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15 entries this month

It has happened twice in my life

19:50 Mar 27 2012
Times Read: 679

The first time was when I first heard Susan Boyle on Britian's got talent. The second she started singing, I started crying.

It has happened again. American Idol should pay attention at everything they are missing out on with their stupid rules and bullshit crap.



20:56 Mar 27 2012

I did the same exact thing.:/

21:50 Mar 27 2012

This guy is amazing!!!!

23:51 Mar 27 2012

He has been judged all his life but at least he has the last laugh :)

18:30 Mar 28 2012

ANYTIME someone can make Simon eat his words, I am ALL over it....serves him right for being so fucking judgemental.

23:10 Apr 02 2012

Damnit! Now I'm crying. This was wonderful!


Yeah. That covers it.

17:09 Mar 17 2012
Times Read: 700

This doctor puts me on these two drugs. That doctor puts me on those two. These two don't like those two, so my body becomes a veritable virtual battleground, with me losing somewhere in the middle.

Yeah, its like that.






17:06 Mar 17 2012
Times Read: 701


There's a bar in Washington State, somewhere around Bellingham, that is celebrating St. Patrick's Day this Saturday, just like every other bar across the world will be doing. I believe it's called the Underground.

this place, however, is going to be different.

In the ad it had on KISM radio, they made sure that the dj informed everybody that the bagpipes would be starting at 8 pm.





Fuck. And FUCK again.

01:21 Mar 17 2012
Times Read: 714

Such a totally rich premise to play with. I should have known better.

I always said Twilight was Harry potter for the vampire set. All that did was do a diservice to the Harry Potter books and movies.

Imdb has the first trailers for Dark Shadows.

And fuck me yet again.

This piece of shit was so bad I couldn't even finish watching the effing TRAILER.

It looks like vampires for the damned Austin Powers set.

Dammit to HELL. another one of my childhood memories, shot to shit.

And I LIKE Tim burton and Johnny Depp when they get together!

But not this time.



02:12 Mar 17 2012

Aw shit. :(

04:22 Mar 17 2012

aw shit is right, sugar....

01:17 Mar 28 2012

And who co-wrote the script for this drek? why, the creator....Dan Curtis. aaggghhhh!


Doobie Brothers' drummer dies of cancer at age 65

00:42 Mar 14 2012
Times Read: 723


(Reuters) - Mike Hossack, a longtime member of rock band The Doobie Brothers, has died of cancer at the age of 65, the band's manager said on Tuesday.

Hossack, who helped give the band its distinctive sound with two drummers in the early 1970s, died peacefully on Monday at his home in Dubois, Wyoming, manager Bruce Cohn said.

"Mike was a one-of-a kind guy and a longtime member of the Doobie Brothers," Cohn said in a statement. "He was a fighter and fought the big battle with cancer and I speak for Mike's family and the entire band when I say he will be greatly missed."

New Jersey-born Hossack began playing drums at the age of 12. After serving in the Navy in Vietnam in the late 1960s he was planning a career in law enforcement before getting his first gig with a California band called Mourning Reign.

That led to an invitation to join the northern California band The Doobie Brothers in 1971, where he became the second drummer and was heard on early hit songs like "Blackwater", "Listen to the Music" and "China Grove."

Hossack left the Doobie Brothers in 1973 and formed Bonaroo, worked with other bands, and became a partner in a Hollywood recording studio.

He rejoined the Doobie Brothers in 1987 for a series of benefit concerts for Vietnam war veterans, and remained with them when the band reformed to make albums like "Cycles", "Brotherhood" and 2010's "World Gone Crazy."

Founding member and guitarist Tom Johnston said Hossack was "an incredible musician, a studio quality drummer."

"The last few years, he was brave and determined to keep on playing in the face of ill health, and I will always admire him for that," Johnston said on Tuesday.

Doobie Brothers' singer and songwriter Pat Simmons said he and Hossack were friends for 43 years.

"We shared some wonderful adventures together, times I will never forget. Thanks for all those wonderful memories Mike, and all the great music. We love you," Simmons said.

(Reporting By Jill Serjeant, editing by Christine Kearney)




01:19 Mar 14 2012

♥ aww

03:02 Mar 14 2012

Wow...and didn't Ronnie Montrose just die a few days ago?


