LORDMOGY's Journal

LORDMOGY's Journal


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54 entries this month

21:15 Jan 31 2015
Times Read: 2,166

Well those who know me know one of my favorite hobbies is Antique Shopping. I finally decided to go today after I got my vehicle Smog Certified. Not only did my vehicle pass again, but I found the best finds and got the greatest deal on a few items. I knew I wanted to change out the lamp in my Home Cinema and I felt this would blend in with the Asian theme (among others) that I have going on in there. I didn't even realize the light was green and match the jade I have in there. Awesome! The Spirit Of The Universe is working in my favor as the first month of the New Year comes to a close.

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03:43 Feb 01 2015

Actually - I had NO idea that you like antiques...which is awesome!

And here I thought that everything in your life was centered around sex...lol

13:52 Feb 01 2015

very nice


17:53 Jan 31 2015
Times Read: 2,169

My immune system must be pretty strong because I haven't caught anything going on 4 years, not the flu, a cold, feelings....nothing! ;)




00:43 Jan 26 2015
Times Read: 2,176

'What If'......is the direct cause of much anxiety in life.

'I Should Have'....is the direct cause of much depression in life.

'Fuck It'....is the direct cause of much happiness in life.




22:06 Jan 25 2015
Times Read: 2,184

Chapter 18...Taking a break. That Christian Grey is alright in my book. Go ahead, roll your eyes...I dare you! LOL!




20:43 Jan 25 2015
Times Read: 2,189

You'd be surprise with what a guy would put up with or agree to or do when provided with sex on a regular basis and exposed to a pleasant personality and a loving environment.




19:00 Jan 25 2015
Times Read: 2,195

Take for example of how movies and books portrays a woman laying in the comfort and solace of her lover's arms allowing her to drift off peacefully to sleep feeling loved.

Now change that to reality where her lover wraps her in their arms, but is a loud snorer. She lays there, can't fall asleep, not feeling the love, her picture of how it supposed to be shattered, she becomes annoyed and upset and even elbows her lover and as her lover is awaken rudely, she pretends she must have hit them during a dream caused by her lover's snoring and then tells her lover to turnover or she may just go to another room all together to sleep.

Regardless of her lover attempting throat sprays, no snore strips, chin straps and even surgery to fix their snoring, she still becomes bitter that although it reduced the snoring a little, she can still hear it and it's not like in the movies or the books. So as she sees it, she has 5 options, (1) endure it, (2) try to beat her lover to sleep first, (3) wear ear plugs, (4) sleep in another room every night, or (5) breakup or divorce from her lover.

As Karma goes, when she leaves her lover and attaches herself to another lover who doesn't snore, that lover finds it annoying that she breathes loudly in her sleep, has Restless Legs Syndrome and kicks them all night as well as farts in her sleep. So then her new lover goes over in their own mind options to take due to being annoyed that it's just not like the picture they had in their head of how it is supposed to be with this woman.

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17:54 Jan 25 2015
Times Read: 2,197

I've indulged so long in my online movie/TV show watching and blogging hobbies that it's time now to do some book reading. I purchased Fifty Shades of Grey like 8 months ago. It has 26 Chapters and I'm only on Chapter 16. I think the movie will be out before I finish this book...LOL! I don't feel it's as bad as some reviews have stated it to be, but I do feel the writer went a little over board with expressing her feelings for how much she admires the guy's beauty and is forever crying or worrying about something. So much internal anguish and questioning. Well wait, it is from a female author....Hmmmm, ok that explains it. Never mind. ^_^




23:49 Jan 24 2015
Times Read: 2,220

It's too quiet. Someone is being sneaky and plotting something.



23:52 Jan 24 2015



00:33 Jan 25 2015

Can i not sneakily boob brush VvReignvV without being caught lol


17:07 Jan 24 2015
Times Read: 2,226

I think for myself

therefore I

don't have

much in

common with

a lot of people




16:43 Jan 24 2015
Times Read: 2,228

The simple fact is an individual can work hard to create a life of tranquility and happiness, but by allowing one person into their life that person will bring with them their own beliefs, short comings, character traits, personality, learned behavior, chosen behavior, fears, struggles, association with others, unresolved personal issues, baggage, and personal life challenges which all contribute to a level of drama that may or may not be acceptable nor compatible with one's lifestyle.




05:20 Jan 24 2015
Times Read: 2,245

There's a difference between Education and Intellect...



09:48 Jan 24 2015


*although my keyboard tried to autocorrect that to "turtle"*

10:24 Jan 24 2015

I don't give much credence to someone's level of education. The higher the level of education, the less likely I am to listen to what they have to say. More times than not, they're just spewing what they have read in a textbook.

