Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 60,919    [ Give / Take ]


39 entries this month

22:22 May 31 2023
Times Read: 302

Well... heck. I see an elder member who rarely logs in, in my last ten. No message. So when I found it I went right over to his profile, got all up in his last ten, and sent a message. "You stop by, no message, how rude!" kind of comment. :)

Of course, it is later I find his comment on my profile. Yes- I rarely look as its mostly stampy stamps.

Oh oh....

Sorry Captain, old Captain. Didn't mean to call you rude. Ha!



22:51 Jun 01 2023



12:41 May 30 2023
Times Read: 330

The VR database is done! Rated it all. Silly goal but reached it last night. 4 nights, days rating for hours.

* looks at level, never moved a number *

That's OK.

* flips it off*




13:26 May 30 2023

*flips it off with you* lol

13:49 May 30 2023

Group flipping! I like it.

14:01 May 30 2023

You're almost at 200 :)

15:20 May 30 2023

I've been the same level for a week now..

18:38 May 30 2023

If it makes you feel better, while I have not rated every single DB entry... I have gone through them all to edit and fix them and I'm still at 128.56! 😂

22:15 May 30 2023

:) It does. False pointed out, and I checked, I am max out on the rating. So now its pages, and time. Darn it...

22:50 May 30 2023

Wow girl, you are working it!

12:42 May 31 2023

Wow! Agreed that is quite a feat. You go!

12:43 May 31 2023

I also have not moved from 175.40 in ages. LOL. Guess I will never reach Royal Sire unless I make a concerted effort to level this profile. Eh.


14:28 May 29 2023
Times Read: 371

Family friend I have known all my life is in ICU. Had a spot come up Wednesday night. By Friday high temperature. Went to urgent care, told she need to see surgeon.

Didn't. Had Dr. she works for drain it, put on antibiotics.

Sunday she called her own GP. She came to the house. After exam packed her up, took to ER.

9 hours later she is on a ventilator, had surgery at 1a.m. to drain infection. In ICU. Surgeon thinks he will need to drain again as it spread since Friday.

She is bad diabetic.

It's a repeat of how my sister died. :(



16:23 May 29 2023

Oh no. I am so sorry. I know that must bring up a lot of feelings. I am here if you need to talk.

18:15 May 29 2023

~Hugs~ If you need anything I am here to help in any way I can

19:48 May 29 2023

My heart is hurting for you all and my prayers are going up now. Call if you need anything.

20:08 May 29 2023

We are here for you. Please don't hesitate to reach out. Xox

21:52 May 29 2023

She is awake, off the vent. The surgeon said he may have to go in to drain the wound one more time, cut off some dead skin. But she should make a full recovery. :)

Thank you all for the messages, on and off the site. And phone calls.

12:43 May 31 2023

I am so glad to read this!


17:06 May 28 2023
Times Read: 406

Took a muscle relaxer Friday night due to some stuff I did for my sister kind of put my back in a bind. Knew it was coming so I took a small dose muscle relaxer I am to use as needed. As in 5mg. I do not tolerate meds well. While it gives my back a major help in not locking up- it makes me very sleepy. Slept well yesterday. Like a good 9 hours of solid rest. Back is fine, but I knew it would take another day/ night to get it out of my system.

Last night I slept a good 12 hours. Woke up around 530 am, read a little, and right back to sleep I went about a hour later. Just woke up at 11:00 am. It takes either meds, or me sick for me to sleep this much. Now I have the "I slept too much, laziness" going on.

That and I don't like doing dishes. Or mopping. And its raining outside. Is it bad to think its a good day to just climb back into bed, read some more on the book about a champion chess player who turned into a FBI agent? Fine, I'll stay up. Time to get some movie going then. Might watch Cocaine Bear again, missed a few parts on it last night.



18:22 May 28 2023

Oh how's that movie?

18:51 May 28 2023

it was really good. Funny, was surprised myself at how much I enjoyed it.

21:40 May 28 2023

Glad you're feeling better at least. Today was a good day for sleeping with the soft rain and cool temps. I didn't go back to bed either but I sure wanted to going to try for an early night at least. lol

16:26 May 29 2023

Muscle relaxers are good for back pain, but they sure do make you feel lethargic. No, it is not bad to feel like you just want to crawl back into bed. That is how I was this morning. I told my alarm clock that it is rude. But, I am going on an outing so I needed to get up in time to have my coffee. LOL.


02:31 May 28 2023
Times Read: 467

Spilling the beans.... I shouldn't but.... *tries to keep her lips zipped*.... But... BUT... *big exhale of the breath she was holding as she speaks the words fast to get them out* Moonie is doing the redesign on Nightgame House and it is freaking going to be awesome as in AWESOME! as in A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!!!.

*Takes a deep breath, looks toward Nightgame, smiles at her real life friend of 43 years.*

*Cat, AKA Nightgame, growls at her for telling.*

*Rat tucks her tail and runs *

Nice kitty, don't kill me...



02:34 May 28 2023

LOLOL! She's gunna git you!

02:39 May 28 2023

Hahaha.. she will. :D What she going to do? Throw me out of her House? I will just drive the mile, use my spare key and go into her real house. lol She knows I will.

02:41 May 28 2023

Ahhh hahahaha. Ohhh see if she has anything good in the fridge!

02:45 May 28 2023

Yep the fridge is full! lots of cheese there too! Nope I love Rat I might swat at her but never stay mad. lol

03:28 May 28 2023

True- she is the most gentle of friends. Till you piss her off, then you best look out.

I have raided her ref more then once, in my lifetime. She learned how to cook from her Mom, and taught herself a lot. She always has good food to eat. Always!

16:27 May 29 2023

I think I need to move! A stocked full of cheese fridge sounds perfect to me!


21:14 May 27 2023
Times Read: 480

I love putting a story down on paper. Just a spark of imagination and its hours later, and a living part of myself is ready to present into the public eye. And a calmness comes over me as the itch, the need to get it out of my mind is achieved. It's very therapeutic for me, to let a part of myself express what is going on in my mind, or in some cases, in my real life. Even nightmare, daydream, or a fantasy I have can come out in these words.