Speakin of smacking bushes....

00:48 Mar 10 2012
Times Read: 743

I have these voucher deal thingies, you know, like group on, deal find, team buy, and living social.

I bought 2 vouchers to this spa place in Coquitlam. One was for an hour deep tissue massage, the other for an hour of acupuncture. Suffice it to say, I tapped dat massage voucher first....lol.

I get there, and the guy is 15 minutes late getting to me.

Then, my hour long massage turns into a discussion about how slow my metabolism is, how my circulation needs to improve, and then I got a 15 minute shoulder rub, and an hour and 15 minutes of electrified needles for acupuncture, necessary, apparently:

"You fat. We must correct yo metabolism, cause YOU FAT."

I must correct the side your nose is on your face, too, asshole......

And yes, I am still playing on store computers- wanted to get some of this in afore I forgot.



01:53 Mar 10 2012

Get out that glove covered brick and hit him with it.:)

Acupressure=====southern style :)

23:14 Mar 10 2012

I MEANT to say smacking bishes- that's what \i get for typing on strange computers...LMAO

00:13 Mar 11 2012

I was wondering where bush smacking was coming in tot his (hahaha) in relation to massage.


Oh hell....lol

22:45 Mar 09 2012
Times Read: 753

"Your computer is suffering from catastrophic C-drive filure. It will either be $250 to replace the harddrive, but you would still be looking at possible other failures with other components since it is an 8 year old computer."

"Or you can buy from Staples for just $450.00 or up....."

KISS my rebel ass- more to come when we go to the NEXT place to shop.




23:17 Mar 09 2012

walmart si where we got are computers havent had any issues

05:01 Mar 10 2012

Come for a visit and Josh will go shopping with you.


Rumours of Ghost in Tsunami stricken city

18:05 Mar 09 2012
Times Read: 762

..A year after whole neighbourhoods full of people were killed by the Japanese tsunami, rumours of ghosts swirl in Ishinomaki as the city struggles to come to terms with the awful tragedy.

One reconstruction project appears stalled because of fears the undead spirits of those who perished last March will bring bad luck.

"I heard people working to repair the store became sick because of ghosts," Satoshi Abe, 64, said, gesturing to a half-repaired supermarket.

"People died everywhere, here and there. The city is full of such stories," he said.

In some parts of this once vibrant fishing port, signs of life are returning -- houses are being rebuilt, businesses are re-opening and children are back at school.

But with around a fifth of the 19,000 who died across the northeast having lost their lives in this small city alone, few think it can ever be normal again.

Shinichi Sasaki said the memory of March 11, 2011 never leaves and it is this persistent memory that creates the "ghosts".

"That day keeps coming back to your mind," he said.

"If you know someone who was killed, and the death was so sudden, you may feel that person is still there. I don't believe in ghosts but I can understand why the town is rife with rumours."

One taxi driver, who did not want to give his name, told AFP of his unwillingness to stop in parts of the city that were all but wiped out by the enormous waves, because he worries that his customer will be a spirit.

A woman who lives in the city said she had heard stories of queues of people who can be seen rushing towards the hills as they try again and again to escape the waves, an endless replay of their last, fruitless minutes.

Counsellors and academics say a widespread belief in ghosts is fairly normal in the aftermath of a major tragedy and forms a part of the healing process in a society.

Cultural anthropologist Takeo Funabiki said it was only "natural" that stories of the supernatural abounded following such an event.

"Human beings find it very difficult to accept death, whether they are inclined by nature to superstition or are very scientifically minded," he told AFP.

"A sudden or abnormal death, anything other than someone dying in bed of old age, is particularly difficult for people to comprehend.

"When there are things that many people find difficult to accept, they can find expression in the form of rumours or rituals for the dead, amongst other things.

"The point is that it takes the shape of something that you can share with other people in your society," he said.

For some of those who lost loved ones, the traditions that usually accompany death in Japan have served their purpose.

Shinto priests have been called upon to console the souls of the dead and ease their passage into the next world before they purify the places where their bodies were found.

At the Buddhist festival of Obon in midsummer, offerings were made at altars as those left behind readied to welcome back the spirits of lost loved ones they believed would return to this world to visit for a few days.