I am more apt to listen to someone who can articulate what they mean in their own words.


02:04 Jan 24 2015
Times Read: 2,257

A "Good Woman" in an intimate relationship is subjective and defined by the partner. Many women feel as though they are "Good Women" only to find they fall short of what is defined as "Good" by their own partners which directly contributes to some partners "acting out" in protest. Men and Women need to sit down and have an honest and open discussion with their partners and ask them to defined what "Good" means to them in relation to them as a partner. I'm sure many people will be enlightened and compromises will have to be made as actions and conduct would require change.



16:26 Jan 24 2015

Corrected a typo....Comment re-posted.

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19:03 Jan 22 2015
Times Read: 2,262



08:14 Jan 22 2015
Times Read: 2,285

20 Signs Of Maturity For Both Men & Women

1. Your relationships are less dramatic than they used to be

2. You are a lot calmer

3. Your health appears to be important to you

4. You've raised your standards

5. You have a higher tolerance towards your parents, and make an effort to spend more time/stay in touch with them

6. You have fewer friends, but the ones that you spend time with, are real

7. You have no time for trivial stuff

8. You’re not bothered about what people think of you

9. You are able to focus on the solution, rather than stress over the details of a problem

10. You are not afraid to ask for help

11. You are not afraid to admit that you are wrong

12. You choose to be more positive

13. You've accepted what you can’t change and change what you can’t accept

14. You are no longer bitter about your exes

15. You appreciate your time at home

16. You are able to celebrate the success of others

17. You are able to turn jealousy into fuel for success

18. The phrase “Stupidity is not a handicap” makes sense to you

19. You often begin sentences with “Last time…” and “When I was younger…”

20. You gain weight with ease. Even breathing makes you fat



08:49 Jan 22 2015

Almost all of those fit for me. Woowoo mature.


05:50 Jan 22 2015
Times Read: 2,298

Damn....Some things are just better than Netflix....F*ck the popcorn, where is my damn sandwich?



05:55 Jan 22 2015

You left your sandwich in my damned journal!

-eats it-

05:59 Jan 22 2015

LMAO!!! ^_^


21:14 Jan 21 2015
Times Read: 2,308

I'm not in some insect infested woods sleeping on rocks, nor the burning desert sand, nor the wet cold snowy hills, nor the noisy and intrusive environment of barracks living, nor some temporary over priced hotel....it's quiet, safe, warm, and I'm surrounded by beauty....I'm HOME!..... I SURVIVED! ^_^




19:01 Jan 21 2015
Times Read: 2,310

Well I woke up from a 2 hour nap since I was awaken at 5 am. So time to eat some lunch and watch something on Netflix.....Life Is Good! ^_^




15:10 Jan 21 2015
Times Read: 2,314

Sometimes I'm such a light sleeper. I live in what is called a 'Commuter' city since most residents have to commute to larger cities for employment or school. So like some 5 am mornings the sound of the neighbors opening their garage door or warming up their automobile wakes me. I use the bathroom then make my way back to bed...smiling. ^_^




01:42 Jan 20 2015
Times Read: 2,340

I was reading this post that reminded me of the craziness of my third marriage. My then wife discovered from my first wife that I'm the type of guy who expresses his affections by giving flowers, candy, cards and stuff animals among other tokens of my affections. So what does she do? She forbids me to ever give her flowers, candy, cards and stuff animals. Then she proceeded to sanitize my personal belongs of anything that would remind her that I had past relationships to include my furniture. So I had to throw away any photos or donate any gifts or other possessions that were not purchased while with her or given by her.

So then I came across a Male's Navy Ring among her personal items and was like WTF? How could she ask me to throw away stuff from previous relationships and she's still holding on to some guy's ring who once proposed to her. So of course she had an excuse to keep it saying that it was of value and the only reason she hadn't returned it was that she didn't know where he was. That he told her if they ever met again that she could return it to him then.

Funny how after my 6 month deployment to Iraq he was found to have not only moved to our state and just a few cities to the south, but wanted to reconnect with her. Well as a Husband there was no way I was going to agree to her spending alone time with her Ex. She said I couldn't tell her who she could or could not spend time with. So I told her to divorce me and she could then do what she pleases.

They got married the next year. LMAO!



12:04 Jan 20 2015

I never get rid of my belongings for anyone. What happened in my past, is MY business. If a female doesn't like that, she can leave straight away and there won't be a past for "us."

