Dakotah's Journal


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17 entries this month

03:08 Apr 28 2020
Times Read: 1,016

For all you shut-in off work due to covid ladies...



03:21 Apr 28 2020


08:36 Apr 28 2020

wine o clock indeed

08:36 Apr 28 2020

i think i have turn chocoholic and coffeeholic more than i used to be lol

13:30 Apr 28 2020

21:15 Apr 28 2020



21:18 Apr 27 2020
Times Read: 1,045

Sean's Shut-in Journal Share..

We each have a different story. If you need to stay home, stay home. But be kind anyway. If you need to go out, go. Just respect others when in public and be kind! Don’t judge fellow humans because you’re not in their story. We all are in different mental states than we were months ago. Be kind anyway.

This is so me. I won't get on the scale for now:

And keep your heads up!

It ain’t money that makes the world go round
That’s only temporary confusion
It ain’t governments that make the people strong
It’s the opposite illusion
Look right now and you will see
they’re only here by the skin of our teeth as it is
so take heart and take care of your link with Life...

Give it a listen!

and if you just have to go out and get your hair cut... find a person like this :

Be safe!



21:34 Apr 27 2020

You too 😁

21:45 Apr 27 2020

Be safebe strong

00:35 Apr 28 2020

Lol what about this

02:29 Apr 28 2020

08:37 Apr 28 2020

We are stronger than this. It just need a little of more to be inmind for other people. But we will pass that

08:38 Apr 28 2020

Hopefully all this be will be in the past from the next month. At least here it start to be slowly


20:00 Apr 26 2020
Times Read: 1,083


So, who knew the CDC would put out these guidelines on having SEX!!!!!! GO CDC!!!!!

Let's talk safe sex during covid 19!!!!!!

Rest your minds all you single peeks or us who are mates are far way:

Before you masterbate!!!!!

Masturbation will not spread COVID-19, especially if you wash your hands (and any sex toys) with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after sex.

After you masterbate!!!!

I am not sure if this applies to anyone here or not but I will just post it anyway:

If you usually meet your sex partners online or make a living by having sex, consider taking a break from in-person dates. Video dates, sexting or chat rooms may be options for you.

And for those of you who are lucky enough to have your partner shut in with you during this covid thing:

Take care during sex.

• Kissing can easily pass COVID-19. Avoid kissing anyone who is not part of your small circle
of close contacts.
• Rimming (mouth on anus) might spread COVID-19. Virus in feces may enter your mouth.
• Condoms and dental dams can reduce contact with saliva or feces, especially during oral
or anal sex.
• Washing up before and after sex is more important than ever.
o Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

(I did find the 2nd one in that list a bit disturbing but who am I to judge!)

And again.... People, Wash sex toys with soap and warm water.

Happy Sex to all and to all a goodnight!



20:08 Apr 26 2020

I washed before and after but the hubby and I broke the rest of the rules last night lol. Anyone else with me?

20:27 Apr 26 2020

I always wash before and after I....

21:09 Apr 26 2020

Excuse me ma'am, but there seems to be a latex glove in there.

21:28 Apr 26 2020

LMAO Mogy, your so bad lol.

21:43 Apr 26 2020

22:16 Apr 26 2020

Next time I read a comment left by mogy I am not going to drink anything during. Choked on my water. Thanks XD

23:27 Apr 26 2020

03:10 Apr 28 2020

Im laughing I needed that thanks.


21:10 Apr 23 2020
Times Read: 1,114

Sean Shut yadda yadda MOGY HELP!

I could not find a giggle dick gif.




21:21 Apr 23 2020

LMAO, oh this is going to lead to something very very funny

22:18 Apr 23 2020

I know, right!

22:55 Apr 23 2020

Mogy! Bro!

23:11 Apr 23 2020

Bro, I just spent the last 3 hours waiting for Spectrum to get its shit together. No internet, home phone or cable due to some outtage. smh

01:22 Apr 24 2020

Wow, I knew something had to of happen.


22:44 Apr 22 2020
Times Read: 1,129

Sean Shut In Stuff Lame Humor Day!

I think we all need a laugh. Here is some funny jokes. Feel free to share yours.


The Italian says, "When I've a finished a makina da love withah my wife, I go down and gently tickle the back of her knees, she floats 6 inches above da bed in ecstacy."

