MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


Honor: 725    [ Give / Take ]


4 entries this month

17:34 Mar 22 2014
Times Read: 1,074

The rules below are not my 'OWN little cam rules'. The rules are the same rules Cancer has established, and have been enforced, since the cams started. It isn't a secret that there is a terms of service link found on the bottom of the cam page, a terms of service for the site found on the bottom of every page and the Vampire Rave manual. Perhaps if people would take a moment to familiarize themselves with them, there wouldn't be such issues with the rules being broken.

It seems that some of those who do not follow the ToS and get reprimanded for it quite a bit, tend to want to blame someone other than themselves for the actions they have taken. No one forced you to break the rules. When you break the rules, there are the repercussions. Those are something you have to deal with since you've made those choices. Grow up, grow a set and start taking responsibility for your actions. No one is to blame but you.

Enforcing the rules doesn't make Images nor I 'power hungry full of shit whores'. It doesn't mean that we 'play favorites' because some people cannot handle themselves and constantly are in trouble. Cancer trusted us with these positions, and if he would have thought we would abuse the position he entrusted us with, you can damn well bet neither one of us would be in the volunteer positions that we are in.

Just because some people want to act like spoiled children and always have things their way and whine about so and so being mean to them, doesn't mean that the administration, or the team members, are playing favorites by not doing anything. It means that you need to act like a grown adult use the features provided to you and stop throwing tantrums. Unless it breaks ToS, no one is going to get involved. Did you happen to skip over this tidbit in the FAQ section?

17.So-and-So was mean to me! I want you to delete their account!

Administrators will not become involved in member disputes. If you find a member offensive, use your block button. All messages from the blocked user will be blocked, along with any comments they may leave on your Profile or Portfolio. Do not ask for a member to be deleted or reprimanded. You will be ignored if you ask. 

When you really look, you can find a whole bunch of nifty things in the Faq sections, the manual and the terms of service.

This brings me around to something else- I do not like kiss ass two faced people. By this I mean someone who will come into an area, even go out of their way to be in that area, where you are in be nice to you. While they are off running their mouth and agreeing with shitty things other people say. Here's a tip- I have more respect for people who don't like me and aren't nice to me, than those who try to be nice to me to keep on my good side so they don't get in trouble because they constantly break ToS. Don't kiss my ass with sunshine and rainbows, and then pee on my leg and tell me its the rain. This is a constant thing, which is why I tend to stay away from people like this. I'm not stupid, even though some tend to think I am.

Now, anyone who isn't blocked is more than welcome to 'give me a piece of their mind' or to 'let me hear the truth'- either in my comments or either in personal messages. (Did you ever notice that saying only tends to come about when someone isn't around for it to happen.). No it isn't against ToS. No, you cannot get suspended for it. Just like everyone else, if I don't want to deal with a member, then I block them.

The only reason why I decided to say something was because I received a screen shot in my inbox yesterday. Course, seeing who was involved doesn't surprise me in the least with their record on here.



17:46 Mar 22 2014

Agree with all of this.

19:37 Mar 22 2014

I do solemnly swear I will never pee on your leg.

And I love the journal post!

20:07 Mar 22 2014

Thank you. ;)

20:33 Mar 22 2014

All very true. Though some will still ignore it all and play innocent.

Oh...-looks around- BTW,you are still my little grope monkey!

21:17 Mar 22 2014

This is what happens when you skip over the "I agree" section of websites when you join up, folks.

Srsly, how can you not read the website's rules, or think that they don't apply? It's literally written in black and white, in a way that you'd think even the stupidest person could understand.

23:00 Mar 22 2014


So...when are YOU gonna' get back on cam anyway?

16:56 Mar 23 2014

You can't play with fire and then cry that you got burnt.


19:37 Mar 21 2014
Times Read: 1,140

I am not sure if there is someone going around spreading false information about the cam aspect of VR, but I figure I will address-

You cannot put a screen on your cam, leave it running and not interact with people via the chat function.

If we can see you on webcam, then we know that you are there and you are not just running your cam to inflate your status.

If you leave your cam running and are not on screen, or are not active within the chat, then after 30 minutes your cam rights can be terminated.

You cannot just run your webcam to not be logged off of VR. You *must* be active on cam one way or another.

