MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


Honor: 20    [ Give / Take ]


28 entries this month

23:27 Jun 29 2011
Times Read: 664

Yes, I still see.. blah.. blah.. blah.. blah.. I'm a fucking idiot.. blah blah blah every time you say something.




18:14 Jun 29 2011
Times Read: 679

YAY for not being a cesspool!

Boo for eating something that gave me the funk.




19:40 Jun 29 2011

Was it....

The green beans?


19:48 Jun 29 2011

I am really glad you're not sick with this flu junk.


22:26 Jun 28 2011
Times Read: 700

I feel like hell.

So help me.... SO EFFIN HELP ME...

If those lil germ toting bags of kids came over here and carried something to me. I. Am. Going. To. Be. Pissed.

Please.. please do not let this be something were I vomit. Heads will roll.



23:18 Jun 28 2011


Join the motherfucking club.

Welcome, we have snot rags.

23:30 Jun 28 2011

Stay away... Ew.

03:25 Jun 29 2011


Feel better, eh?

05:09 Jun 29 2011

The plague is going around.

I hope yours doesn't last as long as mine.

00:05 Jun 30 2011

We always called it the creepin' crud. Only it was me coming home from a hotel where I worked and giving it to my kid, not the reverse. But I did have the satisfaction of sending it to the rugrats who did send home shit with my kid...lol


19:43 Jun 27 2011
Times Read: 738

I think the member pages are going to be rather interesting as more develop.

One of the interesting things I am seeing so far is the 'friendship' pages and pages like it. It's not the pages I find interesting, it's the link between people.

There is an old saying birds of a feather flock together. I think a lot of these pages are going to prove that. I think it's also going to give some insight as to why some people stay away from certain people.

I have a feeling you're going to see a lot of different types of links. There are going to be the ones that hang together who just enjoy one another. There are going to be the ones who constantly complain. There are going to be the drama crowd. There are going to be the ones who try an intimidate every. There are going to be the ones that are just the floaters that goes from group to group.

It's going to be interesting to see what arises from a lot of these kind of pages. Whether they cause good times or conflict, it's going to be very interesting to see.



20:01 Jun 27 2011

I am scared to even open some of them...

But others... I'm excited about. :)

18:08 Jun 28 2011

There are some brilliant pages,and others are just too drippy of VR PDA spunk to be palatable.


18:43 Jun 27 2011
Times Read: 754

I seriously just made the "are you smoking crack face" when I looked at the classified section.

But then I realized the answer was a total given when I read the rest of what was said. heh.



18:50 Jun 27 2011

Same. lol

I did the "Are you fucking kidding me?" look.

20:00 Jun 27 2011

I had to look after seeing this entry, LMFAO.



00:40 Jun 26 2011
Times Read: 790

Here's a really important tip-

Clean your damn house. Clean your bathroom. Clean your bedroom. Clean your kitchen. Clean your DAMN House.

Holy Hell. I see these people take pictures and have the nastiest of nasty houses. Seriously there is no excuse for that. You do not look sexy when all people see behind you is something that resembles you trying to look sexy in front of a garbage dumpster or a house that needs to be on the show Hoarders.

And then YOU WANT people to take you seriously even after they see you can't even take care of your domicile properly?

Just nasty. There is no excuse for a nasty ass house.

Even Bums keep their cardboard boxes behind K-mart clean. What's your excuse?



00:47 Jun 26 2011


00:54 Jun 26 2011

My excuse is that I didn't expect anyone to see *cries* I'll get right on it :(

02:12 Jun 26 2011

I kid you not- webcam on here. She left the cam, the room. Within a few mins roach climb up the wall... I almost threw up.

05:07 Jun 26 2011

Seriously VW? *gags*


20:42 Jun 23 2011
Times Read: 825

I have been thinking about this for quite awhile. Because I've seen some things that really bothered me over a period of time.

I refuse to support any place, or any person, who uses their society as a place to bully, intimidate, control or make themselves feel important.

I just cannot support that.

Not only does it go against what I am about, it's also not fair to those who do not have a choice as to where they end up.

So if your place is like this.. I will not support you. Not now.. and not ever.




13:57 Jun 23 2011
Times Read: 842

God.. I really need to sign off.

Between seeing what some people are saying.. and seeing what some people are doing.. I seriously can feel that need to just be bluntly honest and not care.

It's like seriously.. if you wouldn't of spread your fuckin legs the first 5 minutes you wouldn't have this problem.

And come up with your own fuckin ideas. Stop sucking the creativity out of other people.

