20 deadliest plants in the world!
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04:36:33 Jul 31 2008
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tammy edit: if you read at the end of the pics you will find the question belonging to this thread *smile*

1. Oleander (Nerium Oleander)

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All parts of this attractive bush are toxic especially the leaves and woody stems. Most poisonings have involved ingestions of the leaves. They cause severe digestive upset, heart trouble, and contact dermatitis. It is the deadliest plant in the world. In 2002, there were 847 known human poisonings in the United States related to Oleander and there are innumerable reported suicidal cases of consuming mashed oleander seeds in southern India.


2. Dumbcane (Dieffenbachia)

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Biting into the leaf causes immediate intense, painful burning in the mouth. This houseplant is one of the most frequently involved in injury to young children. All parts are poisonous, causing intense burning, irritation, and immobility of the tongue, mouth, and throat. Swelling can be severe enough to block breathing leading to death. The Dieffenbachia is considered one of the deadliest plants on earth.


3. Deadly Nightshade (Atropa Belladonna)

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All parts of this plant contain toxic. The young plants and seeds are especially poisonous, causing nausea, muscle twitches, paralysis; often fatal. Deadly nightshade or belladonna is one of the most toxic plants found in the Western Hemisphere. Children have been poisoned by eating as few as three berries. Ingestion of a leaf of the Belladonna can be fatal to an adult. The root of the plant is generally the most toxic part.

It it one of the most significant plants used in Witchcraft throughout the ages. In myth the devil himself harvest this herb. And it is said anyone who consumes Belladonna will meet the devil in death.


4. Jimson Weed (Datura Stramonium)

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This weed is the cause of the first recorded plant poisoning in the United States, in the Jamestown settlement. All parts of Jimson weed which is also known for a variety of names such as datura, thorn apple, stinkweed, and Jamestown weed are poisonous, causing abnormal thirst, vision distortions, delirium, incoherence, coma and often fatal.


5. Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia)

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All parts of the often fatal plant named Angel's trumpet or Brugmansia contain the tropane alkaloids scopolamine and atropine.


6. Monkshood (Aconitum variegatum)

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All parts of the plant are highly poisonous. Ancient warriors used it to poison their enemies' water supplies. Used in the past for killing wolves. It causes burning, tingling, and numbness in the mouth, then the intestine, followed by vomiting, death by asphyxiation.The poison is concentrated in the unripe seed pods and roots, but all parts are poisonous. It causes digestive upset, nervous excitement. The juice in plant parts is often fatal. Canadian film actor Andre Noble died of aconitine poisoning in 2004, after accidentally ingesting it. Several species of Aconitum have been used as arrow poisons. The Minaro in Ladakh use A. napellus on their arrows to hunt ibex, while the Ainus in Japan used a species of Aconitum to hunt bear. The Chinese also used Aconitum poisons both for hunting, and for warfare.


7. Yew (Taxus Baccata)

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The seeds are the most poisonous although all parts of the plant, except for the fleshy red bit of the fruit, contain taxane alkaloids. The seeds being especially poisonous are quickly fatal when ingested.


8. White Snakeroot (Ageratina altissima)

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All parts are poisonous, causing nausea and vomiting. When consumed by cattle the meat and milk become contaminated. When milk or meat from cattle feeding on White Snakeroot is consumed by humans, the poison is passed onto humans and can result in tremetol poisoning called milk sickness (notably the cause of death of Nancy Hanks, mother of Abraham Lincoln). It is also poisonous to horses, goats, and sheep. Signs of poisoning in animals include depression and lethargy; hind feet placed close together (horses, goats, cattle) or held far apart (sheep), nasal discharge, excessive salivation, arched body posture, and rapid or difficult breathing.


9. Water Hemlock (Cicuta)

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The most poisonous part of this plant is the root. The plant is occasionally mistaken for parsnips, due to its clusters of white tuberous roots; this is an often fatal error, as the Cicuta is extremely poisonous. It is considered to be North America's most toxic plant. Cicuta is fatal when swallowed, causing violent and painful convulsions. Though a number of people have died from water hemlock poisoning over the centuries, livestock have long been the worst affected (hence the name “cowbane”), causing death in as little as 15 minutes.


10. Moonseed (Manispermum)

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The fruits and seeds of moonseed are poisonous, causing nausea and vomiting and are often fatal.


11. Privet (Ligustrum sp.)

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The leaves and berries of privet are poisonous which causes digestive disturbances, nervous symptoms and can be fatal. Privet is one of several plants which are poisonous to horses. In the some parts of the world where they are not native, some privet species have become invasive weeds, spreading into wilderness areas and displacing native species. This is particularly a problem in North America, where no species of the genus occurs naturally. Privet is a huge problem in New Zealand. It is banned from sale or cultivation in New Zealand due to the effects of its pollen on asthma sufferers. Privet pollen is known to cause asthma and eczema in sufferers.


12. Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron radicans)

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The smoke of burning poison ivy can cause reactions in the lungs, and can be fatal. All parts of poison-ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac contain highly irritating oil with urushiol (this is actually not a poison, but an allergen). Skin reactions can include blisters and rashes. It spreads readily to clothes and back again, and has a very long life. Infections can follow scratching.


13. Yellow Jasmine (Gelsemium semperivens)

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Children have been poisoned sucking the nectar from the trumpet shaped flowers. All parts of this plant are poisonous, causing nausea and vomiting. It's possible to become ill from ingesting honey made from jasmine nectar. All parts of this plant contain toxin and should not be consumed. The sap may cause skin irritation in sensitive individuals. The nectar is also toxic to honeybees, and causes brood death when gathered by the bees.


