moonkissed's Journal

moonkissed's Journal


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16 entries this month

05:59 Sep 30 2012
Times Read: 1,159

I feel so very lucky.

I have a life.

It is beyond the Internet.

Sometimes it keeps me away from the computer for hours and even days.

I am happy that the Internet is here when I want it but life would be so empty without real and close loved ones to share it with me. To laugh and cry and argue occasionally.

sometimes I get annoyed when I don't feel I can have any time to myself but the truth is that without them I would probably be a sad, lonely person with nothing to do.



10:16 Sep 30 2012

That's it in a nutshell.. Living life iand interaction with people is more tangible than living life on the Internet were you may only see their alter-ego, and a false impression of who, and what they really are.

14:07 Sep 30 2012

:) Luck has nothng to do with this one really.We make our choices when it comes to living or sitting on our butts all day on the internet.

16:48 Sep 30 2012

I see it in so many places.

I log on here in the mornings to check messages and then periodically through the day. I once had a conversation that spanned over a month because me and the other person have other things to do and sometime limited access.

My computer issues got me out of a group on facebook that was so crazy with the Zombie Slayer app game that some people were playing every single minute they were awake. The group owners each had two or three fb profiles and the group was constantly in the top three.

I saw it with FV.

I know people who log off of some websites and then get on the phone to talk about them.

When I log off here I don't think about VR.

19:46 Oct 02 2012

Ditto... I used to though when I had a job here, now I just couldn't have the time for that.

20:25 Oct 02 2012

When I first joined the site and started doing things online in general my life was different. It is hard to believe it now but I set up my first Yahoo(with help)in 2004(I think)when a neighbor helped me pay my phone bill. In 2005 I got Internet for the first time. My son had to teach me how to use it.

I went through a brief period(a few years)of getting way to caught up in trivial Internet bullshit. Getting my feelings hurt by faceless strangers and other stupidity and then I grew up.

I am still more or less a shut in but I make use of my time. This is just my coffee stop or break room.


14:41 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 1,179

I am happy to say I got through journals quickly this morning.

Nothing of particular interest to me except for maybe a nice lady's birthday.

On with the rest of my day.




01:41 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 1,191

Thank goodness for people who are that certain kind of crazy.

They make life so interesting between commercials and they give people something to talk about.



01:46 Sep 28 2012

Just Like that song goes ;)

03:34 Sep 28 2012

I do know the song!

15:01 Sep 28 2012

you mean bat shit crazy or just the run of the mill crazy lol

15:14 Sep 28 2012

I am talking about the mass majority of VR, not one person in particular. Although I have found out the perceptionally speaking the concepts are one in the same.

Sometimes one individual is a multitude.


19:44 Sep 27 2012
Times Read: 1,205

I have a sudden urge to start a department of compliance. If for no other reason than pure smart assery.

Someone made me chuckle today.

Now, how do I go about becoming agreeable and obedient as a public service?



20:59 Sep 27 2012

And you get a paid pension, plenty of paid sick lave, and plenty of vacations too all for being a smart official piece of ass! Lol

01:25 Sep 28 2012

HAHAHA! It just was to damned good to pass up!


23:08 Sep 26 2012
Times Read: 1,231

Sometimes, you just want a peanut butter and jelly.



23:44 Sep 26 2012

Well I sure as hell want one after reading this.

00:26 Sep 27 2012

Toasted peanut butter with strawberry preserves.


03:14 Sep 27 2012

Me too, Images...lol!

04:30 Sep 27 2012

It was good!

06:32 Sep 27 2012

That does it for me for a late night snack


13:13 Sep 26 2012
Times Read: 1,245

Yesterday my computer began going through the motions of rejecting Vampire Rave. I click on a link and it hangs up on the loading ads. In fact, as I type Read ads.pubmatic.com is flickering on my screen and my text is actually lagging.

Several times yesterday I had to reload in order to view a page at all. First facebook and now VR....

I wonder how long before it becomes unusable entirely.



18:51 Sep 26 2012

Hey,I was getting those pubmatic things too .I think between you and me,we can safely say we have the most decrepid computers here.I have to run my in command prompt mode and cant look or listen to ANYthing. :/

HAha oh,and the chord keeps coming loose so after Ive written something,I go to post and have lost connection!

