birra's Journal

birra's Journal


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24 entries this month


21:50 Sep 30 2010
Times Read: 1,203

...current stress levels have me unconciously chewing a hole into my bottom lip...

...I need to stop that.



00:18 Oct 01 2010

Here. *hands you a leather bit* Try that. The bridle goes n Morri's hands.

01:02 Oct 01 2010

I thought she got the riding crop...?

01:27 Oct 01 2010

:) I was going to same gum but the above item would be a whole lot more fun.




04:36 Sep 30 2010
Times Read: 1,209

...whoa... whoa nelly!



21:33 Sep 30 2010

*stops in my tracks while running from the bedroom to the kitcjen*




18:16 Sep 29 2010
Times Read: 1,236

...made lunch sammiches from hot & spicy italian sausage patties. These are delicious!



18:33 Sep 29 2010

I made some hard rye bread sandwiches with a slice of ham, sliced banana, curry and mayonnaise to top them off with

You should try it, though you could replace the ham with bacon and chicken

19:31 Sep 29 2010

I might go with the chicken. I've been working on cutting back on pork along with red meat.

Even my sausage patties were chicken.

22:16 Sep 29 2010

are any of those chickens someone we read about? lol


Wouldn't you know it?

14:55 Sep 28 2010
Times Read: 1,264

I called a customer at 9AM this morning just like I said I would, and get voicemail.

I sat at my desk until 9:35, then I went to the kitched to make some coffee and grab breakfast.

I returned to my desk at 9:45, had a voicemail from him, he had called me back at 9:37.

I swear if I want customers to call, I just have to make myself not available.



15:15 Sep 28 2010

pah. c'est la vie.

16:56 Sep 28 2010

Maybe I should go to town and get food...maybe the phone will ring while I am gone.

*sits... with nothing going on*

21:47 Sep 28 2010

My mom always used to say the quickest way to get the food served in a resturaunt was to light up a cigarette. Course that was when you could still smoke in resturaunts...lol

23:08 Sep 28 2010

I find, these days, the quickest way is to toss a glass on the floor...

22:17 Sep 29 2010

We used to wave a bottle of ketchup in the air, and call it the "summon waitress" spell...lol



16:20 Sep 26 2010
Times Read: 1,282

...time for a change.




Pinball Birra

20:51 Sep 23 2010
Times Read: 1,307

Off in another direction now...

...gotta run!



22:14 Sep 23 2010


22:40 Sep 23 2010

I want my quarter back...lol


Stop complaining. *slaps self*

14:12 Sep 23 2010
Times Read: 1,331

Today will be a better day. Last night was reassuring. Communication always makes things... well, not always better, but easier to address at least. In this case, it made things better.

Now we can move forward with better understanding.

No one has walked a mile in someone else's shoes before they even knew them. The past often needs to be left behind, but it also needs to be understood since our experiences are where we draw our expectations from. Dissimilar experiences result in differing expectations and a lack of understanding.

I need to step back and remind myself of these things. I lose sight... I forget. Keep an open mind, open eyes and VERY open ears - otherwise the communication doesn't work. Express yourself as clearly as you can and make sure your actions reflect your words. Listen! Accept thoughts, feelings and fears with an open mind, a compassionate heart and an empathetic soul.

This is my reminder... my notification to myself that I've been a bit of a jerk lately; a self-centered jerk. Stop being that way... you're not the only one with problems, fears or concerns.

Stupid need for affirmation.



15:17 Sep 23 2010

Most of this is wonderful to read, although I could do without the flagellation of your own emotions and needs.

Everyone has to focus on their own self sometimes. Self reflection demands it and the brave dive in. Just roll with it.

16:05 Sep 23 2010

Without self reflection - how do you grow as a person?

16:27 Sep 23 2010

we could all do with a little introspection at times, it tends to be those who need it most that do it least though.

stop with the slapping of 'self' maybe just slap the other person, they probably need it more hehe

18:57 Sep 23 2010

Well, in the virtual world, you were not selfish with me. you listened to me whine.

I personally think maybe Morri should smack the back of your head like they do in NCIS :)



14:39 Sep 15 2010
Times Read: 1,372

...I need to remember to keep my camera handy. I had a great shot of a doe and her two fawns, snacking on chestnuts this morning all lined up... they were all posing so nicely against a wooded back-drop...

...and, no camera. FEH.



16:29 Sep 15 2010

:( Don't you hate when that happens.