14. Larkspur (Delphinium)

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Young plants and seeds of larkspur are poisonous, causing nausea, muscle twitches, and paralysis and often fatal. Larkspur is a significant cause of cattle poisoning on rangelands in the western United States


15. Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis)

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The bulbs of hyacinth are poisonous, causing nausea, vomiting, gasping, convulsions, and possibly death. orientalis contains alkaloids and is toxic if eaten in large quantities. The bulb is the most poisonous part and should not be ingested under any circumstances.


16. Hemlock (Conium maculatum)

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Ingestion of Poison Hemlock in any quantity can result in respiratory collapse and death. All parts of hemlock contain the relatively simple alkaloid coniine which causes stomach pains, vomiting, progressive paralysis of the central nervous system and can be fatal; it is the poison which killed Socrates and is toxic to people and all classes of livestock. Coniine causes death by blocking the neuromuscular junction.


17. Daphne (Daphne Sp.)

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The berries of Daphne either red or yellow are poisonous, causing burns to mouth and digestive tract, followed by coma and often fatal.


18. Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis)

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The seeds of a Castor Oil Plant are extremely toxic. It causes burning in mouth and throat, convulsions, and is often fatal. The toxicity of raw castor beans is well-known, and reports of actual poisoning are relatively rare. Children could conceivably die from as few as three beans; adults may require eight or more.


19. Doll's Eyes (Actaea pachypoda)

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This weird-toy-looking plant is very poisonous. Berries of doll's eyes are highly poisonous, as well as all other parts is considered poisonous to humans. The berries contain cardiogenic toxins which can have an immediate sedative affect on human cardiac muscle tissue, and are the most poisonous part of the plant. Ingestion of the berries can lead to cardiac arrest and death.


20. Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

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The leaves, seeds, and flowers of this lovely-looking plant are poisonous. These cause irregular heartbeat, and generally digestive upset and confusion and can be fatal. The entire plant is poisonous including the roots and seeds. The leaves of the upper stem are particularly potent, with just a nibble being enough to potentially cause death. Early symptoms of ingestion include nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, abdominal pain, wild hallucinations, delirium, and severe headache. The plant is toxic to animals including all classes of livestock, as well as cats and dogs.


A lot of these plants are used in many rituals and for Witchcraft as well. Belladonna, monkshood, larkspur, and foxglove all have a history in ritualistic practices. Supposedly foxglove is needed to summon demons. Belladonna is said to be harvested by the devil himself. Do you believe this is true?

I have seen many of these plants in my area. So do you grow any of these or anything poisonous? What are your experiences with these? And if you garden at all, what exactly do you grow? And do you believe that the reason some of these plants are considered to have magical power is because of there high level of toxin?

The list of "20 deadliest plants in the world was taken from www.purpleslinky.com.

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No Longer Registered
07:27:21 Jul 31 2008
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I don't think any of you read the question.

A lot of these plants are used in many rituals and for Witchcraft as well. Belladonna, monkshood, larkspur, and foxglove all have a history in ritualistic practices. Supposedly foxglove is needed to summon demons. Belladonna is said to be harvested by the devil himself. Do you believe this is true?

I have seen many of these plants in my area. So do you grow any of these or anything poisonous? What are your experiences with these? And if you garden at all, what exactly do you grow? And do you believe that the reason some of these plants are considered to have magical power is because of there high level of toxin?

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Sire (101)
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14:43:44 Jul 31 2008
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Regarding the Demon Harvesting Belladonna:

Belladonna, the Deadly Nightshade, was the Devil's favorite plant. Like many other busy persons, the Devil found relaxation in the hobby of gardening. He tended this particular plant every night of the year, except on "Walpurgis Night," when he usually prepared for the witch's Sabbat and neglected his hobby. So this was the night to go harvest some Belladonna, if you needed it. You got a black hen and let it lose. For an unexplained reason, the Devil could never resist a black hen. So he would go chasing it, away from the Belladonna. Now the plant could be harvested without danger to the person. Why should anyone want this poisonous weed, you might ask? Well, if you rubbed it on your horse's body, it would bring the animal great strength! No record is left of the fate of all those black hens the Devil busily chased all over Europe. Hopefully, they found their way back to the chicken coops.


Witchcraft-Flora and Fauna

As for Foxglove, I always thought it pertained more to Faeries:

Folk names for foxglove include Fairy Thimbles, Fairy Glove, Little folks glove, Fairy Fingers, Fairy Petticoats, Fairy Cap and Fairy Weed. Foxglove is strongly associated with fairies, who are said to wear the tiny flowers as hats. Foxglove is used in fairy magic and for the evocation of elves or earth elementals. The leaves are said to grant release from fairy enchantment. Planting foxglove is an invitation to fairies to enter your garden. Wearing foxglove is a charm to attract fairy energy. The juice of the plant is said to be effective in breaking fairy enchantments.



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No Longer Registered
16:31:36 Jul 31 2008
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Foxgloves and a few others on the list is also used because of its medicinal qualities. Digitalis, to name one, is heartmedication containing a small amount of the plant.

I have in my herbal garden a digitalis and a mandrakeroot and a few others both on the list and some not mentioned.

Datura is used in flying ointments due to its highly hallucigenic nature which goes for other plants as well.

I think some of them are used in rituals due to their toxic and hallucinatic nature.

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Sire (106)
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16:33:19 Jul 31 2008
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My great grandmother used Belladonna as a laxative. Seriously. In extremely small doses she could go number two much easier and shortly thereafter pass out for a good 3 hours.

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No Longer Registered
19:20:12 Jul 31 2008
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Well Foxgloves are grown by witches because they are said to bring good luck. Datura can cause insanity. And the above post is right. Belladonna is classified as an herb. But it's more of a weed in these parts. it's all over the place. Atropine extracted from it is used in eye surgery because it dilates the pupils.

