you back and let you know the status if we cannot fix it by tomorrow and none of that ever being done. I started off polite then progressed to a pure out bitch to the last guy and yet nothing. I didn't want to switch companies since the other dsl provider here has an even worse reputation but I was done. Called the supervisors repair line today (they gave me that number after 5 calls to the regular repair line that got me nowhere and most often left on hold until I fell asleep and dropped the phone) Both of these numbers were for repair people in India and of course I could barely understand them and they didn't know how the hell to interept my accent. SO a lot of huh made up our conversations.

But I called them again this afternoon and asked for the status of my proplem ticket and when the usual round of we'll get it done in 24 hours started I interruped with No don't bother just send that technician you keep dispatching out to pick up your damn equipment and cancle my service and I will not be paying for it and I will be contacting the public service commission and the better business bureau and reporting your lack of concern that for 3 weeks a paying customer has been unable to get anything but the run around. Wouldn't you know that within the hour an actual American technican called me and while not from my local area was close enough to the south to understand me. He proceeded to go over the problem with me and tried a few things then quickly discovered one of the problems was that the oh so wonderful techs in India had actually changed my password and failed to tell me or note it down anywhere so it had to be reset to a new one I wanted. 2 hours later I now have my internet fully functional (don't you love that term) and 5 bars of strength.

Oh and 20 days of no bill. Only really bad part was I couldn't get the direct number for this repair guy :(



04:06 Sep 05 2008

Sweet ... would you like to handle my imaginary ER bill? Only been 190 days - turned to collections - added to my credit report - and I still can't get a damned bill.

06:55 Sep 05 2008

Show those fangs. ;)

I understand tech support from India. My Oklahoma accent doesn't work well with it either. :)

14:36 Sep 05 2008

You waited too damned long to get mean.

When my neighbor's tree severed our Fios fibre optics they kept pulling the same crap with me.

Day 1:

Them: "We'll have someone out to diagnose the problem tommorrow"

Me: "The problem is your damned fibre optics are laying in a heap on the ground...just send a couple trucks with new fibre optics to fix it"

Them"We have to be certain of the problems"

Me: "You're an idiot"

Day 2:

Them: "we've diagnosed the problem as a failed fibre optic line. We will schedule a crew to fix the lines for tommorrow"

ME: "Brilliant...Why did you waste a day when I told you yesterday your fibres were shredded on the the ground"

Them: "We will have a repair crew there tommorrow"

Day 3 - 3:30 PM

Me: "Where is the crew? I still have no service."

Them: "We had them scheduled, but issues do occur. They stop work for the day at 4:30, though"

Me: " If it's not working by 6:00pm when I get home, don't bother I will be swiching back to Comcast."

Them: "There's no need to do THAT sir".

5:15 the truck showed up - 5:58 I miraculously had service back!

Moral.. Get tough and make threats SOONER rather than LATER!

17:43 Sep 05 2008

Awww sounds like us and our phone pole problem. How about ...

Learn a few lines of any foreign language - when you get an overseas call centre, just keep saying the learned lines over again at various volumes

Yes, you won't get the problem solved, but then you weren't going to anyway

You will be reading from an unhelpful script, that will make two of you

You will know what is happening, the operator won't - now that's a change for the better

18:29 Sep 05 2008

That is incredible it has been going on so long now! Ouch! I hope you had a good supply of asprin..

22:10 Sep 05 2008

Keep going up the ladder, find the American headquarters and writer a letter, make copies, and send it to the president, all the vps, better business beauru etc. Stick it too them and be a thorn until the give you three months free and an apology.



00:08 Sep 04 2008
Times Read: 1,176

I don't know what's been wrong with me but I ran a fever yesterday and now today had the chills and simply felt horrid. Now my head aches along with my neck though I think that's the discs that are messed up since I hurt to hold my head upright. Sounds like a good time for a hot shower then an early bedtime. Dang I'm starting to feel like a old lady. lol Watch it you guys no comments from the peanut gallery...



00:29 Sep 04 2008

I know how you feel some times , I sympathize with u

02:08 Sep 04 2008

Feel better soon. Hugs!

05:34 Sep 04 2008

I think you are a quite young lady. I hope you feel better soon.


12:38 Sep 04 2008

Thinking of you *hugs*

14:11 Sep 04 2008

I hope you get to feeling better ~hugs~

00:49 Sep 06 2008

Umm. If this continues GO TO YOUR DOCTOR!

Spinal meningitis is terrible. And these symptoms match.

If it doesn't continue, never mind. :P


An unhappy customer.

04:19 Sep 02 2008
Times Read: 1,193

Found this in my inbox this evening and since it's my first I thought I'd hang onto it for the heck of it.

"The forum I set up is about XXXXX, and there are no other forums that are the same as mine, It disrespectful closing peoples forums."

The trick of it was he opened this thread this morning and I logged in mid morning and read it and then did a quick search of the forums and found a thread almost identical to this one still quite fresh. I closed his thread and even posted the link to that thread so he could easily read it if he so chose. Instead after I logged off to hit the grocery store, he reposted the thread exactly as before.

I came back on in the afternoon to find it and again I closed it with the information that a nearly identical thread was available in the forum search and that if he opened it again he could face suspension.

Then when I logged on late this evening I found the message waiting for me.

In my reply to the above message I told him that had he messaged me or another Dominar and gave a good reason for re-opening the thread I'd have been happy to listen and most likely would have done so if given sufficient reason. But instead he chose to do an end run around me. Quess no one told him I have a very large "end" to try and run around. *grin*

PS Thanks Sahahria for your advice :)



19:07 Sep 02 2008

Welcome to the wonderful world of ...."But I'm right and you are wrong."

I had one the other day that told me that "You best look at my profile again, because there isn't anything wrong with it." Riiiggghhhhtttt and I just picked you, out of 10,000 other profiles to suspend just for the hell of it. lol.

*Hugs the cat* Keep up the good work hon!!!

05:32 Sep 04 2008

I noticed your offensive person as soon as I went to the Forum. He needs to read the VR manual again. I would say you treated him very nicely even though he was rude.

I have been away preparing for then riding through Gustav. I got power back about 9 pm. I have missed you.


19:36 Sep 04 2008

If he really wants to improve the quality of forum posting, he should tape his fingers to the desk :D

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