Joli's Journal

Joli's Journal


Honor: 33    [ Give / Take ]


13 entries this month


22:08 Oct 16 2008
Times Read: 871




14:22 Oct 14 2008
Times Read: 888




03:37 Oct 14 2008
Times Read: 899




10:14 Oct 13 2008
Times Read: 912



Another tip from your Aunty Jo

19:53 Oct 11 2008
Times Read: 1,010

Asshole, huh? I see this SO much. And "bitch." Everyone is now a self-proclaimed asshole or bitch. Why? Because you want to state an opinion with authority? Just do it! State that sucker.

Do you realize that when you preface your statement with something like, "Yeah, I know...I'm a bitch/asshole" that you have just flagged yourself as weak? You have just told me that your opinion is to be de-valued because it isn't coming from a rational person, but from someone with a spiteful agenda.

It actually isn't cool to be overtly biased. I used to counsel my students in papers not to use weak statements like, "in my opinion." We know it is your opinion...back it up or shut up.



19:54 Oct 11 2008

Are you a little bit tipsy again?

19:56 Oct 11 2008

Oooooh I like it!

I get the whole "I'm going to call myself a bitch/asshole so no one else can do it" mentality... The fear of having someone else say it... But you're right, it's weak, it dumbs down whatever you have to say.

Being an asshole/bitch is not hard. It's not challenging, nor is it tough. It is boring.


19:58 Oct 11 2008

omg .. I came here to comment and I see stabb, now that changes things.

Good to see ya back!! ... btw Aunty .. I agree!

20:24 Oct 11 2008

So I if I said something like "I am gonna be a bitches asshole...blah,blah,blah" I would be looked at funny? 0.o :)

20:42 Oct 11 2008

well im a polite asshole, have a nice day!

23:00 Oct 11 2008

To quote the Duc:

Stick that in your juicebox and suck it.

(stolen from Khayman)

00:33 Oct 12 2008

Asshole actually has a slightly broader range of use than most people apply to it, most use it to mean the completely tactless jerk or the guy who is irrationally angry. Maybe it's just me, but I don't use that to imply any irrationality or rudeness. The only reason I tell people that is because a lot of them seem to like getting on my bad side until they're there so I figure if I warn them ahead of time they won't do it. It's not something I value being or am proud of, I just know myself enough to be honest. Let's face it though, there's maybe a handful of people that can say they're not some of the time but some of us are more so than others. For me it varies too, sometimes I'll say that after one of my more mischievous moments and I know anybody subjected to me in that mood is thinking the same thing. We are who we are. If this sounds argumentative please don't take it that way since it isn't meant that way.

02:27 Oct 12 2008

I am of the opinion that I should play hide the sausage with your buns.

07:58 Oct 12 2008

From a slightly different perspective, assholes can actually be quite skilled. They can retain solids, liquids or gas and can practice a selective release, save for the presence of both liquid and gas at the same time.

But then... that's not what we're talking about, is it?

02:54 Oct 13 2008


19:54 Oct 10 2008
Times Read: 1,077


I need to laugh today. I really, really need to laugh today. It's a very rare day that I'm not smiling. I have a very positive demeanor; it's just the way I'm wired-up. But I'm beaten down today...just absolutely beaten down.



20:04 Oct 10 2008

??? How on earth did you find a picture that explains my boss???

20:08 Oct 10 2008

The only possible explaination is... Brad was involved.

Tomorrow will be a better day... except for that UPS driver. Forget the guy in the tux holding the sewing machine... someone is getting fired for where that truck is...

20:29 Oct 10 2008

grandma in a thong :P

did that help?

20:34 Oct 10 2008

*Nods*...know how you feel...my day has been as good as a bout of stress incontinence on a sneezy day.

21:02 Oct 10 2008

Yah... I understand you are not feeling well today. But lets talk about what is really important ok? Does this grass skirt make my hips look big?


21:08 Oct 10 2008

You guys have no idea how much your words helped. Thanks, and as a wise woman just messaged, "This, too, shall pass."

