immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


Honor: 900    [ Give / Take ]


66 entries this month

19:15 Aug 31 2013
Times Read: 1,962

I am taking my mom out to the movies, we're going to go see The World's End. She enjoys Simon Pegg, so I hope she'll enjoy this one. Then I think we'll go out for some lunch. It is so nice to have the car for the whole weekend while my dad is up camping with the Young Marines in the mountains.




22:05 Aug 30 2013
Times Read: 1,946

There is a kitty sleeping in my lap. It's cute, and just a little out of the ordinary. Aphrodite doesn't usually like being held and sitting in my lap for any amount of time, let alone relaxing enough to fall asleep.



22:10 Aug 30 2013

My cat is the same way, but he will sleep next to you or up against you, and he loves being petted/scratched, he just doesn't like being held. The only person that can hold him for hours on end is my mom.


15:07 Aug 30 2013
Times Read: 2,016

wow such a wonderful soon to be admin.....your job is to uphold vr rules and tos...not let lord dipshit run amok

The fact you attempt to even insinuate that I don't do my job as an Acolyte is rich. It really is. I have been an Acolyte for five years, a Dominar for one, so I think it's safe to say I do what I am required, and I always have. There is a difference between upholding the site's ToS and then going along with your absolute bullshit. The fact that I don't want to involve myself with you in any fashion doesn't mean I don't do what I am expected to do. As I said in that response to you, I have been part of the Admin team in some fashion since before you were a member here. And, hey, I got that title all on my own, no one had to take the test for me.

I didn't want to have to resort to a public entry like this, but the fact that you keep sending me stupid messages, trying to stir up drama is getting on my nerves. I do not block people, but I am really considering making an exception just for you. Like is said, try and be the better person and let things go. Just try it for once. I know that's asking a hell of a lot from you, but you never know.



15:22 Aug 30 2013

I typed the longest response and you murdered it.

I said something along the lines of...

I never get pestered like this and it's probably a good thing that I don't, because it'd be a waste of their time. I'd just ignore the messages haha. Of course if it's a genuine question that deserves an answer, I'll respond and help in any way that I can...that's what I volunteered for, to help people. Afterall acolytes are not admin. We are site members with a bit more experiences than others that have volunteered to answer questions in order to cut down on the amount of messages the real admin team is flooded with. That being said, we're still held to a set of rules or standards, we are not to get involved in site drama or personal disputes...that doesn't interest me anyway haha.

No clue who this is about, just stating this in general. We are regular members that answer questions. That is all.

Questions that deserve a response...that is.

The first response was better. :P

15:26 Aug 30 2013

Yeah, sorry about that! I had to edit one freaking word. That's the one thing I dislike, the loss of comments after editing. But, seriously, be thankful you don't get dragged into this crap. It is beyond ridiculous.

15:32 Aug 30 2013

I lurk, on all three accounts, always. :)

15:43 Aug 30 2013

I like being available if needed. But after all this I think some time just spent lurking will probably be my best option. Though, I doubt that will stop the stupid messages this member sends me.

16:32 Aug 30 2013

You have always been an excellent admin.


14:16 Aug 30 2013
Times Read: 2,017

Since I couldn't sleep, I decided to change things up on my phone. I took off all the idols I had as my backgrounds, instead replaced them with pretty pictures I found on deviantART of areas of Seoul. I think it looks pretty. And I think it's time to switch out my notification sound and my ringtone. Though, I may keep my ringtone, as it is the chorus to monster by Big Bang.




12:28 Aug 30 2013
Times Read: 2,026

It's half past four and I am still awake. And my cat, Aphrodite, has taken over my pillow. She looks up at me every so often like, "yo, I am a cat." And I am just like, "yes, yes you are." Then she puts her head down and goes back to sleep. It's weird. And I am too wide awake right now. Sleep, why must your forsake me? Wae?!

I want sushi... And George. And George's delicious liquor.

But mostly just George.

And some spicy tuna rolls.

But still, mostly just George.


I don't even know.

Now Aphrodite is purring in my left ear, like a creeper.





06:36 Aug 30 2013
Times Read: 2,051

Woot! I passed the Acolyte on this account and I shall have it back once Cancer sets that up. Man, I am so glad, I've missed having the position on this account.



06:50 Aug 30 2013

Congrats! I've been thinking about taking it but I've just been swamped at work. September is a bad month too. But yay! I am so happy for you! WTG!

