MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


Honor: 20    [ Give / Take ]


24 entries this month

21:25 Sep 30 2012
Times Read: 704

I had to do a system restore on my phone. So I've lost everything I had on it. My google account only saved 4 contacts. So...

If you don't hear from me that's why. Because I don't have your number anymore. hah. If you want me to re-have it, then send me youir digits.

Stupid phone. I will never get and HTC again.



21:50 Sep 30 2012

That bites.

22:47 Sep 30 2012

Nothing was saved on ur SD card? I'm suprized your carrier didn't offer backup assistance...I have a HTC and when I did a system restore it saved all my pics and my contacts thru the backup system...damn...that way sucks...

00:49 Oct 01 2012

It bites big time. I had a game on there that I was really far into. :|

The partition on my phone went bad. I think it was something I downloaded. It was running unstable and I lost most of my stuff then. So there wasn't any point in not doing a restore.

I'll be so glad when I can get a new phone. This phone was good when I first got it. Over time it just went to hell.

07:33 Oct 01 2012

Ouch. I personally use an HTC Supersonic (aka EVO 4G) though lost numbers because of other Android handsets. I'm growing weary of the glitches and issues, so I'm doing an iPhone soon.

05:20 Oct 02 2012

I should, like, give you my number anyway. Pretty sure you didn't have it before. lol

18:21 Oct 02 2012

You should, dammit! :P


04:52 Sep 30 2012
Times Read: 703

It would be totally badass if they made a Hunger Games extension for The Sims. They have all the magic stuff- wands and a quidditch field. Sims could get a job as the gamemakers, or even the stylist.

Oh! Oh! and they could do the reaping!!!



05:56 Sep 30 2012

Oh good lord. You just wanna set them on fire or set Mutts after them, don't you?! >_>

Seriously though, that'd be cool. The possibilities are endless.


22:31 Sep 29 2012
Times Read: 757

I see how it is. Actually I've always seen how it was. It's okay for you, but it is never okay for anyone else. I never understood that. It was always the same thing.

I guess things never change.

Oh well!



22:46 Sep 29 2012


I always change my undies!


00:15 Sep 30 2012

And I change my socks!

02:16 Sep 30 2012

I sometimes change my pantyliners 2- 3 times a day.

Seriously - some things/people will NEVER change.

02:31 Sep 30 2012

No no no, they are ABOVE it all, commenting on it. We should count our lucky stars that they decide to share their wisdom with us.


17:53 Sep 29 2012
Times Read: 780

If you are going to try and make a 'movement' or even be part of a 'movement' at least know what it's really about and the facts behind it.

I am making a movement called Revolt Against Ignorance.

There is no reason as to why someone should be ignorant on things. With the amount of books and free information on the web, ignorance can be 'cured' with a few clicks of a button, or the turning of pages.

It is okay to be ignorant. It is not okay to spread the ignorance as truth.

Do the research. Make the effort. Don't let ignorance rule you.

On another note-

I got The Sims today. Which means I am going to install it and go play it. I'm going to turn people into things and then make them explode! yay!



17:55 Sep 29 2012

Will there be screenshots?

03:52 Sep 30 2012

YAY for Sims! ♥ Don't forget to play with the Grim Reaper. ;)

04:36 Sep 30 2012

haha I haven't met him yet. I have walked into a Zombie. hah.

Oh and All the fearies have wings ALL the time. I've hunted people! Next Ima bite them.


04:48 Sep 29 2012
Times Read: 819

Okay flat out from a LAW GROUP-

Can websites censor things I say online?

We are often asked this question from potential clients who have had their Internet messages or postings removed by forums, message boards, website operators or ISP’s. Unfortunately, as noted above, the First Amendment only applies to government actors, and not to private website operators. Therefore, assuming the website is acting on its own, and not at the request or on the behalf of some state or federal government authority, no First Amendment right is violated. However, a customer’s relationship with a website is usually governed by a set of “Terms & Conditions” that are agreed to during the registration or access process. Those Terms & Conditions will usually identify the grounds for removal of communications or termination of the customer’s account. Such user terms and conditions are usually enforced by the courts.

