..ok, I'm full of complaints today.
Is there anything more annoying on a teleconference or webex when the organizers have no idea how to run it, start it late, and the viewers and completely clueless about muting their phones...
Nothing but... typing, background noise, other people's hold music... it's like working with Brad again.
Is it just me, or does it seem a bit narcissistic when people “like” their own Facebook posts?
I can see it if it’s a group page post, and the admins all “like” it, but when it’s your own personal comment and you “like” it? Of course you “like” it! You posted it!
Redundant and self-righteous, much?
Some people do it just to be silly. I have a friend who likes every single one of his posts- just being a goof. Sometimes that's all there is to it.
Somehow I don't see this person being silly or even the slightest bit humorous...
Yeah, I can't speak for everyone. I know what my friend is up to- and I've done it to be silly. So keep that in mind when you see me doing it :P
HA! Definitely.
Of course, I know you to be a much different person than this other person...
Hah! I did it today because I seriously effed up the spelling and grammar in my post. Rather than delete and fix, I "like"-ed it, and commented on how much of a twit I was. Heh.
And we appreciate you slaying that typo demon yet again, thank you very much
To continue the conversation outside of comments... god, marriage and all that we have invented to control mankind…
Images, what I mean by "I cringe" is the comment of "marriage as god designed it" reaffirms to me that marriage is just another tool that the people in power, whether it be a religion or a political governing body, use to control their society.
Since I don't believe god exists in the way religions exalt that god exists and I see the formation of religions to be nothing more than primitive, totalitarian forms of government, to say “marriage as god designed it” is the socio-political equivalent as saying, “get married, shut up, do as we say.”
I understand it works for some people, but in an evolutionary, biological sense it goes against nature on the whole. A very, very low percentage of animals are documented to be monogamous – and the percentage is even lower when you reduce it to mammals and primates. Even species once though of as being monogamous, it’s been proven they’re really not; they’re just a lot better at hiding their infidelity.
The stereotypes that Blackstaff pointed out in his comment are indeed stereotypes – but like most other stereotypes, they exist out of relative truths. Not all stereotypes are fair and maybe some are held due to a more observed social minority, like assuming all Jehovah Witnesses are going to had you a Watchtower, or assuming all Italian Americans are involved in organized crime – but the stereotype exists because they can be observed as a fact.
The joke, “Scientists have found a substance that eliminates a woman’s sex drive – they call it, wedding cake,” is funny because it is an observable truth in a lot of cases. The finality of the process of “getting married” changes people’s attitudes. In some cases, the men turn into jerks because they no longer have to impress their mate to keep them around. In some cases, the women turn into cold fish for the very same reason.
In some cases we just find out our selected mate is really pretty insane, but unfortunately, the deed is done.
In my opinion, pre-nuptials should not only be more accepted, but mandatory. After all, the institution of marriage in our society is nothing more than a contract – a social and financial contract to manage division of assets, tax liability and behaviors. Like any other contract, it has to go before a court to cancel it. So why shouldn’t the contract be extended to include what happens if one or both parties want to exit the contract BEFORE they enter into it?
But if a man brings the idea of a pre-nuptial to the table he usually will get the response, “If you love me and our marriage is about love this shouldn’t matter.” Of course, the other side of that is, if she loves him and the marriage is about love, it shouldn’t matter if she signs it.
And if this was really a process designed by god, there wouldn’t need to be any government intervention in the first place. The church would handle the marriage, the joining, the splitting and lawyers would have to find a different way to make a tone of money by doing nothing. Besides real-estate closings, that is.
Now mine didn’t work for me. Blackstaff’s obviously didn’t work for him. It sounds as if we both ran into similar obstacles.
For you, it works. Maybe it’s more patience, better communication – maybe in the key components of what a marriage should be you and your husband are more in-tune with each other and therefore can better get past the parts where you might differ. I believe a lot of marriages fail on just this point; the important parts that need to be there for a marriage to work simply don’t mesh after a while. People grow apart. People find their marriages become about a goal instead of a partnership.
And some marriages last much, much longer than they should because one or both people believe that this thing is some duty to the invisible bearded guy in the sky rather than just the contract that it is.
I won’t even get into the problems with the government’s hypocrisy regarding gay marriage, or as I like to state it, the right for homosexuals to be just as unhappy as the rest of us.
So, comment string to continue…
"A second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience."