While this profile has stories, they are not the same as LadyVampir stories. I am drawn to her story line, as of late, and see no reason to cross the two. Sure I could get more people to read them if I post them here, but it isn't about that for me.

LadyVampir has her own vibe. You will either dig her, or you will not. In that way she is a lot like all my profiles. But these two (LadyVampir and Vampirewitch39) are the only ones with an active journal. If I write anything in the other ones, its mostly to do with the Houses they sit in.

Speaking of- Thank you to Immortal for making LadyVampir an AHM. Unexpected but honored to take on the role.

Now I wait to see if the Boogeyman will let me link his profile. :) Till then it sets as a private entry, to be edited if he says no.




12:39 May 26 2023
Times Read: 520

Happy Birthday to my Duckie! You are such a special friends, sister to me. From the first moment you charged into House Eternal, no fear of lumpy.

Seems like I watched you grow up on this site, well more into the strong woman that life threw so much at. Now I find you a fierce defender, a loving mom, and a collage student. You can not know how proud I am of you, my love.

Go be a happy duckie, it's your day. And I pray you are blessed with a wonderful life. Stay strange, as we would not have duckie any other way!!!!

* sprays you with a water gun* Luvs ya.




12:48 May 26 2023

♥ Thank you!!!! :D
Love you too!

16:23 May 26 2023

You are so right, she's truly amazing yet still a wonderful friend!


16:29 May 24 2023
Times Read: 572


All those powerful women....told ya.



21:14 May 24 2023

I am woman, hear me roar
In numbers too big to ignore
And I know too much to go back an' pretend

17:32 May 25 2023



17:28 May 23 2023
Times Read: 601

When your brand sparkling new maintenance man 2nd job is a shit storm...

First job was replacing a plug in the homestead. Then you call him in, after the plumber I always use as he is a family friend, gets so busy. Then had a death in the family, going out of state.

So you ask the new man if he could go, check the traps under the sinks. What the plumber was thinking going by a "stink, just every once in a while".

Well it wasn't a trap. It was the sewer line cracked, loose. He had to dig a ditch out to drain it from under the home. Wait a few days with fan running to dry it out as best as he could. Then get into it to fix the line, pull out buckets.. just eeewww.

He just left after I joke he would never come back. He said nope, take more then that to scare him off. :D. Paid him and he found his tip. Just texted me a thank you, would use it this weekend as he is going on a 4 day vacation with family.

Well spent. Other then a few " shitty" jokes between us, he never barked at doing the work. Rare find these days.



17:35 May 23 2023

Oh sounds like when our pipes burst during the snow storm in 2021.

Glad he's a keeper!

18:40 May 23 2023

Lol I was that person cracking shit jokes too when the sewer pump needed replaced a few months ago.

00:03 May 24 2023

Seems to be. I dont know if I would of done the job, myself. UP - well shit happens, sometimes it backs up or cracks a pipe, pump stops.

17:34 May 25 2023

Oh good find, it's getting really hard with all the older ones retiring.


00:35 May 23 2023
Times Read: 643

MooniePie gifted my House with a new Rep-

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Then she gifted me with new mark. :)

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Its a VW with wolf claws marks behind it. Its in a blue to match the House color theme.
Both replace ones she made me in 2011.

As she said- I did not touch her SHIT! *see below* LOL



00:58 May 23 2023

LOVE those!!!!

01:15 May 23 2023

haha Good girl!

01:22 May 23 2023

I love it

03:32 May 23 2023

Very nice

17:35 May 25 2023

I'm so jealous!


15:32 May 21 2023
Times Read: 690

Code folks-- I want to see if I can find a updated representation for the House.

What is the size limit on it?

And the Mark- size limit?



20:09 May 21 2023

3 words: Terrorist Attack and Fire. :)


23:20 May 21 2023

lol I believe Bunny is staking the claim on any and all images for the House.


03:09 May 22 2023

No pissing off the rabid rabbit. ;)


05:03 May 20 2023
Times Read: 714


Time for some mind numbing database rating...

Snuggles in on decor..




17:19 May 19 2023
Times Read: 759

Swear we are getting ready to have a duck smack down. On a pond, fishing. Ducks with little ducklings. The quacking going on...

"I told you Ann. They get the color from my great uncle on my mom side. They look nothing like your mate. "

" How many times do I have to tell you- this is my side of the pond!"

" Brats? I'll show you brats! Get them kids!"

" Well if you don't give a quack, shut up quacking!

" You lay one feather on that child...I will hold your head under the water till ....oh you DIDNT!"

NEWS- Ducks attack each other, turning a peaceful day fishing at the local paylake into a bloody fatherly massacre.



Send help.

I've lost it.


And this one fish has been staring at me for hours.

It's creepy.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.



17:43 May 19 2023

Joke telling. "So a Fishman, a turtle and a pregnant duck goes into a bar..."

17:45 May 19 2023

Did you steal my pain meds lol

18:26 May 19 2023

LoL. No. I just got bored. The mind wonders...

15:48 May 20 2023

My flock!

19:11 May 20 2023

Oh my. You have hit stage 3 of Theo's five stages of exhaustion.

17:34 May 21 2023

Well it was a Friday- so yes, I agree Theodora.


01:17 May 18 2023
Times Read: 819

If this was a true vampire site, you would never last?


You would never last in a true Vampire world?

Or was it- Hope you never run into a true Vampire??

I hate having something someone wrote in his journal on the tip of the my... tongue? Mind? .... but can't find it.

Anyway- I remember the feeling he was expressing... now to let it stew into a story...




22:10 May 17 2023
Times Read: 856

Gosh the guesses. I was waiting for the big cheese, the big C. No one else.

And the silly Die Hard journal was about having to do some Admin stuff before I went to work. Using my keyboard, not my phone. Why I was doing it in my robe, wet hair. It hit me as funny, but hey other took it as me being in deep shit.

Trouble? Nope, not me.