From here- http://www.firstamendment.com/first-amendment/

Really... it's okay to be wrong. It's okay to be corrected. But when you continue to look like a fool because you keep getting proven wrong, and then you just keep going on and on- THAT is when it is not okay.



04:53 Sep 29 2012

I'll be adding that link to my Member Page later.


21:45 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 861

I found a great website that explains a few things:


Free Speech and Contract Law

Free speech protection, however, does not extend to private homes or businesses. You may have the right to say what you like in a public forum, but you don’t have the right to enter a private home or business and do that. In such situations your right to free speech is subject to the discretion of the owner of that private forum.

Contract law may apply in many cases as well. With some limitations it’s perfectly legal for a contract to limit the right of free speech. This is because you have the ability to enter into a contract that restricts your right to free speech.

I’ve signed many business deals over the years that restrict my free speech rights. Many business contracts include a non-disclosure clause, whereby I agree that I won’t disclose certain financial or other protected info that another business shares with me. This is very common in business.

It’s likely you’ve entered into many contracts over the years that restrict your right to free speech. For example, if you ever sign up for an online service and agreed to their Terms of Service, they usually define pretty clearly what restrictions you’re agreeing to.

Free Speech Online

For many of the online sites where you may think free speech is protected, you’re required to contractually agree to limit your free speech rights. You actually don’t have the same right to free speech that you would in a truly public forum.

This is true of Facebook, Twitter, and pretty much all the major social media sites I’m aware of. Review their Terms of Service and see for yourself.

In most cases the restrictions are reasonable and maybe even necessary for maintaining a quality service. It depends on who’s running the service.

While it may seem that you’re entitled to free speech just the same as you would in a public forum, in actuality you waived that right when you joined the service. That was a condition of your registration.

Some online services are quite liberal when it comes to restricting your free speech rights, while others are more restrictive.

Common Courtesy

When people approach online communities with the erroneous belief that they’re entitled to unbridled free speech, this misjudgment often leads to inappropriate behavior.

For example, sometimes people will register for my forums and try to trash talk me.

I don’t mind a bit of friendly ribbing now and then, and I’m all for intelligent debate, but if people come to my website and try to treat me, my friends, my business associates, or other members of my community with disrespect, they get banned very quickly.

Try going around to various privately owned forums and trash talk the site owner and his/her family. See how long it takes before your account is nuked. Sure, some people will allow you to do that. Some people don’t care. Some don’t pay attention. Some will get into it with you because they like the drama. But quite often you’ll end up having your account disabled. Ostensibly it’s for violating their Terms of Service. But in reality, you got banned for behaving like a jerk in someone else’s home. And when you find yourself bounced to the curb, see how much anyone cares to hear your protests that you were simply exercising your right to free speech. I’m sure the crickets will enjoy listening to your well-formed arguments.

You Are an Invited Guest

Here’s an attitude I suggest you adopt when it comes to participating in online communities. When you visit someone else’s online community, you’re a guest in the owner’s online home. Behave accordingly. Your participation is a privilege subject to the owner’s discretion.

I hit the important parts of a few of the areas because they were so long in explains. But this basically sums up a lot of misconceptions going on. It isn't hard to find things to either prove yourself right, or wrong, on the internet. There is a lot of information at your finger tips. Some people have laid out these certain things for that reason; so people can research and not be ignorant on a subject matter.



22:02 Sep 28 2012

The problem with this is- it makes perfect sense.

22:03 Sep 28 2012

I know! It's a total Captain Obvious moment. hah!

22:12 Sep 28 2012

I just updated my Member Page with a link to this article- going to have to share it in my journal as well, kick ass!

22:17 Sep 28 2012

Heck Yeah!

23:57 Sep 28 2012

Im just laughin here. I mean,isnt that what everyone has been trying to get across to them?

Good find MP.


19:23 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 878

I just seen this on a website-

So... uhm... like.. every other day was just in preparation for this day? heh.



