birra's Journal

birra's Journal


Honor: 256    [ Give / Take ]


18 entries this month

Just because...

23:13 Sep 28 2010
Times Read: 1,162

...attention all Sentorans. Please see below for an example of big boobies with nipples...

...you should watch out for anything that looks like this.




23:17 Sep 28 2010


23:22 Sep 28 2010

*rubs the סּסּ*

23:32 Sep 28 2010

I am feeling singularly......unsatisfied..... by the boobies.......

23:55 Sep 28 2010


23:57 Sep 28 2010

Tricky Birra... I was expecting something a little more visual.

00:06 Sep 29 2010


Owlets tilting heads Sept 19 Pictures, Images and Photos

02:41 Sep 29 2010

huh. must be cold in here.

02:42 Sep 29 2010

LOL That just ended my day with a smile. :)


Taking things the wrong way...

20:27 Sep 27 2010
Times Read: 1,199


"I "BLOCKED" myself... Just for shits and giggles :)"

Giggles? How do you block your laughter? As for the other end of things, might I suggest more fiber in your diet?



21:17 Sep 27 2010

This made me giggle snort outloud

22:46 Sep 27 2010

The kismet is actually from someone I'm quite fond of, however, she left herself open for that one!

00:04 Sep 29 2010

LOL Yea that is pretty wide open


Something lost...

13:40 Sep 25 2010
Times Read: 1,226

...I do my best to understand, but sometimes I just really don't understand.

I can self-reflect as much as I want... what I am searching just not there. I don't understand it.




You know...

00:30 Sep 23 2010
Times Read: 1,253

...it is often said, "It takes one to know one," but in this case, I have to say... it takes one to mistake another for being one.

Which probably spins back to why you would call someone you barely know, "psycho."

Just saying... I believe the shoe fits you nicely.

Carry on.



00:33 Sep 23 2010

*carries on being a crazy-head*

22:42 Sep 23 2010

psycho is as psycho does....

And Lord knows, we have ample examples around here...lol

20:44 Sep 27 2010

I prefer, sociopath. It has a nice ring to it. :)


Need balance...

14:32 Sep 22 2010
Times Read: 1,281

...I think I'm lacking some balance here. I couldn't sleep last night... a few fleeting moments of dozing followed by interruptions. Discomfort, frustration... breathing management couldn't get my heart rate to normalize...

...the previous night I had dreams that left me with some pretty disturbing visions in my mind. After that, my sleep was restless... horribly resteless. But that wasn't what was bothering me last night.

My body is full of knots. Nerves, stomach, muscles... everything is on edge.

There are only two things I know of that can soothe this and I have neither of them.

One I have to work hard to get.

The other, I have to work harder to cure.

Time and energy elude me and the frustrations mount... I see other people ask all the time, "when is it my turn?"

I'm not asking... but I fully intend in skipping ahead in line and taking my turn... all of my turns.



17:41 Sep 22 2010

I sleep this way all the time. When you have the answer, please let me know what it is!

22:35 Sep 22 2010

I find it puzzling that several people I talk to here on VR, and uncluding myself, have been having trouble sleeping here lately- either due to bad dreams, like yourself and Requiem, or due to who knows what, like myself (I have been waking up in the middle of the night for no known reason that I can find, and having to get up and drink something, watch tv for a bit, and then return to bed)

Generically, I would say it is the onset of new weather- winter is after all just around the corner for alot of us. I specifically think it might be something a little more involved than that...


Holy over-reactions, Batman...

17:01 Sep 19 2010
Times Read: 1,333

The video of a father catching his daughter dancing all sexy like on webcam....

So many of my male friends now have this video on their Facebook status because...

1. They're guys

2. The screen cap is of her butt

3. To see the video on Facebook you have to share it and, well, they're guys so how can they resist?

Just curious if this is a set-up or an actual video... if it is actual, I'd love to hear the story about how it was made public. I would also like to know where this guy lives so I can slap him upside the head with a ball-peen hammer. His daughter is obviously rebelling against his years of tyrannical parenting and will require years of psychotherapy in order to have a healthy relationship....

...either that or she will just become a stripper right out of high school... whichever.



