CarnelianMyst's Journal

CarnelianMyst's Journal


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14 entries this month


00:57 Jun 29 2011
Times Read: 633

Reading RedQueen's journal...about her getting called in on her day off...brought back a memory of when I used to work at IHOP. I stuck it out there for two years, right after I kicked my worthless husband out and was scrambling for a semi-decent job until I could get things sorted out.

I loved the work, but the manager did not love me. He made it very clear that I was not in his favorite group of waitresses/cooks, because I was not young and cute. I did my job, got great tips, never missed a day, helped out where ever I could...and got shit on in return.

This prince of a guy refused me a vacation week after I had worked there a year....reason: I had worked part-time for my first two weeks on the job, therefore, all my hours for the year were not enough to be considered full time. You only got a week's vacation if you worked full time. So what the hell. I stuck it out another year and came my two year anniversary, I was looking forward to that week off, just to relax and lounge around and tend to a few personal things. I was going through a divorce and did not have any money to go away. The manager knew this.

Day two of my vacation he calls me. I let the answering maching pick it up. He wants me to come in to work! I thought, I won't answer, he'll think I'm away or something. Pheh. My mother comes over and announces the manager had phoned HER (looked her up on my paperwork as my person to call in an emergency). She told him I was not going anywhere and that I would be glad to help out.

Gee, thanks mom. My first vacation in over two years. I phoned the store to see if I could get out of it, and the manager said (and I will never forget this as long as I live) "If you don't get down here, you won't have a job when your vacation is over."

Um what? Can they fire me for refusing to come in on my vacation? They wanted me to work every friggin' day. I was a single person, they knew I wasn't going away for vacation, there fore I was available. After I put the phone down I had a lightbulb moment. I got the phone book out and called the state of Wisconsin department of employment and told the nice lady on the other end my predicament. "Harrassment," she told me. "They can't fire you for that, and if they do, you have recourse to a lawsuit for wrongful dismissal."

I thought about it, and decided to go in as I really needed the extra money. One night the boss went away and left his office door unlocked, and quick like a bunny I got in there and checked out my employee file. What I saw made me about crap my drawers.

He had four write ups in there, on me, two for coming in late (never ever happened) one for unspecified insubordination, and one for coming to work without a uniform (again, never happened). And here's the kicker. ALL OF THEM HAD MY FORGED SIGNATURE ON THEM. Someone had signed my name to these.

I was on FIRE. I grabbed the write ups went upstairs to the copy machine and made myself some copies. When I came back downstairs this nosey waitress who loved to get into everyone's business said "I'm telling. You're not supposed to go up there."

I waved the write-ups at her. "Go ahead," I said. "Tell him. I WANT him to know I have these. This is forgery and it's illegal." Hell, who ever signed my name was thoughtful enough to date the signatures and put a time on it....and it was a time and day that I wasn't even there!

A couple weeks later I found another job and walked the hell right out after my shift. A couple years later, the whole store was closed down (and eventually bulldozed) and Mr Dickhead manager was transferred elsewhere, out of my orbit.

That shit still bothers me. Grr.



23:56 Jun 29 2011

It's nice to know someone understands how some of this makes me feel- like I told Lady C, right now, I'm fighting to keep my job. Soon as I feel more like I have the upper hand, things are going to change.


Last Saturday

23:46 Jun 25 2011
Times Read: 658

I felt really bad about having to call my boss in last Saturday, it was his weekend off and Father's day and all, but the way it started out, well....he just had to be there to see it.

I was waiting outside for his daughter to arrive, because I wanted her to see exactly what happens when we open, from the minute we unlock the door, so eventually this summer she can open on her own. It's not hard really, just unlock the door, switch off the alarm, turn on some lights, and do the opening procedure on the cash register.

Little Miss Thang arrived, sulky because her dad had bought her the uniform she had to wear, a plain dark colored polo shirt and some khaki shorts. She had shown up the day before in a tube top that said "ROCK PRINCESS" on it and some daisy dukes so short I could see more of her cooter when she bent over than I EVER want to see. Her dad went into his office and brought out the outfit for her to wear...his rules: No boobs, no butt, no belly (that showed). I don't care if it is the style for young people to wear, in a buisness where you are making people's clothes look good, you need to look professional and neat.

