immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


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55 entries this month

03:53 Oct 31 2013
Times Read: 1,966

Had my sister-in-law watch Brotherhood of the Wolf, since she wanted to watch something scary as we carved pumpkins. It was the only "scary" movie I owned that would fit the bill, since Pan's Labyrinth doesn't. I don't think she was all that impressed with it. Meh. I love the film, so I enjoyed it.




07:54 Oct 28 2013
Times Read: 1,987

Even if there is never an "us" again, just know that I love you. Words cannot truly express how much. You have meant more to me these last seven years than anyone else in my entire twenty-six year existence.




21:33 Oct 26 2013
Times Read: 2,017

I likely won't be around much for, I don't know, the next few months or so. There are some things I really have to focus on right now, which will be cutting my computer time drastically. If you need me you can shoot me a message and I will get it, or you can call/text if you have my number.

So yeah, sorry to my Coven, but it looks like things won't be growing much in the coming months. If any of you want out, I will understand.




00:41 Oct 26 2013
Times Read: 2,028

I can't stop listening to this song, even though it is pretty damn depressing. I have had it on loop pretty much all day today. And most of yesterday.

Just rest, Connie.

I hated CT when she was first introduced, but as the Freelancer Project story continued, Connie became one of my favorite characters. And her death was horrible. You don't expect a series like Red vs. Blue to hit you right in the feels, but it does. It really, really does.





00:19 Oct 26 2013
Times Read: 2,033




23:50 Oct 24 2013
Times Read: 2,050



06:57 Oct 24 2013
Times Read: 2,058

I suddenly want to do a Tex themed profile. And a Caboose themed profile. And a Tucker themed profile. And Grif... Dude, I've got enough accounts to actually pull all of those off. Plus maybe Donut and Church. Or Wash and Carolina. Or! I could do RWBY, because that series is sucking me in pretty bad now as well. I could do Ruby and Yang, or Ruby and Weiss. I think an RWBY themed profile would look beautiful, considering some of the stills from the series are gorgeous.

I should probably stop watching Rooster Teeth creations...




06:05 Oct 24 2013
Times Read: 2,059

I don't feel right tonight. I just got home from the gym and I am all jittery and shaky. It's weird since I don't usually feel like this. Maybe I pushed myself a little too hard or something.




01:39 Oct 24 2013
Times Read: 2,061

I swear, I love the action sequences in RvB. They're freaking awesome. Another one of my all-time favorite sequences from the series. Funny, all of my top ones seem to involve Tex. Poor York, no one wants to listen to him.




01:09 Oct 24 2013
Times Read: 2,065

"What's to understand about 'swish swish stab'?"

"Protect me cone!"

This is one of my all time favorite sequences in the series. Poor Grif. Poor, poor, Grif. Haha.




00:03 Oct 24 2013
Times Read: 2,070

I went and RvB'd the ever loving crap out of my phone, and the laptop. Tex is the main theme for my phone, because she's fucking badass. And because I couldn't find any good images that would work of Tucker or Grif. But yeah, Tex is awesome all on her own, so it's cool. And, with that GD theme I downloaded and set on my phone it makes customization that much more awesome. I also downloaded all these ringtones and notification sounds from the series, which I just keep switching out when the mode strikes. It's fun.





13:39 Oct 23 2013
Times Read: 2,098



12:02 Oct 23 2013
Times Read: 2,118

FROM: vampyro

fuck right off immy you slut face

On 11:55:02 Oct 23 2013 (-0 GMT) immortalxkiss wrote:

Put something worth more than what I gave you the first time and maybe I will. You won't get an undeserved ten from me just because you will block me if I don't comply. You're lucky I don't just rate you a one and be done with it.

On 11:50:57 Oct 23 2013 (-0 GMT) vampyro wrote:

rerate me please or I'm gonna block u 

Also, go fuck yourself. And, I love the "fucking dyke" comments you left. Real mature. You don't deserve a ten deal with that. Your one and block isn't hurting me in the least. But I know my one got to you, didn't it? Lol. Enjoy it. Enjoy that block too. I don't normally block people, but I think you've earned it.

Some of us don't have to go around begging for Premium Memberships or demanding tens in lieu of blocks.



13:28 Oct 23 2013

Wow some people on here.

19:28 Oct 23 2013

I..."slut face"? I mean how...why...*shakes head and picks up machete* Which one of this idiot's limbs should I start with?

