Joli's Journal

Joli's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


23 entries this month

Before the next step...

13:37 Sep 29 2008
Times Read: 990

It only counts what YOU think. That is personal strength and personal integrity. Anything less is mob mentality. Please value your personal integrity. We left the adolescent worry about what others think when we pulled up our grownup undies. Or did we? I still think that's a crucial weigh-station for taking our individual inventory...even when we think the other guy is an ass. Be you. Try not to be him. That's how you truly win. The rest is shallow and tastes that way when you are once again alone with yourself and nobody is still clapping you on the back.



14:28 Sep 29 2008

It is difficult... we live in a society where being liked is so important... to not be part of the crowd, to not be "in" for so many is downright devistating.

We grow up hearing from our parents, "What would other people think of me?" if you do something wrong.

It is so hard to escape that mentality... worrying about how others view us and judge us based on our behaviors and attitudes... the words we say... the clothes we wear... the job we do... the car we drive... the way we style our hair...

...so hard to put that away and just live as ourselves, for ourselves...

15:46 Sep 29 2008

That it is difficult is a sign that it's the good fight worth fighting.

18:09 Sep 29 2008

Once again, your bang on Joli.

20:41 Sep 30 2008

For some, it's not so difficult to live for yourself. Yes, our parents feed us that 'mob mentality' by the truck loads from the cradle, but at the end of the day, you are the one you will always go to sleep with; you're the one who has to look in the mirror and say, "Yea, I've done these things, I look this way, and I approve.." with a smile on your face of self-accomplishment. It's said that we are our own worst critic, shouldn't that be the only review we need to pay attention to?

***** Just goes to show ya, J , you're not the only one who thinks the way you do ;-)*****

21:52 Sep 30 2008

You're a gem, pixie chick!


Birra cheers me up every day :)

20:47 Sep 25 2008
Times Read: 1,053

I'm putting together the final edits on the Center's cookbook today. Birra and I had YIM open:

Joli: editing recipes...feh

birra: sounds like a blast

birra: don't mix up the tsps and tbls.

Joli: that's already done

birra: ok

birra: ...eliminating all meat from the recipes?

By the way...we'll have them in November if you're looking for Christmas ideas!!!



20:50 Sep 25 2008

...so... the meats stay in?

21:11 Sep 25 2008

It would take such a simple script...

22:20 Sep 25 2008

I'll take one. Sign me up.

22:26 Sep 25 2008

Hurray! Thank you!

22:32 Sep 25 2008

Tell you what...I need to talk to Cancer about advertising first. Let's hold off until I know more...but be thinking about the possibility, ok? I'm excited about them.


03:49 Sep 25 2008
Times Read: 1,101

Sevenn, have I told you lately how wise you are? Sometimes you blow me away.



04:04 Sep 25 2008

She's the bomb diggity. Fo sho.

05:45 Sep 25 2008

No Jo, you haven't told me lately. In fact, how about you just tell me that every day and I'll just keep on sayin' you never tell me...its win/win! Thanks though, you're a sweetheart.


21:31 Sep 24 2008
Times Read: 1,153

Here's a thought...let's talk about poetry.

Lots of room for opinion here. It isn't everyone's favorite, I know. I have some questions I'd like to ask.

Do you like poetry as a form of art, akin to music, literature, performance, and visual arts?

If you DO like poetry, can you express what draws you to it?

OR do you believe that poetry is simply a hobby that is designed to make the author feel superior...a way to use big words when a simple sentiment is enough?

If you agree with the above, do you believe that same opinion is applicable to the other forms of art? In other words, could a ballerina just simply walk through the paces of the story being told? Could someone who is creating a painting or graphic image simply state what they are trying to convey in a simple text statement or maybe with stick figures? You get my point.

I don't love opera, but I recognize that it is art and that people view it differently from me. I wouldn't insult opera singers for not being folk singers.



21:41 Sep 24 2008

I like to think that written poetry is designed for the reader/listener to feel superior... even for them to feel gifted for being exposed to it, or possibly having inspired it :) Sure, some poets do have ego as well.

I also can appreciate other forms of art that are not my cup of tea. I can see the effort put into expression.

21:45 Sep 24 2008

Thanks for the input, Images. I know you write poetry that I love to read. You've blown me away more than once.

