I very, VERY rarely refuse to help people. Despite my personal feelings. If you are a person that constantly complains about staff- calling them useless, accusing them of different things. Do not be surprised when you are refused assistance.
You have no one to blame but yourself and your own actions.
I am livid. LIVID. L to the I to the VID.
Appalled doesn't even cover what I've seen today. After seeing the words that were said, seeing things that were deleted with a quickness and then seeing a person delete I am just.. I can't even put it into words.
And then seeing the ones follow right along with it.
I just can't even.
This a peek of the Moonie Monster?
Wow, it's been that kind of day *hands you a bottle of jack* Drink two of these and call me in the morning.
PEOPLE ARE ASSHOLES! Everyone is in one form or another. Some people also never mentally graduate to being an adult. If anyone gets on your nerves, you got my number. Feel free to bitch away. Cause number one, I don't participate in drama (unless it involves me directly which rarely ever happens) and number two, I will have no idea who you are really talking about. I barely pay attention to the people around me. If you need me, I am here. Fuck the haters!
hahah. Close.. it was close.
Let me tell ya, I about lost control of that ghetto-ness that happens when the Moonie Monster is just under the surface. I felt my neck start to swivel and my fingers wanted to snap. hah.
I'd just like to know in advance so I can hide under a rock. A heavy, heavy rock.
I have seen you do that on cam way back when lol. Ghetto fabulous baby :)
hahahah.. You've seen me ANGRY. I REMEMBER YOU BEING THERE! It is so not a pretty picture.
She's a horrible person. Like I said elsewhere, those wankers will hitch on any wagon, and if they cannot find a wagon, they'll make their own, for any reason, goin' anywhere - as long as it's somewhere.
but I want a wagon!!!!
I can tell that I have evolved over the years of being here. Within the first few years of being here, I would have just lit this journal up with some angry verbal vomit.
But it just isn't worth it. I am so glad I stay away from people who are constantly involved in one drama thing or another. It's so damn tiring to watch. I can't imagine being around them or being involved.
My eye twitched in anger for the first time in a along time today.
It can be damn hard to be 'polite' to people who you have an issue with or simply do not want to be around. The joys of making adult decisions.
Awww, my poor Moonie Luve Muffin Pie. Want me to rub oil all over you and call you Hurbert?
People suck. I know this to be true. If people fight, then I am off to the corner to go twiddle my thumbs. I don't do drama. Too much of that thing called effort lol.
I just more or less stopped talking. Even politeness gets me nowhere. Non-committal one word answers and no questions. That's me. I completely stopped caring.
I am proud of you MooniePie!
With Love from Moonkissed.
I miss your angry journal post. You had a way with words that you could insult someone that would even make me afraid and I was not the target. Plus I would shamelessly steal your insults and use them rl at people. They were THAT good. Should tm some of them too. Being polite is over rated. Release the Moonie Monster! Set her free again! Just not at me. You scare me when you are angry. :)
I can relate. It's been a LOOOONG weekend for me.
lol Dakotah. You're too sweet to feel my wraith. ;) The only real entry that I was extremely angry, was where I told off that lil lying waste of skin d-bag that wouldn't stop fake dying.
A few people have heard me honestly angry. lol I mean like 'Oh holy shit! She is going to explode and spew lil bits of angry Moonie bits around'. It really isn't pretty. lol I do become Moonie Monster.
I find it funny when I see the rule 'No drama allowed' and yet there is always some kind of drama that surrounds them- whether them be a person, a place or both.
If you are constantly involved in something, then you really can't claim no drama allowed.
Ignoring is the best policy. I don't add "No Drama" to the Horde, because it's just not necessary.
Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune. Feel blessed.
Well I'm not person who loves drama but sometimes you just can't ignore.
Seems like they're just asking for it.
I don't like Drama but as they say drama happens. It's like shit. Everybody does, just some people shit more than others.
People have it, yes. But the ones that I see constantly have it have it because they are doing tons of shitty things to people. Or they are basically just shitty themselves. Those are the ones that I scoff when I see the 'no drama' rule.
I see it like this. They who write stuff like that is the ones that seeks drama. It take 2 to dance and they who feel the need to write no drama is obviously on the drama business.
well, drama makes me save on cable, need less channel got it free here :p
No Drama here lulz
What I find amusing are the females who post on there profiles 'Do NOT flirt with me or I will block you' and then have all these selfies or there boobs and cleavage. There was this one girl, on her profile every pic of her was revealing, I am sure you know the types of profiles, even the song she had on it was suggestive. Then when guys started to hit on her she posted in her journal how we are all sick perverts ect ect and how she was leaving this site, really bashed us. hey, do not put it out there and expect to be treated with anything else but us guys thinking you are anything but- innocent.
I love dramas! I can't stop watching them!
Different drama though, hehe.
02:20 Apr 21 2016
Chocolate thundah?
02:26 Apr 21 2016
That was yesterday. lol Today is just laying it out there that I am done with people feeling as though they are entitled to help even though they act like asshats.
If I wouldn't take it offline, why would I take it here?
03:43 Apr 21 2016
And that is why I love you Moonie lurve muffin snuggle lumps.
03:44 Apr 21 2016
I looooooooooooooooooooove you, too, my lil sweet decaying bag of goopy goo. :D
05:28 Apr 21 2016
I am Moonie's meat bag :D