MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


Honor: 20    [ Give / Take ]


10 entries this month

21:10 Jun 29 2010
Times Read: 707

I am so done with this relationship. So over it. I remember why I didn't date for so long. I am so sick and tired of people portraying themselves as something they are not. Yes, I know I am difficult to be in a relationship with.

What happened to when Men where M E N. When men actually took the time to court a woman. And not just with words, but with actions.

I am a very strong willed and independent woman. It takes a special kind of guy to be able to stand next to me. And if you are standing next to me you best be prepared to be in a partnership. I do not go for the self centered everything is about one person in the relationship. That isn't a relationship. I am not going to fawn all over you and say 'Yes, dear.. Anything you say, dear'. Fuck that. If you think that then you are mistaken. I don't expect you to do that to me either.

I also get that people have different priorities in life. But shouldn't the top ones be to make sure you can survive and then be together and share time with the one you are with?

I am just sick of boys that try and act like a man.

I am so sick of being the one in the relationship that has the balls. So sick of being told that they can handle being the man and then me letting the reigns go for a minute and then seeing they can't handle it.

I am so damn sick and tired of getting my feelings hurt over stupid shit that could have been avoided. This is why I do not let my feelings get involved with a lot of things. As soon as I let me feelings and emotions get involved they can get hurt easily. And I am SICK of it.

I am just done. I am over it.

I would rather face life alone than deal with this shit in and out.



21:13 Jun 29 2010

I'm sorry...

21:25 Jun 29 2010

Amen. I am here if you ever need to vent or just talk. ~hugs~

21:40 Jun 29 2010

I am sorry, Doll. But we both know that jackass wasn't a real man at all. He was a little boy pretending to be a man and sure as hell didn't deserve a real woman like you.

P.S. I still love you Moonie!

21:41 Jun 29 2010

Jeez Moonie- I had high hopes of you being able to be happy- but again, part of the excitement is the search (hunt?)....try again, please don't let this ruin you for the right one who is still out there-

Remember, you gotta kiss alot of frogs......

22:33 Jun 29 2010

No One is good enough for the mooniepie she is extra ordinary with a twist *hugs*

04:54 Jun 30 2010

~raises hand~ I have been in that same pussy boat over and over. I also just got out of a "relationship" with someone i had met here, that MANY, including you, know.

What kind of "man" would just block you out of the blue after 2 years?

IF....he really was a man....

13:29 Jul 01 2010

Men- Lot of frogs out there... well then I say we cook all the freaking frogs!

Now you know why I am single. And love it. :) I deal with men all day- hear about their wifes, how they are lazy bitches, how sexy other women are, deal with the whole 'male' attitute... and go home to a nice quiet home. :)

Other then sex...really.... why have one 24/7?


23:21 Jun 22 2010
Times Read: 787

Ok.. lemme say this.. If majority ruled on this site for people getting kicked off.. a LOT of you people passing around this petition woulda been gone a long time ago.

Think about it.



23:24 Jun 22 2010

Hells yeah.

23:31 Jun 22 2010

Pshh, forget the position just give me one of those shiny red "delete" buttons lmao. I could clean V.r up a bit.

23:38 Jun 22 2010

Oops, haha, *petition not position.

23:40 Jun 22 2010


Can we just treat them like survivor and vote them off the island? >:)

-puppy dog eyes wif pouty face-

00:35 Jun 23 2010

if he had hair id say it was more like celebrity apprentice...i can hear cancer now saying "you're fired!" lol

01:16 Jun 23 2010


01:49 Jun 23 2010

And can we give him any more attention?? As he shows above- it is just what he wants.

In a way- they are asking for it/him.

05:56 Jun 23 2010

Amen! Tell em how it is Moonie!

05:58 Jun 23 2010

If the majority ruled, I'd be Prince!

14:55 Jun 23 2010

from time to time there are some democratic aspects here on vr, like the time moonies got voted best profile for example....thats about it though lol


22:21 Jun 22 2010
Times Read: 805

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.Stupid.

Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.

Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.

Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.

Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.

Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid.

Stupid. Stupid.

Seriously, I cannot believe some people have been here for any length of time. You should KNOW how it works. If you don't by now.. then go away. You'll never get it. It's not that hard. It's pretty friggin simple.

Also, it's not a favor if you just add someone to your friends list and they didn't ask you. Stop please stop with the messages that say 'please return the favor". Simply- NO I'm a level 134. Why? Because I've been here for 5 friggin years. I've rated, posted and all that stuff. I am not going to add you for a favor. It makes me cranky that people message me and say that.

Also stop sending me messages to rate you.

I'm over rating. I am over stupid shit. I'll rate when I decide to rate. And it damn sure won't be when you send me a message.

Makes me wanna cut someone.



22:23 Jun 22 2010



22:51 Jun 22 2010

looks like moonies is gonna have ta smack-a-bish today lol

23:05 Jun 22 2010

LOL I am! Fuckin' peeps I swear.

23:13 Jun 22 2010

Hands here the almighty bish slapping gloves!... Ponder does this qualify as a Punters ReUnion =}

05:57 Jun 23 2010

Yep said the same thing too.


22:13 Jun 22 2010
Times Read: 806

I am totally yonking Cancer's kismet so I don't forget it for future use. lol


Actions express priorities.




13:55 Jun 21 2010
Times Read: 829

I think relationships are kinda like having sex with a midget. At first it's really exciting, different and new. And then after awhile.. you realize you're getting the short end of the stick.



13:57 Jun 21 2010

lmao!!! :)

14:07 Jun 21 2010

I just love the way you express wisdom :) You make it fun.

14:24 Jun 21 2010

Great analogy, but that is kind of for women only.

I like Matt Groening's analogy...

"Love is like racing across the Tundra on a snowmobile... when suddenly it flips over on you, pinning you helplessly underneath.

At night, the ice weasles come..."


22:00 Jun 16 2010
Times Read: 915

I've not been on much. My thoughts have been in a constant state of confusion. I seriously don't know what to do about this relationship I am in.

I really just don't know.

Ok a little bit of back story:

I've seen my parents struggle and go through some really hard time. My mom was the person who put thing in perspective, kept priorities where they were so things got paid and money was taken care of.

After my mom passed I seen the reason why my mom was the way she was with things. My dad doesn't think of a lot of things. His priorities with things are really shitty. As far as what is important to have and what isn't.

For example: Instead of putting money into something that is needed, like the house since it needs new garage doors, he's spent countless amount of money on an old car he barely drove. Once he traded that, he got another one. He wasn't going to put any plates on it or pay the sales tax because he couldn't afford it. Then all of a sudden one day he did. That's money that could have been used someplace else and now, he has no money.

Okay now this is my situation:

Monday the other half was going to come up. He kept saying we'll see.. we'll see.. I should have enough money.. blah blah.. ( It's an hour and a half drive). I offered to give him money when he got here for gas. I know it's hard times and really I think it's fair. I woulda made sure he had enough to replace what he used and then some extra for the week.

-I haven't seen him in a couple weeks. We'll now over a couple weeks.-

So I talk to him the night before and he says, before he even tells me that he isn't coming up, I got to get my check and get some stuff for my car and my friend wants to hang out with me after I get that done. So, I say does that mean you aren't coming up? He says, No, I don't have enough money. WTF right.. I am going to give him money when he gets here. W T F. So I am pissed. I feel like he is blowing me off. Instead of telling me he's not coming up he just says I am going to hang with my friend. Okay whatever. Next day he knows I am pissy. More so because my feelings are really hurt. I don't really have the money, but it was important to see him.

I explain to him why I am upset.. why I am pissed off online. Explained it really simply so it would be gotten. No more than two seconds later he says and I quote, " Well, I didn't get to hang out with my friend today." So I was like wtf signed off. I was pissed ALL over again.

I had to call him THAT night. I basically posed the question.. Do you really LOVE ME or do you just love the idea of having a girlfriend.. I.E Me.