18:51 Sep 15 2010

AAAhhhh man That would have been a great shot!1

20:37 Sep 15 2010

Ah - how cute!



16:13 Sep 14 2010
Times Read: 1,390

...it is a realization day.

A lot needs to be realized. Like Sahahria just said on Facebook - "when things are slow or seem too difficult; the path up a mountain can only be taken one step at a time."

I just know there are those who want me to run up the mountain and skip some of those steps.

Me, being one of them...



17:57 Sep 14 2010

*sigh* me too... *hugs*

21:58 Sep 14 2010

Both of you have common sense- exhibiting way more than alot of people. I have all the faith in the world that all of you will do what needs to be done, in the time frame in which in needs to be accomplished. And just know that all of us are there behind you if you need us.


This one messed me up all morning...

01:01 Sep 14 2010
Times Read: 1,416

...ok dream interpreters - let's hear your take on this one.

Last night I had a dream Star Wars came to town. Literally. Imperial ships were decending along interstate 90, causing all sorts of traffic confusion. Persuing them, guns a-blazing, were rebel ships... who, by the way, were terrible shots and were blowing up buidlings all over Cheektowaga.

Lando Calrissian was unconscious and a crazy woman was threating to kill him with a giant hair-pin. I asked why, and she said he was a two-timing bastard and deserved to die.

So I bent the hairpin and then dragged Lando to safety. After he came two, we both shared stories of saving each others lives in previous battles....

*shakes head*

Stupid, lousy subconscious...



01:04 Sep 14 2010

My Interpretation Is:

Stop. Smoking. Crack. In. Your. Off. Hours.

Thank you.

01:05 Sep 14 2010

And I realize It's odd of ME to say this. I have incredibly bizarre dreams. Joli refused to ever do acid with me if they make it legal after reading some of my dreams. Not that I need anything more surreal in my mind. Heh.

01:16 Sep 14 2010

Hmmm... I think the hairpin is the key. Ok ok..not really but I can tell you that damn Star Wars song is now stuck in my head.

And for that.. I owe you one. :P

03:13 Sep 14 2010

*cracks knuckles

ok let me take a stab at this one...

Star Wars is your subconscious trying to release your inner little boy...

The hair pin slinging chick is your unresolved issues with your mother or other strong female presence in your fragile childhood...

Saving Lando and exchanging heroic stories with him is your inner desire for male bonding...

and when you put it all together it leads to only one conclusion...


lol that was a pretty cool dream though (:

20:39 Sep 15 2010

Hmmm...unresolved angry woman issues.

03:55 Sep 16 2010

You know, Isis.. I believe that before any of the other "reasons."


Too good for words...

15:33 Sep 13 2010
Times Read: 1,451

...undescribable. If it wasn't an addiction before, it certainly could become one...



15:45 Sep 13 2010

ok your either talking about Morrigon or the Lasagna you made.

17:01 Sep 13 2010

Mmmn, lasagna. . . .



20:32 Sep 11 2010
Times Read: 1,473

..the house smells so good. Sauce is done. Ricotta is mixed. Waiting on the boiling water for the lasagna noodles...


I think some good spinach/cheese bread would make a great compliment.





17:25 Sep 11 2010
Times Read: 1,495

Only a few hours left! My fingers are crossed that they have a safe drive.

So excited!

Cooking up some fresh sauce and going to make a lasagna for dinner for all of us tonight.



17:40 Sep 11 2010

only thought this said: "...fresh sauce and groin..."

d'oh! enjoy the lasagna

18:18 Sep 11 2010

Awwww, how sweet :)

18:22 Sep 11 2010

Heh... groin... what's on your mind, hmmm?

18:31 Sep 11 2010

And you can see by your words you are happy. :)


Brightening the day...

04:12 Sep 11 2010
Times Read: 1,514

...ok, a few bright spots.

Morri will be home in less than 20 hours. YAY!

I heard from our old friend VooDooChille today - he is doing well. Long time, no talk with that dude... I really need to make a better effort at keeping in touch off-line.

Third, this ocean perch and fetta wrap I just made myself is so good I might just yet go to bed smiling...



06:18 Sep 11 2010

Heh, Good to know VC is doing good.


Friday... 8:00PM...

01:00 Sep 11 2010
Times Read: 1,527

...today went from ugly to just downright UGLY...

The bright spot is, in less than 24 hours Morri will be home.

YAY! I can't wait. It will be a relief to see her and just being able to chill out with her, cook a meal, enjoy the day... well be a welcomed change of pace.



