Joli's Journal

Joli's Journal


Honor: 19    [ Give / Take ]


4 entries this month

04:01 Mar 30 2012
Times Read: 627


Really? I've written about this before but it still blows me away. Do you really feel this is necessary when you rate someone? Let's go step-by-step:

1. OK, you rated me...got it. I rather assumed it was by your standard, but, sure...ok. Good to know, I guess.

2. Who cares if I like it or not? It's your number...your standard. See #1.

3. You think highly of your rate. Far more highly than anyone else ever should. No rating will cause me to re-do something I created just to get the approval of someone I don't know or care about.

4. Whether or not I return your rating (I won't), it's still not your problem. Why should it be a problem at all? You poop a number onto someone's page and move on. Done deal.

5. You're hated by people because of your ratings? HATED? Really? Seems a bit extreme to me. What seems more likely is that you like to draw attention to yourself. You LIKE the idea of people lining up to have opinions about you, so you wave your CAVEAT flag for all the world to see.

Just be real. Poop your number. Next! It's not that big of a thing, honey. Chill. If you aren't having fun...and folks HATING you in lines suggests un-fun, you might try doing something different. This isn't a job; it's a website for people to have FUN.

Is this stuff really so hard to grasp? Silly wabbits.



04:09 Mar 30 2012

This is what happens when people have no perspective and are spoiled by how good their lives are.

04:39 Mar 30 2012

Damn I was going to rate you, but now that I know I won't get rated in return I think I shall pass :P

05:33 Mar 30 2012

ahaha this is fun ;D

08:47 Mar 30 2012

I know! These kinds of explanations in stamps are just over the top.

21:22 Mar 30 2012

Over-the-top eh. Surely it's a given - rate what you rate for whatever reason - no need to spell it out in my opinion. :)


23:28 Mar 27 2012
Times Read: 655


Come on in. Take your seats; the bell is about to ring. Today we are going to learn the difference between "loose" and "lose".

I know that you hear that "oo" sound and are just dying to put it in both words, but it only works in ONE of them. Look around at your classmates. Mmmhmm. Good. Now, you know which ones are sleeping around. That little slutty muffin is known as a LOOSE person. Note the "oo" sound in the word, LOOSE. LOOSE people make that sound a lot, usually in the back seat of cars. Ooo Oooo Oooo. So LOOSE! It takes two Os to be that loose. Loose Goose...look, they both have 2 Os.

Be careful with your Os. You don't want one to go missing. Don't LOSE your O! No matter what he says, an O is very important...being LOOSE is nice. LOSERS rarely get to make the OO sound of their LOOSE friends. They LOSE so much, they begin to sound like a whiny, leaking faucet...OOZE...OOZE...LOSE.

Trust me, you can get this. And if you don't...you have to LOSE recess to bang my erasers...Mmmm, I like the sound of that...just thinking about it makes me go OO and feel all LOOSE!



01:04 Mar 28 2012

o.O I suddenly feel so dirty for having read this haha ; )

04:07 Mar 28 2012

*carefully places apple on desk* yes Mrs. 666

04:07 Mar 28 2012

I'm just speechless...oo

14:55 Mar 28 2012


17:19 Mar 28 2012

HAHAHA this is hilarious and sad at the same time because I just had a similar conversation with a child about this exact wording issue.

12:53 Mar 29 2012

You're my favorite teacher. :)

14:17 Mar 30 2012

lol I am just going to say it-

What is next teacher? Cum vs Come?


I know...

*hangs head*


19:23 Mar 26 2012
Times Read: 692

Free thoughts by Joli. Worth every penny you paid for them.

A fella and a female on this site have managed to irritate just about everyone. Integrity has been called into question and I have been pretty careful not to step into the poo from either direction. I have read journal entries and member pages, but I haven't weighed in. I have continued to love whom I love. I suppose that's enough to earn me a one in ratings, or it's equally possible that he simply hates my profile. Here's my message there: IT'S OK. It's seriously ok. That ratings button is there for you and you have expressed your feelings. I'm not mad about it. I'm not even going to rate you in return. It just ends with your rating on the profile.

Negative Honor. Are we nearly through yet? I understand "never wanting to forget" where you feel harm was done, but at some point, YOU get a bit consumed by the negativity. Why not just let it end and surround yourself with what gives you joy. Bar the door to those who have no honor, but within your walls, light the fireplace, read a book, and forgive. Forgiveness is about YOU, not them. They may continue to go on and do rotten stuff, but without forgiveness, the barb remains in YOUR heart, crippling you. That honors nobody.