07:10 Aug 30 2013

Yay! Congrats! I will be taking it on this profile and MyAngmong very soon.

09:22 Aug 30 2013

Congratulations to you. What is a Acolyte? I have been seeing this pop up in a lot of journal entries lately.

13:25 Aug 30 2013

An acolyte is a volunteer that answers questions that people ask via the request help function.


21:51 Aug 29 2013
Times Read: 2,067

I think I may just be a little too old to do the whole getting drunk out of my mind thing with Tommy. I don't quite recover like I used to. It was fun, and I really missed hanging out with that boy, but the drinking kills me. Still no hangovers, but I am not really completely on the ball today.

I do want to go back to Genki with him though. That place is amazing.I mean, it's just a sushi bar, but damn, the people make it awesome. The servers all know Tommy by name, and they stop your bill at two hundred dollars, if you buy enough liquor, which is, as I found out, seriously easy to do. And the servers and sushi chefs will drink with you. We dropped a few saki bombs last night, one with one of the chefs. Then when George brewed his soju yummyness we had a good amount of shots with him, and with the other sushi chef. Though, I don't think he liked it quite as much as the rest of us. And the K-Pop on the television. Yeah, I felt like Genki was my home.



22:00 Aug 29 2013

I don't get hangovers either, I just feel sluggish. Still it isn't something I enjoy doing so I stopped hanging out with my 'crew' as our tattoo artist called us lmao, because I was sick of being drunk and or high all the damn time. It has been years now...except for a night I went out to eat with them because it was one of their birthdays.


06:36 Aug 29 2013
Times Read: 2,089

I am pretty sure I am beyond drunk at this point. Me and Tommy went for sushi at his favorite hangout and three saki bombs later we were ordering this concoction our prettyful server George made with soju and other stuff. It was so fucking delicious. I am only spelling as good as I am because my keyboard's spellchecker. Others wishes this would be riddled with errors. And, the place we went to was owned by Koreans so they had Kpop on the tvs. And, Tommy and I bonded over Monster by Big Bang. It was an amazing night.

US I won sixteen dollars on this scratcher thing Tommy bought me. So, fuck yeah.



07:10 Aug 29 2013

woohoo! party night girlfriend!

07:11 Aug 30 2013

So you had fun, huh? Awesome!


00:57 Aug 29 2013
Times Read: 2,098

Tommy just called, wants to take me out for some sushi. I am so glad I feel loads better today. So, it should be fun. We haven't hung out just the two of us in years. I've missed my best friend.




01:43 Aug 28 2013
Times Read: 2,106

Well, so much for that headache being gone. Now my whole freaking head is radiating pain. I think I am just gonna lay down and sleep until next week.



02:53 Aug 28 2013

:( Feel better soon. *Hugs*


21:56 Aug 27 2013
Times Read: 2,117

I have been pretty sick these last couple of days. Much to the point where I couldn't even get out of bed without feeling like I was going to collapse. I am feeling a tad bit better today. Only issue is that I can't talk, as my throat is sore. And I can't stop sneezing. But, that headache is gone, thank goodness.

Anyway that is why I haven't really been around much these last handful of days. Not that many of you probably noticed... But yeah, hopefully I will be back to relative normality by tomorrow.



00:20 Aug 28 2013

Hope you are back to normal soon! Headaches are horrible because well...obviously, the pain is internal and you can't ignore it, because it is in your head! I sound dumb but you get what I mean. I hate that you have been sick. I am glad to hear you are doing better.


01:34 Aug 27 2013
Times Read: 2,128

Where do you go?

When those darker wild eyes show,

If I lead you straight up to,

The loneliest landscape you knew,

Boy would you care,

If you lost me there?




04:41 Aug 26 2013
Times Read: 2,151


It's too much to discuss sobre, I know

Just why you think,

That you need an anaesthatised mouth to

Say all those bladed things,


Need you like I need a headache,

Need you like I need my mistakes, right here,


Need you like I need a downpour,

I don't need you but I need so much more, 

Right here

It's too much to discuss lovers I know,

How much you've lied,

It's too much to discuss numbers,

I know, how much I've let slide...