21:59 Sep 24 2008

Nah poetry is over rated...it communicates that the person had gas and needs to vent it out for others to sniff and think "wow, that almost smells like a rose"...lol. I jest of course, but I dunno. I like what you told me once about it, it seems to fit with my mindset. Just let it out and see what it looks like. Like cat vomit mostly, I do and then look at it and think "Hmmm, that almost looks good". Does it make me superior to others? Hell no, it is just something that I use more for therapy than anything else. I think that a reader who gets inspired or the person that creates it getting a sense of satisfaction, is in itself the reward of poetry. It is not for everyone though.

Now other forms of art, I am retarded about. I can see the beauty of one painting and then the next looks like fish humping a marshmallow, but every else thinks is the best thing since the sun.

So in conclusion. Art is subjective to both the viewer and the creator. It may reflect a sentiment, cultural value, mood, point or something I cannot think of right now.

22:23 Sep 24 2008

Wow, you really took the words right out of my mouth.

And twisted them. I suppose if this is how I feel - instead of not enjoying most poetry but finding some works of words astounding... I'd better do something about this.

23:09 Sep 24 2008

I was asking a few questions. But it sure does suck when it feels that way. I sympathize with you and I'm glad to know that you find some words to be wonderful. I agree with you there.

04:56 Sep 25 2008

I think the written word suffers in comparisson to other forms of "art" due to how we are introduced to it.

Art class in school was alway a fun time, time to be creative (even with my limited talent) and explore new things.

Literature and poetry, however were mandatory classes and you had to read the works that were assigned and, frankly, many of them were too deep or sophisticated to be fully appreciated at the age they were taught.

I think that is why people "dis" poetry. They had it forced on them and still hold some resentment to that.

Myself...I don't like ALL poetry, but I can appreciate the work and "art" that can be seen in most. I have been told by teachers and professors that I write well...But it is an arduous process for me that I don't particularly enjoy...So I rarely write anything remotly resembling poetry or prose.

05:55 Sep 25 2008

That's a really good point, KCRC.

15:13 Sep 25 2008

KC, I can assure you, you write wonderfully. When we used to have the Challenge the Muse thread in the house, your entries were incredible on so many levels.

I think BlackTea up there said, writing is theraputic. I totally agree. I have a lot weighing on me right now in life - mashing my keyboard and seeing what comes from it only helps a little... screaming helps a bit...

...but when put in a situation like a 4 hour plane ride when there is unlimited alcohol available to me, I tend to sit and think about things a lot. Writing "This sucks" or "This rocks" over and over just doesn't do it for me. I need to challenge myself; to express what I'm thinking, feeling and experiencing in a way that can truly convey it.

Writing... the way many of the classics are written is beyond me. But I enjoy it, and I challenge myself, and the drivel I subject all of you with is the result.

But hopefully from that, those who read it get a better sense of who I am...

16:22 Sep 25 2008

I wish you'd stop calling your writing drivel and crap, birra. You know that I don't just smear compliments onto people...I think that point has actually been more than clarified, but I look forward to your work because it's almost always going to come at me sideways and have its own unique voice that makes me see the pictures you paint and to feel the emotions you express. You are one of my favorite writers on this site. I mean that...and you know I do :)

00:47 Sep 29 2008

I have always been envious of those who have complexity of verse. The written word for me has been something to strive for, which I often fail at. To say that I’m green would be an understatement, as my vocabulary has never been great and my ability to rhyme leaves much wanting.

Still like the opera you mention, art is a craft. It is one we practise and hone. While I know there is a long way for me to go, I also know that I am “training myself” with something rather specific in mind. Sadly I will never be a Robert Frost, Shakespeare or an Ernest Hemmingway. The intensity of Sylvia Path and Dorothy Parker’s wit are things I greatly admire while knowing that neither specific form I will ever perfect.

Our words are completely individual, and in being so, is an extension of us completely bare for others to absorb. We need to remember while therapeutic for some, that does not mean the individual cannot work beyond “selfish” writing to that which is directed at the audience. Because in truth there will always be someone who our words touch, as song may evoke extreme emotion. This is why some will say their words lack, they do not hold themselves in high enough esteem, or it could be that they simply know they could do better.