20:10 Sep 19 2010

wow....just wow. Can't really tell if it is staged for effect or not, but I would love to know just who actually originally posted the video...lol

20:13 Sep 19 2010

too bad she didn't get her tail tore up , my daughter would have been grounded , sent to a convent , lost all types of electronics ect.

21:19 Sep 19 2010

Perhaps a more rational approach might be in order?

Physically the woman in this video is obviously older than a pre-teen. Maybe it's time mom & dad actually sit down and discuss sex and sexuality instead of repressing it behind their own veils of embarassment and trying to punish her wildly in their over-reacting rage for expressing her sexuality?

It's called... parenting.

22:56 Sep 19 2010

I cry FOUL, that was so fake.

01:20 Sep 20 2010

yeah, I'm thinkng that's fake. It feels a little rehearsed.

or maybe it feels that way because I keep playing it. over and over and over.

15:00 Sep 20 2010

I honestly don't know if it was staged or not but since you can't see a face its hard to tell. Flat out, I don' think I would have thrown my daughter around. If I was the daughter I would have had music playing and the video screen down from the webcam at least that way the alibi would have sounded more plausible from the get go.

On top of all that, the parenting skills here suck ass. And if its real, I hope she broke it off with whatever guy she was sending this to or at least wasn't dumb enough to post it herself.

15:08 Sep 22 2010

I think it could have been staged. She doesn't look to be a teen, but then again teenagers and even pre-teens and children are doing that sort of thing now to be "cool".

I think the parenting here sucks as well.

Now I am curious as to how and why it was made public. Perhaps the one the video stream was being sent to posted it publicly?

15:15 Sep 22 2010

Wait.. he yells at her "before your bar mitzvah."

Do girls have bar mitzvahs? I thought that was a boys only thing.

16:32 Sep 25 2010

For a girl it is called a Bat Mitzvah and occurs at age 12.

15:10 Sep 26 2010

That girl is SOOOO not 12.

14:27 Sep 29 2010

Birra, young girls are sluts. That's the bottom line. Sluts sluts sluts.

17:29 Sep 29 2010

Then I need to move to Sweeden... heh.

00:31 Oct 15 2010

Set up. Absolutely a set up. If it was real, she would have locked the door. Every girl her age does.

15:11 Oct 15 2010

Thanks Briley - the most intuitive analysis of it I've seen. Heh.


Ripping a page from tragic irony...

16:08 Sep 19 2010
Times Read: 1,343

....probably the modern day definition of tragic irony.

A woman driving a car adorned with pink ribbon magnets... flicking her cigarette ashes out the window.

*face palm*



16:13 Sep 19 2010

Pathetic and disgusting.



22:23 Sep 18 2010
Times Read: 1,361

...and, deja vu... sometimes life feels completely circular in nature.

Doesn't it?



03:21 Sep 19 2010

Round and round I go....


07:48 Sep 19 2010

Totally man.

11:07 Sep 19 2010

sometimes feels like your chasing and biting your own ass, don't it....


You know...

18:56 Sep 14 2010
Times Read: 1,395

...I'm all about "make love, not war," but you should still do it with a bit of class.

Just saying.



19:17 Sep 14 2010

Fine. Then I won't come up into your office and get naked.

20:00 Sep 14 2010

Fear is the greatest inspirator of all

Punching someone is the best way to teach them

Violence gets the message through, and that's a well-established fact



03:51 Sep 10 2010
Times Read: 1,415




04:03 Sep 09 2010
Times Read: 1,442

...yeah... *ahem* Stalk much?



05:29 Sep 09 2010

Ah.. So you did feel my breath on the back of your neck...

06:32 Sep 09 2010

o.O well I will just back up and leave you two alone ( ;

00:05 Sep 15 2010

Oop.. I guess we're all in a row, stalking you...


Pills for ills...

14:29 Sep 08 2010
Times Read: 1,473

...yep, anything that seems slightly out of "perfect health" these days, they have a pill for it. And doctors LOVE to prescribe as many as possible.

After all, they have to keep up their lifetime supply of pens and post-it pads.

But do we really need a pill to solve every problem? Shouldn't we be searching for some remedies that can actually be had without an insurance co-pay?

