RedQueen's Journal

RedQueen's Journal


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21 entries this month

I caved.....

02:00 Aug 31 2010
Times Read: 739

Seems to be alot of that going on around here these days...*hi, Requiem...lol*

But since I already have Facebook and Myspace, this was a capitulation of sheer indulgence, and yes, it went right into the database, where I was surprised to find it not there already.

I was shopping at Sav-on today, picking up steaks for Scott's birthday. I was cruising down the shampoo aisle, looking for my favorite bottle of 3-minute miracle from Aussie....

And I heard it call my name.

Slowly I turned....

Step by step....

Inch by inch....

To come face to face with a copy of "Vampireolgy" from the -ology series.

I have invested extensively in this series, both for my husband Scott and my son Connor. The books are visually stunning, a fascinating read, and just plain sumptious to look at. So despite the fact that I was in the middle of the grocery store, I immediately snatched up the last copy, and stood there, just looking at the cover.

It isn't often I get this excited about curling up in my sunroom with something, which is a total contradiction in terms, I know.

But what the hell. This book is worth it...*chuckling*




03:26 Aug 31 2010

Looks fabulous..now I want to read it!



01:24 Aug 31 2010
Times Read: 746

There’s an arms race going on, and it could mean disaster for your waistline.

But this terrifying competition to build the biggest, scariest weapons of mass destruction isn’t happening between the United States and Russia, or on the Korean peninsula, or among angry rivals somewhere in the Middle East. It’s happening between America’s restaurants—every one of them, it seems, is eager to show it has the biggest, scariest, most destructive new food in the marketplace. And the unsuspecting victims of this Strangelovian contest? You and me.

See, even the most well-established restaurant chains can’t rest on their laurels, serving the same old standbys that we’ve loved since we were kids. They have to keep us interested and attracted with shiny new bells and whistles. And since no one has invented, say, a new kind of potato, they’ve got to go with the next best thing: gimmicky entrees with terrifyingly complicated ingredient lists and rapidly expanding serving sizes. It wasn’t enough that pizza makers started putting cheese inside the crust! Kentucky Fried Chicken saw that and ramped up its own destructive powers, by making a sandwich in which the bread is replaced by slabs of fried chicken. Then a few major league ballparks started serving their burgers on doughnuts instead of buns. What’s next: fried Fluffernutter franks?

Almost. Take a look at what’s being whipped up in the labs of the mad fast-food scientists, compliments of the upcoming Eat This, Not That! 2011 book, and be afraid—be very afraid!


Scary Meal #5

Denny’s Fried Cheese Melt with wavy fries and marinara

1,260 calories

63 g fat (21 g saturated, 1 g trans)

3,010 mg sodium

CALORIE EQUIVALENT: 18 T.G.I. Friday’s Frozen Cheddar & Bacon Potato Skins

Apparently, Denny’s deemed the classic grilled cheese too boring for our novelty seeking taste buds, so they fixed it by driving four deep-fried cheese sticks into the core of the sandwich. So what you end up with are cheese sticks with extra cheese between slabs of buttered bread and a pile of fried potatoes on the side. If Denny’s was serious about improving the grilled cheese, they would have skipped the novelty and brought in big-flavor ingredients like sautéed mushrooms or sliced figs. But, of course, if they did that, they might not be able to sell this entire meal for $4. Here’s to cheap food and expensive health care!

Eat This Instead!

Denny's BLT with Hash Browns

730 calories

47 g fat (10.5 g saturated)

1,270 mg sodium

Bonus tip! For FREE instant health and nutrition tips every day, click here to follow me on Twitter. Some followers have lost 20 pounds or more just by adopting the super-simple tips.


Scary Meal #4

IHOP New York Cheesecake Pancakes

1,270 calories

CALORIE EQUIVALENT: 28 McDonald's Chicken McNuggets

Further blurring the line between dessert and breakfast, IHOP has infused their fluffy flapjacks with gooey hunks of cheesecake. Next thing you know they’ll be serving breakfast with big scoops of ice cream and chocolate syrup. The best breakfast is one with protein and fresh fruit, but if you’re going to go for the carb-heavy indulgence, there’s a better way to do it. Don’t make it a habit, but IHOP’s Chocolate Chip Pancakes will save you 660 calories.

Eat This Instead!

Chocolate Chip Pancakes

610 calories

Bonus Tip: Novelty isn't the only thing threatening your waistline; some of the world's most dangerous foods are also the most common. Beware of these gut bombs: The 10 Worst Fast Food Meals in America.


Scary Meal #3

Friendly’s Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt

1,500 calories

97 g fat (38 g saturated)

2,090 mg sodium

CALORIE EQUIVALENT: 15 Snickers Kudos Granola Bars

Is this a joke? Because it should be. Where a normal hamburger has buns, this one has grilled cheese sandwiches. Yes, that’s two grilled-cheese sandwiches with one hunk of ground beef wedged between them. Other iterations of this sandwich have been dubbed “fatty melts”—for obvious reasons. They have twice as much cheese and bread as a regular cheeseburger.

Eat This Instead!

Grilled Cheese

790 calories

37 g fat (12 g saturated

1,280 mg sodium

Bonus Tip: Yes, you too have abs—you just can't see them. (They're like the third cousins you met at a past family reunion.) But with the right diet and fitness plan, you'll slim down and tone up in no time, and get the abs back. Check out our list of the 50 Hottest Celebrity Bodies, and put their secrets to work for you.


Scary Meal #2

Uno Chicago Grill Lobster BLT Thin Crust Pizza

1,530 calories

87 g fat (30 g saturated)

3,480 mg sodium

CALORIE EQUIVALENT: 51 Nabisco Ginger Snap Cookies

On its own, lobster is sweet, healthy, and loaded with lean protein. Yet, for some reason, restaurants never seem to know what to do with it. Case in point: Lobster BLT Pizza, an amalgam of foods that don’t quite fit together: One is seafood, one is diner grub, and one is an Italian-American hybrid. We're all for trying new things, but not when the toll is 75 percent of your day’s calories and 1½ day’s worth of sodium and saturated fat.

Eat This Instead!

Lobster Wrap with side of roasted vegetables

570 calories

30.5 g fat (4 g saturated)

1,660 mg sodium

Special Offer: Take control of your body, your mind, and your health by joining our community of 21 million monthly readers. Subscribe to Men's Health and Women's Health today with a special rate that saves you more than 65% off the cover price. You won't find a better deal—and you'll never feel more empowered!


Scary Meal #1

Applebee’s Provolone-Stuffed Meatballs with Fettuccine

1,550 calories

97 g fat (46 g saturated)

3,910 mg sodium

CALORIE EQUIVALENT: 148 Whoppers Malted Milk Balls

Yes, America has a cheese fetish, but this is just excessive. Cheese-filled meatballs? It’s like a beef-based Gusher, a sort of meaty water balloon of fat. Especially problematic is the fact that said meatballs are served on a bed of fettuccine Alfredo, which is basically flat noodles basting in oil, butter, and—yes—cheese. Cut more than a thousand calories by switching dishes. A smart swap like this one (and the hundreds of others in Eat This, Not That!) a couple times a week and you can lose 2½ pounds a month without ever dieting!

Eat This Instead!

Spicy Shrimp Diavolo

500 calories

10 g fat (3.5 g saturated)

1,910 mg sodium



01:39 Aug 31 2010

I love the Eat This not That Books and am trying to eat better, healthier with their tips. Cripes, some of that stuff looks awful. The first one especially. I can feel the arteries clogging from here!

01:48 Aug 31 2010

Eat this instead...

..uh.. stay home, cook yourself something.

How about some oatmeal? Or just throw some cut up chicken breasts in a pan and have a salad...

Jeebus... 1,550 calories in one meal. It doesn't even LOOK appetizing.



22:56 Aug 29 2010
Times Read: 765

For the second time in the five or so years I have been on here, I have made sire yet again. One can only hope that the roolercoaster ride I was on to get here the past couple of days will not rear it's ugly head again...lol

Thanks for all your help and support guys- I really appreciate it.



23:45 Aug 29 2010

Congrats hun!