21:32 Oct 10 2008

You can smile knowing when people think of you, they smile :)

22:44 Oct 10 2008

Ok, let see if I can remember this joke.

Three women: one engaged, one married and one a mistress, are chatting over lunch and conversation turns to their relationships. They decided that night to surprise their men. All three would wear a black

leather bra and thong, stiletto heels and a mask over their eyes.

A few days later they meet up for lunch.

The engaged woman: The other night when my boyfriend came over He found me with a black leather bodice, tall stilettos and a mask. He saw

me and said, 'You are the woman of my dreams. I love you.' Then we made love all night long.

The mistress: Me too! The other night I met my lover at his office and I was wearing the leather outfit, heels, mask over my eyes and a raincoat. When I opened the raincoat he didn't say a word, but we had wild sex for hours.

The married woman: I sent the kids to stay at my mother's house for the night. When my husband came home I was wearing the leather bra,

black stockings, stilettos and a mask over my eyes. He walked in the door, looked at me and said,

'What's for dinner, Batman?'

23:03 Oct 10 2008

Come and beat me at scrabble. That usually cheers you up...



21:35 Oct 09 2008
Times Read: 1,110

Augh! I now have the munchkin coroner's song stuck in my head, "She's not only merely dead, she's really most sincerely dead"

I hold you personally responsible. You know who you are!



21:37 Oct 09 2008


02:32 Oct 10 2008

Oh god... me too now! :(


Marked! Reptile Mob Is Watching Me

17:53 Oct 09 2008
Times Read: 1,129


Your cat, she ate my tail. I am not amused. The squirrels and birds are not amused...well, the birds were amused, but no matter. I shall exact my lizard revenge upon your household for this outrage.

When you least expect it, I WILL BE THERE!

*All of the lizards in my backyard are war-torn and battle scarred. Their stare will chill you to the bone. I saw one under my table in the kitchen and making to scoot him outside with a broom, he performed a decidedly un-lizard-like behavior. Instead of scurrying toward the open back door like most, he attacked. Apparently, Savvy had pawed away the flight response from him and all he had left was fight. As he hung from the broom straws by teeth and sheer will, I carried him, dangling, to the back yard and shook him free. The fellow in this shot is but one of the scattered regiment who linger still.



20:29 Oct 10 2008

AWW I love little Anoles..but you're right, they will be watching..on your screens,above your doors..oh yes they will.Signaling one another,warning of your approach with little flashes of their red throats..silent..waiting.

21:56 Oct 10 2008


20:02 Oct 11 2008

How did I read Anoles to be assholes?

That changes the entire comment really...

23:47 Nov 22 2008

LOL!.. I just spit up food onto the laptop lollll..



Lions and tigers and stabb, oh my!

16:19 Oct 07 2008
Times Read: 1,214

People can say the dumbest things. In a comment on Beastt's journal, someone said he is clearly Stabb or in Stabb's counsel. "Clearly."

Why would someone automatically think that people are being sneaky and not just who they appear to be? I imagine it is usually because people want to project their own junk onto others. For example, liars, cheats, and thieves tend to have serious trust issues. How can someone who spends their life being deceptive ever trust that others are not?

I can't believe I'm going to give this a forum, but just to point out how dumb it is to say things like that, I'm going to make a list.

Having a feeling about something doesn't make that feeling right. Opening your mouth to point a finger and laugh when you are wrong makes your behavior appear foolish. THINK.BEFORE.YOU.SPEAK. Is that so difficult?

1. Beastt lives in the States. Stabb lives in Europe.

2. Beastt is my friend of 10+ years. I met him a little before I met Irony.

3. I have known Stabb only about 1 year.

4. Beastt and Stabb have never talked to one another. I hope to remedy that at some point. I imagine their debates would be interesting.

5. Beastt and I are vegetarians. Stabb still enjoys a little carne on his plate.

And of course, because I know them both, I could go on and on. But really, all I can think to say is, "counsel?" It's a website. You have opinions, I do, and my friends do...there is no counsel. There is no conspiracy. There is no spoon!