But Moonie and Ducky had fun with it.




22:24 May 17 2023


People were so worried. 🤣

22:58 May 17 2023

Still owe you a kick in the foof.

23:11 May 17 2023


Will you wear pointy shoes?



23:32 May 17 2023

Oh my witchy shoes? Well since you requested them. Hahaha

00:17 May 18 2023


I'm finally gonna get some action!



23:13 May 16 2023
Times Read: 981



23:10 May 16 2023
Times Read: 982

Well that was like going back in time. Since someone seems to thinking a veil threat of some message I sent is going to have me shaking in my bootie, I just went ahead and pulled all the messages I have sent to this member. Reminds me of the days, night really, when I use to go with a friend to a fishing cabin on the lake. My dentist and his buddy, we four would play poker. I remember the laughter out of Sam when I called his bluff one night, placing my cards on the table. "Well, flop it on the table, lets see what you got." :D Of course they all took it to the gutter, but I remember Sam just laughing. :) I miss that kind man.

Anyway- going back into the thousand plus so messages since Feb 08 I find it those first few.

FalsexCure was the very first to welcome me back.
Ducky was right behind him, seeing as she was the one who got my message to Cancer I needed help getting back in.


Then I visit my saved messages: Found the one sent by Cancer asking me if I would be interested in becoming a Master. :D And my reply. lol It took him a few days to get it ready to switch me over, and I joked I thought he had changed his mind.

Anyway- now that that drama is over, back to enjoying the site. And the many friends and "acquaintances" I have made in the last 17 years.



23:31 May 16 2023

You get threatened?

00:19 May 17 2023

If it was pertaining to me it may have been easier to just ask me but apart from that research it was the one right before I flat out refused because it just violates an important principle of privacy when it comes to messaging. So yes explain that message to me and especially to member it's concerning. I think that would just clear so much up.

01:02 May 17 2023

What message are you talking about?

01:24 May 17 2023

As you shared this member as your 'test of loyality game asking for all the House favor to bankrupt it" in the House thread, even linked his profile for all to see- I'm going to share my messages I have with a friend.

Let me guess which one...

So let's get this right- you think this was me, what? Cheating? Asking for information I was not asked by this member to look at myself?

Here is when I asked you to for the information- which is the information shown to a member when they update.

20:33 Apr 14 2023
Message To: OccultRanger

Ahhh. :)

14:15 Apr 14 2023 (-0 GMT) OccultRanger wrote:

Put you in your place reminds me of this : https://youtu.be/4LTG84YG-_s

14:13 Apr 14 2023 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Lol. Well I understand. Not a test at all but respect you for putting me in my place. :)

He offered yesterday to send it to me but told him to send to you. Of course I reminded him to not share passwords. :D.

Guss we both been burnt.

I will message him for the info. Thanks for looking out for the member.

13:52 Apr 14 2023 (-0 GMT) OccultRanger wrote:

I can't do that. I don't share private messages. Is that a problem?

Is this some kind of test? This seems to be out of character for you.

13:48 Apr 14 2023 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

He wants a quick way to level but, as you know, isn't how it works. So much goes into it.

Share me what he sent, I will glance at it. I haven't looked at mine in years. Would have to re read the manual on how this and that is counted.

Thank you for trying to help him. He has been a friend for a long time, always saying hello.

03:38 Apr 14 2023 (-0 GMT) OccultRanger wrote:

I just wracked my brain for an hour trying to figure out why his base score is frozen dealing with big numbers that I'm out of practice calculating. Unless my math is off its metaphysical in nature. Expressed as much and asked what he thought.

00:29 Apr 14 2023 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Hey- I got a member, sweet guy, who always ask me about how to level up. Sending him your way. :)

Name is dwaynemcgriff01 .

Mentor him please.


And this is the message from him before I sent him to you. Now I am going to take some of it out as we started talking, and that has nothing to do with your drama. NOTE: He offered to sent me the information BEFORE he was sent to you.

00:54 Apr 14 2023 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Ok, might be tomorrow tho as I am doing something for someone as Admin.

00:51 Apr 14 2023 (-0 GMT) dwaynemcgriff01 wrote:

i think so but i can send you that info if you want

00:49 Apr 14 2023 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Its a combo of all. Rating, how many friends, but sure you have meet that already.


But when you told me you was unable to help, then would not share the information he sent you- I went back to him, asked him for it again, as he never sent it to me, but to you. Just a useless step for me, but hey- that was cool. I told you so in the message.

02:43 Apr 15 2023 (-0 GMT) dwaynemcgriff01 wrote:

here it is my current status

Your Status: Arch Sire (Level 195)

You have completed 96% of the next level.

**Edited for his privacy**

14:14 Apr 14 2023 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Hey, can you share your info we talked about last night?

I will make time to look at it this weekend.

I did- three hours and I sent him a breakdown of his statues. I have done so many times for him since we have meet when he first joined the site.


SO if you think I broke some kind of rule- If that is what you got on me man, time to move on...

01:33 May 17 2023

Sometimes you just gotta show those receipts.

01:34 May 17 2023

I'll send it to you as I still maintain messages are something private. You feel you need to justify your actions to public opinion that's on you as I see many admins like throwing screenshots out. I will give my honest opinion to something put in public eye, but it should be in context and that's what this is all about. Much more to picture than what members were talking about concerning my last society forum post in your house.

01:41 May 17 2023

Sure, ok

01:49 May 17 2023

Again, I'll just share pertinent information in a private message. You feel you need to justify yourself with public opinion that's cool go be you. It's really not that important to me but for sake of maintaining what I consider is a friend from my vantage now. That really doesn't matter to some but to me it does and like being true to myself.

02:34 May 17 2023

And you need to say you share... then do it. I'll give you till the morning. After that if you can't produce this mysterious message, and you keep coming implying a threat...I will take a step to stop you.

In other words- shit or get off the pot.


Let me share this since you will not see it OccultRanger...

19:40 May 16 2023
Times Read: 1,030

"But what I don't have is tact so you'll have to deal with it no matter who you think you are or ...."

