When a man has everything he needs and much of what he wants except ongoing sexual contact with a woman and then a woman comes along, but not just any woman, a Submissive Kinky Woman who has her own stuff and who wants only to fill that void without any strings or drama just because it pleases her to please others in that area and more...Yeah, just grab a map, because you'll need it to find him in........AWESOMEVILLE! ^_^
I just love having fun and enjoying life....Is that so wrong? I didn't think so.
yep, you are the only one :)
I'm not always calm, but I do pay my bills...lol
So I had this dream I was getting married (shivers a bit) and at the point when the bride (sorta looked liked Beyonce') went to toss the bridal bouquet over her shoulder, something told me that as clumsy as she is prone to be, this wouldn't go well. So I ran up to her and ask if she was sure she could hand it, and she laughed and said yes. Well as she was tossing the bouquet over her shoulder, she began to walk backwards, threw up the bouquet, tripped over her own feet and fell flat on her back in a low back dressed. Oh, and this was outside for some reason so she fell on asphalt. Yeah, messed her back up pretty good.
So I took her into the house and cleaned and bandaged her back and then it was time for the reception. It seemed we were in our house and it had an indoor swimming pool. Although the wedding was private, we knew that the reception was going to see a large number of people because who would pass up free food, drinks and just an overall good party? The pool was filled to capacity in less than 10 minutes of extra folks arriving. It was wild.
Then I woke up. Weird!
I love seeing couple photos as a profile pic. There is PDA then there is IDA (Internet Display of Affection. Some call it ODA (Online Display of Affection).
Hmmm, what should I do today? I know......Be AWESOME!!! I'm very good at that! ^_^
So yesterday was nice. Well, pretty much everyday is nice, but yesterday a friend of mine came over and cooked for me and then she spent a few hours just hanging out having some fun together. I'm an expert at entertaining myself, but it is always welcomed when a friend is over having fun and not bringing any drama. I don't do drama.
I have a passion for Art, Music, Beauty, Women, Magick, Waterfalls, The Bizarre & Sex! ^_^
So what is it about those who get annoyed seeing things in order?
I had a friend over for dinner last night that took notice of my refrigerator magnets and how I had them neatly displayed in rows so she took it upon herself to get up and walk over to my refrigerator and began to disorganize my magnets knowing I would place them back in order once she left. She also felt the urge to throw herself on the my neatly stacks of comic books I have on my floor, but thought rightfully so not to proceed with that course of action.
There are those who love order and those who love chaos....me? I enjoy orderly chaos. ^_^
I was told that without having an alarm clock wake me up, rushing out the door, navigating through traffic, putting up with attitudes at work, managing stress to meet deadlines, being told what to do or telling others what to do all day long, etc etc, that if I RETIRED from all that, every day would be the same.
They were right! Every day is AWESOME!!!! Has been for the pass 3 years!! ^_^
Oh shut up already.
I'm just saying..... ^_^
I plan to retire in my 40's. First ting I am going to do is what ever I am using to wake me up, which currently is a $15 alarm clock from Wal-Mart that buzzes so loud I wake up as if it was a fire alarm, I am going to throw off the highest mountain my little Indian butt can climb. I do not want to be rich. I want to buy land 100 miles from the nearest town, build me a cabin, have my horse, and live off the land.
I love teasing Isis...She was the first person to message me when I joined VR 3 years ago and then missed inducting me at level 20. Maybe she dodged the bullet that day. LOL!
That CA shooter seemed like if he tried petting a dog and it bit his hand, he'd go to the local kennel and blow it up. He was the walking definition of extreme.
Reminds me of a profile that probably got rejected by some other profile so it went on a 1 and block rampage... smh
All because he was rejected by girls and still a virgin in College.. They say you go blind if you play with it to much. I guess you go insane if you don't play with it at all..lol
I know right?! LOL! Hell, the internet is your friend!
I think that I need to turn on the news...!
Too Funny...
Reasons women are taught to use when they want to leave a guy to be with another guy.
(1) You've changed.
(2) You'll never change.
(3) You never changed.
Wait, What? LOL!