Like... stop buying a cart full of crap from the inside aisles at the market? Stick to the outside aisles. If it needs to have water sprayed on it every 5 minutes, odds are, it's pretty good for you. If it comes with a label that says, "Keep refrigerated – Use or Freeze within 5 days,” odds are it’s pretty good for you.

And consider your habits. Smoking is a big one for me… not a habit, but an annoyance. We know all the health risks… many are printed on the cigarette packs; many others just won’t fit in the small print. And people chain-smoke. It is an addiction. Can’t help it. Have to have one. Going outside, it’s -10C, but I need a smoke… what? A permanent tracheotomy? That’s ok, I’ll just smoke through the hole in my neck. Second round of chemo? Well… I definitely need a cigarette to calm my nerves…

Is this sounding a bit stupid to anyone else?

Just a bit?

Now, I’m an all things in moderation kind of guy. With a couple exceptions that don’t pose health risks… like, love… and avocados. Can’t get enough of those, but I still moderate the avocados. But people who smoke usually know no moderation, and hence they get into trouble. The body will repair itself whenever it can. Hit your thumb with a hammer and your thumb will eventually heal. Hit your thumb with a hammer 6 times a day, that fucker will fall off before it heals.

That is what you’re doing to your lungs, nose, throat, mouth… when you smoke habitually.

Get it?

But you know what? You’re in luck! Medical science has pills to break you of the habits you can’t control on your own. And if you act now, you can possibly succeed in quitting for a $20/month co-pay… and your doctor will get a new box of pens for his office.



14:56 Sep 08 2010

haha Being a smoker I should be insulted by this but I find it quite humorous. This should seriously be a commercial. I bet at least 25% of the people who see it would quit just so they could stop feeling like an idiot.

If it weren't for already having to quit because of my new medication, I would want to quit because of how dumb this entry makes me feel. I mean not that I would be stupid enough to smoke if I got cancer or had to get a whole in my throat but I get your point. I'm dumb for doing it in the first place lol

Oh and the pill I'm taking isn't intended to make me quit its just to control my blood sugar and help the PCOS, but I suppose making me throw up every time I smoke is a nice side effect. lol

23:34 Sep 08 2010

Every now and then you have to stop pulling your punches and outright tell the truth about something. Smoking is stupid. Feeding a dangerous addiction is stupid. Does it mean you're a stupid person? That could be up for debate and not by me, but the decision is surely a stupid one.

I was a smoker for a while until I fully realized that my decision to do so was stupid and I quit. No period of cravings, nothing, just quit.

Every time I compare cigarette addiction to heroin addiction, I get shocked gasps and at best, a half hearted agreement. Ohh it's not as bad as hard drugs. Why not? You know it can very well kill you, it effects your day to day life, it is an added expense you allow for. Why not? Addiction is addiction to me.

Not to mention the cigarette butts so many inconsiderate addicts leave strewn about parks, sidewalks, and even my back freaking yard. What's not to be annoyed about?


00:53 Sep 09 2010

Mm hmm. I agree Morri.

But, on the cigarette/heroin thing... cigarettes are legal, hence the shocked responses.

See... if the government doesn't outlaw it, it can't be AS BAD as something that was made illegal.

Except for that whole... pot having medicinal value, where cigarettes have none... thing.. yeah... because it's always about what is best for people... never has anything to do with money... noooo...

06:40 Sep 11 2010

I quit smoking immediately when I found out I was pregnant. I ended up smoking again because of stupid reasons and added stress. No way am I using the "stress" part as an excuse, I know how stupid it is. I smoked... rarely right after having him. When I needed a break and Emerson was in the NICU I would smoke a little. I couldn't chew gum in the NICU or have anything that could possibly cause a choking hazard in there. I more fiddled with the damned thing than smoked it though.

My step mum smokes, I stopped a little while back for good, but sometimes I miss it. As stupid as it sounds, it was soothing to a point. But I found other things that are not only healthier, but more soothing. Like breathing exercises. I do that a lot now.

With the cancer in my family, I know how dumb I am for it. It's genetically there, most likely dormant in my body. Smoking only causes a higher risk factor for me. My sister has to be seen by a Oncology doctor next month because of a possible high risk of lung cancer and because she is a chain smoker- she is only 21.