She needs to realize that her pussy isn't "magical." It's just the same as every other female's. >:D


01:00 Jan 20 2015
Times Read: 2,345

I always laugh at the thought of those who get angry at dents or scratches on their vehicle or when their shoes get dirty. First of all, all that metal surrounding me is for my protection while on the road. So I rather for it to take the hits than my person. Second of all, my shoes are for the protection of my feet so they are suppose to get dirty, not my feet. As long as my vehicle runs and my shoes don't have holes...I'm good! They may not always look pretty, but they serve their purpose. Hmmm, much like relationships I suppose.

It may have some scratches, but I'd still drive it...

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23:43 Jan 19 2015
Times Read: 2,352

So I read a posting by this Ex Wife who had divorced her Husband and left him for one of her male friends because she said she had gotten bored and wanted a change. She went on to state that her Ex Husband had kept their house and contributed that to him really loving her and not knowing how to let go and move on. She felt the memories of her in his home will do nothing but remind him of her daily.

Wow, she must not realize that keeping the house doesn't mean he doesn't want to let go and move on, but maybe he loves the house and didn't want to add additional stress to his life of attempting to sell it and then finding another. That although he may experience memories of her it doesn't mean those memories will last forever nor that those memories will be good ones.

I can totally relate to this story and I've had 2 wives pass through my home and the only memories I have are bad ones and the only thing I think of is how I have no stress in my life and how much cleaner it is without them here. Furthermore, it's one big man cave and I don't have to compromise when it comes to my wanting to add to or change something in my house.

So maybe that Ex Wife needs to think a little less about her Ex Husband and think a little more about her current Husband and how he must have it in the back of his mind that someday she will get bored with him too as he keeps a close eye on her relationship with her past, current and future male "friends". LOL!



01:31 Jan 20 2015

HAha... "friends"


And of course, right on the money!


19:01 Jan 19 2015
Times Read: 2,366

I love girly-girls. Those that are really feminine. The ones with soft voices, who love to smile, use make-up, perfume, dress in skirts, blouses, talk about how to treat a guy well while in a relationship, loves flowers, candy, stuff animals, cards, wears ankle bracelets, toe rings, head jewelry and laughs and giggles when around her girlfriends, but who can also tap into her inner Ninja when called for. ^_^




16:29 Jan 19 2015
Times Read: 2,374

Happy Monday Everyone...Who else is starting off their Monday with Breakfast & a Movie?




07:06 Jan 19 2015
Times Read: 2,411

When you've given so much to someone while they've given you so little in return and yet they seem to tell you it's not enough....Give them one last thing. Your Absence.



07:30 Jan 19 2015

This absolutely hits home.

What's ironic? If they gives themselves your absence without you lifting a finger.

13:55 Jan 19 2015

Absence is PRICELESS! >:D


04:56 Jan 19 2015
Times Read: 2,422

So I watched this movie where this woman remained in her home for 6 months while her husband left each day in search for food. Each day he had to travel further and further just to find food to bring back home hoping the zombies don't kill him. Well the lady went crazy spending so many hours alone. Her husband's time home kept getting shorter and shorter as he had to venture out further and further. I remember when I lived alone in 2011 & 2012. I didn't go crazy. Well actually I wouldn't have to travel to go crazy since....well never mind. My point is some people can handle isolation and others can't. I do remember it being so quiet for hours sometimes that I would wonder if everyone on Earth had vanished and I was the only one left. Why that made me smile I don't know. LOL!



05:30 Jan 19 2015

I've spent the last few days living alone, and it was... quite nice. I got a bit freaked out a few times, because I live in a bad suburb, but it was nice.

06:48 Jan 19 2015

what was the movie?

07:43 Jan 19 2015

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16:34 Jan 19 2015

I'd probably go nuts. I can't stand being alone and sometimes I love being alone among people.


18:33 Jan 18 2015
Times Read: 2,442

There are people who take it really hard when they realize you don't think the way they want you to, feel the way they want you to, react the way they want you to..basically you're not who they want you to be...and it hurts them so bad...They should really get a life and walk that sh*t off.



23:02 Jan 18 2015

Hat's off to this.

00:18 Jan 19 2015

So so true...


10:03 Jan 17 2015
Times Read: 2,454

So what is an example of "social programming"?

Take an Introvert type individual for example. Introverts are people who primarily look inward, paying close attention to their thoughts and emotions and are known to be the silent type. It's not that they are incapable of paying attention to what is going on around them, it's just that their inner world is much more stimulating and rewarding to them. They also tend to minimize their contact with other people. This makes them "Happy" as large crowds tend to over stimulate them and drain them of energy.