You can get your webcam rights removed for running your cam offline. If your webcam disappears from the webcam page, you do must refresh your cam in order for it to remain on the page. People cannot access your cam and you are not broadcasting.. you are doing nothing more than wasting VR resources. (it should be common sense, but sometimes sense isn't all that common).

There is no set suspension for cams. You either have the right, or you lose it. It isn't like getting your forum rights suspended or a 'site suspension time out'.



21:24 Mar 21 2014



16:19 Mar 11 2014
Times Read: 1,180

Congratulations to Nekirena for making Master Vampire. I know you're going to do an amazing job. I'm really stoked for you! ♥



18:10 Mar 11 2014

Thank you, Honey Bunney!!! ♥


18:04 Mar 03 2014
Times Read: 1,274

If someone tells you they've 'had their VR Messaging blocked', they are lying. You cannot have your messaging rights revoked. The only way you cannot send a message to someone is if you message someone that has you blocked or if you have been suspended from your account. Which means you cannot log into your account and cannot use VR as a whole.

The whole concept is preposterous.



18:06 Mar 03 2014

Thank you Moonie and VW :)

18:15 Mar 03 2014

Well I would leave you a nasty comment telling you how wrong you are but my journal commenting rights have been blocked/ ban/ suspended. So... there!

18:16 Mar 03 2014

Wait... I just proved I lied. Gosh, how didn't I catch that?


18:36 Mar 03 2014

Oh okbi will keep this in mind

19:04 Mar 03 2014


20:52 Mar 03 2014

VR Won't Let me use the letter "__". this is some kind of conspiracy to censor my text! hehe

21:01 Mar 03 2014

If it's the person I think he is, well no wonder he has the majority of VR blocked, can't pretend he can message people.

23:22 Mar 03 2014

Once again like so many headstrong self-righteous women you do NOT listen.

I can send, but not receive VR messages, so effectively I am blocked from VR messaging. Why? Can't tell you because I cannot get VR messages.

I am glad you find it amusing like suspending my Journal, Vampbox, Kismet rights and cancelling four of my premium accounts and suspending three of my regular accounts.

For you and your cackling cronies it is shits and giggles, but to me it proves how really weak you really are that you fear to go toe to toe with me.

So sad really. I pity all of you.

I am the one laughing at petty fools who play such games.

And in the end the last laugh will be mine...

00:50 Mar 04 2014

And much like the small penis men around here- you run around lying to make things seem bigger than what they really are.

You lie- simply put. You are nothing more than an internet warrior that comes to a website because they are lacking within the real world, so they decide to share their dysfunction here. There have been numerous other people like you before, and there will be numerous people after you leave.

I don't find it amusing. I find it frickin' tedious that I have to sit here and babysit you because you constantly push the limit of ToS and try to act like you had no clue. That is such crap. Especially when you've been in trouble for the same infractions before.

You are mistaken fear for being bored with you, but then again, seeing the way you carry yourself on here I can see why you would get the two confused.

04:09 Mar 04 2014

Funny usually I cannot receive someone's messages its because... hum let me think... Oh wait I got it!!

I blocked them....

Might want to check your overfilled list of people YOU block and realize that; Oh shit there it is!!

you block them so they can't send you messages bhuaaaaaaaaaa

and If I am wrong I don't care

I trust Moonie more then you, cause to earn the trust she has earn she has proven she knows what she is doing, not some fake :p

10:59 Mar 04 2014

So I was right. It could also be that the people you messaged, simply decided to ignore you. I for example ignore the 'pls return the favor' messages.

02:49 Mar 06 2014

If you had half a brain you would know not to accuse people of lying and/or having small penises without proof.

Perhaps you can have VR admin check my profile or bend your ass over, but since you are a miserable nothing you will not do either.

Whatever. Talk to the hand.

15:04 Mar 06 2014

Aww.. did I touch a sore spot? Poor widdle guy!

You know what I just realized? I don't have to deal with you or your crap. Go tell your tales to someone else. I don't have time for it.

21:23 Mar 06 2014

Oh I soooooo needed that laugh. ^

23:06 Mar 22 2014

"Once again like so many headstrong self-righteous women you do NOT listen."

WTF? LOL...I don't even know this guy, but judging from him blocking me - and most of VR, I'd imagine - he is just a plain old puffed up asshole.

I'm also guessing that he has power issues with women...sad. But kinda' funny too.

16:42 Mar 23 2014

You guessed right.

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