Let me address that for ya.. *Kick*

I'm the fucking House Master. I don't have to deal with shit.



21:03 May 16 2023

You have that right as you are person in stewardship for your society being a house master. Really can't say more than that publicly. But will be addressing some other issues on a private matter when it comes to maintaining friendships.


12:34 May 15 2023
Times Read: 1,090

Come on to VR, they said. Have some fun, they said. Be a Master, they said. Be an Admin. It will be fun, they said. *said in Die Hard tone, early morning VR grumble*


But hey- at least the freaking system updated me.


Now I am getting dressed to start my day.





21:28 May 14 2023
Times Read: 1,123

Ok. Look. I have spent hours Friday night rating you. And then some more on Saturday. I blew you off on Saturday night as I enjoyed... Yes, freaking enjoyed having a good time in a girl's chat. Well, with our Sister bro OldSoul... but the point is- I even got out of bed this morning, dragged out and rated you for at least a few more hours. THEN... then I just spent another hour rating you.

So the question is- why have you not moved one freaking little percent? Huh? Huh? Nothing else the time should...

*glares at the Status System*


*kicks it*

I am having strong feelings of dislike for you.



21:46 May 14 2023

Haha I'm still at a 128.96 so I feel that.

23:26 May 14 2023

Sister Bro lol

00:22 May 15 2023


19:49 May 15 2023

I love you!


13:24 May 14 2023
Times Read: 1,136

Snuggles in bed. Sometimes you just need to give into the mood and stay in bed. * hugs pillow*



19:32 May 14 2023

I did that today too. In fact, just got up. We decided to sleep in until we woke up naturally and do Mother's Day a different day. :-) My mom is still asleep.

21:14 May 14 2023

:) Now that is a wonderful Sunday.


21:59 May 13 2023
Times Read: 1,177

I'm liking the tag out's.

I don't know if its on purpose or what but when a Master Vampire logs in, the one that was on tags out.

I do it too.

If one comes on, I either shut off, go onto another profile or been known to turn on the lurking.

Good news- I have found out I have rated the database more then I remembered. :)



22:05 May 13 2023

haha Same.

For both. ;)

22:40 May 13 2023

I'm Here, Sorry, I made Reaper mad.

00:05 May 14 2023

By your kismet? I saw that.

00:40 May 14 2023

I hate rating, but it does help you level.... sooooo booooring though.


22:42 May 12 2023
Times Read: 1,232

Join us in the Customer Care center of VR as three admins answer the questions, calls. In one chair is the Bunny. Rat sits in her own in the middle, with Ducky in her own next to her.

Rat says into her phone mic hanging off her headset, her southern accent strong. “Well, bless his heart. I would say to block the person and just…” Bunny smiles, and ducky quacks as this was Rat saying in her own code “Well fuck him, block the asshole.”

Rat clicks on the Manual to check the rule on… a wetness hits her head. She glances over to see Ducky pushing up a small tub. She watches as Ducky fills the tub with water, settle into the water. “Yes, yes, I am here. Just give me a few more minutes to find the info to share…” Water splashes softly as the Ducky flips about in her own personal water bath. She pulls up a thick school book, and puts her glasses on.

Bunny thumps the keyboard with her front legs. Then stands on it, turning to thump the screen. Several hard kicks and the cracking sound of plastic breaking is heard. Rat sat, eyes wide, as bunny express her dislike. A duck wing comes over the rat, and her chair is pulled backward away from the mad Bunny as keyboard keys fly.

“Yes, but you do not have the necessary number…” Water hits her in the eye. She wipes it off, turning toward the ducky, to see her winking. “I was trying to say you do not…” She felt another soaking, hitting her whole body. “Can you hold please?” The mic hits the keyboard as Rat growls “Do it again!” Ducky does. Rat flies, landing on the ducky head. Bunny jumps and lands into the tub, and the fight is on.
Cursed opens the door, donut box in hand, to step in… to see water flying. Ducky was on her back, a wet Rat chewing on her orange leg. Bunny was on top, paws wrap around the ducky’s neck. All three turn toward her. Cursed chews on her donut in her mouth. “Never mind.” She shut the door as she backs out of the room.
Bunny looks at the Rat, and the Ducky quacks. The fight was back on, water splashing every which way, as giggles win the fight.



22:49 May 12 2023


I make everyone wet. :D

00:45 May 13 2023

Yeah, all that tracks. lol


13:55 May 12 2023
Times Read: 1,252

I usually don't mind having people ask to touch my curly hair. Adult make it a little creepy. But a young boy who says it reminds him of sissy doll?

Got my PG version of the bend and snap.

Aka- I bent over, hand holding shirt to chest, let him yank, pull as he said how soft with a giggle.





17:33 May 11 2023
Times Read: 1,305

I have released my blocks. Seems you have calmed down so let's try to stay that way. If not I have no problems putting them back up.



19:51 May 11 2023

It won't last. There is always another spiral on the horizon.

22:04 May 11 2023

Most likely. And if that happens, will block them again. :)

00:32 May 12 2023

That explains why they visited my profile.

Mine are not being removed. :)

13:47 May 12 2023

That grin looks evil. :)


22:37 May 09 2023
Times Read: 1,370

FalsexCure told me he had no ideal I was wanting a new House Crest after seeing the great work Moonie did. I said I wasn’t. But hey- it’s a piece by Moonie! It was even better than the one she did before. He agreed it was a fantastic work. I mentioned I was thinking about redoing my Alliance crest, as the one was too dark I think, just not right.
That is when he pointed out he was the one who made that crest. I was shocked, really. “No you didn’t.” Then he had to prove me wrong, by my own words in my journal thanking him back in 2014 for the crest. And that his Coven was part of the newly open Alliance. That of course got him a “Well- redo it!” *laughter* Hey- he should not have reminded me.
I know he did this kind of work, but I would never assume he would have offered to do one for me. So he spent a day, giving me several different ones to pick from. I, of course, picked the one closest to Moonies work as I like a theme. Matchy, matchy is me.
Then we talked of our history over the years on the site. See- False is a friend to me. He listens to my real life rants; he really helped me after my father passed. I would come on, write a journal, and he would send me links, talk to me about what was going on in my life. Offer an ear to listen, or advice. (He still does today.) Then I left for a few years, and when I came back it seems we slow worked back to that friendship. Sorry- his word is “acquaintances”.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