01:35 Sep 11 2010

I am sorry today went ugly, and I am so glad you two will be able to be in the same room again very very soon.


Grayer than ever...

14:55 Sep 09 2010
Times Read: 1,563

...I got lazy and didn't shave for about a week. The other morning, with a week worth of scruff grown out, I noticed just how much gray I have coming in through my beard and temples.


I just need to remember to shave more often...



14:57 Sep 09 2010

I skipped the gray and went straight to white or would that be silver, does it really matter? lol. Ack! I no likey.

21:03 Sep 09 2010

Don't pretend to be me Birra

I'll get gray hair when I'm in my early 30's, got it on both sides; I'll be one of them silver foxes though, so its alright!

Besides - Platina is the new blonde, didn't you know? wate wat

06:25 Sep 11 2010

Heh my fiance has silver running through his hair, especially in the back, he is only in his early 20's. He looked in the mirror one day and dropped his brush, quietly walked over to me and asked in a hush voice:

"Why didn't you tell me I was getting old?"

;) I told him- "Look at your papa, he had full head of white hair by the time he was 29."

He was quiet for about 20 minutes and then went:

"Thank god Emerson is blond. He would be the youngest looking silver headed kid in the family. It's all my dad's fault. Can you please dye my hair for me?"

;) I told him only if he lets me put either blue or red streaks in it, and he agreed! xD

I grew up being told the younger you were that you got gray hair the more intelligent you are. Luckily in both sides of my family, gray comes out late. My mom's side not until your mid 60's mostly and my dad's mid 50's. My dad is 55- he didn't receive gray hair until after it all fell out from chemo.


And even more...

16:10 Sep 07 2010
Times Read: 1,595

...thousands of thousands of thousands.... and then a thousand more.

Know what I'm saying?



21:36 Sep 07 2010

unfortunately, yes, I do...

06:19 Sep 10 2010

You got bed bugs?



02:43 Sep 07 2010
Times Read: 1,604

...power washing to the extreme. The patio is now clean and chicken-poop free.

Until next year... heh.




Randomly thinking...

19:30 Sep 06 2010
Times Read: 1,620

...today is an all wrap kind of day. Lots to do, meals on the run. But I'm still making my own. Lunch is a salmon caesar wrap with avocado.

While doing some mindless house work today I was pondering some things.. but, at the moment the joy of this wrap has washed all those thoughts from mind...

...now I'm even more mindless, I guess.

Fuck it.. I need a fork for this.

Today's main task is to get the garage cleaned out, and make enough space in it to fit a car. Mind you, it is barely a garage as it is - my Jetta just squeezes in when the garage is empty. But as the autumn and winter months approach, I do want to be able to fit at least Morri's car in there.

Up until now the garage has only been used for utility - storage, a place to throw empty shipping cartons and packing paper - a home for chickens and a graveyard for old computers.

But I've made a huge dent in it already today and should have the clean-out and reorganization finished within an hour, with diligent effort. Just have to figure out where some of the stuff can go back.

And maybe a stop at Home Depot to get some big ladder hooks, to get the utility ladders up high on the wall...



20:43 Sep 06 2010

Hehe you're a busy little hedgehog ;)

17:47 Sep 07 2010

I cleaned out my garage a bit this weekend as well... I'm always surprised by the odd variety of stuff I find there.

20:28 Sep 07 2010

So that's why ye ol' broken screen door was at curbside last night... :p Let me know if you'd like some help. I'll work for food. :D



03:39 Sep 05 2010
Times Read: 1,700

BellaMalattia commented: I could never get turned on by watching a guy do housework. In fast if any guy of mine did it would down right piss me off. I know this sounds a bit old fashioned but as far as I'm concerned guys should only take out the trash and mow the lawn. Everything else is the woman's territory.

That brings up an interesting point - I know some women probably have this jonesing to see their guy doing the dishes and vacuuming in a g-string, but is that the fantasy MOST women have?

Or do the majority of women actually prefer to be a home-maker, take care of those things around the house and depend on their partner for those necessity things like lawn care, vehicle maintenance, opening jars with tight lids and reaching stuff on high shelves?

Perhaps that social norm or stereotype is in place not because it was forced upon women by men, but because in general, women are more inclined to enjoy their partner more in that kind of dyad.

Food for thought... thanks for the intriguing comment, BellaMalattia.



