Looks like I need to address the disbanding of Covens.
Yes, I disbanded 47 covens the other day. This hasn't been done in a long while. It was time. Especially since we have new Master Vampires and their Houses up and running.
Cancer and Cartomancer were aware before I did anything. This is a normal thing for me to do just in case they spoken to someone about an absence.
Within the rules you need to sign on within 30 days. To make sure I was giving people a fair deal I made the decision that the middle of May was the cut off point. 2 and a half months to sign in is a good amount of time- a fair amount of time. I did this so no one could claim favortism or claim it was unjust.
It wasn't some sort of personal 'out to get them' evil plan. If you think that then 🤷♀️.
I will be keeping a closer eye on the coven activity. So, this is your warning. If you, or know someone who is, a coven master remind them they need to at least sign in.
May the odds ever be in your favor.
That can be taken, shoved way into your orifice and fit snuggly right next to your head. Heh.
sounds like a good time.
ohhhh sounds like a kinky party! lol
Would it fit though? Some heads are pretty big ya know.
Bloody finger puppets.
You cannot explain to a toad why it's a toad because it is simply just that, a toad.
frogs gonna frog.
And be derpy while they do it.
I think we should create a new word that is even stronger than derpy for this. Gone over a week and come back to a whole new level of crazy! I need to be caught up! LMAO!
ain't no such thing as a pretty toad!
Wait, I am not a toad... I thought that every journal entry was about meeeeeee!
Well, damn. I guess you can gaslight yourself. Ain't that somethin'.
Puppets gunna puppet. Ain't a damn thing you can do about it. 🤷♀️
You know, you sit down and think about it, I mean, really think about it, and the outcome is never going to be any different. You could sit down and write a full powerpoint presentation, have all the facts, hard copies, and whatnot, and things will still not be any different. Hell, you could go back to the beginning when that little button was pushed to enter a new 'world'. It will always be the same. The same victim mentality. The same grandiosity. The same attitude. The same know-it-all way. The same enablement. The same entitlement. It. Will. Always. Be. The. Same. I am sure part of it is due to mental health reasons. Scratch that; I *know* it's due to mental health reasons. (PSA- mental health is important. If you or someone you love need help, please get them the help they deserve. They deserve to have a happy, fulfilling life. In this day and age, there are a lot of things they can do to help them gain that achievement.) That is not an excuse, even if it is being used as such. It just isn't. Mistakes can be forgotten and moved past. Continuing to make the same choice over and over again after that mistake cannot.
A better person would just let it pass by in silence and just go, "Oh, those poor, poor unwell people.'
I am *not* a better person, I know this. So, I'm gunna ride this mother tucking ride for all it's worth.
Hands up, Bitches! Let's get this crazy roller coaster started!
Do I have to wear a bra for this?
Please, just don't. I want to see where they go. >:]
Black eyes for all!
so true.
Oh dear Sky Daddy,
Please, please grant me your grace and calmness in order to be the manager in the manger. Grant me the serenity to make the decisions I need instead of taking off my earrings, having someone hold my weave and going straight up hood on some asses.
Thank you, Sky Daddy, for your consideration.
LOL *willing to hold that weave*
Normally this would be the time that I would recite "love thy neighbor..." But I have seen some of the fuckery afoot.
*Tosses a jar of Vaseline*
Make sure you cover your face really well. It'll make any contacted hits slide off without much damage.
And I give you permission to pull hair and kick the cunt. Sometimes that's the only thing that works.
If they bite, or attempt to, fish hook and throat jab.
Good luck my child.
Oh, thank you! Thank you, Sky Daddy!
I can also use the left over Vaseline to assist with shoving their head up their ass!
I kneel to you, Sky Daddy!
Ohhh you lucky bitch.
He gave you holy Vaseline!
23:06 Jul 26 2023
What was it Cancer called you? Coven Slayer.
23:30 Jul 26 2023
Lol Yeah.
I get some people are upset. I totally get it, but don't spin a false narrative just because they are bent. If it was a personal thing, this would have happened ages ago.
If a person wants to think it's some personal vendetta, then no one can stop you not matter how incorrect you are.
I'm just gunna keep on doing what I do.
17:34 Jul 27 2023
What happened to the coven members?
19:48 Jul 27 2023
They were set free into the wild for induction.
03:08 Aug 11 2023
oh now that you explained it i understand it more clearly now. amd you was just doing you job of the position that you hold