00:50 Aug 30 2010

I hear you there lol, I'm about 6% away from hitting Sire myself yet again...let's hope after we make it this time, things stay the same lol!

19:27 Aug 30 2010

WHOOO HOOOO!!! Congrats hon.

05:23 Aug 31 2010

Congratulations!! YEE-HAW~


um humh....lol

22:53 Aug 29 2010
Times Read: 766

You gotta love this one even if you've never lived in the South.

Some of you will enjoy this more than others....

Southerners can be so Polite!

Atlanta Tower: "Saudi Air 511 -- You are cleared to land on

Runway 9R."

Saudi Air: "Thank you Atlanta.

Acknowledge cleared to land on Infidel's' runway 9R - Allah be Praised."

Atlanta Tower:" Iran Air 711.

You are cleared to land on runway 27L."

Iran Air: "Thank you Atlanta.

We are cleared to land on infidel's Runway 27L. - Allah is Great."



Atlanta Tower: "Go ahead Saudi Air 511."



Atlanta Tower: "Well bless your hearts.

And praise Jesus.

Y'all go on ahead now and tell Allah "hey" for us."




Holy cow.....

01:00 Aug 27 2010
Times Read: 794

Your Database Submission, ID: 28135, has been approved by the Procurator Administration





And you guys wonder.....

23:12 Aug 25 2010
Times Read: 814

Why I vent my work situation on here so much- mostly it's because that by turning it into a journal entry, making it something people can read, sometimes laugh at, sometimes commiserate with, I can purge myself of the upset and poison some of these things leave with me.

I have noticed lately that several people whose journals I now regularly read, are doing the same. And it amazes me how close we all come with some of the things that truly piss us off at work. Lackadaisical fellow employees, people who do ignorant shit and then just walk away, assuming someone else will clean up the mess (yes, I was listening...lol) or customers who have no respect for the people providing them a service that has it's own brand of risks when stupidity steps in and takes a hand (thank you CarnelianMyst). And me, a bartender, working in an expensive country club, where you would expect people to not only have better sense, but better manners. Yeah, not so much. As Bill Cosby once said "I said to a guy, "Tell me, what is it about cocaine that makes it so wonderful," and he said, "Because it intensifies your personality." I said, "Yes, but what if you're an asshole?"

Same theory applies to aldohol for the most part-take any person, and you want instant jackass? Just add alcohol......

Sunday was another wedding. I was working upstairs with one of the other guy bartenders (and younger, I might add *read-less experienced with drunks*). We got all set up, and ready to go, and here they come....

The father of the bride had decided that he wanted two tables set aside for him, his fiance, and assorted friends. For those two tables, which were right in front of my bar, he wanted bottles of Mission Hill Occulus set on the tables for the dinner wine, instead of the Peller Estates purchased for the rest of the tables. Okay, fine, I brought up one of the wooden boxes holding six bottles for this thing. Bear in mind, that we sell these for $150 a bottle. As soon as dad hits the room, he wants a glass. So fine, I opened the first bottle, poured him a glass, and set it back behind me. Shortly after that, one of his table mates comes up, and wants a glass- I cleared it with dad, we're all good, and off we go.

Here's where things get a little iffy. Another couple who were also sitting at one of the two tables (which I didn't know yet) walks up to the bar, and the husband asks for a glass of one of the wines that we regularly serve at functions, in this instance a Rawson's Retreat Penfold's Cabernet Shiraz. So I poured the glass. The wife on the other hand, is eyeing the tables and starts harping that there is Occulus available, he should have that, tells me to give him that, and do it now. I explain that I have already poured the other glass of wine, but if they are sitting at that table I will certainly make sure he gets some of the Occulus next time.

"Daddy" walks up to the bar, looks at the glass of wine I poured, and looks at me with the following:

"What sort of swill is he drinking? Give him a glass of the Occulus now..."

Now I will grant you, we don't keep $150 bottles in the rotation for banquets- it isn't practical. But the line up we do have ain't no screw top stretch of ripples, either. So I naturally took offense at the use of the word swill, and explained that I had already poured the glass, so he would be charged for it, but that I would happily pour the gentleman a glass of Occulus. Daddy picks up the glass, tosses it back, and walks off, as I pour the other wine for this guy. And then wifey smirks and sashays off.

It ain't boding well so far, folks.

I find out that the bride and groom are in their early twenties, which means carding everybody in sight. I start to notice that some of these kids are swaying as they walk into the room, and we have only been open for 30 minutes.

Here somes Jessica, the wedding coordinator.

"I have a problem"

What's the problem, sugar?

"I was out on the first hole, where they were taking pictures. ALL of the groomsmen and the groom have flasks (bringing outside liquor to our establishments is a no-no, and could cost us our license). And they are all drunk. what do I do?"

How drunk?

"The groom is flirting with me."

Deeper and deeper, here, folks.

You need to go tell Eddie and Jen, the function supervisors. They have to explain that they are taking away the flasks, and that will take care of the problem.


To the supervisors:

Did Jessica talk to you guys about the flasks?

"Oh yeah yeah yeah, it's fine."

Where did you put them?

"Oh, we just told them if we saw them with them, we would take them away later."

Suffice it to say, they never saw them, because all the guys, including the groom, were either in the bathroom drinking, or out on the patio in the dark, drinking. Oh, and by the way? Two pints of Fireball, a cinamon flavored rye which is horrific to the smell were found outside as well...

ALL of this, and more, happened within the first HOUR of the room being opened. Along with:

A young man who Diane (the chef) caught puking over the railing at the top of the stairs. She had to keep an eye on him until he straightened up because she was afraid he was going to go over the railing and drop the three stories to the ground...

Another young man, a friend of Eddie's I might add, who first sat in his chair at the table, elbows on his knees, leaning forward until he almost fell out of the chair, because he had passed out. He then jerked himself up, picked up a glass of water, fell asleep again, and dropped the glass with a loud bang in the middle of speeches. When Billy went over to sweep up the glass, the guy could barely get out of his way, then got up an headed to the bathroom, where he spent the next 30 minutes puking.

A young woman, who walked in to the clubhouse, announcing to everyone that would listen that she was SO hammered. Andres, despite my warning NOT to serve her, did so anyway, and when this young lady headed for the bathroom, she didn't even get all the way in the first door before she puked on the floor. Of course, Eddie made one of the servers mop that up...

So I went to Eddie and Jen, and explained to them that this had to stop before the proverbial fecal matter hit the oscillating mechanism. He cheerfully told me I worried too much (shades of my ex here) and to just use my best judgement. So I stopped serving the people that were obviously intoxicated, threatened the other bartender if he served any of them, and went back to my bar to wait out the rest of the night.

These people had a ticketed bar, to go to cash when the tickets ran out, and Dad had a dozen charge cards, which went on the main account. Thankfully, the charge cards pay us 16% once they are totalled up, which certainly will help since I made bubkus for tips off these people. Why should they pay when the booze is free? And since once the tickets ran out someone somewhere had a flask or bottle anyway, why bother with the bartenders?

My complaint was that since I had control of the Occulus, I should have gotten a cut. This man had said he wanted at least 6 bottles for the night.

He ended up going through eleven in total.

For those of you keeping score, that would be $1,650.00.

The 16% off that should be $264 to yours truly.

Ain't. Gonna. Happen.

After finally running these people out at 1 am, I got everything restocked, cleaned, organized, and what not, along with the other bartender's minimal help. I.E., I did all the heavy lifting and major restocking while he put up a few beers in the coolers upstairs.

I then located Eddie in the gallery, told him that everything had been stocked, the wines put in for the next day's function, I had checked both bars and coolers to make sure everything was done (which he is supposed to do) and that there were a few things he needed to be aware of before I left a note for the manager the next day. I explained the things I had found, that I had told Jen already, and I was going to leave a note. Namely this:

When I went down to get the dinner wine, I found a box of reds in a box, on the floor, with corks, and mixed in was a bottle of white, maybe a 1/4 gone, no nipple, no cork, no label, no NOTHING. So there's $35 poured down the drain. We keep cannisters of sodas behind the bar (here's the one and a back up, folks) so that if we empty one, we can grab a new one and go right on. The empties go downstairs to the basement, so Coke can pick up the empties. However, the night before, the bartender working decided to save himself a trip, and put the empty diet coke in the middle of the row of full cannisters. Suffice it to say, he didn't get another full one either. We also keep worchestershire and tabasco under the bar for Caesars, again, one and a back up. Imagine my surprise Monday when I emptied the bottle of worchestershire I had, reached into the bar to get the next bottle, and pulled out an EMPTY bottle. So I tell all this to Eddie.