So other people (e.g. Extroverts) who may be in the majority began to negatively label them with words that have extremely negative meanings where most are used to refer to someone who stays at home all the time. They see this as not having a life (no social life, no love life, etc). They feel that Introverted individuals have nothing better to do with their life so they pass the time by watching movies, playing video games, surfing the internet, etc, etc. However, it is they who really don't have a life busy being preoccupied with others who are enjoying the type of life they have chosen to live. Sadly, being the voice of the majority sometimes negatively effect weaker minded Introverts having them attempt to change their personality and become more of an Extrovert resulting in pretending to be who they are not do to having been made to feel somewhat less than normal.

Be yourself. Do not allow society to dictate who you should be. If you are not harming anyone and you are happy with who you are, live the type of life you choose to.



12:34 Jan 17 2015


20:54 Jan 18 2015

Thank you!

05:21 Jan 19 2015

Introverts unite... quietly, in our own homes... nah, forget it...

13:53 Jan 19 2015

EXACTLY Owlish! >:D


19:01 Jan 16 2015
Times Read: 2,467

Wikipedia states Sexual Objectification is the act of treating a person as an instrument of sexual pleasure. Objectification more broadly means treating a person as a commodity or an object, without regard to their personality or dignity. Objectification is most commonly examined at the level of a society, but can also refer to the behavior of individuals.

The concept of sexual objectification and, in particular, the objectification of women, is an important idea in feminist theory and psychological theories derived from feminism. Many feminists regard sexual objectification as deplorable and as playing an important role in gender inequality. However, some social commentators argue that some modern women objectify themselves as an expression of their empowerment over men.

I don't objectify women who may or may not be objectifying themselves, but I have no problems with Admiring Their Beauty.

If and when they choose to promote their Personality or Intellect in their postings and I find it attractive, I'll "Like" those posts too.





05:00 Jan 16 2015
Times Read: 2,490



04:43 Jan 16 2015
Times Read: 2,491

"If you feel they only want sex from you then promote your other qualities better."

~ Lord MOGY



06:10 Jan 16 2015

Perhaps no matter how you promote any quality, the lecherous individuals aren't easily avoided.

12:59 Jan 16 2015

That is, if they have other qualities to promote. LOL!


01:40 Jan 16 2015
Times Read: 2,500

That point when you're laughing so hard you can't breath and you get light headed...Yeah, I love those types of laughs.



01:51 Jan 16 2015

Those laughs are the best.

They also kinda freak me out a bit. lol I've nearly passed out. hahaha

01:53 Jan 16 2015

You too? LOL!


22:50 Jan 15 2015
Times Read: 2,510

I watch a lot of Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic shows and I have respect for those survivalist who are preparing for it now. I mean by the chance you survive whatever caused the destruction of life as we know it today, there will be a chaotic rush to obtain basic survival resources (e.g. drinking water, food, shelter, weapons, method of transportation etc, etc). Now every show has one theme in common too, females become something of a commodity as well as a liability depending on the way the story is written.

If in the next 5 minutes all over the world the electricity went off, water stop running, and cell phones went dead what will you do?

What do you think people who aren't prepared will do?



00:08 Jan 16 2015

Good Point !

00:11 Jan 16 2015

I squatted under a bridge for 4= odd years on and off, I am a seasoned Tramp as well. The Hobo of today would be a sage in a Post Ap' scenario. So to them it would be just another day.

00:13 Jan 16 2015

Just as I read this this song lodged in my brain.



19:24 Jan 15 2015
Times Read: 2,527

I have no excuse...It's right outside my bedroom. Time to pay a visit.

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19:38 Jan 15 2015


19:54 Jan 15 2015

Gah!!! NICE!!!!!!


17:47 Jan 15 2015
Times Read: 2,531

This Is Why I Never Get Bored....If I ever did get bored, it would be because I became a boring person.

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18:15 Jan 14 2015
Times Read: 2,546

The two little words that are said by others that sometimes bring on the drama are "You Should"...Advice can sometimes be helpful when one is finding it difficult to come up with a solution or make a choice on their own, but if things don't work out, one must own up to the fact that although they followed the advice of another, it was THEIR action by CHOICE.




10:35 Jan 14 2015
Times Read: 2,556

Where many mess up is by believing what society programs its citizens to believe they need to be happy. One's happiness does not have to be of the same source as the next person. If what makes you happy in life is as simple as sitting outside and staring at the stars at night, if you have the ability to do that, then do it and be happy!