For me poetry/writing is exactly what we put into it, should we get past our own attachments to what we wish to say.


21:04 Sep 24 2008
Times Read: 1,164

There are times when your confidence gets shaken, times when your intent is misunderstood and even paraded out in public where it can be further spun. That never feels good, but when it comes from a friend, it really sucks. It's hard to shake. It makes you want to be small...to jab back out and hurt in kind. But that's no kind of answer. So, you come clean...say how you feel and then leave it with them to do with what they will.



21:07 Sep 24 2008

There is nothing more you can do than just that...

22:03 Sep 24 2008

You can always light their car on fire with a flaming bag of horse hoohah, spell out "dunce" in their grass with salt, paint a big male part on the side of their house, call their boss and ask about previous employment cause they wanna work for you cause they said their boss sucks goose eggs....need I go on? I have lots of these things, some more unpleasant than others.


Happy birthday, good lookin'!

21:04 Sep 22 2008
Times Read: 1,228

Yesterday was Stabb's birthday. He's FAR too old and mean for me to share his age. (Plus, he knows where I live and work!)

I thought this was cute and verry Stabby: He went off to cook the salmon for his family and I began teasing him about having to cook on his own birthday. He assured me that the reason was, "I am the best cook in this house. In fact, I'm the best cook I know." Nobody else was getting their hands on that fish!



21:10 Sep 22 2008

I hope it was a good one for him :)

21:12 Sep 22 2008

By the look of the Asti bottle he polished off, I'm guessing it was a damn fine time :)

Oh, and I LET HIM WIN at Scrabble (no matter what he says to the contrary)!

23:13 Sep 22 2008

Happy Birthday Stabb!!!! I know who to go to for some new recipes. Hope it was a great birthday.

23:13 Sep 22 2008

That's how it is... I always cook my birthday dinner too.

Happy Birthday from one grumpy old man to another!

Hope it was a good one!

23:19 Sep 22 2008

Happy belated Birthday, Stabb. Years may eventually wrinkle the skin, but lack of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

May your spirit remain forever young.

23:19 Sep 22 2008

Happy late birthday. I would 'second' the whole good lookin' thing but you might hit me so I won't :)

23:22 Sep 22 2008

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday Dear Staaaaaaaab

Happy Birthday to you

23:22 Sep 22 2008

I hope you had a great day.

Wishing you everything you wish for yourself.


Relax. Grownup here.

07:08 Sep 18 2008
Times Read: 1,293

Remember...my eyes are open. Neurons still firing and no "bridge out" signs on the ol' synapses. No denial here. No worries, ok?



08:19 Sep 18 2008

*attaches a few sticks of gellignite to the major trusses of the awl bridge and waits patiently for a synapse*

08:25 Sep 18 2008

You're a creepy little dude. ;P

09:35 Sep 18 2008

He'll double cross that bridge when he comes to it.



06:43 Sep 16 2008
Times Read: 1,342

Good night, VR. It was an interesting day, both here and at work. Lines up for me as a good day. I'm going to go read and get some rest. My best to you all. Sleep well/Good Morning, depending where you dig in your toes on the spinny ball we call home.



06:48 Sep 16 2008


the drama will await your quick and well-rested return....


06:55 Sep 16 2008

g'night :)

08:19 Sep 16 2008


09:16 Sep 16 2008

You mean you sleep? ... you're...you're human...

Sweetdreams hunni.


Morri and Jo

01:11 Sep 16 2008
Times Read: 1,372

Morri, this is our theme song, baby. mrrrrowwwrrrr




Clearing the Air, Part Deux

19:54 Sep 15 2008
Times Read: 1,419

WOW! It's friend day today and nobody told me. OK, well...while I'm on a roll, I'll tackle this one, too. Why not?

Different friend (not about beastt17) - message box filling up again

No matter what journal entries are written about this person, no matter even if it all crashes at his feet and everything is based on deception, in this case, the friendship will stand. Sounds odd coming from me, even when I read it myself. But here you go: I am not blind and I am not a fool (though I mess up as much as anyone.) I CHOOSE to extend my hand to this friend I will not name. I'm pretty confidant in the choices I make most of the time.