Need you like I need a headache,

Need you like I need my mistakes, right here,


Need you like I need a downpour,

I don't need you but I need so much more, 

Right here

Time is always, harder on the quiet days,

Brings back up that old sacrifice,

You cost me more than I ever knew before,

And looking back I can not deny


Need you like I need a headache,

Need you like I need my mistakes, right here,


Need you like I need a downpour,

I don't need you but I need so much more, 

Right here.


Need you like I need a headache,

Need you like I need my mistakes, right here,


Need you like I need a downpour,

I don't need you but I need so much more, 

Right here.



03:32 Aug 27 2013

Hmm. I"m liking this song too much.


04:29 Aug 25 2013
Times Read: 2,168

I was tempted to call Nick and invite him out to see The World's End with me, but screw that. I need to get some sleep. Maybe tomorrow, if he has the time.




03:00 Aug 25 2013
Times Read: 2,179

Got home about an hour ago, and I am absolutely exhausted. It's always draining to see my mom's family. I did get to hold my baby cousin, Landon. He is so adorable and tiny. I don't think I have ever held a child that young before, so it was interesting. So fragile and dependent on others. He was beautiful, though. Absolutely beautiful. I also got to see my older second cousins, Haley and Eric, who are my cousin Andrew's children, and Joseph and Johnny, who are my cousin Chris' two sons. Technically only Joseph is related to me, Johnny is Chris' wife's son. But yeah, it was nice to see some of my family. Though, I didn't participate much at the shower, I am not a big fan of baby showers, so I spent more time talking with Andrew and his girlfriend, Heather. I found out some pretty disturbing things about my aunt Stacy, and about my Nana. Things I am not at all happy to hear about.




18:48 Aug 24 2013
Times Read: 2,199

I have my little cousin Brenna's baby shower today, and really, I haven't gotten enough sleep to take on my mom's side of the family. But, I am excited to see and hold my newest baby cousin, Landon. I have only seen pictures of him since his birth on the seventh. It should prove to be a fun day, even with my lack of sleep. I always love seeing my family.




12:33 Aug 24 2013
Times Read: 2,234

Fuck if I am ever going to be able to believe anything anyone here tells me. After all this, I am going to be plagued with constant doubt about everything. Like I don't already have major trust issues...

Is it really too much to expect some honesty? Can't people just be open and honest with me? I am never anything but honest with them. Guess I should rethink the way I handle myself. Maybe being guarded and distant is the way to go around here.



12:37 Aug 24 2013

Well you know your on the Net and as easy as it is to tell the truth its just as easy to stretch the lies :)

Trust No One and expect none in return!!

13:11 Aug 24 2013

I agree, guarded and distant is best in some instances, but being distant to the point of damaging existing friendships because of the actions of a pathetic man child...is allowing that man child to win, to have gotten the best of you. The way I see it...you are in a position to...prevail, to rise above the situation, you have the moral high ground. As you said, you were never anything but honest. He is the liar. You are better than him. Take advantage of that.

14:14 Aug 24 2013

I don't know what else to say that hasn't already been said

I'm pretty sure you are fed up as I am of hearing

the lies go on and on....

I know how hard it is to trust both on and offline

I have been let down so many times now

and know of the games some men love to play

he just plays on a womans weakness

and is still trying it would seem

you know the real truth deep down

after all being polite to someone is not the same as

trying to get someones pants off... O.o

he knows what he's doing

and enjoys it

it's pathetic

be strong and take care

18:56 Aug 24 2013

I'm always direct with you, though you can't take the flirting seriously. ;p

04:29 Aug 25 2013

In my short time here I have caught quite a few in lies. They are easy to catch because they lie so much they just do not remember what lies/stories they have told and to whom. I just shake my head. I don't say a thing to them. However, don't think I would ever either respect them. Truth is better. It's easier to remember. Yeah, the internet. Take everything with a grain of salt.



11:52 Aug 24 2013
Times Read: 2,239



01:24 Aug 24 2013
Times Read: 2,284

I wasn't going to write anything. And then I was. But now I just don't know what to say about any of it. Aside from the fact that it hurts to be lied to like that. If you care about a person, have the decency to be upfront and honest with them. Even the harshest truth is better than a pretty lie.



01:27 Aug 24 2013

amen sister, amen

01:28 Aug 24 2013

so so true ..