On another note...should you happen to get an xbox live account with that spiffy new 360...I shall require you to send it to me. I need someone to play Griffball with, damnit! :D

22:32 Oct 23 2013

You are kidding me right? Maybe I need to go check this one out myself. Don't mess with my Immy!

01:27 Oct 24 2013

These days I try to steer clear of drama and what not, but seriously...what a freaking twat. Why is it even a thing? Like just don't exist if you are going to be that nasty.


04:56 Oct 23 2013
Times Read: 2,135

Well, I am quite possibly the happiest girl of all time right now. When I was at the gym tonight, Tommy came by the house and dropped off a 360 and Halo 4. I have a new 360 and freaking Halo! I can play Grifball now! You honestly have no idea how thankful I am to that man. He is quite possibly the best friend ever. Of all time. I mean, really, a 360 and Halo 4. He saw my post on Facebook where I mentioned that I needed a new one and he just figured he would give me his CoD: Modern Warfare 2 edition. I love him. I love him forever. First thing tomorrow I am getting the proper cables to hook that baby up to my TV and I am just gonna go play. If you don't see me around for a while, that will be the reason.




05:04 Oct 22 2013
Times Read: 2,178

You know what I would love to see happen around here? I would love to see the Alliance page cleaned up. There are currently seven Alliances that are listed which are no longer active due to the Coven which started them being disbanded. I would also love to see some Covens disbanded due to the fact that the Coven Master hasn't logged in for at least a month. A few have reached that point, and some others will meet that time within the next week or so. It is clutter and beyond useless having these things there when they serve no purpose.



11:23 Oct 22 2013

I seen that the other day as well,also there are a few mentor ship's that need to be cleaned up as well.

12:04 Oct 22 2013

I agree with this. One member has 3 covens and has not been on in a month and a half.


01:21 Oct 20 2013
Times Read: 2,202

I want to go play DnD, or Magic. Too bad the only person I know who played moved out of state. I need to meet some nerdy people.



13:26 Oct 20 2013

Have you tried duels of the planeswalkers on Steam? It helps me when I need my magic fix and there's nobody available for a game.

23:24 Oct 20 2013

I play, but im nowhere near you!

06:11 Oct 22 2013

I play!! To bad you do not live near by we need more people!

19:16 Oct 23 2013

I'm wondering if it's be possible to play via Google+ hangout...if you could angle a webcam to point at the desk top (battlefield) it might work!


19:00 Oct 19 2013
Times Read: 2,206

I want to work at Rooster Teeth and just play video games for the rest of my life. It will never happen, but I still want it.



07:32 Oct 20 2013

...Coolest job ever. *sigh* If only...


23:24 Oct 17 2013
Times Read: 2,226

I want to do a Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) themed profile, but, I'm debating it. I'm still on the fence about entering the Halooween contest Umbrae Octo and Mada are hosting. Plus, Día de Muertos doesn't exactly fall into the Halloween category, they are pretty different in their meanings and presentations. I may just do it just to do it, and to embrace that part of my heritage. I very rarely embrace the Mexican part of my family, I prefer to say I'm Spanish when asked. But, Día de Muertos is an amazing holiday, and one I love to celebrate. So, yeah. Decisions, decisions.



02:56 Oct 18 2013

You speak of it so passionately. Go for it! Your profiles have always been very well thought out. I'm sure you will find a fascinating, respectful way to represent a different side of yourself.


08:10 Oct 16 2013
Times Read: 2,246

Rage Quit makes me so unbelievably happy. I never knew listening to one man curse the ever loving crap out of video games on YouTube would be so entertaining, but it is. It really, really is.



23:25 Oct 20 2013



03:48 Oct 16 2013
Times Read: 2,271

Well, the government shutdown is going to hit my family pretty hard. My dad, who works for the TSA out of LAX, isn't going to get paid starting tomorrow. So, they may be going on strike, and that would affect a lot more than just TSA workers, it will shut down airports if they don't work, since they won't be able to do what needs to be done as far as security. Absolutely fantastic, I swear. With my dad not working, my family will struggle quite a bit... This is fucking ridiculous, everyone needs to get their asses in gear and find resolutions and whatever.



04:55 Oct 16 2013

Yes, but...it's the government. They excel at wasting time and being self centered asses.