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Royal Sire (207)
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20:30:52 Jul 31 2008
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Ahh, you're right, darkXwhisper. I mistook the question as part of the description for Foxglove (which I had no desire to read the description of). Sorry about that!

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Dastard (23)
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23:53:09 Jul 31 2008
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When did Belladonna get known for being linked to the Devil?? It was a cosmetic for years during the history of the Renaissance. So that link really doesn't make any sinse.

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Archfiend (57)
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00:06:15 Aug 01 2008
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foxglove is a good luck plant for which but with all these plants if you do grow them you must keep them away from children and animals.

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No Longer Registered
00:24:03 Aug 01 2008
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Oddly enough ergot poisoning has been blamed in some quarters for "outbreaks" of witches

Ergot is the common name of a fungus in the genus Claviceps that is parasitic on certain grains and grasses

(ta wikipedia)

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Basilisk (92)
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00:32:34 Aug 01 2008
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i thought belladonna and nightshade were two totally differant animals ... i believe when working with said plants one needs to be most careful and for those who ingest any part of these plants for rituals i believe have built a strong tolerance to the toxins ... i can hold poison ivy and oak with out ill effects.

a couple guys got ship wrecked on one of the hawaiian islands and used oliander sticks to roast the fish they caught and they died because that plant is way toxic.

when i was 3 i ate dalyah bulbs ... i had thought they were onions all i remember is i had to get my stomach pumped eww charchol yum NOT

please forgive my spelling

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Diabolist (91)
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00:44:42 Aug 01 2008
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The questions...... "Do you believe this is true?
I have seen many of these plants in my area. So do you grow any of these or anything poisonous? What are your experiences with these? And if you garden at all, what exactly do you grow? And do you believe that the reason some of these plants are considered to have magical power is because of there high level of toxin? "

No I do not believe this is related to the devil himself. I think that PV said it best on that part. I do not believe that these are used for the toxin's unless someone is just getting revenge, I feel that they are used more for magical powers.

Yes, I have tried to grow a few of them but with no luck.
My garden is full of Rosemary, thyme, aloe, chamolmile, comfrey, and a few others.

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Dastard (23)
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00:52:25 Aug 01 2008
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Are we talking how they are used today? Or in history. In history they were poisons. No debate. Just flat out. The only one that could be debated is Belladonna. Because it was used as a cosmatic for primary reasons. Though it did kill quite a few members of the court because they used too much.

Now if we're talking modern day then I think they are only used for magical reasons.

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No Longer Registered
02:09:28 Aug 01 2008
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Belladonna is of the nightshade genus. it is called "deadly nightshade" for this reason. It does have a history of being used for witchcraft. And all the post above are true.

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Hellhound (70)
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02:20:13 Aug 01 2008
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I've read that foxglove is used to make people forget; belladonna, in small doses could be used to knock a person out and the rest... well, I don;t garden. I just read too much. The doll eyed plant is probably the most alien thing I have seen.

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No Longer Registered
03:46:30 Aug 01 2008
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That's just a close up of dolls eyes. It's a branch with berries,.and when your standing over the real plant it doesn't look so scary. We have Hemlock here, it is a major problem here. It's a total weed! It grows everywhere. Farmers have a saying. "Find one today, find 700 tomorrow" LOL. Ir is a major pest here. Below is the full history of Atropa Belladonna. #2


---History---The plant in Chaucer's days was known as Dwale, which Dr. J. A. H. Murray considers was probably derived from the Scandinavian dool, meaning delay or sleep. Other authorities have derived the word from the French deuil (grief), a reference to its fatal properties.

Its deadly character is due to the presence of an alkaloid, Atropine, 1/10 grain of which swallowed by a man has occasioned symptoms of poisoning. As every part of the plant is extremely poisonous, neither leaves, berries, nor root should be handled if there are any cuts or abrasions on the hands. The root is the most poisonous, the leaves and flowers less so, and the berries, except to children, least of all. It is said that an adult may eat two or three berries without injury, but dangerous symptoms appear if more are taken, and it is wiser not to attempt the experiment. Though so powerful in its action on the human body, the plant seems to affect some of the lower animals but little. Eight pounds of the herb are said to have been eaten by a horse without causing any injury, and an ass swallowed 1 lb. of the ripe berries without any bad results following. Rabbits, sheep, goats and swine eat the leaves with impunity, and birds often eat the seeds without any apparent effect, but cats and dogs are very susceptible to the poison.

Belladonna is supposed to have been the plant that poisoned the troops of Marcus Antonius during the Parthian wars. Plutarch gives a graphic account of the strange effects that followed its use.

Buchanan relates in his History of Scotland (1582) a tradition that when Duncan I was King of Scotland, the soldiers of Macbeth poisoned a whole army of invading Danes by a liquor mixed with an infusion of Dwale supplied to them during a truce. Suspecting nothing, the invaders drank deeply and were easily overpowered and murdered in their sleep by the Scots.

According to old legends, the plant belongs to the devil who goes about trimming and tending it in his leisure, and can only be diverted from its care on one night in the year, that is on Walpurgis, when he is preparing for the witches' sabbath. The apples of Sodom are held to be related to this plant, and the name Belladonna is said to record an old superstition that at certain times it takes the form of an enchantress of exceeding loveliness, whom it is dangerous to look upon, though a more generally accepted view is that the name was bestowed on it because its juice was used by the Italian ladies to give their eyes greater brilliancy, the smallest quantity having the effect of dilating the pupils of the eye.

Another derivation is founded on the old tradition that the priests used to drink an infusion before they worshipped and invoked the aid of Bellona, the Goddess of War.

The generic name of the plant, Atropa, is derived from the Greek Atropos, one of the Fates who held the shears to cut the thread of human life - a reference to its deadly, poisonous nature.