So I showed her how to unlock the door and we got the alarm turned off and were starting to step into the store when I hollered HOLD EVERYTHING, STAND STILL. She about dropped her cell phone. I could smell smoke....cigar smoke. What the hell? As I stepped forward I banged into a chair which fell over, scaring the shit out of me. What is a chair doing in the doorway? I asked her to call her dad and get him down here pronto. Something happened inside and I didn't want to go in there to see what it was until he got there. We closed the door and waited outside.

Boss arrived, screeching up the street about 10 minutes later. He went in, we waited outside, till I heard "GET IN HERE! LOOK AT THIS!"

We went in. There were chairs everywhere, in sort of a semi-circle, and the place reeked of cigar and cigarette smoke. I followed my boss back into the kitchen, and looked wide eyed to see that the door was open via a busted lock, and inside....chaos.

Dirty dishes EVERYWHERE, on every conceivable surface, even the floor. Cutlery all over. Hunks of food on the tabletop, with a stream of ants all over the place. Glasses everywhere, some tipped over and the contents...wine...spilled on the floor and table. Cupboard doors opened, to reveal empty shelves. When my boss opened the fridge he exploded. Every single bit of food we had in there was gone. Roast beef for sandwiches, salads, fruit, water, pop, bread...everything gone. It looked like a war zone.

He stormed into his office and played back the security tape of the night before. It showed his parents leading a party of six people through the store and into the kitchen, and after a time lapse of about two hours, they all came out, grabbed the folding chairs we had stashed in a corner, and made a circle. They all sat down to chat, drink, and horror of horrors...smoke.

You do NOT smoke inside in most businesses nowadays. Especially in a dry cleaners, where there are clean clothes! We had a load of freshly pressed clothes hanging up that I was planning on letting my co-hort sort out and bag. Now everything reeked of cigar smoke. ashes and butts on the floor too.

My boss'language was saltier than anything I've ever heard. He tore upstairs and we opened windows and doors to get the smell out, started the exhaust fan and sprayed some room freshener around. The daughter was scared stiff, and did exactly what I told her too. Boss ripped his parents a new asshole, for letting people in the shop after hours, busting the lock on the kitchen door, feeding them all our food, and then smoking out in the middle of the shop. I mean he was ROYALLY pissed. There was a shouting match that must have been heard on the next block.

Daughter and myself got the place looking better by the time customers came. We had to sweep and mop the floor, re-clean all the clothes that were hanging up, and completely scour out the kitchen. Come to find out, the door had been damaged when the lock was broke, so my boss got a guy to come out later and get us a new door with a better lock.

His parents are being shipped out to their daughter's in San Diego next week. While they are away, the family is having a conference to figure out where to put these two. They can't live by themselves any longer, but no one wants them to move in with them, so I guess assisted living is the next best move.

The daughter actually did well, I think she was so startled to see her dad so damn mad that she behaved herself. She had a hard time counting money (at age 20!) back to the customer, but she was nice to them and got them their clothes quickly, which was about all I could ask for for a first day.

At least it will be quiet next week. No little gremlins poking around and giving all our food away.

Oh, and Boss recognized who all the people were from the video tape, they were relatives from the Chicago area who "just happened" to drive up here to visit. He phoned them and ripped them a new asshole too. He was literally shaking he was so mad. His parents kept coming downstairs to see what I was doing with the daughter and everytime they got shoved right back upstairs. They had absolutely no shame and didn't understand what "all dis fuss" was about.

Pfft. So that was last week.



02:17 Jun 26 2011

Damn... that I did not expect to read. At least the kid helped you clean up. :)

15:58 Jun 26 2011

To the raisin ranch with em!

00:34 Jun 27 2011

OMG! I have to remind myself that you are writing about true events, and that this is not a wacky script for a comedy...Jesus...!

05:24 Jun 28 2011

Oh. My. God.

I have no words. You and I have compared notes on many occasion, but never in all my days have I ever thought I would read something like that. I cannot believe his parents would do that. The KIDS< yes, but not the parents.

Wow. Just, wow.


Fallout Girl

00:54 Jun 21 2011
Times Read: 683

Two days after Saturday, and I still can't quite bring myself to write about what happened...I'm still recouperating. It was godawful. Maybe I'll write about it in segments. I think my head will explode if I do it all at once.

I need to learn to block all that out of my head once I leave work.



