Times Rated: | 1,297 |
Rating: | 9.738 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 1,297 |
greetings oxidisingangel like the name wonder where it came from hee-hee, heres a 10 for u
welcome 10
Greetings 10
Enjoy the rate..and do the same....Enjoy the darkness where we all go to feel at home..may it be nices untill you screw it over then let it do the same....
feel free to stalk,add me,or leave me a message,but most of all...... Please stop by and return the rate ~10~
Greetings and welcome to VR. You have been rated by Deltaro, please stop by and return the favor. Feel free to add or msg me anytime. Hope you enjoy your time here at the Rave.
mew mew!! lol
Proud Member of the
"Life Is Like Live Theater, Act On It."
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 1,297 |