04:01 Sep 05 2010

aww I feel all special now being quoted. :)

I actually catch a lot of heat from making comments like that one. My female friends think women like me set back the fight for womens' rights. I of course in turn make the argument that they have won the right to work and vote and whatever else they want to do. So Why is it so taboo for women like me to take advantage of the right to get married, have children and be a homemaker?

P.S. I wouldn't have minded if you had fixed my typo in the quote. lol

04:03 Sep 05 2010

I can't say that you doing the dishes is what gets me going. You being you does that. From you putting makeup on me for photoshoots to fixing my old car, you're sexy to me all the way.

I'm not about to shoo you away from the kitchen if you want to cook a meal and I'm glad that you don't gasp in horror when I get the ladder and clean out the gutters. It's just life for me. We share tasks and often do them together.

Aaaaall we have to see, is that I don't belong to you and you don't be long to me.


04:07 Sep 05 2010

Feminism is about choice. If someone chooses to be a stay at home mother because that's what they want, then more power to them.

I think what may bother me about the statement is the anger directed towards the member of another gender because they're overstepping some kind of self envisioned gender responsibility line.

Maybe birra doesn't think that I need to be cleaning out the gutters, but if his reaction was that of being pissed at me for doing it, I would be damn insulted.

04:11 Sep 05 2010

That is true Morri, and of course, that is a bit of an adjustment for me.

But, an adjustment I'm glad to be making.

Bella, sorry - I quoted it as is. I think the part the surprises me the most is why if your partner did housework it would "down right piss you off?"

I'm all for the sentiment that women have fought for their rights and have the right to choose their lifestyle, but at the same time, does that exclude the man from having the right to wash some dishes? And why would you look down on him for possibly wanting to give you a break from all the things you would need to do?

04:25 Sep 05 2010

I have a habit of finding super clean freak guys. I'm not a messy person, I have a strong appreciation for cleanliness and order. I just always end up with the mega OCD guys who even if I spend hours doing housework, they re-clean everything, so I have learned to just let them do it. Sometimes I feel like a lazy women in the aspect I don't do much of the cleaning...but what's the point if they are just going to re-clean everything? And it never fails....every guy I have lived with is this way. I can vaccum the entire house and they re-vaccum it because my lines weren't straight enough...wtf?!?!

Does it turn me on? No....bleach is not an aphrodisiac...sorry guys, I appreciate you cleaning and doing dishes and stuff, but it's not getting me hot.

04:38 Sep 05 2010

I suppose my anger lies in this: if I am with a man and he is financially supporting me and/or our family, then to me that is all he should have to do. I would feel doing the housework & taking care of the children was my part in making the relationship equal. Him doing the housework would make me feel like I am not doing my part.

So to answer your question Morri I wouldn't get mad simply because a male is doing a stereotypical female job. I wouldn't be angry with him at all in fact, I would only be angry with myself for not fulfilling my duties. I wouldn't be able to give him a break from his job so why should he give me a break from mine?

I hope that makes sense and I apologize that I was not more clear in my first post. I've never been all that good with expressing myself with the written word.

04:48 Sep 05 2010

Hey, I like to keep a clean house, but no one will accuse me of being a neat-freak.

Bella - that makes more sense. However, someone trying to live like that all the time most likely will burn out just from trying to keep up with the routine. Hence, the women's equality movement picked up steam in the '60s and '70s after the monotany of the '40s and '50s started losing it's luster...

04:50 Sep 05 2010

not a g-string, but a guy in his boxers doing a little house work..oh yeah it's on. LOL

05:07 Sep 05 2010

Well this may be just me but I quite enjoy being a homemaker. I take pride in it. I believe back then the fact that there was no other choice is what made it monotonous. This is my personal choice and I do it not only because I feel it is my duty but more importantly because I love it.

If my guy insisted on cooking me dinner one night I would not have a melt down or anything. I just enjoy taking care of people I care about and and for me being a homemaker fulfills that desire.

Currently I do have an actual paying job but because as of right now I am not married nor do I have children. However I am still a homemaker in a sense because I take care of my parents and my niece. My point is I've been on both ends and when it comes down to it I will choose to be a stay at home mother & wife. It is where I find my happiness and my peace.

05:58 Sep 05 2010

For me right now my man dose not work and I do, I make the income he see's this and helps me out alot around the house hold. I do clean and do wash, but as most would say, I am the husband he is the wife. When he gets a job I will not work as hard {He is trying to get to be a tech guy} but I will still work. I can not sit on my bum all weeks and do nothing at all. I have to work I would like my own money to spend of things I would like, I love him he loves me we understand how things work.