I haven't given negative honor yet and I doubt that I ever will. I can see a reason for it, but not to perpetuate it. It becomes the tail that wags the dog. Please don't buy into it. Love on people you love. Tell the truth where injustice and nastiness occurs, then get out of there. It is not where you need to live. Wipe off your feet and come talk to some of us who want to know you.

Again, worth what you paid for it.



21:23 Mar 26 2012

That is probably the most responsible, sensible and mature journal entry I've read in a long time.

Are you sure you're on the right website?

00:39 Mar 27 2012

no one can take real honor, only the owner of the real honor can loose it themselves.. and an honor website, no offence intended, is only a virtual thing, kind a like online porn, its not real :)

just my 2 cents :)

03:19 Mar 27 2012

Sorry, but I do disagree. Where you spend your time, where you invest yourself...MATTERS. If I call you a name online, in a book I author, or I do it to your face...I've still done it. It's real. I am responsible for ALL of my interactions.

We can't just come online and spew venom everywhere and then delude ourselves that we haven't done anything wrong because it isn't real.

If you mean that nobody can take honor away from me, I agree to a degree, but I never suggested that anyone could. I merely addressed the responsibility of the individual to choose where they focus their time and energy. Someone could, however, cast doubt upon my integrity. Libel and Slander are examples...even if what is posited isn't true!

Online porn isn't porn? Since when? Do you have some new definition of porn that you could share with me?

03:48 Mar 27 2012

Wonderfully stated... I feel that our actions here DO matter, that's something that I've learned during my time on VR.

Time and time again I've been told that it doesn't matter. It's just someone online... Blah blah blah. But there are PEOPLE leaving those words. People saying those things to each other. It disturbs me when it turns violent or threatening and yes, it does matter, because it is human interaction.

05:44 Mar 27 2012

You have said it perfectly ,,and it really does matter what people say to each other even if it is online because we are humans sitting in front of these computers and what people say can still hurt no matter if it comes from a site or face to face

21:05 Mar 27 2012

Wonderful entry.


17:51 Mar 17 2012
Times Read: 759

Many of you know that I'm Christian. I know that word doesn't garner a great deal of respect these days, often deservedly so. Not because of Jesus, but because of those who profess to love him. We are just as sorry a group as those who do not. But I digress. I want to talk to someone I know here, but in order to not call them out, I'm going to do this in a general way, publicly. I think it talks to most of us, anyway, and it's far wiser than anything I could say on my own. I hope it is read and thought about. I sincerely hope, my friend, that it helps.

This is from the Book of Matthew, Chapter 15, verses 1-16. I am putting the teaching into my own words in places. Any errors conveyed are mine.

Jesus was often approached by a group of men known as the Pharisees as he sat with his disciples (students), talking and teaching them. The Pharisees were considered the experts on scripture; they were also consumed with getting EVERY DETAIL IN A LITERAL WAY. In today's age, they would be somewhat similar to the right-wing fundamentalists. They built tradition that could cloud the truth of a simple Scripture verse designed to guide and help people. The man-made teaching would then have rules for behavior attached to it that weighed the people down in tedious tradition and ritual that often failed to reflect the spirit of the teaching.

One day, a group of Pharisees came up to Jesus and asked him a question. He didn't approach them, they approached him. I wonder if they really wanted an answer or if their intention was to trap him cleverly with verbal hooks. They asked, “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!”

Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’] and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’ But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is ‘devoted to God,’ they are not to ‘honor their father or mother’ with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition.You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:

“‘These people honor me with their lips,

but their hearts are far from me.

They worship me in vain;

their teachings are merely human rules.’ ”

Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”

OK, stick with me here. Jesus is pointing out to the "keepers of the law" their own despicable practices of legalistic loopholing. God never said that people MUST wash before eating. There had been a ceremonial washing by priests that the Pharisees made into yet another rule for people.

Jesus calls them on God's very clear command that we are to honor our parents. The clever Pharisees have devised a way to cheat their parents: The process involved swearing that all one’s resources belonged to God, but of course were available for their own personal use until death. This meant that they could not give money away to support their aged parents, since that money had been promised to God. Slick.

Jesus goes on:“Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”

Restated by me, given to you with hope that you will get this:

The words that you are speaking are expressing the content of your heart.

Think about that. Seriously. Afterwards, if you want to talk with me about what truly matters to you and others, I'm willing to hear you out.



18:47 Mar 17 2012

Here on the net, that does say alot. we can only go by what people say. and if your intent from the heart is pure, ones words will be too.

18:50 Mar 17 2012

You zeroed in on one of the best parts of the Bible here, a part those people giving a bad name to Christianity do not focus on, and never talk about. I see eye to eye with you. And I am happy you are giving a spotlight to one of my favorite areas of the New Testament.

I spiritually connected with you. Just by reading this.

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