He looks at me and says:

"Ya know, I think that in the interests of better communications you should just email all the bartenders and let them know what you found."

Well, Eddie, I asked Jessica about that, and she would prefer that I not do it, because she wants to do it in a gentler, more politically correct way. Which means that nothing is going to change because nothing ever happens to them for the fuck ups they do. That is why I am leaving her a note, because she wants to handle it.

"Well, I think you should just go ahead and do it anyway." *smirk*

Well, ya know, I don't take orders from you. Not about this. If and when Jessica makes me head bartender, THEN I will tend to the other bartenders as I see fit. But until she does, I do things the way she wants, not what YOU want.

Eddie and I had our difficulties last summer, and after the umpteenth time of him being snarky and condescending with me, and after I had threatened to fold him in half and stuff him in one of the trashcans, Eddie and I settled into a workable relationship. He does his job, I do mine, we don't talk to each other unless necessary, I do my job and I go home. NO extra help, no joking, no NOTHING. After he had been gone over the winter I figured he might have matured a little while at school.

I was wrong.

So now it is back to me going to work, if Eddie is supervising I will do my job, finish up at the end, and GO HOME.

Nothing more, nothing less.

And the next time I work a wedding where he lets shit slide that could easily cost us our license, Ima have his ASS fo dinner.

THEN I will fold what is left in half and stuff it into a trash can.

Thankfully, the only thing I had to contend with Monday was that:

A) We used up the last case of vodka we had on Saturday night. When I got there Sunday, there still wasn't any to replace it. So in order for us to work the wedding, I had to go get pitchers of vodka from the resturaunt to put in the upstairs canisters. When I got to work on Monday, after leaving notes both Saturday and Sunday, I discovered we STILL didn't have more vodka. Again, another trip to the resturaunt for another pitcher.

B) the Pan B gun is leaking dark rum. Now the Pan A bar is leaking rye. This means hand pouring those particular liquors, which slows things down. And of the two guns in the resturaunt, one of which goes to them, one goes to the banquets side, only one is working at all.

C) After setting up for the tournament Monday, me being the only bartender, I was in the kitchen to get towels. I walk out to find the MC standing behind my bar, bottle of wine in hand, about to pour a glass for a guest, and we weren't even open yet. Thus ensues the following:

Oh nonono......

"Excuse me?"

You need to put that bottle down and step out from behind the bar.

"I was just about to pour this lady a glass of wine."

No, you are NOT. You are going to put down the bottle, step OUT from behind the bar, and let me finish setting up so I can take care of it.



After apologizing several times, he went away, and we didn't speak of it again for the rest of the night that he came up and got wine for himself.

Seriously? Just what the HELL do you think would happen if I walked into your place of work, sat down, and started doing shit at YOUR desk, HUHM?


It never ceases to amaze me folks, really......



00:54 Aug 26 2010

Thanks for the shout-out. Good LORD, but that was the godawfulest, funny-horrible journal entry I think I've ever read. After that purge, you must feel a lot better! Crazy drunks...geez.

20:58 Aug 26 2010

If they don't make you head bartender, they are stupid. *hugs*

21:19 Aug 26 2010

That's not likely to happen- they have made that particular promise at least twice, once before the new owners took over, and once after- so far I have seen shit about happening. So shit will just keep sliding, and I'll keep pouring hundreds of dollars down the drain.

02:11 Aug 27 2010

I love reading your venting entries, because they make me laugh and sympathize.

They need to make you head bartender asap.

14:48 Aug 27 2010

Sugar with that bunch of screw ups I'm not sure you'd really want to be head bartender and have to try and fix their idiocy well unless they let you kick them all out and start over ;)



07:49 Aug 25 2010
Times Read: 830

I was sitting on the couch, watching tv with Scott after dinner tonight. There was a commercial from Best Buy about a new tv that lets you access your computer and update facebook, etc. Also:

"You can also tweet from the couch if you want!"

Scott looks at me and says:

"Back in my day (bear in mind, Scott is 31) if someone tweeted from the couch, everybody else got up and left....."

For some reason, I just can't seem to stop laughing....LMAO



14:42 Aug 25 2010

LMAO , you are so silly , I love it.

14:47 Aug 27 2010

I'm with Scott on this one... I ain't tweeting nowhere publicly lol

02:04 Sep 03 2010

I'll join you in laughter, on that one.


THIS for you fucktards....

02:13 Aug 25 2010
Times Read: 848

Ask and she shall receive...lol




15:24 Aug 25 2010

Like that one! Don't want it though! lol



22:28 Aug 24 2010
Times Read: 872

I have so got to get that ASS HAT stamp .... it apparently going to come in handy-


| Block |

Date: 16:57:52 - Aug 24 2010

Rating: 1


Did you miss me bitch!?!!!!

So what are you going to do when I block you 50 times are you going to track me down and kill me? Are you going to rate all my 50 Ghosts bad lol boo-hoo..... Bate rating is juvenile… Enjoy the taste of your own medicine, I hope you choke on it….



23:24 Aug 24 2010

Ask and you shell receive , I made you a present.its in your VR mail

01:01 Aug 25 2010

The "bate" person is back! Dammit Queenie, flush HARDER next time..the turd didn't go all the way down!!

01:44 Aug 25 2010

I can't wait to see that asshat stamp! :)

02:24 Aug 25 2010

lol oh yes its back.... aww por lil thing has nothing better to do =P

07:11 Aug 29 2010

Meh .. go ahead - create 50 accounts. Just do us a favor; leave them all open - and make sure they're free accounts too. The Administration just loves people who can't follow rules.




00:10 Aug 24 2010
Times Read: 886

Now I have had time to take in everything that happened this weekend. And believe me, it was not an easy task to assimilate all the various and assorted loads of crap that happened, and just in two days.

But I managed.

Saturday. Wedding. After 4 days of golf tournaments, good people all, I was on a high that I think only another bartender could really understand. Bartending is 10% skill and 90% performance art and personality. And I got mad skillz and a snoot full of attitude, which according to some people makes me damn near perfect for this kinda thing. My ex used to say it was the only job I could get where I could get paid to run my mouth. And at least on this point, he was right. But I'm good at what I do, and I'm proud to be a good bartender.

But Saturday tested every skill I had as a human being. I got to work ( I was working downstairs, which meant sharing a bar with the resuraunt girls) and I ran into their pile o shit. Seemed one of the girls had gotten tickets to a concert that night, and was leaving at 4 pm. She didn't bother to book the day off. It didn't matter that the other girls all had stuff that they needed to do (catch a plane at 7 am, for instance, not trivial shit). Didn't matter that she was supposed to work until 5, she was out the door at 4 come hell or high water. So the other two girls are understandably upset, and freaking, just as the two evening girls and I got there. So just walking into that wall of angst was enough to make my eyes water. Then, I hear some of the people that will be at my function later already ordering drinks. As they are paying, Kayla tells me I might want to grab another bottle of Stoli the next time I go to the basement, because that seems to be what they are drinking. I told her I would grab it for her, but my function wasn't going to have the back bar available at all, so I wouldn't need it.

Kayla gets all teary eyed, thinking she has stepped on my toes or something, and the people paying for their drinks are grousing because of what they are hearing. So I finished what I was doing, hugged Kayla and told her it was fine, and went on my way to finish setting up.

I got everything ready, got myself geared up, and here.....they....came.

The bar opened for these people at 4 pm, and I didn't STOP until almost 1 am. They drank everything in sight, mainly because it was hosted. It involved the two wines I was allowed to offer, not the usual 12, bottled beer (no draft) and gun liquor. Thankfully, I didn't have to deal with alot of underaged id'ing for which I was eternally grateful. But then it happened.