05:34 Jan 14 2015
Times Read: 2,563

Even if I didn't find another wife (I mean I had 4 of them..geesh, how much punishment can one guy take) to attempt to enjoy life with, I'd be a very, very happy man to just wake up and go to sleep on my own schedule everyday, swim when it's hot, soak in the spa when it's cold, watch movies or read books of my choosing all day, eat delicious food not having to worry about slow weight gain while at the same time attempting to maintain being as healthy as I can while living with chronic lower back pain and my lung issue which is due from my deployment to Iraq, and travel out of the city, state or country at least once a year......Wait...That's exactly how I'm already living. No wonder I've been so happy going on 4 straight years. LMAO!!!!! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^




01:33 Jan 14 2015
Times Read: 2,570

FeverDreams & VvvVampireKisses

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01:24 Jan 14 2015
Times Read: 2,572

2 badges because Awesome that's why.

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22:27 Jan 09 2015
Times Read: 2,599


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22:40 Jan 09 2015


I figured so or I woulda sicked Ducky on you. :P


00:38 Jan 08 2015
Times Read: 2,608


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22:35 Jan 07 2015
Times Read: 2,617


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22:58 Jan 07 2015

Word brah'!


16:46 Jan 07 2015
Times Read: 2,619


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04:02 Jan 07 2015
Times Read: 2,643


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06:15 Jan 07 2015

Thank you my brother. I need that.


03:53 Jan 07 2015
Times Read: 2,649


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11:59 Jan 14 2015



03:43 Jan 07 2015
Times Read: 2,656


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03:51 Jan 07 2015

LOL Thanks!


03:21 Jan 07 2015
Times Read: 2,662


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15:25 Jan 05 2015
Times Read: 2,674

The first Monday of 2015!!! Cool...I'm going back to sleep. Zzzzz



21:22 Jan 05 2015

No, no, no! You should be preparing for my BIRTHDAY! :-)


17:02 Jan 04 2015
Times Read: 2,678

My Goals Are Simple...

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16:14 Jan 03 2015
Times Read: 2,691

Ok, now I see a pattern in 2015. The same thing just happened that was happening every day in 2014. I woke up from sleep. Nice! ^_^



16:17 Jan 03 2015

...and continued to be totally AWESOME!!! >:D



07:18 Jan 03 2015
Times Read: 2,699



03:13 Jan 03 2015
Times Read: 2,703

Her: If I was meant to be controlled I would have come with a remote.

Me: You are an upgrade. You came with 'Voice Command'.




08:54 Jan 03 2015


23:00 Jan 07 2015

Snap.. call the burn unit.


00:25 Jan 02 2015
Times Read: 2,710

The body can be trained to endure extreme pain, but not the soul. So when for no apparent reason a single tear falls from one's eye, it is said that it's the soul expressing truth.





03:05 Jan 01 2015
Times Read: 2,380


- Enjoyed Life & Hobbies

- Joined A Pagan Meetup Group

- Attended Pagan Meetup

- Joined Meditation Meetup Group

- Attended Meditation Meetup Group

- Son Turned 19 Yrs Old. Added Him To Auto Insurance. Ouch!


- Enjoyed Life & Hobbies

- Built Pagan Ritual Area In Backyard

- New Tattoo: Warlock & Owl


- Enjoyed Life & Hobbies

- Celebrated My Completion Of My Year And One Day Study Into Paganism And Witchcraft

- New Tattoo: Raven & Pentacle


- Enjoyed Life & Hobbies

- Attended Pagan Meetup

- New Tattoo: Double Dragon With Pentacle

- Got Left Ear Pierced


- Enjoyed Life & Hobbies

- Treated Son To A New Indian Restaurant

- Visited Surrogate Family Members

- Met And Took On A Submissive

- Spent Time With Submissive

- New Tattoo: Warlock & Witch


- Enjoyed Life & Hobbies

- Spent Time With Submissive


- Enjoyed Life & Hobbies

- Spent Time With Submissive

- Traveled To Palm Springs Stayed At The Renaissance


- Enjoyed Life & Hobbies

- Released Submissive


- Enjoyed Life & Hobbies


- Enjoyed Life & Hobbies

- New Tattoo: Bat Pentacle

- New Tattoo: Scorpion

- Officially Ordained A Minister Through The Universal Life Church Given The Title of Warlock Lord


- Enjoyed Life & Hobbies

- Celebrated 46th Birthday

- Started My Firearms Hobby

- Purchased Hand Gun

- Invited To & Join The Real Talk Team For A Discussion On Non-Mainstream Religions. Real Talk All The Time, 100% Real, Unpolished And Unrehearsed. Real Talk For Real People. Every Tuesday @ 7:30pm EST. www.realtalkallthetime.com


- Enjoyed Life & Hobbies

- Purchased A Rifle & SA hot Gun

Any major events not included will be included whenever.....2014 was an AWESOME year. :D



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