Thomas Lupton (1585) says: 'Dwale makes one to sleep while he is cut or burnt by cauterizing.' Gerard (1597) calls the plant the Sleeping Nightshade, and says the leaves moistened in wine vinegar and laid on the head induce sleep.

Mandrake, a foreign species of Atropa (A. Mandragora), was used in Pliny's day as an anaesthetic for operations. Its root contains an alkaloid, Mandragorine. The sleeping potion of Juliet was a preparation from this plant - perhaps also the Mandrake wine of the Ancients. It was called Circaeon, being the wine of Circe.

Belladonna is often confused in the public mind with dulcamara (Bittersweet), possibly because it bears the popular name of woody nightshade. The cultivation of Belladonna in England dates at least from the sixteenth century, for Lyte says, in the Niewe Herball, 1578: 'This herbe is found in some places of this Countrie, in woods and hedges and in the gardens of some Herboristes.' Though not, however, much cultivated, it was evidently growing wild in many parts of the country when our great Herbals were written. Gerard mentions it as freely growing at Highgate, also at Wisbech and in Lincolnshire, and it gave a name to a Lancashire valley. Under the name of Solanum lethale, the plant was included in our early Pharmacopoeias, but it was dropped in 1788 and reintroduced in 1809 as Belladonna folia. Gerard was the first English writer to adopt the Italian name, of which he makes two words. The root was not used in medicine here until 1860, when Peter Squire recommended it as the basis of an anodyne liniment.

Before the War, the bulk of the world's supply of Belladonna was derived from plants growing wild on waste, stony places in Southern Europe. The industry was an important one in Croatia and Slavonia in South Hungary, the chief centre for foreign Belladonna, the annual crop in those provinces having been estimated at 60 to 100 tons of dry leaves and 150 to 200 tons of dry root. In 1908 the largest exporter in Slavonia is said to have sent out 29,880 lb. of dry Belladonna root.

The Balkan War of 1912-13 interrupted the continuity of Belladonna exports from South Hungary. Stocks of roots and leaves made shorter supplies last out until 1914, when prices rose, owing to increasing scarcity roots which realized 45s. per cwt. in January, 1914, selling for 65s. in June, 1914. With the outbreak of the Great War and the consequent entire stoppage of supplies, the price immediately rose to 100s. per cwt., and soon after, from 300s. to 480s. per cwt. or more. The dried leaves, from abroad, which in normal times sold at 45s. to 50s. per cwt., rose to 250s. to 350s. or more, per cwt. In August, 1916, the drug Atropine derived from the plant had risen from 10s. 6d. per oz. before the War to L. 7 (pounds sterling) per OZ.


History of Atropa Belladonna taken from www.botanical.com

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Aggressor (83)
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16:14:58 Aug 01 2008
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There was a movie recently that the lad died because he misidentified that plant..cannot remember for the life of me what the title was though. It was based in part on a true story.

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Royal Sire (203)
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16:47:40 Aug 01 2008
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yeah,Smallville had an episode that had a nicedermis flower on it that made people act strange and then later go into a coma or something

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No Longer Registered
16:54:41 Aug 01 2008
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Well, I'm pretty sure they would use these flowers in some rituals. If you use candles, incense, roots, and powders, I wouldn't see why not use deadly flowers ;-P

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Savant (82)
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17:40:40 Aug 01 2008
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I guess this is verging on very dangerous topic to the stupid, untrained or adventurous drug user, mind you if you’re a crack head what does it matter your dead nearly anyway.

Yes we use them in exact amounts and we are taught by those who know, I would be very cautious of recipes on the web as iv seen some fatal amounts posted by those who seek to harm.
Most are taken in a fat on the skin as direct is death.
Never mix tools used for mixing mixtures as death once again will happen.

Deadly night shade is used by slicing the berry with a knife and get a bit of the resin on a cigarette, too much and your dead.
fox glove the root is used in small amounts… it is more commonly known to be used for heart attack victims as it speeds your heart up and pumps blood more, you pee a lot as well lol

I cant do it… if you need to read this to learn then don’t be a fool… go to a school for herbs or a coven not dead from wiccan experiments on the web lol

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Primogenitor (99)
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22:53:58 Aug 01 2008
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♦ Belladonna is said to be harvested by the devil himself. Do you believe this is true?

No, I don't.

♦ I have seen many of these plants in my area. So do you grow any of these or anything poisonous?

Again I must say no. We don't own a garden.

♦ What are your experiences with these?

I don't have any. I've read about many of them in a lot of books. But never seen any personally.

♦ And if you garden at all, what exactly do you grow?

See the answer before last.

♦ And do you believe that the reason some of these plants are considered to have magical power is because of there high level of toxin?

Yes. It's possible they may cause a ... hallucination effect when ingested for some people.

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No Longer Registered
09:20:12 Aug 02 2008
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Your welcome! That pic is pretty but it's totally huge! lol. Dumbcane #2 on the list above, was used during slavery in the US. If a slave was caught in a lie he was forced to bite down on the leaf. It scorches the mouth and makes your throat swell. Extremely painful as well. A form of torture obviously.

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No Longer Registered
11:58:52 Aug 02 2008
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I believe that some of them are definitely grown/harvested simply because they are toxic.

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Eidolon (38)
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12:03:44 Aug 02 2008
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Yes it is true that a lot of the deadliest plants in the world are used in spells as ingredients and herbs. However, using them correctly will not harm you and just because people SAY that some of these plants were created by the devil himself dosent mean your doing wrong by using them, satanist or not. Who knows, they may be ingredients in warding off the devil instead of calling him forth.

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No Longer Registered
12:09:08 Aug 02 2008
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Yeah! Like how they have poison in the first place is obviously a defense mechanism, so why would it stop at just animals and such?