Sorry about your dad though. I hope everything turns out alright. *Hugs*

08:07 Oct 16 2013

Sorry about your dad.

I know you're family is the only one affected in this government shutdown. (sarcrasm)

Hopefully the government will get there butts in gear.


20:43 Oct 15 2013
Times Read: 2,293

Well, if I do decide to open a Coven, I have my first member. That's good to know. And it is really making me lean towards opening another one.



20:48 Oct 15 2013

I have a ton of profiles and one that isn't currently involved so obviously I would join. As long as you join mine. :p

04:53 Oct 16 2013

I'm not your first member? Oh fine, I see how it is. :P

04:57 Oct 16 2013

No! You stay in K-Kkun, mister!


07:44 Oct 15 2013
Times Read: 2,301

I am addicted to Rooster Teeth's youtube channel. I never really watched any of their stuff, I was only in it for Red vs Blue, but oh my god, I started watching Michael's Rage Quit videos, and I cannot stop laughing. The frustration as he gets further and further (though not really all that far) into difficult and frustrating games is just amazing. And so damn funny. Like, so damn funny. Nearly every other word out of his mouth as he progresses is a curse word, and while I normally don't like listening to people scream curses and obscenities about video games, his videos are just hilarious. I can't get enough of that angry bastard.




17:20 Oct 14 2013
Times Read: 2,315

I want someone to take the ideas out of my head, form them into something coherent and then make a Coven based off those ideas and themes. And then let me take a part in it.

I have a lot of ideas, but I can't seem to put anything together. And, while I love having a Coven of my own, my own place to do with what I will, I am not in any position to be a Coven Master. I want someone to create something for me, then let me go wild with that creation without having to worry about absolutely everything.




16:08 Oct 14 2013
Times Read: 2,319

I have been having some weird dreams latterly. Like, last night, I dreamt I was a witch with actual powers. And my friend Tommy was a werewolf who could actually shift. And also this weird stuff, like there were other weres and they were after something, and I, and a small group of other witches, had to keep them from getting it. And there was this couple who were witches and helping me who had a son who was a were, and I keep trying to protect him and Tommy when they shifted, since Tommy was their friend and helping us when he was human, and sometimes when he was wolf. It was just... Weird. I think I need to stop watching witchy shows and stuff. Witches and vampires and zombies, oh my.




05:51 Oct 13 2013
Times Read: 2,335

So, I'm watching Gatsby, and really, I can't say I'm all that impressed. I think it's the music. That really puts me off, it's supposed to be the '20s, decadence, a cautionary tail about the good old American Dream. And then you have the music, some mess of modern music that just doesn't quite mesh with the story. Oh, it goes with the music, large parties and extravagance, but it takes away from the story. To me, at least. I enjoyed the book when I had to read it in high school. Me and my group became vary familiar with it, and discussed the story quite a bit. Then I watch this and it's just... no. Just no. It's true to the plot, yes, but, it isn't Gatsby.



22:17 Oct 13 2013


Glad I'm not the only one who feels that way.


04:34 Oct 13 2013
Times Read: 2,344

So, I'm watching Witches of East End. It seems pretty interesting. I really love this time of year, all the awesome shows come on. American Horror Story, Witches of East End, the new Dracula in a few weeks, Once Upon a Time, the original and the spin off. Man, so many good shows to watch.

I think I'm going to start watching The Walking Dead on Netflix, and check out the new season that starts tomorrow.



05:06 Oct 13 2013

It took me a little bit to get into Witches of East End. Once I did, I started to dig it. I like how they are bringing in some great 'spooky' shows this year.


01:37 Oct 13 2013
Times Read: 2,349

It's been a good day. After all the excitement and activity of yesterday and Thursday, it was nice just to relax and not really do anything. I went out to lunch at my favorite Korean restaurant, finally picked up Neil Gaiman's new book, and now I am going to watch This is the End and munch on some Peppero.




19:38 Oct 12 2013
Times Read: 2,357

I had some weird dreams last night. Zombies, vampires, and VR, all wrapped up together in complete and utter randomness.




08:59 Oct 12 2013
Times Read: 2,375

"Yeah, sometimes I wonder if there's things we'll never explain. You know, like, you know, what if we did answer all the questions? You know, would we live on, like forever, happy with our triumph over ignorance? Or is ignorance just a common enemy that once destroyed, would leave our species without a reason to carry on? I guess it doesn't matter what the answer is...because even if supreme knowledge did bring about the end of our species, the thought of obtaining it is just what would keep us together. You know? People will always look up at the sky...and just wonder why we're here. WATER BISON POWERS, ACTIVATE!"