9 Reasons Your Canine Teeth Don’t Make You a Meat-Eater
Reason #1 Your Canine Teeth Don’t Make You A Meat-Eater: The Hippo
Not only do most mammals, including herbivores, have canine teeth; the largest canine teeth of any land mammal belong to a true herbivore: the hippopotamus. Hippos are extremely territorial and aggressive; their sword-like canines, which can reach a terrifying sixteen inches in length, are used for combat and play no role in feeding. The hippo’s diet consists of grass, on which it grazes at dusk.
Reason #2 Your Canine Teeth Don’t Make You A Meat-Eater: The Gorilla
Gorillas are almost exclusively herbivorous. Mountain gorillas prefer a diet of foliage — leaves, stems, pith, and shoots — and a small amount of fruit. Lowland gorillas also eat leaves and pith, but they eat more fruits, and, occasionally, tiny ants or termites. Gorillas’ giant canines have nothing to do with eating meat.
Reason #3 Your Canine Teeth Don’t Make You A Meat-Eater: The Saber-Toothed Deer
Say hello to my little friend: the saber-toothed deer. You read that right. It’s not photo shop, it’s just a tiny deer with giant fangs. Musk deer, as they’re officially known, are herbivores who live in the forested mountains of Southern Asia. They’re around 2 feet tall, weigh between 15 and 37 pounds, and the males’ elongated canine teeth form saber-like tusks which they use in territorial disputes, or when competing for mates. So what kind of food do musk deer tear into with those vicious canines? The menu is a virtual gore-fest: leaves, flowers, grasses, mosses and lichens.
Reason #4 Your Canine Teeth Don’t Make You A Meat-Eater: The Gelada Baboon
Geladas are the only primates who primarily eat grass – grass blades make up to 90% of their diet. The rest consists of flowers, rhizomes, roots, herbs, small plants, fruits, creepers, bushes and thistles. Insects may be eaten, but only rarely. Geladas use their sharp, two-inch canines to attack rivals or potential predators.
Reason #5 Your Canine Teeth Don’t Make You A Meat-Eater: Camel Fangs!
Camels are herbivores with an average lifespan of 40 years. They eat foliage, dry grasses and desert vegetation — mostly thorny plants. Sharp canine teeth in both the upper and lower jaws enable them to crush woody plants for food.
Reason #6 Your Canine Teeth Don’t Make You A Meat-Eater: The Javelina
The Javelina, or peccary, is a furry cousin of the pig, found in the deserts of southwestern U.S., and in Central and South America. Primarily herbivorous, javelina eat a variety of native plant foods including agave, mesquite beans, prickly pear, roots, tubers, nuts, and other fruits and vegetation. Their spear-like canine teeth are used for self defense, and to shred cactus pads, a primary source of nourishment. Thanks, little fur pig, for demonstrating once again that plenty of plant-eaters have canine teeth; even huge, fierce stabby ones.
Reason #7 Your Canine Teeth Don’t Make You A Meat-Eater: Comparative Anatomy
In her new book, Mind If I Order The Cheeseburger?, Sherry F. Colb discusses the comparative anatomy of carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores. “[M]ammalian carnivores and omnivores share a number of physical attributes that make them well suited for killing and tearing apart their prey. They have a wide mouth opening, relative to head size; a simple jaw joint that operates as a stable hinge for effective slicing but which is ill-suited to side-to-side motion; and dagger-like teeth spaced apart to avoid trapping stringy debris. They also have sharp claws. (2) The mammalian carnivores and omnivores additionally have huge stomachs that enable gorging, an important capacity in animals who tend to average only about one kill per week. (3) These animals also have a very low gastric pH (which means their stomachs are very acidic), enabling the breakdown of highly concentrated protein as well as the killing of dangerous bacteria that typically colonize decaying flesh. (4)
…Each of these traits enables the lion or bear to use her body to kill prey. Herbivorous animals, by contrast, have fleshy lips, a small mouth opening, a thick and muscular tongue, and a far less stable, mobile jaw joint that facilitates chewing, crushing, and grinding. Herbivores also generally lack sharp claws. (14) These qualities are well-adapted to the eating of plants, which provide nutrients when their cell walls are broken, a process that requires crushing food with side-to-side motion rather than simply swallowing it in large chunks the way that a carnivore or omnivore swallows flesh.