01:16 Jun 21 2011

Oh wow.... did you kill her? She needs a killing.

05:23 Jun 21 2011

That bad, eh? I hate bratty kids/teens. You have my sympathy.

06:55 Jun 21 2011

And here we go again- my Saturday sucked monkey balls too, sugar....and segments is fine...lol

16:00 Jun 21 2011

Oh dear, you killed her.

Don't worry! This feeling will pass and you'll soon enough see it as a favour you've done for the world!


Egads, We're Adults!

23:44 Jun 14 2011
Times Read: 718

How many of you with grown children heard this around about the time they turned 18: "You can't ground me anymore, I'm an adult!" A lot, I bet. Kids testing the waters once they reach the age of majority. Seeing how far they can push before someone pushes back.

Today my boss' oldest two girls pushed, he pushed back, and it was beautiful. I saw/heard the whole thing, and if I could have done an Irish jig, I would have. At 19 and 18, they think all they want to do this summer is party and run around with their boyfriends, and when they run out of spending money, why, hit daddy up for some cash!

The oldest one stayed out WAYY too late last night, past her midnight curfew. Boss called her and the next oldest down to the shop. Before they got there, he showed me the sheaf of bills his three girls and wife run up every month. There are spa bills, manicures, pedicures, facials, hair straightening/highlighting, tanning, massage (teenagers need that?) gas for their cars, insurance, repairs when the car breaks down due to their negligence (the oldest had to have an entire new engine because she didn't think she needed to get an oil change...burned the thing right out.) Then there is shopping...new clothes, shoes, makeup, purses, whatnot....and let me make this quite clear, NONE of these four women is working right now. The oldest one is in her 2nd year of college, the middle one will start college next year, and the youngest will be a junior in high school.

So my boss showed me all these bills, and told me what his plan was. I said, tell you what, let's make a bet here. I will write down what I think will happen, and if it does, you owe me, say, $10. He laughed and said it was a deal, and we waited for the girls to come in.

They both had this defiant look on their face, like "don't you tell ME what to do anymore!" Their dad told them he wanted them in by midnight during the week, there was no reason to be out that late during the week. Of course the oldest one piped right up "You can't ground me anymore! I'm an adult! I'm grown!" and the middle one said "Me too!"

My boss smiled and handed them each a stack of bills. They looked and said "What are these?"

"Things you owe," he said. "Now you're both adults, you can pay your own bills. I'm done. I'll take care of college, but you're on your own for the rest." and he turned and walked off.

It took about five seconds for the two of them to flip through the bills and screech "This is BULLSHIT!" then they threw the papers on the ground and stormed out.

I just stood there looking at all the papers on the floor. My boss came back, and I grinned at him and said "You owe me $10." I had written: "The girls will throw the bills on the floor and leave." As I picked up the bills I said "Hey. These bills are in the girls'names!"

My boss grinned. "Exactly. They don't realize that. When the bills don't get paid, they won't get their manicures, pedicures and tans anymore."

About an hour later the oldest one phoned the store. She'd evidently gone away and had a little think, and said she wanted to work at the store this summer to earn some money. My boss told her "Since you're an adult, you will be treated like one. No preferential treatment. If you screw up, you get fired. Decide NOW how you want this to work."

I get to work with her Saturday. Golly gee. Lucky me.



00:06 Jun 15 2011

Hahaha yes, lucky you. :P

GOnna lay a bet with The Man to see how long she lasts?

00:53 Jun 15 2011

Now this should be interesting...I can't wait to hear about it!

My youngest sis tried that shit with our mom once, and my mom told her to move out so she could do as she pleased. (Actually she said something like "This is my goddamn house and my goddamn rules. If you don't like it, you can get the fuck out")

04:16 Jun 15 2011

Oh man. Poor lady. I wouldn't want to work with those spoiled little shits. I hope the next incident that involves poop gets dumped on her. Lol

04:55 Jun 15 2011

You poor thing- but do it right- if she fucks up, kick her ass. Me, I started working for my dad when I was 12, helping out in his dental office. He said if I was old enough to want it, I was old enough to work for it. Been doing it ever' since.

22:08 Jun 15 2011

Make them clean the bathrooms, mop the floors. It is what I did each Sat for 4 years during high school. Take it you guys don't have trucks to wash? To bad- it made for a long hard Sat.