And that is why Caboose is the best character ever. Of all time. I swear, I think I my be watching too much RvB. Ha, who am I kidding, you can't watch "too much" of Red vs. Blue.



09:31 Oct 12 2013

Too much...of Red vs Blue? ...Clearly anyone who agrees with that line of thought speaks madness!


05:56 Oct 12 2013
Times Read: 2,381

I'm debating the idea of actually opening Enlightenment. I suck so much when it comes to running my own Coven, but the idea is sort of lodged there in my head, refusing to leave.




04:12 Oct 12 2013
Times Read: 2,395

I was so utterly disappointed by the Huntington Library today. For one, it used to be free to get in, they accepted donations. Then they went and started charging fifteen dollars, which is fine and doable. But now they charge twenty-three dollars for an adult. They are only open from noon to four thirty, they used to open at ten thirty. And then, they are doing construction in the Chinese Garden, and pretty much all over the estate, so pictures aren't easy to get without getting the construction crews in them. They removed some of my favorite exhibits, which I suppose is to be expected, but it sucked to find out. They also closed off a lot of areas that you used to be able to visit. So, yeah, it was not a fun day and it wasn't worth the cash spent to get there and get in. I got some pictures, but as I was mostly there for Chinese and Japanese Gardens, things didn't go how I wanted. Plus, the lotus flowers weren't in bloom in the Chinese Garden and the water lilies weren't really in bloom in the Japanese Garden or the lily ponds. I don't even really want to go through the pictures right now. I will probably do that tomorrow or Sunday.




06:37 Oct 11 2013
Times Read: 2,425

Here are some of my favorite images from what I took at the Getty Villa today. This is an image heavy entry, be warned.

I think that last one is my absolute favorite. I don't know why but it just seems so peaceful and calm to me. Sort of ethereal, the way the water is shining.



14:22 Oct 11 2013

These are nice. :)

04:40 Oct 12 2013

Lovely. :)


01:05 Oct 11 2013
Times Read: 2,430

I just got home from the Getty Villa. It was such a beautiful day, not too cold, slightly overcast, and, while it was pretty crowded towards the beginning of the morning, around noon a lot of people left which was perfect for me and my pictures. Speaking of, I got a new camera, and I used that one plus my old Nikon to take pictures, so hopefully I got some really good ones. I will go through them tonight, before I clear my memory card in preparation for the Huntington Library tomorrow. I will post the best pictures here. Probably.




15:34 Oct 10 2013
Times Read: 2,444

Off to the Getty Villa, yay! For once I am not all that bothered by the fact that I am up this early and will have to deal with the morning traffic on the 10 freeway and PCH. Totally worth it!




05:26 Oct 10 2013
Times Read: 2,467

Just got done watching American Horror Story: Coven. I don't really know how I feel about it. Certain aspects draw me in, the focus being witches, the setting of NOLA. But, the story hasn't really caught me yet. I dislike most of the characters right now. I think it will take a few more episodes before I can say I am sold on it.

I couldn't finish the last season, there was far too much gore for my taste and the story wasn't one I got into. I am hoping this season proves to be much better.



06:28 Oct 10 2013

I agree with you on the second season, But I liked how they picked up pretty quickly I did not like how the season started out so slow. But I like who they picked, Kathy Bates I got chills watching her!!!

And I am kind of in between with the girl who played violet, but I love the pretty girl!!!!

14:38 Oct 10 2013

The puns had me dying. "Don't make me drop a house on you."

And Kathy Bates? Why, yes, yes I do think she's awesome.


15:14 Oct 10 2013

I found the first two seasons a little lacking for the first few episodes, it seems like a trend with AHS. Start slowly, lull them into a false sense of mediocrity, then bam! It's not on over here yet, I think I have to wait for the 16th, but if Kathy Bates is in it I'm sure I'll love it.


03:15 Oct 10 2013
Times Read: 2,468

I finished all the episodes of RvB that are available. And now I have nothing to do...

Well, guess I can just start all over from season one again. I swear, I freaking love Caboose. His lines are the best.