UGH.. see..

-sign off-



14:16 Jun 23 2011


02:09 Jun 26 2011

Why come up with your own creative ideas when other people are obviously MUCH more creative?


13:50 Jun 23 2011
Times Read: 844

Power just came back on a few minutes ago.

I haven't slept. I got up because the power came back on. Just because you effin went to bed at 9.. and slept all night.. doesn't mean I effin could.

I said I was going back to bed.. but NO.. the t.v. is fucking blasting. You won't shut the fuck up. So I get up.

Yes, I am tired.

Yes, I am extremely pissed off.

Yes, I cranky.

Then you have the balls to look at me and go.. "You need to go back to bed?"

Fuck you. Go back to your fuckin' girlfriends house. Let her put up with your shit.




03:36 Jun 23 2011
Times Read: 864

Morrigon's new avatar gives me lady wood of epic proportions.

Just thought I'd announce that.



03:37 Jun 23 2011


03:43 Jun 23 2011

As does yours do to mine.

03:50 Jun 23 2011

Yous some sexy bishes.


02:59 Jun 23 2011
Times Read: 880

I woulda thought this crap woulda been on by now. They say it should be on by 11. Well, it's 10:00.

I have an hour and 16 minutes on this battery. lol

So I guess since it's dark I'll run it out. Hopefully the power comes on before the internet backup battery dies. Bastids.



03:01 Jun 23 2011

I am going to invent a laptop battery charger that runs off of a vibrator. YES

03:04 Jun 23 2011

Well, if you see me smiling and shaking you know the reason why.

And if my teeth chatter, it's not because it's cold in here.

03:06 Jun 23 2011


But would it overheat?

That seems like it would become a little warm...


03:06 Jun 23 2011

I have no comment about the heat in my nether regions. ;)


00:16 Jun 23 2011
Times Read: 894

Power went out.

Thank goodness there is a battery backup for the internet. So.. I should have a few hours to be on and off so I don't go insane.

The storm lasted all of maybe 20 minutes. And it rained so hard I couldn't even see out the window. It was beautiful. Last nights lightening storm was beautiful too.

I just wish tornado's didn't have to be involved.



00:55 Jun 23 2011

The one thing I miss about living in the south are those hellacious thunderstorms- it just don't do that up here, more's the pity...

00:56 Jun 23 2011

Here's to hoping you get your power back on soon before the men *coughs randall* hehe run amuck lol.


02:08 Jun 21 2011
Times Read: 921

I feel so..... tired and I am not sure why. Just mentally, physically and emotionally just tired. There are just times when it feels like I keep bottling things up. Pushing things further and further down. Then once it reaches the top it either just explodes or I just drain down to nothing and start stuffing thing back in the bottle again.

I would rather the bottle just drain and no explode. I cannot stand the conflict it can bring. It feels like such a waste of energy to blow up. And why waste that energy when you can just move on and be done with things and not go back.




04:08 Jun 21 2011

I hope this crap blows over...you deserve a break, dammit!


18:42 Jun 20 2011
Times Read: 948

You do not need to constantly reiterate something that was said earlier. It was already said once. It does not need to be said again.

It seems like lately some of the postings have been very lackluster. There is very little thought that goes into a post response. And then the response turns into something either sarcastic, passive aggressive or just random chit chat. It can be so frustrating at times.

I've tried to post in the forum, but when I do either the thread dies or there is no response and the viewpoint is passed over. The art of a true discussion feels like it's been completely lost over the years.

And also.. if you keep seeing that something you've said is gone.. it's gone for a REASON. It doesn't mean you need to say it again. It means that it wasn't up to par with guidelines.



18:45 Jun 20 2011

You forgot, "Grrrrrrrrrrr, ye bastids! Grrrrrrrrr!

18:59 Jun 20 2011

I do that so much I just thought it was a given, Joli. ;)

I am going to amend the above-

There are some people who actually take time with their research and what they say. It's just sad that most times it is lost amongst the numerous random babble.

And also before pointing fingers at people step back and look and see if you have trollish tendencies. I see some people who complain of trolls and what not when actuality they are the ones who are not posting worthwhile things.

19:06 Jun 20 2011


At least make your posts some what effin coherent. No one should have to use a decoder ring in order to figure out what the hell you are saying and what you aren't saying.


02:06 Jun 20 2011
Times Read: 978

I wonder how many people fabricate stuff just so they fit in better. If really these experiences I seen them claim to have are real or just something that they came up with on a whim so they could seem more mystical and mysterious.