A woman walked up to the bar to get a drink. I thought it was strange that she was at this very formal wedding wearing jeans, but turned out she was the manager of the two outside wedding coordinators these people had hired. She ordered her drink, I got it for her, she wandered to the table behind her where the coordinators were sitting, and I went back to catching up on dishes. I turned back around, and she is standing there, hand on hip, looking at me. I asked her if she needed anything else, and she actually glared at me and said:

"YOU need to get a towel and come clean this table."


If you have ever watched Bill Cosby, you will be familiar with the term "conniption".

My face and scalp split, and my skull started to poke out, flames flashing around my head. I was on the verge of leaning across the bar and slapping the dye clean out of this woman's hair when Shannon, who had been standing behind the woman said quickly, "Don't worry ma'am, that's my table, and I will take care of it."

pant pant pant

Death by dismemberment averted, thanks to a skinny pale little redhead...bless her heart.

Then I turn around.

The girl who was planning on leaving at 4 no matter what had taken offense ot the fact that the other girls had taken offense, and had decided to throw a tantrum about how UNFAIR everybody was being to her, other people had done WAY worse, yadda yadda yadda, and left a PILE of dirty plates in the pass through instead of taking them to the kitchen. Then the servers, not having any other place to put them, had piled glasses and empties all over the place around the plates, and over the top of this mountain I can see my supervisor looking at me. As soon as she saw me, I hear "You know we are going to need the champagne soon, right?"

I looked at her and told her that I would get to it shortly, I needed to get some of the mess under control.

Hand to GAWD, this woman looks at me and says:

"I think maybe you should take 5 minutes and chill.

The one thing that my ex husband KNEW would send me into the stratosphere when I was trying to talk to him about something, and he didn't want ot hear it, was to look at me and say "you need to take a chill pill". It was GUARANTEED to send me to a whole new level of angry, and then he could look at me and tell me that if I was going to yell, he didn't want to discuss it anymore. He did it on purpose, and he did it everytime he didn't want to have a discussion with me about anything.

I looked at this woman, pointed a finger at her, and said:

"What I need to do is get some help. What you are going to do is send Kat back her to stock the beer cooler, one of the guys to get all the empties up here and back here and haul them to the basement, I am going to open the champagne the you are going to take to the kitchen so the other servers can pour it for the guests, and not EVER say that to me again. Because if I take ANY sort of break at this point, I am going to get my shit and go home, and YOU can come back here and take care of these 125 people that have been hitting this bar incessantly since they got here. GOT IT?

Conniption completed. I felt enormously better, all that shit got done, and I apologized to her later for being so nasty, and told her WHY I was upset. Everything is fine, and she has a MUCH better understanding of what I meant when I told her after she was hired that I was a bitch when I was working hard and getting things done right was important to me.

Halfway through that night we ran out of vodka. The closing supervisor filled up the cannister for the gallery, but in so doing he used up all the vodka we had in the basement storage room.

Shortly after I got finished with my function at 12 am, the bartenders upstairs at the other wedding ran out of vodka. Thankfully I had the bottle I had been pouring from until the cannister was filled, and I sent it upstairs.

My function was hosted. Which means I am not supposed to put out a tip jar because theoretically I get the tip off the master account....yeah, not so much. So the groom's mother is getting a drink, and wants to know where my tip jar is, so I explained the situation to her. She looks me dead in the eye, tells me that's bullshit, put up a jar.

So I did. And then I spent the rest of the night listening to her holler at everybody to "TIP THE BARTENDER, SHE'S CUTE"

I ended up going home with over $300.

And a back that was killing me.

And a sincere need to literally beat the stupidity out of several people.

And that was just SATURDAY. Sunday is a whole other story, but that will be a story I will have to type in slowly, with a good stiff drink by my side. Because if EVER I was going to set fire to a room and leave, last night would have been it.....



00:26 Aug 24 2010

Yanno, sugar...if you were to combine my Saturday with yours, we'd have one of the godawfulest work days a woman ever had. I am trying to figure out if bartending would be less stress than drycleaning...what do you think? Thinking about a job change here.

00:29 Aug 24 2010

HOLY SHIT BATMAN- I'm surprised you're still here. Geez. I'd kill someone if I had a night like that one. Or blow my top. Or both.

02:08 Aug 24 2010

And that's why "they needed killin" is a justifiable defense! The groom's mother does sound like a jewel though.


You know it's time to go to bed...

11:26 Aug 23 2010
Times Read: 906

When you realize you have been watching "The Blair Witch Project" on tv for 20 minutes, and haven't noticed that you're on the French channel.....



12:28 Aug 23 2010

Lol ! could possibly make the film a little more interesting!!

12:59 Aug 23 2010

either it's time to go to bed, or time to realize you're in Canada. :P

23:57 Aug 24 2010

LMAO! I love your humor.



21:12 Aug 21 2010
Times Read: 964

Do you people REALLY think any of this makes you look smart, better, or higher up than any of us?

Get a grip. And welcome to my journal, where everybody can see what an asshat you REALLY are.


| Block |

Date: 05:17:47 - Aug 21 2010

Rating: 1


before you bate rate you should get all the facts.... do you realize she was my disabled sister? you attacked her, and called her stupid.... how does it feel to be heartless.... you have no where to run no where to hide I will find your profile and do what you did to hers. so Fuh Q, maybe next time you will think twice before you bate rate......

This guy rated me a 3 because I rated his free profile a 3. This actual profile I rated a 7 and left a nice comment. Oh well, teaches me don't it.


| Block |

Date: 22:42:09 - Aug 20 2010

Rating: 3


THIS was the free profile. He made such a big deal about being able to have multiple accounts. Like I care.


| Block |

Date: 22:40:03 - Aug 20 2010

Rating: 3


And THIS....was the conversation I had with this guy about it in the wee hours of the morning:

On 06:33:40 Aug 21 2010 (-0 GMT) RedQueen wrote:

seems a shame that I was nice enough to rate you decently, because you had a good profile. Too bad I can't expect the same from you. But since I rate profiles, not people, the rate stands.

On 06:57:11 Aug 21 2010 (-0 GMT) IFsadnessHADaCHILD wrote:

And I did say it was under construction. I honestly don't care about ratings, even though they have a minor factor in leveling. When I say "I", I do not mean just one profile. The favor will be returned will all. According to the lowest rating of course.

On 07:01:57 Aug 21 2010 (-0 GMT) RedQueen wrote:

If you don't care about ratings, then why rate my profile a one when I obviously put as much time in mine as you did in yours? You didn't rate my profile, you rated me for rating you.

On 09:06:24 Aug 21 2010 (-0 GMT) IFsadnessHADaCHILD wrote:

If you can't deal with the ramifications, you should rethink your actions. The other account is a free membership. I can only do so much with it at the moment. And yes I do fall under one of the three circumstances to have multiple accounts.

On 10:07:13 Aug 21 2010 (-0 GMT) RedQueen wrote:

I fail to see the reason behind that statement. There should be no ramifications ot my rating a profile as I see fit. And while I am sure I will eventually get to your other account eventually, it does not matter whether it is free or not. I will rate it on it's own merits, same as I did this one. I also don't care if you meet the requirements for having multiple accounts. And I rated that profile a 7 because even under construction I thought it had merit. I'm sorry you seem to think that I was attacking you in some way. I wasn't. I was just rating your profile.

On 10:33:38 Aug 21 2010 (-0 GMT) IFsadnessHADaCHILD wrote:

It said 3 not 7. Hence why I rated you as such.

On 10:40:55 Aug 21 2010 (-0 GMT) RedQueen wrote:

I beg your pardon. As soon as I saw your rate, I went back and checked to see what I could have said to deserve such a revenge rate. I most assuredly did rate you a 7 and my comment was as follows:

"Nice blade. Welcome"

Obviously you have updated your profile since I was there last, but my rate most definitely is a 7.

On 10:42:36 Aug 21 2010 (-0 GMT) IFsadnessHADaCHILD wrote:

I was talking about the other profile. And that commented must a few years old.

On 10:43:29 Aug 21 2010 (-0 GMT) RedQueen wrote:

Then send me that link, and I will look and see. I am only concerned with what I rated this profile that you rated me with.