Hang on...maybe I'M Stabb. I really could be. Hey, birra, are you Stabb, too? How about you, CaptainGlobehead, you're my friend and like good thought-out reason with a smack of sarcasm...are you Stabb, too? From now on, all my friends are Stabb unless otherwise noted with an asterisk.

What are you going to be for Halloween? Hey, I hear the Stabb costumes are selling like hotcakes! I need coffee.

*Disclaimer - This was not aimed AT THE PERSON...it was aimed at his words. It is not my intention to shame, but to champion the concept of thinking before you act.



17:22 Oct 07 2008

Sounds like envy to me. Love the "lions, tigers and Stabb, oh my!" ought to be the theme of a great Halloween party lol

17:32 Oct 07 2008


~claps hands~

17:36 Oct 07 2008

LOL Stabb costumes!

17:51 Oct 07 2008

So I'm not Stabb? Whew! That's going to save me so much time at the Motor Vehicle Division!

(Thanks for this. I had no clue what he was talking about until I read your comments.)

18:18 Oct 07 2008

Are you Stabb?

I dunno.. there was that one time your voice was a little gravelly and you might have added the letter “u” to words like color and honor when you said them…

Say “center.”

AH-HA! I knew it! You said it with an “-re” at the end!

…and all this time I thought you were this nice lady from Louisiana… will the deception never end????


18:42 Oct 07 2008

Will the real Stabb please stand up?!

18:51 Oct 07 2008

I should be so fortunate to be mistaken for Stabb.

21:46 Oct 07 2008

"I'm Brian. And so is my wife."

23:32 Oct 07 2008

I must confess...I am STABB.

03:45 Oct 08 2008

I was pretty sure that I was supposed to be Stabb. People need to make their feeble little minds up.

Then again, these are VRtards we're talking about.....

16:16 Oct 08 2008

I guess it is time for the world to know...

I am Stabb!

21:02 Oct 08 2008

Resistance is futile!

07:42 Oct 09 2008

*scene from Spartacus* No ... I'm Stabb

*scene from Life of Brian* No ... I'm Stabb, and so's my wife!

17:58 Oct 09 2008

I can't tell you if I'm Stabb... Stabb would kill me.

18:11 Oct 09 2008

Stabb is everywhere!!!

08:42 Oct 10 2008

I'll have the Stabb, Stabb, Stabb, Stabb, Stabb, Stabb, Stabb, Stabb, Stabb, Stabb, Stabb, Eggs, Bacon and Stabb!

16:08 Oct 10 2008

Shh dear, don't cause a fuss. I'll have your stabb.

I love it. I'm having stabb, stabb, stabb, stabb, stabb, stabb, stabb, baked beans, stabb, stabb, stabb and stabb.



03:39 Oct 07 2008
Times Read: 1,236



00:45 Oct 07 2008
Times Read: 1,282

I'm sorting through my thoughts here...please forgive me.

Words can and do hurt. I have as many opinions as anyone else. I am strong-willed, passionate and endowed with a moral compass that works for me. I read the words in journals. I hear the words of people around me every day of my life. Of course, every statement here probably applies to you as well.

I own knives. Knives can be weapons. I could use my knife to hurt or take a life. Instead, the most action they have seen is the slicing of tomatoes for my salad.

I have opinions. I have a mouth. I have rights. I have a journal...

You see what I'm saying. Just because I can doesn't mean I should. If I hate what you are about, I won't shame you...I will dissociate. I will choose not to feed, water, and sun your weedy disposition.

If it is a differing opinion or behavior, I will try to keep that separate from the person, whom I may still find interesting and worth knowing. In this way, I have found a rich and abundant life filled with all sorts of different people who quite often do not agree with me, people I am warned about or counseled to steer away from.

Not agreeing with me is not a personal attack upon me. I see so many people robbing themselves because that concept is alien to them. Please, disagree with me. Make me think. Show me a different way to look at something. Even if I keep my position, I've been enriched by your company, and hopefully, you have been by mine.

