I don't think I've logged on here since Wednesday.
And, I'm not missing it.
When life changes come at you fast and you're too busy trying to deal with the reality around you, a place like VR simply doesn't have the hooks to be a priority.
I thought I would miss it, but honestly, I hadn't even thought about it until I saw Morri doing make-up on VR webcam.
I like this new project manager. He is young, bright, knows how to build a process and communicates clearly.
His remark about the person that has been.. 'helping' us for the pas few weeks:
She speaks as she thinks. And apparently she thinks in circles, so the fact that she keeps talking... it's not good.
...a profile full of quizzes is almost doubly annoying when the quiz results are full off typos, misspellings and bad grammar.
It is! bugs the hell out of me.
Full off typos.
Heeheehee. . . . .
But yes, you're right. We all make typographical errors, but an abundance of them is something else entirely.
You know, Chris... I typoed just about every word in that post when I wrote it... that was the only one I didn't catch.
The irony is not lost on me. I'll go feel shame now...
And, I just typoed your name...
Chrys.... CHRYS!
Ahahaha, no shame! (I spelled that "chame" by the way). You're made my day. Lmao.
I don't care for profiles full of quizzes and crap. It's so much better when a person takes a moment to at least write a paragraph or two about themself.
I will take typos over long quizzes... Even more annoying to me are ten bazillion images of art that was scooped from Photobucket. If it takes more than three seconds to lad the profile... I'm hitting the back button.
oops... I missed an O
Yes, I went there.
Two day old coffee.
I'm tired and lazy...
Coffee is a fantastic idea. But that, that is pretty horrid.
And I thought I was desperate for a fix this morning.
It's not horrid. I have a bunch of work to do this morning, just don't feel like making a pot...
It... uhm... gets better with age?
No. No it doesn't.
No, I'm a barista, coffee does, in fact, not get better with age. It's actually optimal for far less time than people realize (espresso degrades in under a minute after the shots are pulled).
I know this. However, the next day it still tastes like coffee, mostly... and has caffeine.
Sometimes that is all I need.
Now birra...that is just damn nasty.
Beat Future Self lazy with Present Self savvy: brew a pot of double strength coffee, pour it over ice into a large pitcher and throw the brew in the fridge. I promise it will taste much better. You don't have to drink it right away and it'll be waiting for you when Future Self just can't squeeze out one more fuck to give.
Hmm.. I will see if I can follow that recipe.
Listening to a plane fly over as it takes off from BUF... wondering what I might be missing.
Sometimes it is tough not to look at opportunities, or past mistakes and wonder. I know these things can't be changed, and maybe they were the right decisions after all... but it makes me wonder.
Sitting on the back deck, enjoying a beer and leftover nachos. Today was a long day. Up at 3:30 - my alarm was set for 4:00, but the dogs were barking, and I knew they needed to go out.
Got to my first job a little after 5:00. Got to the 2nd one a little before 7:00. Got to the new job at 8:00. Long day. Skipped the other contract after work in favor of running some errands... I couldn't handle the ridiculousness of that job after today.
It all lends more into the thoughts and wonders...
A little back story - I was always interested in photography. My father was a hobbyist - not really intensely into it, but he enjoyed it and from there I learned some of the skills... growing up in my house wasn't always the easiest. I know many had worse, but the negativity wore on me. As I got into high-school I looked for activities, other than sports, that would get me out of the house more often. Photography! I joined the Yearbook and school paper staff as a photographer. A good friend of mine was the lead student - she was awesome and she gave me as many jobs as I could handle. In my junior year there were six photographers on staff and we had to split events and other activities accordingly but that year there wasn't a single page in the yearbook that didn't have one of my photographs on it.
And the cameras were old and clunky. No automatic anything - most of our shots were black & white film because it was cheaper and we could do our own developing. But I loved doing it.
Fast forward almost 20 years - my photography took a way, way, way back seat to other endeavors, until I met Morri. She has taught me so much about photography - most importantly, how to love it again.
I ponder that as well.
With the twists and turns my life has taken, is it more than a coincidence that I met Morri? Is it more than happenstance that she is such an awesome artist with a camera? Is there something in the cosmos pushing me back toward something I once loved so much, for a reason?
I wonder... what if?
I think, in some odd sort of way, life gives us lessons to learn then later in life, when we forget about them, life throws us something really special that we least expect simply because we will appreciate it more.
I think MorrigOn is that special thing for you. She compliments you, brings out the good things you love and cherish, and nurtures it along side of you. She helps you grow with it, for instance- your love and passion for photography- and from that you are now able to blossom more with your nature abilities.
Funny how life does that, huh?
It's never to late to be what you might have been. :)
If life gives you lemons, find some who's life gave them vodka. If life gives you Morri, take that rekindled love and make your dreams come true.
You need no one and nothing to rekindle the brilliance within you.
your passion for a camera was probably always there but life got in the way until something as awesome as Morri rekindled it...A love story :)
More strange dreams. I was trying to organize a baseball game between some big corporate entity and some government organization...
...even though it was requested by the government, they kept changing directives without telling me and keeping me from information I needed telling me it was secure. Information like, field schedules and parking lot usage...
...Oh, this shall be a helluva day.
I had a dream last night that I took a trip on the Space Shuttle to the moon.
It was discovered the lack of atmosphere there really didn't affect people at all as long as they breathed in some oxygen every couple of minutes. So as I walked around, I carried this box of an oxygen rich gel... and when I started feeling dizzy, I would just stick my face into it and breathe for a while.
*head shake*
o.o NeAT!
And as a side note, when my mouse pointer hovers over your avatar it looks like I'm picking Jack's nose.
"Heeeeerrrree's Johnny's boogers!"
you need to just b r e a t h e
anyway, cool dream :)
Damn, I was hoping for some Total Recall like shit.
Maaaan, I got FIVE kids to feed!
Then again, Oxygen rich gel kind of sounds like The Abyss.
Yeah...I had Abyss shudders when I read that, too. When the guy's mouse stops drowning and starts breathing, the other guys says something like, "See? she's doing it." But I love the owner's response, "Yeah, but she's not DIGGING it!"
Yeah, the scene where Ed Harris (this is who it was, right?) gets into the suit that fills with the liquid always gave me the creeps.
Almost as much as when he took off the suit and had to "breathe" again.
See, I told you you were gonna be an astronaut.
Exactly what I need to do - waste more time trying to get yet another customer to pay their invoices.
I need to start billing consulting fees with a line item such as:
"Bullshit dealt with because of you thinking you're somehow exempt from the rules we all have to live by: $150"
Do it. :)
Consulting - $500
Paper - $1.50
Line guaranteed to get you your money - priceless.
I'll take 150 of those....I swear, I'm ready to go old school. Baseball bats and busted knees!
pfhhht...Like they'd pay that!
It sounds like you need my invention. It's this button that you press whenever somebody's being ridiculous/stupid and it electrocutes them.
I love that idea.
Except I would probably get electrocuted on a daily basis....
...if you hear a very loud, but distant scream of frustration... it's probably just me.
Don't be alarmed. I'll be ok shortly.
22:47 Aug 28 2011
I chalk it up to: Not being able to get the same perspective.
With everything we're working on now and all the shit we're going through, who rated who is really not a priority we can identify with.
VR isn't meaningless but some of the people sure seem like it sometimes...
23:51 Aug 28 2011