As long as you use it correctly, I would think that they can be useful in all kinds of different ways :)

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Ghoul (21)
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12:22:22 Aug 02 2008
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One of my Mom's favorite flowers is the hyacinth. She has rather large quantities in the garden at all times. Its one of the few flowers she can grow now a days that the deer won't consume. I remember this one as always being in the house in vases filled with water and out in the flower garden when I was a kid.

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Enchanter (80)
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18:43:41 Aug 02 2008
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All toxins in a plant have a counter toxin. When mixing the two the toxins are wiped out and safe for consumption. Does the government tell you that? No, Why? The want you to remain clueless as to the greatness of what these plants bring to your spirituality. These plants mentioned are all used by those who practice the true old ways.

Carlos Castaneda wrote about his lessons from Don Juan. Within was details about his use of different plants such as Datura. Had he done it alone, he would have died. Don Juan was experienced enough to keep him from dying. You must have someone who knows what to do when using these dangerously labeled plants.

Does anyone have actual experience with any of these listed or other dangerous plants? I for one have great experience with them under the guidance of a Shaman buddy of mine. Would I try anything alone? No. But I do not keep them on the "do not use ever" list.

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Malefactor (67)
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22:01:25 Aug 02 2008
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I've taken Datura both ritualistically and recreationally. You're also missing one of the toxins: hyoscalamine. It's not one of the most pleasant experiences, but as far as hallucinogens go, it's the most spiritual and significant experience yet. I grow Datura Innoxia at my house. As a side benefit, the flowers are beautiful. Brugmansia and Belladonna are in the same family (solinacea, I think), and they contain the same chemicals in different concentrations. Use EXTREME caution when using them for ANY reason.

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Malefactor (67)
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02:17:35 Aug 03 2008
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As far as a counter-toxin for Atropine, Scopalamine, and Hyoscalamine, you would need something to counter an MAOI, as all three are powerful MAOI's. I've never been "knocked out" by Datura, but if the trip is too disorienting, many people find going to sleep is the best thing to do. I've also never experienced memory loss on them. Delerium, however, is VERY common.

I've never heard of atropine being used for eye surgery, but it does dilate the pupils more than anything else I've ever seen. The three chemicals together are used in Donnatal, a prescription anti-spasmodic.

And as far as I'm aware, Don Juan didn't perform the rituals safely due to counter-toxins, but because he gave Castaneda carefully monitored amounts. I've seen firsthand what taking too much Datura can do to you (thanks to the close proximity of a hospital to where we did it, my friends came out okay in the end, but spent 2-3 days in the Intensive Care Unit each. I probably would have as well, had I ventured out into public in my delerium, but watching thousands of imaginary insects for several hours grabbed my attention much more effectively than adventuring. lol.

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Savant (82)
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05:46:16 Aug 03 2008
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Datura …. Very interesting stuff and used in coming of age rituals … basically you lose time and reality and dreams walk with you… sometimes they laugh and morph into cartoon people and after a mind and soul joining event you pass out .lol

Now Iboga is way cool, im about to get some for research …. You will see dead relatives on this stuff and it’s very deep and spiritual.
You will also if addicted to drugs find after this experience you wont need them any more.
It is also know as the plant that stopped religion … both Christian and Muslim are pumping lots of money at breaking this part of Africa where they perform this religion based on the plant and have failed so far.

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07:19:10 Aug 03 2008
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Coniine is a completely worthless toxin. Hemlock here is a major problem. If farmers don't pay attention to what's growing in there pastures, they could lose hundreds of livestock to that deadly weed. Foxgloves grow all over Michigan. You see them on roadsides a lot. Dolls eyes you can find in any woods here. I didn't know they were poisonous but they are ugly so I'd never even touch it let alone eat it. LOL

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08:59:26 Aug 03 2008
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Don't do that! The smallest amount of any of these can be fatal! A nibble of a foxglove leaf = death. Actually, a nibble from any of these plants is deadly. ALL of them! And it isn't just "falling asleep and dying peacefully." It's violent vomiting, tremors, terrifying hallucinations, insanity, severe abdominal pain, loss of breath, heart attacks, strokes, paralysis (ETC ETC ETC!) if those sound fun too you then I say go for it. But it's like I tell my nieces when they are picking random flowers in the woods. "You eat it? you die!" Simple as that. Be careful people. Don't go off eating plants you aren't sure of. And remember...CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT!!!

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Nightmare (97)
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05:14:15 Aug 04 2008
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I'm pretty sure the deadliest plant on earth is this little guy right here...the opium poppy:

bug poppy

poppy field

Used both ritually and habitually it has killed more people than any other plant.

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05:47:46 Aug 04 2008
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That may be true, but I have relatives that grow those in gardens. Illegal I know but they are pretty. Though they are poisonous. (Opium is where heroin and morphine come from) the level of toxin isn't very high. All it takes is one oleander seed as tiny as it is out of a wal-mart seed packet to kill a child.

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11:54:13 Aug 04 2008
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I know it's crazy! Some of the most beautiful flowers, shrubs, (ETC) are highly toxic. Oleander and Foxglove for example, both very beautiful. To look at them you'd never think they could cause harm. But they are both deadly. Most beautiful plants are poisonous. and the hideous looking and scary plants are most likely edible. LOL Not in all cases I know.

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Noble Sire (160)
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13:47:43 Aug 04 2008
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Eggplant is posionous too..untill you cook it.I really dont think the goverment has anything to do with any cover up pretaining to plants and their "spiritual" potential.

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Malefactor (67)
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20:19:43 Aug 04 2008
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You're welcome, HellHathWings.