Then my mind starts to wander. I wonder really just how ‘open minded’ a lot of people are. I don’t mean in the sense of what they believe, but I mean more in the sense of being judgmental. I am sure that there are numerous people that have some sort of problems (both physically and mental) that they choose not to share openly. Would the people who care still really care or would they become unnerved and sever ties? And would those people who really didn’t know be quick to judge and say “well, this is the reason why” without even knowing the full reason behind the diagnosis? If I were to tell my struggles of ever day life, would people think differently of me or would they appreciate me for who I am rather than what I am? I know it happens, trust me I know, I’ve experienced it firsthand. It’s rather disheartening. But I just can’t help but wonder.

And then I begin to think about the times that someone has talked to me and literally made my skin crawl from the vibes they were throwing off. I wonder just how many times those vibes are really correct. Like if they possibly are the To Catch a Predator type, the rapist type, the murder type and so on and so forth. There are some people that just raise the warning flags in my body to an all time high. It’s rather creepy.

Oh the things I think of and wonder.



02:10 Jun 20 2011

Well my theory is in their mind they believe these things have happened but then in their mind they are also chemically unbalanced so it makes sense in a way I think

02:18 Jun 20 2011

I do think that some experiences are from an undiagnosed mental issue or a chemical imbalance. They just perceive it as real because they haven't received help and/or they just don't know any better.

Of course it can be reversed. Some people know that they are like that and still try and pass the story off as truth just because it makes them seem more important and carves a spot they feel they can belong in.

13:53 Jun 20 2011

Makes me wonder if I would talk to those I talk to in real life, if I just meet them on the spot in a way. I don't think I would of talked to half the people I do online in person.

Nothing against them- just me being the stand alone type that I am.

19:04 Jun 20 2011

Some of the most stellar people I know have skewed perception problems, affecting their views of reality. What makes them so special is that they are aware of their challenges. It allows them to laugh at themselves, share their human experience, and be real. One of my dearest friends has mild dementia now, but it's progressive. We laugh, get frustrated, and try to just keep on truckin'. We're working a charity event next month...it's always a hoot because of her great outlook. Her view is similar to yours..."what's the alternative? NOT be happy where you can? Not for me, thanks."

I agree that the undiagnosed/unaware/unwilling are the ones you scratch your head over and interact with only with sensible caution.


04:27 Jun 19 2011
Times Read: 990

The cool air is making me relaxed, comfortable and sleepy.

I think it's going to be an early night with a book.

mmmm books. ♥




05:56 Jun 18 2011
Times Read: 1,038

When you buy a Sire account? Does that mean you worked for it? or does it mean that you just took the easy way out?



05:58 Jun 18 2011

Easy way out indeed.

05:59 Jun 18 2011

Or just don't want to waste the time to get to Sire for a 4th time.

S'why I offered.

06:07 Jun 18 2011

easy way most diffenitly

06:13 Jun 18 2011

I put tears and sweat and blood into levelling up my profile. My life was forever changed and I learned so much just trying to become Sire.

Was it worth it once I finally did? I guess I'd have to answer that with another question, is anything involving pride and honor worth doing?

It's about dedication and sacrifice. Setting your goal and growing towards it no matter the obstacles may be: Family obligations, raising a child, friendships, social functions, personal hygiene, NOTHING can get in your way on the path to the top.

Could I be complete without being a Sire? Let me answer that without asking another question: No.

Let me tell you one thing Moonie... Nothing will ever be more important that there HERE and NOW and time spent and pages viewed and all of the other frilly bonuses that can be applied. This is true hard work.

07:08 Jun 18 2011

I guess you seem My kismet tonight,

Yes it's easy to buy a sire account.

I have worked very hard to get to sire.

I think most things in life that we do work hard at we feel so much better about knowing that we did bust our ass for, A feeling of Self Gratification from academic or intellectual achievements in our life.

As well as to be proud of our self and can say hey I did this on my own, I have worked hard to get here and no one gave it to me, Or Sold it to Me.

Thats a good feeling.

13:54 Jun 18 2011

That is certainly the most unique type of salesmanship I have ever seen. Offer something and at the same time, ridicule people who might want it.

18:40 Jun 18 2011

Enrapture- Since I have no clue what you are talking about.. I'm just going to smile and nod like I am paying attention. heh.


I just can't take anything you say seriously. I couldn't even read your comment with my mind going 'blah blah blah'.

I do have a place you'd fit in at. It's called Douchebaggery and You.. They offer interventions for douchebaggery.

And in case that wasn't point enough-

You really should look into a douchebaggery intervention.