Herbivores have digestive systems in which the stomach is not nearly as spacious as the carnivore’s or omnivore’s, a feature that is suitable for the more regular eating of smaller portions permitted with a diet of plants (which stay in place and are therefore much easier to chase down), rather than the sporadic gorging of a predator on his prey. (15) The herbivore’s stomach also has a higher pH (which means that it is less acidic) than the carnivore’s or omnivore’s, perhaps in part because plants ordinarily do not carry the dangerous bacteria associated with rotting flesh. The small intestines of herbivores are quite long and permit the time-consuming and complex breakdown of the carbohydrates present in plants. In virtually every respect, the human anatomy resembles that of herbivorous animals (such as the gorilla and the elephant) more than that of carnivorous and omnivorous species. (16) Our mouths’ openings are small; our teeth are not extremely sharp (even our “canines”); and our lips and tongues are muscular. Our jaws are not very stable (and would therefore be easy to dislocate in a battle with prey), but they are quite mobile and allow the side-to-side motion that facilitates the crushing and grinding of plants.
Our stomachs are only moderately acidic, a fact that becomes salient around Thanksgiving, when even slightly undercooked dinners of turkey flesh result in many cases of food poisoning from the illness-causing bacteria that easily survive in our stomachs. (17) Like herbivores and unlike carnivores and omnivores as well, we have long small intestines, enabling the digestion of complex carbohydrates, a process that begins in our mouths, where we, like the committed herbivores, have carbohydrate-digesting enzymes as well. (18)
Does any of this mean that people are incapable of eating and digesting animal products? Of course not. With weapons to kill animals, we do not need dagger teeth, and with fire to cook flesh, we can usually avoid the pitfalls of a stomach that is ill-equipped to kill the pathogens that populate raw flesh.
Despite our flexibility in accommodating animal-based foods, however, it nonetheless remains clear that we are anatomically well suited to plant-based eating…[A]nimal-based foods are unnecessary for us, and they carry significant costs and risks. While it is beneficial to have complex plant carbohydrates slowly make their way through our very lengthy small intestines, the same cannot be said for having meat rotting in our intestines for extended periods of time. (19)
However much people may enjoy eating animal products, then, nature does not unambiguously commit us to, or reward us with good health for, consuming them. Our nature is quite different from that of lions, and our choices about what we eat are accordingly far more flexible and correspondingly susceptible to moral scrutiny. Where we have another choice—indeed a more healthful choice—for which our anatomy and physiology amply equip us, we cannot simply invoke nature to justify what we do. It is true that we could not reasonably accuse lions of acting immorally in consuming animals. But simply put, we are not lions.”
See the full excerpt (with citations) from which this text is taken, at Sherry Colb’s Free from Harm article, Two Arguments For Eating Animals: It’s Natural and Animals Do It Too.
Reason #8 Your Canine Teeth Don’t Make You A Meat-Eater: Science Confirms Humans Have No Biological Requirement For Animal Products
Leading government and public health organizations worldwide now acknowledge that a vegan diet is not only a viable option for people of any age, but that eating plant foods instead of animal-based foods can confer significant health benefits, including reduction in incidence of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attack, stroke, and some types of cancer.
American Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, the U.S.’s oldest, largest and foremost authority on diet and nutrition, also recognized that humans have no inherent biological or nutritional need for animals products: “It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.” For more information, see the full article, Catching Up With Science: Burying the “Humans Need Meat” Argument.
Reason #9 Your Canine Teeth Don’t Make You A Meat-Eater: You Have a Choice
Many people insist that eating animals is “natural” — and therefore morally neutral — because other animals eat animals. But it’s important to realize that, with a few exceptions, when humans kill other animals for food, we’re not doing what animals do in nature. Humans have no biological need to consume meat or any animal products. When animals kill other animals for food, they do as they must, in order to survive; they have no choice in the matter. Many humans, on the other hand, do have a choice, and when people with ample access to plant-based foods choose to consume animals anyway — because they can, or because they like the taste — they are not killing from necessity, as animals (and some humans in crisis or subsistence situations) do. Whether we’re talking about a lion taking down a water buffalo, or a human in some remote or impoverished location with no alternative to eating animals: these are acts of survival, and do not equate to, nor justify, the unnecessary exploitation and killing of animals for profit and pleasure.