It is about him trusting ME. I plan to be the best friend I can be...that's all I can control. There are other reasons as well, but they are private. Please don't feel like you need to message me about him. I know you care about me. I love you guys, too. I get that you are worried and don't want me hurt. That is not an option here. My eyes are wide open and I choose to keep my hand reached out anyway. I won't get hurt because that simply cannot occur in this circumstance. Now come on, do I really seem so fragile?



20:29 Sep 15 2008

Your strength is quite apparent. :)

20:32 Sep 15 2008

OMG no way are you smart enough.

Come here and eat out of my hand.

20:52 Sep 15 2008

I've been thinking of ousting Pai for some time now. He's got it WAY too easy. He gets to eat out of your hand, a free snuggy bed with good company (not that I'm bi!) He gets taken for walks, and has his own personal publicist. It's sounding pretty damn good!

21:07 Sep 15 2008

AND he gets to model. :P

You are so bi.


Clearing the Air

16:30 Sep 15 2008
Times Read: 1,460

Do you guys remember Ockham? Sure you do...he's still around. He's my friend and he caused a bit of a stir back in the day. Why? He's an asshole. He's also an amazing human being and someone I trust with MY heart. I never asked you to give him a chance. I never asked you to like him. Many of you eventually found that you did. I wrote a journal entry back then similar to the one I am writing now.

beastt17 is my friend. He is passionate about the things he likes: debate, cycling, and me. He'd say, "not in that order." He is opinionated. Recently, he crossed swords with an admin in the forum who is also my friend. It resulted in a suspension for beastt. I never questioned the suspension. I never expected that he'd be treated any differently than anyone else. I called in no special favors. I have never done that and I wouldn't start now.

I had no intention of writing a journal entry. You'll note that I hadn't throughout the initial incident. This entry isn't about defending anyone, not my friend, the admin, nor myself. So, why am I writing it? Same reason I did so about Ockham. I have been receiving messages like you would not believe.

I want to make this perfectly clear. I like him. ME. I am not asking you to like him. If you don't, write in your journals. Write to him. If he breaks rules, suspend him. Hell, if I see him breaking a rule, I'll suspend him...and I'll still like him. Apparently, he has decided to use his journal to express his opinion. I read it this morning after wading through my message box. Ah, I see...unpopular opinions.

I feel like I need a disclaimer here: The views expressed by this member do not necessarily represent the opinions of his friend. My ONLY involvement here was in thinking that beastt and the admin probably would have enjoyed knowing one another if they hadn't crossed swords at first meeting. I spoke up for his integrity where I thought it was challenged, not his position or his belief structure. (He and I disagree a lot. It's pretty wonderful and fun.) As it turned out, after talking to the person in question, I don't think his honesty was called into question after all. We discussed it quietly like adults and figured out what had happened.

That anyone would think I advocate a double standard is ludicrous. But that friends would think this, as my friend the admin put it "sucks." beastt is a grown man and is responsible for everything he says and does. Everyone accepts that. His consequences will belong to him as our own do to each of us. He doesn't need me to stand in his corner and defend him. He isn't my only friend who is outspoken. Speaking your mind with passion causes people to draw immediate opinions about you. That is as it should be, but I'm not going to be polarized because people I like speak their minds, no matter how unpopular their position. Man, if I did that, there wouldn't be many people very interesting left to like.

This is not drama for me. I simply like the guy whether you do or not. I think we can all live with that.



16:40 Sep 15 2008

"You can talk, but say something and I will rip your tongue out"

16:43 Sep 15 2008

Very well said *nods*

17:55 Sep 15 2008

Jo you have integrity and I appreciate that. Some here would not 'continue to like him' once he became unpopular. That is probably why they think you should change sides or be seen as defending him.

It sometimes goes like this IMO: If all the spice you have for soup was dirt, then you would have some pretty icky soup. If, however, the soup of life is made up of many differing spices and you can taste as many as you wish, so much the better.

19:03 Sep 15 2008

Online life is difficult. It so much easier to assume, to agree, to follow the ground. Most are people you will never meet and what does it matter, right?

But rumors are a harsh thing, in real life or online. I don't know the first thing about your two friends Joli, but I know you. You are a person that doesn't give your trust or friendship easily. You are also not one the throw your power around, or call on a friendship to "get your way."