01:50 Aug 24 2013

I may not always say the right thing, or be as comforting as most people, or whatever, but I am always available to talk. If you know, you want to. :)



10:24 Aug 23 2013
Times Read: 2,305



23:56 Aug 22 2013
Times Read: 2,340

I don't like not being able to trust someone when they tell me that they care about me. That I am the only one they want. I don't like that little voice in the back of my mind telling me that they are full of shit, that they are lying, that I'm nothing special to them. I also dislike being kept a secret. It makes me feel like there are other reasons for such. Yes, I understand you don't want people to know all your business, however, looking at it from another vantage point, some might say "why?" Why are you hiding it?

It all boils down to trust, which I have very little of for most people. I can count on one hand the people I trust completely, or, as completely as I am able. I feel as though I'm being played the fool. Again. I'm so tired of finding out I have been lied to, I have been played. I am not a toy.

Just give me something real.



00:04 Aug 23 2013

If you're being kept a secret, you're most likely being played. Just my opinion.

00:21 Aug 23 2013


23:28 Aug 23 2013

i know all too well what those doubts are like.... And know even more what it's like for the to be ignored as if it were no great concern. No one "likes" questioning the person they want to trust, but that doesn't mean you ignore things that make you wonder.

It may boil down to trust, but it's also a matter of compromise. Especially when a Person that has been hurt before is involved.

if one isn't willing... to try something... Bones is unfortunately right.

I'm sorry how your situation is turning out, Mademoiselle. Some are just not worth the effort.


08:07 Aug 21 2013
Times Read: 2,370





21:56 Aug 20 2013
Times Read: 2,385

The service was really nice. He had TAPS played, a rifle salute, and a whole bunch of Marines in Dress Blues. It was lovely. And now I am hanging out with Tommy and his brothers at the reception. It's been too long since I have seen these guys, and it's sad that this is how we got to meet up. I have missed my Tommy.

Also, this place is right on the beach in San Pedro, and it is beautiful here.




02:42 Aug 20 2013
Times Read: 2,409

Joshua's funeral is tomorrow. My dad and I are going to go, as he was in my recruit class in Young Marines. I can't believe he's really gone, and over something so stupid. Tomorrow is going to suck.



08:31 Aug 20 2013

*Hugs* Things like this are never easy, but try to keep your chin up, yeah?


17:10 Aug 19 2013
Times Read: 2,421

So, I have this really pretty shade of metallic blue Essie nail polish that I absolutely adore. And I just realized it matches with the blue of my phone. It's all about accessorizing. The inner girly-girl should be proud.




19:08 Aug 18 2013
Times Read: 2,470

Well, fuck... If that isn't just disappointing. Satisfying, but still somewhat disappointing.



19:09 Aug 18 2013

Sex alone?


19:16 Aug 18 2013

Oh, no, no, no. I would never disappoint myself. ;]


05:37 Aug 18 2013
Times Read: 2,496

Ha. Some kismets can be rather amusing.




08:46 Aug 17 2013
Times Read: 2,525

I could be your love,

And you could be my hope.



13:46 Aug 17 2013

I had other things in mind. ;P


01:40 Aug 17 2013
Times Read: 2,535

I can't wait to see The World's End. I loves me some Simon Pegg. Oh yes, yes I do.




23:32 Aug 16 2013
Times Read: 2,550

Green tea with jasmine and a rice cake, it's the simple things that make my whole world better.



23:54 Aug 16 2013

Nice rack! ;)


22:46 Aug 16 2013
Times Read: 2,557

I'm watching Ever After: A Cinderella Story with Drew Barrymore. I love this movie so very much. It's mostly because of the costumes. I mean, the story is quite nice as well, but those dresses... Yeah, they are absolutely lovely. If only I had the money for some true to the period renaissance and Elizabethan clothing, I would be one happy Immy.




07:30 Aug 15 2013
Times Read: 2,578

I just found out a person I was in the Young Marines with was killed last Tuesday in Old Town Pasadena. He was struck in the head and went down and hit the concrete, the police and EMTs found him in the middle of Colorado Blvd.

I've been to a lot of funerals for people I was in the program with, but usually they were killed over seas. This is the first one where it happened at home. I hope the fuckers who killed him get the worst the legal system can throw at them.





00:26 Aug 15 2013
Times Read: 2,597



09:40 Aug 14 2013
Times Read: 2,629

Sometimes I wonder if anything you say is real or if I am just too naive to know any better, just a toy. One of many.

I am so horrible when it comes to trust, because so many have lied to me in the past. It's hard to know what is real anymore. I want to believe, but I don't want to be played the fool.