Farmed animals are individuals with distinct personalities and emotions, just like our own cats and dogs. They feel affection, they form deep friendships, they long to be safe and happy, and to be free from fear and pain. Most of all, they share in common with us the desire to go on living. When we have access to plant-based foods, and understand that we have no need to consume animal products, then the question of eating animals really comes down to this basic question: when able to freely choose, would you rather help an animal, or harm one? If you believe it is better to help than to harm, then veganism is the only consistent expression of your values.
Please learn more about animals exploited for meat, milk and eggs, even on small farms, by checking out our in-depth report, A Closer Look At What So-Called Humane Farming Means.
- See more at: http://freefromharm.org/photo-galleries/9-reasons-your-canine-teeth-dont-make-you-a-meat-eater/#sthash.MQ8A9Vdd.dpuf
Wow, that'a a lot to digest...just like a thick juicy steak. ^_^
I actually learned a lot, and I'm a meat eater. I don't eat baby animals however, so no lamb or veal for me.
So - we can use our canine teeth to puncture one for blood. Vampires will be vampires, after all.
Oh Lord, save me. Now.
Oh it's true...It's true! LOL!
You're not fooling me!!! I found this pic on your fb!!! You, having savoring thoughts of a grilled veggie sandwich!
Hahaha! You all crack me up!
Damn. That's a lot of bling, dude.
F*ck! It's no use. No matter what I do, AWESOMENESS stays on me. I've had it since birth. It's a burden I must carry alone until the end of time. Please, I ask you not to judge me. I was born this way.
One thing I always found humorous and sad at the same time is how those with low self-esteem desire to be praised by another while at the same time belittling them to make themselves feel better. So in all actuality they are trying to drain them dry to nourish themselves just like a starving vampire..and not the Sexual kind either. LOL!
I'm not a Product Of My Environment nor am I a Reflection Of My Community....I'm a Product Of My Grind and a Reflection Of My Accomplishments.
Last night I had a dream of being me, then today I woke up as ME. I ❤ My Life!!!
Tell me about it lol
Complaining can be fun and a stress reliever. It depends on how you do it. Making fun of a situation or even just ranting to let off steam can be a good thing. Sometimes there's nothing else you can do. But when you can do something, choosing complaining over doing something isn't good. Sometimes it can take a person awhile to find a way out of their situation, or their bad habits.
And after all of these years, I thought that that was one of my mom's quotes.
So Sunday, in preparation for my date Sunday night, I spent the entire day cleaning the house. This resulted in deviating from my Gym time. But that's ok, I still feel as though I've worked out.....for hours! :D
The date went as planned and was Awesome! :D
I don't break hearts, but I have been known to make them skip a beat or two.
I'm just waking up at 10:48 am. I didn't go to sleep until almost 4 am fooling around and chatting online. So now I have to squeeze in my weight training before noon, but that shouldn't be a problem. This will make 6 days straight of gym time. I'm going for 7 days. ^_^
Some People Only Dream Of Success.
Many Wake Up And Work Hard At It.
I Wake Up And Live It!
So I was thinking....What if I did Weight Training in the Morning, Cardio Training in the Afternoon and Reading, Meditation & Magick in the Evening.
A complete Body, Mind & Soul Daily Regime.
This may be a bit challenging since sometimes I sleep until noon.
Don't judge me! I'm RETIRED! ^_^
It's 4:10 am and I'm still awake because time means nothing to one who is RETIRED! ^_^
No, she'd probably stab you in the neck;)
well, if they're like me.
I'd stab you in the neck just for the ecard. LMFAO.
Well now don't I feel the love...LMAO!
That would probably end up working sadly on some women I know.. xD Lol.
You really believe that if I have a knife, I'll actually make you a sandwich?
Wow...you're not too bright.
Will be working on my comic book collection today. They are starting to collect dust on my floor. I have to finish this project...Jeesh!!!
So my son came in to talk to me about how just being nice to some girls automatically have them thinking he's trying to hit on them or seduce them. I mean he's a flirt just like his Dad, but like me, he gets a little taken back when he finds out that some females take him seriously.
I told him not to be so hard on females. That they are raised to feel that the males of our species are always out to pursue them for sex and/or companionship. I asked him to place himself in the shoes of a female. Waking up daily with that pressure on them. Knowing as soon as they leave their home, every male who looks their way will have an image flash across their mind at least once of how it would be to have sex with them. Some have to attempt to kindly turn down advances of males ALL DAY LONG. That I'm sure even though we might think it's flattering to them, it could be just as easily exhausting.