And while I am uploading this into the House file storage I find the one vXVampre did for the Alliance. I had asked him if we could use his crest he showed me for the Alliance as I refused to give up the first Moonie crest. He must have uploaded it without telling me. Dude- it’s beautiful. I can see me switching these out. Past Moonie crest, your crest. New Moonie crest, Falsexcure crest.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

I’m a lucky girl, having two sets of crest by some greatly talented members. vXVampre you should of told me it was in there! :D



22:59 May 09 2023

Oh my goodness, I love that! False, like Moonie, does such amazing work. I'm honored that he's created the amazing Crest for NR, it fits so perfectly. But your Alliance Crest, it blends so well with the new Crest Moonie gave you. You've got a lot of awesome options to switch between.

Also, False is amazing. He and I don't talk as much as we used to, but he's always there when I need a real friend.

23:02 May 09 2023

What a predicament! lol

23:13 May 09 2023

Yeah, it's a sad issue to have... NOT! :)

12:45 May 10 2023

Wow! I love those. So nice.

21:25 May 11 2023

All of them are Bueatiful


13:04 May 08 2023
Times Read: 1,411

It's a "backing out of the driveway, hitting the large curb side trash can" kind of Monday. Not once, but twice.


I should come with a warning, just saying.



22:00 May 08 2023

Aren't most Monday's like that? lol

03:37 May 09 2023

*snickers....snorts.......and flies away

00:41 May 14 2023

This sounds like my driving. I KNEW we were related!


15:47 May 07 2023
Times Read: 1,488

When vXVampre gracious agreed to redo my House updates, I had one sticking point. I refused to give into his desire to change my House Crest. *picture me as he tugged it, claws dugs in, teeth tight on it* Why? For one, I still love it. For another... it was my history. And it was made for me back in 2011 by Moonie. I don't like changes in my life and these last 4 years has brought many. Dang it- you wasn't going to change everything. This crest was me, it' staying. Fluff it.

So vXVampre threw up his hands, and he designed his codes, colors, font, ect. around that crest. Points given for not telling me to go fluff myself, and leaving. :) Not that kind of man, a true gentleman who does not let his anger control his actions. Not that he was ever mad at me, maybe a little frustrated. Strong women tend to do that to the males.

Then Moonie is on more and I commented she should get back into the designing part she always loved. Moonie designs are wonderful. And I hope she finds joy back in doing them.

Only to wake up this morning to a new crest she has made, seeing it would go more with the updates we did.

Updates based on her crest.

Come on- its worth a chuckle. At least for me.

I see it- I now have two crest I can use. :) Thank you Bunny. I love the unexpected gift.

OH vXVampre-- how do I change a crest? *thinking he is throwing his hands up, done with me at this point*

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.



16:38 May 07 2023

Oooo I love tht

18:32 May 07 2023

Moonie has always done such beautiful work. I love this new one just as much as I love the other one. So pretty.

21:59 May 07 2023

I can help you change the crest if you still need the help. :) It looks great. :)

22:45 May 07 2023

I got it Cursed. I need to resize the old one, put it in the history. Kind of sad to see it go into storage, for now.

00:16 May 08 2023

I am so glad you like it! Thank you, Immy, for the compliment. 😊

00:36 May 08 2023

Oooooooh pretty wolfie.......pets the wolfie head and scratches behind the ears.

12:22 May 08 2023

Wow, that is amazing. I love it so much! Great job Moonie.


18:55 May 06 2023
Times Read: 1,509

Today is the Kentucky Derby. And I always have a memory of my mother come to me on this day. I was 13 or 14 years old. It was Derby day. We closed the business at noon on Saturday, and this day was home for the night. Mind you, it doesn't run till later in the day. My mom was having a screw driver, the drink. And I wanted to try it.

She allowed me to do it. Not a strong one, but I could taste it. Meaning she most likely put less then a 1/4 in my large glass. Ha. But it was my first drink. So sitting on the floor in front of mom as she reclined in her chair, being such a big girl, having a screw driver with her.

So while most have mint julep, I will always want OJ and vodka.


Miss ya mom.



21:11 May 06 2023

GodBless a good mother and you had a great one, sugar. Mom and I loved to pick out a horse just from the looks or name, we didn't know crap about their chances or odds and didn't care it was a game of love for fun with us. So we watched and yelled and acted stupid every Derby day!

00:38 May 08 2023

SO THAT's how you make a screwdriver drink......nice.

12:24 May 08 2023

I love that story. Such a nice memory.


00:21 May 06 2023
Times Read: 1,577

Here is the list of names/ animals of the photo.
On the far left in black, holding the camera is me. The Rat.
Next to me in the Red is Images. She started out as a Caracal- but changed it to Panda. In her hand is a VR troll.
The tall lady is our much messed Sahahria who was our Doe *miss you still Ann*
The short little guy is Daire, may he RIP. I don't think he ever had a animal picked.
Moonie, the Bunny, is the bra carrying lady. ;) If you missed that webcam session, it made history.
The dark haired lady is Deity. No animal.
Behind her is not Cancer- but Birra, the other bald guy of VR. He is our Hedgehog. Tho I always pulled his out out per dawn on groundhog day in the House.
Joli is the lady with the signs. She was always good at spotting 'naughty' and putting a stop to it. She had no animal in the Zoo.
The nude woman- is Morrigon. The playful Otter *** shout out to Moonie for correction on this***
And of course we end with Bones. No animal picked.

How the Zoo started? Elemental and I went on vacation together. I would get up, pre dawn, to dress and go out to the beach to watch the sunrise. She hated to even open her eyes that early so she would lay in her bed as I fumbled about. She said I sounded like a huge Rat trying to get dressed. Elemental, when I would return to the room, still in her bed, would ask me, nag to me to go get food at the hotel breakfast bar. So I'm dressed, ready to go do something, she was just waking up in hers. Like a birdy who chirps for food. Birdy.