A friend like you is a rarity. You want to know why? Because you won't judge on what you are reading in a journal or in a message. You hear a rumor, or see a log you don't understand, you go to the person and ask them questions. You make sure you understand the situation before you make a decision. That is why you are so good at your jobs, both online and off. *hugs*

20:05 Sep 15 2008

Beast seems pretty cool from what I've seen of him, even if he is an accursed Nikon owner, rather than one of Canon's faithful ;)

I should write some more in my journal one of these days. I haven't had anyone whining about my cruel, cruel profile or butthurt over my very existence in a while, and I kind of miss those sweet tears of intertube nerdrage.

05:37 Sep 16 2008

Bahh.. Beastt is a jewel. I can say that because I know.

08:23 Sep 16 2008



Geeky fun

06:33 Sep 13 2008
Times Read: 1,517

Have you checked out the LHC webcams yet?

Really cool live cameras. You can watch and see them working on the collider! Every now and again a scientist waves at you :)

LHC webcams



07:04 Sep 13 2008

Lies! They're playing a mean joke...black holes are going to kill us all! lmao

10:39 Sep 13 2008

Some things in science should be left alone .... but since we're still here I guess we got away with it .. this time!

14:15 Sep 13 2008

hahah awesome! Looks like fun! ;p

23:22 Sep 13 2008

Cool! I guess I'm off work tomorrow!! :)


Good update site on the LHC

06:27 Sep 13 2008
Times Read: 1,520

This really puts into simple terms the answer to the question that may be troubling you about the LHC.

Has the Large Hadron Collider Destroyed the World Yet?



06:32 Sep 13 2008


But I won't stop worrying...


Surge from Hurricane Ike as he heads to Texas

22:10 Sep 12 2008
Times Read: 1,563

I walked back out toward the lake. The surge had become whitecaps. This time, I was armed with MY camera and a tripod. These are taken a block and a half from the lakefront. The water was above my knees.



22:18 Sep 12 2008

I have fingers crossed for you today.

Excellent photo journalism though...

22:23 Sep 12 2008

Be well and be safe my friend. And that guy...his name is Du Mas...0.o Heh.

22:41 Sep 12 2008

I'm looking at these shots with mouth open....

22:43 Sep 12 2008

If only things like this didn't really really suck for neighborhoods and people, it would be fun to go swimming around.

I know that's stupid... I just like swimming..

22:53 Sep 12 2008

Well Morri, people ae definitely our there in it. As I watch FOX News- where the journalists are reporting, there are tons of people behind them wandering around in the oddity.

01:19 Sep 13 2008

Holy fuck... though I have to say, those are excellent pictures. But fuck...

06:51 Sep 15 2008

You already know we are thinking about you and praying for the safty of everyone there.


Ike and a short hike

17:16 Sep 12 2008
Times Read: 1,603

Ever see hurricane surge coming in? All I had at hand was a little Canon point and shoot camera. The quality is awful, but it will give you an idea of what I'm seeing. I walked two blocks to get these shots. If you look close, you can see white caps on the lake.





17:18 Sep 12 2008

holy crap.. stay safe..

17:37 Sep 12 2008


18:22 Sep 12 2008

omg !!

i second that BE SAFE motion !!

18:38 Sep 12 2008

That's a lot of water...

...be safe, and please, if you need something we can help you with do not hesitate to ask.

18:52 Sep 12 2008

Yep, we've got the flooding here in Slidell, too. Ike is Texas bound, but that's just how big this storm is... that its bands knock us around on its way there.

20:28 Sep 12 2008

Thinking of all concerned.

21:50 Sep 12 2008

That's incredible ...

22:17 Sep 12 2008

Guess I asked you the wrong question in my last message.Sure hope you stay safe.


Ike Surge on Lake Pontchartrain

16:38 Sep 12 2008
Times Read: 1,610

I have received a number of requests about surge. As it stands now, the Center is 3 blocks from the lake and flooding is only along Lakeshore Drive and the first block. Barricades have been placed by the police department up to the fourth block. I made the decision about 7:30 this morning to close the Center. I have contacted all volunteers and we are fine at present.