19:32 Sep 28 2012

I notice that there is no guarantee that my stupid question will not be laughed at today. *sad face*


04:48 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 903

Back in the day I used to be a customer service rep. Here they have something called the scan law. It goes something like 10% of the difference. No more than 5 dollars no less than a dollar. An item needs to be bought and paid for before you can claim scan law. I used to have it memorized, but its been a long time.

I always used to get people who would claim this law and be in thw wrong. Even after I explained it to them, they still wanted to bend ot in their way.

That doesn't work. Just because someone knows parts of a law, doesn't mean they know what they are talking about. After ai explained it to most people they understood. Yet there were some that were know it alls and just knew they were right. Yeah, so not the case.

Now in the case of free speech, if I remember correctly there was a man that said fuck in front of a child not his own. The mother sued him and I believe won.

Make sure YOU as your own entity know the rules, laws and other things. Some people who claim to know everyhing, really know nothing.



02:10 Sep 30 2012

It's better to be completely ignorant yet open to knowledge, than to be partially ignorant and refuse to learn more.

(Wow - I actually sound deep - lol)!


01:48 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 912

haha The greatest line on The Big Bang theory tonight was when Leonard looked at Sheldon and said something along the lines of "I believe that God created the world in 6 days, and then on the seventh day he created you to drive me nuts".

Ohhh how that fits in so many ways.




01:16 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 923


That is the funniest shit I've seen since the last time that happened.




18:28 Sep 27 2012
Times Read: 969

You are not the compliant department. You just pull things out of your ass and claim them as truth. You look like a psycho. Shut the fuck up already. No one cares.



18:30 Sep 27 2012



20:03 Sep 27 2012

I care.I care about the fact that so many have to deal with this bogus garbage,thus taking time and attention from those who actually need admin's help in some way.

20:28 Sep 27 2012

It is really stupid.

If people are so fed up, then self damn delete. And if people are believing the crap that is being spewed around, well then they have some issues as well.

I get so sick of seeing people scream 'Ima Victim! Ima Victim' when in fact, they aren't even close to one. They are just some loud mouth douche that won't shut up.

If you are going to claim things, then at least make sure they can be TRUE and that you have a concept on how things WORK.. if you don't, then do some research before you pop off at the mouth. And if you are going to lie, at least spin some kind of truth in it. Damn.


02:03 Sep 27 2012
Times Read: 982

Oh Sims Game please hurry up and get here. I need to release some tension by making people and finding out ways to kill them.

I wonder if I can make a house and put some.. uhhh... drama seekers in it and then BLOW IT UP! I hope so.

In other news-

The power went out again last night. I was in the bathroom.. BOOM power goes out about 7:30. When it gets dark here it gets DA-HARK. Like not even playin' dark. By 1 am I had to pee so bad I couldn't stand it. So I went in there.. came out... and boom 5 minutes later power was back on.

Tis Not Funneh Power Gods. I shall have my revenge! Just you wait!



03:03 Sep 27 2012

just masturbate it release tension :p


20:07 Sep 25 2012
Times Read: 998

Disappointment and I have always been acquaintances. I never paid much attention as it fluttered around. Now it seems it's become closer and more pronounced as it moves closer, the fluttering becoming more of a force to reckon with.

I am not happy that disappointment has come to roost so close to me. Then again, should I really be all that surprised?



21:18 Sep 25 2012

disappointment is a bitch!!! want me to kick it's ass for you? Cause I will. I will throw down on it till it cries and admits it is a bitch. lol Love ya muh moonie pie ♥


20:55 Sep 24 2012
Times Read: 1,056

Did you know that you can trust EVERY SINGLE RUMOR on VR to be true? I bet you didn't know that. I bet you thought a lot of the stuff was just made up with no facts behind it at all.

Oh No! Let me be the first to tell you, that is not the case at all. IT IS ALL TRUE! I bet you thought a lot of these people were just bat shit crazy and made up stuff to gain attention. Oh how wrong you are! If someone says it's totally true. There is nothing made up, crazy, insane or even close to being wrong about it.

It has been a long time since I have seen that much bat shit crazy packed into one person. And let me tell you that is a whole lot of bat shit crazy. Wow. I didn't think the human body could process that much crazy. Wonders never cease.