On 10:45:44 Aug 21 2010 (-0 GMT) IFsadnessHADaCHILD wrote:


Message To: IFsadnessHADaCHILD

I rated as I saw fit, and I explained why. If you can't accept that reason, I'm sorry. I will happily come back and rerate when you have finished your profile, as I do with anyone who asks politely.

I guess there is just no getting it for some people.



22:15 Aug 21 2010

*rolls her eyes* You get the winners. Oh and any disabled person that uses their disability for pity, is beyond me. So many other people have worked through the disability, or found ways to work around them. But to be protective of someone because their disabled, when they are dumbasses that started this to begin with......well, whatever!

23:06 Aug 21 2010

Biggest lie ever told:

I honestly don't care about rating...

there it is.

they do care. a lot.

23:33 Aug 21 2010

Ok this is just Stupid! I MYSELF am Disabled and my profile looks great and when I first came on here I got low rates and took them gladly as a sign that I should and could do better . anyone who uses a disability to get a head or do poor work and get away with it has no business on a site like this , SO either take the rating and shut the hell up or get the hell off VR.

06:43 Aug 22 2010

Wow...I commend you for being so patient...and tactful...and logical...and you only spelled a couple of words wrong eh?...bravo babydoll...:P

07:07 Aug 22 2010

The one crying about "Bate rating" is sad individual. B-A-I-T look it up.... it would be bait rating... who really has the disabitliy him or his sister?

08:24 Aug 22 2010

This whole thing baffles me, if the person put as much energy into something constructive as they are doing into all this nonsense I'm sure something quite spectacular could be achieved! lol :)

23:48 Aug 22 2010

I love it when people contradict themselves~

21:21 Aug 23 2010

I'm sorry sweetheart. There are no words...and usually IF/Deception is pretty nice, this seems kinda out of character for him.

*hug* I still love my RedQueen. ;)

23:56 Aug 23 2010

You never can tell when madness will strike. It's cool you're so much more than a rate :)


Views from the drive to work

22:20 Aug 20 2010
Times Read: 983

Ever since they started building houses up Coast Meridian road, which is my preferred route to work, I have been taking alternate routes.

The one I like is going out the back end of my neighborhood, and going up Oxford. Because on any given day, I can see:

The guy who lives at the first apartment building on the left after I turn on Oxford. He likes ot sit on his back porch on the 2nd floor, and sunbath while talking on his phone. Was pretty good until he stood up one day, and I could see he was naked...

Going up the hill towards the cemetery, only to see a line of cars coming slowly down the hill towards me. I assumesd they were leaving the cemetery, until I focused on the fact that there was a guy crouched down on a skateboard, trying topick up speed so he could get out of the way. Everybody in the line behind him was laughing and having fun watching him...lol

Coming home late at night, on David Ave., and being able to watch the soccer game at LaFarge park if I catch the light....

Getting back onto Oxford, which has no street lights past a certain point, and suddenly realize my bright lights aren't working. Only to go the exact same route, try them again the next night, and have them work fine...

And thankfully, it is cooling off now. Which I presume makes me more observant of what's going on around me, and less about how well the a/c is working ....lol




Oh lookie...lol

22:09 Aug 20 2010
Times Read: 996


| Block |

Date: 05:35:57 - Aug 20 2010

Rating: 1


Shame on you for picking on the disabled. FUCKING LOSER!


| Block |

Date: 03:10:27 - Aug 20 2010

Rating: 1


picking on the disabled shame on you.

The thing that was disabled about the guy I rated was his complete inability to SPELL....lol

And of these two one is already suspended for infinity- wanna take bets on how long it takes the other one?



22:13 Aug 20 2010

HappyTime doesn't seem to be having a very happy time.


22:16 Aug 20 2010


| Unblock |

Date: 05:24:28 - Aug 20 2010

Rating: 1


Shame on you for picking on the disabled. FUCKING LOSER!


| Unblock |

Date: 02:57:01 - Aug 20 2010

Rating: 1


think twice before you bate rate or call people stupid.... or this will happen to you..... 50 blocks 50 1s.

OK .. I do not know anyone on VR that is disabled.

But I want to Cripple his fucking ass!!

22:22 Aug 20 2010



23:16 Aug 20 2010

And it only took 2 hours for smileatme to go...tut tut tut


Oh look- here we go again....LMAO

00:11 Aug 20 2010
Times Read: 1,035


Date: 04:08:59 - Aug 19 2010

Rating: 1


ah a bate rate you like to start shit good luck with that. you don't like people unless they bend over and takeit up the ass? alright thats sad. because i'm not one that will kiss your feet for a ten if you want to give me a one to bat me that's your choice. as is my rating system. tasteless maybe but you have no life because i've seen all you hide behind many faces..... tos says only one profile cheeter..... by the way i'm the office that arrested him. so if you want to judge me get the whole story first vampire brat.


| Block |

Date: 06:58:27 - Aug 19 2010

Rating: 1


You are a bate rater and a bully......

Drama seeking is a big problem deal with the drama you create….

Shame on you….


| Block |

Date: 05:28:22 - Aug 19 2010

Rating: 1


very anoying


| Block |

Date: 05:09:54 - Aug 19 2010

Rating: 1


addendum. DavidBrown is now "no such user"

The other three have been suspended for infinity.

Ya gotta love the way that works...lol



00:20 Aug 20 2010

"Bate" rate....as in masturbate? Or was he/she/it trying to spell BAIT? "Give me a one to bat me"...yeah baby. Right out of the park and into the cesspool you crawled out of.

00:39 Aug 20 2010

well cheaters like that are worthless and you did an excellent thing by reporting them, ALL cheaters, no matter admin or simple user deserve suspension and I would have done the same, I would have reported them.

01:41 Aug 20 2010

And for this he/she gets my award for being A



And I thought I couldn't be surprised anymore.

07:02 Aug 19 2010
Times Read: 1,052

Fetuses found in CA basement trunk dating to '30s

By NARDINE SAAD, Associated Press Writer Nardine Saad, Associated Press Writer

Wed Aug 18, 10:19 pm ET

.LOS ANGELES – Remains of two fetuses wrapped in 1930s newspapers and placed in doctor's bags were found inside an unclaimed steamer trunk by women cleaning out the basement of a 1924 apartment building that's being converted to condominiums, authorities and witnesses said.

The remains were discovered late Tuesday in a 4-foot-tall green trunk in a four-story brick building in the Westlake district, a once-elegant early 20th century neighborhood west of downtown.

The trunk was inscribed with the initials JMB and also contained a certificate giving "Miss Jean Barrie" membership to the Peter Pan Woodland Club mountain resort, a typing manual bearing the signature "Jean M. Barrie," ticket stubs from the 1932 Los Angeles Olympic Games, photos of a wedding and other items.

Two women who found the remains called 911 and coroner's officials began investigating, leaving residents to speculate about the trunk's owner, the possibility of secret abortions in the era before the procedures were legal and an odd fact: Peter Pan was created by Scottish author James M. Barrie, who died in 1937.

"This building is a historic building. It has a lot of stories there and now it's getting more interesting," said six-year resident Yiming Xing, 35, a genetics researcher who was one of the discoverers.

Faced with a mystery three-quarters of a century old, however, no one could immediately say whether there was a connection between the unknown Jean M. Barrie and the fetuses, whether someone else might have hidden them in the trunk, and whether the Peter Pan connection was anything more than a coincidence.

"We're trying to piece all of the parts of the puzzle together," coroner's Assistant Chief Ed Winter told news radio station KNX-AM. He described the remains as fetuses and said they were wrapped in newspapers dated 1933 and 1935, which differed slightly from the recollection of the women who found them.

The Peter Pan Woodland Club is long gone. The elaborate wooden clubhouse near Big Bear Lake in the San Bernardino Mountains east of Los Angeles burned down in 1948.

Gloria Gomez, property manager of the building for 10 years, said the larger set of remains was in a Los Angeles Times newspaper dated 1932 and the smaller remains were in a paper from 1935. Xing believed one of the papers was from 1934.