12:46 Aug 14 2013

SheShats 2 cents: You seem pretty switched on with enough grey matter for ten people. I have learnt, through personal experience, that some people actually enjoy toying with the emotions of others. I have also learnt that 99% of the time I think a person is lying to me...they are.

Disclaimer: I could be wrong, but my massive ego tells me otherwise.



09:20 Aug 14 2013
Times Read: 2,635

"What power would hell have if those imprisoned here would not be able to dream of heaven?"

― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes

I still want to see Heaven happen. It's not likely to ever come about, but I would love to see it.



15:05 Aug 21 2013

Hmm hmm.


04:20 Aug 13 2013
Times Read: 2,693

Man, sometimes people just absolutely ruin my Crests. Makes me question doing anything for anyone anymore.



04:43 Aug 13 2013

Well, I could use a different design. Wasn't to slight you.

04:45 Aug 13 2013

No, no. I think the stamp things are cool. It just hurts to see sometimes.

04:58 Aug 13 2013

It's like, Hell's Crest is pretty damn awesome. And then you desaturate it and throw some shitty image over it, and it just takes away from the work I put into creating it.



02:17 Aug 13 2013
Times Read: 2,704



19:49 Aug 12 2013
Times Read: 2,720

Just got back from visiting David. I left him some beautiful roses and carnations and a big sunflower. I also visited my great grandmother, my great grandfather, Ralph, and my great uncle that I never got to meet. It was nice, and it made me feel closer to my family. I miss them all so much.




23:00 Aug 11 2013
Times Read: 2,739

Hit the salon at Ulta, got my hair all did and purdy again. There's no drastic change, just a trim and I got my hair redyed this lovely shade of red. Then my mom and I went for sushi. It was yummy. All-in-all it was a nice day.



23:07 Aug 11 2013

Good, now you're less boring...:p

02:39 Aug 12 2013

I'm getting sushi tomorrow. :D


06:37 Aug 11 2013
Times Read: 2,760

I just got home from my birthday dinner with the family. It was nice, just my parents, my brother and I. Liz went out with her mom, so we were denied her company. But even sans my sister-in-law, it was really nice. After dinner we had some cake.

I had a good birthday. Talked to an amazing person most of the day, awesome dinner with my family, lots of birthday messages. It was good. I'm not into the partying or the drinking or the going out and all that. I never have been. So a quiet day and a nice dinner is all I really need.

I am going to visit David's grave on Monday, since I'll have the car. I hate that I couldn't do it today, but, that's the way it goes sometimes. So long as I get out there Monday it'll be alright.




08:18 Aug 10 2013
Times Read: 2,792

Gah, I'm old now!

And, thank you to all those who've already wished me a happy birthday. So many messages to respond to already. It's crazy and it makes me feel so loved. :]



08:23 Aug 10 2013

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

11:02 Aug 10 2013

Have a lovely Birthday, Nicole!

11:07 Aug 10 2013

Damn. Now I feel old:p. In 20 years you will still look amazing:)

Happy bdayxoxo

13:27 Aug 10 2013

Happy Birthday:)

And omg your not old

16:49 Aug 10 2013

If you're old, then I'm dead. Haha!


00:43 Aug 10 2013
Times Read: 2,812

I got my first "happy birthday." And, while I still have a good seven and some odd hours to go before midnight here, I can forgive it. He's in England, so technically it was August 10th there. Plus, he's adorable, so yeah, totally forgiven.

I don't want to get old! Can I just stop right now? I really do not need to be twenty-six.



02:51 Aug 10 2013

Twenty-six? Trust me, sweetie, you are NOT old!

(( hugs )) Happy Birthday!


11:05 Aug 08 2013
Times Read: 2,847

Oh my god, new pictures! I look silly.



11:29 Aug 08 2013

Do not! They are beautiful♥

11:59 Aug 08 2013

Very beautiful :) not silly at all

00:57 Aug 10 2013

You call it silly, I call it stunning.


07:18 Aug 08 2013
Times Read: 2,863

I had to paint my nails tonight. I hate seeing them bare for so long. So, I picked Essie's Wrapped in Rubies. It's not the most summery color I have, but I absolutely love it. I actually need to get a new bottle soon, since I've nearly used it all up.

The image is not mine.