21:15 Sep 24 2012

"Bat shit crazy"

I think this shall be my new expression. Thank you Moonie!

21:26 Sep 24 2012

Yes, I've always loved the "bat shit crazy" term as well. It fits many many many, damn near all the folks here. lol I take my anti-bat shit crazy meds just to hang out here, cuz I don't wanna catch it!

21:28 Sep 24 2012

You're Welcome, Zombie! Now go forth int he world and spread the knowledge and words of the bat shit crazy. The world must know about the curses of the bat shit crazy ones.


21:42 Sep 24 2012

Really like the national enquire

00:43 Sep 25 2012


03:37 Sep 25 2012

Bat shit is a valuable commodity.

04:02 Sep 25 2012

*raises hand* I'm beyond bat shit crazy and all the rumors I spread are based on he said she said they said what did they say? Rotflmfao!!!...u hit it spot on:)

03:05 Sep 27 2012

so the rumour about Daire being an alien is true and about Image being a paranormal being and about Cancer playing ping pong naked on the dark side of the moon is true then????

OMG!!!! thank you thank you for revealing the truth!



00:24 Sep 22 2012
Times Read: 1,079

I used to play The Sims a lot back in the day. I was bouncing back and forth from trying The Sims 3 over the years. Then today I seen that they came out with a Supernatural Expansion pack.

JACKPOT. I totally got The Base game and the Supernatural expansion pack for a great price.

I am excited. I can't wait to play it.



07:28 Sep 22 2012

I've been tossing up whether to get it too - the first and second were so good, so hilariously funny, that I didn't want to ruin my memories of it.

Nothin' like setting your Sims on fire for a good dose of laughter.


00:29 Sep 20 2012
Times Read: 1,123

I just read the stupidest profile. The sad thing was it was a member that's been here for quite awhile. I don't get why some people stay here. If you don't like it here there is a self delete button. No one is keeping you here. There is no rule that once you make a profile YOU MUST STAY.

If you stay here because of friends, and they are such wonderful friends, then they'll follow you, call or stay in contact through some other means that isn't VR. Personally,

I think the whole "I have friends here" is a cop out answer so they can stick around and get attention. If they didn't want it they'd just stop signing in and venture to another website. And then probably pull the same crap there.

Gah! There are moments where I am so glad I am quiet and reclusive. Reading that crap makes me happy that I am. Then people like that stay away from me.



14:44 Sep 20 2012

Good reading in your journal this morning,across the board..

19:12 Sep 22 2012

I am quiet too and yes it can be an advantage. Honestly, when i read such things im surprised certain people have friends.


20:19 Sep 15 2012
Times Read: 1,175

I've been debating for a week whether to write this. And while talking with someone about it recently I kinda brushed it off, but I think I will.

I've come to the conclusion that while I am flattered people give me honor, I don't want it. I don't want it because it has turned into people taking it more seriously than what it is. People are demanding others to give it to them, they are asking for it or they are asking for people to check into it to see if its fair or not.

Anymore its a pain in the ass. When it first started I thought it was pretty fun to go around and just leave stupid comments that meant nothing. Oh Yeah, I gave some negative honor. That was to the fake dead chick and her women hating boyfriend. I won't deny that. But even that got boring after awhile.

I've heard that some people are demanding others give them honor. Seriously? Is your self esteem so low that you worry about it?

I am flattered that people have given me honor please don't give it to me anymore. Give it to someone else that needs it because it makes their life better. Give it to those who ask for it. Give it to those who whine about it. I would rather it be given to them so they will go about their lives and be happy.

It doesn't mean anything to me, so give it to people who's world revolves around it.

No, I am not doing this for attention or some other thing. I am just sick of it. It's another one of those fun things that turned into something not so fun. Which sucks, but hey it's life and people can use it how they choose.



22:06 Sep 15 2012

Dear MooniePie,

Your words have inspired me. I do believe I shall use my honor in the most honorable way possible.

By dry humping unsuspecting bystanders in the bus station on my way to Las Vegas to rub Cancer's head.