It was Gomez's job to clean out the basement. Everyone in the building was given until Aug. 14 to get their things out. The condo board told Gomez she could have anything that wasn't claimed.

Tuesday night, Gomez and Xing checked two unclaimed trunks and they were empty. They tried several keys on the last one, but finally had to pry it open with a screwdriver. They found the drawers full and pulled out items including a pearl necklace, a girdle, a bowl, a toilet figurine, books, photos, documents and a cigar box painted with depictions of saints.

Then they found the two black leather doctor bags.

Xing opened the first soft bundle and found what looked like a piece of brown, dry, very old looking wood. She said she realized it might be human remains and they called 911.

When the coroner arrived, investigators unwrapped the second bundle to find the larger set of remains.

Xing said those remains "looked exactly like a baby" with a head and hair "and looked very developed."

Both had been wrapped up like mummies but both were skeletons, Gomez said.

Another newspaper in the trunk was dated Sept. 17, 1937.

Coroner's investigators took the remains, drawers, medical bags, photos, personal letters and postcards, Gomez said. They left the trunk, the book, the bowl, the cigar box with cigars inside, the typewriter manual, the ticket stubs and clothing.

Former building manager John Medford, 68, who has lived there for 22 years, said he also saw blank medical forms from a hospital that appeared to be for a nurse to track a patient's temperature.

He was among those speculating that the fetuses were from abortions.

"In 1936, abortion was illegal," he said, recounting the era of back-alley procedures. "Women were in desperate straits then."

Diane Dudasik, the property manager and a building trustee, described the discovery as amazing but sad.

"But hopefully now the infants will be able to rest," she said.

Police were awaiting results from the coroner's office.

"We'll try to reconstruct the circumstances based on what the coroner tells us, based on the history of the residence and based on science," Chief Charlie Beck told the Los Angeles Times. "We have many more tools and technology available to us than before, which may allow for identification of the victims and closure to any family members."

According to the property manager's website, the Glen-Donald building has been used in a national DirecTV commercial, for the television show "Quarter Life" and a small, independent film project.

The 94-unit building, which has elaborate interior woodwork and a grand lobby, is being converted from individually owned apartments to a condominium arrangement.

Gomez said it was home to doctors, lawyers, writers and actors when it opened long ago.



18:54 Aug 19 2010

damn where do you find these things? can you imagine the shock they got?

00:16 Aug 20 2010

I'm still amazed at the Peter Pan connection. Ya never know I guess...


Well, Tanks for the warm fuzzies anyway.

06:41 Aug 17 2010
Times Read: 1,058

Just an update, because I rarely seem to get a chance to sit down and actually vent unless it is late at night. And if you have ever spent a solid 8 hours hand twisting beer bottle caps, you know how hard that can be on your hands. So journaling, canoodling and general venting have been at a minimum.

The debut, you ask? How did it go, you ask?

Jim had guns. One was a .357 Magnum.

Scott has swords and knives. One is as big as I am.

It is a DAMN good thing I didn't have either with me, or the decorators would have had a field day.....

And surprisingly enough, it didn't come form where you expected. The 18 yr olds, there to "celebrate" this diva's birthday with singing to her, dancing for her and with her (visualize the entrance of the Beauxbatons girls' entrance to the hall in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"), smoke machines to herald her entrance into the room, you name it, they had it. It was like a wedding, coming out party and dance recital, all rolled into one. However, the kids that were there for this were well behaved, polite, they asked for cokes (which they paid for and for the most part tipped for) or water. Not once did I have any problems with them.

The parents of some of the other "kids" there were a WHOLE other problem. I did indeed spend my entire night carding people, at least the ones asking for alcohol. And I got the usual "oh, it's in my purse"....

Okay, fine.

"You want me to go get it?"

Do you want to drink alcohol?

"But my purse is in the car, and we parked WAAAAAAAAY out there."

Sorry. NO id, no liquor. End of story.

They gave up, but then the PARENTS got into it.

Do you really think you are being so smart, buying liquor, telling me it is for you, then HANDING it to your teen that I just carded and refused service to when you are SITTING right in front of the bar? REALLY??

Well, let me tell you something, sugar.

Been there, done that, and if you think for one minute I ain't gonna snatch that drink from in front of that child, THINK AGAIN.

So for the rest of the night, I put up with the following:

1) Parents bitching because I was carding their precious child. Let me tell you something, there will come a day when someone doesn't card that child, they get hammered, and you are no longer a parent to anything but a corpse. Remember that the next time you give ME shit.

2) They bitched because I was serving liquor. Then they bitched because the drinks they were buying were too expensive. The father of this gal even had the nerve to tell me that I had my prices too high. Excuse me, where does it say ANYWHERE that I am the one who created the price list around here? I don't run the place, I just work here. And yet this same man bought almost a 12-pack of Corona which he drank most of himself, and never tipped me a fucking dime.

3) Even the PHOTOGRAPHER got into the mix. Now usually, I cut the various dj's/photographers/people on the scene a break. Especially at weddings, and functions like this. They're in the same position I am, so I give em a break, spotting em cokes and the like.

But IF you walk up to the bar and give me attitude/shit/etc., you will PAY For everything I have to offer except the water. So when dick for short strolls up to the bar, tells (that's right folks, TELLS) me to give him a coke, then looks at me like I Have lost my mind when I tell him it is $1.50, I ain't giving him shit but a hard time.

"$1.50?!?! Are you fucking serious?"

Yes sir.

"That's ridiculous, just give me a coke, I'm the photographer." (Actually he was one of THREE)

Sir, this is a cash bar. Cokes are $1.50. My supervisor is standing right behind you, and he would not approve of me handing out stuff for free.

"FINE." And he stomps off. And yes, Eddy really was standing behind him, so I got that one for free.

Here he comes again.

"Can I at least get a glass of WATER?"

This close. I was this close to telling him only if he said the magic word.....

This hellish scenario went on from 5 pm until after midnight. By the time I left, I had a headache that could have opened it's own branch head. Thankfully, Scott is very good with his hands and has NO problem massaging my neck and head until the bulk of the pain went away. Thank God for that man, and I do, every day.

Ah, then it was Saturday. And unfortunately, instead of the 4:30 I was originally scheduled to start work, that got moved up to 2 pm. AND it was a wedding.

AND it was an RCMP wedding.

Gals, let me tell you something. You will find a bevy of women on here who are just struck stupid when they see a man in uniform. I myself used to be one of them, and I will admit to bringing up a tear now and then when I see our boys overseas.

But absolutely nothing will ever top the sight of 10 WAY tall men, of varying degrees of yumminess, all decked out in their dress reds. I, for a change, was THOROUGHLY impressed...lol

And let me tell you something else. These boys know how to parTEH. They drank consistently from 3 pm until after midnight. I ran my ass ragged, introduced these big lummoxes to buttery nipples, indulged them in their constant calls for "C'mon, Southern belle, we need 6 more vodka redbulls, PUHLEASE?", and just in general got my second wind and pressed on with pride.

I worked a 12.25 hour shift that night.

I came home with a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money, despite the fact that it was a ticketed function. The groom was a handful, the bride's daddy kept handing me money and was the spitting image of Colonel Saunders (yes, of Kentucky Fried Yardbird fame, THAT Colonel), and everybody was just a nice big barrel full of laughs in general.

And then, I had two days off. *SIGH*

Scott took me out for lunch and antique shopping on Sunday. We are trying to find the right glasses and the perfect spoon for the bottle of absinthe I bought him for Christmas last year.

Today, I had a massage (yes, girls, Manuel made a guest appearance here again...lol) had sushi, gave blood, and just in general had a me day.

Tomorrow starts the first day of a 7 day work week for me.

Fasten your seltbelts, folks. It's going to be a bumpy ride...lol



22:51 Aug 17 2010

Good F-ing God woman I admire your patience of a saint lol

13:13 Aug 19 2010

Bless you, my child....gawd. What you go through.


Random thoughts for today, before once again into the rift..