22:39 Aug 07 2013
Times Read: 2,876

You know, it already passed, the day he died. And, though my birthday is only a few days away, I don't feel half as bad as I tend to around this time of the year. I've had a number of people keeping me distracted lately, and keeping me from spending too much time alone with my thoughts. And for that, I am so very thankful to them. When I'm alone, I tend to think, and when I think I tend to dwell on the bad, all that negative. I would be far more withdrawn right now if it wasn't for the constant conversations. I miss David, insanely. But, it's not as bad as it used to be.

Also, my little cousin, Brenna, had her baby this morning. He's beautiful.




10:20 Aug 07 2013
Times Read: 2,902

Read that story NeverMind sent me. Read it and the blogs and the AIM chatlog, and petty much every link I could find associated with it. It was disturbing. But awesome. But seriously disturbing.

Note to self: Don't read creepy stuff in the dark in the middle of the night. My imagination runs away with the ideas.



13:17 Aug 07 2013

It was so creepy!

15:28 Aug 07 2013



16:54 Aug 06 2013
Times Read: 2,940

And here I thought you could not possibly get any more stupid and ridiculous than you already were. Thank you for proving how wrong I was with that.




16:37 Aug 06 2013
Times Read: 2,944

I have really got to start getting myself to bed at a decent hour.

You know, I say that now, but I really know that I will be up until three or four in the morning, talking to him. Sleep seems to never factor in until I just can't keep my eyes open any longer. Then I wake upat seven, eight, and I just want to shoot myself.

It's that time difference. The eight hours is killer.




23:05 Aug 05 2013
Times Read: 2,959

I watched Devil today. It was on HBOGO and I was bored. I had had the ending ruined for me a long time ago, but back then I never figured I would watch it, so I didn't care. I don't know why I watch M. Night Shamalamadingdong's movies anymore. Every film he has done after The Sixth Sense hasn't been very good. This one was no different. Unbreakable and The Sixth Sense. Those were his only good ones.

Also, I finally got my hands on Daft Punk's recent album, Random Access Memories. And oh my god! I am in love with it. I hadn't heard it all the way through before, just a song here or there. But damn, I am in love. I think it's got to be one of their better albums. It's got that amazing '70s disco feel to the songs, and it is just amazing. AMAZING. I am so glad I bought it.




16:14 Aug 05 2013
Times Read: 2,965

Got to sleep far too late, got up far too early.

Today is going to suck.




03:47 Aug 05 2013
Times Read: 2,981

Man, I hate that eight hour time difference.




01:09 Aug 05 2013
Times Read: 2,996

I heard Poor Unfortunate Souls on my mom's tablet as she was listening to Pandora, and now I have to watch The Little Mermaid. I freaking love this film. This and Beauty and the Beast are my absolute favorite Disney animated films. This was actually the first Disney movie I ever saw, when I was two.



01:13 Aug 05 2013

My very favorite 2 Disney films are Sleeping Beauty (always has been since I was little) and Robin Hood. I hear the song Phoney King Of England and I have to sing along - and what's bad I can sing it without the music word for word. And another is in the original 101 Dalmations where the two crooks Cruella Deville hires to snatch the puppies grabs the cat instead of the liquor bottle and tries to drink the cat.

01:15 Aug 05 2013

When I was in high school, our choir did a medley of The Little Mermaid. So I've definitely go those lyrics down! Back then it was a new movie :P I actually was working at Disneyland at the time as well (1989), my first job- and everything "The Little Mermaid" was all new in the park.

01:50 Aug 05 2013

I always wanted to work at Disneyland, be one of the princesses. But, I never lived close enough to Disneyland to make it work. Not to mention I was never the right body type, nor did I have the acting/dancing education that's needed. And, now I'm just too old to be one. I wanted to be Ariel or Belle.


21:47 Aug 04 2013
Times Read: 3,006

Wow, Peter Capaldi. I never would have guessed that one.



21:52 Aug 04 2013

I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do love how people say he is the 12th doctor, sadly no john hurt is playing the 9th doctor witch makes chris the 10th david the 11th and matt the 12th


21:17 Aug 04 2013
Times Read: 3,015

I overslept, by a lot... Thank goodness I recorded the Doctor Who reveal of the new Doctor. Off to go watch that before I do anything else on the internet and have it all ruined for me.



21:30 Aug 04 2013

Wow a new Doctor.