04:53 Sep 16 2012

your right and i would have told the i dont have low self esteem i have low esteem for everyone ealse. you bring a good point

10:34 Sep 17 2012

The thing about people who are whiney and demanding is that when you give them what they want they don't stop. They think it's ok to behave like that so they continue doing it. If people (so called adults) act like children I will treat them like children.

I love you Moons, but I'm not with you on this one. Whiners and demanding brats can go fuck themselves. I'll give honor to who I want, when I want. =)

19:09 Sep 22 2012

I demand you give me honor because the world owns me everything and if not 'll cry like a baby.


02:34 Sep 15 2012
Times Read: 1,193

Sitting here just doing random things when all of a sudden I hear some scratching sound. I call for the cat thinking that he is being the crazy bastard he is.

He doesn't come out from anywhere.

The scratching is on and off for a few minutes. I think what the hell is that sound? And then it hit me. Cat paws on a door. Then I think oh hell. So I get up and look in the cupboard that his food his kept in. He's not there.

Then I think... Oh GOD.. my dad was JUST in his closet to get out a shirt. I hustle in there, as fast as my slow ass can go, and listen. I hear the sound of the cat trying to escape the closet.

I open the door and out darts Jack. Poor cat.

Funny as hell, but I am sure he didn't think so. hah.



02:55 Sep 15 2012

Mhmmm scared pussy.

Wait, what?



01:39 Sep 14 2012
Times Read: 1,214

4 inches of my hair gone. w00t! It feels so much lighter.

Now tonight if I could just sleep I'd feel wonderful. I've had a horrible bout of insomnia over the past week. I have sleeping pills, but I refuse to take them because the next day they make me feel so groggy and absent minded.

I need to find something that won't make me feel like a lump the next day.



02:07 Sep 14 2012

Pictures or it didn't happen.


02:44 Sep 14 2012

Insomnia is rough :(

15:54 Sep 14 2012

Hon, I use Melatonin its Natural so your not fuzzy the next morning , Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland camera, a small gland in the brain. Melatonin helps control your sleep and wake cycles. Very small amounts of it are found in foods such as meats, grains, fruits, and vegetables. It can be found at any Drug store over the counter usually with the vitamins.

18:36 Sep 14 2012

I'll have to try that, LSS. Thanks. I don't know what the deal is with my sleep lately, but falling asleep and randomly waking up in the night is just getting so old.

20:40 Sep 15 2012

It could also be the Anesthesia from your surgeries/procedures. It takes awhile for that to completely get out of your system. But as someone recommended melatonin can be very helpful for sleeping. We need to see your hair, I bet it looks great!


20:31 Sep 12 2012
Times Read: 1,227

9:30 (Ugh morning) I'm gunna get my hair done. Gawd, my gray hairs are everywhere. I think I am going to go for the same color, maybe just chunkier highlights.

I am not sure how I am not sure how I am going to get it cut yet. I just know its not going to be some Miley Cyrus do. Gah.. that chick scared me with her hair.




23:00 Sep 11 2012
Times Read: 1,246

Holy busy day.

Got my post-op surgery check done. Every thing is great with that. My little incisions are healing and there isn't any pain or problems.

Got my blood thinner level checked. I jumped from a 1.8 to a 4.1. I am supposed to be between a 2 and 3. So that is balanced out yet. Ugh. Pain in the ass.

The only thing that bugs the hell out of me is the fact the Dr. tried to jump my ass about my weight. He's only seen me this one time for my surgery, so he has no clue of my family history or what not.

I have NEVER been a small girl. NEVER. I've always been active, more so before my back surgery, and I don't sit here and constantly eat, or eat tons of junk food. Even though that is what people think when they see me.

It just really chaps my ass when people assume, especially Dr.'s, about certain things like that. My dad is a big guy. My mom was not small either. I am built just like my dad's family- tall and pretty pear shaped. Its just the way it is. I will never be a small girl. I will never be the size they want me, or expect me to be, it just will never happen.

It is just so frustrating at times. Ugh.