22:32 Aug 13 2010
Times Read: 1,086

I can remember reading profiles. I also know that thanks to the fact that I read those profiles, I now have friends like rat, cat, birdie, owl, badger, horse, etc. I didn't judge them, I judged their profiles, and found them interesting, and now have a raft of friends that I count on daily, either by thought or actual conversation via email, messages, or phone calls. I have also actually met some of these people in person, namely cat, rat, birdie, owl, and owl's significant other. Still working on a group grope with clydesdale and badger...lol

There is a method to the madness we call profile rating. And you have no idea what you could be passing up by just stamping and running on all those profiles. You are most likely missing out on people that will be with you for life, and excellent assets to your day to day. When I was going through my shit with the stepmonster, I would cheerfully have shot myself had it not been for the zoo. Truly.

On a different tack. I am the only bartender working in Pan tonight which usually has 2. I am working a debut (Phillipino for coming out party) for an 18 year old. Which means I am going to be up to my armpits in 18 year olds. The drinking age in Canada is 19.

I fully expect to be blind from all the carding I am going to have to do.

Please send warm thoughts and energy that I don't bitch slap anybody tonight.....



23:33 Aug 13 2010

Warm thoughts and fuzzy energies going your way!

03:00 Aug 14 2010

I love you!

04:07 Aug 14 2010

*claps hands together and looks up to the sky*

Please keep the puppy from slapping the holy shit out of a underage prick who is just going to piss her off as he tries to act all big and mean, just to have a freaking drink.


At least make sure the tip add up to enough for bail money.


02:42 Aug 15 2010

I would bring a marker with me, and mark those that are of age with my initials. Problem solved. But, if not, maybe you will convert one of those young impressionable minds to go into BDSM, once you get done slapping the shit out of them. :P They might like it. lol

20:37 Aug 15 2010

Birdy flies in.....and perches on her favorite puppy. I am so glad we met too Puppy.

Now.....remember none of us have passports yet...so bail money would have to be wired and it would take tooo long...so make sure Scott is home.....and as Rat said.....may the tips add up to the bail.....grins.....

Hugs Puppy!


welcome back, now go fuck yourself...

06:01 Aug 10 2010
Times Read: 1,103

I know I haven’t been here in a while.

So I go back and check on shit when I have the chance and a spare moment or two.

I checked my most recent ratings, just cuz.

“TheGenie” rated me a one, and left a 1 in the comment box. What, were you afraid I wouldn’t get it the first time? Check the page, shithead. I am a PREMIUM member. That means I can see what you rated me without aid from your sorry ass.

But just the same, I played nice, went to his page to see what I rated him, and saw that A) I had rated him an 8 and B) had left him this comment: “Good start for a second profile- I wish you well”


Now what in there pisses you off? I checked; he isn’t in any of the myriad covens or whatnot I have pissed off recently, at least not one I recognized. So why the hatin’ sugar?

So I messaged him. And I asked him why he rated me a one when I so obviously rated him an 8?

BING! You guessed it. Chicken shit had me blocked. So, onward and upward, as they say…

So I scroll down some more (masochist, ain’t I) and find THIS little gem from xdesperatexdestructionx:

1 rate - i dont give a flying fuck and your opinion wont change that:)

I had originally left a typical “you could use more substance and stuff about yourself” comment, but when she left that behind, I felt obligated to return the favor, since this seems to be the only currency these people understand.

I can’t WAIT to have time to rate again…….seems the summer is gonna heat up again around here.

Sorry, NG- A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.....

Just ask the rat.......



06:41 Aug 10 2010

Can't wait til you're around more too! :)

15:06 Aug 10 2010

My Heroine! :)

03:13 Aug 11 2010

Yeah Aracon left LordV another 1 also. Oh well, if this is what they do for shits and giggles.....their life is pitiful! Miss you darling. We still on for Thanksgiving?

04:05 Aug 13 2010

True that!

Ahhh...and I have three Sires to play with. ;)

Call if you ever need help.

05:01 Aug 14 2010

here is my new award for these kinds of people



And again, here we go...

00:42 Aug 10 2010
Times Read: 1,116

I worked Friday Saturday and Sunday...

wedding wedding wedding

Persian, Oriental, Oriental

Pain in the ass, pain in the ass, pain in the ass.

And, I might add, three 10 hour shifts, back to back to back.

Friday, I was heading to work early, as I usually do, cause you NEVER know what is going to be there waiting for me. I was just about to the point where I usually get, where I feel bad for going in early, getting extra time, yadda yadda yadda.....

And then I have days like today. Where I walk in the door, and the first thing I hear is "OhmygodIwasjustfixingtocallyoutheywanttheroomopenat5insteadof5:45andyouonlyhave40minutesIamsogladyouareHERE!!!!!"

And yes, as much as I hate typing like that, that is EXACTLY what it sounded like when I hit the door, in STEREO.

So I busted my ass, got both bars set up and ready, and then SAT THERE until these people who just HAD to have the room open early at 5 didn't get INTO the room until 5:45.

Un hunh...

Then I get the speech "The bride and groom wanted to have their wedding here so bad that they dipped into their honeymoon account to do it, so let's make this extra special for them try to control the dinner wine count, etc etc etc.

By the end of the night, I am hearing second hand that the bride and groom are pissed because they "paid" for 60 bottles of wine. Au contraire, my dear people. A) you haven't PAID for anything beyond putting down the deposit for the function yet, and you are already haggling with us to pay the rest in "installments". And B) Your CONTRACT that YOU signed clearly states that you wanted a MAXIMUM of 34 bottles of wine, 17 red, and 17 white. And we still had leftover wine with that count, saving you a SHITLOAD of money.

AND the bars weren't supposed to close until 1 AM.

Buzz off.

Not to mention that I had to endure a great many jokes about the groom being 41 and the bride being 29. So when the best man ramped up for another one at the bar, I leaned over and made mention of the fact that I just turned 48 on the 26th, and that my husband would have his birthday on Aug 29th. HE will be 32.

I told him to do the math.

Suffice it to say, that put an end to those jokes for the remainder of the night...LMAO

Saturday was a jewel. Usually with functions like this, where the bar is cash and tickets, we have actual TICKETS. And with Cokes and juice hosted all night, and it being an Oriental wedding, I can plan to the last drop what I am going to be doing all night.


THESE people decided to use Vegas grade poker chips, with their names and wedding date stickered to them instead. Suffice it to say, you can't staple them together in 5's to keep track of them, and I didn't envy the supervisor at the end of the night when he had to count all 500 that we ended up with. With it being a ticketed funtion, that meant little to no tips. But as a plus, the bar was supposed to close at 11 pm, meaning I had a relatively early night.

Not so fast, grasshopper. Life can turn on a dime, especially when you have an idiot for a closing supervisor.

Kelly (the other bartender) had to be at another wedding at midnight to help tear down decorations for another wedding coordinator. So I told her to pull her wine, clean her bar, and I would take care of everything else, so she could get where she needed to be. So at 10:45, we had the dj give last call, which he did, I took care of the people that hit the bar, and she got busy closing up while I did. So by 11 pm, I closed my bar, she was mostly done with what she needed to do, and I was doing my inventory.

un hunh....

Here comes the MC, a little squirt of a guy with a serious Napoleon complex, just SCREAMING to get on my last nerve....

"You can't be closed now"


excuse me?

"Well, these people didn't know the bar was closing, and they have chips they still need to use."

I beg your pardon. The DJ gave last call precisely at 10:45, which gives me plenty of time to serve the people left here, and the contract states an 11 pm bar closing time.


*oh HELL no...do not take that attitude with me*

"TECHINICALLY, because I am the MC, if I don't SAY it, it isn't happening. So TECHNICALLY, you have to open up ytour bar again."

TECHNICALLY, if you want that to happen you need to speak with my supervisor. He's right over there.

And I go back to doing my inventory. After all, we had done everything we were supposed to, gave last call in plenty of time, not tried to pull a fast one, etc. So I figured I'm golden, right.


Not so much.

I look up to see Eddie heading my way with a shit eating grin on his face, and I knew I was doomed.

"I think we should open the bar back up for 15 minutes, don't you? I mean, they do have more chips, and you aren't in any hurry, ARE YOU?"

Well, with him, the MC and all the rabid drinkers standing at the bar salivating, waiting for my answer, what am I gonna do? Tell the sawed off little shit NO?