That even the ones who feel that males don't find them particularly attractive are still cautious of being caught alone after dark around certain males full of liquid courage just because they possess breasts, and a vagina and ass that males want to stick their body parts in.
That in some cultures, females are out right fearful of males and their massive desire that is hard wired into their DNA to want to fuck females or anything that possess a hole. From male animals humping the air to males humping the air while dancing, it's a universal male drive to drive their cock into a hole.
Maybe females should take pity on males to some extent.
However, thanks to laws and the repercussion of breaking those laws, males just having their way with the female species are no longer tolerated. Males are force to control their primal urges or just sit around and masturbate until the urge is satiated.
So I told him to just be nice and understand that he will always be seen with a suspicious eye at the very beginning until friendship and trust is developed.
So he asked if females know that our urge to have them is so overwhelming, why do they go out of their way to make themselves even more appealing with the makeup they wear, the revealing clothes they wear, and they too flirt.
I told him that some females do exploit our weakness for personal gain. To find a mate, for money, for attention, to stroke their ego and some just for the humor in it. They may promise much, but delver nothing in the end.
I told him that they are females, don't make the mistake of trying to figure them out.
It's almost 3 am and I can't stop smiling. I have an AWESOME life. No Stress. No Drama. No Worries. Going on 3 years now. I don't know how long it will last, but I'm enjoying the heck out of it while it does. ^_^
Life is uncertain.
Some people are currently living at the poverty level struggling to pay for a life insurance to leave something to their family once their dead that they feel they couldn't give them while they were alive.
Hey, to each their own. However, I don't live by that plan.
The same amount of money I would be paying to an insurance company, I would use that to help support my son NOW and see the benefits of it paying off NOW. I really don't care if it's nowhere near the amount that he would get upon my death if I had some huge insurance policy. Besides, nothing guarantees that my son will out live me. Now that's the true gamble.
It just doesn't matter how many years you put into a marriage these days...
"A court filing says Jan Rooney signed an agreement waiving all claims to her husband's estate after the couple separated in June 2012 after 34 years of marriage."
And it just doesn't matter how long you're in front of a camera in the public's eye.
"Although Rooney disinherited his children, his wife and all but one of her children in a will he signed just weeks before his death, court papers suggest there is not much in his estate to fight over. His personal property is valued at just $18,000 despite an unmatched 90-year film career."
** Live Well & Die Broke & Happy, Make Them Earn Their Own Way In Life. You Did! **
I may have worked out 5 days straight, eating one meal a day because I was sleep a lot or just not hungry due to my back medication, but who loses 10 lbs over that? Jeesh!
My latest song can be found at the below link...It's going double platinum...
I just woke up at 10:15 am.
After grooming, the first thing I do is log on to FB & VR and crack up at posts & any comments left for me to read.
So I ALWAYS start my day off laughing.
Now let the AWESOMENESS continue.... ^_^
Not a clue...
Here's a clue...Her profile HOWLS!
Still...not a clue. Pretty girl though.
Last clue...Her profile name is the opposite of ColdReality....
Hot Fantasy? Hell - I don't know. LOL
Yeah! ((Claps))
Wow...that does look like her! Duh!
o.O Does she?
So yeah, when I'm in a intimate relationship I spoil them and pay them a lot of attention without trying to smother them. I mean I break out the 1001 Romantic ideas books and just go for it just to see them smile. They love it too. However, after some time doing this, I start wondering when I'm going to get the same type of treatment. I even ask for it if it reaches the point where they are doing all the taking, but none of the giving. So when I get the deer in the headlights stare, I know there is something wrong. Then if they start to justify why they CAN'T do romantic things for me (i.e. too busy, too tired, not as creative as I am, etc etc), that shuts me down right away. So yeah, I stop putting for an effort except maybe on special occasions. They get pissed and you know how the story ends. I mean I like back rubs. I like breakfast in bed. WTF?
So my questions are why is it that some people are just so selfish?
Why can't they treat each other like they want to be treated?
Why do they get angry when you treat them the way they treat you?
It just makes no sense.