The Frenchman replies. "Zat is noting, when Ah've finished making ze love with ze wife, Ah kiss all ze way down her body and zen Ah lick za soles of her feet wiz mah tongue and she floats 12 inches above ze bed in pure ecstasy."

The redneck says, "That aint nothing. When I've finished porkin the ole lady , I git out of bed, walk over to the winder and wipe my weener on the curtains. She hits the freakin' ceiling"


Pirate walks into a bar. Bartender says "Do you know you have a steering wheel on your crotch?" Pirate replies "Aye, it's driving me nuts!"

Ireland's worst air disaster occurred early this morning when a small two-seater Cessna plane crashed into a cemetery. Irish search and rescue workers have recovered 1826 bodies so far and expect that number to climb as digging continues into the night.

Two fish are in a tank, and one says to the other "How do you drive this thing?"

Rudolph's wife is looking out the window at the dreary Moscow day. "I think it's going to snow, dear." she says. "No," he replies, "it's going to rain." "But it's too cold for rain," she states. "Look," he retorts, "Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear."

(that was my favorite joke when I was maybe 5 years old)

The pope, a boy scout, and George Bush are all in a small plane. The pilot enters the passenger cabin and says, "Sorry for the inconvenience, we're going to crash. We only have three parachutes. I have survival and first aid skills, so I can help whoever parachutes out." He takes a parachute and jumps. George Bush jumps up and grabs the next parachute, "I'm the leader of the free world and the world's smartest man!" He jumps out. The pope looks at the scout and says, "Son, I've lived a long and full life, you take the parachute and I'll gracefully go meet the Lord." The boy scout laughs and says, "The heck with that, padre, the world's smartest man just jumped out of the plane with my knapsack!"

And last one...

An atheist was walking through the woods...

"What majestic trees! "
"What powerful rivers!"
"What beautiful animals!"
He said to himself.

As he was walking alongside the river, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned to look. He saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charging towards him.

He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was closing in on him.

He looked over his shoulder again, and the bear was even closer. He tripped and fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up but saw that the bear was right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw and raising his right paw to strike him.

At that instant the Atheist cried out, "Oh my God!"

Time Stopped.
The bear froze.
The forest was silent.

As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky. "You deny my existence for all these years, teach others I don't exist, and even credit creation to cosmic accident. Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to count you as a believer?"

The atheist looked directly into the light and said, "It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps you could make the BEAR a Christian?"

"Very Well," said the voice.

The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed. And the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together, bowed his head & spoke:

"Lord bless this food, which I am about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen."



22:47 Apr 22 2020


22:51 Apr 22 2020


19:29 Apr 21 2020
Times Read: 1,155

Shut -In Stuff Day # ....20-something I think.

Last night I watched the Governor of the state I am in announce starting Friday some businesses can reopen...

The ones that can reopen are: Barber Shops, Nail Salons, Bowling Alley's....

Go get that COVID hair!

Course the Governor of this fair State IMO is an idiot. The cases here raise to 1000 or MORE each day. The deaths double every 3 days.

Monday he says restaurants eat-in ones can open. The thing that will save this state is that NONE of these small business have the money to open. The Government funds for them to apply for those loans was out of funds on day 2. None of my friends here their Unemployment no one has gotten...

So while I stay shut in and play it smart; I do worry for the rest of this State.



19:39 Apr 21 2020


20:13 Apr 21 2020

All the news CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC is asking how this Governor can re-open this state when the cases double 100% each day. That this state has not spiked yet. For me I think he should be made to go dine out, get a hair-cut, play some bowling, get a body art, get his nails done.... Insane! During a Global Pandemic he opens these business.

23:36 Apr 21 2020

I am just going to hide in my hole.

02:11 Apr 22 2020

05:35 Apr 24 2020

Anyone comes near me without a mask is getting sprayed with lysol. Bet.


19:11 Apr 20 2020
Times Read: 1,186

Sean Shut In Stuff

On the news today where I am at the date to start open MIGHT be June. I am ok with the state not opening too fast.

The song I dedicate to us all today:

Also, Happy 420!!!!!!!

And if you leave the house wear those mask

Be well all....



20:40 Apr 20 2020

lol, Happy 420 Injun :} I want that mask. Gimmie

21:27 Apr 20 2020

Who needs a torch?