21:48 Oct 09 2013
Times Read: 2,478

American Horror Story starts tonight, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland stars tomorrow, I am going to the Getty Villa tomorrow, then the Huntington Library on Friday. It's raining outside, with thunder and lightening, a real proper autumn storm. This week is proving to be awesome.

I am watching Sunday's Once Upon a Time, I swear, I like Hook. Like, a lot. I always love me some pirates. Next on the list is Monday's episode of Sleepy Hollow.



22:16 Oct 09 2013

Ya I am pretty hooked on those shows to. I love The Originals as well.


10:19 Oct 09 2013
Times Read: 2,486

Man, I love RvB. Caboose is probably the best character ever invented. Ever.



02:08 Oct 10 2013

Lol. Yes. he is. : P


05:33 Oct 09 2013
Times Read: 2,490

It is freezing outside. And I love it! It is really beginning to feel like autumn. All we need to make it perfect is some rain.




01:09 Oct 09 2013
Times Read: 2,510

You know, if you do something, own up to your actions. Don't sit there and hide behind your false words. People will respect you far more for being upfront an honest than if you were a silly little liar. Just a thought.

Of course, considering who you run with, it's not surprising that you would throw out mistruths.




07:50 Oct 08 2013
Times Read: 2,549

And with that, I wash my hands of all of it. I'm done playing your games, and I have been for a long time now.




01:27 Oct 08 2013
Times Read: 2,561

I think I may just disband my Mentorship as well. I don't want to be tied to anything, Society or Mentorship with this account. Plus, it serves no purpose whatsoever.



02:25 Oct 08 2013

No more societies for you lol


00:06 Oct 08 2013
Times Read: 2,564

Eh, it was only a matter of time before I got hit with those three other accounts. Meh. I am gonna go watch more Red vs. Blue.




05:44 Oct 07 2013
Times Read: 2,571

We went out for dinner tonight, for my mom's birthday which was on the second, and for Liz's birthday which was today. Went to this really awesome steakhouse, Pinnacle Peaks in San Dimas. We hadn't been there since my brother and I were still in high school. It was nice, but their steaks are just too freaking big. They don't really do moderation well, so I have like, lunch and dinner for tomorrow.

In other news, I haven't really been spending much time here lately. And at least until next week that won't really be changing. My dad is going camping with the Young Marines, he leaves Thursday morning and will be gone until Sunday afternoon. Plus, my mom has Thursday and Friday off from work, so Thursday we're hitting the Getty Villa and Friday we're hitting the Huntington Library. Saturday we may just catcha movie and go out for lunch. So, tthat's going to be a fun three days.

I have also been on a really big Red vs. Blue kick these last few days. If you don't know what it is, it's an amazing web series some people created using the Halo games and building characters and stories off of things you can do in the games, mostly the capture the flag games, hence the title, red vs. blue. It is amazing and so freaking funny. I haven't watched it in about two years, so I started over with the first season. I love it. So that's what I do with my free time right now, and why VR has been somewhat neglected by me.



23:52 Oct 07 2013

...:D Anyone for a rousing game of Griffball!?


01:34 Oct 07 2013
Times Read: 2,577

She dyed my hair super dark. It is this really deep burgundy which I actually love. With autumn here, and with the cooler seasons I like the darker, more rich colors over the lighter shades. Especially with red. So, I am sold, the new girl is just as good as Nikki was. She is just really quiet, which I don't mind in the least. Nikki talked far too much, and I had to force myself to converse, but now I can just sit there lost in my thoughts without having to focus on what's being said.

I so had to cut a good two and a half inches off. Split ends are the bane of my existence, hair wise, anyway. My hair feels so short now. It still falls past my shoulders, but... It feels like I lost more than two and a half inches.




19:12 Oct 06 2013
Times Read: 2,593

I am devastated. My favorite hair dresser at Ulta left for greener pastures. And, yeah, that doesn't sound like a huge deal, but finding a good person to mess around with my hair is seriously hard. And Nikki was just awesome. Hopefully this new girl will be just as good.




23:32 Oct 05 2013
Times Read: 2,606

I am so tired today. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon, yet I am not at all hungry. I just want to curl up in bed and sleep forever.



14:51 Oct 06 2013

*Hugs* Hope you manage to get some rest.