You would think I would never have smoked because of it.

01:01 Sep 29 2010

We know all the health risks… many are printed on the cigarette packs; many others just won’t fit in the small print.

I'm just curious, but are there no "I'm going to kill you" labels on cigarette packages in the states?

I never thought of it before. But for years, every package of cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, et cetera, has been plastered with graphic images of shrivelled lungs, artery gunk, and children in intensive care. The effects of smoking.

It's so disgusting. I'm not certain if it actually discourages anyone, but it's definitely the goal.


late dinner....

04:59 Sep 07 2010
Times Read: 1,510

...been working on a small remodeling project here in the office. Upstairs is a small bedroom... which, is just designed stangely. A previous owner painted it sky-blue and dark brown... literally half and half. It is on a roof-line, so there is a knee-wall on the longest side of the room, which has been broken up by a small 3-ft closet and this strange built-in, bunk bed type thing, and a small boxed in area where the heating pipes come up.

The built-in bed area is just a 2x4 construction and they carpeted the entire thing - walls, rails, ceiling, everything... with brown shag carpet.

Not only did they carpet it, but they used some kind of mega adhesive on every square inch of it, to hold the carpet up.

Not only did they use a mega adhesive on every square inch, but they used twist nails about every 6 inches.

Not only did they use a mega adhesive on every square inch and twist nails about every 6 inches, but they assembled the bed thingy with three 4-inch framing nails on every stud.

Apparently the thought was, even if the rest of the house blew-up in a gas explosion, whoever was sleeping in this home crafted bulit-in bed thingy would be safe and sound as they flew through the air in an indestructable, shag-carpet space capsule.




05:16 Sep 07 2010

Hahah I'm sure that's why they did it. It sounds like such a hellhole. Sorry love

05:43 Sep 07 2010

It will be nice when I finish... now, tongue & grove pine or a solid piece of fine finish ply?

Decisions, decisions...

06:22 Sep 07 2010

If there is ever going to be a national emergency, Birra I am coming to your house and hiding there. :P

15:38 Sep 07 2010

Sounds like a lot of work. I say tongue & grove pine :)

15:56 Sep 07 2010

I was thinking that, too. I might have to wire in some lighting in that area too. Severe lack of built in lighting in this house.

21:38 Sep 07 2010

I vote got the pine....smells nice

17:46 Sep 22 2010

Have you already destroyed that monument to a Can-Do attitude served up Americana-style? If so, can't blame you, but I'd LOVE pictures!

18:08 Sep 22 2010

It's gone, man. Only thing left is a bare frame and tortured dry-wall surfaces with spotty adhesive on them...



16:23 Sep 06 2010
Times Read: 1,535

....the damn mouse took the cheese but didn't set off the trap. How is that possbile?? With these new plastic traps, I can barely set the damn thing and keep it from triggering.



17:48 Sep 06 2010

Clever mouse hey?!

18:18 Sep 06 2010

Try peanut butter , it works good too.

18:20 Sep 06 2010

Because it is not a mouse trap - it's a finger trap.

19:32 Sep 06 2010

Ha! Apparently Requiem... damn thing gets me at least once every time.

I might try peanutbutter. Or just sitting motionless in the dark with a gun.

19:43 Sep 06 2010


*backs away from birra journal slowly*

07:39 Sep 07 2010

Use glue traps? They work wonders. It sucks they're a one mouse deal. Easy clean up, just toss mouse and trap in the trash.

19:56 Sep 08 2010


06:00 Sep 09 2010

Peanut butter works well on the plastic mouse traps. I like the new traps where they go in and can't get out. You don't have to see the nasty little buggers.



19:22 Sep 05 2010
Times Read: 1,582

...you know, maybe I was expecting too much, but speaking as someone who saved your butt time and time again over 3 years, your written recommendation for me was a little less than... vanilla...

...thanks for the effort.



19:31 Sep 05 2010

You deserve the whole whipped cream and cherry on top, the works, you are awesome

19:33 Sep 05 2010

Well at least you know the guy IRL

You know what that means ...