22:11 Apr 19 2020
Times Read: 1,222

Sean's shut-in journal stuff.

My Budget for the month of April was:

Gas and car maitance: $0.00 (my truck filled up and can not go anywhere)
Personal Care: $0.00
Household cleaning supplies (Ok I have OSD and Bleach is a must but none to be found: $0.00
Dry Cleaning: $0.00 (stay at home order in effect, shorts and a tee shirt my new work outfit does not require dry cleaning)
Amazon Movie Rentals: $70
Food: $500
Take-out delivery: $150 (Door-Dash)
Art supplies from Amazon: $100

I got sent this and laughed my ass off:

I hope you all are staying safe!



00:01 Apr 20 2020


04:21 Apr 15 2020
Times Read: 1,280

Shut In Stuff Day... I asked Alexa how many days has it been. She told me to stay 6 feet away from her from now on.

I have mask! Yeah!!!! Then on the news this week....

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) is being urged to suspend a law against wearing masks in public that was initially passed to crack down on the Ku Klux Klan, to allow Georgians to protect themselves against the coronavirus.

I mean....

Technically by wearing a mask before the Governor of this fair state changed the law; I was breaking the law.

I want to go home.

The 1951 law makes it a misdemeanor to wear a “mask, hood or device by which any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer” either on public property or without permission on private property.

And last but not least to my Bro's Mord, Zombie and Mogy...

Hey, who likes fit girls?




04:30 Apr 15 2020

I like em think like me lol. If you ever need to, I am in Cali. You can always run here is Canada still has it's borders shut. Between Mogy and I we got you covered.

16:55 Apr 15 2020


18:42 Apr 13 2020
Times Read: 1,304

Covid Lock down.... I think it's some where between March and August.

Le Art

Anyhow...this is what I did over the weekend. It's still watercolor - sort of. I'm was using leftover pieces from watercolor paintings and making a paper mosaic. It's a bit of an experiment but I had fun with it. I took pics of the progress from Friday night and finished it on Sunday.

In this one I've finished the water and have moved on to the sky area. Needed to finish the rays, finish the sky, then I had plan to add some embellishments with iridescent paint before calling it done. I don't particularly like how jagged the edges of the piece look, but it's canvas; I don't have a sharp edge to work with.

Stayed up a bit late last night and finished the watercolor mosaic. Added some iridescent paint on a few pieces here and there to add some interest and because I felt like it. I love how it looks so I had to restrain myself and not put too much on. Now to decide how I'm going to seal it.

So this is what I have done with my lock down time. Le Art!!!! Thank goodness Amazon considers art supplies priority items! I had run out of paints.

Stay safe all!



23:49 Apr 13 2020

Whats essential is my hair dye. I am so done with my grey hair. I look OLD. Nice painting :}

00:16 Apr 14 2020


22:10 Apr 09 2020
Times Read: 1,361

I got my covid-19 stimulas package from Canada. $2000 went into my bank account this morning. My America roommates have not gotten their $1200 American stimulus yet. Not sure when they will; maybe 20th.

Trump said he would look into pardoning Joe Exotic from the 'Tiger King' Netflix series.

And dat dat dat's all folks! For now...



22:20 Apr 09 2020

22:20 Apr 09 2020

Man I wish I'd get mine already

22:39 Apr 09 2020

I haven't even gotten unemployment yet lol.


20:45 Apr 07 2020
Times Read: 1,407

I call to all my Bro's here...

I am going...

Do you also have this problem???



20:47 Apr 07 2020

No. If I'm not at work or at the grocery, I am at home. I don't want to be anywhere else...ever.

21:07 Apr 07 2020

I miss the gym ad the pub playing darts. That is about it... Oh and when I go food shopping shit is actually there that I need. Other then that no desire to interact with society as a whole.

21:33 Apr 07 2020

14:37 Apr 08 2020

Hey! going insane is not a problem, its the solution to coping with life!


22:55 Apr 06 2020
Times Read: 1,432

“Everybody should pray together, cheer along, root along. That brings the circle together. Everything is together.”
–Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA

Life on the Earth can sometimes be very complicated. Sometimes we think we are alone in our problems. Sometime we even withdraw. Then the problems become even more difficult. We need to watch out for one another, to care for one another, to pray together, to encourage one another; and we need to support one another. Behaving in this manner will bring the circle together.