Of course not. I opened up the bar and went back to work. Only 15 minutes turned into 45, and for EVERY ONE of those people I waved the tip jar at them and told them they were going to tip or die of thirst. I was NOT giving up going home early for NOTHING. When I finished, I handed the basket 'o' poker chips, both inventory sheets, and my cash box to Eddy, with the following:

"The MC lied. These people had a few chips left, but alot of them paid in either cash or chips AND cash, and the ones that didn't have either, the MC GAVE them more chips, then when I had to stop serving, he walked away rather than telling these people that the bar had to close. So have fun counting all these, I am going to get my restock"

Thankfully, I did manage to get out of there with $165 in Canadian, and one $1000 won note (Korean), which amounted to about 88 cents in Canadian money.

THAT was from the chicken shit MC.

My bar was supposed to close at 11, putting me signing out at about midnight.

I left work at 2 AM in the MORNING.

Sunday. Ahhhhhh, Sunday weddings are usually good, because even if the people insist on going to the limit in time, we can only have the bars open until midnight as per our license. THESE people had it in their contract the last call was at 11:45, and the bar would CLOSE at 11:45.

Smart. Gotta love smart.

And these people let their wedding planner dictate the conditions of the bar. Just once, I wish the people who made up this stupid shit would have to come in and actually WORK the fucked up shit they hand down, thinking they are being oh so clever.

So here's how THIS night went.

The bars opened at 5:15 as a hosted bar until 8 pm.

The bars would then close, re do inventory, restock if necessary, and re open as a totally cash bar at 8:15 until closing at 11:45. Premium liquor, doubles, and shooters would be cash all night. Pop and juice would be hosted all night. The only wine available would be Jackson Triggs merlot and chardonnay. Once we went to cash bars, the wine would be available for cash, but still served for free by the servers during dinner. After dinner, it would only be available at the bar for cash. The people at the head table (bride, groom, maid of honor, etc.) had charge cards. That meant I had a grand total of THREE inventory sheets to contend with, two at a time all night. I would at least get a 16% gratuity off the charge card sheet if there were any sales.

Also, they brought in TWO roast suckling pigs, which they insisted would be displayed on the dance floor before being taken back to the kitchen, carved, and served on platters, along with bowls of PICKLED JELLY FISH. (This was a plated function, rather than a buffet style, by the way...)

So eeuuww by the way...


While it was hosted, we stayed steady. No money, but steady.

I had miss THANG, who came prancing up to the bar with her boyfriend, who ordered drinks, so I carded her. If she was 19, I'll eat the bar, so help me GAWD. Suddenly, she is screaming at me that she got served at the OTHER bar, she expected to get served here. I told her very politely that if she wanted to buy alcohol, I was going to need to see some id.

She started ramping up the volume AND the pitch here.

"I didn't BRING my id, or my purse, because I travelled fro OUT OF TOWN to get HERE. And I want to DRINK at my friends' WEDDING!"

So I leaned forward, and very quietly said the following:

"Ma'am, do NOT scream at me. The law in THIS province is as follows: You MUST be able to furnish 2 pieces of id, including one with a photo, to PROVE you are 19, the legel age to drink in Canada. If you cannot provide said proof, we are not legally allowed to serve you. If we DO, we could be fined, go to jail, and lose our liquor license. And quite frankly, you getting a rum an coke is not worth all that to me."

Again, up the volume and pitch.

"Please wait here while I get my manager"

Enter Jessica. the only person not losing their mind in the kitchen trying to get everything plated up.

"Ma'am, as my bartender has told you, if you don't have your id, you will not be served alcohol at this time."

FINE (stomp stomp)

*snicker* REALLY? You think you gonna take ME on? I don't THINK so. And PLEASE tell me just HOW your skanky ass got from wherever you live to British Columbia, either by driving or flying, without having your fucking ID???

The SECOND the bar went to cash, I did nothing but pour pop and juice the rest of the night.

So I started getting cleaned up, labeling wines that were open, etc. And of course, as soon as I did, here comes the groom.

"You're not closed are you?"

No sir, just some clean up. The bars are open till 11:45, as per your contract.

"Well, just so you know, as soon as my friends get through cleaning up around here, I want to be able to buy them all a drink on my tab. So you can't close. And you have to let me know with a last call for the bar so I can do that"

Sir, we will be doing that anyway. If you want to be personally notified, my supervisor will take care of that.

Then the guy disappeared. At 11:45 on the DOT, he pops up, and wants to buy Grey Goose shots and jagerbombs for the half dozen people still there.

Shortly after that, miss THANG and her boyfriend went to walk out the door, and she want to turn around and give me the stank eye.....*laughing*

Girl, let me tell you what. I have pitched bigger and badder than you out of redneck bars.


I managed to get them taken care of, get everything cleaned up, stocked, and done, and be home by 12:45.

The weekend is over. I have the next three days off, and I am looking forward to vegging in front of the tv, getting a foot massage, and cooking for my husband, amongst other things.

I have a tournament on Thursday.

I have a DEBUT on Friday, which means I will be overrun with 18 year olds.

And I have a wedding on Saturday, but I will be in Gallery, where I can work by myself.

I have Sunday off. And Monday the 16th I have a massage scheduled.

You people think I make this shit up.

I beg to differ. NO ONE would voluntarily make this kind of shit up on their BEST day.




04:20 Aug 10 2010



*banging head against desk*

02:56 Aug 04 2010
Times Read: 1,127

Good GOD

I worked Friday, Saturday, Sunday

wedding wedding wedding

Persian, Oriental, Oriental

Friday: First they wanted just dinner wine. Then wine served only at the bar, Jackson Triggs red and white and Peller Estates red and white. Then Hosted bar from 6-9, cash bar from 9 until midnight when we closed. So at 9 pm, we closed the bars, did inventory, and reopened with new inventory sheets. Of course I got the obligatory asshole with the "well, you KNOW, it isn't REALLY 9 o'clock yet, by MY watch. Well, if I was going by YOUR watch, I would worry about it, but since I am going by my SUPERVISOR'S watch, you've just been out voted. SEE ya. I reopened at 9:10, and at 9:45 the groom decided he wanted the bars to go BACK to hosted until 11 pm, and then cash for an HOUR until midnight. I had people yelling at me all night because no one TOLD anybody this was happening. Sometimes I just want to kill people.

SATURDAY: The bride wanted NO bar, the groom wanted a TOTAL bar. The compromise? 50 bottles MAX of wine to be served JUST at the bars, and a MAX of 200 bottles of domestic beer. For BOTH bars. No liquor, no other beers, no premium liquor. The only thing we handed out, and yes it was a hosted bar, was domestic beer up to 200 bottles (we hit 201 when we finally totalled up real fast) the two wines (Peller Estates red and white) and pop and juice. Thankfully, it ended when the bars close at 11:30- too bad the drunks at tables 10 and 11 didn't get a clue, and hop on the SHORT bus...THEY stayed until almost 1 am. I on the other hand was home getting some REAL action....And the reason WHY the bride didn't want a bar? She didn't want anybody to get drunk. Then why not have a cash bar instead of a hosted bar? She didn't want to be perceived as CHEAP


Sunday. The uncle paid for the wedding, and was a total cheapskate. The bar was cash and tickets, with tickets only good for gun liquor and dometic beer. Pop, juice, and the dinner wine, which was NOT to exceed 20 bottles for a function of 200 people, was hosted. AND that 20 bottles was supposed to cover both service at the bar AND dinner wine service. Fortunately pop and juice was hosted all night, and I had a lot of kids who were alot more polite and sweet than their adult counterparts. And for a change, THIS wedding ended at 10:30, AND the people left early.

So now I have 4 days off, counting yesterday, which was a holiday up here. Still trying to decipher what else I am working this weekend besides the for sure wedding on Sunday.

But again, I had a great birthday, the guys at the funtion made it really special, and so did my inlaws. My friends here left me great messages on my threads, I got phone calls, all is right with the world...lol



06:09 Aug 04 2010

Holy guacamole batman!!! I'm surprised that you didn't lose your cool, but we all know that our RedQueen is the queen of cool..glad to hear you had a good birthday!

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