23:17 Sep 11 2012

May I cunt punch/blow up that doctor's balls?


23:29 Sep 11 2012

I am just glad you are doing better. :)

23:45 Sep 11 2012

haha He may need a ball punch.

He is a really nice Doctor, but he has a certain idea of how things should be even though in reality its not always like that.

I do feel a lot better. I've lost some weight over the months, so I feel better that way. I also feel good 'inside'. I don't have that ill feeling or that bloated feeling.

All in all. I feel really good! :D

10:48 Sep 13 2012

Let's all run out and get gastric bypass so we can be all skinny minny like the docs want! ;p

16:11 Sep 25 2012

I get frustrated too...I will never be small either...sadly, society has made us feel that if

we aren't a size two we are fat.


19:31 Sep 08 2012
Times Read: 1,281

I don't know why these things has been on my mind as of lately, but they have been.

I am comfortable being single. I would much rather be single than have someone treat me like hell. I've never understood why someone would rather be someone who didn't respect them and treated them like crap, then be happy with the friends they have and be single.

Perhaps it takes a certain place in life to realize that its okay to be who you are and not have to have someone in your life in a romantic way. Perhaps with the things I have endured over the years it has made me look at life differently and in a way that's 'different'. I find being different suits me very well. It makes me stand out amongst the sea of the same.

It doesn't make me better than anyone. It just means that I am in a different place in my life. Perhaps while my physical age is 'young', my spiritual age is older with more lessons embedded into its core. I've always felt older than what I am in some ways, but younger in others. Perhaps that's part of life.

There is a quote in the book Mockingjay that I think fits the way I am changing in my life with those whom surround me- "Katniss will pick whoever she thinks she can't survive without” .

The people that are my friends and matter most to me are my friends for reasons. Without them I don't feel as though I would 'survive'. I don't mean I would psychically die without them, but I think a part of me would cease to exist. Each person has brought something unique into my life with their friendship. They have changed me in a way that makes me feel as though I am a better person for knowing them.

Even those that are no longer friends, have taught me things. Granted some of those things are lessons that were not joyous and some lessons were things I needed to learn, but they were still lessons. There are moments I can miss, but in the end it is better that time and reasons have separated us. Looking back I can see some of the friendships I had grow more toxic with days that passed. I know I am, and so are they, better off with the elimination.

There are some days I cannot help but ponder over certain parts of my life and the things that have happened. I guess these are a just a few of those things.



16:25 Sep 09 2012

wait, we're still gonna hump though right? *grins*

16:54 Sep 09 2012

Pffbbtttt.. Like I could never NOT hump you. :P

03:24 Sep 11 2012

And those of us that have been blessed with being allowed in that circle of friendship are all the better for knowing you. Who else would put up with me?

06:07 Sep 11 2012

It is interesting you chose that quote and then traveled to a friendship discussion. What I've taken from that story and countless others is that lifelong friends are rare prizes. The more time passes, the harder it seems to find those connections. Survival is a gut instinct but what most of us hope for is far above merely making it through the day.

05:37 Nov 02 2012

I would much rather have my friends back now then ever go through all the toxic things I caused myself and others.. Its so different now looking back on how I was.. OUT OF CONTROL WITH THE MOUTH.. but because I took a step back and had to heal me and be with just me its better this way cos romantic can't be for me atm and who knows how long..

I would like to publicly apologize to you for all my drama that I let in the way even on my unsober moments and crazy shit around the time of times . You have and always were my favorite person to have in my days and nights .. but because I was out of it from chemo and doing drugs to sleep to take the physical and emotional pain I inflicted on myself while losing all myself to the crazyness of settling for someone who only settled for me and my wanting to love her and I lost alot of you I fucked up.. I was not right and just let my emotions get the best of me even to the point of walking out of chemo.. I did not care anymore until I realized of who and what I lost trying to recall the last 5 years the good were there mainly with you on webcam drunk and just so spunky funky funny you..

So yer asking why am I doing this here ...