20:04 Sep 05 2010

Yeah, I do. And considering I've already mentioned that there is potentially a job in it for him if I win the contract i'm trying to get, I would have thought he would have put together a more impressive recommendation.

21:53 Sep 05 2010

Poop. Pure and simple :(



19:55 Sep 04 2010
Times Read: 1,633

My stress levels this week have worn me out. I've always been used to dealing with stress, but it's going beyond the point of being able to cast it aside.

I actually felt myself fighting sleep while driving this morning, after a good night of rest and I hadn't been driving very far...

I'm not sure what I need... some positive outcomes would be a nice change of pace though. Other people providing the help they are supposed to would be a welcomed change as well...

...but I guess the positive outcomes are the only thing that is somewhat in my control.

Unfortunately, right now, I feel like a quarterback that has been given no receivers or backs and an offensive line comprised only of children - and still feels the pressure to try and make good things happen on every play.

I'm starting to wonder when the defense might call something BESIDES an all out blitz...



21:23 Sep 04 2010

I'm wit ya honey. Until we get the cooperation and assitance from the other "team members" it's a matter of if we want it done right....yadda yadda yadda.

And as long as we are doing everything ourselves, this is going to be the result. Since I know you are alot like me in that you want to make sure the customer is happy first and foremost, the only thing I can tell you to do is muddle through till you get to the end of it, then take some much deserved time off for yourself. Go back to Canada early one day and take some pictures-find yourself another cafe and sit in the sun, and read that book you've been wanting to get to.

While I applaud your dedication to your business, sooner or later it really does need to be about you, or there won't be any you to have a business....

23:10 Sep 04 2010

I'm sorry man. I've felt that kind of stress before. =(

It's really bad for your health as well. Be careful. I hope it subsides soon.

00:17 Sep 05 2010

Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. You'll manage.

00:20 Sep 05 2010

Not entirely true, Bones. I'm going to make some Salmon now... it will be worthwhile, and easy. :)

02:53 Sep 05 2010

*pokes her nose into it*

Ok- I am trying to do what...a friend...told me to do. He said to take a few mins to just sit, take several deep breaths in and out, and calm my mind. To count back from 100, or put a image of a peaceful place in my mind. To center myself a few times during the day.

Then instead of thinking of all I am not doing right, what is going wrong, to look at what is right in my life. To say to myself "On this day- I did this right. I got this done. I am lucky to have family, friends in my life who love me and will always be there." To not let the negative take over.

Also to rant. Just a piece of paper- write it out, put down what you want to say to those you can't say it to, get the anger out, if nothing else just for your own release. Then just tear it up and see it as a release of that anger, trash it. Some times it works, others it is just a waste of paper.

I am still working on the time at home, or trying to sleep and the mind will not shut off. When I have time on my hands is the worst for the shit to come back up. Reason I am with you on the so tried.

So...yeah. And this did not cost you a penny. lol *Sort of two for one deal- I just do the paying*


02:53 Sep 05 2010

Oh and I forgot...


03:31 Sep 05 2010

VW, I appreciate it. I know all those tricks - my mind spins these days with how much is weighing on it. Focusing on my breathing and counting to 100 and all that stuff... just isn't cutting it right now.

Maybe I just need more scotch...

23:42 Sep 05 2010

HEY! That's MY line....lol

04:31 Sep 06 2010

I thought your line was, "That will be $4.50..."


This is petition worthy...

18:44 Sep 02 2010
Times Read: 1,681

Why don't more people understand this? Women usually have the same interest regarding erotocism as men do. They just don't usually go for the modern day concept of porn which seems to be: women are worthless and exist only for men's pleasure so it's ok to disrespect and humiliate them, after all, that is what they derive pleasure from.

I'm not sure where that concept came from, but it really needs to stop...



18:51 Sep 02 2010

Thankyou, your absolutely right! And Brilliant!!

18:54 Sep 02 2010

So true. I can't tell you how many times I've felt insulted by pornography "made for women".

19:06 Sep 02 2010

ditto....It could be like a Secret deodorant commercial...."strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.." bahaha...

ok, really though...this is all my opinion....it might have come from the fact I believe that men started the porn industry. Most women (except for whores) had to cover from the neck to the ankles. Perhaps it goes even deeper to say that since women didn't get rights until later, they were still seen as inferior and wanting a money shot in the eye or something.