I'm at the Center now and I'm keeping an eye on things to see if it looks like we'll get flooded. If the second block starts taking water, I'll pick up the electronics and head home.

Don't worry about this. We're hunkered down and we'll do fine. Send your prayers to Texas.




Lance is going for 8! Tour de France 2009!

07:08 Sep 11 2008
Times Read: 1,677

He's back!

Photobucket Image Hosting



11:07 Sep 11 2008

Wow, that man is incredible.......

11:48 Sep 11 2008

Incredible and then some. He's not only bringing life to cancer victims but returning to breathe life back into the Tour de France. My enthusiasm is already returning.

I couldn't believe it when I heard the news. This is fantastic!

(Armstrong - 209 TdF!)

16:00 Sep 11 2008

Everyone in America likes a winner and we like to be the ones who can say "I told ya so". This will hopefully be one of those moment s as well. When a man who left on such a high note can return and win again a little older. It is like the Randy Couture thing, great for the respective sports.

19:40 Sep 11 2008

That man needs to get a proper job :P


Too good not to share

06:12 Sep 10 2008
Times Read: 1,718

Morrigon: am I the only one who can't take caterpillars seriously?

Joli: they look like cartoon caricatures of themselves

Joli: when they sting, they seem a bit more insidious, though

Morrigon: yeah that is true...

Morrigon: I love wooly bear caterpillars

Morrigon: common, but soooo cuuuute

Joli: I don't squash many things...but you draw first blood and I don't care how many articulated legs you have. Can you say SQUASH?!

Morrigon: yep

Joli: and what is the point of being so plump and squashy? It looks like something we're supposed to want to pinch to see how it feels.

Morrigon: haha exactly

Joli: If you want my respect, be angular, hard and sport talons and teeth

Morrigon: don’t be squishy and at times, fuzzy

Joli: otherwise, I just want to put a sweater on you and smile

Morrigon: although to me... the Saddleback Caterpillar has a look of "please do not touch"

Morrigon: but I would prod it with a stick

Joli: I just pictured gay cowboy caterpillars

Morrigon: hmm...no

Joli: I know, but my brain is really scary and shouldn't be allowed to wander around unaccompanied

Morrigon: joli, come back to us!

Joli: I sense that it is a trap

Morrigon: hah only to put you in tights

Joli: like a pet cat dressed in a wedding gown...I know your type

And later…

We found a stamp someone made and put in their journal entry. It was customized to tell off another VR member…a “stay out of my journal” stamp

Joli: a personalized insult graphic stamp

Morrigon: um... wow

Joli: heehee

Joli: I know...I’m impressed, too

Joli: It would have the opposite effect, though. I'd be so flattered that I'd check back often to see what other creative rejection I might inspire.

Morrigon: uh huh

Morrigon: exactly

Morrigon: NUM NUMS, where are my num nums?!?!?!?

Joli: I hate you! I shall now compose the Fuck You symphony for violin in F-sharp.

Joli: Piss Off And Die sonnet in iambic pentameter

Joli: I have painted the Mona BiteMyAss in the Renaissance style, Italian, of course

Morrigon: Mona BiteMyAss... hmmm

Morrigon: Same scenery, just a butt

Joli: sideways, in order to capture that enigmatic smile

Morrigon: yup

Morrigon: mmmm noooooodles

Joli: after caterpillars? Haven't you seen Lost Boys?

Morrigon: heh I'm brave like that

Joli: I have wasabi almonds

Morrigon: woooh

Joli: Im kinda sick of them, but ...maybe one more.

Morrigon: I bet your lips taste like baboon butt on fire

Joli: I had to stop for a moment to let that reel of imagery play out

Morrigon: uh huh

Morrigon: bask in it

Joli: It was pretty cool...deviant asian baboon youths lighting their farts

Morrigon: yes

Joli: ...maybe one more



09:52 Sep 12 2008

So that's what you girls talk about ... i'm so vain!


SHELLS, piles of crap, toast, pineapple, and ocd boy

07:35 Sep 09 2008
Times Read: 1,785

Morri, I was going to SHELL some peas for dinner. No pineapple, though...and you know how I like my pineapple.

Knowing how you love my randomness, I've made a puzzle for you. You have to figure out what they are and then put them in order and solve the puzzle!