If I did come home and he was in a g-string I would have to walk out and leave......~shivers~

09:21 Sep 05 2010

I would be concerned if a girl got turned on by me doing housework, then I would do what any good 50's era guy would do; I'd smack that bitch right up with the right palm of doom then light a Lucky Star

10:56 Sep 05 2010

Well, then. A specific quote. I like the fact that you can find something to broaden the entry with.

When I got married the first time, I felt the way Bella does. I wasn't working at the time, and Jim was, so I felt like the housework and what not was my share of making the marriage work. He went to work every day, took care of the cars, the yard, and what not, I balanced that out by cooking, cleaning, and entertaining his friends. He occasionally cooked, and I appreciated it as the nice gesture it was.

Fast forward a few years, and he is out of the military, and we are living in Tallahassee. He decided to go back to school, so I went to work. His view? He was taking 3 days of classes, and then sitting at home playing video games all day, while I worked two jobs to put his ass through school. However, he also expected me to work in the morning, come home, fix dinner, do the housework and the laundry, and then head off to my second job. After about a month of this, I sat him down on the couch and told him I expected a little help around the house. If I was going to work and support us, then I expected hiom to help out around the house, just like I did when he was the breadwiner in the family.

That little meeting of the minds lasted for about 2 weeks.

Fast forward a little more, and now we are in a house, we are both working, we have a son, a roommate, and once again I am doing everything by myself, because I am getting no help from anybody. The resulting stress, compounded by the fact that my father passed away, had my at the doctor's office, with a sinus infection and laryngitis. The doctor told me to take the week off from work; I told him I couldn't do that. He said "Either you take the week off from work, or I am checking you into the hospital and sedating you for three weeks. Either way you are going to get the rest you need."

I took the week off. And got caught up on all the housework that wasn't done.

Now. After a horrific 5 years after that, I got divorced, moved all the way from Tallahassee, Florida to Vancouver, BC., married a man who not only loves me but helps me with the baggage I brought with me, and things have changed. I realized that try as I might, I ain't superwoman. I can't do it all, frying bacon, making the bed and all that W*O*M*A*N shit.

I am human.

Scott and I both work, and we work nights. We both do what needs doing around the house together. When he was laid off right after I started my job at the country club, I worked to support us, and he did the housework, the laundy, the cooking, etc. We share things.

I do not downplay any woman's right to have whatever life she wants, no matter what that entails. And I agree with Bella in that if he were working solely to support us, which Scott was for the first two years I was up here, then my share of the life is in the home.

I just don't find life at home as satisfying as working and helping financially. But I am happy now, and I get what I need, as does Scott. So in the end, everything evens out.

I think you may get a lot of back and forth on this topic, sugar- well done.

16:52 Sep 05 2010

You know ... If I could find an individual to whom I could stand to commit myself (commitmentphobe much?) I think I'd like to not be the bread-winner for a while. I think I'd like to be taken care of in that respect and be the nurturing one. If I can nurture. I don't know if I can.

18:25 Sep 07 2010

My ex and I always had a rule: I cook it, you clean it. As far as I am concerning, I'd laugh my ass off if I came home and my non-existent BF was vaccuuming in a G string, or naked for that matter. He might want to watch the hose.

Bottom line for me is, a relationship is 50/50. We are not kids with a chore chart, and for the most part, I'd say both should chip in. When we lived in an apartment in a not so good neighborhood, yes, I made him take the trash out. But he did laundry as much as I did, we both ran the dishwasher and vaccuumed. That's just MO.

21:02 Sep 07 2010

You know, Meti, I've always been of that opinion as well.

However, if the woman (or man for that matter) wants to be a home-maker and stay home and raise the kids while the other earns what the family needs, I believe the majority of the house duties DO fall on the home-maker. I'm not saying the other shouldn't chip in and help out - he/she shouldn't come home from work, demand their hot meal and then watch TV all night.

At the same time, the home-maker has to be reasonable in their expectations and not hold a grudge because he/she has made the last 22 dinners in a row... it kind of comes with the division of work.

22:24 Sep 13 2010

I'd appriciate help a lot, turning me on-yes maybe if the guy is very sexy :)


Whoa.. I might have over done it a bit...

04:18 Sep 03 2010
Times Read: 1,748

...Mega-Nachos. Talk about... dinner. Heh.



04:20 Sep 03 2010

BTW, that's two layers under there too... with home-made guacamole and home-made salsa on the side...