-- Samuel Johnson
What was marriage originally intended for? It was a contract used to bind families, sell off women (who were traditionally less useful than men as they had no rights to property, money, or had any ability to make decisions.) and it when it came to royalty; it was used to form a treaty between countries. It was a political and similar to pairing a stud and a mare for the purpose of breeding and continuing a bloodline. Religion was the first system of law so while the contracts couples signed were legal, religious belief was what truly backed it up. Most contracts can be broken; mysteriously the contract of marriage is protected by a deity.
This may sound like I’m jaded or hate marriage but I really don’t. I just want to clarify its history and original intent.
I will say this: Marriage has changed. It had to. Marriage was founded by something that shares ties with fanatical and abusive tendencies. Much like Christian religion (not faith) it has had to morph and conform to certain social norms now. Like… Oh… Women’s rights.
I believe in marriage but some view me as anti-romantic or even a cynic because I still view it as an important business decision. Essentially you have two people binding themselves and their assets with exceptions and legal exceptions in the form of prenuptial agreement.
From personal experience, I feel that the biggest mistake people my age make is to say: “Well we’re in love and we’ve been together for a bit so the next step is marriage!”
Marriage should NOT be the next step in romance and relationships. Marriage should be a step people choose to take knowing what it involves after preparing for it with knowledge and understanding.
I almost made that mistake and bought into the “It’s the next step” concept and I really did dodge that bullet.
I’ll be back Mr. Birra, you know I can’t keep my opinion to myself
Love youuuuu
I have been married twice, the first time for 2 yrs. I was 17 I think thats self explanatory. The second time I married I waited 13 years to do it again and that marriage lasted 10 years. That divorce occurred for several reasons one of which being that we grew apart and he just didn't "get" me anymore.
I loved being married. And while I know it is just a piece of legal paper it made me feel secure in the relationship. I know that sounds lame and people will argue that you don't need a piece of paper for that but it forced us to try harder in our relationship to know that you are legally bound to that commitment.
I dunno, marriage is a topic that I could go on and on about so I will just stop now lol.
I understand your point of view :) I don't believe religion should be pushed on anyone. I believe that very strongly as I know I would hate someone to throw something on me that I did not believe.
There are a lot of reasons why marriage a good thing for me and other people- I can see why it doesn't fit for others. I am not saying you are saying this- but when some people condemn the thought of marriage, I feel as if they are spitting on my own personal union that I honor without pushing it on others as the thing they must also do and honor. Many people divorce and either hate all of the opposite gender, or blast the institution that did them dirty... when so many others are so happy. I say, 'Marriage isn't shit, your marriage was shit.'
You are an Atheist, you don't believe in the same things as I do. That's understandable and I respect that. For me, my marriage is indeed a sacrament (an outward and visible sign in an inward and spiritual grace). It is not a civil union in my eyes. We were remarried in church on our 10th anniversary and it was celebrated in a very different way than the first time. I don't believe everyone's marriage is sealed by God. If God isn't a part of your promise, how could it be? My marriage is mine- other's have their own.
No one should be forced to be bound once things have taken a turn that wasn't planned. I don't believe in honoring something that has indeed become a dishonorable thing. I also understand why their are laws that protect families- even though they can also screw over someone else in a divorce. We have laws to prevent chaos- because there aren't enough men like you in the world. I know that you would always take care of your children, while others wouldn't give a rat's ass- among other examples.
In millions of situations- people are not getting married for religious reasons, yet they are bound to those standards by many. People get married to save money, to get money (military families), for benefits, for citizenship, and on and on. Laws keep significant others away from us in hospitals, keep us from medical insurance, and all around acknowledgment as a valid important person in someone's life. Many people marry to be held in the highest esteem by the law in regards to their partner.
Most intelligent people know that homosexuals cannot ruin the sanctity of marriage- they can only re-establish the sanctity... heterosexuals are the ones that have turned it into a joke.
I also understand what you say about monogamy. At the same time, monogamy for others is their personal truth. That being the case- here's another example why such a union can't be everyone's standard.
Marriage was indeed created to be bound in providing for a family- and divorce was forbidden in ancient times because a divorced woman had nothing during a time when women already had nothing- it was more of a protection for her than it was in any honor for God.
I agree with many of your points. Hours before you posted your entry about marriage I posted one about my 13th anniversary. I was proud- then I thought about all the people that find the idea kind of ignorant and completely unworthy of note. Not putting words in your mouth- but in a sense, I know our accomplishment as a unit just isn't a big deal for a lot of people- and it sucks a little as we find it a celebratory thing.