Hope they hold up to their word, and the boss doesn't wimp out on ya.

19:55 Jun 16 2011

I guess teenage tantrums are an international thing.. it happens over here in Ireland too!



00:48 Jun 14 2011
Times Read: 737

In an earlier entry I asked for suggestions on what to do with a job opening I thought my boss' wife might like. Well, she can cram that right where the sun don't shine, because she got on my shit list the other day.

She has been pissy with me since I opted not to go to her daughter's graduation party (bitch please, I do NOT want to spend any more time with Miss Gross/Bored/Whatever than I have to). She went so far as to lambast me on Facebook, and rather than answer her back, I just de friended her. In fact, I de friended everyone with her last name, as they had all rushed to her defense and said things against me too. I mean come on, a public page on a website?

So now she can sit and spin. I hope someone really deserving gets that job, and good luck to them.



11:58 Jun 14 2011

o.O What. A. Douche.

18:58 Jun 14 2011

I'm with badger on that one- fuck her- I wouldn't piss on her ass if her guts were on fire- how can your boss be such a standup guy for you, yet all the women in his family can be such fucktards?

00:58 Jun 15 2011

LOL! RedQueen stated exactly what I was gonna' say...the fact that the guy hasn't had multiple heart-attacks is amazing.

(My assumption)

00:58 Jun 15 2011

...or the fact that he hasn't become a family anihilator.


Stormy Weather

03:22 Jun 11 2011
Times Read: 774

The other night a terrific storm blew through here. Dropped the temperature 30 degrees in less than 12 hours. All around us, communities were getting tornados, hail, high winds, all sorts of heavy rain and lightning strikes. All we got here was a lot of rain, nothing too severe.

In Madison, a chartered plane flying to Chicago was hit by lightning. It just so happened that one of my customers was on it, flying down there for a business trip. He came in today to pick up his clothes, and I asked him what it was like to be on a plane that was hit by lightning (everyone was fine, no injuries, and the plane survived as well).

He said "There were 40 passengers on that flight. When the lightning hit there was this huge BOOM and everyone on that plane got religion." I asked him what he meant and he said everyone called out to Jesus! Then when they landed safely and everyone got off he said the most common phrase used was "I nearly shit!"




04:17 Jun 11 2011

LOL I think "Jesus" would laugh at that.

04:28 Jun 11 2011

We have gone through the same stuff in NW Indiana. The other day it was 108 with the heat index one minute and by that evening 51 degrees with a north wind off of the lake! Strong storms hit here also, but the tornadoes hit more south of me.

09:57 Jun 11 2011

Like the priest on M*A*S*H said:

There are no atheists in foxholes.

17:28 Jun 12 2011

It is terrifying to be on a plane hit by lighting. Your passenger was right about the BOOM, also if the static from the lighting strike was dispersed at the tail he would of heard a noise which replicates a giant tin opener trying to tear open the aircraft roof. Yup, everyone found regilion and their screaming voice when the aircraft took a dive. To this day, I still get the shivers thinking about that!

23:39 Jun 12 2011

Good thing they nearly shit. I'd hate for them to load their pants up and attempt to drop them off at your work.



01:28 Jun 11 2011
Times Read: 792

Bit of a dilemma here. You all know how the economy is these days, jobs are hard to come by, and you hang on to the one you have. However, I found out (through a customer) that there will be a few job openings imminently at a department of our hospital.

My boss' wife has been out of work for over a year, and has been looking for a job. However, she just cold-calls places or stops by, doesn't really do the leg work or get a good resume together to send out. She doesn't network, other than posting on Facebook: "doesn't anyone know where I can get a job?"

I happen to know she would be qualified for at least one of the openings at the hospital. Should I tell her about this?

Two other things you should probably know before forming a decision: she turned down a great job at the college because she wanted to be "home with my babies on the weekends"..her babies being her grown children.

Also, she rejected the last two suggestions I had for her about her job search: that she get listed at every employment agency she can find, and that she post a resume online at various sources like hotjobs and monster.com.

So, should I tell her? or let it go? I'm pondering.



02:08 Jun 11 2011

I guess it won't hurt to give her the info, but she sounds pretty lazy.

02:11 Jun 11 2011

I am agreeing with the lazy part - not to mention the fact that if she really NEEDED a job, it would have happened much sooner. If she just wants a job to have something to do then, she doesn't need anyone's help.