And it grew from there. :)

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.



01:00 May 06 2023

Dang it... I forgot when you edit a post it takes the comments out. Moonie corrected me on Diety/ Morrigon nude. Immortal had almost all of them right. Images came in to remind me Daire had also passed.

Sorry ladies- I will not edit anymore.

01:01 May 06 2023

-smack- stop touching it.

01:33 May 06 2023

*ouch* Watch that thumper of yours Bunny.

00:40 May 08 2023

Bunnies, Rats, and other animals....hmmm not a single vampyre in the bunch.....tsk tsk


23:37 May 05 2023
Times Read: 1,587

Well this day went to hell in a hand basket. Started well, sitting fishing with my brother. Then he got tired of watching everyone else catching fish but him. So we started home. Just got into the home, started his breathing treatments when a cousin I have not seen in over 20 years, called. I knew she was coming in as I told her I would take her out to the graveyard, way out in the country. She wanted to take photos of the graves. Don’t ask, I don’t know.

So I believed the plan was me going to meet her, take her out to the graveyard. And as the family farm on my mother side is also on that road, she wanted to see the farm. Now mind you- the farm has not had a house on it in many many years. Not even able to really get up to the farm, road badly washed out.

Nope, that is not the case. So I had to hurry up and straighten the house, touch up the bathroom, and by then they are here. A cousin, mind you, I have not talked to in years. Her hubby, not the same I knew. Her son, who last I meet was like six years old, and his wife. Another one I never meet. So that was a little like pulling teeth.

But I left my brother and sister, to go take them out to the graveyard. Anyone who lives in my area who has sinus issues- allergies, know the hell that green stuff is to the head. I was fine in the car but once at the graveyard, I asked if they need me to point out the… “Yes. I think it’s in that area.” It wasn’t. But it really didn’t matter as they traced all over the place. “So and So- is that someone in our family?” I stand there, trying not to open my mouth so I can breath as my nose starts to clog up. “I don’t know.” “And this one?” “I don’t know, Melinda was the family tree expert.” “Humfleet- isn’t that…” “I Do Not Know.” If I said it once, said it a thousand times.

As they moved about, I slowly made my way up to our gravestones. I say ours as all the family stones are in place. They are white marble on black marble stone. We plan to do one bigger stone, angel on black marble but have not yet. I sat on the bench we have, look at the badly faded silk flowers in the vase on the tall pedestal. I see my father, with his military foot marker. I see my mother. I see my sister. And I see the stones for my brother, my sister, and myself.

So of course I started to cry. I mean… we are half gone now. Then I get the cousins coming toward me, still asking about so and so. So I wiped the tears and just take a breath. This is when the ability to mask grief comes into play. I stand and play host, slowing them the graves marker to a set of twins that was lived only a day, our Uncles children. I walk over to see the one twin boy who died at a young age, that was my cousin on my father’s side.

Twins runs in both sides of my parent’s family tree. And the one in our own family lays 50 feet away.
Finally, they are ready to move on to the farm. By this time my nose is clogged up, and I blow my nose trying to clear it. Onward we go. Down this county road to a dirt road that turns off. And you have to cross this little creek. And what do we find? A gate. With a lock. Ok.

That is when I get to explain. See- a man I know, by another man I know- contacted me off Facebook. He lives, while no next to the farm, but his land does meet up at the side. The farm road you have to go up a dirt rutted road, to get to the land we own. We own an easement for the road. He contacted me saying people was on the farm, hunting deer illegally. He wanted to put a gate up to keep them out. Now--- rat holds up a hand—here is the thing. I tried to get up to the farm in my SUV, and had to back out. Why? Road but also lots of trails being made by 4 wheelers. Funny how he knew I was on the property. *does a rolling motion with her hand* As in… trail cams. He knew I went up to our land. Well I told him that land is held by about 18 different family members, share here, share there.

But that I would ask the only living Aunt, the last of the original family members. Well, I lied. She was, and is dealing with health issues at 83 years old. I talked to my sister as we own our mother’s share. And we both said no gate. So I messaged him back- No. Cousins live out of state, they have the right to go onto the farm. Even if you give me the key, not wanting to deal with seeing they have a key. I told him to contact the game warden.

Fast forward about 8 months and we stand in front of said gate. So I said I would run over to the house he lives in, ask for a key. Cousins… well, lets say they blew a gasket. I mean hello? I said no to him. But they followed me over to the man’s home, no one home. We got back to the gate and they was talking bolt cutters. Ok, Pulling the post out, Ok. Hey- I was for that as he put the gate up, after I told him no. He blocked the easement into the property. And he was just an asshole to do it

Anyway- they decided to walk in, see how bad the road was. I said good luck, they knew the way back to town. Then they open the trunk of the SUV they drove, honey.. guns came out. Of the 4, at least 7 weapons. Ha. These VA folks don’t joke. So off they went, determined to find what was so important that they need to gate the road. I said, as no cell service in the area, I expected to hear from them before dark or I will call the sheriff.

I am in contact with the dude who put the gate up He admits I said no, but he wanted to stop the illegal deer hunters, etc. I told him he blocked my road, entrance, and was against the law. He said he would remove the gate today once he got off work. Cousins called about 30 minutes ago. They found beer cans, bottles, traps for animals, trails for 4 wheelers. And some large empty shell casings. Yes- highly illegal. But nothing else. “As in drugs planted, or made”

That is where we are at, and I will have to deal with it on Monday as the cousins go back to VA. it has been a roller coaster afternoon and I need a drink.



00:00 May 06 2023

Oh Rattie, I'm sorry your day was so rough.

Get yourself a drink and relax.
That's a Mama Ducky order. ❤️

00:25 May 06 2023



00:47 May 05 2023
Times Read: 1,693

Lets see who remembers this little piece of Vampire Rave History? Care to name the members? This was when the Zoo first started and drawn by the wonderful Morrigon. Bonus if you can name the animals too. :) Very happy to have ran across this looking at my images on my computer.