Your douchebaggery keeps Summer's Eve in business.

02:28 Jun 20 2011

"Your douchebaggery keeps Summer's Eve in business."

Is possibly the best quote ever. Imagine, a world where there would be no douchebaggery? It's a scary thought, I know. Although, I wouldn't laugh as nearly as much as I do now, seeing as that was an awesome response.


... and I'll never look at a bottle of Summer's Eve the same again. I think I will always see this tarnished view of it. :(


18:25 Jun 15 2011
Times Read: 1,086

I made the comment today about "I wish we could force some people into douchebaggery rehab."

I started to think.. What if there was a Coven that force inducted people who needed douchebaggery rehab and interventions!

And then I realized...Hey! That's what Purgatory is for!




18:27 Jun 15 2011


18:31 Jun 15 2011

Yeah, but you can't hold Sires hostage.

And I can name quite a few Sires that need rehab.

18:35 Jun 15 2011

I know, Abby. :(

I can think of one certain Sire that has tons of profiles and is a douche on every single one.

19:57 Jun 15 2011

I don't know Moonie, why not just make a coven copy of Purgatory? That way you wouldn't have to think about much at all!

20:47 Jun 15 2011

But Morri, that could be a copy of a copy.

That would be like dividing by zero.

21:25 Jun 15 2011

True - lol!

But you know...the biggest douchbags are the ones who don't realize that they are.

01:32 Jun 16 2011

I like the idea of another coven dedicated to the same ideas as Purgatory. I would like to be in charge of that coven and have all my ass kissing friends as my officers.

Oh. Wait. Right.

00:44 Jun 18 2011

To band we can't take a hot iron to them and brand them douches... then it wouldn't matter what society they were in, everyone would know their true colors.


17:48 Jun 15 2011
Times Read: 1,099

I don't care about ratings. When I get a one, I laugh and move on. A one rating doesn't mean my world is going to implode. It doesn't mean that I will not laugh for 7 years straight. It just means that you've took the effort to come to my profile, and in most cases a profile that you've already rated, and click that little one button and then click the rate button.

But this is what I don't understand and it's not the rate that I don't understand it's the reasoning behind it...


WHY would you go and rate someone a 1 because they are doing what they are in position to do? Does it hurt your feelings that much that a thread had to be closed that you made, that you had to be corrected because you were acting out against VR policy, that your response got deleted because it wasn't up to par or maybe because your thread got moved because it was in the incorrect section.

And really what's the point of rating one thing and turning around and rating it something lower? Is it just to show you are unhappy or what?

I am seriously curious about this. It's always fascinated me to see how many people get bent over a rating and then get bent and go and rate someone a certain rating out of spite.

Even though I don't care about ratings I will state this-

The whole I rate what I get thing is beyond stupid, ignorant, retarded, etc.. etc. If you have one thing on your profile and you expect people to rate it a perfect score just so you turn around and do the same is retarded and vile.



18:23 Jun 15 2011

I just thought it was plain retarded. But eh, people will always be people. A rate score shouldn't matter. It's the social aspect of the rave that I adore. The people that I've 'met' matter more than any part of a profile.

Every rate from 1 to 10 is allowed on VR. And I intend to use any number on that rate button. But I would like to say that I always did think your profile was awesome Moonie.

21:28 Jun 15 2011

Me too - so it is obvious that the 1 rate was for something stupid.


04:20 Jun 15 2011
Times Read: 1,119

I have a book and a bed that is beckoning me.

My pillows are saying "Come lay on us".

My bed is saying "Think of how comfy I am".

And my book is yelling "You need to find out what happens!!".

Who am I to say no to those things. :)



04:31 Jun 15 2011

Toss in something tasty to drink, maybe some home made lemonade? Sounds wonderful. Have fun! =)

04:42 Jun 15 2011

Your pillows want me to lay on them?


21:37 Jun 14 2011
Times Read: 1,153

It's a good thing I just read the journals of those people that I talked with on a daily basis. I see the beginning of some of these journals and I just shake my head.

I wouldn't be mean in the comments I would leave, but I'd be truthful and a lot of people cannot handle a form of truth without getting offended or defensive.

And then there are those ones that would do nothing more then carry on and act like a complete tool because that's the only they thing really know how to do.

I wish I could force some people into douchebaggery rehab.



21:43 Jun 14 2011

O,o gods I need more sleep. When you say douchebaggery rehab I imagine you locking these people in a cell and spraying them with a fire hose sized douche nozzle because they wont behave.