Our marriage is chock-full of communication failures and mutual jackassery. We shock ourselves each year by making the mark :P We're not in it because we have no choice though. The choice to leave is always there. We are not bound by our 'sacrament', or any other necessity. We have options if we need them. I guess that through all the challenges that people living together for this many years face- us remaining together through it all is a way better idea than throwing in the towel because we're too different. He and I are not in tune with so many things- but with the things that matter most, we're solid. The best way I can explain our marital success is that I know we both accept we are two very different people that cannot be changed. We have not lost our own personal spaces in this world- and that's something that is too often squashed in other marriages.
In the end, I always understand that my personal experience is not the same as someone else's. I would never judge another person's marriage as if all their personal promises and issues were identical to mine. I know that is ignorant. That's why marriage shouldn't be a whim thing. And as I type that- I 'lol' as Scott and I were married after we'd only known each other 6 weeks, HA!!! Again, we're a different ball of wax. All balls of wax should be treated and regarded with their own uniqueness ;)
In any circumstance where humans are involved, we have to accept its flaws... because that's what we are- beautifully flawed.
LOL These comments are so long, I was reading Pandora's and it went into Images and I didn't catch on. I was sitting there going "Wait... huh?"
I feel it is just a choice. If you love each other, live together, have the connection, the BOND with each other, what's a piece of paper going to do to change that? You can still buy a house together unmarried. Have kids. Fight. Have sex. Adopt a kid. Get a dog. Sell a house, buy a car...I could go on and on.
Also as someone who agrees with Birra on the idea of God/s, 50% of marriages in the US fail. I don't know why it was "created" to be the image of the "next step" or how we are supposed to go through our lives. Get married, have 2 and a half kids, get a white picket fence, a dog, a job, be happy forever after. Pfffftttt...For so many people it just seems as if it's what they are SUPPOSED to do because that's how society has set it.
On the other hand, people who are Christians, I feel it might be more symbolic of a union, not living in sin, etc. Together under the eyes of God, but also the law.
There are just so many ways to look at this.
Some Christians view living together outside of marriage as sinful, but I don't. I view the Bible outside much this social norm, though.
But, 'what's a piece of paper'? Unfortunately that's what the law requires for so many things- and again, why so many people get married. All about the reasons beyond the whole God thing. So, a piece of paper is pretty important depending on what's important to you.
I don't think you even have to be religious to feel that marriage is symbolic and sacred. I understand that and support people doing it. I believe in marriage, just not marriage as a default next step in life.
And about the pre-nup, some people might argue that it screams "this marriage won't last" and that you shouldn't go into it thinking that it might fail. Although that is just reality with half of marriages ending in divorce. And some might feel it is a sign of lack of trust in your partner. Not exactly a romantic thought...
For a lot of people, marriage turns into living with the best friend you've ever had for the rest of your life. For a lot of people it is just a convenience. I've been married for 18 years to my husband and there are a lot of things that have changed since we first got married. I agree that it's not for everyone. I would do it all again if I had to however. I believe in God and in what the Bible teaches and I understand that a lot of people do not, but I do hold in my heart the values that it teaches about marriage.
You know, when someone tries to tell me that, "God designed marriage," I simply cringe.
However it reaffirms to me that marriage in itself is just a bad, bad idea...
Marriage isn't for everyone. It works for some, not for others. I wouldn't recommend it, nor would I warn against it. Just as I see the disasters- I can see the validity and success others have with it. It's all in what each couple is looking for and not looking for. I'm cool with mine ;) It's not perfect, but I didn't expect it to be. Neither of us are easy to live with- but we sure do an awesome job with our little team. And as long as we're happy- I guess it doesn't matter what others think. I feel the same about couples that choose not to marry- whatever works for them, rock on with it.
From what I have learned (as I have really dove into the history of marriage so I can argue with fundamental idiots)- it began as a civil ceremony for purposes of taking care of others legally... not as anything religious. It was later that the unions were sanctioned 'under God' and given blessings, then they combined. It was never about God to begin with, though. Even though a lot of people spin it that way.
I sometimes wonder if "God designed marriage" is a misinterpretation of the idea that God didn't intend for most of us to go through life alone.
It makes one wonder though if it is not simply social conditioning that "makes" some people want it so badly. The dress, the ceremony, the gala etc. I bet they could get that "fix" some other way without all the legal strings attached. Because the first time a guy, or gal for that matter, talks about prenuptial agreements and such, things get awfully nasty in a hurry. So maybe a trip to Disney to simulate the excitement factor, a trip to the Bahamas to simulate a honeymoon, a couple of months of no sex to simulate what real marriage is about and finally the daily grind of living together in poverty for a few months to simulate the next 40-50 years to simulate life. Perhaps this would dissuade some from foolish choices. Under the right circumstances, it might be ok, but I personally think that it was a poor choice for me...but not for much longer if things works out right ;)
I think this statement is funny since marriage came into existence long after humans did. If you actually pay attention to the Bible, God just plopped two people together and said, "Go at it!" Really.