Oh No, No.. it's you. It's you.

With a lotta other shit.

So I changed my mind last night. I told him if he wants to come up I will be more than happy to give him gas money.. You know if he hasn't made any plans or whatever. I know he was looking into another job so I just left a message. whatever.

He signs on and says.. I wish but I just had another flat.. I had to go and have it sanded out. Okay, yeah I get that. you're tires are bad it happens, I am totally NOT bent in the least. I am just happy it didn't happen some place far away.

And then he says.. Guess what I got? I said. uhmm. i dunno.. He said what did I say I was going to get if I had extra money? I said i don't remember. He said I got a tattoo.

W T F. I was going to give him gas money because he didn't have money to get here, however, he had money to get a TATTOO!?!

Meanwhile, his tires are shit. He's gotten two flats in a week. Again.. W to the T to the F.

If he gets this other job.. he'll be making more money. Not a lot, but decent. The first thing out of his mouth is.. " Now I can get my sleeves done and get all tattoo'd up" . -insert puzzled face here-

Instead of looking into getting a newer car, maybe finding a place to live because he is so stressed from the people he is living with.. THAT is the first thing he thinks of.

SERIOUSLY. I am 30 years old. I don't have time for little boys. I don't have time. I just.. I don't know. I am so baffled. I need a MAN. I don't need someone that hasn't grown up yet.

I will admit I can be difficult to live with. I know I am difficult to live with, but really some shit is just common fucking sense.

My worry is.. what if this gets really serious and we get married and this is the way he is. I'm not going to let someone drag me into some shitty situation. I am not going to be homeless because someone doesn't have their shit together.

I just don't fucking know.


Basically he is so similar to my dad in ways, I just don't know if I can handle it. I KNOW what I go through here. I know what I deal with here. I know I am the one that has to keep things straight because it would be messed up.

How can you tell me you are a dominant MAN and then have shitty priorities like that? I don't need to have a boyfriend shoved up my keester all the time. As a matter of fact. I HATE that, but I just.. I dunno.

At this point.. I just want to hold him down and just keep punching where he got that new tattoo.

Ugh. Advice would REALLY REALLY be appreciated.



22:31 Jun 16 2010

Men. Can't live with them and ya can't kill 'em.

22:42 Jun 16 2010

No advice

But I did lullerskate

Sounds like this guy is even more immature than me! (And I'm not even that immature about the whole maturity bit!)

22:45 Jun 16 2010

My advice is to hold him down and punch him in the tattoo.

Just saying. He is acting like a douche to you and you do NOT deserve that.

23:03 Jun 16 2010

*rat nose into*

I say chill. Say it is alright, if he wants to do this or that and not come see you. You can not make a man care for you, or treat you right. It has to come from him. Sit back a little, watch. Then take that information and see him for what he is. I think you are doing this already with the words above showing you what you need to see.

I'm not saying give up- just take a step back. He will either hang himself or shine. And then you will know and takes the steps needed by hanging onto him as he shows he loves, wants to be with you or you move on as the dirt bag is not worth pissing on.

NEVER let any man make you feel like shit. That you are worth nothing. That alone is worth dumping his sorry ass. Why let any man or person do that to you? If this had been anyone else journal, and you read it... what would you of said?


23:41 Jun 16 2010

I think you already know the answer love. Honestly, none of that sounds good. His priorities are all fucked up and you shouldn't take a backseat to tats.

03:27 Jun 17 2010

Your face is way to pretty to be put aside for some new ink.

Further more, aside from his obvious immaturity and serious lack in wanting to deal with adult issues...like money, I think one of the reasons he's pulling this "stunt" over and over again is because (to my knowledge) he has yet to suffer any reason concequences for his actions.

Maybe a good kicken in the balls is all he needs (which I would gladly do for you if I was in the area code) or maybe it needs to be known that he treading in thin ice and could quite possibly loose an amazing women due.