I'd just mention it in passing - don't go into a huge lot of detail. "Oh I heard the Hospital is hiring". Leave it at that. Who knows right?

02:37 Jun 11 2011

^^ I agree. I would not put forth much more effort than that after her previous ... lack of actions.

09:55 Jun 11 2011

Ditto- just mention it, and let it go

17:44 Jun 11 2011


17:32 Jun 12 2011

I think she has proritised her life. She obviously puts family and friends first as loads of us do.. but she would just the type to sink the ship when needed. But, hey.. I wish I was in a position to put my personal life first too, but I owe too much to other people to do so. But, that day is coming! :)

03:46 Jun 13 2011

Sounds like one of those people who is always "looking" for a job, but doesn't really want a job. Still...

It doesn't hurt to be the nice person and just pass on the tip. Who cares if she takes it or not.


Food chat

00:58 Jun 08 2011
Times Read: 808

This may interest my UK food-chat buddies. I was watching an episode of Gordon Ramsay's The F Word last night, and there was this amazing segment where, in an effort to promote healthy eating in Britain, they did a little test. They took two identical twin sisters, and had one eat strictly McDonald's food for a week, while her sister ate meals of Duchy Originals, the organic line of foods that come from the Duchy of Cornwall. Prince Charles gets his income, a good share of it, from there.

Anyway, the Duchy foods looked pretty good to me. They had everything from soup to meat pies, bread, fruit spreads and so on, promoted as good-for-you stuff. And of course we know what McDonald's has on its menu. The UK McD's is slightly different than what we have, but the basic stuff is there.

So, after a week, the girls had blood work done. Guess which twin was healthier? Give up? The twin who ate Big Macs had the better cholesterol and blood pressure. The duchy originals, as it turns out, have added salt, sugar and other things which, the doctor warned, were not good for you in the long run.

Gosh...has anyone from the UK here on VR eaten any of those things? Do you like them? They looked pretty good to me, I would certainly eat them and think I was doing well. Not that I would eat McD's every single day either..I guess it's just a matter of eating sensibly, watching what goes into your mouth.



14:40 Jun 08 2011

Well now, thats interesting to know. I wouldn't have expected that but I think that although Prince Charles's line is organic, it's not necessarily salt-free, sugar-free. Might try something from that line just out of curiosity :)

19:53 Jun 08 2011

Gotta luv a Big Mac now and again as I certainly wouldn't eat organic!!

00:44 Jun 09 2011

The duchy meat pies looked really good. Steak and mushroom, nom nom! I love the chocolate from the UK, so I can just imagine what your other foods must taste like. I can send away for some of the tinned things, but one day I have GOT to come over and just eat my way thru the UK!


Work Rant

01:44 Jun 07 2011
Times Read: 825

Ok, it's hot. About 90 here today. You take that outside air temperature, add about 20 degrees, plus more if you're standing next to a steam-operated press as I was for over 4 hours....and, dammit, yes, I was hot at work today. But, it's something you get with the job. No use bitching about it, you just have to put up with it.

People come in and go "Oh mah GAWD how can you stand it in here? If I was you I'd walk right out." Sure you would. You probably have some less-than-lovely circumstances on YOUR job, but, you just have to deal with it. We try to get the customers in and out as quickly as possible so they don't have to stand around in the steam and heat too long.

Today we got this old fart and his daughter. He must have been over 90, it took him ages to get in the door. I kept thinking, I KNOW you want to be independent and all, but geez, let someone help you bring your stuff in so you can sit in the air conditioned car and not come into our hot shop. Turns out he had a pair of shoes he wanted lifts put into. Orthopedic lifts we asked him? Yes, he said. OK, we told him, let's see your doctor's note so we know how high to make the lifts.

"Oh, I ain't got no doctor," this old guy said. "I just want a little lift."

Yes, but how do we know how much? An inch? Inch and a half? Two thirds? We need a measurement. Upon which he launches into a long winded story about how he was raised in a shoe shop, his grandaddy owned a shoe shop in Atlanta, and had we ever been there?

Yup. Go down there every summer. Pfft.

Anyway, he starts scolding us and telling us we don't know anything about making lifts, that we should just make him "a little something" and that would be all right. Meanwhile his daughter is standing there looking like she wishes she had never brought him out in the first place. He got all cranky that we couldn't get his lifts done RIGHT AWAY RIGHT NOW like he wanted, then when he heard the price he really went through the roof.