Blackstaff: one could also argue that 'social conditioning' is to blame for these stereotypes of marriage. Some people don't have these issues. With as many divorces as we have- more marriages last than don't. Not everyone hates it and not all of them are just in it to avoid the legal fiasco.
Sorry it's been such a bum deal for you guys, personally- but it's not a bum deal for me.
Think it through, avoid it if the possible negatives outweigh your high hopes that it'll be success.
Images, I agree that there are some people who work out fantastically. I guess what I was getting at was that monogamy is, as Birra said, not a "natural" state to continue the species. And as Morri said, it was an ancient way to bind two families/governments/business' together for more power. My take is that if you have to get a lawyer involved, then something is fundamentally wrong with it.
I long for the common days long gone when a man would shake hands and the deal was done on his word. The same for relationships IMO. If you really love someone and create kids, then you are emotionally, morally and financially obligated to provide for them. End of story. Maybe that is the old fashioned guy in me, dunno.
But the idea of being sold that this is some kind of religious obligation or that everyone should buy into it is foolish IMO. I suspect it is part of that exclusionary aspect of some faiths. No offense intended.
...saw this user name and thought it said, "Herpes."
*looks in coffee mug* Nope, empty... that's not the problem..
ok, go rest thine weary eyes and lay off the coffee lol
Everytime I see your name, I always see/think
and imagine those hand held shakey noisy things morrocas? and a sombrero.
hahahahahahahahah....."Herpes"......you typed "Herpes".....
At first glance this avatar in thumbnail view... I thought it was a woman being eaten by a manatee.
*rubs eyes*
Need... more.. coffee...
LOL overworked much?
Man can I identify with you on this one, not quite awake yet. Weekend just vacuumed the energy out of me.
...if you can stop yourself from laughing, you're a better person than I am...
*giggles hysterically* He sure didn't know the words but I'll be damned if he didn't MEAN em! :D
Highlight of my bloody day.
I especially enjoyed the sing-along in the related videos.
By all that is holy...please tell me this was from SNL or MadTv.....please.....
That is what my kismet is about.. you only THINK it's a Homer Simpson quote. But really, it's a statement... like when you can't argue with sound logic, you just give up and don't even try.
Don't admit the other person can be right because your pride won't allow it.
Don't try and point out where the other person can be wrong because you don't have logic behind your statement.
Just quit and walk away, conceding nothing... it makes as much sense as what you are arguing in the first place.
I think we should rename the vamp box, the "LOL Box."
Ugh, I know what you mean. Spam much? Its worse in the sand box. X_X
I used to watch it..now I even forget it is there. *Emmy makes a mental note to remove Vampbox as a section of her journal*
I'd call it something else altogether but I'll keep that to myself LOL
Hey, if you can't slander in my journal, where can you?
If only some of us were important enough to be admins, then we'd have your problems.
I haven't paid much attention to the box since you rejected my marriage proposal and thus denied me General Tso's chicken! heh heh
Seriously though, I gave up on it because it became too... I'm not sure what word to use. It used to be fun and interesting, and then it wasn't anymore.
Still really isn't anymore.. unless Morri and I are in there. Ha!
...lovely little 10 minute phone call with D&B to "update" all the information they already had about my company.
I love how these companies do this stuff without setting an appointment and just assume I can spend 10 minutes talking to them about all the stuff I can manage to update on my own.
....I can see this is going to end with someone telling me to effoff.
Stop with the Facebook entries for your company. Honestly - this is not good marketing. You're practically insulting people and your ideas are ridiculous.
There is a way to do this better...
Dude, seriously? Why would someone consider making themselves look stupid a good advertising key?
Maybe all press is good press...or so I have heard.
This isn't good press. This is just idiocy.
If you saw it, man.. you'd agree.
Definitely NOT the arena for do-it-youselfers.
I've seen worse entries. O_o
...as I look through other photographers' portfolios, one question always seems to come to mind...
...how does this guy get women to pose nude for him constantly when his ideas are lame, shots are amateur and he titles his photos such eloquent names as, "Two boobies and a rose?"
It has to be. It's not talent.
Most of these pictures aren't even focused properly.