But other people have struggled to make sense of their loss.

Koji Ikeda, a therapist and lecturer at the Academy of Counsellors Japan, said "survivors have various complex emotions -- fear, anxiety, sorrow or desire for the return of deceased people".

"It is possible that a whole lot of emotions that people cannot fully cope with lead to 'projections' of spirits" he said.

"Pent-up emotions need to be expressed in order for people to be able to adapt to the new reality and move forward with their grief."

While few in the city will talk openly of actually having seen a ghost, many are prepared to accept spirits could stalk the deserted streets.

Yuko Sugimoto says she is not particularly superstitious and has not seen any ghosts. But still she has no doubt they could be there among the shadows.

"Many people who were leading normal lives died suddenly," she said. "I'm sure they must find that difficult to accept.

"It would be strange if you didn't hear anything about any of them."





To my friends-

03:10 Mar 08 2012
Times Read: 780

A Thing of Beauty (Endymion)

Who always worryin' about me- yes, I be livin' and will be back soon, and true dat Saharia- running da border witchu would be indeed the solution to almost everything...lol

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:

Its lovliness increases; it will never

Pass into nothingness; but still will keep

A bower quiet for us, and a sleep

Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.

Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing

A flowery band to bind us to the earth,

Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth

Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,

Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkn'd ways

Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all,

Some shape of beauty moves away the pall

From our dark spirits. Such the sun, the moon,

Trees old and young, sprouting a shady boon

For simple sheep; and such are daffodils

With the green world they live in; and clear rills

That for themselves a cooling covert make

'Gainst the hot season; the mid-forest brake,

Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms:

And such too is the grandeur of the dooms

We have imagined for the mighty dead;

An endless fountain of immortal drink,

Pouring unto us from the heaven's brink.



20:01 Mar 08 2012

Yeats is MAGIC and these two lines lift my feet off the ground:

Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.

Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing

20:03 Mar 08 2012

Grrr...Keats! I meant KEATS! Stoopid fingers.

04:58 Mar 09 2012

*chuckling* I love you, Miss Joli



00:24 Mar 08 2012
Times Read: 792

And then some. Had to take the tower for Scott's computer into Staples to find out why the memory THEY installed is now fucking up his computer. So while I have access on my computer, it is not working sufficiently for me to do everything other than check my email for work. Hopefully (all ya'll cross yer fingers) I'll be back by Friday soonest, Monday at the latest.

Damn, I wish I lived in Buffalo...LMAO



00:38 Mar 08 2012

LOL or where I am so you can "run for the boarder!" l

01:03 Mar 08 2012

LMAO!! I,m sorry hun but at least we know you is liven .

20:05 Mar 08 2012

We need you to get a good computer, too! It's quiet here without you!


For my favorite makeup artists- and ya'll know who you are

20:17 Mar 03 2012
Times Read: 810

That would be Rat and Otter, at the very least....

This is sort of what I had in mind the next time I get to let Rat play with my makeup. I absolutely adore Joan Crawford, Bette Davis and the like.



13:52 Mar 05 2012

The scary part is I remember my Mom using moves just like this shows. lol She wouldn't be caught out of bed without her lipstick on or out of the house without the full makeup done. I just wish I could look as cool or be as good at it as she was. :)


Just for my wolfie friends- you know who you are...

05:03 Mar 03 2012
Times Read: 815




15:59 Mar 03 2012

Oh, honey, I am SO sharing that. HAHAAHAH


And now.......for something COMPLETELY different......

20:28 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 823

LMFAO. I was reminded of this song when I was watching a Progressive Insurance commercial, believe it or not. The last time I heard this song, it was 1987 or 88. And we (my ex, his best friend Ted, and I) were on our way to Lake Haversue to see the London Bridge.

Mazeltov, ya'll.....





18:32 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 827







00:42 Mar 08 2012

OMG I want them ALL!


My favorite Monkees

05:31 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 833

I had such a crush on Mike Nesmith, primarily cause I had access to Mike Nesmith...lol

He was an occasional patient of my dad's, and a very sweet guy to a 13 year old girl.....



13:49 Mar 05 2012

This is why we get along so well, Davy was the cute face but there was just something special about Mike, a solid type of person lived there, I thought.

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