23:06 Sep 26 2012

Oh no!

The one I use most of the time is an old eMac salvaged from the Boys Camp Wilderness Store. We have had no serious complaints in the two years we have had it until now.

I think the problem is with the ads pretty much exclusively. When I was on the PM profile it ran smoothly.


01:16 Sep 26 2012
Times Read: 1,250

The people in my home marvel at Miku the cat. How she begs for things that smell chocolate.

They remind her of the first time she had ice cream.

She really doesn't care for chocolate at all.



03:13 Sep 27 2012

That's good, since chocolate is very bad for cats (and even worse for dogs)...

My Whiskers loves chocolate, so I usually have to hide whenever I'm eating it. On a few occasions, I let him lick tiny bits from my fingers. (And he's 11 years old and healthy)!

04:29 Sep 27 2012

She still loves the junk.


21:20 Sep 25 2012
Times Read: 1,252

Kids will be home soon. Time to get started on the dinner stuff and switch into mom mode.




15:17 Sep 25 2012
Times Read: 1,256

Time to wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up.

Nope. Head is still not clear.

With no school on Monday, my daughter asked for a shopping trip. She had scrounged, saved, skimped on her own lunches and bummed money off friends through the end of the last school year in order to get a piercing. At the last minute she decided to get her ears done in order to test for metal sensitivity first. She still says she wants the lip piercing but she also needs to find a way to make her own money. I have given her many suggestions on how this could be done.

I will keep working with her on it.

A friend of hers called on Sunday, wanting to come over and join in the fun so Monday morning we packed into the car and headed off to Seneca. The first shop is a consignment/ over-stock/thrift store. They always have a lot of cute and trendy things. Brand new overstock is usually well below retail; we found a dress that was originally $300 for $25.

I have found that they have let their standards drop a bit.

I found several garments with rips, busted seams and popped zippers. One such poorly constructed garment was a full-length tie-dye cotton sundress, sized as small. This dress would easily come down to my ankles or just above(given my bodice). Anyone buying it as a small would have been constantly stepping on the hem and ripping the layers out of the dress. In several places.

Originally priced around $30 at Rue21; marked down to $7 and sold finally for $3. Not bad. My daughter found lime colored skinny jeans and a pair of plaid short shorts for her friend, I think she spent $9.

We did not find much else but we did enjoy window shopping the thrift stores. The girls found a hand signed fan club Paul McCartney fan pic in a box of old photo's and personal memorabilia of an utter stranger. These personal effects in totality will sell for $20 and if we had had the $20 I know they would have been treated with reverence.

We finally finished at Walmart and headed for home. I was tired and not feeling well. The girls were planning to watch a horror movie and I know that our driver was ready to get out of civilization.




23:14 Sep 23 2012
Times Read: 1,316

I just realized there are an awful lot of 30 to 40 somethings on VR. A couple more decades it could end up resembling a gothic cyber nursing home. LOL



23:22 Sep 23 2012

Just wait till it gets senile here. ;D

23:29 Sep 23 2012

Gets senile? It's already there.

23:47 Sep 23 2012

I went pass the 12 hour limit because I was napping at the keyboard, lol

23:49 Sep 23 2012

I picture it in my mind's eye now...

23:56 Sep 23 2012

Cyber wheelchair races and the same people cyber-beating each other in the shins with their cyber canes.

I can think of worse people to grow old with.

02:43 Sep 24 2012

I'm looking into gothic cyber nursing homes right now.

02:59 Sep 24 2012

I just thought I would stick with this one.

07:12 Sep 24 2012

While i imagine what can happen when we start losing our memory and forget passwords...

10:00 Sep 24 2012


God, grant me the Senility

To forget the people

I never liked anyway,

The good fortune

To run into the ones I do,

And the eyesight

To tell the difference.

12:05 Sep 24 2012

Lol that's the best!!!!

13:14 Sep 24 2012

LOL! Good one Pagan.

I already use memory tricks to remember my logins. OY!