"WHAT! Fifteen dollars? That's highway robbery. You don't get much business with that. Scalping people. Why, I oughta tell everyone I know how high your prices are."

For the record, a regular orthopedic lift is about $40, at least around here. Why do people think anyone is interested in how much things cost back in the depression? He started yammering about how much this or that cost, meanwhile a couple customers came in and were waiting for him to get done. One young guy listened to the older guy rant about how much things cost 70 years ago and how we are highway robbers, and when the old guy took a breath the young guy spoke up.

"Say, mister, you know no one cares about that. If you don't like the price, then leave! and let someone else do business here."

I thought the old guy would have a stroke. I heard him start out with "Now listen here sonny boy" and thought I was in the middle of a sitcom. I never heard anyone talk like that outside of a tv show. Lawsy. My boss had to come up and wait on the old guy while I took the other customers. It took us about 20 minutes to get him sorted out.

On his way out the door he turned back and snapped "And it's too damn hot in here, too!"

No shit. We didn't know that.

That was part of my Monday. How was yours?



23:10 Jun 07 2011

heh, well it didn't get the kickstart yours had.. but I had the same after effects all day. Does that count?

02:12 Jun 11 2011


Some old people...my mom is beginning to sound like that at times, but I just tell her - in a sorta' nice way - to can it.



01:21 Jun 06 2011
Times Read: 848

Just to clairfy, I have lived in the apartment building 28 years....I do NOT do the laundry for the building! I get enough bizarre stuff on my job which is dry cleaning. The previous entry was about me doing my own laundry on a Saturday night. I think some people misunderstood it as me doing the laundry for the building.

Young people renting apartments for the first time, a lot of them don't know the first thing about operating washers and dryers. That always knocks me out. So the building has to put BIG signs over the machines about how to use them. "DO NOT OVERLOAD THE MACHINES."

I was down there one night and this young girl was taking her stuff out of the dryer. "It just won't dry, something's wrong with this machine," she said. I looked, and she had enough stuff crammed into one dryer, it looked like a month's worth of clothes.

I told her to take at least half of that stuff out and put it in the other dryers, explaining that the clothes had to tumble freely for the heat to get to them and dry them. She said "Oh", and put a few things in another dryer. I had to go and literally take her clothes out of the dryer and show her how much to put in so they would dry properly. She cried because she only had enough money for one dryer, so I gave her some quarters. She just didn't know.

I told the management that they really ought to hire a room attendant who knows how to wash and dry clothes. People could drop off their stuff during the day (keep the room locked at night), and the attendant could wash, dry and return the clothes in baskets the person provided. This will stop people leaving their stuff in machines so other people can't use them, stop overloading, and stop people trying to break into the machines to get the quarters out. I can't tell you how many nights I have gone down to the laundry room to do some washing only to find all machines full of clothes that are done, but no one around to take them out so the next person can use the machines.

No reply from management as of yet. Somehow I don't think laundry room usage is at the top of their to-do list.



01:25 Jun 06 2011

People leave their laundry in the machines?! When folks would do that at university, inevitably, some of it would be stolen.

Hell. If all the machines were full and some things had been left unattended for a while, I had absolutely no qualms about taking that shit out of the washer/dryer and (if I was kind) putting it on top of another machine or table, or (if I was NOT feeling kind) dumping it out on the floor.

03:14 Jun 06 2011

Yeeeeah that can be added to the list of things that parents always do for their kids and never even think about it. Like making coffee, I never made coffee growing up and had to learn as an adult. I felt stupid.

08:09 Jun 06 2011

I kinda like the idea of you doing the laundry for the apartment after a hard week at work. :-p

22:37 Jun 06 2011

Reasons why I always carry pen and notepad with me. If the machine is done and I need it, I put the clothes in a dryer with a note on the washer saying which dryer their clothes are in. If I needed a dryer, I'd just pile their clothes onto the folding table and leave them there. When I was in the barracks I got paid by some of the males to do their laundry for a while. I even went as far as to clean rooms for $150 a room just before inspection dates. :D It's amazing how much money people will dish out when they don't want to do it themselves.