However, darkXwhisper, it takes far more than just a leaf of any solinacea-family plant to kill you. Leaves of the plant are not nearly as toxic as the seeds and flowers, and it takes well over a hundred seeds (in most cases) to cause a horrible, horrible death, but I'm not willing to find an exact amount. lol. Part of said death involves a body temperature of over 112, and that means your blood will cease to clot, and you'd start bleeding from your pores ebola-style.

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20:20:46 Aug 04 2008
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And if I'm not mistaken, Tabernanthe Iboga and it's contained drug, Ibogaine, are both illegal in the US. Ibogaine is schedule 1. I have heard that bit about curing addictions though. Very interesting.

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23:33:58 Aug 04 2008
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If you read old old story books they talk of such herds. Most of these have been used in the assassinations of great people throughout the ages.

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07:58:28 Aug 05 2008
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Solonacae is the nightshade family. Look it up on wikipedia. All it takes is one or two belladonna leafs to kill. As little as 2 berries to kill a small child. Almost every plant in the species is poisonous in one way or another.


All are part of the nightshade family. The leaves of all those vegetables are very poisonous. Quoting wikipedia here.

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Dastard (23)
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12:45:41 Aug 05 2008
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Tomatos while yes are posionous, only are if partnered with lead if I am correct. In history once the people stopped using lead plates tomatos suddenly stopped killing people. Interesting isn't it? From what research has showed the acid in the fruit ( yes I said fruit) would eat into the metal causing lead which is already dangerious to become flat out deadly. I would think this would go for the leaves as well.

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Savant (82)
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17:50:27 Aug 05 2008
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Hi La6muerte66
Iboga is ok in Canada … we also have centers that give it to you lol

I guess the only threat is when your not addicted to drugs anymore or religion… what control does the powers that be have over everyone.

I think it should be called john Lennon herb Or imagine lol

so see you over in canda soon or england .. it is not banned for us

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20:22:27 Aug 05 2008
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*calls his travel agent* LOL.

I did my own research on Belladonna and I do apologize, it seems it is the most toxic of the entire family, and very little of it when ingested can kill a human.

As for Daturas and Brugmansias, many that you find in nurseries and florists have been bred to be non-toxic. You'll have to grow a few generations if you plan on using them for any ritual work.

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23:31:23 Aug 05 2008
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You can find jimsonweed in any back yard here that hasn't been mowed. It's a major nuisance.

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Primogenitor (99)
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23:40:08 Aug 05 2008
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Rastaferal -

Isn't the opium poppy a drug or something?

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06:22:52 Aug 06 2008
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Yes it is. Search it on wikipedia. The United States was hooked on it hundreds of years ago when Chinese immigrated here. A large portion of the population became addicted to smoking it. Then medicinal manufacturers started adding it too cough syrup to get the customers addicted. Opium poppy = Morphine and heroin.

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06:28:13 Aug 06 2008
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OK. Here is the deadliest fungus in the world! What's scary is that these grow all over our yard! One nibble from this deadly mushroom will cause liver failure. Symptoms of "death cap amanita" poisoning are...cold sweats, hallucinations, severe abdominal pain, violent vomiting, liver failure, coma, and death.

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Ophidian (66)
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08:55:41 Aug 06 2008
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most plants can harm you if you do not know what it is you are doing.. i use nightshade all the time..

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10:12:16 Aug 06 2008
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That's true. But there ar others that do nothing but harm as well. Like the mushroom I posted above. There is no benefit from any amount of poison. A lot of the plants listed above are the same way. Like Water hemlock? good lord that ugly weed kills a lot of people here because people mistake it for wild carrots.

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17:20:37 Aug 06 2008
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I'd assume that "death cap amanita" is not amanita muscaria, is it? Because amanita muscaria is another ritual hallucinogen.

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22:24:47 Aug 06 2008
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There are over, I think 50 species of mushrooms in the Amanita family. Some of them are even edible. But death caps and about 5 others are considered the deadliest mushrooms in the world.

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20:06:50 Aug 07 2008
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Ahh, I see. Carry on, then. lol. I'm not familiar with mushrooms so much as plants, but amanita was a familiar name so I figured I'd ask.

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No Longer Registered
08:49:52 Aug 10 2008
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The Amanita family contains hallucinogens, edible mushrooms, and very deadly ones as well. The edible ones aren't ever eaten because there is no way to tell them apart from the poisonous ones. And they generally grow around the poisonous ones as well.

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No Longer Registered
18:59:02 Aug 10 2008
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This plant grows wild in southern california and is highly deadly.If the leaves are dried and you place the powerder in a drink or food causes heart attack and is undetct able in the human body after a few hours.It is oderless and it evaperates if the dust is blown on you the same effcts will happen.All so if the green fresh leaves are injested you die with in a few hours of painfull vomiting and sever cramping and heart failer
This plant the Oleander (Nerium oleander), is an evergreen shrub or small tree in the dogbane family Apocynaceae.. Has been ordered by the state of california to have residents remove them from their homes and property.How ever this plant servives on carbon monoxide and is being planted all over the freeways in SB.

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No Longer Registered
19:00:32 Aug 10 2008
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*I see it was posted but i did have to add more information on the plant* But the informatin up top is all so good....

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No Longer Registered
19:06:03 Aug 10 2008
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Ok not sure if this was mentiond but this grows in your garden.Rhubarb Leaf blade Fatal. Large amounts of raw or cooked leaves can cause convulsions, coma, followed rapidly by death.

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00:45:17 Aug 11 2008
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yes all parts of rhubarb are deadly except the stems. Believe it or not apples are very poisonous! If more than 8 apple seeds are consumed, it can be fatal. Look it up if ya don't believe me. I actually have read that Oleander is planted on freeways. Reason being animals won't eat it because it's so poisonous.