I don't know you that well but I do know that you are hot, feisty, smart, and all around a kick ass woman and you deserve way better.

I wouldn't say kick him to the curb just yet, but definitely let him know that if his actions do not change in the near future then that is where he will end up.


09:33 Jun 17 2010

I second what rat said. If you give em enough rope, they'll either take up the slack or hang themselves.

14:24 Jun 17 2010

Imma call you this weekend... help you get some stuff off your chest (there is already more than enough on your chest hehe).

20:28 Jun 17 2010

You know when I finished right this the first thing that came into my mind was like, " Wow, he is about as mature as that one troll. What was his name.. Evita.. Invictus..Evacutaion..No, wait it's Invidia! Yeah that's it!" :P

Thanks guys, I really, REALLY appreciate the advice. I've gotta game plan. I just hope it doesn't end in fail. lol

21:57 Jun 17 2010

I think you got all you need right here, from people who care about you, sugar. But let me clue you in:

1) You're bright, imaginative, articulate and brainy- and he is treating you like a dumbass.

2) You're vivacious, energetic, lovely, attractive, sexy, and animated. And he is treating you like filler pussy.

3) You is HAWT. And he wouldn't know a good thing if it walked up and bit him on the ass.

But I agree with the Rat. Don't dump him just yet, because you obviously have alot invested in here. But back off, and give him the opportunity to do the right thing. He'll either swing or shine, like she said.

And just remember- you deserve the best, sugar cause you are the best.

22:46 Jun 18 2010

Sounds like he is telling you that everything else is more important to you than he is..I would sit him down and flat out tell him if he can't come see you and tattoos and other bull is more important to him then it is over with because you need a real man not a little boy.


18:53 Jun 04 2010
Times Read: 994

This is pretty bad ass.



18:56 Jun 04 2010

What happens if someone bum rushes the stage?

19:00 Jun 04 2010

Then the whole place will probably smell like burnt hair and over cooked bacon.

20:25 Jun 04 2010



06:58 Jun 05 2010

I watched this and all I could think was, "I want to get that dude to hold a bag of popcorn."

00:10 Jun 08 2010

That was pretty trippy!


22:17 Jun 03 2010
Times Read: 1,016

I am debating about redoing my profile. Something different. I am not sure what yet, I just want something different.

I had an idea of something previous that was like the creepy witch in the woods type thing.

I'll have to think about it.



01:10 Jun 04 2010

I like your graveyard themes the best.

01:21 Jun 04 2010

Oh yes creepy witch theme is awesome !

00:11 Jun 08 2010

Yeah...a creepy witch in the woods - with a big-assed shotgun.


17:01 Jun 03 2010
Times Read: 1,039

I need to sit down and redo pages and things in Existere. I also need to go through and start kicking in active members. It needs to be back on Track.

Maybe at one point I'll start inducting again. I dunno. I like it small. it gives people more of a chance to get to know each other and interact.

We'll see.



17:05 Jun 03 2010

Hon I know the feeling seems like when summer hits no one does anything . Good Luck

17:05 Jun 03 2010

You can't kick me! I'm your hooky-lala girl. [insert hip shaking in a grass skirt here]

I totally do it for you. Admit it.

18:10 Jun 03 2010

hahahah NemNem

I ain't gunna kick ya. Who else can fill out the coconuts and hula skirt like you. :P


01:17 Jun 02 2010
Times Read: 1,059

I can't believe it's been a lil over a week since she's been gone. It seems like one minute I start to handle it okay and then I will remember something and it will send me back to that moment of disbelief that she isn't there anymore.

She's been a constant thing in my life for years.

I would never have met my boyfriend if it wasn't for her. She gave me the push I needed to get back into life. I owe so much to her. I just wish I could tell her one more time.

I had a great time with my boyfriend yesterday. I am really glad he was here. He really was just there and I needed that. I told him little stories about things and we laughed and I remembered.

I want to thank those who have sent kind words to me over the week. It means the world to me. You're wonderful. Each and everyone of you. :)



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