...at a quick glance "TragicallyMistaken" turned into "TypicallyMistaken."
What is it? Is it the lack of spaces between the words?
On 17:32:36 Sep 20 2008 (-0 GMT) vxxxxxxxxxxx8 wrote:
hey how r u hun??
On 17:46:10 Sep 20 2008 (-0 GMT) birra wrote:
"Hun" as a term of endearment is technically short for "honey" which would then be spelled as "hon."
A hun was one of the early Eurasian Nomadic tribes unified under the Hunnic Empire. They were known for their invasions of nations throughout Europe and Asia around the time of the 2nd through the 6th century...
I'm not a hun, so I guess I'm doing good.
On 18:06:36 Sep 20 2008 (-0 GMT) vxxxxxxxxxxx8 wrote:
that's good
Ok, the history might be a rough summation... but... that isn't the point, obviously.
Take THAT! HA!
That's amazing.
*rolls eyes* &?
I am not worthy!!! *grovels at your feet*
Only you would choose the perfect symbol for the occasion.
...I'm helping one of our other techs assemble a site assessment report, which generally takes us an hour or two per floor of the facility to put together.
This facility was 5 buildings and a total of 30 floors.
Phone call with Brad last night... we'll call him dumbass to remove the confusion... mind you, we've been over these things many, many times...
DA: Well, they really want this report done... So... any reason you can't have it done tomorrow sometime?
B: Yes.
DA: Ok.. why not?
B: Because there's only 24 hours in a day.
DA: Alright...
It's Douchebag awareness month. Brad is carrying the torch!
Bahhumbug. What the hell?
...you were notified your licensing subscription was going to expire on 9/19 back on 9/2. And I'm sure, even prior to that.
It is now 4:15PM on 9/18 and you're in a hurry to get this done as soon as possible.
Let us not forget you still have past due invoices over a year old...
Yeah... we're right on it for ya...
yes, but what happened to e, o, u, and sometimes y? :p
Spellcheck !!
How much longer can we make these?
Rolling on floor laughing my god-damm ass off all the way to the bank with the welfare check and cheese I got from the government today.
Sorry, I'll never stray from.. "heh."
*gets a very long stick*
Alright Birra, it's time to put you down...
Holy ****!
Did you get your crackers too?
BTW,guess what I ate for lunch yesterday..MREs ..I swear,I did.Talk about brown baggin it.
Mmmm. Cheese.
Who laughs that much!? Is it a condition? Does it cause conditions? Surely some sort of lung trauma should be involved.
That's some extreme laughing.