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No Longer Registered
02:05:56 Aug 11 2008
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same here about apple seeds and
Wild and cultivated cherries Twigs, foliage Fatal. Contains a compound that releases cyanide when eaten. Gasping, excitement and prostration are common symptoms.
Oaks Foliage, acorns Affects kidneys gradually. Symptoms appear only after several days or weeks. Takes a large amount for poisoning.
Elderberry All parts, especially roots Children have been poisoned by using pieces of the pithy stems for blowguns. Nausea and digestive upset.
Black Locust Bark, sprouts, foliage Children have suffered nausea, weakness and depression after chewing the bark and seeds.

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No Longer Registered
02:06:59 Aug 11 2008
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sorry here is my link on that i ment to pop that in before i pushed enter http://plantanswers.tamu.edu/publications/poison/poison.html

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No Longer Registered
02:45:14 Aug 11 2008
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Yes. There is another list. 10 more deadly plants. Somewhat of a sequel to this thread that I found. And apple seeds are #23 I believe. it stated that as little as 8 seeds can be fatal.

If you garden at all. Or eat things you find in the wild. Only eat what you KNOW for 100% fact is edible. And always remember. Just because one part of a plant is edible, it does NOT mean the rest of the plant is edible as well. Always take caution. =)

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03:02:59 Aug 11 2008
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You don't have to remember any of them. If you don't know if it's safe don't touch it or eat it. It's as simple as that. Again it's like I tell my nieces. "You eat it? You die!" LOL

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Fiend (35)
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03:03:41 Aug 11 2008
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i know for a fact that a castor plant will kill you. It makes people keep a very high fever, vomit and diaherra constantly and your body will be in so much pain. There was an episode about it on discovery health, a wife poisoned her husband with it

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Venerable Sire (130)
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03:42:39 Aug 12 2008
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Tree frogs get their poison from eating the aphids off of Nightshade.. along with a fraction of their immunity.

Opium does actually need to be done in increased doses to be a poison. Yet it is the most sought after plant..

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05:44:23 Aug 13 2008
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if you are going to fiddle with these plants, make sure you have someone to teach you hands on how too use them properly. Never ingest any amount of any poisonous plant by what a book or web page says is safe.

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Savant (82)
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05:54:07 Aug 13 2008
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Opium was used by Alexander the great … his army was totally addicted and felt little pain.
England did it too ….. ah the good old days

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06:41:09 Aug 13 2008
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I will admit I do not think that any plants are the work of the devil or can affect the rituals or any other spiritual activity.

A plant is a plant, it can cleanse and hlp us elax o b in a more open mind or more clear mind to be able to do the rituals or ceremony.

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07:41:07 Aug 13 2008
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This is true, but many others believe that plants are magical all on there own. Mandrake root for example. Belladonna as well.

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16:05:19 Aug 17 2008
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just make sure you handle with caution! There are some plants that can poison you just from touching them! The poison is absorbed through the pores....

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19:55:00 Aug 17 2008
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Your easiest method of handling deadly plants, then, would be to wear GLOVES when handling them, and in some cases (apparently), a dust mask.

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Sire (106)
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01:49:34 Aug 18 2008
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thats a good idea. i thought about the mask but not the gloves

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Premiere Sire (129)
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03:02:39 Aug 18 2008
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yea your going to need them around these pretty plants.That reminds me of people in a way.Usualy the pretty ones have the deadly personality....here the beautifulest plants are the most deadly.

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03:39:36 Aug 18 2008
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Some of the ugly ones are poisonous too. But mostly you are right. Like foxgloves, poinsettias. and mistletoes are very beautiful, but all poisonous. And yes mistletoes, like the ones used in Christmas are highly toxic!

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Sire (106)
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03:43:44 Aug 18 2008
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now these days plants are now being bred for leaght and long lasting. some flowers have had there smell taken out of them . one example is roses

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21:41:21 Aug 18 2008
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I've heard about breeding plants for non-toxicity, specifically Daturas, as livestock have died from eating them, but I've never heard of breeding flowers for no scent. Why would they do that? Roses are famous for their scent AND beauty.

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Charmer (84)
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22:25:52 Aug 18 2008
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I have seen some of those growing around here, but I never have messed with them...thankfully. I am so glad that you posted this so I will know and can tell my kids to stop picking flowers, just to be safe.

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22:32:47 Aug 18 2008
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ive never incountered any of these plants before do to the area ui live in but i have grown deadly nightshade becasue i like it....

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22:34:30 Aug 18 2008
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i do think that some of these plants were used it ritual practises , but as for the devil gardening no i dont believe in that one at all

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No Longer Registered
23:40:40 Aug 18 2008
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Yeah most flowers are poisonous actually. i think it's OK tp pick them and put them in a vase and what not, but eating them and drinking the vase water is a HUGE no no. lol.

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23:43:23 Aug 18 2008
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I didnt know about mistltoe. Dang im glad you warned me about that.Ive always wanted some mistletoe.But now i dont.

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No Longer Registered
23:55:38 Aug 18 2008
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yup! Look it up on Wikipedia! Real mistletoes are deadly if eaten....crazy huh.

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00:14:27 Aug 19 2008
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I believe that is why there is always those little cards in them saying be careful with animals to make sure they do not eat them.

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Venerable Sire (136)
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00:53:44 Aug 19 2008
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Very interesting knowledge. There are several of these plants located where I live. I do not believe any plant is related to the "Devil." The reason there are tales about such things is because of the properties of some of these plants. There are medicinal uses also, but under the right circumstances.

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01:21:51 Aug 19 2008
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A lot of them do have some value, but not all of them. Oleander and hemlock have no use at all. Oleander is used to keep animals away because they wont eat it. The smoke from burning oleander is poisonous. Hemlock is a major weed that terrorizes a lot of gardeners and farmers here because when one grows 300 follow. lol

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No Longer Registered
07:43:39 Aug 19 2008
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Apple seeds deadly?