The people who know me well know that I love words. I love words the way artists love color and brushes. I love words the way musicians love notes. Words create and words destroy. There are still reasons that I believe are worth war, but not very many.

If you are a parent, you are familiar with "pick your battles." Ripped bluejeans and pink highlights in the summer...not a battle. Flunking an assignment because you didn't do the work...battle. There should be a whole lot less battles than peaceful solutions. That goes for life. Life should be a celebration of the places where we differ, or at least a mostly peaceful place to explore them.

Don't be so damned afraid that someone's opinion is going to stick to you. It isn't napalm. You'll live. Get out there and try on a few. If it doesn't fit or you don't like the color, you can return it...I promise. No heads necessarily need to roll.

Here's a little opinion of mine to try on. If you hate it, feel free to lob it back through my window. Your venom is vile and says so much more about you than it does about the person you are describing. Think about the words you choose. Is that the word you'd like your kid to hear you call someone? If someone throws a flaming poo bomb on your yard and you add a sock full of monkey syphilis to it and lob it back over the fence, sure, you're creative...sure, you will get a few weak people who clap and nod, but dude...you just spread monkey VD.

Before you think me self-righteous, I'm here to tell you that I'm a flawed human being. I think petty thoughts. I have gossiped when I wish I hadn't. I've made terrible choices along my way in life. I just don't celebrate those things. They give me a sick feeling in my gut that makes me want to be better, makes me want to always behave as though my kids might be looking.

I'm working on it...I really am.



01:05 Oct 07 2008

Your words comfort me and remind me of the lessons I am learning.

01:25 Oct 07 2008

I have learned the same lesson. It doesn't prove we are better to do it, just mens we are no better than they are. Which is the very reason I deleted that part of my journal and renamed it and chose to put something else in its place from now on. Because it does not make me better than the person I am ranting against, and never has. I don't want to be the one my kids are looking at saying, "Mom, wtf?"

I chose to better myself and the way I think and act and I applaud you and anyone else for doing the same. Joli, you don't realize how much an inspiration you and Morri are to most of us on this site.

01:47 Oct 07 2008

I'm not trying to be an inspiration. I'm working my way through the flaming poo ball on my lawn just like everyone else. I'm usually barefoot and saying words my kids better never say...it's so tempting to give back what we get, to fling that thing right back, but I'm trying to find the better me.

02:45 Oct 07 2008

Flinging syphilis poo is my modus operandi :| Use a letter such as 'u' as a word? Syphilis poo! Proclaim yourself to be mysteriously not human? Syphilis poo! Bitch about your shitty life when the extent of your misery is not having as nice clothing as your schoolmates? Syphilis poo! Really, there's so very few problems that cannot be solved with a clever combination of STD's and excrement.

03:39 Oct 07 2008

You know the secret?

If you just ignore the poo, it rots away. It turns into potash. The rain melts it into a puddle. The spring thaw makes it part of the ground...

And even if the poo gets on you, you're washable. It wipes off pretty easily... you can get on with life.

...while the person who flung it still has poopy hands.

Weedy dispositions require the gift of Round-Up. Spray toward the roots... keep it away from fruit bearing plants. ;)

...and the let the poo make you grass greener and your flowers bloom.

21:14 Oct 08 2008

I have to say it... this entry was WONDERFUL. This is class, Joli.


Is Professional Courtesy Going Out The Window? Just Pass The Buck...The Next Guy Will Handle It. grrrrrrrrrrr

21:01 Oct 03 2008
Times Read: 1,319

Professional courtesy. Where is it? This is the second time in as many weeks that someone from another agency has dropped the ball and made a mess of simple referrals.

If you are helping someone and have reached the limit of what you can do, it is a great policy to make referrals to other places. Excellent...we all agree. OK, so how do you do that?

A. Hand the person a piece of paper with the referral and say good bye.

B. Verbally tell them of a place they might want to check

C. Either of the above with a courtesy call, fax, or email to the referral place.

In my work, C is always the answer. You let someone know that you are sending a client their way. You give the info you can so that they are prepared.