15:00 Sep 24 2012

30 or 40 something not so old, we like to have

fun too, not dead yet, and one day you will

be there too..lol

01:34 Sep 25 2012

I am nearly 40 so I am one of the members to which I refer.

I don't even think that 80 is old; my grandma did pretty well until she reached 95.


00:29 Sep 22 2012
Times Read: 1,332

I still struggle with the idea of married couples having separate accounts.

HIS money, HER money. What happened to being partners in life; Together. I have heard and seen so many arguments for why two people who have signed a contract to live together until one of them dies SHOULD have separate bank accounts but none of them make sense to me.

If a person does not trust their spouse or cannot trust their spouse with money, how can they trust them with anything else? Why would I want to be married to someone that I cannot trust?

Simple! I wouldn't. I don't think anyone else should either. That is their freedom of choice.

If a person chooses an untrustworthy spouse, they should leave or learn to live with it but they shouldn't punish other people with it.

The things that married people should be paying for together as I see it are:

Bills and utilities, things for the kids, automobile home and pet maintenance, groceries, gasoline.

I understand that sometimes people like to do things or go out with friends. Give yourself an allowance, take cash.

Why is it so important to have autonomy from the person you are supposed to love forever? What are people trying to hide? Am I seeing it all wrong?

With all of the people fighting for the right to get married at all, why do so many married people treat marriage like a threat to their independence?



23:03 Sep 22 2012

I agree, mostly. But what if one spouse is awesome, but just not good with handling money? One of them has to be responsible and keep some funds away from the irresponsible one, to get things paid.

00:47 Sep 23 2012

Isn't that a consequence of marrying an irresponsible, thoughtless person? Maybe a credit card is the answer for them or better yet a prepaid gift Visa. That is like an allowance.

I still think all money should go into the same account and used for the household.

23:48 Sep 23 2012

My ex-husband and I started out with a shared account but we had different views on how it should be spent/saved. So one day he just up and opened his own separate account. I made more money then him so he was only hurting himself. He was a control freak. It pissed me off at first but in the long run it worked out better.

23:54 Sep 23 2012

Considering that he is an Ex; that must have marked the beginning of the end.

I wasn't married to my ex and we had separate accounts but I always knew it wasn't a permanent arrangement.

15:54 Sep 24 2012

Good friends of mine have three accounts. Household- shared responsibility etc. all the household/family/children's need come out of it. They put in equal amounts, or base it off of the current agreement they have (discussed as needed).

Then they have their own accounts. He is a cyclist and LOVES expensive bikes- which irritated her. She on the otherhand LOVES to shop, so spending more on a dress while irriating to him, is something she really enjoys. By having these seperate accounts they know the house, kids and living expenses are paid, but when they want or must have that non-nessessity they can and not create any drama or irritation as it is their money.

No it's not for everyone, but it really works well for them.

01:37 Sep 25 2012

My neighbor got pissed at her husband for paying the ATT bill with the joint account. The bill covered her cell, her internet and his tv but she thought he should pay for it entirely. She got so mad that she told them to shut everything off.


15:22 Sep 21 2012
Times Read: 1,333

I slept in this morning. When I woke I was surrounded by cats, most of them saying in some fashion or other "Make breakfast". So I rolled out of bed and filled the food pans, fed the dogs too. Started the morning coffee.

Yesterday I had 1 cup of coffee before going out to exercise the dogs. We have no fence so when they spied the new neighbor walking up the road, they ran to meet him.

They have never met him before but the collie is a "good ole boy" and the border collie is a busy body. I ended up talking with the neighbor for nearly an hour. Both of us are housebound a good deal of the time out here in the country.

I say in the country and it is. I live in a community that is nestled in among cow, corn and hay fields. Tracts of land that were sold of by the acre about 15 years ago.

It's about a dozen houses all told tucked in close enough to see or yell over the fence but still a good 20 to 40 minute drive depending on whether you are going to the grocery or into town. There are several micro-neighborhoods like ours separated by cow fields, corn fields and hay fields.

...Where was I?

So me and the neighbor talked for a bit. He is hoping to buy the little lot behind our houses. It goes up for tax auction in a bout a week. My husband is despondent over this news.