My horse should be dead 1,000 times over!

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07:57:23 Aug 19 2008
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As little as 8 can kill a small child. Remember, just because an animal can eat something does NOT mean that humans can too. Birds eat berries off of poke weed but the berries are deadly to humans. Horses can also eat , I think it was Belladonna and be fine. it will kill a human, or make them completely stoned, lol.

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No Longer Registered
08:04:45 Aug 19 2008
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LOL on the stoned!

I know I won't eat apple seeds anytime soon!

That's why Grandparents always had some saying when it came to kids eating seeds! Eating them would cause that plant or tree to grow in your stomach!!! LOL

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No Longer Registered
09:20:33 Aug 19 2008
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A lot of seeds are poisonous but the thing is, unless you chew them they pass through the digestive system without digesting. So no poison can be released. Watermelon seeds if chewed can cause vomiting.

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No Longer Registered
09:26:00 Aug 19 2008
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I'm good on the watermelon seeds!

I've always ate (chewed up & swollowed) them & never got sick.

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No Longer Registered
09:39:39 Aug 19 2008
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Can not will =)

Just be careful! lol

you know, there was 260 deaths in the state of Michigan last year from water hemlock poisoning. People think they are Parsnips/wild carrots. Although they are obviously different. People need to understand that if you aren't 100% sure it's edible, DO NOT EAT IT!!! If you have to think about it you are a hospital trip just waiting to happen. Be careful people!

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Premiere Sire (121)
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13:01:01 Aug 19 2008
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Surprisingly, I don`t see in your list the plant:

Colchicum autumnale

It is one of the most poisonous plants ever.
I heard it is also used in medical purposes, in treating artritus and liver ilness.

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14:36:10 Aug 19 2008
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Equating nightshade poisoning with being stoned sounds inaccurate, though it was obviously a joke. lol. Delerious and sick sounds a little more accurate. Solinacea-family plants, like datura and nightshade, poison livestock rather often. Apparently, sheep poisoning was a problem in certain areas.

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Apostate (62)
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15:58:55 Aug 19 2008
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when consuming parts of the belladonna its the illnesses or fatality quick?

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21:59:09 Aug 19 2008
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In most cases yes. And yes search it on wikipedia. Small amounts of belladonna have a hallucinogenic effect. Thus the reason it is classified as a commercially used drug. It's dangerous. No one mess with it. The tiniest amount too much is lethal. It's a deadly weed. Pull it out by the root and throw it away.

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Dybbuk (76)
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22:23:55 Aug 19 2008
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A lot of these plants are used in many rituals and for Witchcraft as well. Belladonna, monkshood, larkspur, and foxglove all have a history in ritualistic practices. Supposedly foxglove is needed to summon demons. Belladonna is said to be harvested by the devil himself. Do you believe this is true?

yes, yes I do why b/c it is quite possible that foxglove summons demons it is also possible that demons exisit and so does the devil which harvested Belladonna is a female ;] lol

I have seen many of these plants in my area. So do you grow any of these or anything poisonous? What are your experiences with these? And if you garden at all, what exactly do you grow? And do you believe that the reason some of these plants are considered to have magical power is because of there high level of toxin?

and yes that would explain their uses demons and evil being associated w/ these plant :]

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Malefactor (67)
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19:21:41 Aug 21 2008
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To answer LovelyXDEATH35 in more detail:

Yes, the fatality is rather quick, but rapidity increases with the amount consumed. The hallucinogenic dose for any tropane alkaloids (the chemicals in nightshade and Datura) is dangerously close to a fatal one. The death itself is incredibly unpleasant, as your body temperature rises, potentially breaking 112 degrees, at which point your blood ceases to clot, and you begin to bleed internally. On top of that, your heart rate increases to 185bpm or higher, your mucous membranes dry out, you're in total delerium, and you'd likely die spasming and bleeding from your pores. Sound fun?

Btw, Datura is my favorite hallucinogen. DO NOT TRY IT. Listen to everyone else in this matter, because YOU WILL NOT ENJOY IT.

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02:35:54 Aug 22 2008
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All of that is indeed true. I have heard of people taking nightshade berries and putting the juice on cigarettes. This also can be very lethal. Just always think twice before experimenting.

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Noble Sire (166)
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14:59:12 Aug 22 2008
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No. I don't believe the thing about Belladonna at all. I think that is just a myth made up by superstitious people crying people as witches.

I have and grow many of these plants with the exception of Poison Ivy. I use a lot of these plants in my own practices as a witch.

Remember, yes, they can be deadly. You have to use common sense and know what they are used for and how much to use as well. I suggest the studying of herbs over and over first before you use them.

I wouldn't suggest someone playing at being a witch because they think it is cool to suddenly start using any of these in rituals and concoctions, especially if they don't know what they are doing. Then, it gets really dangerous.

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Sire (100)
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16:09:10 Aug 22 2008
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yes the fact that they are deadly maybe on of the reason they are used in magic. No I don't have a garden and when I did it just was for actually food. A witches garden should be carefully tended to make sure none of the dangerous plants cause any harm.

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06:46:18 Aug 23 2008
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I agree with a Witches Garden needing to be tended to carefully. Children & Pet's are at serious risk around them!

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07:09:36 Aug 23 2008
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Eucalyptus is common all over Australia and it is very toxic and poisonous, however it is used for its medicinal values. The oil is used frequently for unblocking noses, easing muscle aches and pains, as well as soothing throats. It is also excellent to use for a congested chest. But to eat it is toxic and rather deadly.

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No Longer Registered
07:50:20 Aug 23 2008
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wow thats crazy

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07:50:20 Aug 23 2008
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