You don't win anything, but I will know you are a Vampire Rave elder if you get those.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.



01:50 May 05 2023

So I have NO idea, but I can attempt to guess a few.... lol. Is the red shirt in front Cartomancer, The blue top with things stuffed in her top Moonie, The black top and dark hair Morrigon, Cancer in the back..... naked one Duckie... I thought the one with the camera to be you but the hair isn't curly so I then though no..... Maybe I am allll wrong. lol

01:53 May 05 2023

LOL You got some, not the others. But good start. Not many will know the answer. In fact I say maybe 3 people on the site can answer this question. I don't think Cancer could even do it. :)

01:54 May 05 2023

Message me who I got right! lol

01:59 May 05 2023

Haha... no, not yet. Let's see if anyone can guess them all.

02:04 May 05 2023

DANG IT! I didn't want you to post it here woman! lol! I wanna know who I got right in a message. :P *pouts* FINE... *pouts* LOL!

02:17 May 05 2023

I know them all!

I am not pictured but I was present during the revealing of this!

02:22 May 05 2023

Let's see... There's you, of course, than Cartomancer, Sahahria, Nightgame, Moonie, Morri, Cancer, Bones at the end. I know I know the other two... I mean, I remember when the image was created. Bah. Abstract? Duckie? This is gonna bother me.

02:27 May 05 2023

My guess is you, Cartomancer, Saharia, Moonie, Morri, Cancer, don't know the next two but they look familiar, then Bones. Also not sure of the glasses guy.

03:57 May 05 2023

Purple shirt... immortalxkiss

04:59 May 05 2023

Nope, I was definitely not a part of this, though I wish I were. Is one of them Requium? I need to know! Haha.

15:13 May 05 2023

;) *jumps on ducky, clamps mouth shut* I will tell ya tonight when I get to laptop keyboard.


16:50 May 04 2023
Times Read: 1,727

Be so much easier to do maintenance, closing threads on the main form if you would stop white screening me. Just saying.

And why can't I get this thread to open? Fine, let's see if TheRat has issues.

*slides another profile up*



17:48 May 04 2023

Which profile?

Members were staring there was issues before like this but I couldn't duplicate it to see what it could be.

17:48 May 04 2023

Which thread not profile damn autocorrect haha

18:06 May 04 2023

It's the top one in Sandbox. RIP it.

18:38 May 04 2023

Ahhh I see the bastard.
403 white screen error.

19:42 May 04 2023

See? You got what I got. Could not open it.


06:32 May 04 2023
Times Read: 1,754

Narrator : You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, Vampire Rave if roles were reversed.

*Rat sits at her computer, making sure she has everything she needs for the night. Diet Pepsi, popcorn, Twix candy bar, both left and right. A straw. I bottle of Ky Gel. Her vibrator. And extra batteries. She kisses the extra pack of batteries as she says “Come on baby, give Mommy some loving tonight!” And then she logs into the site.

“Hello. I read that you like old cars, rebuild them with your son. Well honey I got an old classic I think you might enjoy working the values, if you know what I mean. Let’s you jump in the trunk, pound out my muffler. And bring your 13 years old son, he can polish the hub caps.”

"Am I a powerful witch. Lets see... can you ask me that again?" Rat hits the block button. "Guess not. Powerful enough for ya, asshole." Evil laughter.

“Hey, whats up? Wonder if you might want to be my blood donor you young sexy thing. You will? Then hook an old woman up. I know getting blood from a hot little young vampire like you will get rid of all my wrinkles.” *Rat grabs her straw, looking for the port to stick it into on her laptop*

Rat looks at the screen, reads it again. Then again. “You… but… that doesn’t even make sense. I … huh? Just… WTF did I just read?” Rat jumps up to the backspace key and hits it once. Notice the screen never moves, then hits it again, again, Stomps on it with her whole body. “Get me hell off this page!”

Rat has her paws spread out on the keyboard, her fur lighted in the glow of the screen as it lifts up off her body “That’s it babe, more energy, give me all of it. Come for me, my energy donor. Come! Melt my cheese!” Sparks fly off the keyboard as smoke starts to rise off the Rat’s fur.

“Wait wait, You need to slow the hell down. I can’t type as fast as I once did.” Rat picks at the eyes, pushing up her glasses. “I f y o u l i k e I t w I t h c h e e s e..” she chicken picks out.

“Mommy?” Rat looks disgusted. “Look here young man, this is not a way to talk to a elder woman. Do I look like a Mommy?” Rat ask, her hair in rollers, a house coat on, a heat patch on her knee cap. “How DARE YOU!”

“Change your dirty diaper? Honey, I am the one who will make you dirty it in the first place. Take it off. Take it off and put it up to your face. Now rub it in, really good. Yeah, just like that… keep going… get some of that wet goodness in your mouth. All smeared on? Good, now go fuck your mouth, asshole.” Rat shivers, gags. Drinks her soda to wash down that image.

“Sure I will share my email. By the way, you want my paypal password too? Is it by the screen shot? By the minute of how do you charge? I hope it’s by the uh…what? By the gushing release you say?” Rat grabs the extra batteries, gets them ready to go. “We got a winner tonight!”

Rat takes her glasses off, cleans them, puts them back on and leans into the screen. “Nope, you are still an delusional fool.” Hits backspace. “Rat don’t play with the crazies.”

“Photos? Of me? Sure, give me a second, I have so many.” Pulls up file, sends him a random photo of a red head swimsuit model she got offline, a picture of a well-known actress, and a photo of a toaster. “Pick one honey, and let’s get the show on the road, I ain’t got all night, bedtime is calling my name.”

Seeing him online, she stands up, goes forward and rubs herself on his profile photo. “Oh babe, yeah, do it to me, just lick oh.. right there.” Turns she rubs her butt on the screen. “Mmmm… you like that? How about some of this?” She twerks, “Better then hot cheese on buttered bread.”