Message me when you get it!

Still don't have my pudding, grandma.

"Why don't you just kill me?!"



09:31 Sep 09 2008

  • Scoring a goal

  • Dripping honey sap from the bark of mother earth

  • A bed

  • And a vase shaped object, that looks like the perfect woman.

I wish I got cryptic messages like that.

16:47 Sep 09 2008

Yeah, not even close! :P

16:53 Sep 09 2008


I got it, but I'm not saying it here!!


Ancient Skyscrapers

19:02 Sep 07 2008
Times Read: 1,858


I had never heard of this city before today. Look at it! So ancient, but doesn't it feel familiar? Shibam in Yemen protected herself from Bedouin attacks by building UP! The first city of skyscrapers. She is 2000 years old and her buildings are built entirely of mud brick.

Shibam rises inexplicably from the desert floor as though daring you to believe she exists! Most of the buildings that remain have been built and rebuilt and date back as far as the 16th century! Many are over 100 feet high. By modern standards, in order to be a skyscraper, you only need to be 75 feet high. How arrogant we can be in America. How amazing to learn that such a place was being constructed as long ago as Jesus' time on earth.



19:37 Sep 07 2008

What a beautiful photo......

21:33 Sep 07 2008

A whore for history too.

The arrogance was you guys nicknamed it ‘the Manhattan of the desert’. It is also on the 'World Heritage' list. Sana, the capital is also very beautiful.

21:44 Sep 07 2008

Yeah, I left out "Manhattan of the Desert" because it seemed so insulting to me. I don't really see the irony. Perhaps we should call New York "Shibam in North America." That would make more sense.


Irony coins "lobotomatapoeia"

22:22 Sep 05 2008
Times Read: 1,909

And in response to more VR poetry (which shall remain anonymous) my friends began to feel acid-like burning and their sweet cries for mercy could be heard on the halcyon breeze:

Ockham: OH GOD OW


Joli: all done :)


Ockham: you are ON NOTICE

Ockham: :(

* DigitalHeretic tries to push his eyeballs back into their sockets

Joli: You know...

*Irony rocks slowly, hugging her pillow and trying not to cry

Joli: I really don't give any leeway to using speech like that anywhere

Ockham: she is, too

DigitalHeretic: Now, I would never suppress the creative expression of another... but I sure as shit would suppress their right to do so in public.

Joli: but for the love of god and wonder bread, in POETRY?!

*Irony lets go of her pillow reluctantly

DigitalHeretic: There should be an arbitrary third-party perspective on art and literature.

DigitalHeretic: That poem was as sweet as the asshole of a dead crocodile.

Joli: I think at this point, it should be the same guy who makes the IQ height signs for fucking

Irony covers it with miracle paste

DigitalHeretic: That should be prevented from searing the cones and rods of my occular apparatus.

Joli: I did it for your own good

Joli: One day you'll thank me

DigitalHeretic: I just extinguished a cigarette on my forearm.

Joli: that's so sexy

Irony: I think I want picture proof of that

Joli inks a little teardrop under your eye

DigitalHeretic: You post any more of that shit, and I'm going straight to the Chlorox to bathe it in.

Joli: holy hell...he bypassed the Windex :(

Joli: this is serious

DigitalHeretic: I have Brillo pads.

DigitalHeretic: Don't test me.

Irony: some things even windex doesn't heal

Joli: sadly, I think you're right

Joli: she really sold it with that last line, though...BANG!

DigitalHeretic: We should talk her into entering the Gothic Cheese contest.

Joli: She employed a literary device...who can name it?

DigitalHeretic: Uhhh... metaphor?

Irony: lobotomatopoeia?

Ockham: "Failure"

Joli: Bonus points if you can spell it

Joli: Irony...that was brilliant!

DigitalHeretic: That entire poem was one long McGuffin.

DigitalHeretic: I should brain-rape Joli as a reprisal.

Ockham: The literary term that best describes that, actually, is "tragedy"

Irony: Shakespeare wrote tragedies, you sully his name!

Irony: I doubt she could even spell it.

DigitalHeretic: That was poor punctiation, Cushion!

Irony: That was poor spelling, pedant!

DigitalHeretic: Shakespeare wrote, tragedies...