Great Spirit, today, let me support my brothers and sisters.



23:10 Apr 06 2020

01:11 Apr 07 2020

Hugs and prays

13:18 Apr 07 2020

To save humanity, I think one should start by murdering hoarders and panic buyers, I swear if someone nabs my favorites meats again, I am going to start breaking necks. Empty shelves is everywhere.


02:45 Apr 04 2020
Times Read: 1,473

Shut in day: Who counts anymore! This is so cool! If anyone is up and reads this on the East Coast of American there is a amazing ring around the moon! I looked it up on YT and this video is 100% what the moon looks like right now. I liked what this video called it, The Death Star Halo Moon. But it is spot on what it looks like right now:

I just love nature. The rings is a perfect full circle. It is said that they bring good luck to the localized area they're viewed in. We could sure use some of that. Pretty cool.



02:50 Apr 04 2020

That was pretty damn cool!!! Nature is simply amazing! 👍

03:00 Apr 04 2020

Must be just where you are. I am far east coast.

03:18 Apr 04 2020

I am in state of georgia about 30 min from the Ocean.


03:06 Apr 03 2020
Times Read: 1,501

On a positive note...One thing I'm happy with is that I've been cooking my soul out for my peeps AND using leftovers with military precision. Our food waste has gone to near zero--I have my dehydrator out, I have a precise freezer schedule, etc.

It's alllllmost prepper porn only I'm prepping like it would a six week feast before everyone died of radioactivity or something.

Also, Amazon decided art supplies are priority items that their customers need the most! I was out of a few colors of paint and thought I would have to roam the neighborhood looking for flowers to crush to make some paint! Grab a few new brushes while I was at it and Amazon claims delivery will be Sunday. Bless them!



06:47 Apr 03 2020


16:24 Apr 02 2020
Times Read: 1,533

What I feared would happen, happened. Liliancat was told not to come to the hospital. She was still getting treatments for her cancer. For now she can not get them. I mean she has been getting treatments for the past 5 months. Needless to say with Covid-19 she is in that group of compromised immune system. If she got Covid-19 well it would not be good. However, she needs chemo and blood work... So it is damned if you do and damned if you do not. This is real. I do not even like writing about this because it becomes real but I do it to beg, plead, everyone here who will give a damn HELP!!!! Pray if you pray, do spells... do what every it is you do, send positive energy.... For just a moment stop what you are doing and think about the people all over the world like Liliancat who now can not go to hospitals for their treatments to save their lives because ALL the hospitals are only taking Covid19 patients and are just too swamped to take any other patients. Please, I do not want to loose her. I know I joke around a lot in my journals. I use humor right now to keep from totally freaking out. My Mom is a RN. There is another reason to freak out. On the news what they say about Medical staff is all true. My mom is working so many hours that she barely sleeps. At least in Canada they for now have the PPE's the need but still... it's bad. And to all those members here on VR who have anxiety on normal days; I am so sorry you are going though this. My message box is open if any one needs to chat; when I am on line. Folks, we got to help each other. Even if it's a member you do not care for try reaching out and just saying Hi, I am here if you need to chat. This is going to get worse. I want to go home I can not. I want to be with Liliancat and I can not. Where I am there is no travel and we officially are on lock down till who knows when. Ok, well I have written what I need to.

Oh Great Spirit who dwells in the sky,
lead us to the path of peace and understanding,
let all of us live together as brothers and sisters.
Our lives are so short here, walking upon Mother Earth's surface,
let our eyes be opened to all the blessings you have given us.
Please hear our prayers, Oh Great Spirit.

-Thank you all and be safe.
-Sean the guy behind the screen.



16:36 Apr 02 2020

I am so sorry all of you have to go through this. I will keep Liliancat in my prayers. Relax, Dakotah. I can feel your panic, through your at-your-wits'-end words.

Blessed be. Stay safe!

16:57 Apr 02 2020

16:57 Apr 02 2020

Poor Lili😔
But she's a tough kitty, she'll get through this. Just keep her smiling.
Everything's gonna be ok. Hang in there, DK.
Much positive bunny energy🐇

17:01 Apr 02 2020

You and your family are in our prayers. What does lillian cats health care team say for viable options I would start there and start nailing them down. All the Best.