Welcome to the world where everyone cares only for their own asses.. Where no one knows anymore what" to love " really means.. What is honesty, respect and all the values of relationship.. Where is the easy way not to appreciate things but just give up and find another person who is more blind not to see this.. And so on.. So better would be just face it the truth
and be like them but of course our hearts wont give us peace inside cuz this is not who you are.. Thought... Hugs
1968 BORN
------ MARRY WIFE #1
------ MARRY WIFE #2
------ MARRY WIFE #3
2008 MARRY WIFE #4
Time to take advantage of my In Home Gym.... So Blessed! Praise SOTU!
So my 18 year old Niece left home, but is telling everyone that her mom kicked her out. I spoke to my sister and got her version of the drama. I sent a message to my Niece telling her that even though she is a legal adult, she is still a DEPENDENT. As long as she NEEDS someone to provide Shelter, Food or Clothing for HER....SHE is not INDEPENDENT.
As long as a person is living under someone else's roof, guess what, they WILL follow their rules. Period!
They don't have to like it, they just have to do it or GET OUT!
Yeah, pretty much. The only exception to this is when an adult agrees to move into their lover's home. In that case, the home owner shouldn't pull that card IF they want their lover to continue to live their. However, at the same time, I wouldn't advise the other partner moving in and then trying to CHANGE everything in the early stage with the reasoning that they are just trying to feel like it's their home too. Take it slowly!
My Dream Home Amenities
- Executive office with Ocean or Lake View
- Library
- Indoor Trampoline Park
- Indoor Pagan Ritual/Serenity Room
- Indoor Elevator
- Indoor State Of The Art Security System
- Indoor State Of The Art Panic Room
- Indoor Secret Passage Ways Accessed By Retina Scan
- Indoor 4-lane Commercial Shooting Range
- Indoor Game Room w/Full Size Arcade Games & Billards
- Indoor 4 Lane Bowling Alley
- Indoor Collections/Art Room
- Indoor Gym
- Indoor Ninja/Kung-Fu Dojo
- Indoor Armory
- Indoor First Aid Room
- Indoor Steam Room
- Indoor Sauna
- Indoor Beauty Salon w/A Hair-Styling Area & Manicure-Pedicure Station for Her
- Indoor Lockers
- Indoor Laundry Room
- Indoor State-of-the-art Movie Theater
- Indoor Club Room w/Dance Floor, Stripper Poles & DJ Booth
- Indoor BDSM Adult Play Room
- 4 car Garage
- Full Automotive Service Shop, Office & Car Lift
- Detached Guest/Pool House
- Outdoor Water Theme Park w/Swimming Pool That Is Deep Enough For Recreational Scuba Diving, Containing Several Simulated Underwater Caves & Numerous Underwater Windows That Allow Visitors To Look Into The Pool At Various Depths, w/ Lazy River, Spa, Tunnel Waterslide, Waterfall Features, Grotto, Fog Machines, Neon Lighting & Fire
- Outdoor Kitchen/BBQ/Dinning area w/Flat Screen TV
- Outdoor Go-Cart Track w/Go Carts
- Outdoor Paint Ball Area
- Outdoor Underground Survival Shelter
- Outdoor Solar Panels
- Outdoor Rain Water Collection Tank
- Outdoor State Of The Art Security System
- Outdoor Pagan Ritual Area
- Outdoor Secret Passage Ways Accessed By Electronic Keypad
- Underground Tunnels Leading To Different Areas Of Both The House & Grounds
- Private Beach Area or Private Lake
- Boat Dock
- Paved Private Airplane Runway & A/C Storage Hanger w/ Bathroom For VIP Visitors
- Paved Private Helio-Pad For VIP Visitors & Myself
- Private Security
Fucking A! What site did you find that on?
It's a consolidation of multiple sites, but I did find this one that gave me ideas..http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mhj45mhek/introduction-37/
Awesome stuff. People think I'm crazy because I google homes and castles all the time. There's a castle for sale in my mother's home town, I really want it, lol
Ha! I do that too! ^_^
New tattoo and a Party tomorrow....Fun filled day it seems. ^_^
Treating my Son to some Indian Food tonight, Getting a New Tattoo tomorrow and visiting some of my California Family Sunday....May is starting off pretty good.