“My what? Well ok, if that is your thing.” She puts her rat paws up, sharp nails click as she wiggles her toes. “Come on and sit down. My big toes might do it for ya.”

“You ever done it with a sexy cougar Rat, in a tub of warm gooey, melted cheese? Well do you want to? Once you go Rat, there is no turning back.”

“Ohhh yeah, yeah.. “ Rat stops moaning, to eat some popcorn. “Yes YES, that is it.. right.. Uhhh!” she grabs her twix candy bar, opens it. “Ohhh that is so good.” She bites into it, rolling her eyes, her mouth full of the sweet candy. Should have got me a butter finger she thinks to herself. Or a Payday! Almond Joy- She sings. “Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.” She swallows and tells him “Oh nothing, just got some nuts on my mind. As in your nuts…”

“You want to smear me in cheese and lick me clean.” Rat jumps up, holds out her arms. “I am SO down with that! Bring it!!” She points to the screen “But be warn, I might eat some off myself. Cheese, mmm.”

“You want me to call you Sugar Daddy? For real? Because if you do…” Rat pulls out her bills, stakes them up. “Then we need to talk. Cable, utility, Cheese of the month club, credit cards...” She goes on and on.

“You want to be the cracker to my cheese?” Rat smiles. “I like them extra salty. With a crunch.” She snaps her teeth at the screen, gives a sexy growl.

“You want me to dress up in a mouse costume?” Looks at her lovely Rat self. “Let’s upgrade, shall we? She leans into the screen. “Take those short pants off and pull up a long pair. How about a full on Rat? Think you can handle what I got coming at ya?”

Narrator: And the moral of the story, good reader, is you never know what comes to the Rat as she sleeps, waking her up with a laugh and the uncontrollable need to write. And for all those people who send the endless messages to every female on the site be warn at just how The Rat is if she is let out of her cage.

But for now, she slinks back into her bed. She still has a few hours to sleep.



07:22 May 04 2023

Haha it's pretty funny and sad how we actually end up dreaming about the weird request messages and the messages that are clearly repetitive and dished out to everyone.

Ni ni beauty!

16:13 May 04 2023

Isn't it? Not that we care for the site or that it's members have fun. That it runs smoothly.

;) luvs my Ducky.

21:40 May 04 2023

LOL! That's great! A comical nightmare if you will..... Mine are far more.... sinister when it comes to these repeat message senders.


01:07 May 04 2023
Times Read: 1,804

Pulls out the lawnchair, sits her cooler beside it. Sits, leans back, pulls out a bag of chips, and a ice cold bud light.



01:08 May 04 2023

Can I join? I can bring snacks too.

01:12 May 04 2023

Pulls out another lawnchair. Only if you got brownies. ;)

01:13 May 04 2023

ALWAYS! Brownies are life.... so is cheesecake!

01:13 May 04 2023

I will bring brownies!

01:18 May 04 2023

Pull up a chair Theodora. We just watching the free show, sitting on the House lawn. How was work today?

01:20 May 04 2023

Anyone mind if I bring something a bit harder than beer?

01:20 May 04 2023

As you wish, Cursed. Looks to be slowing down.

01:23 May 04 2023

Yep. :) A shot of Patron sounds pretty nice. :)

04:02 May 04 2023

What I miss??

16:16 May 04 2023

Nothing much. We just moved into chat, journal crazy stopped.


12:19 May 03 2023
Times Read: 1,836

Rat stands in front of the mirror, checks her makeup, a rarely used skill these days. But it's wonderful what 9 hours of sleep, clear your mind by talking to a friend, and being heard as you put it all out for another.

Rat pats her hair, moving a curl out of her eye. You got this.

Hello world! Whatca got for me today?



15:53 May 03 2023

Ducky learned how to do skins.

Like on here. Took me forever but I figured it out last night. :)

21:24 May 03 2023

Yay for a good nights rest and waking up feeling good!

21:50 May 03 2023

Whooo.... I was like "Ducky learned to skin, skin what?" O.O And who we going to do next? ;)

hahahaha... funniest thing I said all day. :) Have to go look at your profile.

Yes- CTD very good thing.

04:03 May 04 2023

Haha it's no where near done. I got fucking scared when I turned the site white for a while. Hahaha I was so scared I needed Moonie to help me fix it hahah

16:14 May 04 2023

Oh wow. Moonie the best!


13:54 May 02 2023
Times Read: 1,893

In other words, not in the fucking mood for your shit.

13:43 May 02 2023 (-0 GMT) PaganSamhainWitch wrote:

Message To: OnSlaught

Nothing much. You want to be my blood donor? Or my energy donor? Call me your baby? Let me be your Mommy? Want pics? My phone number? Text me? Want me to send you text? Talk you into jerking off one? Act like I am getting off as you talk dirty to me? Or change the diaper of my nasty naught boy?

So, what will it be? Huh?

16:28 Apr 30 2023 (-0 GMT) OnSlaught wrote:

hi how you doing :



16:00 May 02 2023

I have gotten the same message repeatedly on all my profiles.

MrFox stopped messaging me so far

17:18 May 02 2023


17:18 May 02 2023

Ahhh hahahaha girl I feel that response deep within my soul

They just keep going...

20:17 May 02 2023

He doesn't treat me that way.

04:36 May 03 2023

This dude does not leave women alone. He finally left me alone and what not.

10:31 May 03 2023

Lol, they just never quit do they! UUgh!!!

11:45 May 03 2023

I think I have him blocked on all my profiles. He never learns.


22:50 May 01 2023
Times Read: 1,922

Happy May Day to all my witches, pagans, etc. :)

Now I'm going outside to enjoy the daylight.

Blessings to all.



22:51 May 01 2023

Thank you

23:19 May 01 2023

Blessed Beltaine or Beltane to those that spell it that way! :) Beautiful day today!

17:19 May 02 2023

Blessings to you enjoy your day!!


12:16 May 01 2023
Times Read: 1,952

3rd bank failed. That is not good.



17:32 May 01 2023

No that's not good...

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