12:29 Oct 05 2013
Times Read: 2,617

Holy cow, does it ever feel good to be home. If I never go back to The Vault it will be too soon. That place is... Yeah. The people who go there are really top notch and classy people. So freaking classy, I swear. I mean... When you go into a private room and dry hump your date right in front of other people for like, an hour, you are just oozing class.

Downtown LA looked beautiful though. Against a clear, dark sky, the lights and the buildings were really pretty. But, never again am I gonna play the dd.

It's half past four and I am just going to go the fuck to sleep.



15:50 Oct 05 2013

Ha ha i've been there, uber classy! Riiiiight!


08:01 Oct 05 2013
Times Read: 2,630

Tonight needs to be over already...

The only plus is that I had my Coke comped by the bartender. This obnoxious person who kept pushing me as I was standing at the bar waiting to order my drink tried to hit on me. He got pissed when I just ignored him. But, I don't want to get hit on at a bar. That's just... Ick.

Oh, and our group is the only group left in the vault. The three other parties left pretty early in the night. I suppose they didn't want to fork out the cash required to stay in here.




06:22 Oct 05 2013
Times Read: 2,635

So, this club, The Vault in downtown LA, is pretty damn ridiculous. They have this thing where if it's your birthday they will comp you a bottle of Absolute, and they throw you in this room, a vault that has a bunch of couches and tables. Only, you only get like, an hour or so in the room if you just take the comped bottle. If you want to have guaranteed seating for the whole night in the vault you have to buy a bottle at menu price. Menu price for a bottle of Absolute is around $258.70. And, if you want a table out in the main club area, it's over $650. So yeah... Fucking crazy. And the servers, all women, are in these skimpy outfits, super short shorts that rid up their ass, and super low cut tops, sort of fashioned like corsets. I keep fearing that our server is going to pop out of her outfit.

So, we have to leave this room in ten minutes, go fend for ourselves out in the main club. I can't drink, so I am not enjoying this in the least. And I have god knows how long left to put up with this shit... I just want to go home, curl up in bed, and watch some anime.



08:07 Oct 05 2013

When I go out to clubs I am all excited to get there. Then when I get there I get bored real fast and want to go back home. I do not drink either.


03:52 Oct 04 2013
Times Read: 2,647

Tomorrow night I am going out with my brother and sister-in-law for her birthday bash. Not because they want to really spend time with me, more due to the fact that I am going to be the designated driver. I am looking forward to it, regardless. My sister-in-law is pretty damn funny when she drinks. So, if nothing else, I will be entertained by her and Kevin.



06:51 Oct 04 2013

Have fun and drive safely. :)


06:58 Oct 03 2013
Times Read: 2,686

And that's why I don't often do nice things for people. Not even a thanks for putting in the effort.

Note: if you want me to make you a Crest or something, you best come to me with a detailed description of what you want. I can't read your mind, and as it's not my Coven or whatever, I don't know what feel you want unless you tell it to me. Very rarely does inspiration strike me out of the blue when it comes to things for other people. I think the new Crest for Hell is the only real time I've created something without being asked or given direction.



09:49 Oct 03 2013

I love the things you have created for me !

13:13 Oct 03 2013

Love everything you've made for me, I wouldn't ever use anyone else's graphics for Hell

15:05 Oct 03 2013

You are a an amazing artist, you just happened to run into someone that did not have a clear vision themselves.


20:40 Oct 02 2013
Times Read: 2,715

Wanted: one Sire profile. For someone awesome. Willing to trade for two Premium accounts (in the 90s and 20s), and Favor.




16:54 Oct 01 2013
Times Read: 2,743

I got home from the gym last night and I was pretty tired. After my shower I curled up in bed with all intentions of getting to sleep at a decent time. I was watching some anime for about an hour and a half, cut to 11:30 when I popped some melatonin expecting to be asleep by midnight. Oh, wishful thinking on my part. I finally crashed at about 1:30.. But then kept waking up, so a restful sleep was not had. Usually when I take melatonin I am out for the entire night. It's annoying that I couldn't get to sleep and then couldn't stay asleep. Trying to get myself back onto a normal sleep cycle is killing me. I want to go take a nap so bad right now. And it isn't even 9 yet.




00:12 Oct 01 2013
Times Read: 2,233

I miss your company. Those conversations that lasted for hours and hours. The humor and the wit and the way you kept me so entertained, which is hard for most.

I guess what I am saying is I just miss you.



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