I saw a painting like that one time. It was called "Fruit with Gun". And it was exactly that. A still life of a bowl of fruit with a pistol laying beside it. Some minds are simply simple, and other minds play that to their advantage. (of course, the boobs thing could just be a guy thing)
Somebody will slap the "it's artistic expression" on something, and you will find some idiot who will believe and buy it
Are we really complaining about the photographic elements when we saw boobies? Of course it has to be money or maybe drugs or maybe the guy has a really handsome brother the chicks are interested in and he threw his lame photographer brother a bone by asking them to "pose" for him and his Kodak...lol.
two boobies and a rose? Really? Wow.. you've got some real competition there, huh? *laughs*
This. Thread. Is. Useless. Without. Pics.
"Two boobies and a rose"
This is relevant to my interests.
Thoth - ..... I agree
Unfortunately, I don't think we can have these pics here... but I can always link to anyone who is interested.
I'd just like to have two boobies that were photography worthy.......
I'm sure yours are - want to come pose? ;)
yeah.... moveing on to nicer and better things lol
Way to stimulate the economy eh?
...levels of hypocrisy this high make my intestines rumble...
Don't you just hate that?
Unfortunately, for some, there are no limits to their hypocrisy.
...no, I'm not sure why someone would use DNS as part of their screen name.
In technology, DNS is Domain Name Server.
On THAT website... I dunno what it would mean... Does Not Swallow?
Maybe Does Not Spit.
Drinks Never Sober?
Done Now Shoo.
She's a model so......
I love computer geeks.
After my son was born, my husband's friends from work came over, and asked what his name was. I told them Connor Patrick Mincey.
The first thing they said?
"You gave him the initials of a defunct operating system?"
C. P. M.
Does Not Scream?
Does Not Scream... that's a good quality in a woman... sometimes.
Dee's No Smartass!
... Wait. I am. Never mind. My brilliant idea for the day is for shite.
...two things.
First - you. Yes, you. You're not Kurt Cobain. Knock it off.
Second - you. Yes, you. If you don't know what something means, look it up. Google is amazing that way. It also would help you to not be completely confussed and led astray by less than hidden innuendos.
That is all for now.
"If you ever need anything please don't hesitate to ask someone else first."
--Kurt Cobain
The man was not a genius. Or, was he?
Eh, he had his moments.
Yes... conFUSSED! Err.. no, I meant confused. I guess I was.
He married Courtney Love...nuf said.
I just can't MAKE you understand, can I? How many times will we review this????
She is the angel of impatience sent to test you with her flaming question mark of "Huh?"
Bitch, bitch, bitch.
What for you bitch so much?
Why come you bitch?
Oye.. not both of you...
...I bitch, because I can. So there. Nyah.
I bitch therefore I am.
nuff said...lol
I bitch cause I'm a bitch.
...you know, when you bring a business partner from the outside into an existing business relationship with a client and after 4 months the client tells you they never want to work with him again because he turns every conversation into an arguement - what can you do?
Problem is, it's not worth it from a frustration level to try and force the relationship - of course, now I just have to fire the guy.
I really, really, really just need to be able to clone myself. Is that too much to ask? Is it?
It's a cruel world being in business. I'd keep your partner on ice in that particular relationship, and deal with your client directly. After all, having clients is the reason why we are in business. I've had some oddballs alright, but I just have to grit my inner thoughts and praise them instead. Hard to do sometimes, when your better half lies in the opposite direction of thought!
Can I have one of your clones as a slave? I'll even take a slightly defective one. I can give you my EIN number and you can deduct it on your taxes. Even a slightly defective Birra would out-produce the rest! And if he cooks...oh mama!
Christ on a horse....
Why didn't I think of that????
Put me down for one too- I need someone to cook and clean and basically by my "wife" in the summer...
Seriously. I thought the generation before mine was supposed to have a solid work ethic.
Pffft. Morri and I do twice as much on a daily basis... you're both pathetic.
Gen X, or Baby Boomers?
I think they need to take off the gloves and fight it out in the street. My money is on Generation X.
Baby boomers. Well, late baby boomers.
You and I are Gen-X technically, aren't we? I work my ass off daily...
I'm not sure what that makes me- born in 62, I suppose a baby boomer, but not sure.
But you and I both know how I feel about the work ethic thing- and here I am at 48, working twice as hard as any of the 20 somethings I work with. nd funnily enough, my mom was at home, not doing much of anything at this point in her life, and I am lifting cases of wine and beer on a daily basis, as well as bartending at a furious rate.
Makes me glad I got my ethics from my dad...lol
Red Queen and I are Generation Y.
I have to give the Baby Boomers their props, since most of 'em are nearing retirement.
19:54 Oct 28 2010
02:02 Oct 29 2010
I feel your pain. Had this happen on the last one to me as the presenter...