Because I NFA have really really grown from that loud mouth always talking back at ya calling shots even if it had nothing to do with me I was trying to do what I thought was being a true genuine person that had good intentions for defending all those who I still have on my profile

but it was not meant for me to be that way I should have never treated or got involved in anyones business making it my own.. it is not my place to do so .. I miss the old days when everyone was on yahoo fishy face contests people karaoke or shooting the shit..

I have done alot I am not proud of

I have said alot I don't take pride in

I was completely not complete...

I am not asking for any friendships back..

I am stating here mainly for Lainey to see and know that I really miss and love her.. and even hope that she gets nothing but love and blessed.

As many others I have gone through the good the bad and the disagreements petty fighting ..

I am sorry I lost the way..

And it's so sad to see what you thought was gonna be just a website really in the beginning you guys were my family and it all fell apart we grew apart came back together then .. I just lost the way...but im still here every other day and week checking in on you guys. It's truly been a blessing to be able and look back and see my mistakes and the advice's I should have listened to then but then again it all had a place for when I actually shut my mouth and just listened and sat back I probably would be more out here online.. but I have changed .. im scared to even lose the best experiences of my life and where I grew up and finally got what matters who and what I want in my life and learn to stay away from the things and people that are negative.

NFA SMILES MORE AND BELIEVES THAT EVEN THOUGH I MAY NOT BE YOUR MELIA NO MORE THAT YOU DID BRING JOY STILL DO WHEN I SNEAK A PEAK IN HERE AND THAT I REALLY DID MISS OUT ON A FRIENDSHIP WHEN I CHOSE THOSE SELFISH THINGS AND FUREAKED OUT~.. I apologize for losing the way but it made me better person now and reading your journal and images too and all the girls that were in the circle you all really won't ever know how much over these last two years have helped me accept what I can not change learn to voice myself correctly and efficiently without the BS and moving mountains.. and mainly that to always be good to those who are good to you..even in times of wanting to kick the back of the kick me signs they so like to wear lol

You can delete my ranting comment of this MOONIE..I just wanted to know that .. You made a difference in my life. Especially when I had chemo you were my phone buddy♥ I never forget the good you always putting up with my shit. k im done.

03:32 Nov 03 2012

I'm not going to delete it. I don't do that. You expressed yourself in a heartfelt manner. I don't think that deserves to be deleted.

Let your batshit crazy fly, sugah. ;) hah.


19:15 Sep 06 2012
Times Read: 1,315

I'm struggling to admit this... but.. I've......

went and lost... my taste for pizza.

OH GOD. I loved pizza. I loved it with an amazing salad. Thin, thick, stuffed or what, I just loved pizza. I made a Digiorno last night. I loved that kind.. and.. nothing.

I hope this is just a phase because dammit. I never thought this day would come.

Well, at least I could shave my legs today'. That's a plus.



19:22 Sep 06 2012

Shaving flavored pizza?


19:24 Sep 06 2012

Lost taste for pizza, that is amazing...hope

you get your "taste" back for it;).

19:49 Sep 06 2012

hope you didn't shave over the pizza???? maybe thats what happened???


ok, me bad. lol

walks away.....lol

21:16 Sep 06 2012

I shaved my legs two nights ago. And I still love pizza, dammit!

I hope your love of the hot Italian stuff returns soon!

03:41 Sep 07 2012

*gasp* OMG!!!! this is the most shocking thing I've read on VR in the 5 yrs, off and on, that I've been here!! :)

06:54 Sep 07 2012

I consulted your Doctor and we agree, your under the influence of some kind of bug. We agree that you need to rest, have a calzone, and maybe some webcam time.

10:16 Sep 08 2012

It'll come back to you.


01:30 Sep 01 2012
Times Read: 952

I am exhausted. Trip to the Dr. to get levels checked and then drove around. It took.it out of me. My cousin is coming to visit tomorrow. I am excited. I think a pain pill and bed is coming sooner tonight.



03:10 Sep 01 2012

It's nice to move forward after going through everything you have. :)

03:39 Sep 01 2012

Sounds like a common-sensical plan to me!

14:48 Sep 02 2012

Yeah for being home and having fun visitors to help pass the time while you heal.

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