DigitalHeretic: You are right, it was.

DigitalHeretic: Punctuation, rather.

Irony: Hoist by your own petard.

Ockham: Nothing Shakespeare wrote even touches upon the deep depths of tragedy that that poem embodies. It's very existence is a knell upon the bell that tolls the end.

DigitalHeretic: Shakespeare today has been reduced down to nothing but inspiration to Linkin Park and the whining of the less-intelligent teenagers.



00:38 Sep 06 2008

I absolutely adore your brain, especially when mixed up with theirs. ♥

17:40 Sep 06 2008


01:33 Sep 08 2008

That poem was pain incarnate!


Been a while since I tagged VR with our chats

20:57 Sep 05 2008
Times Read: 1,960

Joli: How about some VR poetry?

who to woe?

woe the cat?

woe the dog?

woe the hamster?

who to woe?

Irony: I would love some

* Irony rues

Joli: that gem is called "Who to Woe"

Irony: it is... differently wonderful

Irony: We should get some of the worst to do a poetry slam in a cafe somewhere

Irony: though I think it would miss something with some of the spelling

Ockham: maybe they meant 'woo'

Joli: I'm definitely in the mood for more

Irony: romantic thoughts towards domestic animals?

Joli: Quote: i love my baby jesus and the baby ima bout to have

im 15

7 months pregnant

i have a man

i love him alot

Joli: ..................

Irony: Oh... god

Joli: Oh. My. God.

Irony: giggles rising here

Ockham: and thus is stupidity perpetuated in our world

Ockham: we need to start issuing licenses to fuck.

Irony: I love the child support system, I love it a lot, I hope the childs adoptive parents are good people with lots of money.

Irony: Not so poetic though.

Ockham: you must be THIS HIGH on the IQ chart before you may put your penis in someone (or have a penis put into you)

Irony: I am amazed they found the right place to insert it. I wonder if they used a diagram or needed hand puppets

Ockham: I wish sex was intellectually complex :(

Ockham: like a rubik's cube.

Ockham: if you can't figure it out, your genes don't deserve to go back into the pool

Irony: I never managed to solve the rubiks cube, I just used my strong intellect to peel off the stickers and put them back on in the right place

Ockham: that counts :P

DigitalHeretic: Licensing to copulate seems unnecessarily difficult.

DigitalHeretic: No need to be overly-sentimental about it. Drown the bastards like they do with defective puppies.

DigitalHeretic: That is free fertilizer right there.

DigitalHeretic: Our corn harvests will have never been better.

DigitalHeretic: Granted, shoot the parents as well.

DigitalHeretic: That is what led humanity to this perilous time to begin with, thinking we are better than the rest of the animal kingdom.



21:07 Sep 05 2008

I love our VR poetry reading nights, it is nice to hear Ockham crawling under his desk to whimper for mercy. So good to have you back:)

21:24 Sep 05 2008

I LOVE it when we stir Ockham up to righteous indignation.

21:42 Sep 05 2008

The internet is slowly robbing me of the ability to get truly outraged, actually. Once you've seen morons putting bicycle wheels on couches and riding them down hills, or talking about how they have fifty distinct children on the astral plane, or how they've just received their twenty-third cat... it starts to break you.

21:45 Sep 05 2008

Ahh, poor Ockham. What you don't understand is that there is ALWAYS a bigger retard just around the corner ready to give you an aneurism;)

21:46 Sep 05 2008

What about when they breastfeed their kittens, and not even on the astral plane?! I am still scarred from that one.

21:46 Sep 05 2008

Every time I come to terms with the internet's stupidity, God invents a better retard and arms it with an AOL connection. :(

21:48 Sep 05 2008

Just think of the orchid, a flower with as yet unplumbed depths of fuckwaddery. We should do science to it - with chainsaws:D

21:48 Sep 05 2008

Have I told you today that I love you, Irony?

21:49 Sep 05 2008

Only about 250,000 times, you are slacking mister!

22:18 Sep 05 2008

If you write a poem

Please give it thought

Emotion you try to show 'em

Yet succeed you do not.

01:12 Sep 06 2008

getting worse with the keeping.



21:56 Sep 03 2008
Times Read: 1,974


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