Don't get me all thinking now...it hurts....SQUIRREL!!!!!

19:18 Sep 02 2010

Very true.

19:21 Sep 02 2010

lol.....okay that was funny.

But seriously. I was in my 30's before I realized my mother was anyhting other than, well, my mother. I got up in the wee hours when my then husband and I were visiting on leave. I was walking to the kitchen through the living room when I realized someone was sitting on the couch watching tv. I walked over, and saw my mom. I asked her what she was doing, and she looked at me, and said, "who knew they were so big?"

She was sitting there in front of their big screen, exploring the tuxedo channel which was coming in on their new satellite dish.....

I always wondered, with my earliest exposure to magazines, why women didn't seem to be enjoying something that everybody kept telling me was so much fun. I surf the computer, but Scott does much of the porn surfing because I was raised that nice girls don't...

Only time will tell...lol

19:23 Sep 02 2010

Petition worthy indeed. If we really want to be seen as equals, WE really need to stand up and be counted though.

19:31 Sep 02 2010

Why don't nice girls enjoy sex? What's the point in that?

19:44 Sep 02 2010

they probably do. probably not the good kinky kind or the furious make up kind....but internally they probably enjoy it..lol

19:50 Sep 02 2010

Haha! True! You've read my more "out there" journal entries.

I can be just as sex driven as a male is stereotypically supposed to be! LOL!

I'm sure I'm not the only one.


20:04 Sep 02 2010

You're not the only one.

I know, for a fact, women like sex.

I'm assuming, based on conversations and personal experience, most of them aren't too keen on being beat, choked, gagged, drilled like an oil-well or used like a toilet during sex.

It isn't realistic and honestly, it isn't erotic.

And the exact opposite is true as well. Women don't necessarily swoon at an image of a good looking guy doing the dishes. They might think, "Damn, I need a housekeeper that looks like that..." but the scene itself really isn't going to arouse their sensual senses.

Why can't the adult entertainment industry get it right? Are they just THAT out of touch with women?

21:14 Sep 02 2010

It's not all that hard to figure out women have just as much of a sex drive as men. The difference being ours can ebb and flow with the ups and downs of our hormones through the month.

As far as porn goes...I haven't found much out there that "does it" for me. I don't like watching women being objectified. It's not who I am, it's not what I want to be, and it's certainly not something I want for other women. A lot of what I've seen is all about the man. How can the woman please him and forget about her own pleasure? Last time I checked...it's a touch harder for a woman to get going and get off than a man. And really, we deserve to get just as much pleasure out of sex as men do.

I think the porn industry is just that out of touch with women. I've met men who said most of what they've learned about sex came from porn. I turned around and walked the other way. I don't want that kind of mindset in my bedroom.

21:20 Sep 04 2010

It's just business, sugar- while I deplore the thinking, the fact of the matter is that the bulk of porn sales are to men mostly because at least for the time being, most women don't want to be associated with the kind of places that sell this kind of thing. They are gearing their sales to the biggest market, and until that changes, they're not going to change.

03:23 Sep 05 2010

Choking isn't exactly an unrealistic turn on if its done right ;) lol

I think the porn industry plays off what people wish their sex lives were like. However all they really end up do is setting unrealistic standards that as you said aren't very erotic.

I could never get turned on by watching a guy do housework. In fast if any guy of mine did it would down right piss me off. I know this sounds a bit old fashioned but as far as I'm concerned guys should only take out the trash and mow the lawn. Everything else is the woman's territory.

22:33 Sep 13 2010

The porn industry is out of touch with women, because men usually write the scenes and because porn is mostly for men, so they don't really know what women like.


Round and round we go...

03:49 Sep 02 2010
Times Read: 1,692

...you would think, if you were racing, it shouldn't be that hard to pass a couple cars that are standing still... right?

The trick is to not crash into them.



04:01 Sep 02 2010


04:13 Sep 02 2010

Don't ask Keri. There's a hidden message in there... somewhere.

*sneaks quietly away*

06:33 Sep 05 2010

Did you find the meaning yet? ;)

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