06:08 Aug 04 2013
Times Read: 3,030



03:34 Aug 04 2013
Times Read: 3,056

I swear, I am like a magnet for these things. And that annoys me. And the reasoning behind it annoys me even more. Fuck that noise.

I am not your pawn, your toy, someone you can manipulate. I may be horribly naive sometimes, but I learn quickly.



18:23 Aug 04 2013


20:57 Aug 04 2013

It is because of your skills, and talent.


23:28 Aug 03 2013
Times Read: 3,083

So, we get the option to hid Honor Comments now? Cancer, I have to say it, I love you.



23:28 Aug 03 2013

Someone posted my full name in my Honour. Haha. Comment hidden. ♥

23:29 Aug 03 2013

YUP! This is a great new option.

23:31 Aug 03 2013

Ah, typo! I meant hide not hid.


20:48 Aug 03 2013
Times Read: 3,122

Since it will never happen, I suppose I can share this now. Meh. It would have been interesting, but oh well.



20:53 Aug 03 2013

It could still happen ;)

20:54 Aug 03 2013

....why in the world do I keep freaking winking? Lol.

20:59 Aug 03 2013

It's awesome...Hang on to it for one that is deserving!!!

20:59 Aug 03 2013


21:05 Aug 03 2013

Yep I love it. The whole heaven and hell theme. Maybe someone else could run with the idea and use it?


19:22 Aug 03 2013
Times Read: 3,138

You know, that really didn't surprise me... It sucks to hear, but it isn't that surprising now that I think about it and piece things together. Oh well. We didn't associate this time around, so it doesn't really bother me.



20:43 Aug 03 2013

I knew from the beginning. ;)


19:46 Aug 02 2013
Times Read: 3,167

Oh man. I just made this super awesome Crest for someone's upcoming Coven, and I want to post it here for everyone to see. But I can't! It's horrible. I want to share it, but I need to hear back from someone first to make sure there aren't going to be any issues. But just you wait. I think it's awesome and it will tie in with another Coven so amazingly.



20:27 Aug 02 2013

Stop you tease!


08:11 Aug 02 2013
Times Read: 3,195

And... Take two. Someone suggested golds, and I ran with it.

Also, that awkward moment when you're asked to create a Crest, Mark, and Rep for a Coven you already submitted once. The Coven of Kings... It was pretty funny to think that people believe themselves so creative and unique. They actually wanted everything pretty close to what I had already created years ago.



13:08 Aug 02 2013

On my god oh my god oh my god!!! I love this so much! What is this???

13:17 Aug 02 2013

Right now it's a work in progress. But, it's going to be a Mentorship so I can test the waters. And maybe, just maybe, I will turn it into a Coven. The main focus is discussing and learning about different religions and belief structures.


06:45 Aug 02 2013
Times Read: 3,209

I'm unsure about this. I like it, but I don't. It seems too busy to me, but I love the colors.



06:50 Aug 02 2013

I like it too,but I can see what you mean.


05:08 Aug 02 2013
Times Read: 3,213

My new pet project: Enlightenment.




- The action of enlightening or the state of being enlightened.

- The attainment of spiritual knowledge or insight, esp. (in Buddhism) that which frees a person from the cycle of rebirth.




02:01 Aug 02 2013
Times Read: 3,219

I made some minor alterations to my profile. It's nothing you'll really notice, but I know. That's all that matters in the end.




00:05 Aug 02 2013
Times Read: 3,227

The beginning of August is always bad for me. There are two days within days the first 10 days that I do not look forward to. My birthday, which is a double whammy, and the date of my cousin David's death. So, if I am less than social, or short with you, do forgive me. This month puts me in a rather unfriendly mood.




06:44 Aug 01 2013
Times Read: 2,938

I had a dream about you. We were together, finally, and we were happy. It was heartbreaking, because I know it'll never be a reality.

I guess I miss you far more than I thought.



06:48 Aug 01 2013

That wasn't a good story at all....:'(

06:49 Aug 01 2013

Ya know, about 3 years ago I had a dream kinda like this. It wasn't soooo bad...it was a popular girl that was two grades ahead of me.

What was heartbreaking was when she laughed at me for asking her out. Apparently "seniors don't date sophomores when they're popular".

I feel your pain though.

07:04 Aug 01 2013

-shh's Lycan-

Only she knows her pain, nothing you, I, or anyone else has gone through could tell us her pain.

I'm sorry that you feel that way and I wish you the best with your coping. -bows lightly-

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