23:36 Jun 06 2011

I was doing laundry before I graduated high school- WAY before- but I am glad I have my own laundry room. Nobody's shit but mine own...lol

02:18 Jun 11 2011

A good idea...maybe a trust-worthy tenant could do it for a reduction in rent...?

Back in my art school days, there was one guy who came from a wealthy family; he didn't know how to do shit. I actually showed him how to do his laundry, and another friend taught him how to use his oven in his apartment, and cook a few simple meals. Good grief...


Laundry Night

05:36 Jun 05 2011
Times Read: 870

Downstairs in the laundry room, getting my stuff washed and dried. Young guy comes in and says are you the one that's been here 28 years? I said I was. Somehow all of a sudden this bit of info is making the rounds in the building and people are finding it fascinating.

He asks me what's the strangest thing that's happened since I moved in. There have been a LOT of strange things, but two that stand out were the time the lady who lived above me tried to flush a potted palm down the toilet in the middle of the night and I ended up with a toilet full of mud and leaves and crap, and then when another guy who used to live above me would bring home two and three girls at a time and have orgies. The sounds they made were incredible, and it went on all hours of the day and night. The noise complaints were such that the management finally went upstairs to knock on his door and ask him to quiet down, and got no response to the knock. I was standing behind the manager and got a good look when he opened the door with his master key. Two naked women had this guy dressed up like a baby (diaper, baby bottle etc) and tied to a chair in the middle of the room and they were beating him with a strap. I nearly died laughing.

The young guy in the laundry room said I should write a book. Nah, no one would believe half of it. :P



22:41 Jun 05 2011

Teehee, when I first started to read this I thought you were too articulate to be a laundry lady, but towards the end I thought... aren't you happy you weren't 'cos you may end up getting baby crap in the dryers! hehee

23:17 Jun 05 2011

Or, should I say.. BIG baby crap in the dryers hehehe

21:32 Jun 06 2011

*I* keep telling you to write a book!!!!

02:20 Jun 11 2011

LMAO! Write the damn book, woman!



04:25 Jun 05 2011
Times Read: 879

I really wish I could enjoy my Sundays more. It's my only day off, and the same thing happens nearly every week. Saturday nights I spend doing all the things that need doing but I never get to during the week due to my work schedule...laundry, housecleaning, bill paying, grocery shopping etc. I usually crash into bed around midnight.

Come Sunday morning, I get up, have breakfast, get into my comfy Sunday clothes, and settle down to watch some movies and do cross stitch. About an hour or two into this and I start to nod off. Even though I've tried coffee, Mountain Dew, and things like that, I eventually have to go lay down on the sofa....and the next thing you know, it's three or four hours later and a good part of the day is shot.

The only thing I can figure out is, that I work so much during the week that on my one non work day my system just runs down and demands rest. I sleep good the previous night too, so it's not like I'm shorting myself on sleep.

I just wish I could stay awake for more of my day off.



18:51 Jun 05 2011

Listen to your body sugar- it knows what you need-


Facebook Friends

00:45 Jun 04 2011
Times Read: 899

My cousin has this as her Facebook status:

"You know you're a mom when your kid tells you his stomach hurts and you ask him if he pooped today."




02:42 Jun 04 2011

So true.

I knew I had finally arrived to Momville when I started inspecting my daughter's poop to make sure she wasn't chewing on her crayons.

I freaked when I saw a gnawed on crayon and needed to know if it was her or the dog that did it.

Fun times. :]

04:46 Jun 04 2011

Wouldn't it have been easier to check the dog shit? O.o



01:18 Jun 02 2011
Times Read: 922

I had ordered a china mug on ebay to commemorate the Royal Wedding. I placed the order May 5. After a few days I checked back and the seller said they sent it May 8. Okay. I sat back and waited.

And waited. And waited.

It arrived yesterday. Postmarked May 25.

WTF? Lying seller. Keeping me waiting all this time. Ah well, the mug is pretty and arrived intact, but they still will get a low rating on shipping. GRrr.



04:19 Jun 02 2011

I had the same problem when I bought a green laser pointer.....

it took a month for me to get it....

and they send me E-mails thinking I will still buy stuff from them....

Stupid Bastards!

at least I got my Green Laser Pointer.


05:34 Jun 02 2011

The pains of being a royalist!! :-p

00:48 Jun 04 2011

Good to see support for Her Majesty gawd bless 'er!

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