21:44 Jun 14 2011

That's not a bad idea at all. hmmm....

21:48 Jun 14 2011

Douchebaggery rehab? You're too kind. ;p

21:50 Jun 14 2011

haha :D


01:43 Jun 14 2011
Times Read: 1,182

There is a thread in the sandbox with the title "can you find true love on a website?".

I so badly want to post in there No, but I am sure you can find various forms of herpes, the clap and maybe even a few uncharted bits of crotch funk floating around. heh.



01:49 Jun 14 2011

Hah hah hah....


01:52 Jun 14 2011

*Stares nervously at birra*

02:00 Jun 14 2011

*hides behind a tree*

Clean I say! Clean!

02:03 Jun 14 2011


Unless you get this as a greeting card, I don't think you have to worry. ;)

19:02 Jun 14 2011

Hole up...I met Scott on Gothic Match, a contributing partner to this site...lol, and we have been happily together for 7 years, married for five of those as of last month-

It is possible if you use the same conmmon sense you would with any other dating situation...lol

And, you know, throw a condom over the keyboard...lol

21:32 Jun 15 2011

It's too bad that you didn't post this in the forum...it's golden, honey...just golden!


22:49 Jun 13 2011
Times Read: 1,195

Dear Pastor B.S.-

Since you could not pay your cell phone bill they shut your service off. This means that I received your number because your phone is no longer in use.

After numerous calls from people looking for your ass (debt collectors, pharmacy, people, religious fanatics so on and so forth) I really, really hope that next time you get a cell phone you can pay your effin bill.

I also hope you are better handling your congregation than what you are handling money and business matters. I am so effin sick of having to say "This is no longer his number" even AFTER they receive my voicemail saying it's not YOUR number.

Use a freakin' landline next to to pass your number out like a hooker passes out herpes.

I've had this phone now for 6 months and these people are still calling. Not to mention I've had to actually block a member of your churchy thing because they became stalkerish and called me 20 times in a day (no joke).

If I ever see you I would like to plant my foot so far in your ass that when you pray, people are going to see nothing by my painted toenails.


Sick of your Crazy Ass Callers.

P.S. Tell some of your members to seek therapy.



23:15 Jun 13 2011

I effin' love you.

Your foot up his ass would make him all the more holier and closer to god. Hey, maybe next time the crazies call refer them to VR and get them into your Mentorship...

They be sounding like they need an intervention...


00:09 Jun 14 2011

::happy sigh::

You make my bad days better, and help me breathe easier. Not because you've had a crazy or a bad day ... but because your rants clear out my sinuses with various things like coffee and water and soda pop.

You're my e-neti pot!

21:31 Jun 15 2011

LOL! Priceless...


20:06 Jun 13 2011
Times Read: 1,203

I have a feeling I might need to give myself a douchebaggery intervention today.

I need a total nap and a juice box. Maybe like 3 juice boxes and a nap. I am cranky beyond words.





20:07 Jun 13 2011

Dude, just rub one out. It's so much easier that way. ;)


01:28 Jun 12 2011
Times Read: 1,221

The Pre-Gaming of the Deity shindig has begun!

Aww yeah!

And I look like I am going to make a porn.

That's my kinda glamorous, baby!




18:45 Jun 07 2011
Times Read: 1,236

Dear Paul Mitchell Pro,

You're a douche. I cannot believe you made me buy a kit before I could buy open stock of the Awapuhi products.

I hope you get herpies. :)




01:47 Jun 04 2011
Times Read: 1,279

Are you sad because your level is too high to join a Mentorship?

Well, now you can become a member via the SciFi Group.

Now members over the level of 80 can receive help and information to help get out of situations before they turn into something dramatic.

Click the image to check us out!

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave.



02:25 Jun 04 2011

I could probably benefit from this. Maybe I'll join haha

02:26 Jun 04 2011

Well, Jack, if you need a Douchebaggery Intervention or Rehab we can help you there too. ;) LOL

02:44 Jun 04 2011



04:01 Jun 04 2011


12:43 Jun 04 2011



22:33 Jun 03 2011
Times Read: 1,293

Gah, I am so sick of having a stiff neck the past couple days. I can't figure out how I am sleeping that is making it cramped up.

I need a neck rub, dammit!



22:34 Jun 03 2011

Maybe it's what you're doing while you're sleeping? ;]

22:36 Jun 03 2011

LOL! Smartass :P

23:06 Jun 03 2011

"I rub my bean back and forth...

I rub my bean back and forth!

What??? Don't look at me like that, the kink in my neck was worth it!

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