A feast fit for... kids. Heh.

05:18 Sep 03 2010

damn dude- I'm moving to Buffalo...

07:59 Sep 03 2010

A feast fit... FOR A GOD

13:55 Sep 03 2010

Yes. Yes it was.

I think the best part was the fresh chicken. :)

15:57 Sep 03 2010


16:46 Sep 03 2010

I didn't have any, so we just used regular old hot peppers...

00:11 Sep 04 2010

Where the hell was I for all this? :p

03:45 Sep 04 2010

I dunno. I was just hanging out with the kids and watching the football game...

03:44 Sep 05 2010

wow thats alot of olives

03:49 Sep 05 2010

Love all the olives. And the blue corn chips!

03:49 Sep 05 2010

Actually, the black beans outnumber the olives 2 to 1, at a minimum.

22:32 Sep 06 2010

What are those black things in it? Olives or grapes ?

22:51 Sep 06 2010

Umm.. black olives and black beans.


Storms a brewin'...

21:03 Sep 02 2010
Times Read: 1,769

...it is so humid today, it is one of those days where you can just feel the storm brewing far away.

As I look at the maps, I see the lines of storms Morri told me about, starting to make their way across the lakes... I see the hot, moist air pushing up the coast in front of the hurricane...

...I see the chance for all heck to break loose over the next couple of days. It certainly feels that way.



21:09 Sep 02 2010


22:11 Sep 02 2010

you guys be careful...I know you're not used to such things. The tornadoes it will spawn will be numerous, I am sure.

02:30 Sep 03 2010

Yeah, birra can't cope with anything. Once the power went out and I had to stop him from eating his own hand.

04:09 Sep 03 2010

The situation got DESPERATE!

15:57 Sep 03 2010

LMAO...well at least you didn't find him huddled in a corner in the fetal position crying....


Oh, and...

03:53 Sep 02 2010
Times Read: 1,828

...5 house favor to the first person that can tell me which song my kismet came from.

Since others have asked, but no one has guessed it....

"A pretty face can hide an evil mind. Be careful what you say..."






03:59 Sep 02 2010

Dammit - it's right on the tip of my tongue.

The last kismet of yours that I saw had lyrics from the Talking Heads.

04:00 Sep 02 2010

No, I'm sorry, it is not the Talking Heads.

Awww... and our contest is over.. so sorry. Thanks for playing everyone!


04:01 Sep 02 2010

Secret Agent Man!

04:07 Sep 02 2010


Have to name the artist too... sheesh.

04:15 Sep 02 2010

Blues Travelers

04:16 Sep 02 2010

Secret Agent Man by The Blues Travelers....

04:18 Sep 02 2010

Ahhh.. they might have done a remake of it, but they weren't the original.

04:25 Sep 02 2010

*pouts* You didn't say the "Original"... :P

04:28 Sep 02 2010

It's ALWAYS the original.

Hey, I sang it in the shower once, so I'm the artist...


04:37 Sep 02 2010

Secret Agent Man by Johnny Rivers

04:41 Sep 02 2010

DING DING DING! Thank you Keri.

Now I can change the f'in kismet.

5 points to Gryffindor!

04:43 Sep 02 2010

Does that make you Harry Potter and I am Hermione? haha...

12:19 Sep 02 2010

Swot ...



Oye vey...

21:33 Sep 01 2010
Times Read: 1,853

...it's one of those days. This is an example of a conversation Morri and I have when the day has been long and we're starting to wear out...

B: someone just asked me "How do you become a dominar?"

B: Now... how to answer...


B: sarcastically? "I don't know. I just woke up one day with this odd feeling and... there it was. I was a dominar."

B: heh

B: YOU don't. Good one.

M: hehe

M: or, "Cancer personally chooses all staff members. You must be an Acolyte before he will consider you for a position and even then, there is no guarantee."

B: that's the real answer

B: we need to have fun with this

M: heh

B: "There is a significant amount of flogging involved. And then, the goat..."

M: I... I don't want to talk about it....

B: heh

B: "...I still have the welts on my back..."

M: The burlap sack was the worst part

B: I felt like I would never be let out of the trunk... then I heard the gun shots... it was horrible...

M: the real answer is fun because it get Cancer harassed

B: uh huh



22:08 Sep 01 2010

So morri has proven yet again the greater of two evils between you two.

22:16 Sep 01 2010

How much IS a goat these days?

22:52 Sep 01 2010

But he's a friendly goat, yeah?

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