Today, a young woman and her infant were dropped off at our Center by a mental health facility. She was telling us that she's bi-polar but has no meds and no home. She and the baby have been sleeping in the truck owned by her "fiance."

I have no shelters here that can take her immediately and she's certainly not a candidate for a tent. I have NOTHING from the agency who just interacted with her. I called Permanent Supportive Housing. I called VOA. Those are all good options, but not for her immediate needs and for my concerns for her mental health. Finally, we got to see a write-up the mental health facility had done...the bottom line said that they had put calls into us. Can you believe that?! Eventually, OCS was the contact needed and they came and picked up her and the baby, but oh man, do I have more questions than answers on this one...and the steam coming out of my ears could power a small locomotive!



21:08 Oct 03 2008

Professional courtesy is practically non-existent in almost every industry these days.

I can't say we constantly get "cold" referals, but 90% of the time we get a phones call from someone new, they say "so-and-so told me to call you...."

Did so-and-so tell us you would be calling? No... of course not...

02:31 Oct 04 2008

You have an incredible hard job and it burns, when someone doesn't give 110% like you do. All I know is some people are lazy and if they are lazy, doing the job you do....then they need to find another job!


18:25 Oct 01 2008
Times Read: 1,417

Here are a few of my favorite journals:









I have way more than that on my favorites list and many more besides even these that I frequent.

Why do so many people come and look at the profile and even take that next step to peek into a portfolio, but they won't take that glance into a journal? I understand that you can't rate a journal, but if that's your typical approach, you're robbing yourself of some great writing, insight, inspiration, and more than a few good laughs.



18:52 Oct 01 2008

I am ever honored that you read and enjoy my thoughts and words, however poor I view them to be...lol. Hugs.

19:15 Oct 01 2008

I only occasionally visit profiles. I learn so much more about someone by how they write and what they choose as subjects for their journal than by reading what they choose to write about themselves on their profiles. I have found amazing talent for poetry, prose, witty repartee, staggering insults and stunning logic.

19:20 Oct 01 2008

I'm actually at the opposite end of it now, I read more journals of new folks than I rate their profiles. lol Some of the wit, intelligence, wisdom and just plain enjoyment of life that can be found in journals makes them one of my very favorite parts of this site.

22:53 Oct 01 2008

I'm generally too lazy to go through profiles just to rate. I much prefer journals! I love thinking that I have an entire favourite journals list to come home to after a long day of work. ^.^

The talent of so many on this site simply astounds me, and I think it is found most often within their journals.

And also, I love reading about the everyday lives of people. It facsinates me to no end!

I'm a journal whore. =P

23:07 Oct 01 2008

Well said!

23:17 Oct 01 2008

I thank you for that, and I totally agree!

Reading journals is the best way to get to know people, and appreciate them :)

23:33 Oct 01 2008

Reading Journals is one of my favorite things to do, sometimes it can just put a smile on your face and make you laugh after having a really bad day or it can really make you think about things

04:17 Oct 02 2008

I'm more of a journal slut... no one pays me to read them.

Funny... all but one of those, including your own, make up my favorites list too.

All except one... I'll have to change that.

22:18 Oct 02 2008

I agree although I probably don't read enough journals myself.

03:48 Oct 03 2008

Wheee! I made the cut.

*gets all weepy* I would like to thank the academy for this beautiful award, my family, my friends and all the beautiful people who made this possible...

Joking apart, I love my favourite journals list. I check it out whenever I am feeling down, and I feel excitement when I see it has been updated, and pangs when I don't get my brain candy *major league HINT!*

I also admit, quite guiltily, that I do adore those nights we sit and torture a certain someone with some of the jewels of poetry that are found in random entries on the journals list.

Journals are SO where it's at, good or bad, you have to love them:D

04:40 Oct 03 2008

Oh how I love finding select unicorn and texting poetry for our dear friend Ockham. It's like throwing acid on a fairy princess :)

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