17:16 Apr 02 2020

@Earthgrinder, her doctor is trying to figure something out but the issue also is all the Health Care workers are all working with Covid-19 patients so, at this point, we have no clue.

Thank you all for the support. Brought tears to my eyes. Seriously, this is a time as a VR community we really need to put aside any issue we might have with anyone and support each other though this. Hell we are lucky to have this site right now. Think about it. The world is stuck at home and most only have FB, and YouTube, Netflex , Amazon Prime.

18:57 Apr 02 2020

You both are always in my thoughts.
My anxiety has been terrible, like you I try not to think about it too much and I joke around myself to lighten the mood. I know some people’s lives will never go back to “normal” after this. I just hope we somehow get another chance at life because it seems so grim right now because we are all so unsure about what the future holds right now.
I feel like I’m living in one of those scary horror movies coming to life.

19:08 Apr 02 2020

I'll keep her in my Prayers and you also. This is a scary time for us all and we need to come together to beat this.

21:00 Apr 02 2020

Not sure if this can aid you some help for your girlfriend or wife. But, ask your mother to ask others how or if you can get her on one of the big floating hospital ships to get the further treatment she needs. I will do my very best and pray for her and you as well.

04:14 Apr 03 2020

My thoughts and prayers are with both of you, hope she gets back to the treatment she needs soon.

20:34 Apr 03 2020

Hey dear...

I try to keep contact on the phone with Lilly...
Would be great to get her up to Austria, but our borders are closed too. :(

Please tell her we love and miss her...

03:47 Apr 07 2020

I hope she is okay she is strong person I believe she can pull out of it.


16:56 Apr 01 2020
Times Read: 1,561

Good Morning VR!!!!! Oh, and Sean's working from home shit! Day, April 1st! April fools!!!!!

So at this point my yard has been mowed, shit trimmed, flowers planted, leaves from the winter all raked and burned. House is spotless. I plan to do Le Art later today. Oh and there is a roast in the crock pot. Alone! No veggies, Just a lonely amazing roast with spices because I do not want to upset Morrigon by dropped even a tiny carrot in that pot!

She break this stay at home stuff and show up in my kitchen and kill me!

So, clearly at this point I am insane!

I was reading journals and I noticed one journal ( Nope no names, Ok , Ok I give the name, it was that Injun named Dakotah)

Anyways, this person who will remain nameless used the word 'past' wrong in a sentence!

The voices in my head began to scream because that shirt makes absolutely no sense. It should be has passed. For Christ's sake, I want to punch people in the face for senselessly butchering the English language.


"has passed" is the perfect aspect of the past (plus-perfect) participle of the verb to pass.

This is grammatically correct English, like your old mum used to learn.

"is past" has the following meaning: nothing. Seriously. To pass is a verb. That seems to be an example of the present-active participle (gerund-participle clause), similar to "is running". Except for the fact that 1. past is not in the correct tense or conjugation for this. In fact, past is NOT a conjugation of the verb to pass at all. It's a fucking noun. 2. Even if it were, to pass expressed in such a way would be "is passing".

This is the grammatical equivalent of my siting in my living room, eating a steak and talking about how I totally consider myself a vegan. That's right. BULLSHT. Such things are done by people who cannot properly conjugate verbs because of some mental disease or defect.

To the best of my knowledge, this is NOT grammatically correct (but fuck, why trust some random guy on the internet) and I have not been able to find one piece of evidence to the contrary. If there is some usage of this which is grammatically correct and you can substantiate this with proof, I'll webcam you a picture of someone kicking me in the balls in real time!

Seriously. Learn the damn language. I hear it's useful.

Then the other voice in my head came to play and said; we are screwed = present participle (are is the plural present of to be)

We have been screwed = plus prefect participle.

Temporal progression of participles (with the verb to be) works like this: We are screwed (present). We were being screwed (imperfect past participle). We were screwed (perfect past participle). We had been screwed (plus perfect past participle).

Does anyone read my shit? Is anyone out there???

*waves to LordMogy*

Oh and Zombie, Bro, where are the pics of the ladies??????? Do not let me down Bro!

I hope everyone is well. I won't ask about sanity because we ALL are crazy!



18:26 Apr 01 2020

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