He had always hoped we could buy it once we could afford it but we can't. If we had the money to do so, we could pay the taxes on it and hold off the tax foreclosure for a year but we don't have that either. This neighbor doesn't care about the property itself. There is a little utility access drive that runs smack up the side of his property. This would serve as a driveway for anyone who happened to buy it; provided they could get a home in there. It's about a quarter acre and with properties all the way around, there is no way to get a trailer in there and the utilities on it haven't been used in years. There is no way they could be repaired if damaged without digging into someone else's property. Frankly, none of us has to permit that. Besides, once seeing what they have to live right next to I don't think anyone would want to put a house there. The people who live on the other side of that vacant property are constantly yelling vulgarities, burning all trash(plastics, Styrofoam's, I suspect they have even burned tires)fighting...just really great neighbors.

The new guy doesn't want to do anything with the property he just doesn't want anyone else other than utility crews, using the driveway. Over this, my husband is despondent.

He will get over it.

...This was originally about coffee right?

By the time I came back in from talking with the neighbor the air was already giving me that damp, itchy feel and I was starting to feel restless. I wanted another cup of coffee.

I always have at least two. The pot was still on.

But when I tried to drink a second cup it just felt wrong.

I couldn't enjoy it.

When I used to smoke I could not smoke a cigarette before 10am without feeling sick. If I put off smoking until after 3pm I felt out of sorts and if I smoked after midnight I felt light headed and sick. I was a social smoker so the cigarette's were more or less props. I couldn't focus on a conversation without one. On a day when no one called I wouldn't smoke for most of the day.

I wonder if the coffee thing was like that?

...So, this morning I had my coffee....



23:05 Sep 22 2012



04:43 Sep 18 2012
Times Read: 1,334

I marvel at the tenacity it takes to keep up with an Internet discussion. There are times I can wile away an entire day discussing, debating and postulating. I try to stick to the discussions that mean the most to me. The things I actually know something about. I hope that I never make anyone seem small or insignificant because I see how everyone has something to contribute. Even if it is incorrect, especially when it proves my point.

I find a small amount of entertainment in ignorance. Especially when the person thinks they are smart but sometimes it is important when to know to just walk away because the person really knows nothing.

Their opinion is backwardly supported by statistics and statistics aren't facts.

If knowledge were food statistics would be chips and soda while solid facts would be wholesome nutrition.

I like a food analogy.



07:14 Sep 24 2012

Discussions are food to me

13:15 Sep 24 2012

Sometimes for me too.


14:33 Sep 16 2012
Times Read: 1,346

I am happy to have the bills paid and thanks to overtime plus holiday pay my husbands paycheck is allowing us to make a few repairs. The focus today is the Master Bath. I am told that in addition to repairing the leaky toilet we are also replacing the sinks.

I was also able to get my son a birthday present for the first time in years. He will be in Oppa Gangnam forbidden. hehe



17:15 Sep 16 2012

Happy days! :)

21:49 Sep 16 2012

Hurray! The fact that you all are able to get some basics done is great...!

01:13 Sep 17 2012

The water from the leak in the tank nearly destroyed the floor. That was a mess. I am very happy to have it behind us. I am also happy that we survived hubby's first repair without cigarettes.


22:54 Sep 14 2012
Times Read: 1,355

My son thinks he may want to be a teacher.

Wow, he has grown and changed so much in the last few years. I finally feel like I really did make some good decisions.



23:00 Sep 14 2012

I bet you are one proud mum..well deserved too!

01:25 Sep 15 2012

Proud, relieved. A year ago he was talking about ditching everything after graduation and hitch hiking around the country. The years before that he didn't believe he had a future.

Now his plans involve staying close and having a life.


23:52 Sep 13 2012
Times Read: 1,362

How does one go about writing a journal entry about their thoughts and feelings when the thoughts and feelings are numb and dull and void? What I mean to say is how can I do it without seeming to appear as though I want attention when I don't.

I could just not post one at all but that seems lazy. It feels like not even trying but on the other hand talking about how blue I am just feels like whining.

No one wants wine without cheese and crackers; I have none.

So I guess this journal entry is done.



21:50 Sep 16 2012

For the numb and void, it is well put.

01:16 Sep 17 2012

Still depressed but am getting by.

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